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The Implementation of Project Study in Pipeline System for Coal

Transportation to Create an Alternative Effort

To Support the National Energy Policy

Ocky Pradikha Riadia, Umar Rivaldy Pulukadangb, Djamaluddin Yusuf

Sriwijaya University, KM 32 Palembang-Prabumulih Road 30662, Indonesia
Sriwijaya University, KM 32 Palembang-Prabumulih Road 30662, Indonesia
Sriwijaya University, KM 32 Palembang-Prabumulih Road 30662, Indonesia

Coal is one of the energy resources that has high demand in the world especially in
Indonesia. According to the data of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Indonesia
(2016), the national coal production reach 500 million ton and it will be increase as the coal
price increase. The government has planned a program of national energy policy (KEN) in
2009. This projection of coal energy consumption must be increase until 33% than the
others. Coal transportation played an important role for coal supply sustainability. In Lahat
Regency, Indonesia is one of the largest coal suppliers that use trucks for coal transport. In
the other hand, it has some problems such as causing the traffic jam, coal dust issues, and
expensive transport cost. The solutions is using the pipeline system. This method begins to
convert coal from solid into slurry and pumped through the pipe. The coal will convert
again to solid after reaching the port. Data processing use meta-analysis of technical and
economic factors. The result showed that the general head lost efficiency pipeline system
from Lahat - Tanjung Api-Api (227km) reaches ±55% with 18” pipe. It has ±88% and
±33% cheaper unit cost than truck and train. It suits for high coal production and far
transport distance (≥16 million ton/year and ≥100km). With this technology, the author
expect to resolve the problem of national social society and to create as an alternative effort
to support a national energy policy (KEN).
Keywords: Coal, Slurry, Transportation ,Pipeline

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