Faith Based Human Rights

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Aranyani Rosen

COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Aranyani Rosen

PO Box 253 – 249 Raglon Street S, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada K7V 1R3

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without violation of

ISBN #: 978-0-359-37729-9
Content ID: 24341567



Aranyani Rosen
Deuteronomy 1:17

 The goal of God’s Word is Power is to CLAIM GODS SOVERIGNTY and

 To receive GOD’S ANSWER to our PRAYERS.
God’s Sovereignty, the Covenant


Justice, Mercy - JUDGEMENT

It is God’s desire we CLAIM GOD’S RIGHT to RULE, HIS SOVEREIGNTY and

COVENANT to establish His RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGEMENT. Judgment is Holy Spirit,
inner light to realize a course of action for the ultimate decision prudentially taken into account
circumstances with exactness to determine in concrete situations:

1) Limits of the law

2) What it is
3) What is the value
4) What is it for

Laws or Policies that are injurious to the common welfare at the cost of people’s lives,
whatever the existing interpretation of the law or policy needed instead is God’s Justice,
Mercy and JUDGEMENT that is Grace to send a message that no longer acceptable is the
existing interpretation of the law. Fundamental values are identical to all human beings in
situations and circumstances that constitute the human condition. When a great
proportion are suffering, in isolation and despair, are defenceless that comes from evil and
inefficiencies of response which is destroying lives by its darkness, cruelties and has
spread widely in the sphere of that evil, Institutionalized tradition of deceit and
oppressiveness is required to be eliminated NOW as you cause the continued persecution
of people within your borders, fail to establish a rule of equality.


Small wonder People of Faith in the Bible, People of the Covenant turned to God to seek
REAL SOLUTIONS. They really needed GOD and God’s Judgment, His Mercy and Justice.

The Moravian Community of Herrnhut in Saxony AN EXAMPLE commenced a round-the-clock

“prayer watch” that continued nonstop for over a hundred years. The Power Prayer group prayer was
immediately evident in the fellowship of their people who often were in disagreement with one another
who became a group in harmony and with common purpose. In the year of initiating their prayer vigil
twenty-four men and twenty-four women covenanted to spend one hour each day in scheduled prayer
and many others enlisted in the “hourly intercession” of unceasing prayer. Their prayer watch and
pouring out from their heart the serious problems their community faced was specifically to call in
God’s Judgment, Protection, Deliverance, Justice and Mercy did resolve their problems.

Man remains silent and their coalition of silence callousness demands Gods Voice to be heard

The Spiritual Authority of the Prophet is to reveal the invisible God for His VOICE to become
audible. A Prophets Voice is so no man may silence the cries of the oppressed hurting hearts. Neither
the noise of hymns or assemblies of meetings or feasts or increased offering to buy off God nor
hollowed Policies created can substitute real actions of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Prophets are here when deeds of INJUSTICE PREVAIL because it is necessary to establish
Righteousness in the absence of Righteousness. When acts of Justice are a perversion and warping of
Justice yield strife, causes distrust, outrage making Justice to become a monstrosity for the presence of
Oppression to facilitate evil and corruption, the Prophets Voice calls out:


This is to establish a ‘mode of action’ that discerns between righteousness and evil. Injustice is not
condemned because your laws are broken in the legal sense of administration of the law according to
rule of law but because your laws, your Legislation and Policies fail to contribute to maintaining

The Prophets Voice for God’s Sovereignty and the Covenant is to bring life giving rendering of
Righteousness and Mercy with emphasis on integrity, morality and Faith based Human Rights for a
Justice that relates to an understanding of God, your Creator of heaven and earth who cares about the
lives of individual dignity and respects the uniqueness of the person. This is replaced with a
‘mechanical process’ of dehumanization, devoid of Mercy, Justice, Righteousness and Democracy that
instead tolerates evil, promotes wrong doings or corruption and is root cause of the sufferings of so
many hurting hearts caused to the oppressed that involves destruction to lives and God’s Will is an

God’s Sovereignty is not like man’s Justice, a lust for power and control that strikes instead is a
Justice that is life giving, causes changes to halt evil’s influences of power, heals and restores brings



PEACE means external and internal harmony sought for and wanted with spiritual sight and
sentiment, with lips and soul clean, fixed with true charity. Not many pray for this and few have the
requirements that make prayer POWERFUL.

MY COMING will have a new method; a new power is a special means to hasten the fullness
of the teaching of THE WORD. I will evangelize with new power by an extraordinary use of THE
WORD that comes down from the heavens to enlighten the souls ready to receive it, intent on hearing
the teachings.

Being able to live according to MY WORD and being able to do MY WILL with steadfast
faith, charity and hope is true and Holy Peace. The last teaching is different in power, a new
Evangelism. He gives them His Word, the Fathers Word, the Fathers food, the food of the spirit,
consecrated in heaven comes down to feed the souls wholly given to their Lord God as guidance. I
have MERCY on mankind that is dying without the Bread of the Spirit. MY WORD is bread for your

To live on MY WORD, believe in MY WORD, progress accordingly to MY WORD is to

LOVE and to live with your soul united, fused with, kindled and nourished by settled in your heart
love, a love that loves Me – your God.

My Words, no longer a whisper, but a full Voice, no longer now and then is uninterrupted. Then
I AM really ‘the Master’. My Words, the Fathers Words is the Holy Spirits love to feed your spirit, the
hidden manna in the depths of hearts of those worthy to taste it. Truth revealed gives the keys to the
Gate of Heaven is withheld from the unworthy.


Never as NOW have I aroused Myself to come back in your midst with MY WORDS is a


Be upright, sincere with all, especially with God. Apply love in Truth in your relationship with
God and with people. LOVE PEACE. It is a sign of Christ-Messiah.
God’s Sovereignty

God’s Sovereignty and the Covenant and the Scroll of the Covenant came from God, was
established through His Prophet-Priest Abraham. Ancient records exist in the Five Books of
Moses, Chronicles, Samuel and Deuteronomy books of the Bible. Deuteronomy translated
means THESE ARE THE WORDS of the Lord, who (Deut 18:18) put the WORD into Abraham's
mouth. His Word is His Will means it belongs to God – is Holy.

The Covenant and People of the Covenant were displaced persons, deported, exiled, a minority,
marginalized, the undervalued sector of society, outcasts and a defeated peoples. Their Tribes had been
reduced to a state of powerlessness, who seldom possessed power, suffered persecution and violence
from its exercise and were reduced to a state of lowliness, without birthright, narrowly surviving
childhood and youth.

Survivors returned to their lands lead by leaders who were Prophets, Priest and Psalmists (singers
and musicians whose music was sacred hymn prayers) re-united with relative Tribes were a people with
purpose. God’s Spirit was their guiding force, active in their personal and families lives and in their
Congregations, Communities governed their nations affairs aided to manifest His Promise and
Blessings for ‘the best interests’ of the People of the Covenant. God’s Hand was to raise them up to
bring them Victory through their own efforts and through divine Grace. People of the Covenant were
People of Faith because they were survivors of violence, persecution, injustices and sufferings. God
had given them strength to endure sufferance and His Protection in the midst of evil. With the aid of
His unseen helping hand God manifested supernatural Miracles of Deliverance and it was through His
leading's and power People of the Covenant escaped from tyrants and oppressors.

Tribes became a united front with some tribes returning to their lands, others had been enslaved,
no longer slaves faced nevertheless being up against a great power that was in power and control. There
was a real need for God’s Justice, Mercy, Judgment and intervention due to the suffering of the people
and ongoing Injustices. People of the Covenant as people of Faith do cried out to God. Their prayers
were led by their leader, Prophet-Priest Abraham.

Abraham a great Prophet petitioned God with his prayers that were Powerful Prophetic prayers
presented the problems of his people really in need of an answer from God because they had long
endured great suffering a result of evil deeds of man. God answered Abraham and his answer to
Abraham was a GOD IDEA to supply solutions from a God’s eye view perspective, greater and beyond
mans more limited understandings. People of Faith, Covenant Believers know God will cause the
coming forth of the Powers of The Day of the LORD- JUDGMENT, that God is the Sovereign Power.
Tribes sought to know the Will of God for the building of His Kingdom, for 'Thy Will as it is in heaven
to manifest on earth' through the counsel of God and His Prophets, revelations.

God’s answer to Abraham’s prayer was to establish a Covenant between God and man. Abraham
established the Covenant. The Covenant with God, a God – and people owho stood for God alliance
was God centered. The Scroll of the Covenant involved laws that God had sanctified to govern man.
Covenant laws, the first humanitarian and social laws were just, fair, ethical, moral and clear, concise,
righteous were the foundation. The ethical and moral Code of Conduct was comprehensive,
transparent, an Agreement, between God and man summarized as the Ten Commandments.

Charters of Rights and Freedom is founded upon the Principles of God's Sovereignty a Rule of
Law is from the ancient Covenant. Fundamental freedoms of Rights are: freedom of religion, freedom
of association, peaceful assembly, freedom of thought and expression through communication includes
Justice, Peace, Security and access to the benefits of God's Sovereignty, His kingdom on earth.

(1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal
benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national
or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. (Although not necessarily violating
human laws and precepts, instead treated lightly are God’s Commandments) is departure from Biblical ordinances).

God gives life. Every life God given is valued to fulfill its own task and vocation is a religious
value of love. The value of love and taking into account body, mind, spirit and soul is dependent upon
the meaning of life given to it, a meaningful life.

The Covenant is founded from Genesis 1 ‘God created man in His image’. Humans created in the
image of God gave persons dignity and respect. Huge importance was given to the sanctity of the
person and to the person’s life, considered sacred. Rights and Freedoms, dignity and respect, sacredness
of the person, their life and all persons are considered equal, therefore equal before the law;. Justice
irrespective of other inequalities existed. The Covenant Scroll laws not only were transparent but had
the mechanism of enactment, Accountability, Oversite, Transparency were an Agreement for all.

God the Creator created Creation, humans, animals, earth, land, provision for life but (Ps 24:3) the
earth is the LORDS and the fullness thereof - God has unrestricted ownership, perpetual possession.
People of the Covenant, sons and daughters of God were and still are Faith based Believers in the
existence of God because God proves Himself, has touched their lives in some way.

As a result recognized is the existence of God, who is superior in power, wise, loving and kind, ‘in
control’ who is a God that conducts a Creation of divine order. God is the owner of Creation and
Landlord. Humans are born and die, do not possess permanent ownership even over themselves or the
lands sojourn on earth are mortal in contrast to God who is eternal.

God’s Promise and Promised Land was considered a favor, a Blessing. God gave lands or
property for man to dwell upon supplied food, water and clean air to maintain and support life. God is a
life giving God. Land was not just a valued financial commodity but clearly stated in the Covenant
scroll, land and a human’s property is to be considered sacred too. Sons and daughters of God’s
Covenant due to God’s Blessing inherited from the Fathers land equally divided received their portion
in the spirit of the Brotherhood of man. There was no need to plunder or pillage the lands.

People of the Covenant are separated from evil, made righteous honor God. Their commitment,
duties, responsibilities is God comes first aspire to live a life of righteousness and remain righteous
unto their fellow man. The principles of God's Sovereignty, Covenant and Commandments mean God
is King and people in Covenant with God claim God as their very own leader. Leaders of Tribes served
as Judges governed Justice, social order for society to thrive in peace, security, abundance, prosperity
and freedoms based on righteousness in contrast to sin.

The Covenant – God’s Justice, Mercy and Judgment that Abraham established was twofold. One
Covenant is man’s personal spiritual and religious interrelationship with God and man's relationship
with each other and Community. The Scroll of the Covenant is sanctified laws God gave for God’s
Sovereignty governance were humane laws for social order with morality, integrity and for abundance,
prosperity that can only exist when there is Peace and Security.
Abraham established GODS IDEA, ‘new ideas’ and ‘new ways’. As a Prophet or Intercessor
between God and his people, his powerful Prophetic Prayer to God on behalf of his people who were in
distress, faced with serious challenging and major problems needed an answer. Abraham prepared
himself to enter into prayer to present his petition. Did you know that God Promises to send either a
Prophet or Holy Spirit or angelic help to aid us in our sincere prayers, study of the Bible or for
guidance‘ spiritual aid’? Abraham was aided by an Angel who elevated him to God’s Prophetic Throne
room to receive from God an answer.

Abraham and his people had experienced more than their share of disappointments, setbacks,
failures and defeat were treated unfairly and badly by leaders that were tyrants and oppressors and by
others, many who just followed orders, and yet others lived in fear were part of the problem contributed
to suffering of their fellow brothers and sisters often living well off the blood and sufferance of others.
Then there were those who did not act or failed to act, a result of ignorance or selfishness, lacked
priorities lived well while others suffered every evil possible. Marginalized persons usually were
blamed as part of the propaganda and hatred against sectors who suffer, wrongly accused or convicted
was a tactic to cover the roots of evil.

Abraham’s problem and his peoples were not solved by any man. How often have we undergone
sufferance and our well meaning family, friends or professionals really don’t have the solutions
needed? Or even worse is having to turn to a system of Injustice to seek Justice to be faced with yet
more Injustices, more vinegar to wounds ending up with results that fail us, and with empty hands or
empty pockets, from lawyers as representatives, totally cleaned out, burnt out, and yet witness more
cruelties and injustices. The problem never resolved gets worse instead.

Small wonder People of Faith in the Bible, Abraham and People of the Covenant turned to
God to seek REAL SOLUTIONS. They really needed GOD and God’s Judgment, His Mercy and

Abraham’s Prophetic POWER PRAYER on behalf of his people is magnificent and God’s answer
to Abraham’s prayer is found in Deuteronomy 1:17 – JUDGEMENT. God said to Abraham, “Thus
sayeth the LORD:



Abraham had to establish God’s Sovereignty, the Covenant. God’s Sovereignty meant the Lord is
within you. A Covenant is an Agreement of both parties who agree to fulfill certain conditions.
Abraham’s Covenant with God was unconditional (Gen 12:1-3, Gen 15) principally a Promise of God
– to call out a ‘special people’ for Himself. God’s Promise, a Blessing was that God proved Himself.
He provided deliverance, salvation, sanctification, protection, strength, healing, redemption (Gen 12:3,
Jer 31:34) forgiveness of sins and Promise of a good future filled with abundance and prosperity, peace
and security. The final fulfillment of God’s Promise was and is the return of the Messiah-Christ, the
Holy Spirit Anointed One for His Blessing to rule and reign over nations.

Abraham's Covenant with God rests solely on God’s Promise summarized in (2 Sam 7, 1Chronicles
17:11-14, 2 Chronicles 6:16) that the Kingdom of God’s Sovereignty would be established. A sign of
this is the restoring of people with God through the Holy Spirit meaning God's Blessing of being filled
with Holy Spirit or covered (anointed by Holy Spirit) or both.

God Promised that His House of Prayer (in ancient times often referred to as the House of Bread
the original meaning of the name of Bethlehem) established was for His Name to be known,
remembered, revered, not forgotten and for His Presence to be with man who received Holy Spirit and
Christ-Messiah, through prayer faith, righteousness.

Holy Spirit, body of Christ transmitted through bread, (the Eucharist by Christians or in Judaism
Hamotzi) is the mystical body of the Messiah when consumed is the spiritual mechanism to release
God's holiness for us to emulate the Savior. Wine represents the fruit of the vine, and blood symbolic of
'life giving' religious act is to establish, maintain and strengthen our relationship with God. Our
spiritual connection redeems us from the ‘curse of the law’ because we put our faith in God, Christ-
Messiah and not man’s laws – instead live by Faith through Communion (God's Presence) and through
sincere prayer from our hearts which is how man communicates and talks with God.


Nothing moves God as quickly as one of His children calling out to Him. He said ‘ Call unto me
and I will answer’. God has a way of turning our very worst moments into glorious MIRACLES. Paul

None of us have grown and learned something new without experiencing our share of failures,
defeats and setbacks. By Calling on God for His Mercy which is supernatural power and forces we
become Spiritual Warriors, people who stand for God and His righteousness who have ‘put on the
armor of God’. God’s supernatural mighty power is so awesome vanquishes every foe, satan (Ba al or
Beelzebub) and deliver us from influences of evil allows us to be Over comers restores righteousness
on earth as it is in heaven. God’s Sovereignty is His Judgment, Justice and Mercy is none other than
Christ’s Compassion and love of God in our hearts, the Golden rule to ‘love one another’. ‘Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you’ and do unto God as you would have Him do unto you.


PROFOUND RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD led and empowered by Holy Spirit using the Bible as
our Faith Tools to remove every form of evil that NOW PLAGUES us, PRAY:

Covenant Prayer – Psalm 70

O bless me, LORD and save me,

Let those who seek to destroy my life be frustrated and disgraced,
Let those who wish me harm fall back in shame,
Let those who say Aha, Aha over me be desolate because of their frustration.
Let all who seek You be glad and rejoice in You.
Let those who are eager for Your Deliverance always say ‘Praise the LORD’,
I am poor and needy (righteous),
May the LORD device Deliverance for me,
You are my help and rescuer,
My God do not delay.
Psalm 70 is described by:
Isaiah 40:26 He who sends out their host by count, who calls them each by name, because of His great might and
vast power not one fails to appear.
Psalm 89:8, 9 Who is dreaded in the great Council of the Holy Angels and is awesome over all who surround Him.
El Shaddai God of Legions (of angels) who is like You? O strong One, God. Your enduring faithfulness is attested to
by Your surrounding angels.

Concealed Names of God and angles are encoded in Psalm 70 in Hebrew are recited during praying
of this verse automatically call on and upon the powers of God and forces of God and His army angels.
There are three Names of God and seven names of Angels in the Psalm. The Names of Angels have
further association to verses of Psalms when combined produce God's Promises to us to be claimed.

Psalm 113:2 Blessed be the Name of the LORD, from this time and forever. VMB

Psalm 40:2 I have greatly hoped for the LORD; He inclined to hear me and heard my cry. LVV

Psalm 88:14 As for me, to You, O LORD have I cried out and in the morning my prayer will greet you. VVL

Psalm 98:2 The LORD has made known His salvation in the sight of the nations, He revealed His righteousness. MYH

Psalm 33:18 O LORD, let me not be ashamed for I have called upon You. Let the wicked ones be shamed, let them be
stilled to the grave. MCY

NAMES OF GOD in Psalm 70 are: EL SHADDAI (God of Supernatural Power); GAH DOLE (Great Rock), the
Foundation – AAH-BEER (the Foundation) and H-TZOO-R (the Rock) Gen 49:24, Deut 32:4 - He is the rock, His work is
perfect, all His ways are Judgment, Justice and Mercy. GAH-DOO-LAH (Merciful) relates to the Stone, EH-BEN, (the
Mighty Shepherd) who leads people to Salvation and Redemption.

Angel names are written in Hebrew with three consonant letters without vowels. Vowels added form the angels
names: VMB Vameb angle no. 61*, LVV Levo angle no. 19, VVL Veval angel no. 43, MIH Mihael (MYH) angle no. 48
and HKM Hakem angel no 16, CHV Chayo 24 and angle, MCY Mecheyo angel 64, Angel VMB, is an angle of Praise
that announces God’s arrival. The Psalm Power Prayer is to spoil enemy’s plots and plans, to cause enemies to be ashamed
and repulsed when there is no repentance or admission of guilt for their own sins to be their punishment in life threatening
situations and circumstances of emergency.

God is coming out of His hiding place. Angels prove earthly weapons are of no defence against
heavens angle army who release storms of great power, diseases, famines, earthquakes aid to fight
satans insidious and demonic forces, removes evil when justified by people repenting. Psalm 89:8, 9
Your enduring faithfulness is attested to by Your surrounding angels who come forth because ‘they have
taunted the footsteps of your Messiah’ and mock the advent of Christ-Messiah use or think God’s
delay is evidence He won’t come.

The Angels of Psalm 70 are Elijah’s fiery chariots driven by Angels, just like the ones that carried
Elijah into heaven drawn by magnificent, powerful horses. This vision signifies angelic protection, and
God giving triumph in difficult situations. By God sending His angels, invoked by our sincere prayer
this means the angelic hosts are ready to do battles also signify some battles lie ahead. His angels Psalm
91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge ; are God’s Angels for
Deliverance from all evil, to defeat forces of evil is the blow the Trumpet or Shofar’s Horn, the sound
of sanctification announce Judgment. Praise means Lev 19:18 to lift up your Voice and CAUSE IT TO
BE HEARD is ‘the Voice of Holiness’ like the sound of Thunder both Praise and decreeing God’s
Words. (MISH-PAH-T) Ye shall hear; ye shall not be afraid of any man; for Judgment is God’s.

Angels aid to ’lift burdens’ and ‘take off the yoke from thy shoulders and from thy neck’ of the
enemies bring God’s Will for people ‘to do His Will as if it were your own so that He will do His Will
as it was yours to nullify your own will before His so that He will nullify the will of others before you.

Deut 29:13-14 God said His Covenant was not just with our ancestors – ‘not with you alone’ but is with those who
are standing with us here today before the Lord, Thy God and with those who are not with us today ............meaning


The Scroll of the Covenant laws for man, initial sanctified laws and made holy that guide us to
meet God. Laws from God was God's Grace to man vs. refusal to God’s invitation and love. There was
no distinction between moral, civil and criminal offences. Offences were considered to be a crime; all
crimes sins; sins were crimes. Sins were repudiated with punishments that ‘fit the crime’. Financial
compensation was not enough which also leads to forms of a bribe or pay off replacing in truth real
Serious Offences were absolute wrongs, beyond man to pardon, expunge or make restitution
were acts considered to be against God, His sons and daughters and Creation. Property offences were
punishable but not by corporal punishments unless leading to loss of life. Serious Offences of injury,
plots and plans to injure, cause wounds, direct or indirect violence’s and cruelties were considered
grievous sins, an offence against God. Human law is dependent on external law, society, public opinion
to either sanction (acquit) a crime or punish a crime. SANCTIFIED LAWS ARE TO COUNTERACT
Turning away from God’s Sovereignty and the Covenant Agreements transfers loyalties from
God to man and allows evil to gain foothold. God’s Sovereignty is to counteract man made laws based
on power and control, wealth and special interest is to prevent tyrants, oppressors and the ruling elites
Injustices, persecutions and sufferings to a minority sector of citizens leading to affects to the greater
population as a result of unrighteousness.

There is no sanctioning of deeds against Peace and Security, dignity and respect of the person,
destruction to the Institute of the Family, Religion, Economic, and Community, the order of the
foundation of society to Injustices and destruction. God does not desire us to wage war or violence
and wicked attacks against each other prefers this to cease, wants Peace. God does not want us to be
like those who crucified the Lord, bear false witness, persecute the innocent, and destroy life all of
which are unjust rulings. Sanctified laws are to aid us to break away and separate ourselves from sin
and evil.

God’s Sovereignty and Covenants understood that an individual’s action could lead to the demise of
others or in the case of Leaders and leadership to the ruin and downfall of an entire nation. Recognized
was if evil existed and evil was allowed to flourish that evil would gain serious foothold or a

Our ancestors valued God’s Sovereignty, the Covenant, Freedom and Rights with responsibilities
meaning to uphold righteousness, defend righteousness (ourselves, and our nations) to keep Peace and
be Peace makers, to uphold and defend principles that are the core of the entire biblical liturgy, our
spiritual heritage and a book that is a library. Preserved through deluges, upheavals, wars, rise and fall
of nations, through persecutions, trials and tribulations dated to over 3,000 years ago .......Principles
are time proven.

God’s Sovereignty, the Covenant is a nations foundation is not reliant on any geographical
location, time period, era, economic, religious or political institute was re-instated around 622 BC in
Shiloh, Judah (Jahudan) near Jerusalem in a Temple city that had once been a great capital city with the
original shrine of where Abraham received the Covenant. Shiloh was a sacred city visited by many

Prophet Jeremiah’s father, Priest Hilkiah from Anathoth considered the Judahites to be the only
legitimate Prophets and Priest were a distinguished Tribe who had maintained their identity for over
300 years. They were Prophets, Priests and Psalmist who received Living God’s Words from the
Davidic Covenant tradition (Prophetic lineage under the Messiah – Christ) meaning people were
chosen by God who anointed them with Holy Spirit which was and is a sign of the coming of the Lord,
the Messiah, and seal of God who prepare the way for His arrival. Prophets anointed by God, give
Voice to God’s Words of Authority speak powerful words of TRUTH, which was the Doctrine of the

Prophets challenge existing Authorities by speaking God’s WORDS of POWER to Leaders and to
the people of the day, especially Unbelievers because Prophets reveal God’s Judgment, guided by God
who is a God of Truth.....truth knowing, truth revealing and truth telling, uphold truth. Prophets stand
for God on earth and against satan, his evil and forces of evil, corrupted laws, cruel powers and deceit.
Leaders, so often have their Advisers that serve as false Prophets. Leaders and Religious ministering of
churches who walk in their own ways after the image of their own God whose substance is that of an
idol, instead of receiving new full truth being revealed by holy authority, the honest order of religious
freedom, preach the Lord by lip service of belief – not workings. All too often the call of people lacks
holy motives to bring people for Eternal Salvation is replaced with a countries leaders ideology minus
rule of God and membership to a church fail to equip their nation to follow God's Ways or fail to
prepare their Congregations to receive Holy Spirit, the garment of Christ-Messiah – the Christ-

God’s Sovereignty and Covenant preserved by the Bible, Prophets codified text conceal in the
Bible deeper truths is to assure God is not limited to any one specific religious group or Priesthood but
instead is inclusive of all of God’s sons and daughters. It is God who chooses and Harvests souls. God
does not belong to any one religion upholds as Promised, His Covenant Agreement and laws is dignity
and respect, equality for all, an act of great love on God’s behalf is impartial, fair to all.

To save a nation from ruin, destruction and downfall, God sends Prophets, a result of prayers of
Believers and the persecuted, those suffering gives strength to overcome, remain with faith and to turn
to Him is to present to Offenders, those rebellious or misguided in regards to God’s Sovereignty and
the Covenant, a time period of Grace to consider a change of heart, to change their ways of power and
control, lording it over others. God requires everyone to change their ways, to Confess their sins and
connect to transgressions to become better people and be forgiven, guilt cleansed is the period of Grace
to prepare for God's Judgment and/or to receive the Holy Spirit, body of Christ-Messiah and God.


Psalm 51 the Prayer of Confession is a special Psalm that mentions three times the Holy Spirit in
verses 10, 11, 12 (Holy, Holy, Holy or Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh) permits identification of the Holy
Spirit with man’s spirit. Verse 2 has the concealed Name of God DAN meaning God is my Judge and
verse 10 calls for a pure heart is to pray for Holy Spirit, to restore man’s spirit with Christ-Messiah, the
Lord, thy God.

When God calls persons to join in Covenant Agreement many persons had sinned and led a life
gone astray, Wisdom is to seek God and His ways. Real contrition is derived from love not from the
horror of sin or influences of evil that has effected us. Confession allows a notion of accountability, not
‘self condemnation’. Otherwise Forgiveness loses its meaning results from confessions based on a
shame culture rather than meeting God in a highly personal sense in gratuitous manner. For a
relationship to enter into one’s life Confessions ‘actus judicials’ – the sentence of a Judge for
Absolution is a ‘sign of a change of heart’ that releases forgiveness due to meeting with God or Christ.
Forgiveness is a sacramental action between the sinner and loving Judgment of God. Priest’s role is to
utter Words of God’s releasing His Words over sins is to serve to communicate the message of God’s
Merciful Words – such as God’s Promise.

MAY LIVE (and Prosper).

Our ancestors considered the heart to be the root of thought, behavior and action as the seat of
Wisdom and that mans conduct was an expression of secret intentions held in the heart Jer 31:31. The
Covenant Proclamation, Declaration, commitment, oath and vow and the first Commandment in history
was and still is:

Deut 6:5 I shall love the LORD, my God, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength.
In Biblical context the atmosphere of prayer is to move away from self centered to God centered to
become more conscious that God exists as does His love. God places love into our hearts is a love that
penetrates more deeply to the heart gives hope at a deeper level and leads to steady improvement
allows us to meet the ‘risen Christ which is the 'Coming of the Messiah’. the conqueror of sin calling
us to a new life to be reborn in spirit, who gives us a new spirit. It is a meeting of a God who listens in
silence to our deepest self and invites the person to express from our heart, the deepest core of our
being. God’s silence is His listening gives us the certitude of being understood and accepted so a
harmonious growth can emerge by a silent invitation of God’s Call to us welcoming and extending His
Graciousness. Truth and Faith comes from hearing Him Calling and is not authoritarian imposed.

The Blessing to the Tribes, tribes were considered as individuals, who were in Prayer Partnership
Agreement with God and with one another automatically was Collective Power Prayer. The oath of
loyalty, dedication and commitment is for people to turn to God and call on Him for guidance,
protection and defense. By turning to God when faced with terrible challenges, following often great
suffering and difficulties needing solutions, to save us from sinning God asks us to turn to Him, to let
the battle become the LORDS because the need for Judgment, God’s Justice and Mercy exists. Instead
of retaliation or revenge a result of evil’s temptation to become like satan Isa 59:20, Ez 18:21 so we are
not lured by oppressors, allows for God’s Divine Intervention to prevent us from sin. When we seek
revenge or retaliation how often does this lead to results in disastrous consequences to ourselves
hurting us further, another of satan’s traps to hold us in bondage.

Our ancestors as a result called for God’s Judgment and His Justice and Mercy to maintain Peace
and God’s Ways in the face of cruelties summon His guidance to have Victory over evil. God tests
man’s faith through extreme challenges against the heights and depths of evil with roots that run wide
and deep Helping Hand prevents ruin, destruction and downfall.


The Lord is my rock and fortress and my Deliver; The God of my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and
the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My Savior, You save me from violence. I will call upon the
Lord who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies.



Our Faith must become like Moses. Through Faith, Moses was obedient to God..........had he not
raised his staff, the Red Sea would have never parted. It was the Faith of Moses that released God’s
Supernatural Miracle Power............defeating an entire army. The Covenant is binding ourselves to
God, the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit fillings, covering (anointing) seeking refuge in ‘the Shadow of the
Almighty (Holy Spirit), under His feathers of protection (angles) WITHOUT FEAR OF THOSE
WHO SEEK TO DO HARM for God’s Protection and Deliverance to manifest. Moses rod or staff
was his mouth of Holy Spirit empowered WORDS OF GOD Power Prayer, AND Great Faith. God
and His mechanism of Supernatural Deliverance released His Warrior Angels.



Deuteronomy is a compilation of fourteen texts known in Hebrew as the MISH-PAH-T has an

appellation title ‘The Book of the Strong Hand’ Title letters (Y = 10 and D = 4) sum to the number 14
spells hand. The grammatical root word of Hand is healing and the word healing appears fourteen times
in the Books of Moses forms a sequence of verses descriptive of the MIGHTY RIGHT HAND of God
signifies Judgment and Promise is symbolized by an open palm, the Hamsah. The Hand of Promise
used when vowing ‘I swear’ signifies Truth and God's interaction with man brings healing and
God is approached through His WORD. The Bible is used as a Supernatural Prayer Power
tool. Based on Genesis 1: ‘In the beginning the WORD was God’ and God created everything from His
WORD. Genesis 1 tells us SHADDAI (the powerful Word of God encoded) EL SHADDAI (the
powerful Name of God encoded), Almighty God is a God of supernatural Powers and our approach to
God is through the WORD.

Prayer is a supernatural act, not a human act. Prayer is Prayer Partnership between man and God.
Prayer is how one converses with God. Power Prayer using God’s Word from Bible verses, inspired by
and empowered with Holy Spirit, spoken is for NO EVIL TO HAVE POWER OVER US.

Words of Holiness HIS WORDS CANNOT FAIL US. Power Prayer is our voice GIVING VOICE
to God’s Words. We are the ones to speak forth His WORDS in faith, belief and in CLAIMING

Nothing is more powerful than putting God’s WORDS in your own mouth. When
you speak forth His WORDS from your lips awesome power is released.

Christ promised whatever we say in FAITH and BELIEF in your prayers, believe that you have
received it, and it will be yours. Read that Promise for yourself in Mark 11:24.

Prayer is COMMUNION and communication with God – the Power of Prayer – PRAYER
POWER, the fuel is Holy Spirit power - infuses the person who is praying. It means we receive or have
received Holy Spirit from God. We know the things of Spirit given to us by God (Corinthians 2:11,12)
creates in us something new does involve a new power, new seeing, new hearing or receiving in a
‘new’ way. We are reborn, or made new and this allows in a supernatural manner to advance towards
Him so our meeting Him is with love and a new heart an inner growth of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:3,
Romans 5:5, 8:11) our being ‘raised up’. This aids our task (or vocation) to acquire a dimension of
Grace ‘divinely infused’ with Holy Spirit power is equal to or means a power that is a threat to powers
of satan opposing, attacking us (destructive, negative or hostile influences) keeping us in bondage in
some way. Expressed within the concrete community as moral rules and principles it becomes the Holy
Spirit assuming a tangible reality lifting issues to higher grounds encompassing humanity and this is
the incarnate of His Utterance or Word from the invisible workings of Grace and Mercy.

Power Prayer sends our prayers into the heavenly Hall of Prayers, the Gateway to the heart of
heaven – from our hearts to God’s heart. During Power Prayer a transformation takes place. Instead of
sending up words, words are sent down – is God’s answer to our prayers or words placed in our mouths
is the Voice of Prophecy, or are words to bring God’s Holy Spirit healing to others with our blessing
words from God. God’s Words from the Bible are used to pray, decree, command and cast out evil
spirits or is for our Deliverance and Salvation.

Power Prayer is to elevate our WORDS for the force of deed by using the Bible; the Word of
God is for the manifestation of supernatural powers from God our Lord and King giving Glory and
Authority to God, proving God on earth. Our mouths are to decree and claim God's Words as our very
own and to offer Praise, gratitude and bring blessings of the Lord and to command as Spiritual Warriors
God’s Commands and decrees to stop satan, satanic attacks, cast out satan. The rise of Satanism and the
occult is satanic and supernatural powerful forces of attacks that can involve exorcism but is not limited
to this, requires supernatural power more powerful then satanic onslaughts deploying witchcraft and
satanic spells. Spiritual Warfare to banish satan but belongs to God and His angels to fight, intervene
and defend us from.. Our role is to Call upon God and His angels for Victory.

The Covenant will be God’s Right Arm of Protection surrounding you shall be revealed. Through
acts of Faith God guides and instructs us so we can walk in the MIRACLE POWER of His GREAT
COVENANT. We are in partnership in Covenant with Faith and Miracles, the POWER of GOD that
tears down walls which separate us from the divine VICTORY God intends. The Bible used as a
spiritual tool is the Word of God used for Prayer and is for a discovery of God transforms
powerlessness of will to power of will which is the Shield of Abraham, the Davidic Shield.
Genesis 15:1 Abraham’s Shield of Defense is God, Holy Spirit, Angels and Christ-Messiah the
Defender for Spiritual Warriors of God, PEOPLE WHO STAND FOR GOD. The Shield of Abraham
(the Hebrew word for Shield is megan) MGN is a masculine noun, from the verb ganan means defend
signifies God’s Supernatural powers.

Earliest source mention seven main angels were called on for Protection. Megan appears 60 times
in the Bible are affirmations for Victory Power. The Name of God in the Star of David, the Davidic
symbol of the Covenant Name of God EL SHADDAI, Almighty God of all supernatural powers and
forces and Host of His Armies of Angles is our Shield for spiritual warfare against forces of evil when
we Trust, have Faith and as believers Call on and lean on God to receive His directives.

God's directives can manifest through ‘the Voice’ of Prophecy from anointed Prophets or by
becoming sensitive to Holy Spirit promptings which also embraces ‘developed intuition’ – for His
Words to follow and act on and upon a silent or audible voice of and from Holy Spirit.
Abraham's Shield has all letters that form the Holy Tongue is for all forces and power to destroy
lashon hakadesh meaning God will destroy their tongues of lies and deceit to make a highway of


God in our midst is the presence of Holy Spirit an answer to Power Prayers. Answers to our
prayers ‘rests upon us’ means the experience of Holy Spirit, an Anointing which becomes ‘proof’ of
unseen God’s existence much of which is a surprise - most of all to the wicked. Wicked persons who
cause perversion and injustice are in fact causing damage to the fabric of life in the world are spoiling
the work which the Creator creates. Whoever restores Mercy is obedient to Justice and Judgment
restores order becomes God’s partner in co-creation as God’s Prayer Partner. Walking, praying (talking
with God, Angels, Holy Spirit and Christ-Messiah) is the territory of God – heaven has COME TO
EARTH!!!! Get Ready.

Psalm 118 YAH is my Song and Shield, God’s Covenant Promise Job 41:3 whatsoever is under
heaven is mine –in Faith everything comes from God, the ‘Supreme Power’ over all powers. Psalm 5:11
(associated to Abraham’s Shield) Condemn them, O God; let them fall by their own devices; cast them out for
their many crimes, for they defy you is GOD’S JUDGEMENT, JUSTICE and MERCY on the side of
righteousness, less favourable to the wicked or corrupt.

Abraham was a spokesperson for God, a Prophet chosen and anointed by God, a Priest, a
revered Patriarch, Founding Father and great spiritual Warrior, Leader of his people. He represented an
all powerful, all mighty God of Justice, Truth, Mercy and Righteousness. Abraham left his homeland,
the land of his ancestors and his father to establish and found a new nation based on God’s Sovereignty
and Covenant. Abraham was a national hero, an example of a righteous upright man Gen 13:8 a
devoted family man Gen 18:1 hospitable to strangers Gen 18:23 revered God Gen 22:12 was obedient
to God’s Word faithful to carry out God’s instructions Gen 26. He was a humanitarian, concerned for
social justices willing to uphold Justice and fight for his principles Gen 4:12 magnanimous in Victory
always acknowledging God in Victory. He established the Covenant and God’s Sovereignty with his
legacy a spiritual inheritance. Abraham is the Biblical example of a righteous man of the Covenant.

Attributed to Abraham is Abrahamic liturgy, a series of writings; the Hilkot Yetzirah, Sefer
haShmoth, Apocalypse of Abraham that are essentially Jewish Prophetic literature related to ancient
Hebrew sacred Prophetic religious rites, disciplines and practices and to ancient sacred sciences,
architecture, alphabetical-numerical codified text and Names of God concealed in the Bible.
Abraham's father, Terah inaugurated the Lunar Calendar, holy order and reckoning of time, astrological
mapping of the heavens at the Temple UR NANNA (Naru or Narajana 3 rd Dynasty era of Sumeria and
Akkad). Abraham was associated with the Temple-city of Jahudanak, a small community in Guzganan.
These books flourished around the time of Christ were found with Essenes and Ebonites or Nasserites
later found their way to Europe Gnostic circles and to the Abbas Dessert Fathers.

Abraham was guided in all his family affairs by God, conversed with angels; and was told by God
where to go and when to stop – prospered exceedingly in all he put his hand to because he and his
family obeyed the counsel of the Lord.


Gen 14:20 Blessed be Abraham of the LORD most High ‘who brings forth’ Blessings (Berakat in Hebrew)
extended the Blessing of the Covenant. The Blessing of the Covenant Blessed be means the have the Presence of
the LORD ‘upon you’ (Holy Spirit and Shekinah light). Commemorated by building alters, a place for man to
prepare to meet with God, pray in reverence, offer commitment, dedication and invoke God’s Name (given to
man by God) to call upon Him to know Him to receive God’s Holy Spirit presence, anointing and to
communicate with the Lord is the place man meets with God because man’s relationship with God is restored.
God's Covenant promise.,‘You have Mercifully restored my soul with me’ is the Glory and honor to His Name is
through actualizing gifts received from Holy Spirit the holy empowered Will of God. ‘who brings forth’ His
Promise, Blessings, anointings, healing's and Miracles.

Houses of God were known as the House of Bread, (bread of the Eucharist) and Hamotzi), the meaning
of Bethlehem. Founders of Bethlehem, Prophets, Priests, Scribes, singers, King David and King Solomon ‘Lion
Warriors’ of the House of the Davidic Covenant, a stronghold, a lion’s den, pavilion of Justice for God’s Throne
on earth expressed sanctified speech through Praise, Prayer and Prophecy oral and written WORDS of and from
GOD prepared ‘the way’ for Messiah-Christ.

Blessed be the Lord. Blessed be His Name ‘a unique blessing’ originated from Davidic worshippers. God’s
Blessing hand described by Zechariah 14:9 ‘so that on the day, the Lord, King appears’ with His Court (the
Messiah at His right hand) ‘over earth’ invites all to partake of the Banquet. Holy bread sustenance is the
‘Miracle Manna’ that brings Glory, the body of Christ-Messiah Psalm 104:4 the Staff of Life. Bread is symbolic
of everything we eat that God provides, God created. Through man’s toil that ‘brings forth’ the bread of life and
Ps. 104:15 Blessed art Thou who ‘brings forth the fruit of the vine’ (John 15:5) I am the Vine, you are the
Davidic branch, wine symbolizes 'blood' which carries life. Our act of Faith (the Eucharist or Hamotzi) is for
'Those who abide in Me and I in them' and act of faith when consumed releases the body of Christ-Messiah
within man signifies Abraham’s Covenant Blessing May the LORD grant you Peace (His Presence) and His
Word John 1. The Word became flesh becomes God manifests ‘in us’.

Abraham’s Priestly Blessing “May He Grant you Peace”, the Covenant established Ps 76:3 may your
destiny be Peace become your abode of Protection Ps 26:8 your habitation, the place where you honour My Name.
Peace in Hebrew is salem commemorated by sukkan, the name of a holiday of Sukkut, the Feast of Booths
celebrated on the first 10 days of the New Year. The feast was established to commemorate the Covenant Psalm
28:6 of God’s Protection and the booths represent ‘maon’ the mountain; THE MOUNTAIN THAT IS MOVED
BY FAITH from God’s Throne built on Justice and Mercy and THE DAY OF THE LORD – God's Judgment'

Berakot Blessings Psalm24:1 The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof and thanking Him for
His Blessings: Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King of the Universe is a blessing to call on God and thank
God said at the beginning of prayers and ending, knowing in Faith God answers our prayers, to thank Him ahead
of time and for all He has created.
Abraham's Prophetic POWER PRAYER

AH HAH VAH – Beloved & loved

'Eternal, Mighty, Holy El, God Supreme'

You who are the Self-originated, the Beginningless One, Incorruptible,

Pure, Uncreated, Immaculate, Immortal, Self-complete, Self-illuminating,

Without father, without mother, unbegotten,

Exalted, Fiery One, Lover of men, Benevolent One, Bountiful One,

My Father AB BAH, and very compassionate, Eli, My God,

Eternal, Jehovah Zebaioth, Very Glorious El, El, El, El, IAOE (consonant letters of Name of God)

You are the One whom my soul has loved

Eternal Protector, Shining like Fire, Whose Voice is Thunder, Who appears swiftly like lightning,

You are the All-seeing One, Who receives the prayers of all who honour You,

And turn away the requests of those who embarrass You with their provocations

Who dissolves the confusions of the world,

which arise from the ungodly and the righteous mixed up in the confusion of the corruptible age,

And renewing the age of the righteous,

Shine 0 Lord, shine as a light, even as that light with which you clothed Yourself on the first day of Creation,

Brighter then the Light of the Morning on Your creatures

And let it be Thy Day of the Lord upon Earth,

For in these heavenly dwelling places there is no need of any other light

Than the unspeakable splendour from the light of Your Countenance,

O answer my prayer, O be well-pleased with it,

O accept my sacrifice which You have prepared for me to offer,

Accept me favourably, and show me, teach me, all that You have promised.




God wanted to Forgive and restore them and they REFUSE.

PROPHECIES are both awesome and disturbing and the Voice of God, Words in flesh call out to
Leaders, Churches and Synagogues is because Prophets are anointed and sent by GOD to speak with
AUTHORITY and warn of UPHEAVELS to take place that will involve both National and Global changes
DEMOCRACY and all Nation's.

National changes is due to the compromise and because in exchange for YOUR POLICIES, YOUR
CORPORATE POLICIES for ‘economic reasons’ with other superpowers, Leaders in Government have
of turning to other nations - instead of upholding God’s Sovereignty, the COVENANT, CHARTER OF
RIGHTS and FREEDOMS and Biblical moral laws and Commandments, the framework for man's
humanity to man.

TRUTH is to confront Leaders regarding their lies, to rebuke Leaders who mislead and mistreat
their own people are here to WARN YOU OF DISASTEROUS results that will occur due to YOUR
WRONG DECISIONS MADE. Prophets, Priests and Congregations are here to promote GOD’S
SOVEREIGNTY and to encourage people to seek personal relationship, commitment and sincerity to
God and for Leaders to in truth serve the people you lead and turn to God's ways.

The renewing of man’s Covenant with God is to ROOT OUT EVIL and to restore righteousness, to
send ‘new ideas’ GOD IDEAS and WAYS while God’s Holy Spirit is moving in the Nations Affairs.

Signs of God approaching are God sends Prophets, then JUDGEMENT. Our choice is to
acknowledge God, His Blessings of Democracy our nation is founded upon and to honor HIS Blessings
of ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY, PEACE & SECURITY. People are well fed and clothed live a good life
style. Leaders turn instead to others not GOD and choose a path leading to disaster and downfall
abandon religion, abandon Democracy – are not strong to uphold this.

Leaders are involved in many areas of Economic Development and Trade. They engaged with
others that did not and do not hold our National ‘best interests’; exchange GREED for self serving
interests with ENEMIES of the LAND. Immorality, lack of integrity, promiscuity has taken place while
enemies of the land immigrated, NOW OCCUPY due to SELFISHNESS and EVIL. Leaders have been
inept, untrustworthy incapable of doing good instead pulled away from GOD, have many sins.

ACTS – never the benefits of DEMOCRACY. At the same time people remain stubborn, defiant, did not
believe the Prophet God sent are heartless, foolish, blind and deaf to TRUTH – ignored warnings.

People have prospered from deceit, corrupt business dealings and become affluent through their
theft and criminal dealings instead of thanking GOD for their blessing country are GREEDY, WANT
MORE. Priests, Ministers of Churches, too many are for themselves, not for God nor is real ministering
offered to the many, too many hurting people, do instead superficial worship with empty rites do not
equip or prepare their Congregation to receive Christ-Messiah, Holy Spirit and the real Presence of


Prophets warn you of GOD’S JUDGEMENT......of Retribution. RETRIBUTION IS: GOD

RELEASES WIND. Weather Conditions change to cause destruction to your crops. God
sends enemies who like terrorists are known for their cruelties.

Leaders, Members of Government are in shock; People are in panic; cities are in chaos. NO MERCY
exists because YOU, yourselves have remained without MERCY TO OTHERS, YOUR OWN PEOPLES,
YOUR OWN CHILDREN. People are under threat and attacked; it will be too late for God’s Divine
Intervention to people gathering to pray in their churches. RETURN TO GOD’S SOVERIGNTY, the
COVENANT. Honor the Lord, Thy God and serve those who you are elected to lead with equality,
dignity and respect – NOW!
O bless me, LORD and save me,
Let those who seek to destroy my life be frustrated and disgraced,
Let those who wish me harm fall back in shame,
Let those who say Aha, Aha over me be desolate because of their frustration.
Let all who seek You be glad and rejoice in You.
Let those who are eager for Your Deliverance always say ‘Praise the LORD’,
I am poor and needy (righteous),
May the LORD device Deliverance for me,
You are my help and rescuer,
My God do not delay.
Abraham's Prophetic POWER PRAYER
'Eternal, Mighty, Holy El, God Supreme'
You who are the Self-originated, the Beginningless One, Incorruptible,
Pure, Uncreated, Immaculate, Immortal, Self-complete, Self-illuminating,
Without father, without mother, unbegotten,
Exalted, Fiery One, Lover of men, Benevolent One, Bountiful One,
My Father AB BAH, and very compassionate, Eli, My God,
Eternal, Jehovah Zebaioth, Very Glorious El, El, El, El, IOAE (Angel Joael)
You are the One whom my soul has loved
Eternal Protector, Shining like Fire, Whose Voice is Thunder, Who appears swiftly like lightning,
You are the All-seeing One, Who receives the prayers of all who honour You,
And turn away the requests of those who embarrass You with their provocations
Who dissolves the confusions of the world,
which arise from the ungodly and the righteous mixed up in the confusion of the corruptible age,
And renewing the age of the righteous,
Shine 0 Lord, shine as a light, even as that light with which you clothed Yourself on the first day of Creation,
Brighter then the Light of the Morning on Your creatures
And let it be Thy Day of the Lord upon Earth,
For in these heavenly dwelling places there is no need of any other light
Than the unspeakable splendour from the light of Your Countenance,
O answer my prayer, O be well-pleased with it,
O accept my sacrifice which You have prepared for me to offer,
Accept me favourably, and show me, teach me, all that You have promised.

Psalm 70
O Bless me, LORD and save me,
Let those who seek to destroy my life be frustrated and disgraced.
Let those who wish me harm fall back in shame.
Let those who say Aha, Aha over me be desolate because of their frustration.
Let all who seek You be glad and rejoice in You.
Let those who are eager for Your Deliverance always say “Praise the LORD”,
I am righteous,
May the LORD device Deliverance for me,
My God do not delay.

TO CLAIM Isaiah 40:26 He who sends out their host by count, who calls them each by name, because of His great might and
vast power not one fails to appear or Psalm 89:8, 9 Who is dreaded in the great Council of the Holy Angels and is awesome over
all who surround Him. El Shaddai God of Legions (of angels) who is like You? O strong One, God. Your enduring faithfulness is
attested to by Your surrounding angels.


Psalm 113:2 Blessed be the Name of the LORD from this time and forever.
Psalm 40:2 I have greatly hoped for the LORD; He inclined to her me and heard my cry.
Psalm 88:14 As for me, to You, O LORD have I cried out and in the morning my prayer will greet You.
Psalm 98:2 The LORD has made known His salvation in the sight of the nations, He revealed His Righteousness.
Psalm 33:18 O LORD, let me not be ashamed for I have called upon You. Let the wicked ones be shamed, let them be stilled to the
Psalm 89:14 Yours is the arm with power; Your hand is strengthened, Your right hand uplifted.
Psalm 68 similar to Abraham’s COMMAND: of Asazel to Genanna: Become the burning coal of the furnace. Depart from me by your
perdition. Through your own destruction be gone from me NOW! (is the binding and casting out of satan and his demons and satanic

God will arise, His enemies shall be scattered, His foes shall flee before him.
Disperse them as smoke is dispersed.
As wax melts at fire,
So the wicked shall perish before God.
Abraham's establishing of the Covenant, Sefer HaShmoth ancient Hebrew words from Deuteronomy 1:17 Judgment MISH-


“Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment
belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.”

Deuteronomy 4:11 LAV-V no. 32 – heart (bl) CHOH-SHEH-KH no.328 – darkness (ksx) AH-NON no. 170 – cloud (nni)
AH-RAH-FEL no. 380 – thick darkness (lpri) SHAH-MAI-YEE-M no. 390 – heaven (myms). “You (Abraham) came
near and stood at the foot of the mountain while it blazed with fire to the very heavens, with black clouds and deep
darkness” describes a Prophetic state and vision of Abraham (and Moses) nearness to God vision of God as light, the
Shekinah manifestation of Holy Spirit described in Exodus 3:14 with God’s Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh meaning God’s
Presence with be with thee and go with you which is the Unique Name of God – EHOEYEH or YAHWEH. The Blessing of
the gift of Judgment, Justice, Mercy and Truth during an age of lawlessness coming forth upon the lawless, rebellious
people who are evil and against God.

Deuterronomy 6:5 – no. 13 – Beloved and Loved – AH-HAH-VAH (Y is silent, not written) Yah hah vah. “Love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”. Beloved and Loved describes
Abraham's Prophetic relationship with God and Names of God, God gave to man for man to know God. Based on
These are the Names upon opening the Book of Deuteronomy, which relates to Priests receiving a Name of God and
the Priestly Blessing signifying a God who hears and answers prayers.

Deuteronomy 8:3 – no. 85 mouth – PEH (hp) “He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with
Manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on
every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD”. Mouth – PEH – means the mouth of the Lord, a verbal covenant
or Prophecy which is the birth of the Holy Spirit giving Voice or the Holy Spirit speaking through man’s mouth, a sanctified
and purified mouth. God corrects and disciplines man through tests and trials enters into history to protect the Rights of the
marginalized as proof of God’s love for man from His spiritual viewpoint.

Deuteronomy 10:21 – no. 855 – Praises – TUH-HEE-LAH-T-KHAH (ktlh) “He is the One you praise; He is your God,
who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.” Praises and the Psalms,
learned by reciting so sacred poetry is memorized and placed into heart for God’s Words, teachings, precepts, decrees and
ordinances to be within, in ones heart for prayer and Praise.

Deuteronomy 31:26 no. 611 LAW or TOE-RAH (hrvt), the Torah. “For I know that after my death you are sure to
become utterly corrupt and to turn from the way I have commanded you. In days to come, disaster will fall on you
because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord and arouse His anger by what your hands have made.” The writing
and compiling of Prophetic, sacred text as a result was compiled and formalized for man to retain and learn Divine Wisdom,
Intelligence and Understanding of God, from God to guide nations along with offer God’s divine support, proof of His love
for humanity.

Deuteronomy 32:2 no. 110 – My Ol or El AH-LEE (yli) “Let my teaching fall like rain and my Words descend like
dew, like shower on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants”. God’s Mercy and Justice, God is the Law giver of
Holy laws or laws sanctified to counteract evil and rebellion.

Deuteronomy 32:4 no. 301 – The Foundation – HA-TZOO-R (rvoh) “He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all
His ways are just. A Faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He”. The Foundation, Rock or Stone relating
to Joshua receiving the Davidic Covenant at Shechem for a special people ‘set apart’ who were Prophetic Scribes that
recorded God’s Words that were under an anointing with God’s directives to inscribe His Word through writing not always
oral. (Joshua 24:25 and Acts 15:17) describes God taking a new people for His Name. Special Prayers were associated with
the Davidic Prophets, Priests and Psalmists that start with Blessed art Thou O Lord, our God, King of the Universe, known
in Hebrew as the Berakot Blessing which also relates to ‘special Psalms’.

Other ancient Hebrew words associated with this verse of Deut are: KAW-L no. 50 – meaning all, whole or complete
(ck); TZAH-DEE-Q no. 204 – Saint (qydo); HA-TZOO-R no. 301 – the Rock and Name of God, El Elyon (rvoh) most
High in charge of earthly and divine council, Founder of heaven and earth and nations.; YOH-SHER no. 510 – (rsy)
signified by a symbol of a flame (Exodus 6:3) how God appeared to Abraham and other Prophets; TAH-MEE-M no. 490 –
Beauty – (tmnt) Abraham's mountain moving prayer of Faith, a realm of faith and power prayer for God’s works of Mercy
is described as the times one forgives his brother (Matthew 18-20) and ‘Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth
as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven 20: or For where two or
three are gathered in my Name, there I AM in the midst of them – signs of God and His Promise. The mountain of Faith
from which God’s angels come forth and carry out His decrees bring blessings, protection, and deliverance and elevates
man to God.

Deuteronomy 32:6 no. 4 Father – AH-BAH (abba) “Is this the way you repay the Lord, you foolish and unwise
people? Is He not your Creator who made you and formed you?” God’s Mercy as it applies to Justice leading to
establishing God as King or God’s Sovereignty. God is imaged as coming forth, or out of heaven or from a high mountain
describing a God of great heights from His mountain of revelations, His stronghold, fortress, ma’ on or Throne accompanied
with His retinue of angels and saints in the role of Justice as a divine warrior. The re-establishing of God’s divine will and
plan for humanity, the Day of the Lord, victory over satan, defeat, deliverance, God’s Justice, His Judgment, His Mercy.

Deuteronomy 33:2 no. 705 – Fiery Law – EH-SH-DOT (rsa) He said “The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over
them from Seir; He shone forth from Mt. Paran. He came with myriads of Holy Ones from the south, from His
mountain slopes”. God’s Judgment, Justice and Mercy, the Day of the Lord, His Truth are the habitation of His Throne.
The Face of God is a God of Greatness and Power, El Shaddai, GAH-DOLE and GAH-DOO-LAH (Jeremiah 10:6) O Lord,
there is none like You, You are Great and Your Name is great in Power. Deuteronomy 33 initially included Psalm 68, a
Psalm with all the names of the angels (or Psalm 89:14) to invoke during prayer. To assure God comes first the names of
angels were replaced with God coming forth from Seir, etc or ‘out of heaven’ and ‘from high places’.

Spiritual Warfare is described by Psalm 68: “God will arise, His enemies shall be scattered, His foes shall flee before
him. Disperse them as smoke is dispersed. As wax melts at fire, So the wicked shall perish before God” or refer to
Abraham's Apocalypse and to the command Asazel to Genanna) “to become the burning coal of the furnace. Depart
from me by your perdition. Therefore through your own destruction, be gone from me now” – is binding and casting
out satan, his influences and demonic hostile, negative, destructive forces.

Deuteronomy 33:20 – no.301 – Fire to call destruction or to destroy. AY-SH (sa) About Gad ‘Thus sayeth the Lord’;
Blessed is he who enlarges Gad’s domain. Gad lives there like a lion, tearing at arm or head. Gad’s blessing and favor (and
next verse about Naphtali) relates to the Book of Judges, Prophetess Deborah who led an army which the Tribe of Naftali
and Gad known as fierce warriors. Following Victory, God blessed the tribes, fulfilling His Promise of the Covenant.

Deuteronomy 33:23 no.346 - Grace because of obedience to God RAH-TZ-OHN (nvor) Thus sayeth the Lord; about
Naphtali He said “Naphtali is abounding with the favor of the Lord and is full of His Blessing. He will inherit
southward to the lake.”

Deuteronomy 33:27 – no. 404 – Holiness (kadosh) QEH-DEM (mdq) Olem no. 146 – Eternity or everlasting OH-LAM
(mlvi). “Eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before
you, decreeing a Judgment on the DAY OF THE LORD to ‘destroy them’ a result of man’s failure to repent.” Gods’
Judgment and Justice is ‘through your own destruction be gone from me’ relates to the 12 th hour, man’s darkest hour, the
blowing of the last trumpet or call of the shofar blowing the shofar’s horn and God’s Voice heard like thunder, sounding like
a raging sea.

In the texts of the Prophets there is no mention of the picture of Abraham's (Davidic) Shield. The Shield is mentioned in
the earliest Karaite source Eshkol ha-Kofer from the Karaites of Judah Hadassi (middle of the 12th century ch. 242). Seven
names of angels are placed on the shield, the mezuzah: and on amulets. Names of God and angels where to call on for
Protection. The Davidic Star wo triangles signified harmony and balance of heaven and earth. Names of God t are o invoke
God to manifest Hi supernatural powers to shield a person. The intertwined triangles was common to north Africa and the
Middle East which the Prague Jewish community chose to use a hexagram later as its symbol when King Charles IV
granted them privilege of having their own flag in 1354. The six pointed star known as ‘a Seal of Solomon’ and related to
coins in Balkh and its area in X century was engraved on a city gate referred to as Bab al Hadid (the Gate of Judah) a
settlement named Jahudanak meaning small Jahudan or small Yahudan in Guzganan on the way from Taliqan to Faryab
where the city Jahudan (Hudud al-Alam) a Judaic city existed. The actual origins of the hexagon and megan David are
related to Jews in India signifies the concept of Naru-Narajana, the unification of man and God becoming inseparably One
which is the COVENANT or joining of God and man.
Abraham's prayer, the angels name Joael is the root of the earliest four letter acronym Name of God YHWH (Yah
wey) the name Jehovah derived from this),. JOA EL (or IOH) was a Seraphim angle of great beauty that appeared like fire
was sent by God and elevated Abraham to God’s Throne room (Prophetic Chamber). Abraham was told to PRAY
Dear Prayer Partners,
I asked myself ‘What is the difference of following God’s guidance and
promptings of the Holy Spirit and not following His leading's? When I compared
the results the answer was clear. One choice led to goodness while the other
route resulted in suffering.

I know you have experienced this too and so I am sharing with you because
the Living Word of God to sit alone, quietly, read and sense the Power of His Word
to NOW decide to follow God’s directives.

Our LORD GOD’S Living Word along with HOLY SPIRIT leading's involves
us personally, together as a nation NOW. Our Partnership in sharing in Faith in
God’s Sovereignty, a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to follow God’s leading's while His
Spirit is moving across our nation and the POWER of GOD is actively
operating in our nation’s affairs to join in action as Prayer Partner’s and help
to manifest God’s Divine Plan for People of the Covenant, Believers in Almighty

I point out that A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY exists in our joining in Faith as

Prayer Partners to become actively engaged in Partnership with God, according
to His Divine Will and Directives.

NOW is the time to release your best financial seed gift to directly support,
receive and spread God’s Living Word.

 I AGREE to support God’s Sovereignty, the Covenant and Faith based

Human Rights order for our organization ____ numbers of books.

 Enclosed is a tithing in support of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY, the COVENANT

and FAITH BASED HUMAN RIGHTS of _______________.

Thank you for taking the time to quietly read God’s Word. No one knew the path of the
children of Israel that was a secret until God revealed it when the time was right. The children of
Israel moved out in Faith and this is Our time to move out in Faith. God is waiting for you
to follow His Instructions. Do that right away!

It is God’s desire we CLAIM GOD’S RIGHT to RULE, HIS SOVEREIGNTY and

COVENANT to establish His RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGEMENT. Judgment is Holy Spirit,
inner light to realize a course of action for the ultimate decision prudentially taken into account
circumstances with exactness to determine in concrete situations:

(1) Limits of the law

(2) What it is
(3) What is the value
(4) What is it for

Laws or Policies that are injurious to the common welfare at the cost of people’s lives
whatever the existing interpretation of the law or policy needed instead is God’s Justice
and Mercy, His JUDGEMENT that is Grace to send a message that no longer acceptable
is the existing interpretation of the law. Fundamental values are identical to all human
beings in situations and circumstances that constitute the human condition and when a
great proportion are suffering, in isolation and despair who are defenceless that comes
from evil and inefficiencies of response that is ruining and destroying lives by its darkness
and cruelties, the situation brought about has spread widely, grows stronger, and
unavoidably catches others in the sphere of that evil, IT IS TIME TO TURN TO

ISBN #: 978-0-359-37729-9

Content ID: 24341567

Book Title: Faith Based Human Rights - God's Word is Power

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