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Understanding and Managing

Cell Culture Contamination

Technical Bulletin


John Ryan, Ph.D. Introduction

Corning Incorporated
No cell culture problem is as universal as that of
Life Sciences
culture loss due to contamination. All cell culture
Acton, MA 01720
laboratories and cell culture workers have experi-
enced it. Culture contaminants may be biological
Table of Contents or chemical, seen or unseen, destructive or seem-
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ingly benign, but in all cases they adversely affect
both the use of your cell cultures and the quality
What Are the Major Cell Culture of your research. Contamination problems can be
Contaminants? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 divided into three classes:

What Are the Sources of Biological ◗ Minor annoyances — when up to several plates
Contaminants? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 or flasks are occasionally lost to contamination;
◗ Serious problems — when contamination
How Can Cell Culture Contamination frequency increases or entire experiments or
Be Controlled? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 cell cultures are lost;
A Final Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ◗ Major catastrophes — contaminants are discovered
that call into doubt the validity of your past or
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 current work.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Cell Culture Protocols and

Technical Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Table 1. Some Consequences of What Are the Major
Contamination Cell Culture Contaminants?
◗ Loss of time, money, and effort A cell culture contaminant can be defined
◗ Adverse effects on the cultures as some element in the culture system
◗ Inaccurate or erroneous experimental results that is undesirable because of its possible
◗ Loss of valuable products adverse effects on either the system or its
use. These elements can be divided into
◗ Personal embarrassment
two main categories: chemical contami-
nants and biological contaminants.
The most obvious consequence of cell
culture contamination is the loss of your Chemical Contamination
time, money (for cells, culture vessels, Chemical contamination is best described
media and sera) and effort spent develop- as the presence of any nonliving substance
ing cultures and setting up experiments. that results in undesirable effects on the
However, the less obvious consequences culture system. To define further is diffi-
are often more serious (Table 1). First cult; even essential nutrients become toxic
there are the adverse effects on cultures at high enough concentrations. Nor is
suffering from undetected chemical or toxicity the only concern since hormones
biological contaminants. These hidden and other growth factors found in serum
(cryptic) contaminants can achieve high can cause changes that, while not nec-
densities altering the growth and charac- essarily harmful to cultures, may be
teristics of the cultures. Worse yet are the unwanted by researchers using the
potentially inaccurate or erroneous results system. (Reviewed in references 1-3.)
obtained by unknowingly working with
these cryptically contaminated cultures. Media
Products, such as vaccines, drugs or The majority of chemical contaminants
monoclonal antibodies, manufactured by are found in cell culture media and come
these cultures will probably be useless. either from the reagents and water used
For some researchers the most serious to make them, or the additives, such as
consequence of contamination is suffering sera, used to supplement them. Reagents
the embarrassment and damage to their should always be of the highest quality
reputation that results when they notify and purity and must be properly stored to
collaborators or journals that their exper- prevent deterioration. Ideally, they should
imental results are faulty and must be be either certified for cell culture use by
retracted due to contaminants in their their manufacturer or evaluated by the
cultures. researcher before use. Mistakes in media
preparation protocols, reading reagent
Preventing all cell culture contamination bottle labels, or weighing reagents are
has long been the dream of many other common sources of chemical
researchers, but it is an impractical, if not contamination.
impossible, dream. Contamination cannot
be totally eliminated, but it can be managed Sera
to reduce both its frequency of occurrence and Sera used in media have long been a
the seriousness of its consequences. The goal source of both biological and chemical
of this bulletin is to review the nature of contaminants. Due to cell culture-based
cell culture contamination and the prob- screening programs currently used by
lems it causes, and then to explore some good sera manufacturers, it is unusual to
of the key concepts and practical strate- find a lot of fetal bovine sera that is toxic
gies for managing contamination to pre- to a majority of cell cultures. However, it
vent the loss of valuable cultures and is common to find substantial variations
experiments. in the growth promoting abilities of
different lots of sera for particular cell

culture systems, especially for cultures aggressive solvent characteristics, highly
that have specialized or differentiated purified water can leach potentially toxic
characteristics. Uncontrollable lot-to-lot metal ions from glassware or metal pipes,
variation in hormone and growth factor and plasticizers from plastic storage vessels
concentrations makes this problem or tubing. These contaminants can then
inevitable; careful testing of sera before end up in media or deposited on storage
purchase, or switching to serum-free vessels and pipettes during washing and
media can avoid these problems. rinsing. Water used to generate steam in
autoclaves may contain additives to reduce
Table 2. Types and Sources of scale buildup in pipes; these potentially
Potential Chemical Contaminants toxic additives can also end up on
◗ Metal ions, endotoxins, and other impurities glassware.
in media, sera, and water
◗ Plasticizers in plastic tubing and storage Endotoxins, the lipopolysaccaride-
containing by-products of gram negative
◗ Free radicals generated in media by the bacteria, are another source of chemical
photoactivation of tryptophan, riboflavin
or HEPES exposed to fluorescent light contaminants in cell culture systems. Endo-
toxins are commonly found in water, sera
◗ Deposits on glassware, pipettes, instruments
etc., left by disinfectants or detergents, and some culture additives (especially those
antiscaling compounds in autoclave water, manufactured using microbial fermenta-
residues from aluminum foil or paper tion) and can be readily quantified using
◗ Residues from germicides or pesticides used the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay (LAL).
to disinfect incubators, equipment, and labs
These highly biologically reactive mole-
◗ Impurities in gases used in CO2 incubators cules have major influences in vivo on
humoral and cellular systems. Studies of
Remember also that serum proteins have endotoxins using in vitro systems have
the ability to bind substantial quantities shown that they may affect the growth
of chemical contaminants, especially or performance of cultures and are a
heavy metals, that may have entered the significant source of experimental vari-
culture system from other sources, ren- ability (Reviewed in references 6 and 39).
dering them less toxic. As a result, switch- Furthermore, since the use of cell culture
ing from serum-containing medium to a produced therapeutics, such as hybrido-
serum-free system can unmask these toxic mas and vaccines, are compromised by
chemical contaminants, exposing the cells high endotoxin levels, efforts must be
to their adverse effects. made to keep endotoxin levels in culture
systems as low as possible.
The water used for making media and In the past, sera have been a major source
washing glassware is a frequent source of endotoxins in cell cultures. As improved
of chemical contamination and requires endotoxin assays (LAL) led to an increased
special care to ensure its quality. Tradi- awareness of the potential cell culture
tionally, double or triple glass distillation problems associated with endotoxins,
was considered to be the best source of most manufacturers have significantly
high quality water for cell culture media reduced levels in sera by handling the raw
and solutions. Newer purification systems products under aseptic conditions. Poorly
combining reverse osmosis, ion exchange maintained water systems, especially sys-
and ultrafiltration are capable of removing tems using ion exchange resins, can harbor
trace metals, dissolved organic compounds significant levels of endotoxin-producing
and endotoxins and are increasingly pop- bacteria and may need to be tested if
ular. However, these systems must be endotoxin problems are suspected or
properly maintained and serviced to ensure discovered in the cultures.
continued water quality. Because of its

Storage Vessels same storage cylinder or tank. This prob-
Media stored in glass or plastic bottles lem is very rare in medical grade gases,
that have previously contained solutions but more common in the less expensive
of heavy metals or organic compounds, industrial grade gas mixtures. Care must
such as electron microscopy stains, also be taken when installing new cylin-
solvents and pesticides, can be another ders to make sure the correct gas cylinder
source of contamination. The contami- is used. Other potential chemical contam-
nants can be adsorbed onto the surface inants are the toxic, volatile residues left

of the bottle or its cap (or absorbed into behind after cleaning and disinfecting
the bottle if plastic) during storage of the incubators. Disinfectant odors should not
➞ original solution. If during the washing be detectable in a freshly cleaned incuba-
process they are only partially removed, tor when it is placed back into use.
then once in contact with culture media Keep in mind that chemical contaminants
Figure 1. Photomicrograph of
a low level yeast infection in
they may slowly leach back into solution. tend to be additive in cell culture; small
a liver cell line (PLHC-1, ATCC Residues from chemicals used to disinfect amounts contributed from several differ-
# CRL-2406). Budding yeast glassware, detergents used in washing, ent sources that are individually nontoxic,
cells can been seen in several or some aluminum foils and wrapping when combined together in medium, may
areas (arrows). At this low papers for autoclaving or dry heat steri-
level of contamination, no end up overloading the detoxification
medium turbidity would be
lization can also leave potentially toxic capabilities of the cell culture resulting
seen; however, in the absence deposits on pipettes, storage bottles and in toxicity-induced stress effects or even
of antibiotics, the culture instruments. culture loss.
medium will probably
become turbid within a day. Fluorescent Lights
Biological Contamination
An important but often overlooked
Biological contaminants can be subdivid-
source of chemical contamination results
ed into two groups based on the difficulty
from the exposure of media containing
of detecting them in cultures:
HEPES (N-[2-hydroxylethyl] piperazine-
N'-[2-ethanesulfonic acid]) — an organic ◗ those that are usually easy to detect —
buffer commonly used to supplement bacteria, molds and yeast;
bicarbonate-based buffers), riboflavin or ◗ those that are more difficult to detect,
tryptophan to normal fluorescent light- and as a result potentially more serious
ing. These media components can be culture problems, — viruses, protozoa,
photoactivated producing hydrogen per- insects, mycoplasmas and other cell
oxide and free radicals that are toxic to lines.
Figure 2. Photomicrograph of cells; the longer the exposure the greater
a small fungal colony growing For a comprehensive review, see references
the toxicity (4,5). Short term exposure
in a cell culture. At this point, 7 and 8.
this colony would still be of media to room or hood lighting when
invisible to direct visual feeding cultures is usually not a signifi- Ultimately, it is the length of time that a
observation. If this culture cant problem; but leaving media on lab culture contaminant escapes detection that
was subcultured at this point, benches for extended periods, storing will determine the extent of damage it
all of the cultures or experi-
media in walk-in cold rooms with the creates in a laboratory or research project.
ments set up from it would
soon be lost to fungal lights on, or using refrigerators with glass
Bacteria, Molds, and Yeasts
contamination. doors where fluorescent light exposure
Bacteria, molds and yeasts are found vir-
is more extensive, will lead to a gradual
tually everywhere and are able to quickly
deterioration in the quality of the media.
colonize and flourish in the rich and rela-
Incubators tively undefended environment provided
The incubator, often considered a major by cell cultures. Because of their size and
source of biological contamination, can fast growth rates, these microbes are the
also be a source of chemical contamination. most commonly encountered cell culture
The gas mixtures (usually containing car- contaminants. In the absence of antibi-
bon dioxide to help regulate media pH) otics, microbes can usually be readily
perfused through some incubators may detected in a culture within a few days of
contain toxic impurities, especially oils or becoming contaminated, either by direct
other gases such as carbon monoxide, that microscopic observation. (See Figures 1
may have been previously used in the and 2.) or by the effects they have on the

culture (pH shifts, turbidity, and cell cautions should always be used when working
destruction). However, when antibiotics with tissues or cells from humans or other
are routinely used in culture, resistant primates to avoid possible transmission of
organisms may develop into slow grow- viral infection (HIV, hepatitis B, Epstein-
ing, low level infections that are very dif- Barr, simian herpes B virus, among others)
ficult to detect by direct visual observa- from the cell cultures to laboratory personnel
tion. Similar detection problems can (9). Contact your safety office for additional
occur with naturally slow growing organ- assistance if in doubt as to appropriate proce-
a isms or very small or intracellular bacteria dures for working with potentially hazardous
that are difficult to see during routine tissues, cultures or viruses.
microscopic culture observation. These
cryptic contaminants may persist indefi-
nitely in cultures causing subtle but sig- Both parasitic and free-living, single-celled
nificant alterations in their behavior. By protozoa, such as amoebas, have occasion-
the time these cryptic contaminants are ally been identified as cell culture con-
discovered, many experiments and cul- taminants. Usually of soil origin, amoebas
tures may have been compromised. can form spores and are readily isolated
from the air, occasionally from tissues, as
Viruses well as throat and nose swabs of laborato-
Due to their extremely small size, viruses ry personnel. They can cause cytopathic
are the most difficult cell culture con- effects resembling viral damage and com-
taminants to detect in culture, requiring pletely destroy a culture within ten days.
methods that are impractical for most Because of their slow growth and mor-
research laboratories. Their small size phological similarities to cultured cells,
also makes them very difficult to remove amoebas are somewhat difficult to detect
Figures 3a and 3b. Photo-
micrographs of a winter
from media, sera, and other solutions of in culture, unless already suspected as
flounder (Pseudopleuronectes biological origin. However, most viruses contaminants (7). Fortunately, reported
americanus) fibroblast-like have stringent requirements for their cases of this class of contaminants are
cell culture. Figure 3a shows original host species’ cellular machinery rare, but it is important to be alert to
an apparently healthy early (may also be tissue specific) which greatly the possibility of their occurrence.
passage culture; Figure 3b
shows the same culture
limits their ability to infect cell cultures
from other species. Thus, although virus- Invertebrates
approximately 24 hours later.
Electron microscopy showed es may be more common in cell cultures Insects and arachnids commonly found
virus-like particles in these than many researchers realize, they are in laboratory areas, especially flies, ants,
cells. Multiple attempts to usually not a serious problem unless they cockroaches and mites, can both be cul-
establish cell lines from this
have cytopathic or other adverse effects ture contaminants as well as important
species were unsuccessful sources of microbial contamination.
and showed cytopathic on the cultures. (Reviewed in Ref. 7, 40.)
effects that appeared to be Since cytopathic viruses usually destroy Warm rooms are common sites of infesta-
caused by an unknown virus. the cultures they infect, they tend to be tion. By wandering in and out of culture
self-limiting. Thus, when cultures self- vessels and sterile supplies as they search
destruct for no apparent reason and no for food or shelter, they can randomly
evidence of common biological contami- spread a variety of microbial contaminants.
nants can be found, cryptic viruses are Occasionally they are detected by the trail
often blamed. (See Figures 3a and 3b.) of “foot prints” (microbial colonies) they
They are perfect culprits, unseen and leave behind on agar plates, but usually
undetectable; guilty without direct evi- they don’t leave any visible signs of their
dence. This is unfortunate, since the real visit other than random microbial contam-
cause of this culture destruction may be ination. Mites can be a serious problem
something else, possibly mycoplasma or in plant cell culture facilities, especially
a chemical contaminant, and as a result those doing large scale plant propagation.
will go undetected to become a more Although bacteria, molds and yeast may
serious problem. sometimes appear to ‘jump’ from culture
to culture, these multilegged contaminants
A major concern of using virally infected cell really can. While not nearly as common
cultures is not their effects on the cultures but as other culture contaminants, it is
rather the potential health hazards they pose important to be alert to the presence
for laboratory personnel. Special safety pre- of these invertebrates in culture areas.
Mycoplasmas induction and yield, cause chromosomal
Mycoplasmas were first detected in cell aberrations and damage, and cytopathic
cultures by Robinson and coworkers in effects including plaque formation (12).
1956. They were attempting to study the Thus, the validity of any research done
effects of PPLO (pleuropneumonialike using these unknowingly infected cultures
organisms — the original name for myco- is questionable at best. (See references 11,
plasma) on HeLa cells when they discov- 12, and 15-18 for good overviews of this
a ered that the control HeLa cultures were very serious mycoplasma contamination
already contaminated by PPLO (10). In problem.)
addition, they discovered that the other What gives mycoplasmas this ability to
cell lines currently in use in their labora- readily infect so many cultures? Three
tory were also infected with mycoplasma, basic characteristics: a) these simple, bac-
a common characteristic of mycoplasma teria-like microbes are the smallest self-
contamination. Based on mycoplasma testing replicating organism known (0.3 to 0.8
done by the FDA, ATCC, and two major cell µm in diameter), b) they lack a cell wall,
culture testing companies, at least 11 to 15% and c) they are fastidious in their growth
b of the cell cultures in the United States are requirements. Their small size and lack of
currently infected by mycoplasmas (Table 3). a cell wall allow mycoplasmas to grow to
Since many of these cultures were from very high densities in cell culture (107 to
laboratories that test routinely for myco- 109 colony forming units/mL are com-
plasma, the actual rates are probably higher mon) often without any visible signs of
in the many laboratories that do not test contamination — no turbidity, pH
at all (11-13). In Europe, mycoplasma changes or even cytopathic effects. (See
contamination levels were found to be Figures 4a and 4b.) Even careful micro-
Figures 4a and 4b. These even higher: over 25% of 1949 cell cul- scopic observation of live cell cultures
scanning electron micro- tures from the Netherlands and 37% of
graphs show 3T6 cells (ATCC #
cannot detect their presence. These same
327 cultures from former Czechoslovakia two characteristics also make mycoplas-
CCL-96) with (4b) and without
(4a) mycoplasma infections.
were positive (14). The Czechoslovakia mas, like viruses, very difficult to com-
The level of contamination of study had an interesting, but typical find- pletely remove from sera by membrane
these cells by the mycoplasma ing: 100% of the cultures from labs without filtration. In addition, their fastidious
shown here is typical of con- mycoplasma testing programs were contami-
taminated cells. Examination
growth requirements (unfortunately,
nated, but only 2% of the cultures from labs easily provided for by cell cultures) make
of this contaminated culture
by phase contrast microscopy
that tested regularly. Other countries may them very difficult to grow and detect
did not show any evidence of be worse: 65% of the cultures in Argentina using standard microbiological cultivation
contamination; nor did the and 80% in Japan were reported to be methods. Thus, these three simple char-
medium show any turbidity. contaminated by mycoplasma in other acteristics, combined with their ability to
studies (11). alter virtually every cellular function and
Unfortunately, mycoplasmas are not rela- parameter, make mycoplasmas the most
tively benign culture contaminants but serious, widespread, and devastating c-
have the ability to alter their host cul- ulture contaminants.
ture’s cell function, growth, metabolism, Mycoplasmas have been described as the
morphology, attachment, membranes, “crabgrass” of cell cultures, but this is too
virus propagation and yield, interferon

Table 3. Mycoplasma Contamination of Cell Cultures

Number of Cultures Tested Number Positive
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1970’s to 1990’s) (11)
20,000 cultures tested over 3000 (15%)
Bionique Testing Laboratories (several years prior to 1993) (41)
11,000 cultures tested 1218 (11.1%)
Microbiological Associates (1985 to 1993) (13)
2,863 cultures tested 370 (12.9%)
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) (1989 to 1994) (42)
5362 752 (14%)

benign a description for what are the most has shown that cells from a variety of
significant and widespread cell culture sources have contaminated many other
contaminants in the world. Unfortunately, cell lines (42).
even with the advances in detection The seriousness of cross-contamination,
methods (discussed in detail later) myc- while not as common as microbial con-
oplasma infection rates (Table 3) have not tamination, cannot be overstated. The
changed noticeably since they were first validity of experimental results from
detected in cell cultures. Aggressive cultures having inter- or intraspecies
management against mycoplasma con- contamination is, at the very least, ques-
tamination must be the central focus for tionable. Furthermore, their use can lead
any cell culture laboratory contamination to the embarrassment of having to retract
or quality control program (16). published results. Whenever the invading
Cross-Contamination by cell is better adapted to the culture con-
Other Cell Cultures ditions and thus faster growing than the
With the advent of improved karyotyping original cells, it will almost always com-
methods in the late 1950’s, it soon became pletely replace them. Because of the out-
apparent that some cell lines were cross- ward physical similarities of different cell
contaminated by cells of other species (7). lines and the wide morphological varia-
In 1967, isoenzyme analysis was used to tions that can be caused by the culture
show that 20 commonly used human cell environment, it is impossible to rely only
lines were intraspecies contaminated by on microscopic observation to screen for
HeLa cells (19,20). Contaminated is actu- cross-contamination of cultures. Simple
ally a misnomer since in fact 100% of the accidents are one of the most common
original cells had been replaced by the means by which other cell lines gain
HeLa contaminant. Unfortunately, the entry into cultures and will be discussed
scientific community was slow to respond separately in the next section.
to this very serious problem. Tests done Remember, the seriousness of any culture
at one research center on 246 cell lines contaminant is usually directly proportional
over an 18 month period prior to 1976 to the difficulty of detecting it; those that go
showed that nearly 30% were incorrectly undetected the longest have the most serious
designated: 14% were the wrong species consequences. Cultures containing nonlethal
and 25% of the human cell lines were (but not harmless), cryptic chemical or
HeLa cells (21). A 1981 survey of cultures biological contaminants are sometimes
showed over 60 cell lines that were actu- used in research for months or even years
ally HeLa cells, 16 other human cell lines before being uncovered; during this time
contaminated by non-HeLa human cell the quality and validity of all research
lines, and 12 cases of interspecies con- done with those cultures is compromised,
tamination (See Table 4). Nor is the as is the reputation of the researchers
problem limited to contamination by using them.
HeLa cells. The advent of DNA analysis

Table 4. Some HeLa Contaminated Cell Lines

Detroit 6 (CCL-3) Conjunctiva (CCL-20.2)*
Minnesota-EE (CCL-4) AV3 (CCL-21)*
L132 (CCL 5)* HEp-2 (CCL-23)*
Intestine 407 (CCL-6)* J-111 (CCL-24)
Chang Liver (CCL-13) WISH (CCL-25)*
KB (CCL-17)* Giardia Heart (CCL-27)
Detroit 98 (CCL-18) Wilm’s Tumor (CCL-31)
NCTC 2544 (CCL-19) FL (CCL- 62)*
CCL# is the ATCC catalog designation. All except CCL-20.2, CCL-31 and CCL-62 were shown to be HeLa by
Gartler in 1968 (20). Those marked with an asterisk can be found in the Cell Biology Collection on the ATCC
web site ( where they are clearly marked as HeLa contaminants.

Table 5. How Do Biological Contaminants Enter Cultures?
◗ Contact with nonsterile supplies, media, or solutions
◗ Particulate or aerosol fallout during culture manipulation, transportation, or incubation
◗ Swimming, crawling, or growing into culture vessels
◗ Accidents and mistakes

What Are the Sources of good aseptic technique is also required to

Biological Contaminants? maintain the sterility of properly sterilized
supplies and solutions once they are in use.
To reduce the frequency of biological
contamination, it is important to know Plastic disposable cell culture vessels,
not only the nature and identity of the pipettes, centrifuge tubes, etc. are usually
contaminants but also where they come sterilized by their manufacturer using a
from and how they gain entry into cul- high intensity gamma or electron beam
tures. This section will detail some of radiation source after they are sealed in
the most common sources of biological their packaging. This is a very reliable
contaminants (3). process, however care must be taken when
opening and resealing the packaging to
Nonsterile Supplies, Media and avoid contaminating the products within.
Solutions Most media, sera and other animal-
Unintentional use of nonsterile supplies, derived biologicals are not heat steriliz-
media or solutions during routine cell able and require membrane filtration
culture procedures is a major source of (Sometimes radiation is also used.) to
biological contaminants. These products remove biological contaminants. Products
may be contaminated as a result of filter sterilized in your laboratory should
improper sterilization or storage, or always be tested for sterility before use
may become contaminated during use. (discussed in detail later); commercially
Glassware, including storage bottles produced sterile products are tested by
and pipettes, is usually sterilized by auto- the manufacturer before being sold. While
claving or dry heat sterilization. Serious filtration through 0.2 µm membranes is
contamination outbreaks are frequently very effective in removing most biological
traced to improper maintenance or oper- contaminants, it cannot guarantee the
ation of sterilization autoclaves and ovens. complete removal of viruses and myco-
Packing too much into an autoclave or plasmas, especially in sera (16,18,24).
dry heat oven will cause uneven heating, In an excellent review of the rates and
resulting in pockets of nonsterile supplies. sources of mycoplasma contamination
Using too short a sterilization cycle, espe- (25), Barile and coworkers reported that
cially for autoclaving volumes of liquids 104 out of 395 lots (26%) of commercial
greater than 500 mL per vessel or solutions fetal bovine sera tested were contaminat-
containing solids or viscous materials, ed by mycoplasma. They concluded in
such as agar or starches, is a common the early 1970’s that animal sera were
mistake. The size, mass, nature and vol- among the major sources of cell culture
ume of the materials to be sterilized must contamination by mycoplasma. Many sera
always be considered and the cycle time manufacturers responded to this problem
appropriately adjusted to achieve sterility over the next decade by improving both
(23). Then, once achieved, sterility must filtration and testing procedures; they
be maintained by properly storing the currently use serial filtration through
supplies and solutions in a dust- and at least three filter membranes rated
insect-free area to prevent recontamina- at 0.1 µm or smaller to remove myco-
tion. Care must also be taken to avoid plasmas. This approach has been very
condensation on bottles of solutions stored successful at reducing the problem of
in refrigerators and cold rooms. Of course, mycoplasma in sera and other animal-

derived products (16). While these prod- It is easy to understand from this study
ucts are no longer a major source of how the entry of a single mycoplasma
mycoplasma contamination, they must infected culture into a laboratory can
still be considered as potential sources to quickly lead to the infection of all the
be evaluated whenever mycoplasmas are other cultures in the laboratory. This
detected in cultures. explains the frequent finding that if one
culture in a laboratory is mycoplasma
Airborne Particles and Aerosols contaminated then usually most if not
In most laboratories, the greatest sources all of the other cultures will be as well.
of microbial contamination are airborne Currently, the major source of mycoplasma
particles and aerosols generated during contamination is infected cultures acquired
culture manipulations. The microbial from other research laboratories or commercial
laden particles are relatively large (gen- suppliers.
erally 4 to 28 µm in diameter) and settle
Another major source of particulates and
at a rate of approximately one foot per
aerosols are laboratory personnel. Street
minute in still air. As a result, the air in
clothes and dirty lab coats are dust mag-
a sealed, draft-free room or laboratory
nets. Placing a dust-laden sleeve into a
(no people, open windows or doors, air
laminar flow hood generates a cloud of
handling units, air conditioners, etc.) is
dust particles that can easily fall into and
virtually free of biological contaminants.
contaminate cultures during routine pro-
However as soon as people enter the
cessing. Talking and sneezing can gener-
room, particles that have settled out will
ate significant amounts of aerosols that
be easily resuspended. In addition certain
have been shown to contain mycoplasma
equipment and activities can generate
(26). Mouth pipetting is both a source of
large amounts of microbial laden par-
mycoplasma contamination and a hazard
ticulates and aerosols: pipetting devices,
to personnel and must not be permitted
vacuum pumps and aspirators, centrifuges,
under any circumstances. Dry, flaky skin
blenders, sonicators, and heat sources
is another source of contamination laden
such as radiators, ovens, refrigerators
particles; this common condition is
and freezers. Animal care facilities and
aggravated by the frequent hand washing
the animals they house are especially
required in the laboratory; even the lotions
serious particle and aerosol generators,
designed to moisten dry skin have occa-
and should always be kept as far from
sionally been found to be contaminated.
the culture area as possible.
Some laboratory personnel shed yeast-
McGarrity used a cell culture that was containing particles for several days fol-
intentionally infected with mycoplasma lowing bread making or beer brewing at
as a model to study how mycoplasmas are home. Attempts by these individuals at
spread in a laminar flow hood during rou- cell culturing during this period have
tine subculturing procedures (26). (This routinely ended in failure due to yeast
reference is especially recommended for a contamination.
better understanding of how mycoplasma
Incubators, especially those maintained at
can be spread in a lab.) Following tryp-
high humidity levels, can be a significant
sinization of the infected culture in a
source of biological contamination in the
laminar flow hood, live mycoplasma were
laboratory. Dirty water reservoirs, and
isolated from the technician, the outside
shelves or culture vessels soiled by spilled
of the flask, a hemocytometer, the pipet-
media, allow the growth of spore-gener-
tor, and the outside of the pipette discard
ating fungi. The fans used in many incu-
pan. Live mycoplasma could even be suc-
bators to circulate the air and prevent
cessfully recovered from the surface of the
temperature stratification can then spread
laminar flow hood four to six days later! A
these spores and other particulates. Some
clean culture, that was subcultured once
incubators humidify incoming gases by
a week in the same hood following the
bubbling them through the water reser-
work with the contaminated cells, tested
voirs at the bottom of the incubator; the
positive for mycoplasma after only 6 weeks.

aerosols generated by this will quickly Accidents
spread any contaminants in the water. Accidents are often overlooked as a sig-
While laminar hoods and incubators nificant source of cell culture problems.
are the major sites where biological con- An accident is defined as “an undesirable
tamination occurs, transporting cultures or unfortunate happening, unintentional-
between these two sites also provides ly caused and usually resulting in harm,
opportunities for contamination. Most injury, damage or loss” (Webster’s
cell culture laboratories try very hard to Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary,
a keep their incubators and laminar flow 1989). Cell culture-related accidents are
areas clean, but sometimes they overlook one of the leading causes of cross-con-
the potential sources of contamination tamination by other cell cultures. The
found in less clean laboratory areas trans- following actual cases demonstrate how
versed going from one location to the relatively simple accidents can result in
other. Rooms containing open windows, serious cross-contamination problems:
air conditioners, microbiology and ◗ A technician retrieved a vial labeled
b molecular biology work areas, and the WI-38 from a liquid nitrogen freezer
other major particle generators discussed thinking it contained the widely used
above, add to the potential hazards of diploid human cell line. Once in
moving cultures around the laboratory. culture, it was immediately discovered
This problem increases both with the to be a plant cell line derived from a
distance traveled and when the culture common strain of tobacco called
Figures 5a and 5b. vessels are unsealed. Wisconsin 38, also designated WI-38.
Photomicrographs of con-
taminants growing on the Swimming, Growing, and ◗ Two separate research laboratories,
outside surfaces of culture Crawling into Cultures both attempting to develop cell lines
vessels. Eventually, these from primary cultures, shared a walk-in
organisms may grow into Unsealed culture plates and dishes, as
incubator. One lab used the acronyms
the culture. well as flasks with loose caps to allow gas
HL-1, HL-2, etc. to identify the pri-
exchange, provide another common way
mary cultures they derived from human
for contaminants to enter cultures. It is
lung. The other lab worked with cultures
very easy for the space between the top
derived from human liver, but they too
and bottom sidewalls of a dish, or a flask
(unknowingly) used the identical coding
and its cap to become wet by capillary
system. It wasn’t long before a culture
action with medium or condensation.
mix up occurred between the two
This thin film of liquid then provides
a liquid bridge or highway for micro-
organisms to either swim or grow into Fortunately, both of the above accidental
the culture vessel. cross-contamination cases, although
serious, were caught before they caused
Even without any detectable film, fungi, catastrophic problems. But how many
as well as other microorganisms, can times have similar accidents occurred and
grow on the outside of culture vessels not been caught? Based on continuing
(Figures 5a and 5b); eventually their reports in the literature (7,8,19-22) many
hyphae grow right up the side wall of the researchers have not been lucky enough
dish or past the cap into the neck of the to identify their mistakes.
flask. This is more often observed in long
term cultures (a month or more) main- The information presented above is
tained in the same unsealed culture ves- designed to provide you with an increased
sel. Small insects and other invertebrates awareness and understanding of the nature
can also make temporary visits into un- of biological and chemical contamination,
sealed cultures, especially dishes and and its serious consequences. The
plates, leaving behind (unless they fall remaining sections will cover some basic
in and drown) only the contaminants ideas, techniques and strategies for active-
carried on their feet. ly detecting and combating cell culture
contamination in your own laboratory.

How Can Cell Culture 3. How expensive or difficult will it be
Contamination Be Controlled? to replace them?
Once the nature and consequences of the
Cell cultures can be managed to reduce
problems in the laboratory are better
both the frequency and seriousness of
understood, the need for a management
culture-related problems, especially con-
system, if necessary, can be determined.
tamination. Lack of basic culture manage-
Basic problem solving tools (2) can be
ment procedures, especially in larger lab-
used to help identify the source of prob-
oratories, frequently leads to long term
lems; changes to minimize or prevent the
problems, making contamination more
problems from reoccurring can then be
likely for everyone. One solution is to
actively manage your cultures to reduce
problems and if necessary set up a pro- The following suggestions, concepts and
gram for use in your laboratory (27,28). strategies, combined with basic manage-
This program should be designed to meet ment techniques, can be used to reduce
the needs of your specific working condi- and control contamination (Table 6).
tions and be based on the nature of your These may require modification to fit
past cell culture problems; it can be very your own needs and situation.
simple and informal, or more structured
if required. Use Good Aseptic Techniques
Aseptic technique is designed to provide
The first step in managing cultures is to
a barrier between microorganisms in the
determine the extent and nature of the
environment, and your cultures and ster-
culture losses in your lab. Everyone in the
ile supplies, yet permit you to work with
laboratory should keep an accurate record
them. There are many successful tech-
for a month or more of all problems, no
niques for achieving and maintaining
matter how minor or insignificant, that
aseptic cell cultures; ultimately, your
result in the loss of any cultures. These
technique is “good” if it routinely pro-
problems may not only be contamination
tects both you and your cultures from
related but can also be from other causes
contamination. Teaching aseptic tech-
such as incubator or equipment failures.
nique is beyond the scope of this guide;
Next, review the problems as a group to
the goal here is to review some of its
determine their nature, seriousness and
basic tenets and present some suggestions
frequency. The group’s findings may be
for improving it. The reader is referred
surprising: what were thought to be indi-
to Freshney (3) for a basic introduction
vidual and minor random occurrences of
to this very important area.
contamination often turn out to have a
pattern and be more extensive than any Table 6. Steps for Reducing
individual realized. This problem sharing Contamination Problems
is often a painful process, but remember
the goal is not to place blame but to ◗ Use good aseptic techniques
appreciate the extent and nature of the ◗ Reduce accidents
problems confronting the laboratory. A ◗ Keep the laboratory clean
critical part of this process is understand- ◗ Routinely monitor for contamination
ing the seriousness and actual costs of
◗ Use frozen cell repository strategically
culture loss; placing a dollar value on
these losses is often required before the ◗ Use antibiotics sparingly if at all
full extent of the losses can be appreciat-
ed. It is very important for everyone in The first step in developing sound,
the laboratory to know the answers to rational aseptic techniques is a solid
the following questions: understanding of both the nature and
potential sources of biological contamina-
1. How much time, money and effort
tion. This is reviewed in the beginning of
have been invested in your cultures
this bulletin and covered in many of the
and experiments?
2. What are the consequences of their loss?

The second step, based on the nature of
your work, is to determine the level of
risk or danger to yourself and other labo-
ratory personnel and then design your
culture techniques accordingly. This is
especially true when working with cul-
tures that are virally contaminated or
derived from human and other primate
Biological Medium
sources. Ensure that all laboratory per- contaminants
sonnel have been trained in the safe
handling and disposal of any potentially
hazardous cultures and materials; refer Figure 6. Vented cap flasks greatly reduce the
to your facility’s safety office for any opportunities for contamination in culture
necessary assistance or guidance (9). systems requiring gas exchange.

Next, based on the potential costs and

consequences if the cultures are lost, 35 and 60 mm dishes can be placed
determine how rigorous your technique inside 150 or 245 mm dishes. Use
must be, and what degree of redundancy vented cap flasks (See Figure 6) when-
if any, is required. Very valuable or irre- ever possible. These have hydrophobic
placeable cultures can be carried by two filter membranes that allow sterile gas
or more workers using media from differ- exchange but prevent the passage of
ent sources and separate incubators to microorganisms or liquids.
reduce the chance of their simultaneous
◗ Avoid pouring media from cell culture
loss (27,28). Evaluate whether workers
flasks or sterile bottles by using 50
need to be gloved, gowned and masked to
or 100 mL pipettes to transfer larger
reduce the potential for contamination.
volumes. Using a disposable aspirator
The nature of your working environment tube and vacuum pump is an economi-
and any problems it may present must cal way to quickly and safely remove
also be considered in choosing appropri- medium from cultures. A drop of
ate aseptic techniques. Certified laminar medium remaining on the vessel’s
flow hoods and safety cabinets are recom- threads after pouring can form a liquid
mended for use whenever possible. Some bridge when the cap is replaced pro-
of the aseptic techniques taught in intro- viding a means of entry for bacteria,
ductory microbiology classes for use on yeasts and molds. If pouring cannot be
the open bench, such as flaming, while avoided, carefully remove any traces of
popular, are not appropriate or necessary media from the neck of the vessel with
in laminar flow hoods (16). Hood manu- a sterile gauze or alcohol pad.
facturers recommend against the use of ◗ Always carry unsealed cultures in trays
Bunsen burners and other sources of or boxes to minimize contact with air-
flames in hoods; they disrupt the moving borne contaminants. Square 245 mm
curtain of filtered air and the resulting dishes are excellent carriers for 384 and
turbulence can increase the probability 96 well plates as well as for 35mm and
of contamination by microbial laden 60 mm dishes.
aerosols and particles generated during
◗ Do not use the hood as a storage area.
routine culture manipulation.
Storing unnecessary boxes, bottles, cans
The following suggestions are recom- etc. in the hood, besides adding to the
mended to reduce the probability of bioburden, disrupts the airflow patterns.
contamination: ◗ Never mouth pipette. Besides the risk
◗ Make it more difficult for micro- of injury to laboratory personnel, mouth
organisms to gain entry by using sealed pipetting has been implicated as the
culture vessels whenever possible, likely source of human mycoplasma
especially for long term cultures. The species (M. orale and M. salivarium)
multiple well plates can be sealed with often found in cell cultures (15).
labeling tape or placed in sealable bags,

◗ Use clean lab coats or other protective ◗ Whenever possible use standardized
clothing to protect against shedding recordkeeping forms; this simplifies
contaminants from skin or clothes. their use and makes it more likely that
Their use should be restricted to the good records will be kept.
cell culture area to avoid exposure to ◗ Use written protocols and formulation
dirt and dust from other areas. sheets when preparing media and
◗ Work with only one cell line at a time solutions, listing the reagents used, lot
in the hood, and always use separate numbers, weights, volumes, pH and any
bottles of media, solutions, etc. for special treatments that were done.
each cell line to avoid possible cross- These will both reduce the potential for
contamination. Use disinfectant to errors as well as provide a valuable aid
wipe down the hood’s work surfaces in tracking down the cause of problems.
between cell lines.
Clean Up the Work Area and
◗ Use antibiotic-free media for all routine Surrounding Environment
culture work; this is a very important
Reducing the amount of airborne par-
concept and will be discussed in detail
ticulates and aerosols in the laboratory,
especially around the incubator and the
◗ Whenever possible, package sterile laminar flow hood, will reduce the amount
solutions, such as trypsin, L-glutamine of contamination. Routinely wipe floors
and antibiotics, in small volumes (i.e., and work surfaces to keep down dust.
stored in 15 mL tubes) to reduce the Incubators, especially those that maintain
number of times each tube must be high humidity levels, require periodic
entered and thus reduce the probability cleaning and disinfecting. Often over-
of contamination. looked but important sources of contami-
◗ Leave laminar flow hoods running 24 nants are the water baths used to thaw sera
hours a day. Only turn them off when and warm media. Dirty water baths not
they will not be used for extended only coat bottles with a layer of heavily
periods. contaminated water right before they are
placed under the hood, but the water
Reduce Opportunities for Accidents
dripping from bottles generates heavily
Accidents usually involve people, and contaminated aerosols which can end up
reducing them must take into considera- on lab coats and hands. Water baths should
tion both human nature and stress. Based be emptied and cleaned on a regular
on personal experience, accidents are far basis, well before odor or visible turbidity
more likely on: a) Friday afternoons, b) develops. Pipette disposal trays and buck-
the day before a vacation begins, c) with ets, and other waste containers provide
new employees, or d) when people are a source of potentially heavily contami-
stressed, overworked or rushed. The fol- nated materials in close proximity to the
lowing suggestions can help reduce the laminar flow hood and are a potential
confusion and misunderstanding that mycoplasma source (26). Waste containers
cause many accidents to happen in the should be emptied daily and the wastes
laboratory. disposed of safely. Autoclaving of any
◗ Be very careful when labeling solutions, wastes that have been in contact with
cultures, etc. Always clearly indicate if cells is recommended.
solutions or other supplies have been The cooling coils on refrigerators and
sterilized. Reduce misunderstandings in freezers are a major source of microbial
crowded or busy labs by using a color laden airborne particulates that are often
coding system: assign each worker their overlooked in otherwise very clean labo-
own color for labeling tape and marking ratories. These should be vacuumed at
pen inks. least yearly; besides removing a significant
◗ Be very careful with the use and choice source of contamination, regular vacuum-
of acronyms. Everyone in the laboratory ing will extend the life of the cooling units
should understand and agree to their and allow them to run more efficiently.

Some laboratories may also need to tions not used until testing is complete.
consider a pest management program to Standard microbiological testing methods
reduce the presence of mice, ants, cock- for bacteria, yeasts and fungi usually
roaches and other multilegged creatures require placing samples for testing into
that can be sources of contamination. several different broths (trypticase soy,
Potted plants, although attractive, can thioglycolate and Sabouraud broths, for
provide a home for these creatures and example) and semisolid media (brain-
should not be kept in the culture vicinity. heart infusion, blood agar), and then
Care must be taken when using pesticides incubating them at both 30° and 37°C
as part of a pest management program to for at least two weeks (29).
prevent accidentally chemically contami-
Cell culture media, especially unopened
nating the cultures in the laboratory.
bottles of media that are outdated or no
Sterility Testing longer used in the lab (as long as they do
not contain any antibiotics) can provide
The best strategy for reducing contami-
a very rich, readily available and useful
nation is to be proactive by routinely
substitute for standard microbiological
monitoring supplies, media and solutions,
media. A small amount of serum (3 to
work areas and, most importantly, cell
5% — again outdated or unwanted sera
cultures for contaminants before they are
can be used) should be added to promote
used in critical applications and experi-
growth. The medium can be dispensed
ments. The key to developing a realistic
in 10 mL amounts into sterile 16 mm by
contamination monitoring program is to
125 mm glass or plastic screw cap culture
keep it as simple as possible so that peo-
tubes or clear 15 mL plastic centrifuge
ple use it, yet ensure that it can get the
tubes and be stored at 4°C until needed.
job done. Unfortunately there are no easy
The sterility of either filtered solutions or
solutions: no single microbiological medi-
cultures and products suspected of being
um can detect all types of biological con-
contaminated can be routinely and easily
taminants, and practical testing methods
checked by placing a small sample into
often miss low levels of contaminants. The
each of two tubes and incubating one at
process of detection is made even more
30° and the other at 37°C for at least
difficult by the presence of antibiotics.
two weeks.
The techniques and concepts presented
below offer some practical approaches This sterility test media substitute is also
for monitoring contamination that can very useful for evaluating the amount or
be readily adapted to meet the needs of source of particulate contamination in an
most cell culture laboratories. area, near a piece of equipment or by a
technique. Hoods, and especially incuba-
All autoclaves and dry heat ovens used
tors, are frequently blamed by laboratory
to sterilize glassware, solutions and other
personnel as the source of their contami-
supplies must be regularly maintained,
nation problems as in: “my cultures keep
and personnel properly trained in their
getting contaminated because something
loading and operation. Thermometers
is wrong with the hood” (or incubator).
and chart recorders should be tested and
Until these areas are screened and elimi-
calibrated periodically to ensure their
nated as the source of the problem, the
accuracy. Inexpensive (when compared
real problem, often simply aseptic tech-
to the cost of a single autoclave failure)
nique, can not be dealt with effectively.
autoclave thermometers, spore test strips
These suspected problem areas can be
and capsules, or other testing devices can
screened by dispensing the test medium
be placed inside autoclaves or into bottles
into 96 well culture plates or 100 mm
of solutions or other packaged supplies
culture dishes (use agar-gelled media for
during every run, or as necessary, to
the dishes). The vessels are then opened
ensure proper loading and operation.
(with unopened vessels as controls) for 30
Samples of all in-house filter-sterilized to 60 minutes at several locations within
solutions should be tested for sterility the test site prior to being sealed and
each time they are prepared and the solu- incubated. Cultures can be initially

checked for contamination after two to for detailed protocols), and must be run
three days although slow growing con- with live mycoplasma controls. Addition-
taminants may take two weeks or longer ally, although direct culture is the most
to appear. The rate of contamination sensitive method, it is the slowest (requir-
(number of colonies or contaminated ing up to 28 days) and it may not reliably
wells/vessel or unit area/unit time) can detect some fastidious strains of myco-
then be calculated and analyzed. Besides plasma, making it less than 100% effec-
giving an accurate level of the bioburden tive. Budget permitting, direct culture
in that area, microscopic observation of testing is best contracted to an outside
the contaminants in the liquid test media testing facility for two reasons: first, given
also allows their morphological compari- the ease with which mycoplasma can
son with the microorganisms found caus- spread in the laboratory, bringing live
ing problems in the cell cultures. Past mycoplasma into a cell culture facility for
experience with this approach has shown the required controls is not recommend-
it is a very useful tool when teaching ed; second to do it well, direct testing
aseptic technique as it clearly demon- requires a serious effort and commitment
strates that the air in a room, or even of resources better spent in doing cell
inside a humidified incubator is usually culture. These tests are commercially
not a major source of contamination in available at a reasonable cost from several
a well maintained laboratory. It is also a cell culture testing companies. (Visit
useful tool in tracking down mysterious or for
contamination outbreaks. additional information on mycoplasma
testing services.)
Detecting Mycoplasma in Cultures
There are a wide variety of indirect test
No monitoring program is complete
methods available for mycoplasma detec-
unless it can effectively detect contami-
tion, including PCR-based kits, DNA
nated cultures, especially those infected
fluorochrome staining, autoradiography,
by mycoplasma. Unfortunately mycoplas-
ELISA, immunofluorescence and specific
ma detection is not simple, and because
biochemical assays. These tests are faster
of this, and a lack of awareness, many cell
than direct culture, all are commercially
culture users simply don’t bother to test.
available in kit form, and they can detect
(As many as 50%, see survey results pre-
the fastidious, difficult to cultivate strains
sented in Table 7.) As a result, it is esti-
that are occasionally missed by direct cul-
mated that at least 15% of all cell cultures
ture. However they lack the sensitivity
in the United States are contaminated
of direct culture, requiring much higher
with mycoplasma. Because of these outra-
levels of contamination for detection. As
geously high levels of contamination and
a result, they have more frequent false
the proven ease with which mycoplasmas
negatives than direct culture methods,
can be spread from contaminated cultures
potentially leaving researchers who rely
(26), it is very important to quarantine all
solely on a single indirect test with a false
cultures coming into the laboratory until
sense of security. (Reviewed in references
they have been tested for mycoplasma.
11, 12, and 18.)
This is especially true of gifts of cell lines
from other labs; often these “gifts” end The most widely used and recommended
up infecting your cultures. indirect test is DNA fluorochrome stain-
ing. (See reference 31 or the Corning
There are two basic testing methods for
web site for detailed protocols.) This easy
mycoplasma: direct culture in media, or
and relatively fast procedure stains DNA
indirect tests that measure specific char-
using a fluorescent dye. When stained
acteristics of mycoplasma (16). Direct
and fixed cells are examined under a UV
culture is the most effective and sensitive
microscope equipped with the proper fil-
method for detecting mycoplasma, but it
ter package, DNA fluoresces brightly.
is also the most difficult and time con-
(See Figure 7a and 7b.) Not only will this
suming. It requires several carefully tested
test detect mycoplasma but as an added
liquid and semisolid media and controlled
benefit it will also detect any other
environmental conditions (See reference 30

microbial contaminants. This staining somes can undergo rearrangements or
method can be combined with an indi- changes in number. Monitoring these
cator cell line to increase its sensitivity. changes is important because altered cell
Interpreting results is not always easy, cultures can have a significant impact on
especially with hybridoma cultures; suit- the reproducibility of your research.
able positive and negative control slides (Reviewed in reference 33.) The follow-
should always be used to help interpret ing characterization methods are recom-
staining results. These positive and nega- mended for monitoring cell cultures;
tive mycoplasma control slides are com- refer to the cited references for details.
mercially available; since they have already Most laboratories should incorporate at
been fixed, they are safe to use in the least one of these methods as part of
laboratory. their monitoring program:
The best overall testing approach is a ◗ Karyotyping, a relatively simple
a combination of both methods: direct method used to determine the modal
culture can provide very high sensitivity chromosome number and presence of
while DNA fluorochrome staining can any unique marker chromosomes (34).
detect any fastidious mycoplasma that the ◗ Electrophoresis and isoenzyme analysis
direct culture misses. Both the FDA and to generate a protein ‘fingerprint’ that
USDA requires this approach for cell can be used to determine species or
culture derived products, such as mono- for future comparisons (33).
clonal antibodies, vaccines and drugs, and
◗ Immunological or biochemical
b the cells required to produce them. If
techniques to detect markers that are
resources do not permit the combined
unique to the tissue, cell line or the
approach, then the DNA fluorochrome
species from which it is derived (33).
staining procedure using an indicator cell
line, combined with one other indirect ◗ DNA fingerprinting, a relatively new

test method should provide a minimum technique but one that is becoming
level of security. increasingly useful, can be used to
detect both intra- and interspecies
Figures 7a and 7b. Photomicro- Detecting Other Biological contamination (35).
graphs (1000x) of VERO cells
stained with Hoechst 33258
Contaminants in Cultures The results from these characterization
dye. DNA-containing nuclei The traditional microbiological media tests can serve as an important baseline
and mycoplasma stain brightly described earlier for testing the sterility against which any future changes can be
under ultraviolet light allowing of solutions can be adapted for testing compared.
the clean culture (7a) to be
cultures for bacteria, yeasts and fungi
easily distinguished from Recommendations for a
the infected culture (7b). (29). However, the direct culture tests
(Photomicrographs courtesy of and the indirect DNA fluorochrome test Testing Program
Bionique Testing Laboratories, Inc. for mycoplasma, although not designed The cell culture testing program you
for this purpose, will also detect most choose should be the best you can afford,
bacteria, yeasts and fungi, including intra- as it is the cornerstone of your research.
cellular forms, reducing the need for the An inadequate program (or worse, no
traditional tests. Special culture procedures program at all) provides a false sense of
are also available for detecting suspected security and can eventually lead to failure
protozoan contaminants in culture. compromising the validity of your research.
(Details can be found in reference 32.) The following steps are recommended for
setting up a sound, yet practical culture
There are several other important quality
monitoring program:
control tests that should be used to both
identify and characterize the cell cultures Test all current in-house cell lines using
used in your research. Besides the serious the methods described above to ensure
and widespread problem of cross-contam- they are free from mycoplasma and other
ination by other cell lines described earli- microbial contaminants, and to check their
er, cells are also continually evolving in identity. Then incorporate these tested
culture: important characteristics can be cultures into your cell repository and rely
lost, mutations can occur, or chromo- only on them for all future experiments.

Quarantine and then test all incoming testing can be obtained from other labs or
cell lines and any cultures currently sources. The best way to avoid chemical
stored in your cell repository that were contamination is to test all new lots of
not tested when they were frozen. reagents, media and especially sera, and
test the water purity at least yearly using
Test all cell lines that are in continuous
the most sensitive culture assay available.
use at least every three to four months
and any time they behave suspiciously. Strategic Use of a
Better yet, save time, money and effort by Frozen Cell Repository
periodically discarding these cultures and
A cryogenic cell repository is commonly
replacing them with cultures from your
used in laboratories to reduce the need
tested cell repository. (This strategy will
to carry large numbers of cultures and
be discussed in detail later in the section
to provide replacements for cultures lost
on using a cell repository.)
to contamination or accidents. Freezing
New lots of sera should be evaluated for cultures also stops biological time for
any critical applications before widespread them, preventing them from acquiring
use. The simplest test method is to use the altered characteristics that can nor-
the new serum in an indicator cell culture mally occur in actively growing cells as
for several weeks and then test the culture a result of environmental or age related
for mycoplasma contamination using changes. However, a cell repository is
DNA staining or other suitable test. only a reliable resource if the cultures
it contains have been properly tested,
Detecting Chemical Contaminants labeled and stored. (Reviewed in
Determining that a chemical contaminant reference 36.)
is the cause of a cell culture problem is
usually much more difficult than with Equally important, a cell repository can also
biological contaminants because it is so be used strategically to convert continuously
hard to detect. Often the first signs that carried cultures into a series of short-term
something is wrong are widespread alter- cultures, thereby greatly reducing both the
ations in the growth, behavior or mor- amount of quality control testing required
phology of the cultures in the laboratory; and potential problems from cryptic contami-
however, it may take weeks before these nants. When cultures are continuously
changes are noticed. Once noticed, the carried for long periods in the laboratory
cause is frequently misconstrued to be of they should be tested for contaminants
biological origin; only after extensive and at least every three to four months (more
unsuccessful testing for the usual micro- often for critical applications). If they are
bial suspects does attention focus on not tested regularly, then when a cryptic
the possibility it might be a chemical contaminant, such as a mycoplasma or
contaminant. another cell line, is finally uncovered, it
is impossible to determine how long it
Begin the problem solving process by has been in the culture and how much
identifying all changes that have occurred research has been invalidated by its pres-
in the lab in the weeks prior to the prob- ence. In addition, if the contaminant is
lem being noticed, especially in equip- mycoplasma, it is likely to have spread by
ment, solutions, media and supplies, that then to other cultures. However, regular
may be related to the problem. Good testing, although very important to ensure
record keeping is essential for this process the integrity of your cultures, can require
to be successful. Bring together laboratory considerable effort, especially in labora-
personnel to brainstorm for all of the tories using multiple cell lines. Rather
possible causes and then select the best than test cultures several times a year,
possibilities for evaluation. Simple com- it is easier to simply discard them every
parison experiments can then be done to three months replacing them from the
eliminate each possibility as the source of repository with cultures from the same
the problem; media, solutions, sera and lot or batch that have been previously
other products to use as controls in the tested to ensure their integrity.

Tested stocks should be set up in the only 7% grown without antibiotics were
cell repository for each culture that is contaminated, a ten-fold difference (37).
routinely used in your laboratory. The Similar results are common: workers who
cultures should be grown for at least two routinely and continuously use antibiotics
weeks in antibiotic-free media, then in their media tend to have higher conta-
thoroughly tested to check their viability, mination problems, including mycoplasma,
ensure they are free of contamination, than workers who don’t. Over reliance on
and confirm their identity and presence antibiotics leads to poor aseptic technique.
of any important characteristics. Testing It also leads to increased antibiotic resist-
should be done both immediately before ance among common culture contami-
and after freezing; however, if you don’t nants. In an ongoing study (41) of the
mind assuming some added risk, testing antibiotic sensitivity of culture-derived
can be left until after freezing. The freezer mycoplasmas, 80% were resistant to gen-
stock should always be prepared from tamycin, 98% to erythromycin, and 73%
pooled cultures and contain enough vials, to kanamycin, all commonly used anti-
assuming a consumption rate of five vials biotics widely claimed to be effective
per year (or higher based on your experi- against mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmas
ence), to last the planned lifetime of any also showed resistance to the antibiotics
research projects involving them. A better recommended and sold specifically for
alternative may be to first develop a seed cleaning up mycoplasma infected cultures:
or master stock (10 to 20 vials is usually 15% were resistant to ciprofloxacin, 28%
sufficient, depending on your envisioned to lincomycin, and 21% to tylosin.
needs), and then from that develop a work-
Why does the routine use of antibiotics
ing stock (approximately 20 vials). When
lead to higher rates of mycoplasma con-
the original working stock is depleted, it
tamination? Everyone generates and
is replaced by using a vial from the seed
sheds a relatively constant flow of parti-
stock to develop a new working stock.
cles, consisting of fibers, aerosols and
Assuming a consumption rate of five vials
droplets, as they work in the laboratory.
per year, each working stock will be good
These particles can have a mixture of
for four years, with the seed stock lasting
bacteria, yeast, fungi, and even myco-
for 40 to 80 years. Hopefully, this will be
plasmas bound to them. If one of these
long enough to finish a research project!
contamination-laden particles enters an
This approach reduces the amount of
antibiotic-free culture, the chances are
routine testing to practical levels since
that at least one of the contaminants will
only newly introduced cultures will require
produce a highly visible infection within
testing. Equally important, discarding
24 to 48 hours. As a result the contami-
cultures after growing them for three
nant is quickly detected and the culture
months also destroys any undiscovered
discarded. It is very unlikely that particles
biological contaminants that may have
shed by laboratory personnel would ever
gained access to the cultures, limiting
consist of just difficult to detect contami-
both their damage to the integrity of the nants, such as mycoplasmas, that could
research and their spread to other cultures. enter cultures and not cause visible signs
Strategic Use of Antibiotics of contamination. However, if the culture
contains antibiotics, there is a chance that
When used intelligently, antibiotics are a
the antibiotics will prevent the growth
useful tool in cell culture, but they can be
of the usually more easily detected con-
very dangerous when overused or used
taminants but allow mycoplasma or other
incorrectly. Experienced cell culture users
cryptic contaminants to grow undetected.
have recommended for many years that
As a result, instead of being discarded,
antibiotics never be used routinely in
the cryptically infected culture remains
culture media (3,7,12,17,18,26,27). In a
in use, is utilized in experiments, and
major study, Barile found that 72% of
becomes a potential source of serious
cultures grown continuously in antibiotics
contamination for the other cultures in
were contaminated by mycoplasma, but
the laboratory.

Antibiotics should never be used as a substi- methods are 100% successful and clean
tute for good aseptic technique, however they up should only be tried as a last resort. A
can be used strategically to reduce the loss of word of caution: often these treatments
critical experiments and cultures. The key is reduce the level of contamination below
to use them only for short term applica- that which can be detected by indirect
tions: for the first week or two of primary methods such as DNA staining or PCR.
cultures, during the initial production As a result, clean up attempts often appear
stages of hybridomas, for experiments in successful for the first month or more fol-
general where the cultures will be termi- lowing treatment because the low level of
nated in the end. Whatever their use, surviving mycoplasmas can escape detec-
the antibiotics ultimately chosen should tion. But eventually the few remaining
be proven effective, noncytotoxic and undetected mycoplasmas recover leading
stable (37). to more serious problems. Budget per-
mitting, there is at least one commercially
Curing Contaminated Cultures available mycoplasma clean up service
Autoclaving is the preferred method for for contaminated cultures, it is relatively
dealing with contaminated cultures — it expensive but usually successful (17).
always works and is guaranteed to keep
the infection from spreading to other Table 7. Contamination
cultures. However, occasionally contami- Survey Resultsa
nation will be found in a valuable culture A. Do you consider microbial contamina-
that cannot be replaced and attempts will tion (bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasmas) of
be made to save it. This is a task that your cultures to currently be a problem?
should not be undertaken lightly as it 50% Yes, minor
usually entails considerable effort and 8% Yes, serious
frequently turns out to be unsuccessful. 33% No
In addition, cultures can lose important 9% Not sure
characteristics as a result of the clean up
procedure. If the contaminant is a fungus B. How often is it a problem?
or yeast, success is unlikely since anti- 67% 1-5 times/year
fungal agents, such as amphotericin B 20% 6-10 times/year
(Fungizone) and Nystatin, will not kill 12% More than 10 times/year
these organisms, but only prevent their C. Have you ever encountered myco-
growth. Many bacterial culture con- plasma contamination in any of your
taminants come from human or animal cultures?
sources and are likely to have developed
resistance to most commonly used cell 9% Yes, once
culture antibiotics. 14% Yes, several times
33% Never
Most clean up attempts, however, are 44% Maybe, not sure
usually made against mycoplasma infected
cultures. Treating with antibiotics is the D. Do you currently test your cultures
most widely used approach, but as dis- for mycoplasma?
cussed earlier, cell culture mycoplasma 50% No
strains are often resistant to some of the 32% Yes, occasionally
antibiotics specifically recommended for 18% Yes, an average of 4 times/year
cleaning up mycoplasma infected cul- E. Do you use antibiotics in your culture
tures. Furthermore, the more attempts medium?
made at cleaning up contaminated cul-
tures with these antibiotics the more like- 65% Yes, usually
ly resistant mycoplasma strains will devel- 7% Yes, short term only
op. Other approaches, usually combining 17% Occasionally
the use of antibiotics with specific antis- 11% Never
era or other chemical treatments, can be Combined summary of three surveys (130 respondents)
conducted at Corning seminars in Baltimore, Boston
used as well. (Reviewed in references 11, and St. Louis in 1990.
16, and 37.) However, none of these

A Final Warning number one source of mycoplasma con-
tamination is other infected cell lines; it is
In the United States alone, losses due to
essential to quarantine all cultures brought
cell culture contamination, especially by
into the laboratory until they have been
mycoplasma, cost cell culture users mil-
screened for mycoplasma contamination,
lions of dollars annually; this is money
and to use only tested cultures in research.
that could otherwise be used for additional
The second common source is the cell
research. Unfortunately this serious prob-
culturist; good aseptic technique combined
lem does not appear to be getting any
with the strategic use of a tested cell
better. As shown by the survey results
repository and limited use of antibiotics
in Table 7 (page 19), contamination is a
will greatly reduce the opportunities for
problem for most cell culture workers.
contamination via this route. The last
At least 23% of respondents have experi-
important source of mycoplasma is sera
enced mycoplasma contamination of their
and other biologicals that are sterilized by
cultures, but an additional 44% suspected
filtration; buy only from sources that have
mycoplasma contamination but were not
a good reputation and that use currently
sure. The reason for their uncertainty is
acceptable filtration (0.1 µm or smaller)
clarified by the response to the next ques-
and testing procedures.
tion: 50% of all respondents do not test
for mycoplasma, as a result they are Cell culture contamination will never be
unaware of the status of their cultures. totally eliminated, but through a better
The answer to the last question points understanding of the nature of contami-
out one important reason for widespread nation and the implementation of some
contamination problems – the over use basic concepts it can be better controlled
of antibiotics. With 65% of respondents and its damage greatly reduced. The
using antibiotics on a regular basis, the information in this bulletin has been
continued frequent occurrence of cryptic compiled to provide you with the foun-
contaminants, especially mycoplasmas, dation (Figure 8) upon which you can
is likely. build a contamination management pro-
gram designed to fit your own needs. For
Because of the very serious nature of
additional assistance in these areas, please
mycoplasma contamination and its wide-
spread distribution, it is important to
or call Corning Incorporated Technical
summarize the major sources of myco-
Information Center at 1.800.492.1110.
plasma contamination and review the
International customers please call
basic steps for preventing it from happen-
ing in your laboratory. Currently, the

Aseptic Technique

Strategic Use Strategic Use of

of Antibiotics the Cell Repository

Good Housekeeping Understanding the Contamination

by Everyone Nature of Monitoring
Contamination Program

Figure 8. Key building blocks for successfully managing cell culture contamination

Acknowledgements 13. Luzak, J., Pawar, S. A., Knower, S. A.,
Cox, M. S., Dubose Jr., J. and Harbell,
The author would like to thank Daniel J. W. Trends in the Incidence and
Lundin and coworkers at Bionique Distribution of Mycoplasma
Testing Laboratories, Inc. for helpful Contamination Detected in Cell Lines
discussions, photomicrographs and access and Their Products (Presented at the
to data on the problems and incidence World Congress on Cell and Tissue
Culture, June, 1993).
of mycoplasma contamination.
14. McGarrity, G. J. Working Group on Cell
References Culture Mycoplasmas. Annual report to
the International Research Program in
1. General Procedures for the Cell Culture
Comparative Mycoplasmology
Laboratory. Corning, Inc. Technical
(International Organization of
Publication TC-CGW-4A (1987).
Mycoplasmology, 1988).
2. Ryan, J. A. General Guide for Identifying
15. Barile, M. Mycoplasma Contamination
and Correcting Common Cell Culture
of Cell Cultures: a Status Report. in Cell
Growth and Attachment Problems.
culture and Its Applications. (Academic
Corning, Inc. Technical Bulletin (Available
Press, New York, 1977) 291-334.
on the Corning Life Sciences web site at 16. Lincoln, C. K., and Lundin, D. J. Myco-
plasma Detection and Control. United
3. Freshney, R. I. Culture of Animal Cells: A
States Federation for Culture Collection
Manual of Basic Technique. (Alan R. Liss,
Newsletter 20 (4):1-3 (1990).
New York, 1981) Chapters 5, 10 and 17.
17. Gabridge, M. G., and Lundin, D. J. Cell
4. Wang, R. J. Effect of Room Fluorescent
Culture User’s Guide to Mycoplasma
Light on the Deterioration of Tissue
Detection and Control. Bionique Testing
Culture Medium. In Vitro 12: 19-22
Laboratories, Saranac Lake, NY (1989).
18. McGarrity, G. J., Sarama, J. and Vanaman,
5. MacMichael, G. J. The Adverse Effects
V. Cell Culture Techniques. ASM News
of UV and Short Wavelength Visible
51:170-183 (1985).
Radiation on Tissue Culture. American
Biotechnology Laboratory: July/August 19. Gartler, S. M. Genetic Markers as Tracers
(1986). in Cell Culture. National Cancer Institute
Monograph 26: 167-195 (1967).
6. Case-Gould, M. J. Endotoxin in Vertebrate
Cell Culture: Its Measurement and Signi- 20. Gartler, S. M. Apparent HeLa Cell Con-
ficance. in Uses and Standardization of tamination of Human Heteroploid Cell
Vertebrate Cell Lines, (Tissue Culture Lines. Nature 217:750-751 (1968).
Association, Gaithersburg, MD, 1984) 21. Stulburg, C. S., Peterson, Jr., W. D., and
125-136. Simpson, W. F. Identification of Cells in
7. Fogh, J., Holmgren, N. B. and Ludovici, Culture. Amer. J. Hematology 1:237-242
P. P. A Review of Cell Culture Contami- (1976).
nations. In Vitro 7(1): 26-41 (1971). 22. Nelson-Rees, W. A., Daniels, D. W. and
8. Contaminants in Tissue Culture. J. Fogh, Flandermeyer, R. R. Cross-Contamination
ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1973). of Cells in Culture. Science 212:446-452
9. Barkley, W. E. Safety Considerations in
the Cell Culture Laboratory. in Methods 23. Bader, F. G. Sterilization: Prevention of
in Enzymology: Cell Culture, Vol. 58. W. Contamination. in Manual of Industrial
B. Jacoby and I. H. Pastan, eds. (Academic Microbiology and Biotechnology, A. L.
Press, New York, 1979) 36-44. Demain and N. A. Solomon, eds.
(American Society of Microbiology,
10. Robinson, L. B., Wichelhausen, R. H. and
Washington DC, 1986) pg. 345-362.
Roizman, B. Contamination of Human
Cell Cultures by Pleuropneumonialike 24. Roche, K. L. and Levy, R. V. Methods
Organisms. Science 124:1147-1148 used to Validate Microporous Membranes
(1956). for the Removal of Mycoplasma. BioPharm,
April:22-33, (1992).
11. Rottem, S. and Barile, M. F. Beware of
Mycoplasmas. Trends in Biotechnology 25. Barile, M. F., Hopps, H. E., Grabowski,
11:143-150 (1993). M. W., Riggs, D. B. and DelGiudice,
R. A. The Identification and Sources of
12. Lincoln, K. L., and Gabridge, M. G.
Mycoplasmas Isolated from Contaminated
Cell Culture Contamination: Sources,
Cell Cultures. Ann. NY Acad. Sci.
Consequences, Prevention and Elimina-
225:251-264 (1973).
tion. in Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 57
Academic Press, New York, 1998) 49-65.

26. McGarrity, G. J. Spread and Control of 37. Barile, M. F. Mycoplasmal Contamination
Mycoplasmal Infection of Cell Cultures. of Cell Cultures: Mycoplasma-Virus-Cell
In Vitro 12:643-647 (1976). Culture Interactions. in Contamination
27. Wolf, K. and Quimby, M. C. Towards a in Tissue Culture, J. Fogh, ed. (Academic
Practical Fail-Safe System of Managing Press, Inc., New York, 1973) 131-171.
Poikilothermic Vertebrate Cell Lines in 38. Perlman, D. Use of Antibiotics in Cell
Culture. In Vitro 8(4):316-321 (1973). Culture Media. in Methods in Enzymology:
28. Wolf, K. Laboratory Management of Cell Cell Culture, Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and
Cultures. in Methods in Enzymology: Cell I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press,
Culture, Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. New York, 1979) 110-116.
Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York, 39. Ryan, J. A. Endotoxins and Cell Culture.
1979) 116-119. Corning, Inc. Technical Bulletin (Available
29. McGarrity, G J. Detection of Contami- on the Corning Life Sciences web site at
nation. in Methods in Enzymology: Cell
Culture, Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. 40. Weiss, R. A. Why Cell Biologists Should
Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York, Be Aware of Genetically Transmitted
1979) 18-29. Viruses. in National Cancer Institute
30. Barile, M. and McGarrity, G. J. Isolation Monograph 48:183-190 (1978).
of Mycoplasmas from Cell Cultures by 41. Lundin, D. J. and Lincoln, C. K. Myco-
Agar and Broth Techniques. in Methods plasmal Contamination of Cell Cultures
in Mycoplasmology, Vol. 2, J. G. Tully and within the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory.
S. Razin, eds. (Academic Press, New York, Amer. Clin. Lab. April (1994)
1983) 159-165. 42. Hay, R. J., Reid, Y. A., Miranda, M. G.
31. McGarrity G. J., Steiner, T. and Vanaman, Chen, T. C. Current Techniques for
V. Detection of Mycoplasmal Infection Cell Line Authentication. Biotechnology
of Cell Cultures by DNA Fluorochrome International 143-147.
Staining. in Methods in Mycoplasmology,
Vol. 2, J. G. Tully and S. Razin, eds. Cell Culture Protocols and
(Academic Press, New York, 1983) Technical Articles
32. Dilworth, S, Hay, R. J., and Daggett, For additional cell culture protocols and
P. M. Procedures in Use at the ATCC for technical articles, please visit the Corning
Detection of Protozoan Contaminants in Technical web site at
Cultured Cells. Procedure 16655, TCA lifesciences. The following are some of
Manual 5 (3):1107-1110 (1979). the technical articles that can be found
33. Peterson, Jr, W. D., Simpson, W. F. and there:
Hukku, B. Cell Culture Characterization:
Monitoring for Cell Identification. in Introduction to Animal Cell Culture
Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture,
This 10-page Corning Technical Guide is
Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten,
eds. (Academic Press, New York, 1979) designed to serve as a basic introduction
164-177. to animal cell culture. It is appropriate for
34. Worton, R. G. and Duff C. Karyotyping. both laboratory workers who are using
in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture, this tool for the first time or for those
Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, who interact with cell culture researchers
eds. (Academic Press, New York, 1979) and who want a better understanding of
322-345. the key concepts and terminology in this
35. Reid, Y. A., and Lou, X. The use of PCR- interesting and rapidly growing field.
amplified hypervariable regions for the Topics covered include:
identification and characterization of
human cell lines. In Vitro, 29A:120A ◗ What is animal cell and tissue culture?
(1993) ◗ How are cell cultures obtained?
36. Ryan, J. A. General Guide for Cryo- ◗ What are cultured cells like?
genically Storing Animal Cell Cultures.
Corning, Inc. Technical Bulletin (Available ◗ What are the problems faced by cultured
on the Corning Life Sciences web site at cells? ◗ How to decide if cultured cells are
◗ What is cell culture used for?

Identifying and Correcting Common Analysis of CHO Cell Requirements
Cell Growth and Attachment Problems for Assay Miniaturization in High
This Corning Technical Guide reviews Throughput Screening
some of the common and not so common This technical note analyzes the culture
cell growth and attachment problems that conditions for optimal growth of Chinese
are often very difficult to identify and hamster ovary (CHO) cells for assay
eliminate. Topics covered include: miniaturization in high-throughput
◗ Identifying the causes of unusual growth screening.
patterns due to technique or incubator Mycoplasma Detection Using
DNA Staining
◗ Problems with culture media, including
This 3-page protocol provides a detailed
HEPES and fluorescent light-induced procedure for using Hoechst stain #33258
problems. to stain the DNA in cell monolayers for
◗ Applying cell culture problem solving detecting mycoplasmas or other prokary-
strategies. otic organisms.
General Guide for Cryogenically Roller Bottles Selection and Use Guide
Storing Animal Cell Cultures This 9-page guide describes the character-
This 8-page Corning Technical Guide istics of all the glass and plastic Corning
examines both the theoretical and practical roller bottles and offers tips on solving
aspects of cryogenic preservation and cell growth and attachment problems
reviews key strategies for managing a that can occur in roller bottles.
cell repository. Special attention will
be given to: Transwell ® Permeable Supports
◗ Understanding and controlling the Selection and Use Guide
freezing process Selecting the right Transwell inserts for
your research application does not have
◗ Selecting cryogenic storage systems
to be difficult. This 11-page guide
◗ Record keeping
describes all of the importance physical
◗ Quality control procedures to and performance characteristics of the
minimize culture loss Corning Transwell permeable support
products and offers tips on using them.
Endotoxins and Cell Culture
This 8-page Corning Technical Guide Transwell and Snapwell™ Bibliography
discusses endotoxins and their effects on This bibliography lists several hundred
cell cultures. Special attention will be references, organized by research applica-
given to: tion, citing the use of Corning Transwell
◗ What are endotoxins? permeable supports in cell culture
◗ Sources of endotoxins in cell culture

◗ Endotoxin effect on in vitro cell growth

and function
Helpful Hints to Manage Edge Effects
of Cultured Cells for High Throughput
This technical note is a compendium of
techniques, collected from Corning Cell
Culture facilities and customers, to reduce
the occurrence of irregular patterns of cell
adhesion or “edge effect” in microplates.

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