Operations Center: Future Trends in Mining 27

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future Trends in Mining 27

Automation will require the transfer and manipulation of track that serves its Pilbara operations. The cost is high. This
huge amounts of data. Autonomous operations, such as drill- will be the first time automation has been used in a heavy-
ing, surveying, blasting, and loading, will each link to the haul railway of this scale, though the technology successfully
brain or autonomous backbone, which provides the coordi- operates on many metropolitan passenger railways around the
nation and sharing of resources that will be essential to the world, where it is safe and reliable. Automated operations will
autonomous mine. The know-how to develop this backbone integrate with the existing train management system and will
will likely be developed in-house by the mining companies in bring efficiency gains through greater scheduling flexibility
order to tailor it to the mining process. Perhaps in the future, and the removal of delays. Additional safety systems are being
as technology advances, it will be supplied as a turnkey sys- developed to meet safety levels required for automated trains.
tem from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Rio Tinto is working closely with the Western Australian
A key capability of the backbone or brain will be the Office of Rail Safety to ensure that all safety requirements
ability to effectively fuse the data from the disparate sources are met.
around a mine. Data fusion differs from data warehousing.
Whereas data warehousing requires the storage and use of operations Center
data to extract value, data fusion integrates data that offer a Rio Tinto has established an operations center in Perth,
conflicting view of the world prior to the data being used. Data Australia, to manage operations in the Pilbara mines, about
fusion is essential for a process that integrates and automates 1,300 km away. This is a key step on the path toward a fully
several functions. automated mine-to-port iron ore operation. At full opera-
An example of the need for data fusion is to precisely tion, it will house hundreds of employees who will work
know the position of an autonomous moving vehicle in a mine. with Pilbara-based colleagues to oversee, operate, and opti-
A Global Positioning System (GPS) provides a good indicator mize the use of key assets and processes, including all mines,
of a vehicle’s position, but it is not fail-safe, so a backup is processing plants, the rail network, ports, and power plants.
needed. Inertial navigation systems can provide information Operational planning and scheduling functions will also be
on position as can wheel encoders that measure the distance a based in the operations center, where staff will also manage
vehicle has moved. A fast-moving vehicle such as a truck will power distribution and maintenance planning. Although the
likely have all three. To integrate these three sets of data and goal is a more efficient operation, an additional benefit of
apply uncertainty theory to determine the most likely posi- establishing an operations center within a capital city is that
tion of the vehicle, data fusion is required using algorithms. it will directly confront the high cost of basing employees at
All of this data handling must be performed rapidly to ensure remote sites. This center is but one part, albeit a very impor-
feedback to the vehicle and the autonomous brain controlling tant one, in a fully automated operation that includes driver-
the array of resources in the mine. This is but one example less trains, autonomous trucks, and autonomous drills.
of data fusion requirements in an autonomous system, and it In mining, the traditional coal face is where many of
heralds the future types of employees that mining companies the worst accidents happen and occupational illnesses are
will need to design and run information processes. sown (Cribb 2008). An inestimable benefit of automation
The experience from the development of an autonomous and remote operations is the improvement in human health,
mine will impact future mine planning. For example, the pre- safety, and well-being as a result of moving people out of the
cise control of haul truck movement may create an opportu- danger zone. So although the absolute number of jobs might
nity to build narrower and longer haul roads. not change with automation, the overall safety performance
of the company will improve as a direct result of worker
Technology Development displacement.
As discussed, the vision of a fully automated remotely con-
trolled mine is deliverable but will take many years, substan- Computing Power
tial investment in research and development, and a broad The mining industry has experienced significant growth in
collaborative network involving OEMs and leaders in auto- the utilization of computers since the mid-1980s due to wide-
mation. The creation of a fully automated mine could not be spread adoption of personal computers. For iron, aluminum,
achieved by even the world’s largest miner working in iso- and copper mining, it is expected that the computing power
lation. It will take the skills of large and patient companies required over the next 20 years will increase by an order of
to develop an autonomous haulage system. To deal with the magnitude. The upgrading of personal computers across most
robotics required in a fully automated mine, it requires the sectors of the mining industry represents a major share of this
combined brainpower of large teams of dedicated research growth. The remainder is driven by the needs of various appli-
workers such as those employed at the Rio Tinto Centre cations that target improvements in productivity, cost, quality,
for Mine Automation, based at the University of Sydney safety, and reliability, including
(Australia). Others will contribute to the development of
• Mining and plant scheduling and optimization,
advanced sensors. The proving ground for new technology
• GPS-based applications,
is the mine itself. When all components are proven and the
• Automation,
system is fully integrated, this template of the autonomous
• Finite element analysis/simulation in plant design and
mine will be deployed. Components of the system, such as
troubleshooting, and
driverless trains, may be deployed earlier.
• Adaptive plant control based on predictive models.
Driverless Train
Rio Tinto has announced that it will automate its iron ore rail- Mine Workers
way in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Within 5 years, Automation may or may not mean fewer workers in the industry.
driverless trains will be operating on most of the 1,300 km of It may be that, through automation, fewer workers are employed

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