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寒假 Book A 第 28 讲 答案

Lesson 28 – The backpacking family 2

2a Match the sentences to the photos.

1 J, 2 E, 3 C, 4 A, 5 K, 6 F, 7 M, 8 H, 9 L, 10 D, 11 G, 12 I, 13 B.

2b Complete the questions with some of the bold words from 2a. You might have
to change the form of the verbs.

1 promised (or offered), 2 culture (or customs), 3 wish, 4 traditional, 5 transferred, 6

fetches, 7 reserve, 8 wedding.

3c Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false

1 F – We didn’t have a place to stay., 2 T, 3 F – He drove them to his house., 4 T, 5 F –

He enjoyed the raw fish., 6 F – They stayed for three days., 7 T, 8 F – the Nakamuras
gave them the dolls as souvenirs.

3d Complete the sentences with words from the text.

1 us something; 2 us a place to stay; 3 us some delicious tea; 4 us towels; 5 her family

photos to Gemma and Mum; 6 me to a Sumo wrestling match

4a Read the grammar explanation below. Choose the correct words to complete
the examples.

1 a postcard, 2 Jane, 3 a question, 4 to him, 5 for Jane, 6 a question

4b Circle the direct object and underline the indirect object in each sentence.

1 his mum (I), an email (D); 2 the parcel (D), my neighbours (I);
3 her (I), your books (D); 4 a story (D), her children (I);
5 Lee (I), her passport photo (D); 6 you (I), some tea (D);
7 me (I), a glass of water (D); 8 a pretty bracelet (D); his sister (I);
9 video games (D), the children (I); 10 me (I), a new diary (D)

4c Write the direct and indirect objects in the correct place in each sentence. Then
write ‘D’ next to the direct object and ‘I’ next to the indirect object.

1 ... lend a pen (D) to Charlie (I); 2 ... shows her (I) her wedding photos (D);
3 ... asked their teacher (I) a question (D); 4 ... buy a souvenir (D) for his parents (I);
5 ... reserved a table (D) for you (I); 6 ... sell him (I) my bicycle (D);
7 … bought you (I) this book (D); 8 … made a bag (D) for you (I)

寒假 Book A 第 28 讲 答案

4d Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use
for or to with the indirect object.

1 a letter to their mum and dad, 2 a nice present to my little sister,

3 traditional Japanese hats for Tim and Angela, 4 some hot tea to Paul and Megan,
5 some extra blankets for them, 6 a box of chocolates to his grandchildren

5a Listen to Nick talking to a friend about the Sumo fight he saw in Japan. Are the
sentences true or false?

(1 F, 2 T, 3 T, 4 T, 5 F, 6 T)

Girl: Can we see your photos again, Nick? The ones from Japan!
Boy: Sure. Look, I took these when Tatsuo and I went to watch a Sumo wrestling
Girl: I really like this one. So, was it expensive to go to this fight?
Boy: Tatsuo took me to a really good one with very well-known wrestlers so it
was a bit expensive. I paid £50 for our tickets but it was worth it!
Girl: Why didn’t Tatsuo pay for his ticket?
Boy: I wanted to buy it for him. Tatsuo and his family had been really kind to us so
it was a way of saying ‘thank you’ to them.
Girl: That’s nice. (pause) Wait – go back. What’s this man doing here?
Boy: Yes, this is really strange. He’s throwing salt into the ring where they’re going
to fight. It’s something traditional they always do before they fight. It means
that the fight is going to be ‘clean’ and follow the rules.
Girl: How do you know all this?
Boy: Tatsuo explained everything to me while we were taking the train to the
centre of Osaka. He knows a lot about Sumo wrestling. Look at this one!
Girl: Wow. The arena is huge and really full – were there other teenagers there?
Boy: Hmm ... We were probably the youngest people at the fight. Most people
there were about the same age as my dad. Tatsuo says young people like
baseball more than Sumo.
Girl: That’s a shame. (pause) What are you eating here?
Boy: This is after the fight. Tatsuo wanted me to try a type of food Sumo wrestlers
eat to get strong. It’s called ‘Chanko-nabe’ and it’s a kind of traditional soup
with vegetables and meat.
Girl: Did you like it? It looks good.
Boy: Yes, it was nice and it was exactly what we needed. This was in January so it
was very cold! In fact, Mrs Nakamura showed Gemma how to make the soup
so you can come round one day and she’ll cook it for us! It will be like a real
taste of Japan for you.

寒假 Book A 第 28 讲 答案

Girl: That sounds great! I’d love to go to Japan one day. Where’s that photo of the
whale you took? Was it in Thailand? (fade out)


6a Read the task below and Mario’s answer. There are eight mistakes in Mario’s
answer. Find and correct them.

traditional, supermarket, always, together, small, piece, because, really

7a Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Listen, check and say.

1 footballer, 2 deliver, 3 understand, 4 Japanese,

5 traditional, 6 afternoon, 7 documentary, 8 professional


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