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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-2, April, 2017 Available online at http://www.ijart.



ISSN 2519-5115

Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Natural Purgative

Dr. Ramesh Tewani ABSTRACT
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma
Dr. S.V. Rao Amla or Amalaki can be said as the most used Naturopathic
ingredient. It is both a food and medicine. The little fruit is stuffed
with innumerable health benefits that can ever be imagined.
1 Medicinal plants are natural gift to human lives to promote disease
Ph.D (Yoga) Scholar, M.G. free healthy life. Indian gooseberry commonly known as Amla is
Chitrakoot Gramodaya widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas and has
Vishavidyalaya, Chitrakoot therapeutic potential against deleterious diseases. (Vasant B.S. et. al.
(Satna) M.P 2013). Amla literally means "sour"; it is the Hindi word for a fruit
Associate Professor of tree (Emblica officinalis or Phyllanthus emblica) that grows
Philosophy, M.G. Chitrakoot throughout India and bears sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits. Amla
Gramodaya Vishavidyalaya, is also known by the Sanskrit name "Amalaki." Other Sanskrit
Chitrakoot (Satna) M.P nicknames for amla—names meaning "mother," "nurse," and
3 "immortality"—are a testament to the healing capacity of its fruits.
Ex. Vice Dean & Retd.
Professor of Physiology. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the
liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart,
strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination of free radicals, enhances
fertility, helps the urinary system, increases skin health, promotes
healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases
vitality, strengthens eyes, improves muscle tone and, acts as an
antioxidant. Amla is probably the ideal fruit you are able to take in
on regular basis with no negative effects. Being natural, it may be
ingested frequently for extended amounts of time, with no
undesirable or even unwanted effect. This particular all-natural
compound has countless advantages for mankind. Due to several
Corresponding author: health advantages, Amla turns into component of almost all the hair
Dr. Ramesh Tewani care, eye care, as well as digestive care.
Keywords- Amla, Health Benefits, Antioxidant.
Received: April 20, 2017
Revised: April 29, 2017
Published: April 30, 2017

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@IJART-2016, All Rights Reserved
IJART- Vol-2, Issue-2, April, 2017 Available online at

INTRODUCTION vigor (Singh et al., 2012). It is equally

esteemed both by Hindu and the
According to principle of Yoga and Muhammadan physicians. It has now been
Naturopathy sound body, sound mind is definitely ascertained by laboratory test that
necessary for Health. So Amla is a gift of no other fruit or foodstuff can stand
nature to mankind and gifted by mother comparison with this berry as a source of
nature as blessing of God to their children vitamin C (Kulrajan 1983). Amla effective
(humans), which gives us healthy and in slowing down the ageing process. Ageing
disease free life. Amla (also called Indian is a cumulative result of damage to various
Gooseberry in English) is an important cells and tissues, mainly by oxygen free
medicinal plant. The word ―amla is derived radicals. Vitamin C is a scavenger of free
from the Sanskrit word ―amlaki‖, which radicals which breaks them down; it has an
means ―the sustainer‖ or prosperity. Its antioxidant synergism with vitamin E which
fruit pulp is used for rejuvenation prevents pre-oxidation of lipids. Liver
(Srivasuki, 2012) purposes and anti-ageing toxins, high blood cholesterol and age-
properties (Srivasuki, 2012).It has potent related kidney disorders have all been
immunomodulatory and antioxidant (Jain scientifically proven to be corrected with the
et al., 2015). Amalaki reduces free radicals antioxidant properties contained in Amla
in the body and provides good amount of berries (Jain et al., 2015). It has been
nutrients, especially Vitamin C. The fruit pulp worshiped since ancient times as the ―Earth
of an Amla contains 20 times more Vitamin Mother‖. The tree is best known for its
C content than an orange. The Indian succulent fruit. The fruit is small and light
gooseberry holds a high place among the green in color with six vertical stripes and a
fruits which offer a definite contribution to hard seed inside. The seed has three angles
health. The WHO is encouraging, promoting and three sides.
and facilitating the effective use of natural
medicine for the developing countries health CLASSIFICATION
program (Jain et al., 2015). Indian
gooseberry is a wonderful fruit and one of Kingdom: Plantae
the precious gifts of nature to man. Through Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
centuries the berry has been the friend of the
Order: Geraniales
common man in the East. From time Family: Euphorbiaceae
immemorial it has been used as an useful Genus: Emblica
ingredient of various medicines in India and Species: officinalis Geartn.
the Middle East. It is enormously used as a Botanical name: Phyllanthus emblica
tonic to restore the lost body’s energy and

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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-2, April, 2017 Available online at


active ingredients)
Table of chemical constituents (Kulranjan 87)
Content Amount in Repeated laboratory tests made in Coonoor have revealed
Percentage (%) that Amla is excellent source of vitamin C.
Protein 0.5
Fat 0.1
Mineral salt 0.7
Cellulose 3.4
Carbohydrate 14.1
Calcium .05
Phosphorus 0.02
Iron 1.2 mg
Niacin/ traces/
Nicotinic acid 0.2mg/100g
Moisture 81.2

Vitamin C Amount of Vitamin C

Fruit name amount/100gms Form of Amla in mgs /100 gms
(in mgs)
Amla (King of 600 Fresh Fruit 470-680
vitamin C)
Tomatoes 32 Dehydrated berry 2428-3470
Lime juice 63 Shade dry (powder form 1780-2660
Pineapple 120 Sun dry 1550-1840
Banana 170
Guava(Queen 200
of vitamin C)

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Table-2: showing various properties of Amla fruit

S. Properties Components Mechanism Reference


1. Anticancer Aqueous/methan In vitro apoptosis, In vitro Ngamkitidechak

olic invasiveness, Inhibition of nf k-β ul et al.,
fruit extract and cell 2010; Baliga and
polyphenols of Dsouza,
Emblica 2011; Aggarwal
officinalis. and
Shishodia, 2004

2. Hepatoprotect Vitamin C, By enzymatic antioxidants Reddy et al.,

ive Gallic acid, defense system (SOD, CAT, and 2009;
Flavonoids, GPx) Sharma et al.,
Tannins 2009
and Phyllanthin.

3. Cardioprotecti Emblicanin A, Prevents ischemia- reperfusion Bhattacharya et

ve B, induced oxidative stress and al., 2002;
Ascorbic acid, inhibit oxidation of DNA Pandey and
Polyphenols, Govind, 2011

4. Anti Methanolic Reduced inflammation by Golechha et al.,

inflamma- extract of carrageenan induced rat paw 2014
tory fruit edema method

5. Immunostimu Vitamin C Improve natural killer cell Suresh and

lant (ascorbic activity and antibody dependent Vasudevan, 1994
acid) cellular toxicity

6. Antioxidant Flavonoids, Free radical scavenging activity Prakash et al.,

Phenolic Increases the level of GSH, 2012
compound, antioxidant capacity, and Shivananjappa
Tannin and activities of antioxidant enzyme and Joshi, 2012
Vitamin C (SOD, CAT, GSH peroxidase and
GSH reductase)

7. Antimicrobial Ethanolic extract Inhibiting the adhesion of Thaweboon and

candida albicans to human buccal Thaweboon,
epithelium cells. 2011

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8. Gastroprotecti Fruit extracts By inhibited the development of Al-Rehaily et al.,

ve gastric lesions 2002

9. Hypolipidemi Flavonoids Attenuating oxidative stress Yokozawa et al.,

c 2007a

10. Nephroprotect Fruit extract Reduced the elevated levels of Yokozawa et al.,
ive serum creatinine and urea 2007b
nitrogen,thiobarbituric acid
reactive substance level of serum

11. Metabolic Polyphenol Metabolic syndrome is attenuated Kim et al., 2010

syndrome by polyphenol rich fraction of

12. Osteoporosis Fruit extract Triggering programme cell death Penolazzi et al.,
of human primary osteoclasts 2008

13. Dermoprotect Fruit extract and Stimulated fibroblast proliference Fujii et al., 2008
ive Vitamin C and induced production of pro
and ageing collagen

(Sharma et al., 2015)

Health Benefits of Amla urine clear and relieves the burning
sensation in urination (Mukharjee 1983).
Amla helpful in jaundice, piles, indigestion, Arthritis
cough and dimness of vision (Mukhajee, Amla has anti-inflammatory property. Its
1983). The fresh fruit is diuretic and laxative use has been found beneficial in reducing
(Sivananda S., 1999). Amla has been inflammation in arthritis and other
reported to possess expectorant, purgative, rheumatic conditions (Bakhru 2014).
spasmolytic, antibacterial, hypoglycemic
(Jamwal et al., 1959; Jayshri and Jolly, Respiratory Disorders
1993), heaptoprotective and hypolipidemic A tablespoonful of the fresh juice mixed
(Thakur and Mandal, 2004) activity with equal quantity of honey taken every
(Mishra,2009). day in the morning is the surest medicine to
prevent one from tuberculosis of lungs,
Diarrhoea and Dysentery asthma, bronchitis, lung abscess, pneumonia
Amla is very useful in diarrhoea and blood (Aman,1969).
dysentery (Mukharjee 88). The dried fruit is
valuable in diarrhoea and dysentery. A drink Diabetes
made from amla mixed with lemon juice and A tablespoonful of amla juice mixed with a
honey is considered highly beneficial in cup of fresh bitter -gourd juice taken once
controlling acute bacillary dysentery daily for a couple of months stimulates the
(Bakhru, 2001). Amla makes the flow of islets of langerhans and help them to secrete
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their own natural insulin. Thus a geniune bleeding during menstruation, abortions,
diabetic, it reduces the biood sugar, imparts child birth, post-partum haemorrhage
a feeling of well-being, prevents from (Aman, 1969).
neuritis, eye complications (Aman, 1969).
Dry powder of amla 1 teaspoonful given Leucorrhoea
with a glassful of butter milk once daily is a Decoction of the dry fruit is used as a
medicine for burning in the rectum, soles douche for leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea etc.
and palms. Given with a teaspoonful jamun (Bakhru, 2001). When there is excessive
seeds powder daily once is a medicine to haemorrhage from uterus, the juice of fruit is
control sugar in the urine of a diabetic administered together with honey. It is
(Aman, 1969). regarded as a food medicine for leucorrhoea
(Mukharjee, 1983).
Heart disease
Indian gooseberry is considered an effective Prevents Ageing
remedy for heart disease. It tones up the Indian gooseberry has revitalising effect. It
functions of all organs of the body and contains an element which is very valuable
builds up health by destroying the in preventing ageing and in maintaining
heterogenous elements and renewing the strength in old age. It improves body
body energy (Bakhru, 2001). Amla helps to resistance and protects against infection. It
treat in acute cardiac emergencies, high B.P strengths the heart, hair and different glands
(Aman, 1969). in the body (Bakhru, 2001). Amla is a food
which removes premature oldness and gives
Cancer along life (Mukharjee, 1983). Amla is best
The powerful antioxidant Ellagic acid, of all acid fruits and is most useful in health
present in Amla, can inhibit mutations in and disease (Mukhajee, 1983).
genes and repairs the chromosomal
abnormalities. Amla inhibits the growth and Hair Tonic
spread of various cancers like breast, uterus, Amla is an accepted hair tonic in traditional
pancreas, stomach and liver cancers. It can recipes for enriching hair growth and hair
prevent and /or reduce the side effects of pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, is
chemotherapy and radiotherapy (Dasaroju dried preferably in shade. These pieces are
and Gottumukkala, 2014). Amla, as a super boiled into coconut oil till solid matter
food source of vitamin C, can be become like charred dust. This darkish oil is
beneficially used in fight against cancer. an excellent oil to prevent greying. The
Vitamin C is the most potent anti-toxin water in which dried amla pieces are soaked
known. It can effectively neutrilise or overnight is also nourishing to hair. This
minimize the damaging effect of most water should be used for last rinse while
chemical carcinogens in food and washing the hair (Bakhru, 2001). Premature
environment and thus be of great value in grey hair, heaviness of head or dullness of
cancer prevention program as well as brain (including lunacy), irritable temper,
treatment of cancer (Bakhru, 2014). loss of patience, etc., have been relieved by
use of amla, which is the richest source of
Excessive Bleeding vitamin C or ascorbic acid. The raw fruit is
Fresh amla juice with honey as a medicated crushed and applied over the head, and
tonic during the treatment of excessive allowed to dry while basking in the sun
Tewani et al., 2017
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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-2, April, 2017 Available online at

followed by full bath (Lakshmana Sarma, proven fruit for both its application and
2005). efficacy.

Amla with honey used in slow healing of
ulcers, fractured bones before and after Jain R., Pandey R., Mahant R. N. and
surgery (Aman1969). Rathore D.S., (2015). A REVIEW ON
Oral Health EMBLICA OFFICINALIS, International
Amla juice plays a important role to treat Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and
dental caries, Gingivitis (Aman, 1969). Research, 6(1): 72-84.

Eye diseases Singh E., Sharma S., Pareek A., Dwivedi J.,
A cupful of pure amla juice with honey Yadav S. and Sharma S., (2011).
given twice daily preserves eye sight, cures Phytochemistry, traditional uses and cancer
conjunctivitis and glaucoma. It reduces the chemopreventive activity of Amla
intra ocular tension (Aman, 1969). (Phyllanthus emblica): The Sustainer,
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science,
Worms 2(1): 176-183.
A tablespoonful of the juice mixed with a
cupful of coconut milk daily twice for a Sharma R., Jain N., Rani D. ,Jaitawat A.,
week expels tape-worm and hook worms Kantwa S. M., (2015). Review article on
(Aman, 1969). Role of Emblica officinalis and Foeiniculum
vulgare during pregnancy and lactation,
CONCLUSION International Journal of Advanced
Multidisciplinary Research, 2(4): 103–113.
Amla is considered the ―wonder-fruit‖.
Highly esteemed from the point of view of Srivasuki K.P., (2012). NUTRITIONAL
nutrition, it has great medicinal value. Amla AND HEALTH CARE BENEFITS OF
is probably the richest known natural source AMLA, Journal of Pharmacognosy, 3(2):
of Vitamin C which is readily assimilated by 147-151.
the human system (Jussawala J.M., 1993).
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get rid of these free radicals which enhance 62,115.
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@IJART-2016, All Rights Reserved

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