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Wind Speed Calculation for Sign boards

Vb = Basic wind speed ------{as per Dubai wind code 22, clause-3.1.2}

= 45 m/s (or 160 km/hr.) ------{calculated for averaging time of 3 seconds}

= 30 m/s (or 108 km/hr.)-------{ calculated for averaging time of 10 minutes}

BS EN 1991-1-4:2004 states “The fundamental value of the basic wind speed is the characteristic 10 minutes mean wind velocity, irrespective of
wind direction and time of year, at 10m above ground level in open country terrain with low vegetation such as grass and isolated with seperations
of at least 20 obstacle heights”.

Therefore, Vb =30 m/s.

Vz = Vb X Sa X Sd X Ss X Sp  (BS EN 1991-1-4:2004, clause

Sa = 1 + 0.001ΔS  (Topography Factor)

= 1.0 (Level Ground) (BS EN 1991-1-4:2004, clause

Sd = 1.0 (Recommended Value)  ( Direction Factor)

(BS EN 1991-1-4:2004: clause 4.3.1- NOTE 2)

Ss = 1.0 (Recommended Value )  (Seasonal Factor)

(BS EN 1991-1-4:2004: Equ. 4.1- NOTE 3)

1  K  ln ln1  p

Sp =  (Probability Factor)
(1  K  ln ln1  0.98 (BS EN 1991-1-4:2004: Equ.4.2)
= 0.96 (where, p= Design annual probability of exceedance
K= Shape Parameter=0.2
n= exponent=0.5)

Vz = 30 x 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 X0.96

= 28.80 m/sec.

Design wind pressure:-

Pz = ½ ρVz2 (BS EN 1991-1-4:2004: Equ. 4.10)

= ½ X 1.25 X 28.802
= 518.40 N/m2 > 500 N/m2 (As per general guidelines for wind loads
given by DM wind code)
Wind force on Signboard

F = Cf . Ae . Pd (BS EN 1991-1-4:2004: Clause 5.3)

= 1.74 x 5.7 x 3.1 x .518 Drag coefficient ,Cf = 1.74 for (0.5 ≤ h/b ≤ = 6)

= 15.93 KN

Design of planted foundations

Calculation of overturning moment

Location of fulcrum point = 0.707d (BD 94/07: clause 11.4)

= 0.707 x 1.0 m
= 0.707 m

The design is based on four planted spread foundations of dimension 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 m3.

Mo = Destabilising force x lever arm to foundation/ no. of isolated foundations.

Mo = (0.707 + 4.85m) x (0.518 KN/m2) x (5.7 x 3.1)/4

= 12.72 KN

Calculation of resisting moment

Mg = G x D x d3 D= maximum dimension taken normal to the direction of wind load

(BD 94/07: clause 11.7)

= 390 x 1.0 x 1.03

10 where, G= shear factor
= 390 KN/m2 (for average soil) (BD 94/07 :Table 3)
= 39.0 KNm where, P= Planting depth = 1.0m

As per soil report the top 1m of soil (N value ranging from 24 to 40) is good enough to be considered as an average
soil. Moreover, soil compaction will be carried out to improve the properties of the soil.

Mg ≥ Mo x ɤf where, ɤf = 1.25 (BD 94/07: clause 11.4)

≥ 12.72 x 1.25

Mg = 39.0 kNm ≥ 15.90 kNm

(so safe)

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