USB Data Software ESC 6150

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC

Software Installation
ESC 03 01


31/1543-LZA 701 6009 Uen E


© Ericsson AB 2016, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.


The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to
continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall
have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use
of this document.

Trademark List

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the

United States and other countries.

All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
These are shown in the document Trademark Information.

31/1543-LZA 701 6009 Uen E | 2017-05-09



1 Introduction 1

2 Work flow 1
2.1 ESC Scratch Installation Flow 1
2.2 ESC Replacement Flow 3

3 Preparing the USB Memory Stick Using Windows

Explorer 3
3.1 Prerequisites 4
3.2 Checking the License Key File 4
3.3 Checking the Software Image File 5
3.4 Preparing the Configuration File 5
3.5 Checking the Configuration File 6
3.6 Loading Files onto the USB Memory Stick 6

4 Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets 8

4.1 General configuration 8
4.2 Specific configurations 9
4.3 Instructions for Replacing Bold Text in File Template 16

Glossary 18

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

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Work flow

1 Introduction

Cabinets such as Enclosure 6130, 6140, and 6150 come with a preconfigured
control unit, ESC 03 01. In case of a HW replace or factory reset of the unit,
the software, license, and configuration need to be re-installed following this

2 Work flow

2.1 ESC Scratch Installation Flow

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

ESC scratch installation

Collect sie
Collect ESC SW

Create site specific

No Yes
LKF ready?

Prepare USB stick

Use USB Install SW on-site

Backup site configuration

Collect LKF when ready

Load LKF


Figure 1 ESC scratch installation flow

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Preparing the USB Memory Stick Using Windows Explorer

2.2 ESC Replacement Flow

ESC replacement

Collect configuration Create generic

Collect LKF Collect ESC SW
backup autoconf.cli

Prepare USB stick

Use USB Install SW on-site

Restore site configuration

Figure 2 ESC replacement flow

3 Preparing the USB Memory Stick Using

Windows Explorer

This section describes how to prepare the site-specific USB memory stick for
the ESC software installation.

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

3.1 Prerequisites
This section contains information about the documentation, equipment, and
conditions required for the procedure.

3.1.1 Equipment
Ensure that the following tools are available:

• USB memory stick, FAT32-formatted, minimum capacity 32 Mb

• PC with Windows XP or later version

• Digital version of this document, to make it possible to copy and paste

file template text

3.1.2 Site Configuration Data

Ensure that the following site configuration data is available:

• ESC Name

The Name must be unique within the network of nodes.

• IP address to the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server

• ESC primary IP address

• ESC primary subnet mask

• Default gateway

• For alarms, the IP address to OSS trap receiver

• Battery Backup Capacity

3.2 Checking the License Key File

A License Key File (LKF) needs to be installed on the ESC to enable the ESC

The first time an ESC is installed, an initial grace period is started, which permits
unrestricted use for 21 days. All ESC features are activated during the grace
period. This enables node usage while waiting for the license key file to arrive.

If no licenses are activated before the grace period expires, no

license-dependent features will then be available.

ESC functionality will be limited to remote license activation via Ethernet.

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Preparing the USB Memory Stick Using Windows Explorer

ESC licenses of enclosure controllers do not require separate ordering.

When the ESC 03 01 hardware is ordered, the attached licenses will also be
ordered automatically. A License Authentication Code (LAC) will be delivered
to the customer. The LAC together with the ESC 03 01 serials number shall be
used to generate the LKF per site from the ELIS system.

Note: The LKF will not be pre-installed in the factory.

To check the license key file, do the following:

1. Check that the name of the license key file is


If the file is named differently it must be renamed license.

2. Check that the file type of the license key is the XML file format (.xml).

To display the file type, right-click on the file and select ‘‘Properties’’.

3.3 Checking the Software Image File

Released ESC SW should be fetched only from Ericsson software gateway.
The detailed software release information can be found in the release notes,
which is also located in the software gateway. There might be multiple
images packed in the CXP SW container CXP 901 7878/1. 1/190 03-CXP
901 7878/1.img shall be used.

3.4 Preparing the Configuration File

The configuration file contains the basic data to make the ESC available for
remote access. If a prepared configuration file is not available, do the following
steps. If a file is available, check it according the instructions in Section 3.5 on
page 6.

3.4.1 Prepare Configuration

To prepare the configuration file, do the following:

1. Start the Notepad application on the PC.

2. Copy for this enclosure applicable configuration file templates that are
available in Section 4 on page 8.

3. Paste the configuration file templates into the empty Notepad text

4. In the text document, replace the text that corresponds to the bold text in
Table 1 according to the site configuration data.

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

3.4.2 Save File

To save the file in the correct file format, do the following:

1. In the Notepad File menu, select Save As.

2. In the Save as type drop down list, select All Files.

3. In the File name text field, enter autoconf.cli

4. In the Encoding drop down menu, select UTF-8.

5. Choose a destination folder and click Save.

3.5 Checking the Configuration File

Do the following to check the configuration file:

1. Check that the name of the configuration file is


If the file is named differently it must be renamed autoconf.

2. Check that the file type is the CLI file format (.cli).

To display the file type, right-click on the file and select Properties .

3.6 Loading Files onto the USB Memory Stick

Note: The autoconf file and the license file are valid for one ESC only. It is
not possible to use a stick with the same data on more than one ESC.

If license file is not available when preparing the USB stick, skip the
license file saving in step 3 and load the license file later via ESC GUI.

To prepare the USB memory stick, do the following:

1. Insert the USB memory stick into a USB port on the PC.

2. Make sure that the stick is FAT32-formatted.

To display the file system format, open Windows Explorer, right-click on the
USB device, and select Properties.

3. Make copies of the three files below:

• Software image file

• autoconf

• license

6 31/1543-LZA 701 6009 Uen E | 2017-05-09

Preparing the USB Memory Stick Using Windows Explorer

4. Transfer the three file copies to the memory stick. The files must be placed
in the root of the stick, not in a folder.

5. Remove the stick from the PC.

6. Label the stick with a unique name, for example ESC_sitename

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

4 Configuration File Template for Enclosure


This section provides a template for the configuration file for Enclosure 6130,
6140, 6150, 6330, and 6340, and supporting the Megmeet controller or
Emerson controller. Replace the
bold text with relevant site configuration data, as described in Table 1.

Configuration template rows that start with ";" only have the purpose to explain
the command rows immediately below the comment row.

If a configuration backup file already is available, only the general configuration

template in Section 4.1 on page 8 should be used to create the autoconf.cli file.
The rest of the configuration can then be restored by the Restore Configuration
procedure in Integrating ESC 03 01.

If no configuration backup file is available, applicable configuration templates

included in Section 4.2 on page 9 should be added to the general configuration
to make a more complete configuration restore.

4.1 General configuration

General configuration used for all enclosures.

File template

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Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets

; HGM standard configuration for ESC 03 01

starttransaction t
; Set ESC Name=
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 name ""
; TimeServer needs to be set on site.
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 systemClockTimeServer ""
; wakeUpRegistration needs to be set on site.
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 wakeUpRegistration ""
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 wakeUpEventInterval "1"
; Management and connection
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 depIPInterface "SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 managementMode "standAloneMode"
; Default SN, changed at site to SDN if ESCM is used.
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 defaultManagementMibType "SN"
; Network related settings
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUND-VG depLinkLayer "SDN=0,EthernetInterface=NORTHBOUND-ETH"
createMO t SDN=0,EthernetInterface=NORTHBOUND-ETH
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,EthernetInterface=NORTHBOUND-ETH portNumber "1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,EthernetInterface=NORTHBOUND-ETH sendLinkAlarmAllowed "true"
createMO t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUND-VG,VLAN=default
; If VLAN tagging is needed change tagged to "true" and tagValue to desired VLAN tag
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUND-VG,VLAN=default tagged "false"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUND-VG,VLAN=default tagValue "1"
createMO t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP depLinkLayer "SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUND-VG,VLAN=default"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP mode "DHCP"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP primaryIPAddress ""
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP primarySubNetMask""
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHBOUND-IP defaultGateway ""

commit t
endTransaction t

; To change the password of the ESC, replace the last two default with new password. 1st default is the current
changepwd default default default

4.2 Specific configurations

The configuration templates included in this chapter each have their specific

Only those templates applicable for the present configuration should be

included in the autoconf.cli file.

Note: The configuration templates included in this chapter should only be

used in case no configuration backup file is available. For further
information how to use an existing configuration backup file, see the
Restore Configuration procedure in Integrating ESC 03 01

4.2.1 Enclosure 6130 and 6140 AC supplied cabinets, Megmeet (MC1800)

This part is applicable for Enclosure 6130 and 6140 AC supplied cabinets.

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

; HGM Specific configuration for MC1800

startTransaction t2
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM

; Configuration handling of batteries

createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryString=1

; Set BatteryCapacity to match installed capacity on site

setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryString=1 configuredCapacity "100"
; Set maximumBatteryChargeCurrent to 0.1 x C as default
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 maximumBatteryChargeCurrent=0.1
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryProfile=1
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 depEquipment "SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800"

; Set battery installation date on site YYYY-MM-DD

setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 installationDate "0000-00-00"

; Add MC1800
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,Ref=0
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,Ref=0 dep="SDN=0,SerialPort=MC1800,Equipment=1"

; Add External alarms connected to MC1800

; Door
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door portId=2

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door depEquipment="SDN=0,

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door inputActive=activeWhenClosed

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipmentA

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverity ma
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause m3100E
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem "Doo
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText ""

; Climate-system
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem portId=1

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerMana

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType e

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSe
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCau
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificPro
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalT

; Digital 3
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3 portId=3

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3 depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerManager=H

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3 inputActive=activeWhenClosed

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipm

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverit
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause x7
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital3,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText "

; Digital 4
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4 portId=4

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4 depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerManager=H

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute 31/1543-LZA 701 6009
t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4 Uen E | 2017-05-09

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipm

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverit
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause x7
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=MC1800,AlarmPort=Digital4,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem
Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets

4.2.2 Enclosure 6150 Emerson M530B

Applicable for Enclosure 6150 cabinets.

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

; HGM Specific configuration for M530B

startTransaction t2
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM
; Configuration handling of batteries

createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1

createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryString=1

; Set BatteryCapacity to match installed capacity on site

setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryString=1 configuredCapacity "100"

; Set maximumBatteryChargeCurrent to 0.1 x C

setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 maximumBatteryChargeCurrent "0.1"
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1, BatteryProfile=1
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 depEquipment "SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B"

; Set battery installation date on site YYYY-MM-DD

setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 installationDate "0000-00-00"

; Add minorBattery Temperature alarm

createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp portId=1
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp convertExpression=""
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp sensorDescription=""
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp lowThreshold=-50
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp highThreshold=55
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp hysteresisThreshold=1
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp userLabel=""

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=LOW eventType=equipmentAl

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=LOW perceivedSeverity=cle
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=LOW probableCause=x733Tem
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=LOW specificProblem="Low
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=LOW additionalText=""
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=HIGH eventType=equipmentA
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=HIGH perceivedSeverity=ma
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=HIGH probableCause=x733Te
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=HIGH specificProblem="Hig
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1,AnalogInputPort=minorTemp,AlarmEntry=HIGH additionalText=""

; Add M530B
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B powerSystemType="M530B"
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,Ref=0
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,Ref=0 dep="SDN=0,SerialPort=M530B,Equipment=1"

; Add External alarms connected to M530B

; Door Alarm
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door portId=6

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Po

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door inputActive=activeWhenClosed

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipmentAl

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverity maj
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause m3100En
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem "Door
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText ""
; ClimateSystem Alarm
createMO t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem portId=5

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem depEquipment="SDN=0,PowerManag

; Default is Normally Open

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem inputActive=activeWhenClosed

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType eq

setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSev
setMOAttribute t2 31/1543-LZA 701 6009 Uen E | 2017-05-09
SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCaus
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProb
setMOAttribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,PowerSystem=M530B,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalTe

; Alarm 1
Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets

4.2.3 AC supplied cabinets: Default external alarms settings

Applicable for the Enclosure 6130 and 6140 AC supplied cabinets, as well as
Enclosure 6150.

; AC cabinet

; Create the 4 External alarms with default settings

startTransaction t

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=1
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=1 portId 1

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=2
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=2 portId 2
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=3
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=3 portId 3

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=4
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=4 portId 4

commit t
endTransaction t

4.2.4 DC supplied cabinets: Default external alarms settings

Applicable for Enclosure 6130 and 6140 DC supplied cabinets, and also
Enclosure 6330 and 6340.

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Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

; DC cabinet
; Create the 4 External alarms. Naming should be the same for all DC-cabinet variants
startTransaction t
;Climate system
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem portId 1
; Default is Normally Closed
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem inputActive activeWhenOpen

setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipmentAlarm

setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverity major
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause x733EquipmentMalfunction
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem "Climate system alarm"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=ClimateSystem,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText ""
; Door
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door portId 2
; Default is Normally Closed
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door inputActive activeWhenOpen
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType physicalViolation
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverity major
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause x736IntrusionDetection
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem "Door is open"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Door,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText ""
; DC circuit breaker
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker portId 3
; Default is Normally Closed
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker inputActive activeWhenOpen
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE eventType equipmentAlarm
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE perceivedSeverity major
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE probableCause x733PowerProblem
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE specificProblem "Load CircuitBreaker tripped"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=CircuitBreaker,AlarmEntry=ACTIVE additionalText "One or more circuit breakers ha
;Spare alarm
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Spare
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=Spare portId 4

commit t
endTransaction t

4.2.5 SAU

SAU is a unit that can be connected to ESC0301 if more external alarm ports
are required. This part is applicable for any cabinet using a SAU.

; Configuration of ESC 03 01 EC and SAU port

startTransaction t
createMO t SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU portNumber 2
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU mode RS485
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU protocol HDLC
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU bitRate 115200
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,Serialport=EC-SAU dataBits 8
createMO t SDN=0,ECbus=1
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,ECbus=1 depSerialPort "SDN=0,SerialPort=EC-SAU"
commit t
endTransaction t

Note: The EC port needs to be configured with above commands before

the SAU can be configured. After above commands have been
executed, wait ~5 Seconds before below commands for SAU
configuration is executed.

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Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets

; Configuration of all 32 SAU alarms

startTransaction t
createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-1
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-1 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-1 portId 1

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-2
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-2 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-2 portId 2

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-3
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-3 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-3 portId 3

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-4
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-4 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-4 portId 4

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-5
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-5 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-5 portId 5

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-6
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-6 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-6 portId 6

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-7
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-7 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-7 portId 7

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-8
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-8 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-8 portId 8

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-9
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-9 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-9 portId 9

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-10
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-10 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-10 portId 10

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-11
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-11 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-11 portId 11

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-12
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-12 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-12 portId 12

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-13
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-13 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-13 portId 13

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-14
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-14 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-14 portId 14

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-15
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-15 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-15 portId 15

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-16
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-16 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-16 portId 16

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-17
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-17 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-17 portId 17

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-18
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-18 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-18 portId 18

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-19
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-19 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-19 portId 19

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-20
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-20 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-20 portId 20
createMO t 701 6009 Uen E | 2017-05-09
SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-21 15
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-21 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-21 portId 21

createMO t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-22
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,AlarmPort=SAU1-22 depEquipment="SDN=0,ECBus=1,Equipment=SAU1"
Preparing USB Memory Stick for ESC Software Installation

4.3 Instructions for Replacing Bold Text in File Template

Table 1 Instructions for Replacing Bold Text in File Template
Template Text Instruction and Description
ESC Name Replace the bold text with the unique ESC name that Customer
defined. E.g. WAR2093.
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 name "default"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 managementMode Replace the bold text with the following values:
• managedMode, if the ESC is managed through the ESC
• standAloneMode, if the ESC is managed through OSS-RC
or ServiceOn.
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 defaultManage Replace the bold text with one of the following values:
mentMibType "SN"
• SDN, if the ESC is managed through the ESC Manager.
• SN, if the ESC is managed through the OSS–RC
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 IPInterface=NORT To change the IP interface mode, replace the bold text with one
HBOUND-IP mode "DHCP" of the following values:

• STATIC, if the ESC has a dedicated static IP address.

• DHCP, if the IP address of the ESC is distributed using DHCP.
ESC primary IP address Do one of the following:
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 IPInterface=NORTHB
OUND-IP primaryIPAddress "" • If the IP interface mode is set to STATIC, add the the IP
address of the ESC between the double quotation marks (").
Example: primaryIPAddress ""

• If the IP interface mode is set to DHCP, delete this line.

Netmask Do one of the following:
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTHB
OUND-IP primarySubNetMask "" • If the IP interface mode is set to STATIC, add the subnet
mask of the ESC between the double quotation marks (").
Example: primarySubNetMask ""

• If the IP interface mode is set to DHCP, delete this line.

setMOAttribute t SDN=0,IPInterface=NORTH Do one of the following:
BOUND-IP defaultGateway ""
• If the IP interface mode is set to STATIC,add the subnet
mask of the ESC between the double quotation marks (").
Example: defaultGateway ""

• If the IP interface mode is set to DHCP, delete this line.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) server Add the IP address of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 systemClockTi between the double quotation marks (").
meServer ""
Example: systemClockTimeServer""
For alarms, the IP address to OSS trap receiver This line adds the address of the SNMP trap receiver, typically
setMOAttribute t SDN=0 wakeUpRegistration "" the OSS-RC or the ESC Manager. Separated by a colon (:)
add the IP address and the port number of the ESC Manager or
the OSS–RC between the double quotation marks (").
Example: wakeUpRegistration ""
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUN If VLAN tagging is needed change
D-VG,VLAN=default tagged "false"
setMOAttribute t SDN=0,VLANGroup=NORTHBOUN • tagged to "true"
D-VG,VLAN=default tagValue "1"
• tagValue to desired VLAN tag.

16 31/1543-LZA 701 6009 Uen E | 2017-05-09

Configuration File Template for Enclosure Cabinets

Table 1 Instructions for Replacing Bold Text in File Template

Template Text Instruction and Description
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 Replace the bold text with the battery installation date.
installationDate "0000-00-00"
setMOattribute t2 SDN=0,PowerManager=HGM,Battery=1 Replace the bold text with the battery capacity to match with
nominalBatteryCapacity "100" the installed capacity.
changePWD default default default Replace the bold text with a new password, typed twice and
separated by a space. This changes the password of the ESC,
from default to a new password.

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