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Ask Goo Goo Concept 

Lelana Villa 
Full Stack Software Developer 
Fresno, California 

JUN 07,2018 
An application to help seniors connect with tech. 

Software Development Concept 

For a generation whose introduction to technology includes the black and white 
television, where the metaphors of windows and desktops are not automatically 
understood, the blitz of cellphones, smart homes, and voice recognition systems can 
be confusing, intimidating and stressful. Add to this the elder’s need for 
companionship to ward off isolation and dementia, and the design problem transpires 
to a much bigger challenge than designing around physical limitations of the elderly.  

As technology advances more rapidly everyday, the younger generations often 

assume simple everyday tasks are a collective skill set, these assumptions have 
resulted in a whole demographic of the population, namely consumers aged 65 and 
up, being “left behind”, as the future speeds towards us.   

My interest in this group stems from the dynamic interaction of two forces: 1) senior 
populations are growing in percentage and sheer number both in the United States 


and internationally; and 2) as a group, the elderly have more disposable income to 
spend on IT than their younger counterparts.  

My interest is specifically what has been done and what needs to be done to move 
the field (and our seniors, specifically) forward. 

1. Project Overview 
Ask Goo Goo is a simple user interface with basic features included, but all UI elements 
optimized for users over 60+, and for a tablet size screen. 

2. Obstacles 
An obstacle that has a higher probability of affecting this project is the level of experience 
of the developer. The time frame set might have to be expanded on due to the inexperience 
of the developer, although the project will be completed. 

3. Industry and Market Risks 

Due to the high volume of people moving into the 65+ demographic each day, and the lack 
of software available to this generation, the market risks are minimal. With nearly no 
competition the forecasted outlook is optimal. 

4. Hardware 
Tablet Devices(all screen sizes) 

Smartphones - IOS, Android 



5. Software 
React, Redux, React-Router, React-Redux, Redux-Thunk, Bootstrap4, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, 
Javascript, jQuery, Express, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, body-parser, dotenv 


6. Set Milestones  

Milestone  Tasks       

1 - Analysis 

1.1  Analysis and design stage, gather data and       

create system mockup 

1.2  Architecture design       

1.3  Design work plan (distribution of tasks to  review work plan     
development teams) 

2 - Development 

2.1  Create database       

2.2  Import existing data       

2.3  Clean data       

2.4  Create GUI  review GUI     

2.5  Integration with API’s       

2.6  Integration with desktop interface       

3 - Testing 

3.1  Alpha testing desktop application       

3.2  Alpha testing smartphone application        

3.3  Open Beta (volunteers)       

3.4  Finalise documentation       

4 - Deployment 

4.1  Deployment to desktops       

4.2  Deployment to smartphones       

5 - Training 

Owner training 



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