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Let’s look at these so called “scientific studies” which drug companies use to push

their drugs or discredit natural remedies. The fact is that studies are funded by
someone, and are commissioned for a specific reason. They are either requested to
prove something works or to prove that something doesn’t work. Studies paid for by
pharmaceutical companies are never commissioned to find the truth. They are paid
for to give a specific and preplanned result. Drug companies have specific ways in
which they organize studies.
First, they produce secret studies to get some preliminary information on how to
conduct the final study that will give them the required result. These preliminary
studies are never released to the public and are only done to find the best way to
organize the final study to give the drug companies the desired end result. Drug
companies fund 99% of all studies, directly or indirectly. To hide the fact that a drug
company is funding a particular study, sometimes the funding is 10 times removed!
By channeling money through smaller companies, groups, foundations, and
institutes the study seems like it is honest and truthful. These studies that produce
results and supposedly “prove” that a particular drug is safe and effective are
completely false and misleading!
For example, first they run studies to find

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