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Mathematics III
Dr. Anil Kumar

Second Order Linear Differential


 A second order ordinary differential equation has the

general form
y   f ( x , y , y )
where f is the given function.
 The equation is said to be linear if f is linear in y and y  . That is
if it can be written in the form

y   P ( x ) y   Q ( x ) y  R ( x )
where P(x), Q(x) and R(x) are the functions of x alone or constant.
 If R(x) = 0, then the equation is known as homogeneous,
otherwise it is known as nonhomogeneous equation.
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Existence and Uniqueness

Theorem: Let P(x), Q(x) and R(x) be continuous functions

on some interval (a, b) and x0 be any point in (a, b) and if
y0 and y 0 are any two numbers whatever, then the
differential equation

y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  R( x) (1)

has one and only one solution on the entire interval (a, b)

y( x0 )  y0 and y( x0 )  y0 .

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Theorem …..

The theorem states that (1) has a unique solution (curve)

on (a, b) that passes through a specified point ( x0 , y 0 ) with
a specified slope y 0 .

In other words, it states that the solution of (1) can

be uniquely determined if we know the value of y and its
derivative y  at a single point x0 in (a, b).

• Throughout this chapter, we shall assume that the

hypothesis of the above theorem are satisfied.
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If yg is the general solution of the reduced equation

y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  0
and yp is any particular solution of the complete equation,

y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  R( x)
then yg+ yp is the general solution of nonhomogenous
differential equation.

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 If yg is known, then a formal procedure is available for
finding yp.
 Therefore, now the problem is to find the solution of
the homogeneous equation.
 y(x) = 0 for all x is always a solution for homogeneous
equation which is of no interest.
This solution (zero solution) is called trivial solution.

 Lemma: If y(x) be a solution of y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  0

satisfying y(x0) = 0 and y’(x0) = 0 for some x0 in (a, b),
then y(x) is identically zero on (a, b).

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Superposition Principle

Theorem: If y1(x) and y2(x) are any two solutions of the

homogeneous differential equation
y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  0 (1)

c1 y1 ( x)  c2 y2 ( x) (2)
is also a solution for any constants c1 and c2.

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 (2) is called linear combinations of the solutions y1 and

 Therefore, previous theorem can be stated as follows:
 Any linear combination of two solutions of
homogeneous equation (1) is also a solution of (1).
 For such equations sums and constant multiple of
solutions are again solutions of homogeneous equation.
 The result may not be true for nonhomogeneous and
nonlinear differential equations.

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Fundamental Theorem
Theorem : Let y1(x) and y2(x) be linearly independent
solutions of the homogeneous differential equation
y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  0 ()

on the interval [a, b]. Then

c1 y1 ( x )  c 2 y 2 ( x )
is the general solution of (*) on [a, b].

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The proof of the theorem will be given in stages, by means
of several lemmas and auxiliary ideas.

Let y(x) be any solution of (*) on [a, b]. We must show

that constants C1 and C2 can be found so that

y( x)  C1 y1 ( x)  C2 y2 ( x)  x[a, b]

Recall: A solution of (*) over all of [a, b] is completely

determined by its value and value of its derivative at a
single point.
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Since C1 y1 ( x )  C 2 y2 ( x ) and y(x) are both solutions of (*)
on [a, b], it suffices to show that for some point x 0 in [a, b]
we can find C1 and C2 so that
C1 y1 ( x0 )  C2 y2 ( x0 )  y ( x0 )
and C1 y1 ( x0 )  C 2 y2 ( x0 )  y ( x0 ).
For this system to be solvable for C1 and C2 , the
determinant of the coefficient matrix

y1 (x0 ) y2 ( x0 )
 y1 ( x0 ) y2 ( x0 )  y2 ( x0 ) y1(x0 )
y1(x0 ) y2 ( x0 )
should have a value different from zero.
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Let us consider the function

W ( y1, y2 )  y1 y2  y2 y1

known as Wronskian of y1 and y2.

 Now to investigate this function W at the point x0 .

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If y1 and y2 are any two solutions of (*) on [a, b], then their
Wronskian W = W(y1, y2) is either identically zero or never
zero on [a, b].

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Proof: We begin by observing that

W   y1 y2  y2 y1

Since y1 and y2 are both solutions of (*), we have

y1  Py1  Q y1  0
and y 2  Py 2  Q y 2  0.

On multiplying the first equation by y2 and the second by

y1 and subtracting the first from the second, we obtain
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  PW  0
The general solution of this equation is

W  Ce 
 Pdx

Since the exponential function is never zero, we see that W

is identically zero if C = 0 or never zero if C  0. Hence,
the proof is complete.

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Next to show that the Wronskian of two linearly

independent solution of (*) is not identically zero. This will
prove the theorem.

Lemma: If y1 and y2 are any two solutions of (*) on [a, b],

then they are linearly dependent (LD) on this interval if
and only if their Wronskian
W ( y1, y2 )  y1 y2  y2 y1
is identically zero.

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 Proof: Let us assume that y1 and y2 are LD, and we
will show that W  0 on [a, b].

 If either y1 or y2 is identically zero then

W ( y1 , y2 )  y1 y2  y2 y1  0

this proves the part.

 Let us assume that neither is identically zero, since
they are LD.

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These equations enable us to write

 y2  Cy1 for some constant C and hence
y2  Cy1
which proves this half of the lemma, i.e.
W ( y1 , y 2 )  y1 y 2  y 2 y1  y1 ( Cy1 )  (Cy1 ) y1  0
Conversely, let the Wronskian is identically zero on [a, b]
to show that y1 and y2 are LD.

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• If y1 is identically zero on [a, b], then the functions are
LD. This proves the part.
• Therefore
Let us assume that y1 is not identically zero on [a, b] this
implies by the continuity that y1 does not vanish at all
on some subinterval [c, d ] of [a, b].

• Since the Wronskian is identically zero on [a, b], we

divide it by y 1 2 to get
y1 y2  y2 y1
 0 on [c, d].

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 y2 
    0  y2  k y1
 y1 
for some constant k and all x in [c, d].

• Since y2 and ky1 have equal value in [c, d], they have
equal derivatives there as well hence by the theorem
y2  k y1
for all x in [a, b], which concludes the argument.

This complete the proof.

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1. Consider the differential equation

y '' y ' 12 y  0
and two solutions y1 ( x )  e3 x , y2 ( x)  e 4 x .
y(x) = c1 y1(x)+c2 y2(x) is general solution?

2. Show that y(x) =c1 sin x + c2 cos x is the general

solution of y '' y  0 on any interval and then find the
particular solution for which y(0)=2 and y’(0)=3.

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Example: Consider the two functions

f ( x)  x3 ,
g ( x)  x 2 x
On the interval [-1, 1].

a) Show that their Wronskian vanishes identically.

b) Show that f, g are not linearly dependent
c) Do (a) and (b) contradict Lemma 2: If not, why not?

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In general we have the following results:

Given two functions f(x) and g(x) that are differentiable on

some interval I.

a) If for some x0 in I, W(f, g)(x0)  0 then f(x) and g(x) are

linearly independent on the interval I.
b) If f (x) and g(x) are linearly dependent on I then
W(f, g)(x) = 0 for all x in the interval I.

• It DOES NOT say that if W(f, g)(x) = 0 then f(x) and

g(x) are linearly dependent. In fact it is possible for
two linearly independent functions to have a zero
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The Use of a Known solution

• We know that the general solution of the homogeneous

y '' P  x  y ' Q  x  y  0

can be written if we know two LI solutions of the above

• Unfortunately there is no general method for doing this.
• However, if we know one solution of the equation, then
the second LI solution can be determined and hence
general solution can be obtained.
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Use of a Known solution
 Let y1(x) is a nontrivial solution of

y '' P  x  y ' Q  x  y  0

 Take y2(x) = v(x) y1(x).

 Find the unknown function v(x).
 v(x) is given by

1   Pdx
v( x)   e dx

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Find the general solution of the following differential

equation when one of the solution is known

1. y  y  0, y1  sin x
2. (1  x2 ) y  2xy  2 y  0, y1  x
1 sin x
3. x2 y  xy  ( x2  ) y  0, y1 
4 x

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Homogeneous Equation with Constant
We are now in a position to give a complete discussion of
the homogeneous equation

y '' P  x  y ' Q  x  y  0

in which P(x) and Q(x) are constants p and q.

Let us consider the equation

y '' py ' qy  0 where p, q   (*)

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Homogeneous Equation with Constant


 Recall 1st order ODE y ' ay  0.

 It has a solution e-ax where constant –a in the solution, is the
solution of the equation m + a = 0.
 Since exponential function emx where m is a constant, has the
property that its derivatives are all constant multiples of the
function itself.
 It is reasonable to expect that for some appropriate constant
m, emx will be the solution of (*) as we can see that this work
for 1st order ODE.

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Homogeneous Equation with Constant
 This leads us to consider

y ( x)  e mx
as a possible solution of
y '' py ' qy  0

 (m 2  pm  q )e mx  0

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 We have the auxiliary equation

m2 + pm + q = 0
 It is a quadratic equation in m, which has two roots
say, m1 and m2 given by  p  p 2  4q

 Hence we have the following three possibilities.

1. m1 and m2 are real and distinct.
2. m1 and m2 are real and equal.
3. m1 and m2 are complex conjugates.

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Distinct Real Roots

Let the auxiliary equation

m 2  pm  q  0
have distinct real roots, m1 and m2 , that is, p  4q  0.

In this case we have the following two LI solutions

y1  em1x and y2  em2 x .
Hence the general solution is
y g  c1e m1 x  c 2 e m2 x .
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 Solve the following differential equations:

1. y '' y ' 12 y  0
2. y '' y ' 6 y  0, Case1. y (0)  1, y '(0)  0
Case 2. y (0)  0, y '(0)  1.
3. y '' 2 y '  0

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Equal Roots

Let the auxiliary equation

m 2  pm  q  0
have equal roots, m1 and m2 , that is, p  4 q  0.

In this case we have only one solutions

y1  e m1 x
Hence the general solution can not be obtained directly???

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• To find the second LI solution we use the method

discussed in the previous section

Use of a known solution

• We get y2 = x y1 as 2nd LI solution.

• Hence the general solution in this case is given by

y g  (c1  c2 x)e mx

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 Solve the following differential equations:

1. y '' 2 y ' y  0, y (0)  0, y '(0)  1

Despite an initial increase the function

decays to zero as t →∞

2. y '' 4 y ' 4 y  0, y(0)  0, y '(0)  3.

3. 4 y  20 y  25 y  0

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Complex Roots
Let the roots of the auxiliary equation

m 2  pm  q  0
m1 and m2 , are complex conjugate, that is p 2  4q  0.

Let m1  a  ib and m2  a  ib
Hence the general solution in this case can be written as

yg  eax (c1 cos bx  c2 sin bx) Why?

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Find the general solution of the following differential


1. y   y  0
2. y '' 2 y ' 3 y  0
3. y   4 y   5 y  0, y (0)  1, y '(0)  0
4. x 2 y   3 xy   10 y  0 x 2 y  pxy  qy  0, p, q are
constants called as Euler's
equidimensional equations.
5.( x  2) 2 y  ( x  2) y  y  0
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Nonhomogeneous equation
The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

• Next to find the solution of nonhomogeneous differen-

tial equation
y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  R( x) (*)
• General solution of this equation is given by
y( x)  yg ( x)  y p ( x).
where yg(x) be the general solution of the associated
homogeneous equation and yp(x) be the particular
solution of nonhomogeneous equation.

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• Method of undetermined coefficients is a procedure of
finding yp(x) when the above is of the form
y  P( x) y  Q ( x) y  R( x)
where p, q are constants and R(x) is an Exponential, a
Sine or Cosine, a Polynomial, or some combination of
such functions.
• Let us consider different cases and the suitable choice
of yp(x) in these cases.
• Case 1: When the equation is of the form
y  p y  q y  eax ,
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The choice of yp(x) is given in the following table :

y p ( x)  Aeax ,
R( x)  eax
provided ‘a’ is not a root of the auxiliary

y p ( x)  Axeax ,
R( x)  eax

provided ‘a’ is a simple root of the

auxiliary equation

R( x)  eax y p ( x)  Ax2 eax ,

provided ‘a’ is a double root of the
auxiliary equation
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 Solve the following non homogeneous solution

1. y '' 3 y ' 4 y  3e 2 x .
2. y '' y ' 6 y  20e 2 x .

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Case 2: When the equation is of the form

y   p y   qy  sin bx
Then yp(x) is given in the following table

y p ( x)  A sin bx  B cos bx
R ( x)  sin b x or cos b x
provided ‘sin bx , cos bx’ are not
the part of yg

y p ( x)  x( A sin bx  B cos bx)

R( x)  sin bx or cos bx
provided ‘sin bx , cos bx’ are part
of yg

where A, B are the undetermined coefficients.

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 Solve the following non homogeneous solution

1. y '' 4 y  3sin x.
2. y '' y  2sin x.

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Case 3: If the equation is of the form

y   p y   qy  a 0  a1 x    a n x n
Then yp(x) is given in the following table

yp  A0  A1 x  An x n
R( x)  a0  a1x   an x n

provided q  0.

yp  x (A0 A1 x  An x n )
R( x)  a0  a1x   an x n

If q=0, p0.

where A0 , A1 , …, An are the undetermined coefficients.

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 Find the general solutions of the following equations

1. y '' 2 y ' 2 y  x 2 .
2. y ''' y ''  4 x 2 .

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The choice of yp(x) is given in the following table :

RHS Choice of yp(x)

R( x)  xeax y p ( x)  ( A x  B)eax

R( x)  eax sin bx y p ( x)  eax ( A sin bx  B cos bx)

R( x)  x sin bx yp (x)  (Ax  B) sin bx(Cx  D) cos bx

R( x)  xeax sin bx yp (x)  ( Ax  B ) e

sin b x  (C x  D) ea x cos b x

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 Find the general solutions of the following equations

3. y  4 y  12 y  xe4 x .
4. y  2 y ' 2 y  e x sin x.

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Principle of Superposition

If y1(x) and y2(x) are solutions of

y   P ( x ) y   Q ( x) y  R1 ( x )
y   P ( x ) y   Q ( x) y  R2 ( x )
Then y(x) = y1(x)+ y2(x) is a solution of
y  P ( x) y  Q( x) y  R1 ( x)  R2 ( x ).

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x x
(i ) 4 y   16 y   17 y  e 2 x sin    6 x cos   .
2 2

x x
(ii ) 4 y   y  e 2 x sin    6 x cos   .
2 2

(i ) y  xe
2 x

    
A sin
 B cos
  Cx  D  cos 

 ( Ex  F ) sin 


(ii ) y  e
2 x

    
A sin

 B cos

 x  Cx  D cos 

 x( Ex  F ) sin  x

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The Method of Variation of Parameters

 Recall the nonhomogeneous equation

y  P ( x ) y   Q ( x ) y  R ( x ) (1)
 The Method of undetermined coefficient can not be
applied here to find the particular solution unless P(x)
and Q(x) are constants.

 The Method of Variation of Parameters is a more general

method of finding the particular solution of the above

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The Method of Variation of Parameters
yg ( x)  C1 y1  C2 y2 (2)
be the general solution of the associated homogeneous
y  P ( x) y   Q ( x ) y  0 (3)

To find the general solution of (1), we need to find a

particular solution yp (x) of (1), from the observation we
will take yp to be a solution which is not a part of (2), so we
y p ( x)  v1 ( x) y1  v2 ( x) y2 (Why?)

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The Method of Variation of Parameters

To find v1 and v2, we need to equations such that

1. yp (x) is a solution of (1).

2. Find 2nd condition s.t. it does not violate first one.

In order to do that we find

yp  v1 y1  v2 y2  v1y1  v2 y2
• Another differentiation will introduce 2nd derivative of the
unknowns v1 and v2.
• To avoid this complication, choose v1 and v2 such that
v1y1  v2 y2  0 (*)
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The Method of Variation of Parameters

 yp  v1 y1  v2 y2

We will find
yp  v1 y1  v2 y2  v1 y1  v2 y2
substituting theses in the governing equation (1) we get
one more condition involving v1 and v2

v1 y1  v2 y2  R( x) (**)

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The Method of Variation of Parameters

Now we have the following linear system in v1 and v2
v1 y1  v2 y2  0
v1 y1  v 2 y 2  R ( x )
This system has a unique solution (why?) given by

- y2 R ( x) - y2 R ( x)
v1  
y1 y 2 - y 2 y1 W ( y1 , y 2 )
y1 R ( x ) y1 R ( x )
v 2  
y1 y 2  y 2 y1 W ( y1 , y 2 )
Here W ( y1 , y2 )  0 (why?)
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The Method of Variation of Parameters

To find v1 and v2 we integrate these two formulas to get

 y2 R ( x ) y1 R ( x )
v1   W ( y1 , y 2 ) dx v2   W ( y1 , y 2 ) dx
y p  v1 y1  v 2 y 2

where v1 and v2 are given by the above formulas.

55 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Examples: The Method of Variation of


Find a particular solution of the following equations

(1) y   y  csc x ,
(2) x 2 y   2 xy   2 y  xe  x .

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Higher Order Linear Equations
 Most of the ideas and methods described in the previous
sections are easily extended to the nth order linear equations
with constant coefficients.
 Consider the nth order homogeneous linear DE with
constant coefficient

y n  a1 y n1  an1 y  an y  f ( x) (1)

 The general solution of this equation will be given by
y( x)  yg ( x)  y p ( x).

57 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Higher Order Linear Equations

where yg is the general solution of the associated
homogeneous equation
y n  a1 y n1    an1 y  an y  0 (2)
and yp is a particular solution of the original equation.
• Here, we will extends the ideas of previous section to
find general solution of (2).
• The auxiliary equation for (2) will be of the form
m n  a1m n 1    an 1m  an  0 (3)
which is polynomial of degree n.
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Higher Order Linear Equations

Let m1 , m2 ,..., mn be the roots of auxiliary equation (3).

Case 1. If m1 , m 2 , ..., m n are real and distinct, then n

solutions of (2) are y1  e , y2  e ,..., yn  e
mx m x m x
2 n

and corresponding general solution of (2) is

y g  C1e m1 x  C 2 e m2 x    C n e mn x
1. y ''' 2 y '' y ' 2 y  0, 2. y ''' 3 y '' 10 y '  0.
59 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Higher Order Linear Equations

Case 2. Say m1  m2  ...  mr  m (repeated root)
and mr 1 , mr  2 , ..., mn is real and distinct.

 Then the general solution of (2) is given by

y g ( x )  (c1  c2 x  ...  cr x r 1 )e mx
 cr 1e mr 1 x  cr  2 e mr 2 x  ...  cn e mn x
 Example:
1. y (4)  3 y (3)  3 y (2)  y '  0,
2. y (5)  3 y (4)  3 y (3)  y (2)  0, 3. y (4)  8 y (2)  16 y  0.
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Higher Order Linear Equations

Case 3. Simple complex root.

Let m1 = a+ib and m2 = a-ib (with b ≠ 0), and
m3 , m4 ,..., mn be real and distinct roots of (3).
Then general solution of the differential equation is
y g ( x)  eax (c1 cos bx  c2 sin bx)  c3e m3 x  ...  cn e mn x .
Let m1 = a+ib and m2 = a-ib (with b ≠ 0) be complex roots
of (3), which is repeated k times, then is a part of the
general solution.
( A1  A2 x    Ak xk 1 ) cos bx  ( B1  B2 x    Bk x k 1 )sin bx  eax
61 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Higher Order Linear Equations

Examples: Find the general solution of the following
1. y ''' y ' 10 y  0
2. y ( 4 )  4 y  0
3. y (3 )  27 y  0
4. y ( 4 )  2 y (3)  3 y   2 y ' y  0
5. y ( 4 )  2 y (3 )  2 y   2 y ' y  0

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Operator Methods for finding particular

Let us consider the nth order differential equation

y n  a1 y n1  an1 y  an y  f ( x) (1)

Let us represent derivative by power of D, so that

dy 2 d2 y dn y
Dy  , D y  2 ,........, D y  n

dx dx dx

Then (1) can be written as

63 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Operator Method…

D n
y  a1 D n 1 y    a n 1 Dy  a n y  f ( x ) 
D n
 a1 D n 1    an 1 D  an y  f ( x)
 P ( D ) y  f ( x)

where P(D) is simply the auxiliary polynomial p(m) with

m replaced by D.

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Operator Method…

 The successive application of two or more such operators

can be made by first multiplying the operator together by
the usual rules of algebra and then applying the product
P ( D )  ( D  r1 ) ( D  r2 )  ( D  rn )
where r1 , r 2  r n are roots of the auxiliary equations.
 These factors can then be applied successively in any
order to yield the same result as a single application of
( D  r1 )( D  r2 ) y  ( D 2  (r1  r2 ) D  r1r2 ) y
65 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Operator Method…

Our purpose now is to learn how to treat P(D) as a

separate entity, and in doing this to develop the method of
P(D) y  f ( x)

Solve it for y 1
y f ( x)
P ( D)
where 1/P(D) represents an operation to be performed on
f(x) to yield y.

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Operator Method…

Question: What is the nature of the operator 1/P(D)?

Let us start with simple equation

D y  f ( x)  y  f ( x)
Dy  f ( x ) 
 f ( x)  y 
 f ( x)dx
67 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Operator Method…

 We make the following definitions

f ( x)   f ( x)dx
the operator 1/D applied to a function means integrate
the function.
 Similarly, f ( x) means integrate the function twice
in succession and so on.
1 1
 , , ... known as the inverse operators.
D D2

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Operator Method…
• Consider the differential equation
( D  r ) y  f ( x) (*)
where r is a constant.

• Formally, we have y  f ( x ).
(*) is a first order linear equation  ry  f ( x ),
whose solution is given by
y  e rx  e  rx f ( x ) dx
69 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Operator Method…
It is therefore natural to make the definition
f ( x )  e rx  e  rx f ( x ) dx
In general
1 1
y f ( x)  f ( x)
P( D) ( D  r1 )( D  r2 )  ( D  rn )
1 1 1
  f ( x)
( D  r1 ) ( D  r2 ) ( D  rn )

applying the n inverse operators in succession, in any

convenient order.
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Methods of Successive Integration
Method 1.
1 1
y f ( x)  f ( x)
P( D) ( D  r1 )( D  r2 )  ( D  rn )
1 1 1
  f ( x)
( D  r1 ) ( D  r2 ) ( D  rn )

applying the n inverse operators in succession, in any

convenient order.
Example: Find a particular solution of

(1) y  3 y   2 y  x e x , (2) y '' y  e  x .

71 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Partial Fractions Decompositions

Method 2. The method of successive integrations is
complicated and time-consuming.
• If P(D) have distinct factors, we can write
1 1
y f ( x)  f ( x)
P(D) ( D  r1 )( D  r2 )  ( D  rn )
 A1 A2 An 
    f ( x)
 ( D  r1 ) ( D  r2 ) ( D  r )
n 

for suitable constants A1, A2,…, An.

(1) y  3 y   2 y  x e x , (2) y '' y  e  x .
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Partial Fractions Decompositions

If some of the fractions of P(D) are repeated, then the

form of the partial fractions decomposition will be
For example: if (D - r1) is a k - fold repeated factor, then
the decomposition will be
A1 A2 Ak
  ... 
( D  r1 ) ( D  r1 ) 2
( D  r1 ) k

73 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

Series Expansions of Operators

For problem in which f(x) is a polynomial, this method is

useful. We expand the inverse operator 1/P(D) in a power
series in D, so that
y f ( x )  (1  b1 D  b2 D 2  ...) f ( x)
P( D)
• Reason for this is that high derivatives of polynomials
disappear, because Dk xn = 0, k > n.

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Series Expansions of Operators

Example: Find a particular solution of the equation

1. 4 y '' y  x 4
2. y  y  y  x3  3 x 2  1
3. y ''' y ''  9 x 2  2 x  1

75 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

The Exponential Shift Rule

• Note that exponential function behave in a special way
under differentiation.
• This fact enables us to simplify our work whenever f(x)
contains a factor of the form ekx.
• If f(x) is of the form ekx g(x), then
( D  r ) f ( x)  ( D  r )e kx g ( x)
 e kx ( D  k  r ) g ( x)
• By applying this formula to the successive factors (D-r1),
(D-r2),…, (D-rn), we see that for operator P(D),
P( D)ekx g ( x)  ekx P( D  k ) g ( x) (1)
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The Exponential Shift Rule
• This says that we can move the factor ekx to the left of
the operator P(D) if we replace D by D + k in the
• The same property is valid for the inverse operator
1/P(D), that is
1 1
e kx g ( x )  e kx g ( x) (2)
P( D) P(D  k )
• Properties (1) and (2) are called the exponential shift

77 Dr. Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics

The Exponential Shift Rule

 Example: Find a particular solution of the equation
1. y ''' 3 y ' 2 y  xe x
2. y '' y  x 2 e2 x
3. y '' 2 y ' 3 y  6e5 x
4e x
4. y '' 2 y ' y  2
5. y '' y ' 2 y  sinh x
6. y '' y ' y  e 2 x cos x
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