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Pelajaran 3

Check In


Tokoh-tokoh cerita
Leo: Resepsionis
Mona: Tamu
Jack: Tamu

Jack dan Mona baru saja tiba di Plaza Hotel. Mereka ingin menukar kamar yang sudah disediakan Leo
untuk mereka.

Kata depan yang menunjukkan tempat

In, on atau at?
Kita menggunakan in kalau kita berbicara tentang posisi di suatu ruang tiga dimensi.

Misalnya: I saw your keys in your bag.

Could you please put my luggage in the room?

Kita menggunakan on pada waktu berbicara tentang posisi di suatu permukaan.

Misalnya: You have a black stain on your shirt.
The sugar is on the table.

Kita menggunakan at untuk sesuatu yang terjadi di suatu tempat.

Misalnya: I’ll meet you at the bus stop.

You can buy a ticket at the station.

Menawarkan bantuan

Berikut beberapa contoh pertanyaan untuk menawarkan bantuan beserta jawabannya. Bacalah dengan

A: Do you need any help?

B: No thanks, I’m fine.
A: Would you like someone to help you with your suitcases?
B: Yes please. They are really heavy.

A: Can I help you?

B: No thanks. I’m just waiting for a friend.

A: Is there anything else I can do?

B: Yes. Could you please tell me where the nearest train station is?

A: May I be of assistance?
B: Yes please. Can you tell me where the lift is?

1. Kata-kata kunci

Carilah di kamus arti dan pengucapan kata-kata ini.

Reservation Lovely Lobby

Moment Rear View
Quiet Together not really
Facing I don’t mind Like

2. Latihan Tata Bahasa

Lengkapi dengan in, on atau at kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

1. Your room is located ____ the front of the hotel.

2. The swimming pool is ____ the sixth floor.

3. There’s some meat ____ the fridge.

4. You will find the car park _____ the rear of the hotel.

5. I can put you ____ rooms six-eleven and six-twelve.

6. The lifts are down the corridor and ____ your right.

3. Latihan Menyusun Kalimat – Menawarkan bantuan.

Tuliskan kembali kalimat-kalimat ini dengan urutan kata yang benar

1. to like suitcases you your would someone with you help?


2. there is else I anything do can?


3. help need any you do?

Can I help?
Can I help?

Can I help you?

Of course, Madam
Of course, of course

I’ll see what I can do.

4. Latihan mengucapkan dengan keras

Answers: 2. 1) at 2) on 3) in 4) at 5) in 6) on 3. 1) Would you like someone to help you with your suitcases? 2) Is there anything else I can do? 3) Do you need any help?

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