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11X2 Revision Guide Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was boen on Friday 7* February 1812, n 1 mile end Terrance Land:port, Portsmouth England. Charles was ony 12 years old when his father went a prison for geting himself into debt. Sut ater Carles father went into prison, Charles hes to workin boot factory and he had to carry on working in the factory, because of his mother wouldn't let him stop working at the boot factory. But Charles never forgave her fr making hi cary on working atthe factory. ‘charles Dickens had found lovely women called Catherine Dickens and they got marred on 2° April 1836 but fat separated in the year 1858, But by then Catherine ang Carles has had 10 eileen together an the ctilren's names ae called Charles culifrd Boz Dickens, Mary Dickens, Kate Macready Dickens, Walter Landor Dickens, Francis etferyDiekens, Ard D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens, Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens, Henry Fleling Dicken, Dora Annie Dickens and Edward Bulwer Lyon Dickens. Charles Dickens loved where he used to lve, because he woud go fora walk around the London Streets 10 oF 20 miles so Charles dickens would get some lovely fresh al. Also one of dckens Christmas carl books was ‘one ofthe famous book that Charles dickens has had wrote andthe Christmas caral being ane ofthe joyful ‘warmth and happiness toll he people who loved reading end who enjoys Christmas. Charles loved writing about novels novels. Sut the Christmas carol was published 27 years before Charles Dickens ded on Thursday tn ln 1870, dickens died of having a stroke. When Chaves Dickons was alivehe got more than one influence from how everyone celebrated Christmas, apart trom one human boing who dant ike Christmas. Christmas became more and more popular all because ‘of Christmas stories and Christmas carols, by Charescckens, He wrote the Christmas tories and Christmas ‘tls in 1843, to make the human beings ead Charles dickens Christmas stories and Chistmas caro Dickens would ike to describe himself a a great human being, because he ie forging, charitable, pleasant time and he also believes in people who need help on Christmas day. Also Charles doesn't like anyone to be sad or lsely on Christmas, because it sal about happiness and the wonderful the people have on Chvstmas day spending time with ther families and frends. At Christmas Chale kes to eelebrate Christmas, because he loved to make Chvistmas ast the fll day by doing dancing, playing games and general fests and itlso made all ofthe other human beings fel the warmth with their Fay and his family 'eforeChares led in 1870 Charles showed the difference between rch and poor people because Charles wanted to show the human beings what was the diference between ich and poor. The difference between ‘ih and poor stat Charles dickens showed was that the rieh people may be able to buy thee families more preten for them but knot ail about the money t's about spencing time with families and frend. Poor people can also be happy evenif thay arena ch, because they have got fmiles and frends to spend time with and that what the all need at Christmas they don’t want tobe alone ‘When Charles Dickens sie from a stroke, Dickens’ Christmas Carl book ad got adapted in toa bale by the Disney and also wae made in to film for any human being could wateh and modern version a wel. Also ‘Charles Dickens was liked up with Christmas ater he dies In 2870, Victorian London uae a ee —_ aE F, ih sted smoage ie shown fo Se a nasty, meansidlerate oll j ico ath Tittle merals andl is ery ignore asia) pensar, Ine tie fans ston sernnig sans lsanine ghostly tivings suet as iar ty (iis casa en poten) as tye cena tll andi a hearse going up the stais-ol/his aporément Stooge defesed Go dablewe amyeiiln the wun seeing ane qeNobel emegtining ine siinw aut a tke: estilo bes a vane (a sewn) Ae wise si fa - sword tp dbscnibe Christians as he beaba9 We ancl ahi Chwistianas ts about Seager tars tn fs wizain, fs all earls ee) ague (Maviey appenred|as a gives, Marley came in fo SeyvagEs roam sas as eins sin es padlocks E:T.€ fav all tvs ial hings ho hae! done i bus life, aay wscimeel Sexenaigs ol wie cauidlnopen bo nin Phwdirechings hisiops oue § Senmoge dichr't bollious it ie described “tis fost another undijgustoslait oF bowl”, The ghast saiel diane vill Bs duos pki ghoisks ying serooue ta ty tml chiang Dib is Scrooge wales up and deokdes to walt forthe fret ghost thats said to arrive) atk a up and walk with him. The pair ext through the| [fin stave 2, scrooge learns hel that informs him that ighe bya svange 6 Christmas past The ghost takes scrooge to his old school where he sees himself alone a greed andi Christmas, and begins to see more lke this, with him growing older unt a le gi, his sister Fan, runs in and announces the is p. When young ser died many years ago andiis o pick Scrooge his sister, the old scrooge tells the ghost his his nephew. Fred. The ghost then shows him ata Christe party held by his ola boss Fe2a to whom scrooge is an apprentice. The ghost then shows sereoge with Ris lffiend, Belle. whois telling serooge she fs ending thei relalonship asl Scrooge is now too obsessed with money to have jecent Christmas where a falking about scrooge with her husband. At this poi regyeis not Setting down to have a family caiminghe isin fi Tis Ife When scr 1 ghost to take hin ind pulls iirmly over top of the} the inextingulsha ground, Scrooge finds him stumbles 10 bi 2) WHAT MIGHT SCROOGE REALISE WHEN HE SEES HIMSELF AT FEZZIWIG'S CHRISTMAS PARTY? 2) WHAT DOES SCROOGE MEAN WHEN HE SAYS HE IS “IN THE WINTER OF HIS LIFE"? '3) WHY DOES BELLE DECIDE TO END HER RELATIONSHIP WITH SCROOGE? 4) HOW DOES SCROOGE FEEL WHEN HE SEES A MIDDLEAGED BELLE WITH A FAMILY? '5) WRITE OUT THE EVENTS OF THE STAVE IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. AND HOW EACH PART AFFECTS SCROOGE AND MAKES HIM DECIDE TO CHANGE. Stave,Four THE LAST OF THE SPIRIT. SCROOGE (BEGINNI “A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, tous old spinner!” “The cold within him froze his e small details about old features, nipped his pointed ? features already nose, shrivelled his cheek, tell us that Scrooge is a stiffened his gait; made his eyes |} cold mean person on the red, his thin lips blue; and spoke |} inside and on the outside. out shrewdly in his grating voice ms nthe blind man’s dogs appeased to khiow him. This shows that everybody is scared/ frightened of Scrooge; even blind men + dogs would tug their owners into doorways and up courts : ‘When I live in such a Mery Christmas! What right world of fools as this? have you to be memy? Wh: Merry Christmas! Out -eason have you to be merry? upon Merry Christmas! | | You're poor enough? What's Christmas time to AS | you buta time for paying bills without money, time for finding yourself a year older Ebenezer Scrooge In the end [At the end of the novel Scrooge the evil, selfish, greedy, grumpy old man that hates Christmas and spends all his life dedicated to his work then becomes the perfect consumer. A thoughtful, caring, happy gentleman, who has time for everyone, knows when work and fun are different things. He ‘also realises the joy in Christmas and how lovely iti to give and take withthe surrounding of happy people! ‘Scrooge isa miserable owner ofa London counting-house, a nineteenth century term for an accountant's office. ‘The lesson that the ghosts teach scrooge from taking him through his past definitely directed him 10 realise the kind of horrible person he was and why he was so lonely. It helped him top change for the better in many ways. He went to church, and walked about the streets, and watched the people hurrying to and fr, and patted children on the head, and questioned beggars, and looked down into the kitchens of houses, and up to the windows, and found that everything could yield him pleasure Top quotations Wiiccesmeeg een cree ieae ew ieren asa Go, and redeem some other promising young creature, but leave me to keep Christmas in my ‘own way. *{t0 Bob Cratchit] Well, my frend, I'm not going to beat around the bush. 'm simply not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. Which leaves me no choice, but to alse your salary. "The school is not quite deserted,” said the Ghost. "A solitary child, neglected by is friends is left there stl" Scrooge sald he knew it, And he sobbed ‘This isthe section which is him realising that he has been lonely from a young age because of the ways in which he's acted inthe past like when the bell rings for Christmas and all the kids run out ofthe school ll excited but serooge stays behind to do more work Quotes wear the chain | forged in life! | made it link by link and yard by Vard! | gartered it on of my own free will and by my own free will, /\ V =~ ‘The chain explains about all the bad stuff that Marley did and too make sure Scrooge doesn’t make the wore itt Key Words. Regret Message Warning I “inte, my spirit never rose If you don’t do anything 00d in life you don’t 0 anywhere after life! beyond the limits of our money= changing holes! Now lam doomed to wander without rest or peace, incessant torture and Quotes “it was a strange figure” this is describing how the ghost looks inthe novella “Oh! but be was a tight-fisted hand at the rindstone, Seroog squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!’ This is showing how eruel serooge was ‘every idiot who goes about with "Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, Key words and buried with a stake of holly through his heart He should!” this is showing how much serooge dislikes Christmas and thinks that people who S Memories celebrate it are stupid Regret ‘your lip is trembling” this showing that serooge is * Change seared and starting to ery © Denial © History © light Events Left alone as a young child at school Breaking up with belle Fezzyiwig’s Christmas party Belle’s happily married Key words: Quotes: v “there sata jolly Giant, glorious to see, who bore a glowing torch in Plump Alarming shape not unlike Plenty's horn, and held it up, high up, to shed its light on Serooge, as he came peeping round the door” Relaxed Majestic “Come in. exclaimed the Ghost. Come in, and know me better, i Hale Giant “Lam the Ghost of Christmas Present,’ said the pitt. "Look upon feartyfellow Honest Ingenious Jolly “You have never seen the lke of me before’ exclaimed the Spirit” Misifet ‘Fan “More than eighteen hundred,’ said the Ghost. A tremendous family to provide for! muttered Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas Present Appearance of the Ghost of Christmas present: “Touch my robe.” he Ghost of Christmas present isa plump man that wears a green robe, he holds a glowing torch, wears holly crown and he has an orange beard “Holly, mistletoe, red berries, iy, turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, meat, pigs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings rut, and punch, all vanished instantly "There are some upon this earth of yours returned the Spirit’ who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pri, will hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, asf they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us. He eats loads and drinks loads and laughs too. He is the only ghost who is jolly and always ready to have a blast. c | H A R A T E R s Events (where he takes him} To the Crachit's house Street where the ghost blessed stranger's food Nephew's house The lighthouse

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