Ibanez Hd1000 Manual 1983

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Thanez HD1000 HARMONICS/DELAY Owner's Manual Bedienungaanleitung Mode d’ emploi Welcome 10 the next ganeration of digital signal processing! The HO1000 isan extremely versatile processor ‘nd should, with proper cara and operation, provide many years of satistactory performance. In orger for You to understand ell of the capabilities of the HD1000 and to avoid any problers, we at Ibanez suggest that {ou read tis manual before using the 01000. FeaTures, O° The HO1000 provides up to 13 semitones of pitch sit, up and down. A wide rage of harmonizing fects ae posible inclucng octaves (up and Gown), melodie harmonizing, mcrostft doutling, time Sompending and feedback canal © Exclusive "itch Medultion” expat fr a wealth of raw proceaing effects © A proprietary phasespice sys et erates osurbrsingly ease sited cutout. The slicing “itch” ec s geo racucn. ‘The H01000 aso provides 2 fll function gta clay with upto 804 millscond of esa for farang, horus, doubling, slepback herd reverb ard tng echo. fin inal LCD (Liquid Crystal tala nctes nit status, ely ine or tc shit an input eel “The vets inpuloutput configuration allow eirect ves 9 the HOTOOO with mie, ierumert o ine tee routs © Ail cigtolsoerations ofthe HO1000 ace under microcomputer control. Two CU's (Centra Processing Gnas! sear oer, "ser Isnaiy” operation. © Compact E1A standard 19" rack chan, one rack space (1 3/4") high ‘OPERATING PRECAUTIONS © The HDIO00 operates on 120VAC, 50/€OHe for Tand N-ypel oF 220-240VAC, 50/60H2 for RUG and Spe) Do rot operate te unit if temperatures below O°C ("For above 40°C (108° De nat expou unit to liquide or other container e not atch unit on or off, or plugin or unglug the AC cord while using at high volumes. Damage olf” soeke's may feat OPERATION: FRONT PANEL (© INPUT: The INPUT level contol adjusts the level of the input signal for the agit processor. Pull he INPUT contro for microphones lee inet (up toc) push for nsruenre evel (up to 468). For cpt signe! to-sotwe performence adust the INPUT con! s that peak sas iuminate four book of the Input Level Incietor ow @2 © LCO INDICATOR: The iteoral LCD ise tveoway indicator 3) Input Level Indicator — Thi incieator consis of five units or block, ll of which csappear when no Sia s pros. Levels range from low (to the lot) fo high (a the righ) The right Block nd tates danger of unit eloping. Therefore INPUT control shou beacuse 50 thet Bank sgl ume fate te four lett block oy 2) SttusFuntion Indicator —hen the HOTOOO is bypassd, the word “NORMAL” appears in the Upper let portion of the LED, when in Delay mode, the word "DELAY™ appants in the lower left Corer. Wan the vn isin Harmonie ose, he Wore “HARMONICS” appear In the mice ft Bortion of tho LCD. «© Detay/Shite Indicator — When in the Dsley made tree dis inthe canter ofthe LCD indicate the {ie eiay in milisconde house of @ second) When inthe Hermon made four dts ard 57 inceator copays the mount of pitoh shift in "cont (100 sats equate one semitone ot en, 1200 cents equa one octave of shi © BYPASS/EFFECT: This witch select iter unit bros or fect n, one push of the button wil change {he unit status. In bypass the dniay wil ail incite mount of delay ox bite shift ichver wes as ‘Se Thus deny or pte shift my beset while the Units Breas © DELAY: One push of the DELAY bution athotes the DELAY made, The LCD wil splay mi seconde of clay © HARMONICS: One push of the HARMONICS button sctvees the Harmonics mode, The LCD will Siapny cons of aie, © DELAY TIME MULTI: Succesive pushes of this Button slets among the thre delay range of the [HOIO00: times one (xt), timer two (02), or tines four a. Delay te range, bandwith ane delay ep siz are dmultaneously selected 2 lows 00 000 Range | Delay Range | — Sandwiath | Delay sep sie x1) 0-126 = aKtiz | 2ma/sep oe O=psoms aaah | a ‘O=804me | 40 aKHe @ DELAY TIME UP. This button increments the selected delay time. One push increments the delay ‘ime one step. Holding the button dawn incresoe the time delay rapidly. Ones raximum Seay me izrosched the deloy time ret to 20ro and starts increasing gain @ DELAY TIME DOWN: This button decrements the delay time. One push decrements the delay time fone step. Holding the button down decreeses the delby time rapidly. Once zero delay time is reeched ‘he delay time resets to maximum and starts decreasing aan. © PITCH: This is the main pitch control. Turning PITCH clockwise raiss the pitch of the shifted sonal while counterclockwise rotation lovers the pitch, Setting PITCH at "12 o'lock” wil ause ro piteh [Pit from this contra. © FINE: This is the fine pitch contol. Turning FINE clockwise raiss the pitch of the shifted signal slight: Iy._ Counter clockwise rotation lowers pitch slightly. Setting FINE et "12 o'clock” will cause no pitch htt from this contra. @ WIOTH: This control adjusts the amount of modulation or “sweep”. In the Delay mode time delay is ‘modulated, In the Harmonics made the pitch ofthe shifted signal is modulated, The extweme clockwise Position of WIDTH yields the maximum amount of seep. The extreme counter clocks position Gefasts the modulation @ SPEED: Thiscontrol adjusts the speed of medulation, The extreme countor

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