Railway Exam

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Va G4 Leni CoP Ne ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY ADDIS ABABA INSTITUITE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF CIVIL & ENVIROMENTAL ENGINEERING (CENG 5454 —Rallway Engineering Date: June 12,2014 Final Examinaton- Semester 11, 2013/2014 A.Y. (2006E.C) Time: 3 bourt Motes, 1.The exam teased book 2. Attempt all questions and present your works neatly, precisely and shortly. 5h Cam esses S08. . The double tack lay line from Adds to port Dout, the drctonal ow of Fight ‘volume from Djtout to Addis Ababa is expected to mu larger than the reverse dietion G pts) 2) Which geometric desin parameter rial tobe comparedanalyaed? 1) Ifthe tin is ight onl, which gauge type you prefer. Explain in son, 9<-~ 2. Innllway wack design three diferent loadings exist which are state, quasi-static and dynamie loads. Explain in shor the basi ifrenes between quasi-anti and dynamic Hous. (4 Pts) 3, Tunnel engineering (6 Pts) 2), Explain the advantages of shallow overburden in tunneling technique 1) Compare and contrast analytical and empire! tunel design methods 6), Show tone desga flow char 4, allay lines dovided in to several sections for coauoling the movement of tans in ‘ide to increase safety and ellicency, where station i one section. Which are used tna the beginning ad end of aay station? (5 ps) , 5. The maximum versal mack deflections for higher spec track tanston sections are observed to 3.5mm and 0.7mm for norma rack and bridge sections respectively. Assune there wore no stabilization measures taken on this rans zoe. (6 pS) 1 Which one canbe the possible maximum dflestion al the transition section? 2)21mm 05mm ©)Smn, cant be determined fi, What makes tsi sections so unique? Explain 6 “The flowing sped profile (shown in table 1) recorded on the Addis-Adama double track allay fine pet day. Standard gre ie S=1500 mm, 800m minimum dius ani missile uncompensated lateral acceleration is 04 m/ are provided on curves alignment of the line. (9 pts) Table: speed pro pee day [ Syed (cava [5 umber of Tans sed per iis 10 {00 2 5 6 PEE 4) Caleulate the maximum supperelevation of outer rail 1) IF the allowable maximum cit excess fs 40 mm and, what wll be the corresponding permissible speed at curve sections ofthe tine? ©) Explain how and wien eantdafiefency occur? ea) Page of For the ballad track show below in ign 1, ane loud 2 tones and slspe racing) GoU ron and Pl, PD and P3 ae wheel Ids. The verti! deicion profi ofthe isk tiven by Ue curve equatih; (10 ps) yla) = — 222 <021{cos(o012) + sin(0014) ] 1) Caoulte the wack modu (4) 3) Ieseper no. 3 supports 40% of single whec! fod (2), what will be the comresP2 vertical deflection? ) For sup ood eases, calculate the amount of oad sported by ll seePrt 21 ‘ential detleeton of sey of separ Nod. “Figure I: Longitudinal section of rack ray ives nd eau ar he we inks orale inane 3) ra ea cng fail nin nt pose of sng woh lynn iin ‘th train wheels in their proper routs are own ‘gyLcadral(Poinall(o)wingll |) ews 1) Where the cases of spcd recon at switees ste © Maton tes urease to igrove seed atin sions - sont tt Matias Kadam Moquanent Muluget 3. selecting the type oF wurnout 4, determining the distance adjoining iracks or building and tack {elermining the position of home signals, starting signals and Fouling posts 6. determining the effective length of tracks relatively (ust give the control res) | : pa = Te ie Tie = ——— 3 in detail dtferemt types of 7. Qualitatvely design a railway subgrade system, Di le materials and construction techniques and Discuss in detail and report on subg various pes of sub nd dewatering systems. How switches are designed, manufactured and placed on sites ( 8, Explain in qualitatively show design inputs, procedures, and outputs) 280 complex and viable to failure? Explain rom the point of view of mechaniesistruciare,dynamies of vehicles and geometric configura ‘of main dimensions Radius of euve al esinn a simple switch (geometric desi speed based on your umout siz ec) 0, Compare and contrast n dt the different tunneling techniques nd prepare a puide ‘ line forthe use ofa particular technique xecording tothe type of soil, water content, surcharge type, overburden, tunnel type and size, geological conditions and so cover, and trench methods) vs tunneling which consists ballast and non ballast), Write ily Tar the different condition signaling Write a report on rally’ signaling their different types and specific funaton, Describe in det the postion of deren 1 And show the layout of si

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