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- Describe the components and function of the structures

- Compare and contrast the different types of the sleepers

- When is the sub ballast layer is required to be used
- Compare and contrast slab track and ballast track
- discuss passing and over taking stations
- list and explain main passenger traffic facilities (you may use sketches)
- draw and label each parts/components of single switch or turnout
- list types of brigesbased on structure
- given a tunnel cross sectional view, label the names of each parts of the tunnel

6 2

5 4

- Answ: 1=crown 2=side 3=bench 4=invert 5=width or span 6=heigth


Q:1 what are the types of transportation system

Q:2 write five main route you know which will be constructed in Ethiopia

Q:3 What are the types of gauges

Q:4 describe parts of rails

Q5: what are the functions of sleepers

Q: what are the elements of horizontal curves?

Q: what are the types if the gradients

Q: mention the effects of speed

Q: define super elevation of sleepers

Q: write locations prohibited to apply curve

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