Assignment Brief: School of Aviation and Security

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School of Aviation and Security

Assignment Brief 2018-2019

Module Title: Research Project Module Code: AI601

Assignment No/Title: PR1 – Project Proposal 15%
Written proposal : Week 6
Feedback Target One
Submission Date: Proposal interview: Week 7
Date: week
(week of 6th- 10th November)
Module Co-ordinator/ Degree/Foundation
Nigel Griffiths Degree
Tutor: Please Specify:

Submission Instructions:

1. Submit your completed written proposal template through Turnitin and also submit TWO
separate copies – put in a plastic wallet – to the Faculty Helpdesk, E2.08, on Friday 3rd
November by 2pm.
2. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep both an electronic and a hard copy of your
assignment for future reference. You may be required to produce a copy of your assignment.
3. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your
assignment you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
4. Late submission within 2 weeks of the deadline (i.e. failure to make your presentation on the date and
at the time scheduled) will result in the mark for the assignment being capped at 40%. Beyond two
weeks the work will not be marked.

Instructions to Students:

1. Select a topic for your research project and discuss this with your supervisor

2. Ensure that your supervisor agrees that your topic is appropriate for a Level 6 research project

3. Prepare your research proposal using the template provided and make sure that you follow the
specifications for the assignment task

4. Ensure that you confirm the date, time and location of your interview with your supervisor before the
end of week 6

5. All work must be presented using size 12 font (either Arial or Times New Roman are preferred)

6. All references are to be in Harvard citation format (use the Bucks Handbook as your primary resource
for determining proper format for references)

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:

1. Critically review and analyse literature pertaining to the topic area chosen

2. Critically evaluate a range of research methods for the collection and analysis of information

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The Assignment Task:

Complete the attached proposal template which is constructed to enable you to explain your research design.
Your proposal should be 1,500 words +/-10%.

You must:

 Identify a feasible and specific topic (not merely a broad subject area)

 Provide clear research objectives and questions that you seek to answer together with a rationale
for selecting your topic

 Provide an evaluation of academic literature relevant to your research topic using at least 12
different literature sources – these must be correctly referenced in your text and in the references
list using the Harvard referencing scheme

 Indicate and justify the research methods you propose to use as your data collection tool, making
reference to at least 5 research methods literature sources

You must make sure that your topic has a clear focus and that it will keep you motivated and interested
for the whole of the period that you will be writing your dissertation. Before you decide on a topic, make
sure that authoritative source material is available.

Your topic MUST be based upon the subject matter of the programme you are studying. Your
supervisor reserves the right to reject unsuitable proposals.

You will submit your completed proposal template via Turnitin and submit two hard copies to the Faculty
Helpdesk by 14.00 on Friday 3rd November. Your supervisor will advise you of a time and location at which
you will attend an interview of 15-20 minutes with your own supervisor and one other L6 dissertation tutor.
During the interview you will be asked to explain various aspects of your proposal and answer relevant

As part of this assignment you are also required to:

 Submit a Research Ethics Checklist form together with the research proposal
 Upload the Research Ethics Checklist form on Turnitin

The Research Ethics Checklist form must be completed by you and signed off by your supervisor prior to
submission. The ethics form is a required document and you CANNOT begin your primary research until this
has been agreed and signed off. If you fail to submit your research ethics form your proposal will not be marked.
Assessment Criteria:

 The aims and objectives of the proposed research and the rationale for selection of the topic 20%

 A critical review of relevant academic literature based on at least 12 different literature sources 35%

 An outline and justification of the proposed methodology and sampling process to be adopted 20%
for the primary research based on at least 5 different research methods literature sources

 Ability to answer questions in relation to the research proposal 25%


Quality Assurance Record

Internal Approval: External Approval:

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