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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Railway Engineering [CENG 5212]

Home Take Examination (Section 2)
Submission Due: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 before 12:00pm ETH time) Room # 205
Note: Any delay from the deadline time (in whatever reason) is not negotiable. You should workout independently.
Any plagiarism attempt will result a null. Good Luck!

1. A ballasted track was designed for a maximum single axle load of 24tones. When a train negotiates a curved section
of the standard track, the lateral force exerted on the track is given by the equation:
𝐻 = 50 + (H-lateral track force, kN, R- radius of the curve, m). Use Nadal Theory of lateral to vertical load ratio
to prevent derailment. [Take dynamic impact factor, DIF as 190%].
a) Determine the safe running speed of the train on curve
b) What will be the permissible speed at the curve if the gauge is broad gauge type (1670mm)
c) For the given data above, if it is required to optimize the speed of the line, what will be the minimum and
maximum permissible running speed of the line at curves? (Maximum excess and deficient 40mm and 90mm
2. For the track type mentioned in question 1,
a. For the sleeper cross section given in fig. 2 and sleeper spacing 600mm, what will be the permissible minimum
ballast depth?
b. If the number of repetitions assumed per year 200,000 rep/yr, estimate the annual tonnage rating.
c. Based on the minimum ballast depth calculated at (a), what will be the life of the track, if the annual tonnage
rating to be 22 MGT?
The number of allowable repetitions 𝑁𝑑 for subgrade layer before failure occurs due to excessive vertical
compressive stress is computed by the following equation;

𝑁𝑑 = 4.837 × 10−5 𝑃𝑐−3.734 𝐸𝑠+3.583 𝐿= 𝑁𝑝
Pc = vertical compressive stress on the top of subgrade, psi
ES = subgrade modulus, psi
L = design life, years
Np = predicted number of repetitions during each period
n = the time period (1 = year, 2 = half year, 4 =season, and 12 = month).

Fig.1 Typical ballasted single track Fig.2 sleeper cross section (cm)
Additional data:
 Take the uncompensated lateral acceleration as 0.6m/s2. Submission date:
 Assume a standard vehicle with 8 wheels.
 Single track standard gauge, Cant h=150mm. December, 8, 2015
 Subgrade Elastic modulus: 50,000 psi and Subgrade strength: 36 psi
Before, 11:59 am
Hint: If you are sure and reasonable, you can make engineering assumptions. Ethiopian Time
The vertical pressure distribution is the theoretical one.

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