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How predictive maintenance for

circuit breakers optimizes

safety, reliability, and costs

by Markus Hirschbold

Executive summary
Rev 0 2


Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 3

Operational conditions
What causes a
circuit breaker to
age and require



Mechanical endurance


Electrical endurance

Instantaneous protection
Number of cycles



Long time protection Short time protection

Minimum aging current Long time protection setting withstand
Short time protection setting

0.1 1 10 100
Caliber of the circuit-breaker Interrupted current (*In) Instantaneous protection setting

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 4

Environmental conditions

Humidity Corrosion of metal surfaces. Appearance of red rust on Increase in friction. Risk of
Deterioration of dielectric quali- iron, white rust on zinc. mechanical breakage re-
ties of plastics. Deterioration of Blue deposit on copper, black sulting in non-operation of
electronic components, in partic- deposit on silver. mechanisms. Increase in
ular SMCs and silver-coated White traces on case. contact resistance (clusters
components. Degradation of op- Appearance of dendrites on and main contacts). Risk of
toelectronic components. electronic boards. a reduction in insulation.
Erosion of copper tracks. Short-circuiting of circuit re-
Oxidation of connectors of in- sulting in non-operation of
tegrated circuits mounted on control unit protection,
supports. measurement, indications
and communication func-
tions. Breakage of compo-
nents. Poor contact with in-
tegrated circuit support.

SO2 Sulphur diox-


Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 5

H2S Hydrogen Sulphurization of silver, this phe- Major blackening of exposed Increased resistance of dis-
sulphide nomenon is accelerated by high silver surfaces. Appearance of connecting contacts ex-
temperatures. dendrites on electronic and posed to air. Excessive de-
power circuits. vice temperature rise.
Short-circuiting of circuits
resulting in non-operation
of the trip unit.
Cl2 Chlorine Corrosion of metal parts. Oxidation. Inter-granular corro- Increase in friction. Risk of
sion of stainless steel. mechanical rupture. Break-
ing of stainless-steel
NH3 Ammoniac Attacks polycarbonates, cor- Cracking of polycarbonates. Risk of rupture. Increased
rodes copper. Blackening of copper. temperature rise.
NO2 Nitrogen Corrosion of metal parts. Oxidation. Increased temperature rise.
Oily Attacks polycarbonates. Cracking of polycarbonates. Risk of rupture. Increased
atmospheres temperature rise.

For more

Human error and its potential effect on maintenance & reliability

Evaluation Of Failure Data Of HV Circuit-Breakers For Condition Based Maintenance

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 6

or predictive
maintenance? Reacting when something fails

Preventing failures with regular checks

For more

Item/equipment Task/function Interval

Air circuit breakers, medium voltage
Visual inspection / clean Annually
Electrical tests 3 years
Visual inspection / clean Annually
Contacts Adjust Annually
Electrical test 3 years
Visual inspection / clean Annually
Arc interrupters Electrical test 3 years
Air-puffer operational check Annually

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 7

Item/equipment Task/function Interval

Visual inspection Annually
Operating mechanism Operational check / adjustment Annually
Operational check Annually
Trip device circuit

Air circuit breakers, low voltage

Visual inspection / clean / Annually
Electrical tests 3 years
Vacuum circuit breakers
Visual inspection / clean / Annually
Contact checks / vacuum 3 years
Electrical tests 3 years
Molded-case circuit breakers
Visual inspection / clean 3 years
Mechanical test 2 years
Electrical test 3-5 years

Predicting needs to optimize performance and costs

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 8

Benefits of
predictive over preven-
tative maintenance

enables deep

Internet of things: ‘interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on existing and evolving intero p-
erable information and communication technologies’ - ITU

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 9

Calculating failure risks

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 10

Example of typical breaker aging calculations

% Ag  % Ag 0  
i TF i
 % Ag 0    ti  Ai
TF0 i

%Ag0 : Aging at time t0

ΔTi : Time spent in under (i) operating conditions since t0
(TF)i : Time to failure calculated with operating conditions (i)
TF0 : Time to failure in nominal conditions. This value will be defined on a per device
reference basis in the databases.
Ai : Acceleration factor for the operating conditions (i)

For more
information ASA : Acceleration factor for salty atmosphere aging
(e.g. proximity to ocean of <10 km = moderate, <1 km = high)
ACG : Acceleration factor for corrosive gas aging
AH : Acceleration factor for humidity aging
AD : Acceleration factor for dust aging
AV : Acceleration factor for vibrations aging
AT : Acceleration factor for temperature aging

Interpreting and acting on breaker aging information

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 11

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 12

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 13


Next Steps



About the author

Markus Hirschbold (P.Eng., CEM, PMP), is responsible for offer creation of Schneider Electric’s
Power Monitoring software. He has held various key positions in R&D, Services, Power Quality, Project
Management and Offer Marketing during his 23-year tenure at Schneider Electric. He has been Seg-
ment Director for Healthcare since 2009, responsible for the creation of electrical distribution and en-
ergy management solutions for Healthcare facilities. Markus holds in excess of 30 patents related to
Schneider Electric hardware and software.

Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

Rev 0 14


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Predictive maintenance for circuit breakers

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