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Affidavit of Fact - Title Dispute to America Sovereign

Affidavit of Fact Et seq. is correct, complete, and not misleading stands as fact unless rebutted by
either the Ambassador Paul Scellucci. the Consulate and Et alii é contra [And others on the other side]
with answers using Affidavit of Fact Rebuttal & Affidavit of Proof in 72 hours according to
Regulation Z or plus 10 days a judgment Nihil dicit (in 13 days)
Mr. Ambassador, Paul Scellucci the Consulate et alii & contra [And others on the other side]
United States Embassy Calgary, Canada
490 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KAN 1D8

Affiant sayeth that James Thomas McBride (state) hereinafter the Affiant of the age of majority, -
complete in my faculties, a natural born Divine creation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Private
Sentient hereinafter America Sovereign. Further the Affiant sayeth in testimony to the following facts
are made of my own free will and volition, as Affiant verily believes the facts to be. The Affiant sayeth
further that this is not a formal Renunciation of Nationality of their Ens legis Alien Property Aliases
Legal Name(s) a/k/a Straw man.
1. Affiant sayeth that Affiant verily renounce the unconscionable fraudulent deception of claiming
Title to the America Sovereign using a Ens legis Legal Fiction a/k/a Straw man using a
Defacto Legal Process under color of Law to Expatriate James Thomas McBride using a
feigned to re-deliver the America Sovereign soon after Birth (patenting this America
Sovereign’s Intellectual Property) using the State of Ohio - Birth Certificate of the America
Sovereign Creating in commerce their Straw man, Debtor, U S citizen, 14th Amendment Person
a/k/a Legal Name(s) etc as property on paper thereafter the *Sentient in bondage, Asset in
receivership (A.D.R.), in detention and in forced servitude for an Ens legis Corporation United
State’s National Debt. Affiant further sayeth the use of the Straw man’s Corporate Nexis are
acts of Fraud and VOID Ab Initio *1)Supra.
2. Affiant sayeth that Affiant James Thomas McBride since conception is and always will be an
America Sovereign not a Belligerent a/k/a U.S. citizen; not involved in any Insurrection and
Rebellion Acts of 1861 & 1862; not involved in any ** War Powers Act, Article 1 § 8 Clause
11, March 9, 1933 Executive Order #s: 2039 and 2040; and not involved in any Trading
with the Enemy Act §§ 1-44 of the appendix of Title 50, specifically §§ 1 through 7C of the
Appendix, Executive Order No. 8389 on December 13, 1941 by President Franklin D
3. Affiant sayeth that Affiant deny the following corporations exist: Corporate Statutory - Military
- Maritime - Admiralty - Fictitious libeled as “U S”; “person”, “consumer” “individual”, “U.S.
citizen”, “citizen-subject™ “plaintiff/defendant”, “resident”, ‘whoever”, “taxpayer”, “driver”,
“gun/firearm owner”, “debtor”, “husband”, “registered voter’, “voter”, et al, as being subject to
the seizure Properties of the Alien by the hypothecated established through Corporate -
Legislative - Military - Maritime - Admiralty - Fictitious - Democracy - United States, et al.
Such corporations, fraudulent and non-existent In Law, include. but are not limited to the
MCBRIDE, MCBRIDE, JAMES T Nicknames: Jim, James, Sovereign, SSN 296-52-0781
DOB 02/06/1954 etc.
4. Affiant sayeth that Affiant declare void and verily objects to the United States holding the
America Sovereign responsible for infamous Legal crimes under Code of Military Justice Title
10th § 7355 US.C.A. § 801 Et seq., using Courts-martial against America Sovereigns which
violates the Posse comitatus Actin keeping the peace, Ab Initio.
5. Affiant sayeth that the Ambassador Paul Scellucci as diplomatic agent has the same authority in
Canada as President George Bush has in the United States. Affiant further sayeth that
Ambassador stall correct the record by ordering the removal of Legal Name(s) by the A.P.C.
John W. Snow, U.S. Secretary. Department of the Treasury appointed A.P.C. under Executive
Order P1281 signed in 1966 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. to remove the Legal Name(s) as
Property of the United States and like those in witness protection program expunge all
Domestic and International records pertaining to Ens Legis Aien Property Aliases aka JAMES
6. Affiant sayeth that the Affiant is in compliance to the fact below, voluntarily performing in a
foreign state before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States and by submitting
this Affidavit of Fact in good faith, with clean hands, without Recourse and no intent to defraud.
Further Affiant hand delivered Affidavit of Fact to the Honorable Ambassador Paul Scellucci or
his Agent, et al Shall correct the United States’ Mistake in identity by claiming Title to Creditor
James Thomas McBride through a Ens legis Straw man name.
7. Affiant sayeth that the intent of this Affidavit of Fact is not for compensation for past or present
transgressions against Legal Name(s) but to receive an America Diplomatic Passport stolen in
a foreign state for James Thomas McBride by having the Legal Name(s) removed by A.P.C.
John W. Snow: Secretary’s said removal shall terminate the Deceptive Sham Legal Process of
non- existent Assumpsit’s that sentenced the America Sovereign *1)Supra thereafter on or
about seven (7) days after 6 February 1954 to date.
8. Affiant sayeth further that the United States of America has been in War since March 9, 1933
**(2) Supra therefore Affiant is to receive through the Ambassador, Paul Scellucci or his agent
an America Diplomatic Passport that was stolen; issued in good faith, with clean hands by the
United States Government without admitting any wrong doings indicating that the Straw man
Sentence terminated by Presidential Pardon or Granted Amnesty.
9. Affiant sayeth that further consideration for Affiant’s America Diplomatic Passport Affiant
grants authorization for Post Settlement Closure to Paul Scellucci or Paul Scellucci’s Agent is
granted access to the Straw man’s exemption needed to clear This Commerce Account and all
future exemptions needed for closure of all future Commerce Accounts thereby allowing Affiant
to live in peace and not being harassed hereafter; Affiant accepts for value Ab Initio the
Replevin all Affiant’s Bond’s and their Values back to the Affiant as Principal including
Standard Form 24 (Rev. 10-98), Prescribed by GSA (48 CFR) 53.228(a) or current version of
Standard Form 24 to the Affiant.
10. Affiant sayeth that the intent of this Affidavit of Fact Shall not change the legal status of the
Straw man being registered in Commerce, see Straw man Corporate Nexis, et al (below), but
to sever those civil and criminal ties that binds the America Sovereign James Thomas
McBride to the Ens legis Straw man name(s).
11. Affiant sayeth that this Affidavit of Fact was hand delivered to Diplomatic Agent Paul
Scellucci Ambassador or his agent of the United States of America; the Ambassador or his
Agent is to serve immediately all co-defendants and they are 400 representatives, or 500
counting the Senate, or 509 counting the Supreme court, 511 counting the president and John
Ashcroft; ad manum is prepared for the World Court via Apostille and Certificate Official
Character in compliance to the Hague treaty agreement that was signed into Law by President
Ronald W Reagan, effective on 6 October 1981 Convention de La Have du 5 octobre 1961,
TIAS 10072, 33 UST 883, 527 UNTS 189 (Convention # 12) if ad comparendum is unfavorable
for the United States of America then each co- defendant Shall be charged $25,000.00 for each
23 minutes of detention Trezevant v City of Tampa 741 Fd2 336 1984 for unlawful detention
of James Thomas McBride starting on or about seven (7) days after 6 February 1954 to date and
counting at $1,086.96 minute per co-defendant, payment in Legal lender of the United States as
ordered by the World Court Hague. Netherlands.
12. Affiant sayeth Affidavit of Fact Rebuttal — Affidavit of Proof in 72 hours “Word for Word,
Sentence by Sentence and Paragraph by Paragraph” or plus 10 days request for additional time
Shall be made within 72 hours and any reasonable request will be granted in writing by James
Thomas McBride.
13. Further the Affiant sayeth in testimony to the facts of the foregoing statements made of my own
free will and volition, as Affiant verily believes the facts to be. Affiant, James Thomas McBride
affix my autograph and seal this 19th day of August 2004, Anno Domini

given Christian Appellation: By Affiant’s Own hand James Thomas
McBride Without the United States and Without the State of Ohio POA:
Larry Levan Russell (Attached),

FCI Manchester Kentucky

James Thomas McBride, Authorized Representative for the Alien Property Aliases JAMES T
PO Box 4000
Manchester, KY 40962-4000
FCI Manchester Phone No: (606) SOR-190() & Fax No: (606) 529-4115
Provost Marshall Lt. Col. Edward Baker Phone (502) 624-6852

According to the Act, a citizen of the United States shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing the following acts:
(5) Making a formal renunciation of nationality before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in a
foreign state, in such form as may be prescribed by the Secretary of ‘State.

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Divine. Sentient. and Common Law Witness Divine. Sentient. and Common Law Witness

Act of State

County of Essex |
| :ss
State of New Jersey |

On the 25th day of January, 2019 a man appeared before me, a Notary Public in the County of
Franklin, State of Ohio, identified himself to my satisfaction to be James Thomas McBride, attested
and affirmed upon his own unlimited commercial liability that the foregoing is true, correct, complete
and not misleading to the best of his present knowledge and belief and affixed his signature hereto.

Notary signature
My commission expires on _____________________

Limited Power of Attorney to Obtain Affiant’s Diplomatic Passport
I, James Thomas McBride, Grantor of this Limited Power Of Attorney and Authorized Representative
For Ens Legis Grant to Larry Levon Russell a Narrow Limited Power Of Attorney To Autograph My
Given Christian Appellation, James Thomas McBride, To The “Affidavit of Fact” that is to Be Hand
Delivered To Mr. Ambassador, Paul Scellucci. Further, Out Of Necessity, Larry Levon Russell is
authorized To Autograph My Given Christian Appellation on any and All Necessary Documents In
Obtaining My Diplomatic Passport and Necessary Papers. This Limited Power Of Attorney Shall
Terminate Upon His Return from this mission from Canada. This Limited Power of Attorney to
Obtain My Diplomatic Passport, be it so executed on this day 7 August 2004.

Without Prejudice, All rights Reserved

James Thomas McBride, Authorized
Representative, Secured Party, Creditor, By
My Own Hand, Without the UNITED

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Divine. Sentient. and Common Law Witness Divine. Sentient. and Common Law Witness

Before me, Notary ______________________________, a Notary Public in and for the State of Ohio
appeared James Thomas McBride, and being first duly sworn under the penalty of perjury, pursuant to
the laws of the United States of America, Title 28 USC Section 1746(1) “Without” and did subscribe
the above document titled “Limited Power of Attorney to Obtain Affiant’s Diplomatic Passport” in my
presence and declared that the same was his own voluntary act and deed, done this ____ August 2004.

Notary Notary _________________________________, Commission Expires __________________


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