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Pakistan-Turkey Relationship

Taking Friendship to a new level

The time tested, icon friendship between Pakistan and Turkey is
beyond time and borders.This cordial relationship is the true
embodiment of the motto “ Two countries one Nation”.The strong
between the peopl of Pakistan and Turkey predates even the creation
of the former.Pakistan too attaches great significance to its fraternal
and multifaceted ties with Turkey and desires to strenghthen this
relationship even more.The affinity amongst the people of the two
countries has been nurtured by the decades old cultural religious and
geo political links.This probabaly is an unparalleled phenomenon in
the history of bilateral relations between states in the modern world.
Turkey is Pakistan’s amongst consistent allies and the nature of Pak-Turk
Reations has been emotional and ideological.Peolple to people contacts and
bilateral state realtion remain as strong as ever with the two countries now
seriously exploring ways and means to further cement ties.Importantly the
sides also wishes to boost their strategic relations by increasing the level of
cooperation.To date almosat every Prime minister and President w ho has ever
held office in either Turkey or –Pakistan has paid the other a visit before the end
Of the term in their office.

Currently Political relations and high level contacts at the bilateral level are
intensive as well.Turkey perceives Pakistan as aa state that come in to being on
the bvasisi of aspirations of the Muslims of thye sub continent and belives that
the development and progress o0f Pakistan in its fight against terrrorism by
extending every posssible help.

Pakistan nTurkey relations have always been maintained friendly and
cordial.Turkey is an important country of the region and worthy military and
economic power.It has beeen taking interest in promoting peace in the AF-Pak
region and bringing the two neighbours closer with a view to esolve the Afghan
conundrum and builing mutual trust between them.In Pak turk relationship
thjere have been three primary spheres opf cooperationsthat characterizes the
relations between these two countries

B. Both Turkish and Pakistan societies have a common cultural heritage
whose roots are ingrained in history.There is no other way than this to
discribe the mutual sympathy that both nations have towardds one
another In the past each nation offered asssistance to the other when it
was in need of help .For instance indian muslim in india

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