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New Central Bank Act (Republic Act 7653) e) Makes liable Monetary Board members,

BSP officials, examiners, and

I. STATE DECLARED POLICY employees, who willfully violate the Act
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is the State’s or who are guilty of negligence, abuses
Central Monetary Authority mandated in the or acts of malfeasance or misfeasance,
1987 Philippine Constitution to function and or fail to exercise extraordinary
operate as an independent and accountable diligence in the performance, or fail to
body corporate in the discharge of its mandated exercise extraordinary diligence in the
responsibilities concerning money, banking and performance of their duties, for any loss
credit. or injury suffered by BSP, or other
banking institutions.
Case: Bank of Commerce v. Planters Dev. Bank

Changes brought about about RA 7653: 1. Primary objectives of BSP:

a. To maintain price stability
a) Assures BSP’s independence by conducive to a balanced
providing for the majority of the and sustainable growth of
members of its monetary board coming the economy;
from the private sector. b. To promote and maintain
b) Allows BSP to concentrate on monetary the monetary stability and
policy, by removing it of fiscal convertibility of the
responsibilities, which distracted it from Philippine Peso;
its primary function. c. To provide policy directions
c) Provides safeguards to ensure that in areas of money, banking,
unlike the old Central Bank, which and credit, with supervision
sustained huge losses, BSP would have over operations of banks,
a positive net income position by the and with regulatory powers
following provisions: over operations of finance
 Capitalization of P50 Billion of which companies, and non-bank
P10 Billion paid upon affectivity of the financial institutions
Act; performing quasi-banking
 Maintenance of positive net foreign functions.
asset position; 2. Roles of BSP:
 Charging interests of all loans and a. Banker of the government;
advances to banks b. Representation with the
 Authority to collect interests on loans International Monetary
and advances to closed financial Fund (IMF);
institutions; c. Representation with other
 Prohibition from development banking financial institutions; and
and financing; d. Fiscal operations.
 Abolished “monetary adjustment” and
Case: Koruga v. Arcenas, Jr. 590 SCRA
“exchange stabilization” accounts by
49 (2009)
which the old CB sustained huge losses;
 All BSP expenses are now included in 3. BSP privileges and prohibitions:
computing BSP profits and losses;
d) Affirms absolute secrecy of banks a. Tax exemption
deposits by repealing Presidential b. Exemption from custom duties
Decree 1792, and reverting back to the c. Cannot acquire shares of any
original provisions of the Secrecy of kind, or accept them as
Bank Deposits Act; collateral, and shall not
participate in the ownership or
management of any enterprise, b. Those coming from private sectors shall
either directly or indirectly. It not hold any other public or public
cannot also engage in the employment during tenure;
development of banking or c. Cannot be connected with any
financing. multilateral banking or financial
institution, or has a substantial interest
III. MONETARY BOARD in any private bank in the Philippines,
1. Composition: Seven (7) members appointed within one (1) year prior to his
by the President of the Philippines for a term of appointment;
6 years, namely: d. Cannot be employed in any such
institution within two (2) years after
a. Governor, as Chairman; expiration of his term, except when he
b. A Cabinet member designated by the serves as an official representative of
President; the Government in such institution;
c. Five (5) members who shall come from e. Governor and full-time members shall
the private sector, all of whom shall limit their professional activities to
serve full-time. No member of the those pertaining directly to their
Board may be reappointed more than position with the BSP. And may not
once. accept any other employment, whether
public or private, remunerated or ad
2. Qualifications:
honorem, with the exception of
 Must be natural-born Filipino citizens; positions in eleemosynary, civil, cultural
 At least 35 years of age, with the or religious organizations or whenever,
exception of the Governor, who should by designation of the President, the
at least be 40 years of age; Governor of full-time member is tasked
 Of good moral character, of to represent the interest of the
unquestionable integrity, of known Government;
probity and patriotism; and f. When any member with personal or
pecuniary interest in any matter in
 With recognized competence in social
Monetary Board agenda, he shall
and economic discipline.
disclose his interest and shall retire
3. BSP Governor should be: from the meeting when the matter is
taken up.
 Head of department, and his
appointment should be subject to the 4. Removal of Governor and Board
confirmation by the Commission of Members – the President may remove any
Appointments; member of the Board for any of the
 CEO of the BSP; following reasons:
 Monetary Board’s and BSP’s principal
a. Subsequent disqualification;
b. Physical or mental incapacity that
4. Disqualifications: he cannot properly discharge his
duties and responsibilities and such
a. Disqualified from being director, officer, incapacity n has lasted for more
employee, consultant, lawyer, agent or than six (6) months;
stockholder of any bank, quasi-bank or c. Guilty of acts or operations, which
any other institution which is subject to are of fraudulent or illegal
BSP supervision, in which case, such character, or which are manifestly
member shall resign from, and divest opposed to the aims and interests
himself of any and all interests in such of BSP; or
institution before assumption of office; d. No longer possessing qualifications
specified in the Act.
5. Responsibilities/Liabilities of BSP Officers and institution subject to its supervision or
Employees: examination, unless there is convincing proof
that the action of BSP is plainly arbitrary and
a. Those who willfully violate the Act, or made in bad faith and the petitioner or plaintiff
who are guilty of negligence, abuses or
files a bond executed in favor of BSP, in a n
acts of malfeasance or misfeasance, or amount to be fixed by the court.
failure to exercise extraordinary
diligence in the performance of their Case: BSP Monetary Board v. Antonio-
duties, shall be held liable for any loss Valenzuela 602 SCRA 698 (2009)
or injury suffered by BSP, or other
banking institution as a result thereof. V. PROHIBITIONS
b. Similar responsibility shall apply to BSP personnel are prohibited from:
members, officers, and employees of
BSP for: a. Being an officer, director, lawyer or
 Disclosure of any confidential agent, employee, consultant or
information unless the stockholder, directly or indirectly, of
disclosures are in the any institution subject to BSP
connection to the performance supervision or examination; except,
of official BSP functions, or is non-stock savings and loan associations
with prior authorization of or provident funds exclusively for BSP
Monetary Board or Governor; employees;
 Use of such information for b. Directly or indirectly requesting, or
personal gain, or to the receiving any gift, present or pecuniary
detriment of the Government, or material benefit for himself or
BSP or third parties. another, from any institution subject to
BSP supervision or examination;
Case: Reyes v. Rural Bank of San Miguel c. Revealing in any manner, except under
(Bulacan) 339 SCRA 226 (2003) orders of the courts, Congress or any
other government agency authorized by
law, information relating to the
condition or business of any such
BSP shall have supervision over, and conduct institution;
periodic or special examinations of, banking d. Borrowing from any such institution,
institutions and quasi-banks, including their unless: (i) inadequately secured, and (ii)
subsidiaries and affiliates engaged in allied fully disclosed to Monetary Board.
Subsidiary – a corporation more than 50% of LIQUIDATION
the voting stock of which is owned by a bank or
1. Appointment of Conservator – Whenever
a quasi-bank.
a bank or a quasi-bank is in:
Affiliate – a corporation, the voting stock of
 A state of continuing inability; or
which, to the extent of 50% or less, is owned by
a bank or a quasi-bank, or which is related or  Unwillingness to maintain a
linked, or such other factors determined by condition of liquidity deemed
Monetary Board. adequate to protect the interest of
depositors and creditors, the
Case: BSP Monetary Board v. Antonio- Monetary Board may:
Valenzuela 602 SCRA 698 (2009) a. Appoint a conservator to
take charge, for a period
1. No restraining order against BSP – No not exceeding one (1) year,
restraining order or injunction shall be issued by
the courts enjoining BSP from exempting any
of the assets, liabilities, and 3. Receivership Proceedings – whenever the
management thereof; Monetary Board finds that a bank or a quasi-
b. Reorganize the bank:
a. Is unable to pay its liabilities as they
c. Collect all monies and debts
due the said bank; and become due in the ordinary course of
d. Exercise all powers business; BUT: shall not include those
necessary to restore its caused by extraordinary demands
viability with power to induced by panic in the banking
overrule or revoke the community;
actions of the previous b. Has insufficient realizable assets to
management and board of meet its liabilities;
directors of the bank or c. Cannot continue in business without
involving probable losses to its
depositors or creditors; or
Take the case of First Phil. Int’l Bank v. CA 252 d. Has willfully violated a cease and desist
SCRA 259 (1996) order that has become final, involving
acts or transactions which amount to
A contract was entered into by bank’s fraud, or dissipation of the assets of
responsible officer. Subsequently, the bank the institution;
became insolvent, and a conservator was The Monetary Board may summarily
appointed, who repudiated the contract on the and without need for prior hearing,
ground that it was entered into without proper forbid the institution from doing
authority. Does the conservator have the power business in the Philippines, and
to revoke or overrule actions of the designate the PDIC as receiver of the
Management or Board of Directors of the bank,
banking institution.
pursuant to Sec. 28-A of old CBA?
4. Functions of conservatorship:
Held: Sec. 28 merely gives the conservator the
power to revoke contracts that are, under a. Immediately gather and take charge of
existing law, deemed to be defective – i.e., void, all the assets and liabilities of the
voidable, unenforceable, or rescissible. The institution, and administer the same for
conservator merely takes the place of a bank’s the benefit of its creditors;
BOD. What the said board cannot do – such as b. Exercise the general powers of a
repudiating a contract validly entered into receiver;
under the doctrine of implied authority, the c. Determine as soon as possible, but not
conservator cannot do either. Ineluctably, his later than 90 days from takeover,
power is not unilateral, and he cannot simply whether the institution may be
repudiate valid obligations of the bank. rehabilitated or otherwise placed in
such a condition so that it may be
2. When Conservatorship terminated (closure) permitted to resume business with
or changed to receivership: safety to its depositors and creditors,
a. When the Monetary Board is satisfied and the general public.
that the institution can continue to Note: Any determination for resumption of
operate on its own and the business shall be subject to the prior approval
conservatorship is no longer necessary;
of the Monetary Board.
b. Should the Monetary Board determine
that the continuance in business of the 5. Effect of Appointment of a Receiver:
institution would involve probable loss
to its depositors or creditors, in which The appointment of a receiver operates to
case proceedings for receivership and suspend the authority of a bank and of its
directors and officers over its properties and
liquidation shall be pursued.
effects, such authority being reposed in the amount of bonuses to its employees.
receiver, and in this respect, the receivership is (Producers Bank v. NLRC, 355 SCRA 489)
equivalent to an injunction to restrain the bank
officers from intermeddling with the property Receiver is obliged to collect pre-existing debts
due to the bank, and, to foreclose mortgages
of the bank in any way. (Abacus Real Estate v.
Manila Banking Corp., 452 Scra 97, 2005) security of such debts. The principle is that bank
is bound by the acts, or failure to act, of its
5. liquidation – if the receiver determines that receiver. (Larrobis, Jr. v. Philippine Veterans
the institution cannot be rehabilitated or Bank)
permitted to resume busniness, the Monetary
Board shall notify in writing the BODs of its Pendency of a closure and receivership case in
findings, and direct the receiver to proceed with court does not diminish the authority of the
designated liquidator of a bank to administer
the liquidation of the institution.
and continue the bank’s transactions, to
The receiver shall then: continue receiving collectibles and receivables,
or paying off the creditor’s claims and other
a. File ex parte with the RTC, and without transactions pertaining to the normal
the requirement of prior notice, or any operations of a bank, which includes the
other action, a petition for assistance in prosecution of suits against debtors for
the liquidation of the institution collection. (Banco Filipino v. Ybanez,445 SCRA
pursuant to PDIC’s liquidation plan;
b. Upon acquiring jurisdiction, RTC shall,
upon motion by the institution, assist
the enforcement of the individual
liabilities of the stockholders, directors
and officers, and decide on other issues
as may be material to implement the
liquidation plan adopted;
c. Receivers shall convert the assets of the
institution to money, dispose of the
same to the creditors and other parties
for the purpose of paying the debts of
such institution, in accordance with the
rules on concurrence and preference of
d. Receiver shall institute necessary
actions to collect and recover accounts
and assets of, or defend any action
against the institution.

Note: The assets of an institution under

receivership or liquidation shall be deemed in
custodial egis, in the hands of the receiver, and
shall, from the moment the institution was
placed under such receivership or liquidation,
be exempt from any order of garnishment, levy
attachment, or execution.


A bank in a depressed financial condition,

reeling from tremendous losses, cannot be
legally compelled to continue paying the same

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