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10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

Use of Prepositions

Note the use of these prepositions in reference of 'Time'

i. At is used for a precise time.

ii. In is used for months, years, centuries and long periods.
iii. On is used for days and dates.

Note the use of these prepositions in reference of 'Place'

i. At is used for a point.

ii. In is used for an enclosed space.
iii. On is used for a surface.

(A) At shows stationary position or existing state while In shows movement.
Examples i. She is at home.
ii. The train is in motion.

(B) At for small place, town etc. while In for big place, town, city, country etc.
Examples i. He lives at Alwar in Rajasthan.
ii. A temple is situated at Madurai in Chennai.

(C) At is used for Point of time, and In is used for Period of time.
Examples i. The train will arrive at six in the morning.
ii. He will meet you in the morning.

(D) In/Into In shows the existing state of things, while Into shows movement.
Examples i. He jumped into the river.
ii. There are three students in the class.

In can also be used as an adverb; Come in = Enter. Get in (into the train).

(E) To/Into To or Into is used as following

i. In the direction of Turn to the right.
ii. Destination I am going to Jaipur.
iii. Until From Monday to Friday; five minutes to ten
iv. Compared with They prefer hockey to soccer. Page 1
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

v. With indirect object Please give it to me.

vi. As part of infinitive I like to ski; he wants to help.
vii. In order to We went to the store to buy soap.
viii. To the inside of We stepped into the room.
ix. Change of condition The boy changed into a man.

On can be used for both existing position and movement.
Example (a) He was sitting on his bag.
(b) Snow fell on the hills.

On can also be used as an adverb

Examples (a) Go on.
(b) Come on.

Onto is used when there is movement involving a change of level.

Examples (a) People climbed onto their roofs.
(b) He lifted her onto the table.

With is used for instruments, and By is used for agents.
Examples (a) The snake was killed by him with a stick.
(b) The letter was written by Suresh with a pencil.

Since is often used with Present Perfect or Past Perfect Tense. Since is used for point of time and
never for place, as; since 6 O'Clock /last night /last Monday/ since
morning/evening/ Monday/January/2005 etc.
Examples (a) It has been raining since two O'Clock.
(b) He had been ill since Monday.

Since can also be used as an adverb

Examples (a) He left school in 1983. I haven't seen him since.
(b) It is two years since I last saw Tom. Page 2
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

Beside and Besides have altogether different meanings.
Don't confuse beside with besides. beside = at the side of

o He was sitting beside Sarla.

o besides = in addition to / as well as

o He has a car besides a motor cycle.

Between is normally used for 'two things or persons, but it can also be used more, when we have
a definite number in mind and there is a close relationship/ association within them.

o He distributed his property between his two sons.

Among is usually used for more than two persons or things when we have no definite number in

o He was happy to be among friends again.

Both have the same meaning. Either of them can be used if followed by 'the'. If followed by a
word, beginning with a vowel 'amongst' be used. The use of amongst is usually found in literary

o He distributed the toffees among/amongst the poor.

o He distributed the toffies amongst us

Figures of Speech

Using original figures of speech in our writing is a way to convey meanings in fresh, unexpected
ways. Figures can help our readers understand and stay interested in what we have to say. Page 3
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

1. Alliteration: The repetition of an initial consonant sound. Example: She sells seashells by the

2. Apostrophe: Directly addressing a nonexistent person or an inanimate object as though it were

a living being. Example: "Oh, you stupid car, you never work when I need you to," Bert sighed.

3. Euphemism: The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively

explicit. Example: "We're teaching our toddler how to go potty," Bob said.

8. Hyperbole: An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of
emphasis or heightened effect. Example: I have a ton of things to do when I get home.

4. Irony: The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Also, a statement or
situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the
idea. Example: "Oh, I love spending big bucks," said my dad, a notorious penny pincher.

5. Metaphor: An implied comparison between two dissimilar things that have something in
common. Example: "All the world's a stage."

6. Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by

side. Example: "He popped the jumbo shrimp in his mouth."

7. Paradox: A statement that appears to contradict itself. Example: "This is the beginning of the
end," said Eeyore, always the pessimist.

8. Personification: A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed

with human qualities or abilities. Example: That kitchen knife will take a bite out of your hand if
you don't handle it safely.

9. Pun: A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the
similar sense or sound of different words. Example: Jessie looked up from her breakfast and
said, "A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat."

10. Simile: A stated comparison (usually formed with "like" or "as") between two fundamentally
dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common. Example: Roberto was white as a sheet
after he walked out of the horror movie.

Rhyming Scheme: Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of
each verse or line in poetry.

Example: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, (A)

How I wonder what you are. (A) Page 4
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

Up above the world so high, (B)

Like a diamond in the sky. (B)

Example: A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend: A

I told my wrath, my wrath did end. A
I was angry with my foe: B
I told it not, my wrath did grow. B
And I watered it in fears C
Night and morning with my tears; C
And I sunned it with smiles, D
And with soft deceitful wiles. D

Example: The One

The one who brought me down to earth, A

And held me every day. B
The one who gracefully gave me birth, A
And said, I love you in every way. B

The one who taught me everything, C

Like how to crawl and walk. D
The one who taught me how to sing C
After learning how to talk. D

Sentence Correction:
1. Some boys was playing around a pound.
A. Some boys were playing around a pound.
2. He wanted to bought vegetables.
A. He wanted to buy vegetables.
3. He would ate all the money.
A. He would eat all the money.
4. He is very weak that he can't walk.
A. He is so weak that he can't walk.
5. A dog were walking home with his driver.
A. A dog was walking home with his driver.
6. He is an handsome boy.
A. He is a handsome boy.
7. A man was lead his donkey down a road.
A. A man was leading his donkey down a road.
8. The more he wants, the most he gets.
A. The more he wants, the more he gets.
The higher you go, the colder it gets. Page 5
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

9. He hid behind a rock or peeped out to see the lion.

A. He hid behind a rock and peed out to see the lion.
10. A man whom hair was turning grey had two wives.
A. A man whose hair was turning grey had two wives.
11. One wife was much youngest than the man.
A. One wife was much younger than the man.
12. The younger women was very beautiful.
A. The younger woman was very beautiful.
13. A old crane was very thirsty.
A. An old crane was very thirsty.
14. They never quarreled and played happy together.
A. They never quarreled and played happily together.
15. He bullied the little crane very badly that the younger one cried out to help.
A. He bullied the little crane so badly that the younger one cried out for help.
16. The tortoise stretched out he long neck.
A. The tortoise stretched out his long neck.
17. He made the hare laughed.
A. He made the hare laugh.
18. He is a cleverest boy in the class.
A. He is the cleverest boy in the class.
19. He ate so hungrily that a bone got lodged in her throat.
A. He ate so hungrily that a bone got lodged in his throat.
20. She used her long thin bill to reached down his throat.
A. She used her long thin bill to reach down his throat.
21. She asked the wolf of the promised reward.
A. She asked the wolf about the promised reward.
22. He hid in front of a large box.
A. He hid behind a large box.
23. He went straight up to him, but said.
A. He went straight up to him, and said.
24. The boys began to threw stones at the frogs.
A. The boys began to throw stones at the frogs.
25. One frog hoped upon a lily pad.
A. One frog hopped upon a lily pad.
26. He lifted her huge paw upon the little creatures.
A. He lifted his huge paw upon the little creatures.
27. The lion took compassion upon the tiny mice and released him.
A. The lion took compassion upon the tiny mouse and released him.
28. A lion laid asleep in the forest.
A. A lion lay asleep in the forest. Page 6
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

29. I will surely repays you.

A. I will surely repay you.
30. He was hunger.
A. He was hungry.
31. It was not a excuse for stealing.
A. It was not an excuse for stealing.
32. A lion, an ass and the fox were hunting in a forest.
A. A lion, an ass and a fox were hunting in a forest.
33. The ass were asked to divide the spoil.
A. The ass was asked to divide the spoil.
34. Just look to my bright and downy feathers.
A. Just look at my bright and downy feathers.
35. You black stiff quills is not worth having.
A. Your black stiff quills are not worth having.
36. They drived him very slowly.
A. They drove him very slowly.
37. They would had a better chance.
A. They would have a better chance.
38. They did not waited for an invitation.
A. They did not wait for an invitation.
39. He dressed herself.
A. He dressed himself.
40. He is senior than me.
A. He is senior to me.

Correct the following passages.

1) A bear came across a log when (a) a swarm of bees had nested to made (b) their honey. As he
snooped around, a single little bee flew out of the log in (c) protect the swarm. Knowing that the
bear would ate (d) all the honey, the little bee stung him sharply on a (e) nose and flew back into
the log.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

2) Some boys was (a) playing around a pond when they spotted a group of frogs hopping and
swimming about by (b) the water. The boys began to throw rocks at the frogs and even
completed against each other as to what (c) could hit a (d) most frogs. Sometimes the rocks hit
frogs very (e) hard that they died.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ................... Page 7
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

3) A dog were (a) walking home in (b) his dinner, a large slab of meat, in his mouth. On his way
home, he walking (c) by a river. Looking in the river, he saw another dog with an (d) handsome
chunk of meat in his mouth. "I want that meat, too," thought the dog, and he snapped at the dog
to grab his meat who (e) caused him to drop his dinner in the river.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

4) A man was lead (a) his donkey down a road, why (b) the donkey got free and ran to the edge
of high cliff. The man ran as fast as he could to the donkey and grabbed his tail in (c) stop the
donkey from going off the edge of a (d) cliff. But the donkey was stubborn ; the more the man
tried to stop him, the most (e) the donkey pulled the other way.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

5) A young fox saw a lion for the very first time. He were (a) so frightened by the appearance of
a (b) great beast that he ran away as fast as he could. The second time he see (c) the lion, he
hid behind a large rock or (d) peeped out to see the lion. The third time he saw the lion, he went
straight up on (e) him and said "Hello, Mr. Lion."
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

6) A lion laid (a) asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws. A timid little Mouse
come (b) upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and haste to get away, ran across the lion's
nose. Awaken from his nap, the angry lion laid his huge paw in (c) the tiny creature to kill her.
"Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and some day I will surely repays (d)
you. "The lion was much amused to think that a mouse could ever help him. But he was
generous yet (e) finally let the mouse go.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

7) An ass found a lion's skin left in the forest by a hunter. He dressed herself (a) in it, and
amused himself by hiding in a thicket and rushing out suddenly at the animals who (b) passed
that way. All took to their heels the moment they saw him. The ass was so pleased to see the
animals running away for (c) him, just as if he was (d) the king lion himself, that he could not
keep from expressing his delight by a loud, harsh bray. A fox, who ran with the rest, stoped (e)
short as soon as he heard the voice.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

8) A fox was caught in a trap one fine morning, so (a) he had got too near the farmer's house. No
doubt he was hunger (b), but that was not a (c) excuse for stealing. A cock, rising early,
discovered that (d) had happened. He knew the fox could not get at him, so he went a little close
(e) to get a good look at his enemy.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ................... Page 8
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

9) A pack of wolves lurked near the sheep pasture. But the dogs kept them all to (a) a respectful
distance, and the sheep grazed in perfect safety. But now the wolves thought of a plan with (b)
trick the sheep."Why is their (c) always this hostility between us?" they said, "If it were not for
those dogs what (d) are always stirring up trouble, I am sure we should got (e) along beautifully.
Send them away and you will see what good friends we shall become."
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

10) The North Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about who (a) of them was the stronger. While
they was (b) disputing with much heat and bluster, a traveller passing (c) along the road wrapped
in a cloak. "Let us agree," said the Sun, "That he is the stronger who can strip that traveller of his
clock." "Very well," growled the North Wind, and in (d) once sent an (e) cold, howling blast
against the traveller.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

11) The wind and the sun argued one day over who (a) one was the stronger. Spotting a man
travelling on the road, they sported a challenge to see which one could removing (b) the coat
from the man's back a (c) quickest. The wind began. He blow (d) strong gusts of air, so strong
that the man could barely walk against them. But the man clutched his coat tight against him.
The wind blew harder and longer, and the harder the wind blew, the tighter the man held her (e)
coat against him.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................
12) A wolf troubled his prey one day. He ate so fiercely and hungrily that a bone got lodged in
her (a) throat, causing him grievous pain. He howled and howled in agony and offered a rich
reward to anyone whose (b) could remove the bone. A crane passing by considered a (c) money,
and after seeing the wolf and hearing him scream in such pain, took pity upon him. She used her
long thin bill to reached (d) down his throat and remove the bone. And after removing the bone,
she asked the wolf of (e) the promised reward.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

13) A young fox see (a) a lion for the very first time. He was so frightened by the appearance to
(b) the great beast that he ran away as fast as he could. The second time he saw a (c) lion, he hid
infront of (d) a large rock and peeped out to see the lion. The third time he saw the lion, he went
straight up to him, but (e) said, "Hello, Mr. Lion."
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

14) Some boys were playing around a pond which (a) they spotted a group of frogs hopping and
swimming about over (b) the water. The boys began to threw (c) stones at the frogs and even
competed against each other as to what (d) could hit the most frogs. Sometimes the stones hit
the frogs so hard that they died. Finally one frog hoped (e) upon a lily pad. "Please stop," he
pleaded, "What may seem just fun to you is death to us." Page 9
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

15) One day a lion was waken from his afternoon nap by the (a) group of mice scurrying all
about him. He lifted her (b) huge paw upon one the little creatures. The mouse pleaded for mercy
from the stately beast. The lion took compassion upon the tiny mice (c) and released him. A few
days latter (d), the lion became trapped in a hunter's net. His roars made the whole forest tremble.
The little mouse whom (e) life was spared approached the lion in the snare and used his sharp
little teeth to gnaw the strong ropes until the lion was free.
a) ................... b) ................... c) ................... d) ................... e) ...................

1) a) where b) make c) to d) eat e) the
2) a) were b) in c) who d) the e) so
3) a) was b) with c) walked d) a e) which
4) a) leading b) when c) to d) the e) more
5) a) was b) the c) saw d) and e) to
6) a) lay b) came c) on d) repay e) and
7) a) himself b) which c) from d) were e) stopped
8) a) because b) hungry c) an d) what e) closer
9) a) at b) to c) there d) which e) get
10) a) which b) were c) passed d) at e) a
11) a) which b) remove c) the d) blew e) his
12) a) his b) who c) the d) reach e) about
13) a) saw b) of c) the d) behind e) and
14) a) when b) in c) throw d) who e) hopped
15) a) a b) his c) mouse d) later e) whose

Change the following sentence into passive voice

1. Anandini eats a mango.
A. A mango is eaten by Anandini.
2. He is painting the door.
A. The door is being painted by him.
3. The boy has completed his homework.
A. The homework has been completed by the boy.
4. The police have arrested the terrorist.
A. The terrorist has been arrested.
5. Tagore wrote the Geetanjali.
A. The Geetanjali was written by Tagore.
6. They marketed our products. Page 10
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

A. Our products were marketed (by them)

7. Parvathi posted the letter.
A. The letter was posted by Parvathi.
8. The girl finished her project work.
A. The project work was finished by the girl.
9. Someone killed the snake with a stick.
A. The snake was killed with a stick.
10. She was counting the eggs.
A. The eggs were being counted by her.
11. Kaleswar had written a letter.
A. A letter had been written by Kaleswar.
12. Mokshasri can sing songs.
A. Songs can be sung by Mokshasri.
13. Close the door.
A. Let the door be closed.
14. Prince teaches us grammar.
A. We are taught grammar by Prince (Or) Grammar is taught to us by Prince.
15. Blessy would buy a car.
A. A car would be bought by Blessy.
16. Who wrote the Ramayana ?
A. By whom was the Ramayana written ?
17. She will damage my popularity.
A. My popularity will be damaged by her.
18. I know her.
A. She is known to me.
19. They should feed the cat twice a day.
A. The cat should be fed twice a day.
20. Columbus discovered America.
A. America was discovered by Columbus.

Direct and Reported Speech

1. Ram said, " I am feeling well"

A. Ram said that he was feeling well.
2. Neelima said "my job is very interesting"
A. Neelima said that her job was very interesting.
3. Ravi said, "I want to go to New York next year.
A. Ravi said that he wanted to go to New York the following year.
4. Ravi said, "I woke up feeling well, so I didn't go to work".
A. Ravi said that he had woken up feeling well, so he hadn't gone to work.
5. Man said to woman "I am doing a survey on shopping habits" Page 11
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

A. Man told woman that she was doing a survey on shopping habits.
6. She said, "I have seen this film"
A. She said that she had seen that film.
7. He said, "I am hungry"
A. He said that he was hungry.
8. My uncle said, "I will go to London next year".
A. My uncle said that he would go to London the following year.
9. They said, "we were watching T.V."
A. They said that they had been watching T.V.
10. Malathi said to Harathi, "I did not go to college yesterday".
A. Malathi told Harathi that she had n't gone to college the previous day.
11. Krishna said to Iswarya, "I met your father yesterday".
A. Krishna told Iswarya that he had met her father the previous day.
12. Soumya said to Sarala "You are studying well"
A. Soumya told Sarala that she was studying well.

Universal Truths won’t change:

1. He said "Honey is sweet"
A. He said that honey is sweet.
2. She said, "The earth moves around the sun.
A. She said that the earth moves around the sun.
3. He said, "The sun rises in the east"
A. He said that the sun rises in the east

Questions - Reported Speech

1. Revathi said to Krishna "Do you drink coffee"?

A. Revati asked Krishna if he drank coffee.
2. Revathi said to Krishna, "Did you see the king yesterday?"
A. Ravathi asked Krishna if he had seen the king the previous day.
3. She said to him, "Do you sing" ?
A. She asked him if he sang.
4. He said to her "Did you go to college yesterday?"
A. He asked her if she had gone to college the previous day.

Combining the Sentences:

1. The roads were not good. He preferred less luggage. (Combine the sentences using "as")
A. As the roads were not good, he preferred less luggage.
2. He wanted to stay at home for some more days. He wanted to apply for leave.(Since)
A. Since he wanted to stay at home for some more days, he wanted to apply for leave.
3. There was nobody in the village to carry the author's luggage. Everybody was engaged in
some important work. (Combine the sentences using "because") Page 12
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

A. There was nobody in the village to carry the auther's luggage because everybody was
engaged in some important work.
4. You may not attend the class. You don't want to come again. (Combine using "if")
A. You may not attend the class if you don't want to come again.
5. The boy was about to come down the stairs. Then it crumbled down. ( "When")
A. When the boy was about to come down the stairs, it crumbled down.
6. There were freezing temperatures. They trekked for hours.( "Inspite of")
A. In spite of freezing temperatures, they trekked for hours.
7. It's an interesting city. We are going to visit it again.(" such - that")
A. It is such an interesting story that we are going to visit it again.
8. We booked a holiday. We had very little money.(Combine the sentences using "Although")
A. We booked a holiday although we had very little money.
9. The tour guide was informative. We didn't need to read our guide book.( "so - that")
A. The tour guide was so informative that we didn't need to read our guide book.
10. Jainulabdeen had no formal education and wealth. (" neither - nor")
A. Jainulabdeen had neither formal education nor wealth.
11. The continental dimensions of the country account for the variations and diversities. There
are several religious sets and beliefes. (Combine the sentences using "Besides")
A. Besides there being several religious sets and beliefs, the continental dimensions of
the country account for the variations and diversities.
12. Preachers preach many good things. Many of them don't practice when they preach.
( "However")
A. Preachers preach many good things, however many of them don't practise what they

Fill in the banks with right form of the verb:

1. I .................................................................(see) the Taj Mahal recently. Ans : have seen
2. I .......................................................................... (cut) my finger just now. Ans. have cut.
3. I ............................................................................(see) Raju his week. Ans : have seen.
4. They ...................... just .................................................................(go) Ans : have, gone
5. He ............................................... already ............................. (arrive) Ans : has, arrived
6. ......................... .............. you ............................ (see) my diary today? Ans : have, seen
7. I ........................................................... (see) it on the table this morning. Ans : have seen
8. Recently we ........................(meet) at the wedding of mutual friend of us. Ans : have, met.
9. Look ! the ground is wet. It ............................................................(rain) Ans : has rained
10. Anandini.......................................................... (write) a letter just now. Ans : has written.
11. Have you finished your work ?
Yes, I ......................................................................(finish) my work. Ans : have finished
12. She ................................................................(paint) a picture just now. Ans : has painted

Fill in the banks with right form of the verb: Page 13
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

1. He ................................................................ (pass) his examination in 2013. Ans : passed

2. I .............................................................................. (visit) Delhi last month. Ans : visited

3. Raju ........................................................................ (meet) his friend yesterday. Ans : met

4. I ........................................................................... (put) it on the table last night. Ans : put

5. I ............................................................................................(see) her in 2009. Ans : saw
6. I ................................................. (cut) my finger when I was sharping my pencil. Ans : cut
7. When ..................................... you last ............................ (use) the pencil ? Ans : did, use
8. She ............................................................. (not, go) to school yesterday. Ans : did not go

Fill in the banks with right form of the verb:

1. It is time Bhavani ...........................................................................(woke) up. Ans : woke
2. It it is time we .................................................................................(go) home. Ans : went
3. It it time my friend ....................................................................... (ring) me up. Ans : rang
4. It is time you ............(take) my help and......(complete) the project. Ans : took, completed
5. You and your friend have spent more time that you spend daily the playground. You feel it
is late and better to go home. Give him/her advice using It's time.....
A) It's time we went home.

Fill in the banks with right form of the verb:

1. When I went to the railway station, the train already ......... (leave) the station. Ans : had left
2. The patient ....................................................(die) before the doctor came. Ans : had died
3. Everything .....(disturb) before the play..........(come) to an end. Ans : had disturbed, came
4. I ......... (pay) one hundred rupees before I ...... (enter) this theatre. Ans : had paid, entered
5. The electrician ....(restore) the power before the audience.....(leave). Ans : had restored, left
6. The hero ........... (hurl) him since he ........(do) a mischievous thing. Ans : hurled, had done
7. After I .......................................... (brush ) my teeth, I took breakfast. Ans : had brushed.
8. My father came after I ........................................... (finish) my dinner. Ans : had finished.

1. Attitude is Altitude - Text Book Vocabulary - Synonyms

stretch = extend scratch = rub allow = permit
whole = entire brave = bold mainly = mostly
small = little pick = take decided = chose
special = particular hard = difficult made = taken
shocked = stunned distraught = distressed disability = inability
explanation = reason taught = learnt invented = created
device = tool risk = danger bullied = frightened
mainstream = common achieved = attained luckily = fortunately
attempt = effort unsuccessful = failed purpose = use Page 14
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

realised = understood hope = expect encourage = support

courage = bravery perseverance = determination spin = turn
quickly = fast amazing = wonderful absolutely = completely
magazine = journal gravity = magnitude inspirational= encouraging
published = printed handle = face finish = complete

2. The dear Departed - Text Book Vocabulary – Synonyms

precocious = intelligent amazed = surprised really = actually

dead = deceased poor = pitiable sent = disaptched
heavy = weighty set foot = enter fast = hasty
enough = adequate hard = tough like = love
nearly = almost worn out = damaged realize = understand
lucky = fortunate small = little finished = completed
always = forever arrange = fix dividing = splitting
sharp = intelligent shabby = untidy get rid of = discard
fasten = close change = replace bring = take
pinch = steal grandpa = grandfather died = departed
fetch = bring appealed = attracted quiet = calm
lift = carry merry = happy found = noticed
enough = adequate finished = completed jewellery = ornaments
promised = assured fond = loving premium = payment
purpose = intention swindling = cheating certain = sure fetch = bring

3. The Journey - Text Book Vocabulary - Synonyms

Q. 6
leisurely = restful lethargy = tiredness fact = truth
obviously = clearly decide = choose terrain = ground
certainty = assurance purpose = reason arranged = fixed
customs = traditions initially = firstly trunk = box
problem = trouble find = get labour = work
solution = answer protested = objected allow = permit
dissuade = convince tired = exhausted quickly = fast
plight = trouble little = small handed = gave
luggage = baggage uttered = spoke improper = indecent
probably = may be truly = really admiration = appreciation
labour = work useless = ineffective bare = naked
worn = damaged noticed = observed wallet = purse
protested = objected old = shabby convince = persuade
reluctantly = unwillingly gradually = slowly giant = big Page 15
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

opposite = contradictory luxurious = lavish

4. Rendezvous with Ray - Text Book Vocabulary – Synonyms

unique = typical impact = influence acquainted = familiar

fascinating = interesting speak = exhort arrogance = rudeness
convert = transfer massive = big intellectual = wise
unassuming = humble agnostic = ignorant death = demise
finished = completed landmark = milestone sterling = excellent
control = monitor expect = estimate cinematography = photography
choreography = dance composition weave = knit captured = mesmerized
magnificent = excellent convey = communicate fake = forged
amazing = surprising agreement = pact get = obtain
tolerant = patient quest = inquiry possible = probable
intimidating = frightening endorse = approve detractors = critics
reputation = fame depicted = shown

5. Environment - Text Book Vocabulary - Synonyms

source = origin shortage = dearth change = deviation
patterns = designs almost = nearly colony = settlement
government = rule commercial = benefits sustain = maintain
interests = benefits discontent = dissatifaction conflict = contention
distribution = share important = vital know = aware
foresters = officers complicated = difficult ordinary = common
protecting = guarding rehabilitate = locate environment= surroundings

6. Bio-Diversity

Green Belt Movement (n) : a movement to protect environment

Fodder (n) : food for farm animals
Forested (adj) : forested areas are covered in forests (place where trees are densely grown)
Pristine (adj) : extremely fresh or clean
Indigenous (adj) : native
Biological diversity (n) : the variety of plants and animals in a particular place
Exotic species (n) : unusual plants
Plaintive (adj) : sounds sad
Snuffles (n) : to breathe noisily through your nose
Gleaming (adj) : to shine softly
Glaciers (n) : a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley
Warbles (v) : to sing with a high continuous but quickly changing sound Page 16
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Birth fills (n) : the process of giving birth to a baby

Solemn (adj) : very serious and not happy

Phrasal Verbs
Go about ( ph.r v) : tackle
Fight over (phr. v) : argue about something
Trailed off ( phr v) : became gradually quieter and stopped
Broke down (phr v) : lost control of feelings and started crying

Exotic x indigenous
Ominous x auspicious
Barren x fertile

7. Nation and Diversity:

Erstwhile ( adj) : former

Undistinguished (adj) : not very interesting, successful or attractive
Ancestral (n) : the race of people that you come from
Austere (adj) : simple and plain
Orthodox (adj) : following closely the traditional beliefs and practices of a religion
Summon (v) : to order somebody to come to you
Conviction (n) : the act of finding somebody guilty of crime
Segregation (n) : the policy / act of separating people
Conservative (adj) : opposed to great/sudden social change
Ritual (n) : a series of actions, specially as a part of religious ceremony
Perturb (v) : to make worried/ anxious
Confront (v) : to deal with a problem/ situation
Optimism (n) : a feeling that good thing will happen
Ethnic (adj) : connected with / belonging to a nation, race or people that shares a cultural
Myriad ( n) : an extremely large number of
babel (n) : the sound of many voices talking at time
Penetrate (v) : go into / through
Discern (v) : to know / recognize or understand
Convention (n) : the way in which most people do
Blend (v) : to mix two or more substances together
Dialects (n) : the form of a language that is spoken in one area
sages (n) : wise people Page 17
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

seers (n) : people who claims that they can see what is going to happen in the future
Piety (n) : showing a deep respect for

Ancestor x descendant
Orthodox x heterodox
Optimism x pessimism
Generosity x stinginess
Sacred x unholy, profane, secular
Rigid x flexible
Synthesis x analysis

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

on high cloud (idiom) : having strong feelings of happiness or satisfaction
end up (phr.v) : finish / come to an end

8. Human Rights:
Be flanked by (v) : to have something on one or both sides
Sturdy (adj) : strong and healthy
Hazel (adj) : reddish/greenish brown
Imperiously (adv) : haughtily
Shuffled (v) : to walk by dragging (one's feet) slowly along
Bidding (n) : ordering
At one's beck and call : (idiom) be ready to do what someone asks
Stride (v) : to walk with long steps
Abjectly (adv) : completely without pride
Impute (v) : claim that someone has done something unjustly
Coarse : crude, impure, rough, unpurified
Elegant : polished, refined, graceful
Zeal : ardour, cordially, devotion, eagerness
Wail : bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn, cry, weep

Tender x hard, strong Zeal x apathy

1. Attitude is Altitude Text Book Vocabulary - Antonyms

stretch × shorten allow × forbid loved × hated
whole × partial stop × start brave × timid
small × big left × right send × receive Page 18
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

special × ordinary hard × easy best × worst

shocked × confident distraught × balanced old × young/new
disability × ability rare × common cruel × kind
blamed × praised right × wrong start × end
independent × dependent put × take/remove courage × timidity
really × doubtfully totally × partly taught × learnt
little × big hold × drop mainstream × uncommon
independence × dependence teased × helped bullied × helped/delighted
mobility × immobility team × individual deeply × slightly/mildly
depressed × happy terrified × unafraid impossible × possible
luckily × unluckily unsuccessful × successful strength × weakness
friend × enemy triumph × failure adversity × privilege
disabled × enabled achieve × fail great × tiny
helped × harmed hope × despair inspirational× suppressive
encourage × discourage courage × timidity thankful × ungrateful
never × always beauty × ugliness good × bad
strengthen × weaken convictions × doubts bravery × timidity
perseverance × feebleness absolutely × somewhat fantastic × normal
quickly × slowly low × high continue × discontinue
beautiful × ugly guest × host blessed × cursed
birth × death healthy × unhealthy together × alone
Q. 7
2. The dear Departed
come × go precocious × slow before × after
dead × alive here × there poor × rich
noise × silence heavy × light fast × slow
like × dislike new × old little × big
better × worse dividing × joining sharp × blunt
daft × sensible delicate × overpowering upstairs × downstairs
fasten × open front × back appear × disappear
down × up nothing × everything now × then
merry × miserable pay × receive thoughtful × thoughtless
hard × soft shabby × clean / tidy
3. The Journey
spending × saving tiring × invigorating continue × discontinue
extended × shortened much × less hilly × plain
certainly × uncertainly marriage × divorce unpaid × paid
increased × decreased debt × credit dissuade × forbid
large × small gathered × scattered carefully × carelessly
tiny × big narrow × wide different × similar Page 19
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

improper × proper probably × improbably provided × withdrew

truly × falsely respect × disrespect stronger × weaker
childhood × adulthood strength × weakness useless × useful
silently × noisily sorry × glad first × last
bare × covered resembled × different noticed × unnoticed
uneven × even convince × dissuade reluctantly × willingly
suddenly × gradually motionless × moving same × different
luxurious × uncofortable
4. Rendezvous with Ray
compare × contrast beginning × ending immortal × mortal
lose × gain arrive × depart weak × strong
child × adult inevitable × avoidable introduce × conclude
display × hide pain × pleasure confident × diffident
face × avoid hidden × revealed
5. Environment
commercial × non-commercial local × non-local produce × consume
broken × unbroken remember × forget complete × incomplete
morning × evening thick × thin colourful × colourless
children × grown-ups large × small bright × dull
visible × invisible identical × distinct wistfully × happily
outstretched × folded built × destroyed spluttered × composed
covered × uncovered

Idioms and Phrases:

1. set in = begin / start

set in = winter has set in early this year.
2. get into = became involved in
get into = Srilekha got into her preparation for the exams.
3. run over = hit someone or something with something and drive over them
run over = The car ran over a small goat on the main road.
4. kick down = strike forcibly with the foot
kick down = Anadini kicked down the ball
5. speed off = left in a vehicle or on a bicycle
speed off = The actress sped off in a waiting car.
6. bounced back = recovered quickly after a defeat
bounced back= T.D.P. bounced back in 2014 elections after 10 years.
7. freak out = make someone up-set / shock
freak out = Nick freaked out the girl at the traffic lights by doing a 360 degree spin.
8. call into = call to a person to come to some place Page 20
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

call into = I called my brother into the house.

9. break down = failing to function
break down = The car broke down when we were driving through the desert.
10. get rid of = discard as undesirable.
get rid of = He got rid of his bad company.
11. take off = remove / leave
take off = Revanth took off his shirt after entering his room.
12. stagger in = walk
stagger in = The thief staggered in and fell down.
13. talk over = speak with others about something / have a discussion
talk over = The two brothers are talking over sharing of their father's assets.
14. run up = move quickly to some place
run up = I ran up to the post man to receive the letters.
15. get off = remove / take off
get off = He got off his shirt after entering his room.
16. leave behind = not to take someone with you when you go somewhere
leave behind = The young man left his old mother behind.
17. see off = to say goodbye to someone
see off = I saw her off at the airport.
18. catch up = to come from behind and reach someone infront of you by going faster.
catch up = The old man caught up to the young man at last.
19. come across = meet by chance
come across = I came across a short person yesterday.
20. go about = tackle
go about = You are not going about in the right way to find a solution.
21. fight over = compete for / argue about something
fight over = The birds were fighting over a scrap of food.
22. set off = start a journey
set off = we set off for work at 7.30 pm.
23. look after = take care
look after = Their auntie looked after them while their mother was in hospital
. get one's own way : get what one wants even when somebody tries to opposite it;
24. Anandini is intelligent and very particular about her interests. She gets her own way at
the end.
25. for ages : for a long time
He had been waiting for ages for his promotion.
26. set foot : visit ; come ;
When I set foot in the USA, I was really thrilled.
27. drive a hard bargain : argue in an agrressive way and force someone to agree to the best
possible deal. Page 21
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

These days many companies try to drive a hard bargain with their customers.
28. get rid of : make free of something or somebody that is annoying
Some people are terribly boring. Every one tries to get rid of such persons.
29. give way : stop resisting ; agree to something one doesn't want to ;
She refused to give way on any of the points.
30. at length : for a long time and in detail ;
We have been discussing this topic at length.
31. on purpose : deliberately ; intentionally ;
He opened the topic on purpose.
32. took by surprise : shocked
He decision to join Army took his family by surprise.
33. at a loss : not knowing what to do
All the students were at a loss as the examination dates were announced at such a short

Bionomial Expressions
These pairs of words joined by a conjunction 'and' are called 'binomials'. In these expressions,
the word order never changes. For example, we say 'near and dear' and not 'dear and near'.

Here ae some sentences with 'binomials' underlined.

1. Sports is a part and parcel of education.
2. The new theatre is rough and ready.
3. Music is not only Rahman's bread and butter but also his passion.
4. The film industry is expanding in leaps and bounds.
5. He can pick and choose anything he likes. It is the customer to decide.
6. 'Give and take' policy is always helpful
7. Ray gave his heart and soul to reading books.
8. He stood by me through thick and thin.
9. The main goods were shifted first. Then the odds and ends were taken later.

Use thethe following binomial expression in sentences of your own.

1. Part and parcel = an integral part
Ex : Sports is a part and parcel of education.
2. rough and ready = almost finished
Ex : The new theatre is rough and ready.
3. bread and butter = livelihood
Ex : Direction is not only Rajamouli's bread and butter but also his passion.
4. leaps and bounds = is big leaps
Ex : The film industry is expanding in leaps and bounds
5. pick and choose = a large choice Page 22
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

Ex : He can pick and choose anything he likes. It is the customer to

6. give and take = help one another
Ex : 'Give and take' policy is always helpful.
7. heart and soul = dedicated
Ex : Ray gave his heart and soul to reading books.
8. thick and thin = in difficult times
Ex : He stood by me through thick and thin.
9. odds and ends = unimportant things
Ex : the main goods were shifted first. Then the oods and ends were
taken later.
10. language and custom= related language and culture
Ex : Sindhu is a perfect Telugu girl in language and custom.
11. cup and saucer = seen together
Ex : The two friends are always seen like a cup and a saucer.
12. near and dear = relatives well wishers and close friends.
Ex : I invited all my near and dear to attend my birthday party.
13. magnum opus =the greatest work
Ex : Bahubali is the magnum opus of the director Rajamouli, a famous
Telugu film director.
14. sine die = indefinitely
Ex : The meeting was adjourned sine die .
15. en route = on the way
Ex : I visited Hyderabad en route to Delhi.

Using foreign expressions in sentences of your own.

1. en masse = all together, in large numbers
Ex : The supporters of our local M.L.A. arrived en masse for the rally.
2. viva voce = a spoken exam
Ex : The students are required to write two papers and take a viva voce
3. in toto = totally
Ex : The judge accepted the testimony in toto
4. alma mater= mother of the soul (school or university)
Ex : I visited my old alma mater last week.
5. ex officio = included because of the rank or job/ by virtue of office.
Ex : Maheswari is an ex officio member of the board of the company.
6. in absentia = in the absence of
Ex : She was convicted of the crime in absentia.
7. detour = a longer route we take to avoid a danger Page 23
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

Ex : After a number of unexpected detours , we finally arrived at our

8. verbatim = word for word, exactly as spoken or written
Ex : Some passages in the book are taken verbatim to write a new story.
9. status quo = situation as it is now
Ex : He is content with the status quo and does not like change.
10. ad hoc = not planned in advance
Ex : The minister appointed an ad hoc committee to study the quality of
11. bona fide = genuine, real or legal
Ex : The candidates who join this project should submit their bona fide
12. lingua franca= link language
Ex : English is used as a lingua franca among many airline pilots.

One Word Substitutions:

1. Fatalist = A person who believes in fate.
2. Centenarian= A person who is above hundred years.
3. Omnipresent= One who is present everywhere.
4. Mercenary = A person who can do anything for money.
5. Misogynist = One who hates women.
6. Monogamy = A practice of having one wife or husband
7. Autobiography = A life history written by oneself.
8. Biography = A life history written by somebody else.
9. Honorary = A position for which no salary is paid.
10. Ambiguous = A sentence whose meaning is unclear
11. Inimitable = That which cannot be imitated
12. Theist = One who believes in God.
13. Spendthrift = One who spends too much
14. Teetotaler = One who abstains from taking alcohol.
15. Philanthropist = One who is an icon of simplicity, uncompromising quality and fairness /
who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind.
16. Pioneer = Who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture
etc. that other people then continue to develop.
17. incorrigible = A person or thing that cannot be corrected.
18. Intellectual = A person of good understanding, knowledge and reasoning person.
19. Polyglot = A person who knows many languages
20. Versatile = One who possesses many talents
21. Epitaph = Words inscribed on a tomb Page 24
10th Class English (Our World through English) – Textual Grammar – Vocabulary – Paper 1

22. Stopover = A short stay between two places in one's journey

23. Publisher = A person who brings out new books.
24. Trilogy = A group of three films that has the same characters or subject.
25. Portal = An impressive entrance to a building.
26. Detractor = A person who tries to make something less good by criticising it.
27. Colossus = A person who is extremely important or large in size.
28. Manuscript = A handwritten doucment.
29. Culprit = A person who is responsible for a problem or a crime.
30. Dictum = A statement that expresses something people believe is true and is to be
31. Verbose = Using more words than needed.
32. Didactic = Something designed to teach people some moral.
32. Agnostic = A person who is not sure about the existence of God.
33. Aesthetics = A branch of philosophy that studies the principles of beauty in art
34. Fall out = A result of a situation or of an action.
35. Documentary= A film that gives facts about something.

The Indefinite Article – A / AN

We use A/AN with:
1. Singular nouns and the first time we refer to a person, animal or thing.

• a child
• an elephant
• a television

2. We don't use A/AN with possessive pronouns, demonstratives or cardinal numbers.

• My shirt is dirty.
• This car is expensive.
• One person is in the reception.

3. We use ONE (or more) instead of A/AN when the number is important.

• There is only one exit from the airport.

A is used when the next word begins with a consonant sound (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k etc).

• a book
• a table
• a clock
• a university (because the beginning of university sounds like YOU-niversity) Page 25
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AN is used when the next word begins with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).

• an apple
• an elephant
• an umbrella
• an hour (because the H is silent

The Definite Article – THE

We use THE with:
1. A singular or plural noun when it is clear/obvious which person or thing we are talking about.

• There is a lamp in my bedroom. (we mention the lamp for the first time)
• The lamp is next to the desk.

2. Anything which we identify immediately.

• We watched the new Brad Pitt movie last night.

3. Musical instruments (the violin, the guitar, the drums, the flute, the piccolo).

• She plays the piano.

4. Something that is unique or there is only one.

• the sun
• the moon
• the internet.

5. Names of rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges and deserts (always in capitals).

• The Mississippi River

• The Black Sea
• The Andes
• The Sahara Desert

6. Directions (cardinal points).

• the west
• the south-east
• the north-west.

No Article
We use no article with:
1. When we refer to general ideas, plurals or uncountable nouns we do not use THE. Page 26
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• Religion is an important issue. (NOT The religion is an important issue)

• Mexican food is spicy. (NOT The Mexican food is spicy).

2. Names of people, books and plays (unless it is part of the title).

• I have read Romeo and Juliet.

3. Towns, cities, states and countries.

• Cape Town
• Montana
• Vietnam

(Exceptions – The USA, The UK, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, The Philippines).
4. Lakes, single islands, continents or mountains.

• Lake Victoria
• Jamaica
• Asia
• Mt Fuji

5. Planets

• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn

6. Sports or games

• soccer
• tennis
• skiing
• monopoly

7. Meals

• breakfast
• lunch
• dinner
• supper Page 27
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