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Scope Management

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Hot Topics

• Why Scope Management?

• Project Scope vs Product Scope

• Requirements Document

• Scope Statement


• Scope Control

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Why Scope Management?

• Scope Creep

• Scope Change

• Uncomplete Scope

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Monitoring &
Controlling Processes

Enter phase/ Initiating Closing Exit phase/

Start project Processes Processes End project


Knowledge Area Monitoring &
Initiating Planning Executing Closing
Plan Scope Management
Verify Scope
Collect Requirements
Scope (Validate)
Define Scope
Control Scope
Create WBS
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Project Scope Management
 Process to ensure that the project includes all-and-only the
work required, to complete the project successfully

 Scope Management Plan (part of Develop Project Mgmt Plan)

 How will I do the scope?
 Provides guidance on how project scope will be defines,
documented, verified, managed, and controlled by project
management team
• Don’t assume that requirements were determined before project began (not part of
the project)
• Attitude to say no to unnecessary scope. It should go to project approval process
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Project Scope Management
 Scope can refer to Product Scope & Project Scope

 Product Scope:
 The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result.
 Completion of the product scope is measured against the product

 Project Scope:
 The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the
specified features and functions.
 The term project scope is sometimes viewed as including product scope.
 Completion of the project scope is measured against the project
management plan.
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
5.1 Plan Scope Management
The process of creating a scope management plan that
documents how the project will be defined, validated and
controlled. The key benefit of this process is to prove
guidance on how scope will be managed.

7 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Plan Scope Management (outputs)
 Scope management Plan
 Process for preparing a detailed project scope statement
 Process that enables the creation of the WBS
 Process that establishes how the WBS will be maintained and approved
 Process that specifies how formal acceptance of the completed project
deliverables will be obtained
 Process to control how requests for changes project scope statement will be
 Requirements management Plan
 How requirements activities will be planned, tracked, and reported
 Configuration management activities
 Requirements prioritization process
 Product metrics that will be used and the rationale for using them

8 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

5.2 Collect Requirements
 The process of defining and documenting stakeholders’ needs to meet the
project objective.

9 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Types of Requirements
 Business requirements describe the higher-level needs of the
organization as a whole, such as the business issues or opportunities, and
reasons why a project has been undertaken.

 Stakeholder requirements describe needs

of a stakeholder or stakeholder group.

 Solution requirements describe features, functions, and characteristics

of the product, service, or result:
 Functional requirements describe the behaviors of the product.
 Nonfunctional requirements describe the environmental
10 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Types of Requirements - cont
 Transition requirements describe temporary capabilities, such as data
conversion and training requirements, needed to transition from the current
“as-is” state to the future “to-be” state

 Project requirements describe the actions, processes etc. that the project
needs to meet.

 Quality requirements capture the criteria needed

to validate the successful completion of a project

11 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Collect Requirement (Tools &Techniques)

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Collect Requirement Techniques (1)
 INTERVIEWS: Directly talk with stakeholders

 FOCUS GROUPS: Interactive discussion with qualified Stakeholders &

Subject matter experts

 FACILITATED WORKSHOPS: Focused cross functional stakeholders.

 JAD Joint application design, where SMEs, developers, testers and a
project manager develop, test and document a small piece of a feature or
 QFD Quality function development Helps determine critical characteristic
of new product development. Start by collecting customer need - VOC:
Voice of the Customers
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Collect Requirement Techniques (2)
 Brainstorming: A technique used to generate and collect multiple ideas related to
project and product requirements.
 Nominal group technique: enhance brainstorming with voting and ranking
 Delphi Technique: some expert answer questionnaire and give anonymity feedback
 Idea/mind mapping: It is a diagram of ideas or notes to help generate, classify, or
record information.
 Affinity Diagram: sort idea into groups


 Unanimity (100%),
 Majority (>50%),
 Plurality: The most votes wins.
 Dictatorship: one person makes the decision for the group.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Affinity Diagram
 Requirement sorted into groups by similarities

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Collect Requirement Techniques (3)
 QUESTIONNAIRE AND SURVEYS: wide number of respondents

 OBSERVATION/JOB SHADOWING: viewing individual in their environment

 PROTOTYPES: early feedback by providing a working model

 Benchmarking: involves comparing actual or planned practices

 Context Diagram: is an example of a scope model. Context diagrams

visually depict the product scope by showing a business system

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Context Diagram

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Balance Stakeholder’s Requirement
 There is a need to balance stakeholder’s requirement
 Some issue are so complex they cannot be resolved by PM alone
• Facilitate the resolution of competing requirement, consider:
 business case,
 project charter,
 project scope statement,
 project constraints

• What you can do:

• Conflict resolution, team building, meeting, problem solving skills, escalation, approval
from stakeholder

 Stakeholder request to do or add something that is not related to the reason

of project created should be rejected!

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Requirement Document
 Output of the Collect Requirement process
 Helps make sure the requirements clear and unambiguous.
 describes how individual requirements meet the business need for the project.
Requirements may start out at a high-level and become progressively more
detailed as more is known.

 Rule of thumb
 Specific (Unambiguous)
 Measurable (How will we know we have finished?)
 Achievable (Can we do it?)
 Relevant (Is it the right thing to do?)
 Timed (When will we do it?)

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Requirement Traceability Matrix
 It is a table that links requirements to their origin and traces them
throughout the project life cycle. It helps to ensure that each requirement
adds business value by linking it to the business and project objectives.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
5.3 Define Scope
 Process of developing a detailed description of the project and product
 Project scope statement may includes product scope, deliverables, product
acceptance criteria, out of scope, additional risk, constraints & assumptions

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Define Scope
 Concern with what is and is not included in the project and its
 You should maintain a realistic schedule and budget that can
achieve the project’s scope
 Iteration process should be done to maintain it
 Looking for options to adjust the project

 Analyze the objective and description of the product stated by the

customer/sponsor and turn them into tangible deliverables.
 Project lifecycle term

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Project Scope Statement
 The primary result of the Define Scope process
 Along with the WBS and WBS dictionary, comprise the scope baseline is part
of project management plan.

 May includes:
 Product scope
 Deliverables
 Product acceptance criteria
 What is not part of the project (out of scope)
 Additional risks
 Constraints and assumptions :
Constraints: factors that limit the team’s options
Assumptions: Things that assumed to be true (may not be true)
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
5.4 Create WBS
 Process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into
smaller, more manageable components.

• WBS does not show dependencies

• Dividing work package into activities is part of the time management process (Define Activities)

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Create WBS
 WBS includes the project management works.
 Work package: lowest level WBS component
which can be scheduled, cost estimated,
monitored and controlled.
 WBS Structure can be organized by
 Phases
 Major deliverables
 Subprojects e.g. contracted work

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Create WBS - Cont
 Beware of excessive decomposition. It can lead to non-
productive management effort, inefficient use of resources
(performing work)
 Control account: management control point for performance
measurement (one or more work packages)
 WBS dictionary provides more detailed components, e.g.
description of work, responsible organization, acceptance
 Agreed Scope baseline includes project scope statement,
WBS, WBS dictionary

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Create WBS
 100% rule: WBS includes 100% of the work defined by project
scope and capture ALL deliverables (external, internal, interim)
in term of work to be completed including project
 WBS creation method:
 Top-Down
 Bottom up
 WBS Standard
 WBS Templates
 Don’t mind with WBS view
 Outline View
 Tabular View
 Tree structure view (vertical, horizontal, centralized)
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
WBS Dictionary Sample
Includes (but not limited to):  Resource required
 Code of account identifier  Cost estimates
 Description of work  Quality requirements
 Responsible organization  Acceptance criteria
 List of schedule milestone  Technical references
 Associated schedule activities  Contract Information

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
WBS Dictionary Sample (2)

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
WBS Dictionary Sample (3)

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
5.4 Validate Scope (Verify)
 Process of formalizing acceptance of the completed
project deliverables.

The key benefit of this process is that it brings objectivity to the acceptance process and
increases the chance of final product, service, or result acceptance by validating each deliverable

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Validate Scope (Verify)
• Different with quality control which concerned with correctness of
deliverables. Can be performed before or parallel

• NOT making sure you have the right scope during

project planning But, to gain formal acceptance of
deliverables during monitoring and control.

 Inspection = review, product reviews, audits, walkthroughs

 Measuring, examining, verifying to determine work and deliverables
are meet requirement & product acceptance criteria
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
5.5 Control Scope
 Process of monitoring the status of the project and product
scope and managing changes to the scope baseline
 The cause and degree of variance relative to the scope baseline
 Decide corrective/preventive action required

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Control Scope
 Perform Variance Analysis:
comparing the work being done (Actual)
to the scope baseline. When there is
a difference between the two, that’s variance

 Control Scope Creep: uncontrolled changes or continuous growth

in a project's scope

 Avoid Gold Plating: Giving the Client extra work for free.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Control Scope
Need for scope Potential impact to scope
change during found in Control Cost, Control
 Relation with Control Scope Schedule, etc.
Perform Integrated
Change Control Perform
Integrated Change Control
Process * Accept or reject the change? *

Return to Control
Scope to process
the approved

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

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