8 - Quality Management

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Quality Management

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Hot Topics
• Quality vs Grade

• Quality Concepts & Terminology

• Quality Assurance

• Quality Audit

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Project Quality Management
Monitoring &
Controlling Processes

Enter phase/ Initiating Closing Exit phase/

Start project Processes Processes End project


Knowledge Process
Area Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Control Closing

Plan Quality Perform Quality -

Quality Management Assurance
Control Quality
Project Quality Management
 Quality is degree to which the project fulfills requirements

 Quality Management includes creating and following policies and

procedures to ensure that a project meet the defined needs (from the
customer’s perspective).

 Completing project with no deviations from the project requirements.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Concepts
 Quality vs. Grade
 Quality: the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill
 Quality level that fails to meet quality requirements is always a

 Grade: a category assigned to product or service having the same

functional use but different technical characteristics
 Low grade may not be a problem

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Terms
• Customer satisfaction
• Conformance to requirement
• Fitness for use: product/service produced must satisfy real needs
• Prevention over inspection
• Cost of preventing mistakes < cost of correcting
• Continuous improvement (Kaizen)
• Based on PDCA cycle
• Using quality improvement initiatives e.g. TQM, 6 sigma
• Using process improvement models e.g. OPM3, CMMI, Malcolm Baldrige
• Management responsibility
• To provide the resource needed to succeed

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
QA vs QS

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Experts
Deming :He believed that organizations can increase quality and reduce
costs by practicing continuous process improvement and by thinking
of manufacturing as a system, not as bits and pieces. The Deming
Cycle, or Plan, Do, Check and Act Cycle (also known as PDCA Cycle)

Juran :He applied the Pareto principle to quality issues (80% of the
problems are caused by 20% of the causes) and also developed
“Juran’s Trilogy”: quality planning, quality control, and quality

Crosby: Crosby’s response to the quality crisis was the principle of

Doing It Right the First Time.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Precision vs Accuracy
Precision: a measure of Exactness
Accuracy: a measure of Correctness

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Concepts
 Gold Plating: giving the customer extras
 This practice is not recommended

 Marginal Analysis: looking for the point where..

benefits/revenue to be received from improving quality
EQUALS the incremental cost to achieve that quality

 Just in Time (JIT): just when they are needed or just before
they are needed.
 It forces attention on quality practices.

 Total Quality Management (TQM)

 Company & their employees focus on finding ways to continuous
improve the quality of their business practices & products.
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
8.1 Plan Quality Management
 The process of identifying requirement and/or standards for the project and
product and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.
 What is quality? How will we ensure it?

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Planning Techniques
 Cost benefit analysis
 Weight the benefits versus the cost of meeting quality requirements

 Design of Experiments (DOE)

 Use experimentation to statistically determine what variable will improve quality
 Systematically changing all of the important factors, rather than changing the
factors one at a time

 Statistical sampling
 We need it since studying entire population would take too long, too much cost,
be too destructive

 Flow charting
 Use to see a process or system flows and find potential quality problem

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Cost of Quality
 Cost of quality (CoQ)
 Looking at what the cost of conformance and nonconformance to
quality and creating an appropriate balance

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Control charts Rule of seven (non random data points)
Out of control
Assignable/special cause
Normal and expected variation
Upper control limit Usually 3 or 6 sigma

Lower control limit

Normal distribution curve

Out of control Specification limit: is

Assignable/special cause point determines by
14 customer, not calculated
based on control chart Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
 Quality Management Plan
 Contains:
 Project management method
Quality metrics is input for
 Role and responsibility in managing quality
• Quality Assurance AND
 Deliverable measurement • Quality Control
 Standard for monitoring & control purpose
 Process review Quality checklist is input for
 Major check points • Quality Control ONLY
 Inspection & acceptance criteria

 Quality metrics
 An operational that describes how quality control process will measure it.
 What are things that important to measure and decide what measurement is acceptable

 Quality checklists
 A list of items to inspect, step to be performed and note if any defects found

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
8.2 Perform Quality Assurance
 The process of auditing the quality requirement and the
result of quality control measurements to ensure appropriate
quality standards and operational definitions are used.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Quality Assurance
Are we using the standard?
Can we improve the standard?

 Quality Audits
 To see if you are complying with company policies, standards &
 Determine whether they are used efficiently & effectively
 Identify all the good practices being implemented
 Identify all the gaps/shortcomings
 Look for new lesson learned & good practices

 Process Analysis
 Includes root cause analysis
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
8.3 Control Quality
 The process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality
activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.

18 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Quality Control (Tools & techniques)

19 Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Quality Control
 Cause and Effect Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram or Fishbone Diagram)
 Helps stimulate thinking, organize thoughts, and generate discussion
 Can be use to explore the factors that will result in a desire future outcome

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Example: Cause and Effect Diagram

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Flow Chart
 Helps to analyze how problems occur
 A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process
 It shows how various elements of a system interrelated and the
order of processing
 It helps the project team anticipate what and where quality
problems might occur.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
 It is a bar chart showing the distribution of variables
 Each column represents an attribute or characteristics of a problem
or situation
 The height of each column represents the relative frequency of the
 Histogram helps identify the cause of the problem in a process by
the shape and width of the distribution.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Pareto Chart/Diagram (80/20 principle)
 Histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence which used to
focus attention on the most critical issues
 80% of the problems are due to 20% of the causes

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Run Chart
 To look at history and see a pattern of variation

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Scatter diagrams
 To look or correlation diagram show how two different types of data relate
to each other, is a tool to describe changes in a dependent variable in
relation to any change in the independent variable.

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®
Important Terms
 Mutual Exclusive: if two events cannot both occur in a single trial
 Probability: something will occur

 Normal Distribution: common probability density distribution chart

 Statistical independence: the probability of one event occurring does not affect
the probability of another event occurring
 Standard deviation (or Sigma): how far you are from the mean
 3 or 6 sigma Numb
Percentage of
er of σ between two
 Represent the level of quality has decided to try to achieve control limits
 6σ is higher quality standard than 3σ 1 68.26%
 Used to calculate the upper and lower control limits in a control chart 2 95.64%
3 99.73%
6 99.99985%
Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

Hammam Alkouz, PMP®

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