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Thesis Format / Write up

 Overview
 Background of the Study
 Statement of the Problem
 Objectives of the Study
 Research Questions of the Study
 Rationale and Significance of the Study
 Limitations / Delimitations of the study
 Outlook / Structure of the Study
 Introduction
 Relevant Studies
 Conclusion / Summary
 Introduction
 Methodology
 Population
 Sampling
 Tool / Instrument of the Study
 Data Analysis / Data Processing
 Introduction
 Summary of the Study
 Key Findings / Summary of the Findings and Conclusion
 Recommendations / Suggestions
 References
Appendixes  Questionnaire / Interview Schedule

General to narrow Initial Body

Methodology Broad in nature

Main Body Findings and


Narrow to general

Conclusion Deductive approach

Closing Body

How to find data for research thesis?

Firstly, find key words or statements of selected topic and search in search engine (Google,
yahoo etc). Various articles, books, reports will appear. Mould each statement to search
extensive literature from internet. Download relevant data and separate confusing files as the
fisher man sometimes picks out tortoise instead of fish. There should be a connection in each
sentence and paragraph as well as in the whole research thesis. This has been shown in the above
mention diagram that each paragraph and generally in the whole study there should be an initial
body, main body and closing body, it is verily essential to create connection and for proper
arrangement of the thesis.


 Broad in nature

It should be written in general. All the aspects should be covered of the selected topic and must
be arranged logically. The topic should be well defined and clear in the researcher’s mind
because it is essential to move on one track rather scattering in irrelevant directions.

 General to specific
The study should be start in general and specifically discussed according to the selected topic.
Generally the introduction of the Thesis is comprised of 10 to 15 pages (the length of the
introduction is flexible).

1.1 Overview

It is general explanation of selected topic in which researcher has to present an overview of the
respective topic. Here, the researcher has to relate his/her topic with society or with any specific
issue / problem. It will be consisted of less than 2 pages. The statements presented in overview
should be logically described and reference must be coded.

After that, the relevant aspects of the topic are discussed in overview with headings such as
types, causes, factors, role, etc or any other dimensions that are the important to describe selected
topic. These headings are numbered within the context of “Overview” as like 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3

1.2 Background of the Study

In the background of the study the researcher has to describe history or background of the
selected topic. He/she has to relate his topic with past events relevant to the topic. It can be
consisted of legislation about the chosen topic or “Theoretical Framework” which includes
constructed theories applicable to prevailing study. It depends on the nature or demand of the
study to make “Theoretical Framework” as part of Background or adjust in Literature Review
(Chapter 2).

1.3 Statement of the Problem

It is some sort of justification of the topic. The researcher has to describe the current scenario of
the selected issue. Furthermore, it is needed to relate topic logically with social issue or problem
of the society. And in the ending paragraph the researcher has to justify why he/she selected this

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The researcher should know the aspects or dimensions of the study. For this purpose, the
researcher has to do brain storming on all relevant aspects. Discussions with researchers are
helpful to get clear picture of the all aspects of the study. These aspects will help to construct
objectives of the study. Objective statements should be start like to know, to find out, to analyze

1.5 Research Questions of the Study

The research questions should be based on the constructed objectives of the study. Research
questions are basically mean to set directions for the researcher that what he/she wants to know
through the ongoing research. The statements of the Research questions can be like simple form
of questioning statements by using what, why, how etc

1.6 Rationale and Significance of the Study

The above mentioned terms can be dealt separately or collectively depends on the extensive
description of the Rationale and Significance. However it also depends on the will of the
researcher. In the Rational the researcher has to write down overall situation of the selected topic
and then its general impacts or influences. The Rationale should be built with arguments i.e.
simple to complex / general to critical. The given description in Rationale should also be in
accordance to the constructed objectives or research questions.

In the next paragraph or in the separate heading of the “Significance of the study”, the researcher
has to pen down how the study will be beneficial or effective? Prove this logically with

1.7 Limitations / Delimitations of the study

The researcher has to enlighten the limits of the study which includes geographical and human
universe. And describe other limited sources to conduct selected study. In what area and
population the researcher is going to conduct and what area or population is not part of the
study? It can be consisted of one or two paragraph.

1.8 Outlook / Structure of the Study

Describe that how many chapters include in the selected research. Describe detail of each chapter
in separate paragraph. Such as what are the aspects or headings include in each chapter? Write
this detail at the end of the introduction (Chapter 1).

It is an evaluation of past studies. Literature review means to write down overview of each
relevant study in a critical and logical manner which the researcher has consulted. Merely
description of the each consulted study is not enough. Hidden facts reveal through relevant
literature review and the researcher becomes able to find out the aspects of the study which helps
to construct objectives of the study. These studies can be of books, articles, and websites etc.

How To Write Literature Review?

Study introduction, methodology, and conclusion of the each study that has been downloaded.
Write the overview of these three aspects of any study in one paragraph. Which includes what
about the study was? What methodology was used and what conclusion have been drawn by the
researcher/author? Each study in literature review should be independently dealt in separate
paragraph. Review of the each study must have in-text / running reference (reference at the end
of the statement or paragraph / reference in the start of the statement or paragraph). Generally the
literature review of the Thesis is comprised of 15 to 25 pages (the length is flexible).

2.1 Introduction

Describe here that what you are presenting in this chapter? What aspects / headings include? It
can be consisted of one paragraph.

2.2 Relevant Studies

Divide the literature review on the basis of objectives of the research thesis in separate headings.
For this purpose, the researcher has to identify variables which will assist to irradiate the
dimensions for literature review. It can be dealt according to the general objectives or specific
objectives of the study (depends on the data available for literature review). It’s up to the will of
researcher to establish heading for all consulted studies or simply present in paragraphs.

2.3 Conclusion / Summary

At the end, the researcher has to draw a conclusion of the complete chapter. It should be in sense
of evaluation and results perceived from the above listed studies. What weaknesses and
deficiencies are observed by the researcher from the presented literature? What aspects have not
been studied yet? How the literature review enlightens the relevant aspects of selected study? etc.


In this chapter, the researcher has to write all the selected methods and techniques to conduct
research thesis. Basic points of this chapter have been mentioned below however, there can be
some more aspects/points in further headings such as research design, universe area, sample size,
validity of the instrument and report writing etc. It’s up to the demand of the study that what
aspects are essential to describe in this chapter.

3.1 Introduction

The researcher has to present introduction of the chapter. He/she has to describe what methods,
techniques has been used including nature of the study, sampling techniques, tool of the data
collection, data processing or data analysis etc. It can be described in one paragraph. However,
generally the 3rd chapter is consisted of 7 to 12 pages (depends on the nature of the study and
will of the researcher).

3.2 Methodology

Mainly, there are two types of methods; qualitative and quantitative or in some studies mixed
method is used. In social science, quantitative is most common. The researcher has to explain
what method has been used in the selected research.

3.3 Population

Here, the researcher has to mention what are the respondents or sources for data collection?
What area has been selected for conducting research thesis? Furthermore, also describe with
argument that why presented population has been selected?

3.4 Sampling

The researcher needs to define what sampling technique/s has been used and what is sample size
of the study for collecting data?
3.5 Tool / Instrument of the Study

What tool has been used for data collection? The researcher can describe selected tool/instrument
in detail including its characteristics or advantages etc.

3.6 Data Analysis / Data Processing

In case of statistical test applied for selected research, the researcher has to illustrate what
software or test has been applied to find out required information in numeric form? Whereas, if
statistical tests are not applied then how researcher presents numeric data? Most often, tables and
graphs are used especially at master level that is pursued by the following process.

3.6.1 Editing and Numbering

The raw data is collected by the researcher and edited after its collection in order to delete
irrelevant information & to make sure that all the responses are clear and definite and all the
required information has been collected. After editing, the questions are numbered in a serial
order for the purpose of making classes & tabulation.

3.6.2 Classification

At this stage, responses of close-ended questions are classified; on the basis of their
characteristics, similarities, resemblance and on the objectives of' the study. The classes are
codified for tabulation,

3.6.3 Codification

“It refers to the process of arranging number and others symbols to answer so that responses can
be put into a limited number of categories or classes”. After the classification of questions the
classes are codified.

3.6.4 Data Sheet

The researcher has to transfer the coded items into data sheet, the purpose of preparing data sheet
is to compile the data in numbers so that the data can be easily handled and transferred into
3.6.5 Tabulation

When classification of data is completed then tabulation is done. First of all, cross tables are
made. After that frequencies are fed subsequently. The tables are presented on the basis of
percentages and frequencies.

3.6.6 Analysis and Interpretation

The tables are then analyzed and interpreted both descriptively and statistically. On the basis of
these interpretations, conclusion is drawn and recommendations are made in the last chapter of
the researcher thesis.

3.7 Problems faced During Data collection (optional)

Mention all the problems in points that faced for conducting researcher thesis.

3.8 Report Writing (optional)

It is up to the will of the researcher to present complete structure of the study at the end of the 3rd
chapter i.e. Abstract to Appendixes including title of all chapters.


This chapter includes statistical tests and their interpretations. Mostly at master level, table and
graphs are drawn and interpretations of the tables are made instead of applying statistical tests.
For this purpose, the researcher should know about the quantitative and qualitative analysis.
(Available in the books recommended at the end of this Thesis Format).


In this chapter, the researcher has to draw a conclusion on the basis of collected data obtained
through selected instrument or also with the support of literature review. This conclusion enables
to make recommendations for improvement/solution.

5.1 Introduction

The researcher has to present introduction of the chapter. Describe here what is being presented
in this chapter.
5.2 Summary of the Study

Summary of the study should be based on data gathered during the investigation in accordance
with the research questions of the study. Discuss here with mentioning research questions
separately and describe how conducted study gives answer to constructed research question.
Each research question can be dealt in one paragraph. (especially for M.Phil scholars)

5.3 Key Findings / Summary of the Findings and Conclusion

Mention here the main findings of the study obtained through constructed instrument. It can be
discussed with the view of knowledge and observation of the researcher or in context to the
literature review. Otherwise, merely description of findings can also be presented in points.
Moreover, Key findings and Discussion / Conclusion can also be dealt separately.

5.4 Recommendations / Suggestions

Recommendations are made to the relevant authorities on the basis of research findings.


American Psychological Association (APA) style is followed in Pakistan. The reference style
can be easily downloaded from the Google. References must be arranged alphabetically.


All the helping material for data collection is attached here such as Questionnaire / Interview
Schedule, permission letter from any authority, any type of list obtained for data collection etc.

Necessary Notes

 The topic statement can be modified even till the end of the study.
 The given format is not rigid in nature moreover; miner and necessary changes can be
done according to the demand and nature of the study or will of the researcher.
 Extensive review of various research Theses enables the researcher to arrange his/her
study in a prescribed manner.
 The above Thesis format is valid for all Social Science disciplines.
Recommended Books for Research

 “Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices” by Anol Bhattacherjee.

 “Social Research Methods” by Lawrence Neuman
 “Research for Social Workers” by Margaret Alston and Wendy Bowles.

Special Thanks to my respected teachers Dr. Sadia Rafi (HOD), Dr. Mumtaz Ali, Dr. Iqbal Basit
and my fellow Irfan Nawaz (M.Phil Scholar) whose motivational and knowledgeable support
enabled me to compose this Thesis Format for the ease of upcoming researchers.

M. Javed Amjad

(M.Phil Scholar)

Department of Social Work

University of Sargodha, Sargodha

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