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Teacher: Comşia Simona Maria

Grade: 8th form
School: Middle school Gîlgău Almaşului cls. I-VIII
Title of the lesson: Puzzling puzzles
Unit: 8
Textbook: High-flyer upper intermediate

Lesson aims
1. To allow pupils to practice speaking by talking about big invention.
2. To give pupils practice in using the possessives.

Materials: textbook, worksheets.

Anticipated problems:
Pupils might find it difficult to use in sentences the past perfect continuous.
Possible solutions – to explain very well the uses of past perfect continuous
and then make a lot of exercises.

● Activity 1-Warm –up

Aim: to ask pupils if they know what a puzzle means.

1. Teacher asks pupils what a puzzle means.
2. Teacher asks if they ever played such a game.
3. Teacher asks pupils if the title of the lesson has anything to do with the
4. Teacher makes with the pupils the trivia quiz.

Interaction Timing

Teacher – Pupils 10 min.

● Activity 2-Introducing the new vocabulary

Aim: presentation of vocabulary on early aero plane designers and

1. Teacher read the text with the pupils and asks pupils what words they
don’t know.
2. Teacher writes the unknown words at the blackboard and then she
explains them the words.
3. Pupils listen and repeat.
4. Teacher asks questions about the text in the lesson.

Interaction Timing

Teacher – Pupils 10 min.

● Activity 3-Reading activity

Aim: to find what a topic sentence is.

1. Teacher tells pupils what a topic sentence is and where in a paragraph it
usually goes.
2. Then teacher gives the instruction for exercise two.
3. Teacher tries to answer with the pupils at the questions from the text.

Interaction Timing

Teacher – Pupils 10 min.

● Activity 4-Listening activity

Aim: to listen some people how to solve a puzzle.

1. Teacher read the main instruction with the class.
2. Pupils have to listen to the dialogue and check their answers to the
puzzle in Exercise 7.
3. Teacher plays the cassette.
4. Then, they check the answers in the class.

Interaction Timing

Teacher – Pupils 5 min.

● Activity 5-Speaking practice

Aim: to practice the new vocabulary in a different context.

1. Teacher invents a situation and pupils have to deal with it.
2. Teacher asks pupils what they would like to invent so they can become
famous in history.
3. The pupils make pairs.
4. Then, the pairs present in front of the class their invention.

Interaction Timing

Teacher – Pupils 5 min

Pair work

Activities “in stock”

Puzzle: In pairs, students make a crossword puzzle with 7-15 of the words
they have learnt in this unit. They should consult the dictionary to write the
clues. Then, they give it to another pair to solve.

● Homework: e.g. 11from page 37.

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