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9-28-18 Sec 4 pg 17-18 Legals _Legals 9/25/18 3:19 PM Page 18

18 Friday, Sept. 28, 2018 Highland Community News n

Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices
the City Council of the City SUMMARY OF ORDI- Office Professional Zones. California Labor Code, the Clerk of the City of High- of trust on the property.
of Highland Amending NANCE AN ORDI- The Ordinance is exempt Director of the Department land PUBLISHED HIGH- NOTICE TO PROPERTY Call the
Chapter 5.16 of the High- NANCE OF THE CITY from the California Environ- of Industrial Relations has LAND COMMUNITY NEWS OWNER: The sale date
land Municipal Code related COUNCIL OF THE CITY mental Quality Act (CEQA) ascertained the general 9/21, 9/28/18 AFF#1648 shown on this notice of sale
to massage establishments OF HIGHLAND AMEND- pursuant to State CEQA prevailing rates of per diem may be postponed one or
and massage therapists ING CHAPTER 5.16 OF Guidelines Section wages in the locality in NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S more times by the mortga-
and practitioners, and mak- THE HIGHLAND MUNICI- 15061(b)(3), which is the which the work is to be per- SALE TS No. gee, beneficiary, trustee, or
ing related amendments to PAL CODE RELATED TO general rule that CEQA ap- formed. A schedule of pre- CA-18-827291-AB Order a court, pursuant to Section
Title 16 of the Highland De- MASSAGE ESTABLISH- plies only to projects which vailing wage rates as pub- No.: 180218777-CA-VOI 2924g of the California Civil Highland
velopment Code, and ap- MENTS AND MASSAGE have the potential for caus- lished by the California De- YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Code. The law requires that
proving an environmental THERAPISTS, AND MAK- ing a significant effect on partment of Industrial Rela- UNDER A DEED OF information about trustee
exemption. Massage estab- ING RELATED AMEND- the environment, and tions for the types of work TRUST DATED 11/2/2017. sale postponements be
lishments may be condition- MENTS TO TITLE 16 OF CEQA does not apply to be done is provided with UNLESS YOU TAKE AC- made available to you and
ally permitted in the Gen- THE HIGHLAND DEVEL- where it can be seen with these specifications, is TION TO PROTECT YOUR to the public, as a courtesy
eral Commercial, Planned OPMENT CODE, AND AP- certainty that there is no available at City Hall, and is PROPERTY, IT MAY BE to those not present at the
Commercial, Village Com- PROVING AN ENVIRON- possibility that the activity also available at the De- SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. sale. If you wish to learn Community
mercial and Business Park MENTAL EXEMPTION may have a significant ef- partment of Industrial Rela- IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA- whether your sale date has
Districts, and prohibited in Please take notice that on fect on the environment. tions web site NATION OF THE NATURE been postponed, and, if ap-
all residential districts, as October 9, 2018, at 6:00 This Ordinance involves up- ( REGIS- OF THE PROCEEDING plicable, the rescheduled
well as Neighborhood Com- pm or as soon thereafter as dates and revisions to exist- TRATION WITH THE DE- AGAINST YOU, YOU time and date for the sale of
mercial, Mixed Use, Indus- the matter may be heard, in ing municipal and zoning PARTMENT OF INDUS- SHOULD CONTACT A this property, you may call
trial and Office Professional the Donahue Council regulations that require TRIAL RELATIONS. In ac- LAWYER. A public auction 916-939-0772 for informa-
Zones. Massage therapists Chambers in Highland City massage establishments to cordance with Labor Code sale to the highest bidder tion regarding the trustee's News at
and practitioners may per- Hall located at 27215 Base obtain a permit to operate Sections 1725.5 and for cash, cashier's check sale or visit this Internet
form massages at (1) per- Line in Highland, the City in the City. There is no 1771.1, no contractor or drawn on a state or national Web site http://www.quality-
mitted massage establish- Council will consider intro- possibility that the Ordi- subcontractor shall be bank, check drawn by state, using the file
ments, (2) beauty salons, ducing and conducting first nance may have a signifi- qualified to bid on, be listed or federal credit union, or a number assigned to this
nail salons, or day spas reading of an ordinance cant effect on the environ- in a bid proposal, subject to check drawn by a state or foreclosure by the Trustee:
where massage services that would amend the City’s ment since these types of the requirements of Section federal savings and loan CA-18-827291-AB. Infor-
account for less than 30% business license and zon- uses are already allowed to 4104 of the Public Contract association, or savings as- mation about postpone- 862-1771
of the gross square footage ing regulations relating to operate in the City. This Code, or engage in the per- sociation, or savings bank ments that are very short in
of the business, or (3) out- massage establishments document is intended as a formance of any contract specified in Section 5102 to duration or that occur close
call. PROJECT LOCA- and massage therapists summary of the ordinance for public work, unless cur- the Financial Code and in time to the scheduled
TION: City-wide PLACE and practitioners. The ordi- only. Interested persons rently registered and quali- authorized to do business sale may not immediately
OF MEETING: Highland nance would amend and are encouraged to obtain a fied to perform public work in this state, will be held by be reflected in the tele-
City Council Chambers update definitional provi- copy of the full ordinance pursuant to Section 1725.5. duly appointed trustee. The phone information or on the
27215 Base Line High- sions in Chapter 5.16 re- from the office of the City The successful bidder will sale will be made, but with- Internet Web site. The best for
land, CA 92346 DATE lated to massage thera- Clerk during normal busi- be required to furnish a la- out covenant or warranty, way to verify postponement
AND TIME OF MEETING: pists, massage practitio- ness hours, and to attend bor and materials bond and expressed or implied, re- information is to attend the
Tuesday, October 9, 2018, ners, and massage estab- the City Council meeting on a faithful performance bond garding title, possession, or scheduled sale. The under-
at 6:00 p.m. RECOM- lishments, and establish re- this issue. Dated: in the amount equal to one encumbrances, to pay the signed Trustee disclaims
MENDATION: On Sep- quirements related to mas- September 28, 2018 hundred percent (100%) of remaining principal sum of any liability for any incor-
tember 18, 2018, the Plan- sage establishments. In Betty Hughes , MMC City the contract price, such the note(s) secured by the rectness of the property ad-
ning Commission adopted summary, the ordinance Clerk of the City of High- bonds to be secured by a Deed of Trust, with interest dress or other common information
Resolution No. 2018-013, provides that no person land Published Highland surety company or surety and late charges thereon, designation, if any, shown
recommending the City may practice massage in Community News 9/28/18 companies satisfactory to as provided in the note(s), herein. If no street address
Council: 1. Adopt a the City who does not have Aff#1653 the City Council of the City advances, under the terms or other common designa-
Notice of Exemption and in- a CAMTC certificate, and of Highland. For any mo- of the Deed of Trust, inter- tion is shown, directions to
struct staff to file a Notice of no business may offer mas- NOTICE INVITING BIDS nies earned by the Contrac- est thereon, fees, charges the location of the property
Exemption with the County sage services without first RECEIPT AND OPENING tor and withheld by the City and expenses of the Trus- may be obtained by send-
Clerk of the Board, and; obtaining a massage estab- OF PROPOSALS: Sealed
proposals will be received
of Highland to ensure the tee for the total amount (at ing a written request to the on placing
2. Introduce an Ordi- lishment license from the performance of the con- the time of the initial publi- beneficiary within 10 days
nance to amend Chapter City. A massage therapist in the Office of the City tract, the Contractor may, at cation of the Notice of Sale) of the date of first publica-
5.16 (Massage Establish- or massage practitioner Clerk, City of Highland, until his request and expense, reasonably estimated to be tion of this Notice of Sale. If
ments and Massage Tech- employed by a massage 9:59:59 a.m., on Thursday, substitute securities equiva- set forth below. The amount the sale is set aside for any
nicians), Chapter 16.06 establishment, who is not October 11, 2018, at which lent to the amount withheld may be greater on the day reason, including if the
(Definitions), and Tables the owner of the massage time they will be publicly in the form and manner and of sale. BENEFICIARY Trustee is unable to convey
16.16.030.A (Uses Permit- establishment, shall not be opened and read at the City
Clerk's Office for performing
subject to the conditions MAY ELECT TO BID LESS title, the Purchaser at the your
ted within Residential Dis- required to possess a mas- provided in Sections 10263 THAN THE TOTAL sale shall be entitled only to
tricts), 16.20.030.A (Uses sage establishment license. work as follows: BID NO. and 22300 of the California AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): a return of the monies paid
Permitted within Commer- The ordinances includes list 2018-09 PAVEMENT Public Contract Code. BETTIE JONES, A WIDOW to the Trustee. This shall be
cial Districts), 16.22.030.A of the classes of individuals MANAGEMENT PRO- The successful bidder must Recorded: 11/3/2017 as In- the Purchaser's sole and
(Uses Permitted within the who are exempt from the GRAM SECTORS B, C, D possess a Class A or a strument No. exclusive remedy. The pur-
Mixed Use District), and requirements of the ordi- & E PAVEMENT REHA- combination of Contractor's 2017-0457632 of Official chaser shall have no further
16.24.030.A (Uses Permit- nance. Additionally, a BILITATION PROJECT
str17005A This project in-
license(s) necessary to do Records in the office of the recourse against the Trus- ficticious
ted within Employment Dis- beauty salon, nail salon, or the work at the time of Recorder of SAN BER- tor, the Trustee, the Benefi-
tricts) of the Highland Mu- day spa where massage cludes the following: award of this contract. NARDINO County, Califor- ciary, the Beneficiary's
nicipal Code to establish services are performed on Street reconstruction in- Plans and Specifications nia; Date of Sale: Agent, or the Beneficiary's
development regulations for less than 30% of the gross cluding removal and re- may be inspected without 10/22/2018 at 1:00PM Attorney. If you have previ-
Massage Establishments square footage of the busi- placement of damaged charge at the City of High- Place of Sale: At the main ously been discharged
and Massage Technicians. ness, shall not be required pavement sections; milling land, 27215 Base Line, (south) entrance to the City through bankruptcy, you
ENVIRONMENTAL AS- to obtain a massage estab- and header cutting of street
surfaces, and paving with
Highland, CA 92346. A digi- of Chino Civic Center, lo- may have been released of business
SESSMENT: Pursuant to lishment permit. Massage tal copy of said documents cated at 13220 Central personal liability for this
the California Environmen- therapists and practitioners HMA and RHMA; bump is available without charge Ave., Chino, CA 91710 loan in which case this let-
tal Quality Act (CEQA) are permitted to provide grind, crack seal and crack on-line by accessing: Amount of unpaid balance ter is intended to exercise
Guidelines, the project is massages on an outcall ba- repair; remove and replace https://w.w.w.cityofhighland. and other charges: the note holders right's
categorically exempt per sis. The ordinance also damaged concrete sidewalk org/PublicWorksProjects $296,743.86 The purported against the real property
Statutory Exemptions sets forth the application re- and curb and gutter; adjust- and click on Listing of Ad- property address is: 25860 only. Date: Quality Loan
[CEQA Sec. 15061(b)(3)]. quirements for obtaining a ment of sewer manhole
covers to final grade and in-
vertised Projects. Any FISHER STREET, HIGH- Service Corporation 2763 name or
All documents, environ- massage establishment li- contractor who is interested LAND, CA 92404 Asses- Camino Del Rio South San
mental information, and cense, the grounds for issu- stallation of pavement strip- in submitting a bid shall be sor's Parcel No.: Diego, CA 92108
other data pertinent to the ance or denial of a license, ing and marking. Work is required to register as a 1191-161-54-0-000 NO- 619-645-7711 For NON
proposal are filed in the City procedures for revoking a within the City of Highland document holder on the Ci- TICE TO POTENTIAL BID- SALE information only Sale
of Highland Planning Divi- massage establishment li- and a small portion within ty’s website above. This is DERS: If you are consider- Line: 916-939-0772 Or
sion and will be available cense, and appeals proce- the City of San Bernardino. to ensure that bidders re- ing bidding on this property Login to: http://www.quality-
for inspection at City Hall dures. The ordinance also The scope of work for this
project is as shown on the
ceive notifications, such as lien, you should understand Reinstatement other
located at 27215 Base Line, establishes operational and addenda issued by the City. that there are risks involved Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext
Highland, CA, 92346. All public health and safety sets of construction plans ti- However, it is the sole re- in bidding at a trustee auc- 5318 Quality Loan Service
interested persons are in- regulations including, but tled: Pavement Manage- sponsibility of the bidder to tion. You will be bidding on Corp. TS No.:
vited to attend this public not limited to, limits on ment Program – Sectors B, follow up on the project bid- a lien, not on the property CA-18-827291-AB IDSPub
hearing and express their hours of operation, posting C, D & E Pavement Reha- ding progress and to obtain itself. Placing the highest #0145230 9/28/2018
opinions for or against the of services offered, clean- bilitation, Project No. all issued addenda. All bids bid at a trustee auction 10/5/2018 10/12/2018
proposed project and/or ing of equipment and facili- str17005A as prepared by
Engineering Resources of
received without signed Ad- does not automatically enti- legal ad
submit comments to Ash ties, and draping require- denda Acknowledgement tle you to free and clear
Syed, Associate Planner, ments. The ordinance also Southern California, Inc. form will be deemed ownership of the property.
City of Highland, Planning includes regulations regard- No bid will be considered non-responsive and re- You should also be aware
unless it is made on a pro-
Department, 27215 Base
Line, Highland, CA, 92346.
ing the maintenance of re-
cords, inspection require- posal form furnished by the
jected by the City.
questions regarding the
Any that the lien being auc-
tioned off may be a junior
Call the
Phone (909) 864-6861 EXT ments, enforcement and City Engineer. All propos- plans and specifications lien. If you are the highest
210. If you challenge Mu- abatement procedures. als or bids shall be accom-
panied by cash or a check
should be directed in writing bidder at the auction, you Deadline is
nicipal Code Amendment The ordinance also amends to: John Egan, Project are or may be responsible
18-001, or the related envi- Chapter 16.06 of the devel- payable to the City of High-
land, certified by a respon-
Manager Engineering for paying off all liens senior Highland
ronmental determinations in opment code to include a Resources of Southern to the lien being auctioned
court, you may be limited to definition of massage es- sible bank, for an amount California, Inc. 1861 W. off, before you can receive
raising only those issues tablishments, and amends which shall not be less than Redlands Blvd., Bldg. 7B clear title to the property.
ten percent (10%) of the
you or someone else raised
at the public hearing de-
other sections of Title 16 to
identify that massage es- grand total bid or by a bond
Redlands, CA 92373
You are encouraged to in-
vestigate the existence, pri-
Community News noon
scribed in this notice, or in tablishments are condition- for the amount over and 909/890-0995 The City of ority, and size of outstand-
written correspondence de- ally permitted uses in the above all statutory exemp- Highland reserves the right ing liens that may exist on
livered to the City of High- following commercial zon- tions, or by a bond of an ac- to reject all bids and re-ad- this property by contacting
land, at or prior to, the pub- ing districts: General Com- credited surety company.
The check or bond will be
vertise if the City deter- the county recorder's office at 862-1771
lic hearing. Dated: mercial, Planned Commer- mines that acceptance of or a title insurance com-
September 28, 2018 cial, Village Commercial declared forfeited if the suc- the lowest responsible bid pany, either of which may
Betty Hughes, MMC City and Business Park. Mas- cessful bidder refuses to
enter into a contract within
will not be in the best inter- charge you a fee for this in- Mondays.
Clerk of the City of High-
land Published Highland
sage establishments are
prohibited in all residential ten (10) working days fol-
ests of the City of Highland.
DATED: September 13,
formation. If you consult ei-
ther of these resources, you
for legal ad info
Community news 9/28/18 districts, as well as Neigh- lowing receipt of the con- 2018 CITY OF HIGH- should be aware that the
Aff#1654 borhood Commercial, tract from the City. In ac- LAND, CALIFORNIA By: same lender may hold more
Mixed Use, Industrial and cordance with the provi- Betty Hughes, MMC City than one mortgage or deed
sions of Section 1770 of the

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