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Army Family Team Building Level I

Expectations and Impact of the Mission on Family Life

Tips for Building Realistic Expectations

1. Continue AFTB classes to acquire skills and knowledge.

2. Explore other ways to educate self and family…..OP READY.

3. Go to Family Readiness Group (FRG) meetings for information on unit


4. Read military and community/local newspaper(s) to keep informed on current


5. Watch the local and national news to keep informed about current events.

6. Attend Town Hall meetings to stay abreast of changing trends and issues in
your military, as well as, civilian community.

7. Attend Family Academies or Family Days (Reserves and Guard) to gain skills
and knowledge.

8. Utilize on-line resources and websites such as a command web page. Access is
available through most local libraries.

9. Remind your Soldier/spouse to keep you informed about upcoming events.

10. Verify rumors with appropriate agency/individual to avoid acting on false


11. Attend newcomers’ briefings and tours at each new assignment.

12. Participate in Army Family Action Plan activities.





17. If you do not know, ASK!

2005/6 1.1 Handout 1

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