2016.04 - SOD - WebCenter Imaging Capture and Forms Recognition Public

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WebCenter Imaging, Capture & Forms

Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance To



The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information
purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to
deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for
Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

2 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
Table of Contents
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 2
Statement of Direction ................................................................................................................... 4
WebCenter Imaging Product Direction....................................................................................... 4
WebCenter Content Managed Attachments Adapters Product Direction ................................. 6
WebCenter Enterprise Capture Product Direction ..................................................................... 6
WebCenter Enterprise Capture SE and Migration from WebCenter Capture............................ 7
WebCenter Forms Recognition Product Direction ..................................................................... 7
Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Solution Accelerator (Existing customers or
Engagements) ............................................................................................................................. 7
Summary of Upgrade Directives for Customers Planning Upgrades to 12c ............................... 8

3 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
Statement of Direction
This Statement of Direction provides upgrade guidance on the future direction of the
WebCenter Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition products, the WebCenter Content
Managed Attachments Adapters, the Accounts Payable Solution Accelerator.

Oracle’s WebCenter Imaging product line has the following elements and components:
• The WebCenter Imaging product
• The Managed Attachments Adapters for EBS , PeopleSoft & Siebel
• The WebCenter Enterprise Capture product
• The WebCenter Forms Recognition product
• The Accounts Payable Solutions Accelerator for EBS & PeopleSoft

Each of the above components are covered next.

WebCenter Imaging Product Direction

Oracle will continue to invest in the WebCenter Imaging product to support existing & new
customers. The 12c roadmap plan involving the following releases ( ,,, & will involve a infrastructure consolidation of the imaging server into the
WebCenter Content Server. The goal of this infrastructure effort is to remove the need to
deploy a separate imaging managed server and move the imaging product functions into the
core WebCenter Content server. This infrastructure consolidation will benefit WebCenter
customers by reducing the number of managed servers they are required to deploy for an
imaging based product solution.

The WebCenter Imaging SKU will continue to exist as its own licensed SKU as well as included in
the full WebCenter Content suite license.

The WebCenter Content server release will have some but not all of the key Imaging
functionality available. It is the WebCenter product release, targeted for
calendar year 2017 that is the target to achieve key feature parity with the current 11g
WebCenter Imaging product. These key imaging product features and which release they are
included in are:

• Imaging metadata model (

• Imaging Document Viewer (
• Annotations support (
• Upload documents and initiate a BPEL or BPM process (
• Input Agent (– See Note Below)
• Saved search support to find and view documents based on imaging document
metadata and full-text indexes (

4 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
Note regarding Imaging input agent functionality: The input agent functionality that exists in
the 11g Imaging product in 12c will be provided by a limited use license of the Enterprise
Capture. This limited use license will be included with the Imag
ing license starting in
Existing 11g Imaging customers when they upgrade to the 12c environment will be granted this
limited use license of Enterprise Capture against their exiting WebCenter Imaging or WebCenter
Content license.

Since the architectural consolidation of the Imaging product functionality into the WebCenter
Content Server will notot be completed until the (PS3)WebCenter
WebCenter release in 2017 , the
direction to imaging customers is to wait for the for release to upgrade to the
12c Imaging product. In other wordwordss continue running their deployed 11g imaging
environment as is. During this 11g period, it is highly recommended that customers upgrade to as this will be terminal release of the 11g product line with the longest available
support from Oracle.

For customers that need to begin a transition to 12c now, 11g customers will have the option to
leave their WebCenter Imaging servers deployed and upgrade WebCenter Content &
WebCenter Capture to 12.2.1.*. *. WebCenter Imaging will be the only Imaging
version certified to interop with the WebCenter Content & Enterprise Capture 12.2.1.*
versions. Additionally, WebCenter Imaging that has deployments of the Managed
Attachments adapters & the Application Extension Framework (AXF (AXF)) for EBS, Peoplesoft
integration or the AP solutions accelerator will also be certified to interop with the SOA 12c and
EBS 12.1.* and EBS 12.2.* and up to Peoplesoft 8.55.* versions.

Figure 1 below shows the details of this 12c upgrade process and resulting
ulting domain
configuration to support this interop scenario.

5 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
Figure 1 - WebCenter Imaging 11g and WebCenter Content 12c Interoperability

WebCenter Content Managed Attachments Adapters Product Direction

Currently in 11g, the managed attachments adapters for Oracle’s E-Business Suite and
PeopleSoft require the deployment of a WebCenter 11g Imaging server. Similar to the Imaging
12c plans, it is the product plan for the Managed Attachment Adapters to be supported by a
WebCenter Content server and no longer require a separate imaging server in the
deployment architecture. The 12c versions of the managed attachment adapters are not
available for the release. The direction to customers who need the E-Business Suite
or PeopleSoft managed attachment adapters is to wait for the (PS1) release to
uptake the 12c versions of these adapters. In other words continue running their deployed
11g imaging environment.

If a customer needs managed adapter support for the E-Business Suite or PeopleSoft products
in a WebCenter environment they will need to leverage the Imaging 11g server interop
support detailed in (Figure 1) above.

Note1: This directive does not apply to customer using the Siebel Managed attachments
adapter. This is because the Siebel adapter has no dependency on an 11g Imaging server and is
instead already deployed directly on the WebCenter Content server. A customer using the
Siebel manage attachments adapter will be able to upgrade to a WebCenter Content 12.2.1

Note2: Customers that use the underlying Managed Adapter (AXF ) framework for
customizations and extensions or in conjunction with the AP solutions accelerator will need to
wait for the WCC (PS3) release. See Section below on AP Solutions accelerator.

WebCenter Enterprise Capture Product Direction

Oracle is committed to investing in WebCenter Enterprise Capture (WEC). Pending releases
will have exciting new features including:

• The ability to commit images to Oracle Documents Cloud Service

• Enhancements to capture features around finding and duplicating documents
• Documents attachments as a replacement for IPM supporting content feature
• New and improved Alta Skin for the user interface.

Capture will remain a separate add-on SKU used by customers that require its additional

Oracle will ship a 12c version of WEC that will be compatible with both 11g and 12c WebCenter
Imaging Servers. That means that Imaging customers that choose to upgrade their WebCenter
Content instance to 12c will have two options for deploying WEC:

6 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
1. Upgrade to WebCenter Enterprise Capture and WebCenter Content (WCC) 12c but stay
on the 11g Imaging Server. These customers will get all the new features in WCC and
WEC 12c, while still retaining the features of Imaging 11g. In Figure 1 above, the
Capture server is upgraded to the 12c domain.

2. Keep WebCenter Enterprise Capture and Imaging on 11g, while upgrading WebCenter
Content to 12c. These customers will not get the benefit of features that are new in
WebCenter Enterprise Capture 12c. In Figure 1 above, the Capture Service stays on the
11g domain.

WebCenter Enterprise Capture SE and Migration from WebCenter Capture

WebCenter Enterprise Capture (WEC) has replaced WebCenter Capture (WC) and WebCenter
Distributed Capture (WDC). WebCenter Enterprise Capture Standard Edition (WEC SE) has been
added as a vehicle for customers upgrading from the removed products.

Unlike WebCenter Enterprise Capture (WEC), WEC SE may only be deployed and managed as
individual non-clustered instances regardless of whether it is deployed in Weblogic Server
Enterprise Edition (WLS EE) or Weblogic Server Standard Edition (WLS SE). Customers that
require clustering will require both WEC and WLS EE. Both WEC and WEC SE include a license
to use WLS SE, which is restricted to hosting WEC SE Java application logic.

Please consult with your sales representative for assistance in migrating from the replaced
products to WebCenter Enterprise Capture Standard Edition.

WebCenter Forms Recognition Product Direction

Oracle remains committed to providing WebCenter Forms Recognition (WFR) to support our
customer deployments. WFR releases depend on the OCR technology that we OEM. We
typically release a new version of WFR when there are improvements to that OCR technology
that would add value to our customers. The improvements in the OCR technology since WFR
11g are not enough to justify a new release of WFR. Consequently, we have no current plans to
push a 12c release of WFR. However, we fully intend to do so as soon as it makes sense for our
customers. WFR 11g will be fully compatible with the 12c stack.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Solution Accelerator (Existing customers or

First, it is important to highlight that the current AP Invoice Processing solution accelerator is
(a) not supported product and (b) only available via Oracle consulting or via 3rd party Oracle
Partners who have undergone training on the accelerator.

Currently in 11g, the AP Solution Accelerator requires the deployment of a WebCenter 11g
Imaging server.

7 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
The AP Solutions Accelerator framework and the underlying Application Extension Framework
(AXF) will be ported to run on a WebCenter Content Server for the WebCenter (PS3)
release targeted for calendar year 2017. This 12c version of the AP solution accelerator will be
tested to support the versions of WebCenter Content (including the Imaging
functionality) and the SOA 12c stack.

There will be no new enhancements, only a certification of operation with the 12c WebCenter
& SOA stack.

The intent of making this 12c version of the AP solution accelerator available is to support
existing customers who have already deployed the accelerator.

Since it is not officially supported product – there will be no upgrade support to migrate an
existing customer from their 11g implementation to the target. A customer may need
to engage a consultant (OCS or 3rd party) to assist them in re-deploying the AP solution
accelerator to their upgraded 12c environment.

The direction for existing 11g customers that have the solution accelerator deployed is to
wait for the release.

If a customer needs their AP invoice processing or any solution based on the AP solution
accelerators in a WebCenter 12.2.1 environment they will need to leverage the Imaging 11g
server interop support detailed in (Figure 1) above until is released.

Summary of Upgrade Directives for Customers Planning Upgrades to 12c

8 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance
9 | WebCenter Content Imaging, Capture and Forms Recognition 12c Upgrade Guidance

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