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= Yggdra Union Walkthrough =

= Written by: Lufia_Maxim =
= v0.4 (1/2/07) =

The Kingdom of Fantasinia, located in

the center of the continental world.

Times of peace and prosperity continued

for many years under the Holy Sword and
a wise king, but this was not meant
to last forever...

The end came so suddenly...

1) Introduction

Hello, and welcome to my detailed walkthrough for this great SRPG (Strategy
Role-Playing Game). A detailed walkthrough for each Battle Field (BF) is now
finished, so I hope it helps you guys out.

Hello, and welcome to my detailed walkthrough for the great SRPG. Right now I'm
just posting the first two chapters of the game to see what you guys think and
if you have any suggestions. Please give me feedback at Thx.

2) Version History

v0.4 1/2/07: (457 KB)

- Walkthrough finished! BF1-48 now done.
- Added a new section 7 on the three different endings
- Will start working on everything else now.
- Except some visual improvements to make the guide look nicer soon

v0.3 12/29/06: (359 KB)

- Walkthrough for Chapters 1-6 done (up to and including BF35)
- Added the game's item numbers for each item (from Extra Contents)
- Added a little note to every BF where you can get Grilled Griffon/Dragon Steak
- Next update will include some other things besides just walkthroughs (game
mechanics and such)

v0.2 12/20/06: (292 KB)

- Walkthrough for Chapters 1-4 done (up to and including BF28)
- Didn't really work on anything else, trying to finish the walkthrough before
I do anything else. Be patient. ^_^

v0.15 12/16/06: (180 KB)

- Took out ALL the dialogue, since it was unnecessary
- Added a list of all 256 items
- Added a list of all 33 cards
- Re-did much of everything else
- Not much done on the walkthrough itself, only added up to BF14
v0.1 12/11/06: (146 KB)
- Walkthrough for Chapters 1 & 2 done (up to and including BF11)
- Almost all Tutorials up (Basically the ones available up to BF11)
- Still a LOT! to do, expect many more updates

3) Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2) Version History
3) Table of Contents
4) Copyright Stuff
5) Walkthrough

- 5.0 Intro

- 5.1 Chapter 1 - The Fugitive Bearing Hope

- 5.1.1 Battle Field 01 - Thieves' Stronghold
- 5.1.2 Battle Field 02 - Jaws of the Wolf
- 5.1.3 Battle Field 03 - West Orlando
- 5.1.4 Battle Field 04 - East Orlando

- 5.2 Chapter 2 - Lost Days

- 5.2.1 Battle Field 05 - Lorca Lakeside
- 5.2.2 Battle Field 06 - Phelinas Lakeside
- 5.2.3 Battle Field 07 - Elise
- 5.2.4 Battle Field 08 - Black Rose Domain
- 5.2.5 Battle Field 09 - White Rose Domain
- 5.2.6 Battle Field 10 - Verlaine Hills
- 5.2.7.A Battle Field 11A - Black Rose Domain
- 5.2.7.B Battle Field 11B - White Rose Domain

- 5.3 Chapter 3 - Paltina Blitzkrieg

- 5.3.1 Battle Field 12 - Brigand Stronghold
- 5.3.2 Battle Field 13 - Lenessey Mts.
- 5.3.3 Battle Field 14 - Lunamina Pass
- 5.3.4 Battle Field 15 - Framm Granary
- 5.3.5 Battle Field 16 - North Paltina
- 5.3.6 Battle Field 17 - South Paltina
- 5.3.7 Battle Field 18 - Machina Bridge

- 5.4 Chapter 4 - Yggdra in Chains

- 5.4.1 Battle Field 19 - Karona Outskirts
- 5.4.2 Battle Field 20 - The Tower
- 5.4.3 Battle Field 21 - Amatorium Square
- 5.4.4 Battle Field 22 - Castle Karona
- 5.4.5 Battle Field 23 - Southwest Marduk
- 5.4.6 Battle Field 23.5 - Resistance Camp
- 5.4.7 Battle Field 24 - Northeast Marduk
- 5.4.8 Battle Field 25 - Valley of Lament
- 5.4.9 Battle Field 26 - Land of Ruin
- 5.4.10 Battle Field 27 - Gate of Atonement
- 5.4.11 Battle Field 28 - Galleon Prison

- 5.5 Chapter 5 - Truth and Sin, Light and Shadows

- 5.5.1 - Battle Field 29 - North Nyllard
- 5.5.2 - Battle Field 30 - South Nyllard
- 5.5.3 - Battle Field 31 - Lombardia
- 5.5.4 - Battle Field 32 - St. Meriata Diocese

- 5.6 Chapter 6 - The Gran Centurio

- 5.6.1 - Battle Field 33 - Welheim
- 5.6.2 - Battle Field 34 - Nacht Altar

- 5.7 Chapter 7 - To the Land of the Sleeping Dragon

- 5.7.1 - Battle Field 35 - Canossa Road
- 5.7.2 - Battle Field 36 - South Gate - Mt. Bypass
- 5.7.3 - Battle Field 37 - Mt. Bypass Floodgate
- 5.7.4 - Battle Field 38 - Inside Ishnad
- 5.7.5 - Battle Field 39 - Gates of Bronquia
- 5.7.6 - Battle Field 40 - Bardot Hill
- 5.7.7 - Battle Field 41 - Drominos Marsh

- 5.8 Chapter 8 - Bronquia Showdown

- 5.8.1 - Battle Field 42 - Arc of Triumph
- 5.8.2 - Battle Field 43 - Flarewerk
- 5.8.3 - Battle Field 44 - Castle Bronquia
- 5.8.4 - Battle Field 45 - Chamber of Brongaa

- 5.9 Chapter 9 - Battle on the Requiem

- 5.9.1 - Battle Field 46 - Ancardia
- 5.9.2 - Battle Field 47 - Great Temple
- 5.9.3 - Battle Field 48 - Heaven's Gate

6) Tutorials
- 6.1 Cards
- 6.2 Moving Units
- 6.3 Attacking Units
- 6.4 Tips on Picking Battles
- 6.5 Losing
- 6.6 Passive/Aggressive Bar
- 6.7 Prelude to Skills
- 6.8 Rage Rate of Enemies
- 6.9 Unions
- 6.10 Items in Villages
- 6.11 Weapon Triangle
- 6.12 Movement in Water
- 6.13 Advanced Weapon Triangle
- 6.14 Skills
- 6.15 Enemy Skills
- 6.16 The Ankh
- 6.17 Catapults
- 6.18 Linking Unions
- 6.19 Moving in Sand
- 6.20 Moving in Poison Swamp

7) Endings
- 7.1 - The Dark Ages Reborn (BF45)
- 7.2 - Power Traded for Wisdom (BF48)
- 7.3 - The Advent of Ragnarok (BF48)

8) Items
- 8.1 Basics
- 8.2 Item List
- 9.1 Basics
- 9.2 Card List

10) Dunno
11) Conclusion & Credits

4) Copyright Stuff

This document is Copyright 2006 Lufia_Maxim and is the intellectual property

of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form.
It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without
advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Allowed Web Sites:

5) Walkthrough

5.0 The Fall of Castle Paltina

During the rule of Ordene, 31st monarch of Fantasinia, the new Bronquian
Empire invaded. The Royal Army mustered its cavalry to resist the incursion,
but with loss after loss to the Imperial Army's devastating offensive, the
fortress of Karona fell and nothing stopped Bronquia from sacking the Royal
Capital of Paltina.

Gulcasa, the Emporer of Carnage, had deposed his predecessor by force and
became the new emporer of Bronquia. Emporer Gulcasa personally led his elite
troops into Castle Paltina, where after an earthshaking battle, he slew King

With that, Paltina fell, and the scarlet Imperial flag was raised to flutter
in the twilight sky...

5.1 Chapter 1 - The Fugitive Bearing Hope

At the southernmost tip of the continent is the land of Norn Valley. Although
this barren land of rocky mountains and red earth is Fatasinia Kingdom
territory, it has become a haunt for thieves. Through his wasteland runs a
girl, kicking up a cloud of dust as she flees.

5.1.1 Battle Field 01 - Thieves' Stronghold

People are chasing a girl named Yggdra. She hides in a Stronghold, which
actually turns out to be a Thieves Stronghold. Yggdra's pursuers set the
Forterss on fire. The current residents of this Fort are Milanor and
Flunky, and they're pretty pissed that their base was just burnt down.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor
- Flunky

Cards to Select: 5


Note: If you have Tutorials on, you'll go through Tutorial 1 & 2 at this point.



1 B
B B B a b
B B c


M = Milanor
F = Flunky



1 = Hair Band
Iron Choker = dropped by Valkyrie when killed



a = Lvl 1 Assassin, Morale 320/1100

b = Lvl 1 Bandit, Morale 470/1180
c = Lvl 3 Valkyrie, Morale 1160/3540 (Eqp: Iron Choker)


First, use a card with at least 8 Mov (which you only have one of, Steal). Move
Milanor to the square with the "1" to collect Hair Band. Then move next to the
Assassin (a) and attack. (Tutorial 3 & 4 are here) After you win, move Flunky
above Milanor and end your turn.

The Bandit will attack you on the enemies turn, and you'll defeat it. Tutorial
5 here. Now move Milanor next to the Valkyrie, the enemy leader. Attack her.
Move Flunky if you want/can, however, it's not necessary, as he won't do
anything. End Turn. She'll attack, but you'll win and finish her off.

If you followed this walkthrough, you should get the +2 MVP bonus. The Valkyrie
automatically drops the Iron Choker once you defeat her.



+2 <= 4 Turns
+1 >= 5 Turns


New Cards:

Revolution (POW 1300, Mov 10, Ace Sword; Defeat all enemies but the head)
Banish (POW 1150, Mov 7, Ace Sword; Holy damage to enemy)
Sanctuary (POW 1100, Mov 8, Ace All; Revives your fallen members)



Milanor finds Yggdra. She comes out and asks for Milanor's help, since she's
desperate and has nowhere else to turn. Milanor requests for her castle in
return for helping, and Yggdra agrees. Yggdra also hands over some cards.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Milanor and his men were able to drive off the invaders who attacked their
fort. In the process, they saved the ousted Princess Yggdra from the Imperial
Army, ensuring that from then on, their steps would be constantly hounded by
the Imperial forces.

Milanor left the burnt husk of a fort and headed with Yggdra to the Orlando
Plains, where the Royal Cavalry supposedly waited. At the Jaws of the Wolf,
connecting Norn Valley and the Orlando Plains, mercenaries working for the
Empire lay in wait for Milanor's gang of thieves.

5.1.2 Battle Field 02 - Jaws of the Wolf

Milanor & Co. are heading to the Orlando Plains to meet up with the rest of
Yggdra's troops. Milanor suggests taking the Jaws of the Wolf, as it'll be

Unfortunately, Inzaghi and her troops are in the way.


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor
- Yggdra

Cards to Select: 8



B e
Y B B c d B B
M B b B B B
B B B a B B B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
V = Village (Item: Fur)



Fur = Go to Village (with Milanor only)

Leather Hat = Dropped by Inzaghi



a = Lvl 1 Bandit, Morale 290/1180

b = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 410/1240
c = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 330/1240
d = Inzaghi, Lvl 2 Fencer, Morale 1010/3020 (Eqp: Leather Hat)
e = Lvl 1 Bandit, Morale 360/1180




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Inzaghi!
Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Tutorial 7 & 8 are in this BF.

Have Yggdra attack some units, and move Milanor towards the Village (V on the
map) to get the Fur. This will be used to trade for the Fur Coat in BF3.

Have Yggdra work here way through the enemies, while Milanor gets the item
and goes up the right path to fight Inzaghi. Both units should roughly get
there at the same time.

If you want the Leather Hat, make sure Milanor is the one to kill Inzaghi,
since he has more LUK than Inzaghi (which is what determines whether an enemy
drops their item or not).


Conditions of Victory:
- Get everyone past the Jaws of the Wolf!
(Move everyon to "Jaws of the Wolf" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Most Battlefields (BFs) from here on out will have more than one part to them.
This BF has 2 parts (hence the 2-2). You use the same cards you chose at the
beginning of the BF. You also use the same characters. All the cards you used
in the 1st part of the BF will be reset, meaning you can use all your cards

If you've been following this walkthrough, both your units should be close to
the flag where you need to go. If Inzaghi dropped his Leather Hat, make sure
to pick it up (when an enemy drops an item, you can tell because of the "!"
square that appears). Just use the Steal card and move both units onto the
flag to finish this BF. If you finish on or before Turn 9, you'll get the +2
MVP bonus.



+2 <= 9 Turns
+1 >= 10 Turns


New Cards:

Banshee's Cry (POW 1050, Mov 8, Ace Sword; Lowers enemy ATK to 1 while


Yggdra wonders about the woman who closed off the route so they couldn't be
followed. Milanor mentions it's a friend of his.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Milanor's old friend Kylier destroyed a key structure at the Jaws of the Wolf,
which blocked the Imperial Army's pursuit. Thanks to her, Yggdra and the others
were able to escape the Black Knight Leon and safely reach Orlando Plains.

Once there, they found the Royal Cavalry under attack by the Imperial Court
Magician Eudy, with only Durant's unit remaining...

5.1.3 Battle Field 03 - West Orlando


The party arrives at Orlando Plains to find Yggdra's troops. However, this
"force" consists of very few units. Flunky (Milanor's thief) returns to
report that the 3rd Cavalry is doing alright, but the other Cavalries are

Eudy tries to force Durant to surrender, but he doesn't.


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor
- Yggdra

Cards to Select: 9



a h
b f g D
c d G B e B i


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
V = Village
G = Bridge





a = Eudy, Lvl 4 Witch, Morale 1640/3700 (Protect) (Eqp:Ruby Staff)

b = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 970/1390
c = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 880/1390
d = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 820/1390
e = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 1270/1450 (Protect) (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 910/1240
g = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 850/1450
h = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 1080/1450
i = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 680/1240




Conditions of Victory:
- Rendezvous with Durant!
(Move everyone next to Durant)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Durant dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Just move up and clear everyone out of the area where Durant is. You haven't
learned about this yet, but keep Milanor away from the Fencers. Trust me,
you'll see why in BF4. Also keep Yggdra away from the Knights. Yeah, that
makes it more difficult, but just keep at it and you'll clear them out in no
time. Place Milanor and Yggdra next to Durant to move on to 3-2.

You receive the "Ace Guard" card here.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B 1 2 Y
B h i D M
B d B B
B B B B f g
B a b B c B e V3


Y = Yggdra
M = Milanor
D = Durant
V = Village



1 = Trap
2 = Kokorinut
V3 = Trade Fur (obtained from BF2) for Fur Coat
Medallion = Dropped by Knight Party Leader (unit "f")
Ruby Staff = Dropped by Eudy (unit "a")



a = Eudy, Lvl 4 Witch, Morale 1640/3700 (Eqp: Ruby Staff)

b = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 970/1390
c = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 880/1390
d = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 910/1240
e = Lvl 2 Witch, Morale 820/1390
f = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 1270/1450 (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 1080/1450
h = Lvl 1 Fencer, Morale 680/1240
i = Lvl 2 Knight, Morale 840/1450



We can now use Unions (after the Tutorial of course).

Play around with Unions to get the hang of them. You can use plenty of them in
this BF. Get both items ("1" and "2" on the Map) with Yggdra.

If you want the Fur Coat, and still have the Fur item, go to V3 on the map
(but not at Night) and trade it for the Fur Coat.

Continue fighting your way through to Eudy. All her units have Rods, which are
effective against all of your weapons, so just beat them up with brute force.

Use Milanor to defeat Eudy if you want her Ruby Staff.

Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the Valkyrie Aegina!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



c B B B B
a b d B h B B B

Note: Yggdra, Milanor, and Durant can be at various locations.



Flamberg = Dropped by Aegina



a = Lvl 2 Valkyrie, Morale 800/1350

b = Aegina, Lvl 5 Valkyrie, Morale 2060/4100 (Eqp: Flamberg)
c = Lvl 2 Valkyrie, Morale 770/1350
d = Lvl 2 Valkyrie, Morale 810/1350



Valkyries use swords, and axes are weak to swords, so keep Milanor away this
time. Just use Durant and Yggdra to defeat all of the Valkyries. Durant is
very effective against Valkyries, so he can pretty much annihilate most of

Also make sure you pick up the Ruby Staff (shown by a "!" square on the
field) if you made Eudy drop it.

If you do want the Flamberg though, you'll have to defeat her with Milanor,
so be careful when doing so.

Defeat Aegina to end this BF.


+2: 32 Turns or less

+1: 33 Turns or above


New Cards:

Ace Guard (POW 1600, Mov 4, Ace All; Protects union from charges/counters)
Flame (POW 1250, Mov 7, Ace Rod; Fire damage to enemy)



The Royal Liberation Army has been formed. The party enjoys their first win.
Nothing too special here.

We'll Never Fight Alone

After saving Durant, Yggdra's Royal Army raised its banners to smash a
disorganized Imperial Army unit. The victory was only temporary, but the Royal
Army's Imperial pursuers were forced to delay their next attack.

The Imperial Army's Orlando patrol was being supported by 3 forts used as
supply depots in the east.
The Royal Army moved forth to capture these posts while the Imperial Army's
pursuit was on hold.

5.1.4 Battle Field 04 - East Orlando


The Royal Liberation Army (RLA) is headed for the Sovereignty of Embellia,
since they have been allies with Fantasinia for quite some time. But before
they reach the capital, Durant suggests to burn the lookouts that are
currently being used as supply bases for the Empire.


Characters to Select: 3
- Yggdra
- Milanor
- Durant

Cards to Select: 8



B a c B
B B b d B


D = Durant
Y = Yggdra
M = Milanor
X = Barricade (can't step here)



Four-Leaf Clover = Found by Yggdra when walking on grass (1/64 chance)

Medallion = Dropped by Garrison Captain
Imperial Warfare 2 = Defeat unit "a" and step on his square



a = Lvl 2 Fencer, Morale 1410/1410

b = Garrison Captain, Lvl 3 Knight, Morale 2470/2470 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 2 Fencer, Morale 1410/1410
d = Lvl 2 Fencer, Morale 1410/1410




Conditions of Victory:
- Gain control of East Stronghold 1!
(Move an ally to "East Stronghold 1" flag

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

You'll learn about the Weapon Triangle (in Tutorial) here.

When you move Yggdra (and you should) move her one square at a time. Since
you can move again (if you haven't attacked) she can move again and again.
You have a 1/64 chance of finding the Four-Leaf Clover.

Since you know about the Weapon Triangle, you need to watch out for that
now. Attack the Sentry with Durant, since his affinity (spear) is strong
against the sentry's swords. Attack the Garrison Captain with Milanor (axe
is strong against spear).

Also remember to make use of Unions, since you'll probably be new with those.
Try to form Unions against the Garrison Captain and Sentry, using Durant and

After the Garrison Captain is defeated, step on the square he was on to

go on to 4-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Gain control of East Stronghold 2!
(Move an ally to "East Stronghold 2" flag

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B a c B B B B B B B
B B b d B B X B B a c
B B B B B b d


X = Barricade (can't step here)

Yggdra, Milanor, and Durant will be in the same position as the end of 4-1



Four-Leaf Clover = If you still haven't found it, you still have a chance.
Imperial Warfare 1 = Defeat unit "d" and step on his square
Medallion = Dropped by Garrison Captain



a = Garrison Captain, Lvl 3 Knight, Morale 2470/2470 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 2 Bandit, Morale 1210/1210
c = Lvl 2 Bandit, Morale 1210/1210
d = Lvl 2 Bandit, Morale 1210/1210



This time the Bandits have Axes. So attack them with Yggdra. Attack the
Garrison Captain with Milanor again. Make sure you move up Durant though, don't
leave him behind. Don't forget the Imperial Warfar 1 item. After you defeat
the Captain, pick up the Medallion and step on his square to move on to 4-3.


Conditions of Victory:
- Gain control of East Stronghold 3!
(Move an ally to "East Stronghold 3" flag

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B B a c
B B T B B b d
B B 1 B B B X
B a c B B B B B B B
B B b d B B X B B a c
B B B B B b d


X = Barricade (can't step here)

V = Village
Yggdra, Milanor, and Durant will be in the same position as the end of 4-2



Four-Leaf Clover = If you still haven't found it, you still have a chance.
Imperial Warfare 3 = Defeat unit "c" and step on his square
Medallion = Dropped by Garrison Captain
1 = Goat Milk. Visit the Village (but not at night)



a = Lvl 2 Hunter, Morale 1500/1500

b = Garrison Captain, Lvl 3 Knight, Morale 2470/2470 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 2 Hunter, Morale 1500/1500
d = Lvl 2 Hunter, Morale 1500/1500



This time you fight Hunters, who carry Bows. You have nothing that is superior
to Bows, so just attack them with any unit. Once again, Garrison Captain is
best attacked with Milanor. You've done it twice, just do it once more to end
this BF. Don't forget the Imperial Warfare 3.

NOTE: Make sure you use the Goat Milk at some point. After you use the Goat Milk
you'll hold on to the "Glass Bottle", which is used much later in the game
(BF38) to get another item.



+2 <= 18 Turns
+1 >= 19 Turns


New Cards:

Shield Barrier (POW 1500, Mov 6, Ace All; Receive no damage while activated)



Burning all the Fortresses has prevented the Empire from operating in the
East. Congratulations. The RLA moves on to Embellia.

5.2 Chapter 2 - Lost Days

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Imperial Army's patrols in the Orlando region were crippled by the loss of
their supply depots to the Royal Army's attacks.

The Royal Army had no more worries of pursuers, but Yggdra knew that retrieving
the Kingdom from the Empire would be hopeless via the southern front.

In order to increase their chances, the Royal Army headed to the Sovereignty
of Embellia, home of the Undines, who had been the Kingdom's allies for many
ages. However, as they reached Lorca Lakeside, on the border of Embellia,
their hopes seemed lost...

5.2.1 Battle Field 05 - Lorca Lakeside


The RLA reaches Embellia, and want to make their way towards Elise, the Water
Capital. However, they see that Undines are attacking a village and prepare
to investigate.

Characters to Select: 3

Cards to Select: 7



B B W a b c
B B W W B T d


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
V = Village
T = Town



Medallion = Each Undine (unit "a", "b", and "d") has one. Must drop to get.
Ice Javelin = Dropped by Ishiene



a = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Ishiene, Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 3600/3600 (Eqp: Ice Javelin)
d = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Ishiene!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

MVP +2 Turn Limit is 7, so you need to hurry on this map. Make use of Unions,
and attack with mostly Milanor (Undines all hold spears) for maximum damage.
Ishiene has 3600 Morale, so she's going to take several turns to take her down.
If you form a union with Durant and Milanor watch out for Durant, as he'll have
a harder time defeating Ishiene. Leave Yggdra out of these fights.

Also, the only way to get the Medallions is to lure the Undines out of the
water. If you don't, they'll drop the Medallions on the water, and you don't
have any units yet that can walk on water.



+2 <= 7 Turns
+1 >= 8 Turns


New Cards:

Blizzard (POW 1350, Mov 7, Ace Spear; Ice damage to enemy)



You've saved the town. Yggdra questions a Lady from the town as to why the
Undines are attacking, but the Lady just says that the Undines randomly
started attacking them one day. The RLA decides to hurry to the Capital to
find out the truth.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army battled Ishiene's Undine soldiers to save a human settlement,
but the mystery remained: what had happened in Embellia to destroy relations
with the Kingdom so thoroughly?

To find the truth and restore the alliance, the Royal Army headed for the Water
Capital, Elise.

On the way there, the Royal Army discovered a Phelinas Lakeside settlement in
danger, as the citizens were under assault from both Undines and looting

5.2.2 Battle Field 06 - Phelinas Lakeside


The RLA reaches another town, and this town, is under attack by Undines AND
the Bandit Leader Ortega from the Lenessey Mountains.


Characters to Select: 3
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
Cards to Select: 8



a V e
B B b f
B W c g
Y M W d i

After you step on O, the bottom section opens up. Map:

a V e
B B b f
B W c g
Y M W d h
D W W 1 W


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
V = Village
T = Town (Recruit Nietzsche here)



1 = Healing Herb (Can only be gotten by Nietzsche)

Medallion = Dropped by any Undine
Kill Blade = Dropped by Ortega



a = Lvl 3 Assassin, Morale 1380/1380

b = Lvl 3 Bandit, Morale 1460/1460
c = Ortega, Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 3920/3920 (Eqp: Kill Blade)
d = Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 1670/1670 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 3 Assassin, Morale 1380/1380
f = Lvl 3 Bandit, Morale 1460/1460
g = Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 1670/1670 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 1670/1670 (Eqp: Medallion)



Conditions of Victory:
- Liberate Lake Town Velas
(Move an ally to "Lake Town Velas" town)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

First, move to the "O" (on the top map) square to open up the secret section.
Then, move to T (the Town) and you will get your own Undine - Nietzsche.
Since she's an Undine, she can walk on water, which is the only way to get the
Healing Herb. Get it once you feel it's safe to do so. Also, when Nietzsche
stands in water, she regains Morale at the beginning of every turn. Keep this
in mind.

Have Yggdra attack both Assassins. Nietzsche can take out some Undines, but be
careful for the enemy's unions. If Nietzsche has to attack 3 Undines, she'll
probably lose eventually since she's fighting by herself. Yggdra is also
useful against Ortega, since he wields an axe. To move onto 6-2, move a unit
on top of the city where Ortega was standing.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Zilva!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...


B B B B a c
B W B W b d
B W W 1 W



1 = Healing Herb (if you haven't gotten it yet)

Gale Bow = Dropped by Elena
Stell Persona = Dropped by Zilva


a = Lvl 3 Fencer, Morale 1140/1140

b = Lvl 3 Fencer, Morale 1140/1140
c = Zilva, Lvl 5 Assassin, Morale 2760/2760 (Eqp: Stell Persona)
d = Elena, Lvl 1 Assassin, Morale 1930/1930 (Eqp: Gale Bow)



As soon as you select a card, a Tutorial starts. The Fencers have swords, so
attack with Spears (Durant). Elena and Zilva both have bows, so use pretty
much anyone to take them down.



+2 <= 18 Turns
+1 >= 19 Turns


New Cards:

Bloody Claw (POW 1700, Mov 9, Ace Bow; Defeats enemy head)



Milanor comments how it's going to get harder here, since they've made
themselves known amongst the Empire. The RLA continues towards Elise.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Amid the chaos at Phelinas Lakeside, apart from the Undines' spite toward the
Royal Army and the bandits taking advantage of the confusion, an Imperial
Army presence could be seen as well.

Would Embellia be an enemy or an ally? To ascertain Queen Emelone's true

intentions, the Royal Army headed to the Aqua Palace to seek an audience.

However, Ishiene's unit was blocking the only bridge to Florand Island, the
location of the Aqua Palace, located in the Water Capital of Elise.

As Ishiene and her Undine forces drew their weapons, the Royal Army realized
they had no choice but to fight.

5.2.3 Battle Field 07 - Elise

The RLA has finally reached Elise. The only way to reach the queen's Aqua
Palace is by a bridge, which is being guarded the Undine Ishiene.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Cards to Select: 9



B B W a W W W
B B B b W W B
B B W c W W W
B B V d


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
V = Village



Medallion = Held by all Undines. Units "a", "c", and "d"

Brave Ring = Dropped by Ishiene



a = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Ishiene, Lvl 5 Undine, Morale 3940/3940 (Eqp: Brave Ring)
c = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)




Conditions of Victory:
- Secure a bridge to Florand!
(Move an ally to "Bridge")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

You can now use Skills.

Either start with attacking Undines, or Ishiene. Any character besides Yggdra
will do fine, although Milanor is the best to use (Axe > Spear). Have Nietzsche
pick up all the Medallion since she's the only one who can walk on water. Also
watch out for Ishiene's annoying item: It recovers her Morale when it gets low.
Just use a 3-unit union and you'll win in no time.

Note: When Undines use Blizzard, the water freezes over, which allows you to
walk on the water. However, after a few turns the ice will melt and any unit
that is not an Undine and is standing on the ice will drown and instantly die.
And if that unit is Milanor or Yggdra, you lose.

Step on the Fortress Ishiene was standing on to move on to 7-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Queen Emelone

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



g W
h W W V B
B B W W W W W W V a
B B V W F d f W
B B 1 b e W 3
B c W W
B B 2


F = Fort
V = Village
T = Town



Medallion = All units except "d" and "h" (Everyone but Emelone and Mizer)
Gungnir = Dropped by Emelone
Winged Sandals = Steal from Mizer (Appears after 4 turns)
1 = Aquarius (Just step on square to get)
2 = Elemina Mint (Just step on square to get)
3 = Pretty Shell. Only Nietzsche can get. (Just step on square to get)



a = Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 1670/1670 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 4 Undine, Morale 1670/1670 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Emelone, Lvl 6 Undine, Morale 4480/4480 (Eqp: Gungnir)
e = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 3 Undine, Morale 1500/1500 (Eqp: Medallion)

Don't show up until after Turn 4:

g = Lvl 4 Bandit, Morale 1590/1590 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Mizer, Lvl 5 Hunter, Morale 3780/3780 (Eqp: Winged Sandals)



Make sure you leave Milanor and one other unit, to be able to battle Mizer.
Mizer shows up after 4 Turns (2 of yours, 2 of Emelone). The map is extended
a little bit in the top left corner. Use the Steal card to steal the Winged
Sandals from Mizer (if you don't, you'll miss out on an important item later).
Now you can move Milanor and the other unit towards Emelone.

You should know how to handle Undines by now. Make sure you grab the Elemina
Mint if you want to see the infamous Bath scene MUCH later in the game. The
Elemina Mint and Pretty Shell can only be gotten by Nietzsche, unless the water
is frozen.

Defeat Emelone to finish off BF7. She has tons of Morale so make sure to use
use large Unions against her.



+2 <= 21 Turns
+1 >= 22 Turns


New Cards:

Thunderbolt (POW 1550, Mov 7, Ace Bow; Lightning damage to enemy)



Durant has supplies restocked. The RLA decides to go over the Lenessey
Mountains to reach the border of Paltina.
We'll Never Fight Alone

The battle at Florand ended with the Royal Army victorious, and the
Sovereignty of Embellia essentially ruined. What was one small battle was
rapidly becoming a giant vortex, embroiling in everything around it.

The Royal Army headed north for Verlaine Hills, a former Fantasinian territory.
When they reached the eastern portion, the Black Rose Domain, a tremendous
sound split the sky and flames rose in the distance.

Rosary, the scion of the house of the White Rose that rules the western area
had begun invading the Black Rose Domain with her supernatural golems.

5.2.4 Battle Field 08 - Black Rose Domain


The RLA is at Verlaine Hills, a Black Rose domain, governed by Roswell.

Suddenly a golem destroys a village: Roswell is being attacked! The RLA
decide to help.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Cards to Select: 8



B c B B R F
a B B
b B B B
d B M Y
e D N W


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell
T = Town
V = Village
F = Fort



Winged Sandals or Tough Boots = Mizer (if you already got the Sandals, you'll
get the boots this time)
Medallion = Dropped by Bandit (Mizer's buddy)



a = Rosary, Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 4640/4640 (Protect) (Eqp: Lucky Broom)

b = Sodom, Lvl 4 Golem, Morale 1740/1740
c = Gomorrah, Lvl 4 Golem, Morale 1740/1740

After Turn 7:
d = Mizer, Lvl 6 Hunter, Morale 4140/4140 (Eqp: Tough Boots)
e = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750 (Eqp: Medallion)




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all golems!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Roswell dies...
- If you use up all your cards...
- If all the towns are destroyed...

If you defend a village from the Golems, you'll get an item from that village
on 8-2. But to defend the top village, you'll have to use high Mov cards to get
there. However, do not use Steal, because Mizer appears again in this level and
you need Steal to take his item. I suggest using Revolution on the first turn
and moving someone all the way up and as close as you can get next to the
golem. As long as you intercept the golem before he reaches the village, he
won't destroy it. On the 2nd turn, use the next highest Mov card to protect the
other village.

Try to leave Milanor towards the front though. On Turn 7, Mizer and his Bandit
will show up.

Once you defeat both Golems, 8-1 is over.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Astral Fencer Russell!
Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Roswell dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



c B B B B R F
a d f B B
b B B V B B
B e B B B B



Mage Ring = Visit Top Village (only if it wasn't destroyed in 8-1)

Dowsing Rods = Visit Bottom Village (only if it wasn't destroyed in 8-1) and
only if your Total REP is 9 or greater
Flute of Deception = Visit Bottom Village (if it wasn't destroyed) and only if
your Total REP is less than 9
Zantetsu = Dropped by Russell
Lucky Broom = Dropped by Rosary



a = Russell, Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2800/4360 (Epq: Zantetsu)

b = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1350/1620
c = Lvl 4 Fencer, Morale 1350/1690
d = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1350/1620
e = Lvl 4 Fencer, Morale 1350/1690
f = Rosary, Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 4640/4640 (Eqp: Lucky Broom)



Rosary doesn't have the Protect status anymore. So kill her and take her Lucky
Broom, which is a pretty cool item. It makes enemies ALWAYS drop their item.
Her weapon is a Rod though, and you have nothing strong against it (Bow) so
just watch out for that. You also get a card if you defeat Rosary.

All the Valkyries and Fencers use Swords, so beat them down with Durant and
Nietzsche. Russell also uses swords, so Durant would be preferred, although
Yggdra will do fine, too.

After two turns, Roswell will use a powerful weapon, called The Ankh. He will
damage all enemy units in the range of the weapon.
*Tutorial time*

Note: Up until now, Russell had the Protect status. He doesn't have it after
the Ankh is fired, though.

Also make sure to pick up the two items from the two villages (if you saved
them from destruction).

Defeat Russell to end this BF.



+2 <= 23 Turns
+1 >= 24 Turns


New Cards:

Doll Craft (POW 1400, Mov 11, Ace Rod; Summons golems)
Item Break (POW 1750, Move 8, Ace Sword; Destroys enemy's equipped item)



Roswell thanks the RLA for helping with the attack. Yggdra asks why the White
Rose Army invaded, and Roswell says it's because of his Ankh.

We'll Never Fight Alone

With the help of the Royal Army and the tremendous power of the Black Rose's
prized Ankh, the White Rose-Imperial Army alliance was annihilated, and Rosary
retreated to her home territory.

Sensing danger from the house of the White Rose's alliance with the Empire, the
Royal Army headed for the White Rose Manor to seek the truth behind the war and
convince Rosary to end the conflict.

However, dire news reached Rosary during her meeting with Yggdra. Under cover
of darkness, Roswell, head of the house of the Black Rose, had begun an
invasion of the White Rose Domain.

5.2.5 Battle Field 09 - White Rose Domain


Roswell has now decided to attack the White Rose Domain. The RLA sees the
danger of the Ankh being used, and asks to meet with the leader of the White
Rose Domain - Rosary. Rosary says she won't stop, even though she knows the
power of the Ankh Roswell has.
During their negotiations, Roswell arrives and their meeting is cut short.
The RLA decides to help Rosary fight Roswell this time.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Cards to Select: 8



V c f
W W a B d B g
V W B b e B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Rosary
O = Golems
G = Bridge
T = Town
V = Village



Gargoyle Rod = Dropped by Roswell

Ranger Boots = Steal from Mizer
Medallion = Dropped by Mizer's Bandit.



a = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 1670/1670

b = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 1670/1670
c = Roswell, Lvl 6 Necromancer, Morale 4740/4740 (Protect) (Eqp: Gargoyle Rod)
d = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 1670/1670
e = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 1670/1670

After Turn 6:
f = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750 (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Mizer, Lvl 6 Hunter, Morale 4140/4140 (Eqp: Ranger Boots)




Conditions of Victory:
- Destroy all bridges!
(Have golems destroy all Bridges)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, Rosary, or Golems die...
- If you use up all your cards...
- If an enemy Skeleton crosses the river...

Golems only move 1 square at a time, so keep that in mind in your planning. You
don't really have anything effective against Skeleton, so just attack them with
what you got. Make sure that you bring ALL your units across the bridge BEFORE
the golems destroy them. In 9-2 the bridges will be gone, so any units left on
the other side will not be able to fight.

Have Milanor ready to steal Mizer's Ranger Boots when Turn 6 rolls around.

Roswell has Protect, so you won't be able to kill him. The golems should
destroy both bridges around Turn 15.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Black Knight Leon!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Rosary dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B a b f
B c B
B d
V e B

M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Rosary
T = Town
V = Village



Gargoyle Rod = Dropped by Roswell

Ranger Boots = Steal from Mizer
Medallion = Dropped by Mizer's Bandit.
Phalanx = Dropped by Leon



a = Lvl 4 Assassin, Morale 1320/1500

b = Leon, Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2950/4800 (Eqp: Phalanx)
c = Lvl 4 Knight, Morale 1400/1770
d = Lvl 4 Knight, Morale 1400/1770
e = Roswell, Lvl 6 Necromancer, Morale 4740/4740 (Eqp: Gargoyle Rod)
f = Lvl 4 Assassin, Morale 1320/1500



All enemy units carry over from 9-1, meaning that all units you didn't kill in
9-1 will still be in the same spot in 9-2, including Mizer if you haven't
stolen his item yet. Leon will have Protect until a few turns into 9-2, when
Rosary suddenly fires her own Ankh! *gasp*

After this happens, Leon will lose Protect status and you can kill him. Do so.
Don't forget, the Knights and Leon use Spears, so try to use Milanor do defeat
them more easily. The two assassins have bows, which will be no problem at all
for you since all your weapons are strong against Bows.



+2 <= 21 Turns
+1 >= 22 Turns


New Cards:

Necro Gate (POW 1400, Mov 11, Ace Rod; Summons skeletons)
Chariot (POW 1800, Mov 9, Ace Spear; Cuts enemy numbers to same as you)


Rosary explains that her (and Roswell's) goal is to collect both Ankhs, so
their power can be mightier than Valois, their common ancestor.

Neither side seems to be willing to stop unless they get both Ankhs.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The previous battle escalated quickly, eventually erupting into a full-scale

war with massive armies on each side. The coming confrontation threatened not
only soldiers, but all civilians in the area as well.

The tremendous power of the Ankhs both sides held made it clear that if war
broke out, the entire land would be burned to the ground.

As the countdown to Verlaine Hills' destruction ticked away, matters became

even worse as opportunistic bandits began sacking the cities.

To put a halt to the chaos, the Royal Army deployed to the bandit-infested
neutral city of Marvel.

5.2.6 Battle Field 10 - Verlaine Hills


War has broken out between the two houses! Even town guards are being
drafted which gives thieves an easy time to rob villages. Ortega is in the
process of robbing a village.

Yggdra says they should free the village of bandits first, then deal with
the war at hand.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Cards to Select: 12



b B
c e B
B d f
1 B B

Note: Rosary is to the way lower left of the map. Roswell is at the top right.
I didn't put them in the map, since they don't play a role in this part of the
level, plus there'd be tons of blank squares if I put them in the map. Once you
get to the level, you'll see what I mean.


Y = Yggdra
M = Milanor
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
V = Village



1 = Shell Breastplate. Exchange Pretty Shell (from BF7) with Shell Breastplate.
Only Nietzsche can make this trade, and only at night.
Headgear = Dropped by Inzaghi
Berserk = Dropped by Ortega



a = Inzaghi, Lvl 6 Fencer, Morale 2120/4240 (Eqp: Headgear)

b = Lvl 5 Assassin, Morale 1660/1660
c = Lvl 4 Bandit, Morale 1590/1590
d = Ortega, Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 4560/4560 (Eqp: Berserk)
e = Lvl 4 Bandit, Morale 1590/1590
f = Lvl 4 Bandit, Morale 1590/1590




Conditions of Victory:
- Liberate Marvel City!
(Move an ally to "Marvel City")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

The Bandits have Axes, so use Swords (Yggdra) to beat them down. The Assassin
uses Bows so anything will work on her. Inzaghi is a sword user, so Durant or
Nietzsche will do nicely against him.
Step on the town that Ortega was standing on to move on to 10-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Roswell!
- Defeat Rosary!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B B b B F
B B B 2 B a B d B
B B B B B B c B
V B B B B B B B B e
B B Y M B B B B T f
B 1 B B B B B V B B B B
B W d B V B B V B B W
B B G B B f B B B B
a b V e B B B W
F c B


Y = Yggdra
M = Milanor
N = Nietzsche
D = Durant
F = Fort
G = Bridge
V = Village
T = Town



1 = Rune Crystal (It's in water, so use Nietzsche)

2 = Obsidian
Frilly Lace = Dropped by Rosary
Midnight Robe = Dropped by Roswell



Rosary's side

a = Lvl. 5 Witch, Morale 1830/1830

b = Rosary, Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 3240/4640 (Eqp: Frilly Lace)
c = Lvl. 5 Witch, Morale 1830/1830
d = Zukunft, Lvl 4 Golem, Morale 1740/1740
e = Vergang, Lvl 4 Golem, Morale 1740/1740
f = Heutig, Lvl 4 Golem, Morale 1740/1740

Roswell's side

a = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 1670/1670

b = Lvl 5 Necromancer, Morale 1830/1830
c = Lvl 5 Necromancer, Morale 1830/1830
d = Roswell, Lvl 6 Necromancer, Morale 3340/4740 (Eqp: Midnight Robe)
e = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 16470/1670
f = Lvl 4 Skeleton, Morale 16470/1670



This decision is very important. You have to decide which side to kill, and
whoever you didn't kill will join your side soon. Both units are pretty much
equal, each with their own advantages/disadvantages. However, Roswell is more
useful in getting items, and picking him makes it MUCH easier to get an
important card later. But, Rosary can also get this same card, if you've been
stealing from Mizer every time you see him. On the 4th time you see him, he'll
be holding the Warp Shoes. Rosary can use the Warp Shoes to get this card as
well. Pick who you want to have on your side, and kill the other.

Once you've decided who to keep/take out, make your way towards that unit.
Rosary is in the bottom left, and Roswell is in the top right. However, beware
that each side has the Ankh, and they WILL fire at you this time. But to save
yourself one turn of being hit by Ankh, DO NOT attack either side (any of their
units) when you approach them. Even if you are ABLE to attack, do NOT attack.
Then on the enemies turn, they will attack, and after the attack you'll see a
little dialogue and now the Ankh has been fired up. However, you won't get hit
till next time. If you had attacked first, then you would've gotten hit by the
Ankh one more time than necessary.

Note: Ankh damage is 25%, so it's quite a lot. I suggest you rush in and kill
Rosary/Roswell as fast as you can. Also, don't forget to pick up the item on
your side. Rune Crystal if you're killing Rosary, and Obsidian if you're
killing Roswell.

If you decide to kill Roswell... his Skeletons fall asleep during Noon, so try
to use this for your advantage. If you attack while they're asleep, you
automatically win.



+2 <= 23
+1 >= 24


New Cards:

Earthquake (POW 1650, Mov 10, Ace Lump; Destroys petrifie objects w/i 2 sq.)
- If you kill Rosary (You'll get Poison Breath in the next BF)
Poison Breath (POW 1650, Mov 10, Ace Lump; Poisons enemy)
- If you kill Roswell (You'll get Earthquake in the next BF)



No matter who you kill, there will be a coup d'etat in the remaining House.
If you kill Rosary, it will be the Black Knight Leon. If you kill Roswell, it
will be the Astral Fencer Russell.

Zilva shows up real quick and mentions that she just has to deliver "it" to
General Emilia.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army quickly destroyed the hosue of the White/Black Rose, avoiding a
disastrous battle between the two fearsome magic powers.

However, they soon found themselves dealing with another situation: an Imperial
coup d'etat within the Black/White Rose Domain.

Roswell/Rosary, the head of the house of the Black/White Rose, fled his/her
manor and narrowly escaped from the Empire, which continued to pursue him/her.

To save him/her from this predicament, the Royal Army hurried to the
Black/White Rose Domain.

Note: If you killed Rosary, it'll talk about the White Rose, and Roswell
If you killed Roswell, it'll talk about the Black Rose, and Rosary

NOTE2: If you killed Rosary, make sure to skip this next section and move on
to 11B.

5.2.7.A Battle Field 11A - Black Rose Domain


Leon has betrayed Roswell and means to kill him. But Roswell runs and the
RLA sees him and tries to help him.


Characters to Select: 3
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Note: Either Durant or Nietzsche has to stay behind.

Cards to Select: 10


B B d B
a B B B e h
B b f
B B 1 B g
B B c R
? B B W

M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = Durant or Nietzsche
R = Roswell
V = Village
T = Town



1 = Crystal Rod (Trade Rune Crystal for it)

Teddybear = Steal from Emilia



a = Emilia, Lvl 7 Griffon Rider, Morale 4400/4400 (Protect) (Eqp: Teddybear)

b = Lvl 4 Hunter, Morale 1770/1770
c = Lvl 5 Knight, Morale 1370/1940
d = Lvl 4 Witch, Morale 1670/1670
e = Leon, Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 4800/4800 (Protect) (Eqp: Brascendo)
f = Lvl 5 Knight, Morale 1700/1940
g = Lvl 5 Knight, Morale 1420/1940
h = Lvl 4 Witch, Morale 1670/1670




Conditions of Victory:
- Help Roswell!
(Move an ally next to Roswell)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Roswell dies...
- If you use up all your cards...
It'll be a little difficult to Emilia's item here, since she's got a lot of
enemies blocking the way to her.

Leon cannot be defeated this time, since he has Protect. He loses Protect in
11A-2 though, so just wait.

Just defeat some knights and place a unit next to Roswell to finish 11A-1.


Conditions of Victory:
- Retake Black Rose Manor!
(Move Roswell to "Black Rose Manor")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Roswell dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



a B B B B
b B B 1 B B
c B B B B R
d B B B B

Note: In the first two turns, the map will be the same as in 11A-1 (as well as
the enemies). After 2 turns, the left part of the map opens with the extra
enemies. Just because I don't have the enemies from 11A-1 listed here, doesn't
mean they're gone.



1 = If you haven't gotten the Crystal Rod yet, you still can.
Teddybear = Dropped by Emilia
Brascendo = Dropped by Leon
Murderous Mask = Dropped by Zilva
Lightning Bow = Dropped by Elena



a = Zilva, Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 4160/4160 (Eqp: Murderous Mask)

b = Elena, Lvl 3 Assassin, Morale 3140/3140 (Eqp: Lightning Bow)
c = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1620/1620
d = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1620/1620


Watch out for Emilia this round. She has an Axe so keep Durant/Nietzsche out of
her way. Roswell will now be in your party permanently. He's the only Rod-user
you could have gotten so far. His movement is somewhat different. At night, he
his movement is Warp which means he can only land on every other square, but
each square still counts as 1 Mov. During the day his Move is normal though.

After 2 Turns, Zilva and Elena arrive to support Leon.

You now have to watch out for Zilva & Elena and their two Valkyries. However,
keep aiming for Leon (unless you're sure you can win and want the experience).
Once you kill Leon, the others will flee, so if you want Zilva or Elena's item,
make sure you take it before you kill Leon. Once Leon is defeated, have Roswell
step on the square he was guarding to end this BF.



+2 <= 17 Turns
+1 >= 18 Turns


New Cards:

Poison Breath (POW 1650, Mov 10, Ace Lump; Poisons enemy)
- Gotten in "Epilogue"



The RLA is confused what the Empire is doing, and Roswell explains it's
because of the Ankhs. They want them. And unfortunately for you, the Empire
now has both of them. Roswell wants to recover them, though, and offers to
join you.

You also get the Poison Breath card here.

5.2.7.B Battle Field 11B - White Rose Domain


Russell has betrayed Rosary and means to kill her. But Rosary runs and the
RLA sees her and tries to help her.


Characters to Select: 3
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant
- Nietzsche

Note: Either Durant or Nietzsche has to stay behind.

Cards to Select: 10



1 ?
b W W h B
c T g R
a d B W
B e f

M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = Durant or Nietzsche
R = Rosary
V = Village
T = Town



1 = Black Brand. Trade Obsidian for it.

Teddybear = Steal from Emilia (hurry)
Shin Zantetsu = Dropped by Russell



a = Lvl 4 Necromancer, Morale 1670/1670

b = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1690/1690
c = Emilia, Lvl 7 Griffon Rider, Morale 4400/4400 (Eqp: Teddybear)
d = Russell, Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 4360/4360 (Eqp: Shin Zantetsu)
e = Lvl 4 Necromancer, Morale 1670/1670
f = Lvl 4 Hunter, Morale 1770/1770
g = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1320/1860
h = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1440/1860




Conditions of Victory:
- Help Rosary!
(Move an ally next to Rosary)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Rosary dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

If you want Emilia's item, you better hurry. She'll be outta there within a
few turns. If you don't grab it now, she'll have it when you meet her next

Defeat those Fencers and put someone next to Rosary to move on to 11B-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Retake White Rose Manor!
(Move Rosary to "White Rose Manor")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Rosary dies...
- If you use up all your cards...


B a c B
b d B
1 B B

Note: In the first two turns, the map will be the same as in 11B-1 (as well as
the enemies). After 2 turns, the top part of the map opens with the extra
enemies. Just because I don't have the enemies from 11B-1 listed here, doesn't
mean they're gone.



1 = Black Brand. Trade Obsidian for it.

Shin Zantetsu = Dropped by Russell
Murderous Mask = Dropped by Zilva
Lightning Bow = Dropped by Elena



a = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1620/1620

b = Elena, Lvl 3 Assassin, Morale 3140/3140 (Eqp: Lightning Bow)
c = Lvl 4 Valkyrie, Morale 1620/1620
d = Zilva, Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 4160/4160 (Eqp: Murderous Mask)



Rosary is on your side now, and will always be. You must defeat Russell and
move Rosary to the square he was protecting to win. Luckily, Russell just
happens to be real close by, and Zilva and Elena are really far away. If you
want their items, send Milanor and someone else up there and steal it from
them. If you don't need/want the items, just defeat Russell (preferrably with
a spear-user) and move Rosary to his square. You can defeat the other units for
the experience if you wish.

Also, don't forget to visit the Village marked "1" to get your Black Brand.

After 2 Turns, Zilva and Elena arrive to support Leon.

If you want Elena's/Zilva's item, make sure you get those BEFORE you kill
Russell. Once Russell is defeated, the other two also disappear. Move Rosary
onto Russell's square:



+2 <= 16
+1 >= 17


New Cards:

Earthquake (POW 1650, Mov 10, Ace Lump; Destroys petrifie objects w/i 2 sq.)



The RLA is confused what the Empire is doing, and Rosary explains it's
because of the Ankhs. They want them. And unfortunately for you, the Empire
now has both of them. Rosary wants to recover them, though, and offers to
join you.

You also get the Earthquake card here.

5.3 Chapter 3 - Paltina Blitzkrieg

We'll Never Fight Alone

After the battle at Verlaine Hills, the Royal Army decided it was time to
reclaim the Kingdom's capital Paltina via the loosely-guarded northern region
of the Kingdom: Framm Granary.

To get there, they would first have to pass through the steep Lenessey
Mountains, as well as the notoriuos Ortega Brigands' stronghold halfway up the

As the Royal Army ventured into the mountainous region, the brigand legions
stood squarely in front of them

5.3.1 Battle Field 12 - Brigand Stronghold


The RLA has reached the Lenessey Mountains. Yggdra says Paltina isn't far
after these mountains, and Milanor's scouts have spotted a brigand outpost up

Turns out this is Ortega's region. And of course he won't let the RLA pass
without a fight.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

(You'll miss out on an item if you don't pick Nietzsche)

Cards to Select: 11



B V1
a B C i B B
B B c f g j k B
b d B h B l
B B B B B B m
e B B G B
B 1 W ? ?

Note: The extension to the right of Yggdra doesn't open up until Turn 6 when
Mizer and his Bandit-buddy show up again.


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The two other characters you picked
V = Village
C = Catapult
G = Bridge


1 = Upola Statue (Step on square with Nietzsche to get)

V1 = Bronze Shield (Visit Village with Milanor only)
Gold Lump = Defeat unit "b" and step on his square to get
Medallion = Defeat unit "j" and unit "l" (Mizer's friend)
Boss Bandana = Dropped by Ortega
Warp Shoes = Steal from Mizer



a = Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 1790/1790

b = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750
c = Ortega, Lvl 8 Bandit, Morale 4880/4880 (Eqp: Boss Bandana)
d = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750
e = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860
f = Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 1790/1790

g = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860

h = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750
i = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860
j = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750 (Eqp: Medallion)
k = Lvl 5 Bandit, Morale 1750/1750

Mizer will show up again after Turn 6:

l = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910 (Eqp: Medallion)

m = Mizer, Lvl 7 Hunter, Morale 4360/4360 (Eqp: Warp Shoes)



Tutorial 17 on Catapults starts here.

Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Ortega!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Let Milanor hang back until Turn 6 and if you've stolen every item from Milanor
so far, you'll finally get the Warp Shoes, the item you've been waiting for.
If you picked to kill off Roswell, and go with Rosary, this item will be even
more useful to you, since you can use it to get an important card later in the

First off, get the Upola Statue with Nietzsche. Move up everyone else and take
care of as much as you can. Once Mizer arrives, use Milanor and Nietzsche to
help if you need to. Get those Warp Shoes! Once that's done, rush Milanor up
to V1 on the map to get the Bronze Shield, a rather nice item.
After that, just focus on getting to Ortega and killing him. Watch out for the
catapults, the enemy WILL use them. Try to use them yourself if you can (just
make sure the square the catapult is on is in your union and you'll use it).

Don't forget the Gold Clump which is right near Ortega. Defeat him to end this
rather short BF.



+2 <= 17 Turns
+1 >= 18 Turns


New Cards:




The RLA keeps climbing the mountain. Yggdra motivates Milanor to keep climbing
by saying that the castle is his once they reach Paltina (since she promised
him her castle).

We'll Never Fight Alone

After defeating the Ortega Brigands, the Royal Army continued climbing the

The mountain path gradually became steeper, and to make matters worse, a scout
returned bearing bad news: a large Imperial force was lying in wait further up
the path.

Though they were not yet aware of the Royal Army's presence, if the
Fantasinians were found on such a thin and narrow mountain path, there would be
no escape...

5.3.2 Battle Field 13 - Lenessey Mts.


The RLA discusses what to do about the Imperial forces ahead. Durant happens
to know that the weather is weird up in the mountains and therefore decides to
wait for the fog to roll in. They decided to just wait for the fog and sneak
by the troops under the cover of fog.

Suddenly, someone appears. Apparently the survivors of Ortega's Brigand

followed them all the way up the mountain.

Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 13



Y ? e g
? c f
a b d

Note: The map is much larger than this, but this is the only accessible part
for 13-1.


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The two other characters you picked



Medallion = Dropped by Bandit



a = Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 1790/1790

b = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
c = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
d = Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 1790/1790
e = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
f = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860
g = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910 (Eqp: Medallion)




Conditions of Victory:
- Wait until mist covers the area!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
Defeat all the Bandits, Assassins, and the Fencer that followed you. Once
you've defeated them all, wait for the fog to roll in.

The mist will settle in at the end of Turn 24.


Conditions of Victory:
- Get everyone through the Mountain Pass!
(Move everyone to "Towards Lunamina")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...



B B B B G B h i l
F B B Z W j m
B B k n
c f B Y
a d e g B B B 2
b W B B B
X B B B B 1

F = Flag to reach BF14

G = Bridge

W = Step on any of these squares and you'll immediately go to 13-3. Skip 13-2.

X = Reveals Exit and Baldus' Army

Y = Reveals Exit
Z = Reveals Aegina's Army

All your units will be the same as BF13-1.



1 = Sealed Purse (Step on square to get)

2 = Ogrenium (step on square to get)
Ipponki = Dropped by Baldus
Zolfy = Dropped by Aegina



a = Lvl 8 Griffon Rider, Morale 2370/2370

b = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
c = Lvl 8 Hunter, Morale 2380/2380
d = Baldus, Lvl 10 Guardian Knight, Morale 5860/5860 (Eqp: Ipponki)
e = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
f = Lvl 8 Hunter, Morale 2380/2380
g = Lvl 8 Griffon Rider, Morale 2370/2370

h = Lvl 8 Bandit, Morale 2190/2190

i = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
j = Aegina, Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 5360/5360 (Eqp: Zolfy)
k = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
l = Lvl 8 Assassin, Morale 2070/2070
m = Lvl 8 Assassin, Morale 2070/2070
n = Lvl 8 Bandit, Morale 2190/2190

NOTE: All enemies have what is called "High" status. This means every unit
recovers ALL of their lost Morale at the beginning of every turn. This means,
you only have two chances to make sure to kill an enemy before they recover
completely (Once when they attack you, and when you attack).



This can be quite easy, if you just know where not to go. Thankfully for you,
I went through each and every square and found out where not to step on.
Basically, as long as you don't step on any squares with a "W" on it, you're
fine. If you step on a "W" square, you'll immediately go to 13-3, with the new
task of defeating all enemies (and you have to fight some elite warriors too!)
Best to avoid going that way, it won't be pretty.

If you step on the "X" square you still get the exit, but that doesn't mean
you JUST have to fight Baldus to get to the exit. Once you step near Baldus
you've automatically stepped on a "W" square, which we all know is bad.

Make sure you pick up the Sealed Purse and Ogrenium on your way to the flag.
Make your way up the right route and again, make sure not to step on a "W"

It is possible to get the +2 MVP (<= 35 Turns). As long as you don't uncover
Baldus or Aegina, you should make it. Once you uncover either of these, they
start using Turns too which will kill your MVP rating.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


Note: If you defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only Roswell/Rosary),
the Rider will drop the edible item "Grilled Griffon".
If you're here because you stepped on a "W" square (didn't I tell you plenty
of times not too?) then you're in big trouble. As mentioned, all units have
High status so you must kill every unit within two attacks/unions. You can
already forget about the +2 MVP Bonus.

What makes this even harder is that the enemy has the first Move. Also you
need to be careful, as it's quite easy to run out of cards in this level.
The Conditions of Defeat have also been expanded from just Yggdra/Milanor
dying, to any unit dying.

If you have a very strong Milanor by now, you're already better off. All of
Baldus' units are Knights, and Milanor is very effective against those. Once
you kill Baldus, his Army will leave. Just Aegina left.

Aegina's units use Swords, Axes, and Bows. Take Durant and Yggdra (and even
Roswell/Rosary) up to Aegina. Let Yggdra finish off the Bandits (Axe users)
and have Durant take care of the Sword-users. Your Rod-user can handle all
but the bow-users, leave those to Durant/Yggdra. Milanor won't really be
much help against Aegina.

Note: If you use the right strategy and abuse unions, you CAN defeat this BF.
It may even be worth it to some people, simply because the enemies are
several levels higher than usual, which means you'll gain a LOT more EXP for
defeating them. Several of my units levelled up just by playing 13-3.



+2 <= 35 Turns
+1 >= 36 Turns


New Cards:




The RLA is almost at Paltina, and Yggdra is afraid of what she might find
there. Milanor mentions that Yggdra is their leader, and leaders aren't
supposed to show fear.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army passed the steep mountain road under a thick mist cover and
reached Lunamina Pass, the road connecting to the Framm region.

With the Empire's main force covering the Lenessey Mountains, Lunamina Pass's
defenses were lax.

The Royal Army took advantage of the weak security and made their move to gain
control of Lunamina Pass.

5.3.3 Battle Field 14 - Lunamina Pass


Imperial Lookouts are bored at their job and comment how they don't see
anything coming. Yggdra says the mountain pass seems to be safe, probably
because they slipped past the main force (even if you had to beat all of them,
you still "slipped past them").


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 6



a d
C b e f
B c B B M
? ?

Note: The map is much larger than this, but this is the only accessible part
for 13-1.


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The two other characters you picked
C = Catapults



Medallion = Dropped by Garrison Captain



a = Lvl 5 Assassin, Morale 1660/1660

b = Garrison Captain, Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 3460/3460 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860
d = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860
e = Lvl 5 Assassin, Morale 1660/1660
f = Lvl 5 Fencer, Morale 1860/1860




Conditions of Victory:
- Gain control of Lunamina Pass!
(Move an ally to "Lunamina Pass" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This is a fairly simple and small BF. You need to defeat the Garrison Captain
and step on his square to go to 14-2.

Attack the Fencers with Durant/Nietzsche, the Assassins with anything but
your Rod-user, and the Garrison Captain dies easily to Milanor.

Note that the enemy has access to 2 Catapults, so just beware of that.

Before going to 14-2 though, make sure you have your units as far left as
possible. You'll see why in a minute.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the enemy messenger units!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...
- If the enemy escapes towards Framm...



B a C B B B
b B B B B B


C = Catapults


Medallion = Dropped by both units ("a" and "b")



a = Lvl 6 Valkyrie, Morale 1950/1950 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000 (Eqp: Medallion)



The Messengers have spotted you and are running to Gramm to let everyone else
know! Oh noes!

Now you see why I told you to put all your units as far left as possible. If
these Messengers escape you have to redo the level.

This is not hard at all. Even though the Messengers get the first turn, they
only move 1 square at a time. So if you positioned all your units to the left
in the previous level, you'll have no problems here.

The unit leader is the Valkyrie, so kill the Witch first to get both

Just for fun: You can now use the Catapults to your advantage if you want.

This is one of the easier BFs.



+2 <= 7 Turns
+1 >= 8 Turns


New Cards:




The RLA is coming up to the Framm Granary. Scouts report low security, and
Durant says they could take cover in the unharvested wheat. Yggdra starts to
get excited about finally taking back the castle.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal hurried through Lunamina Pass, finally reaching the Framm Granary
region on the outskirts of Paltina, the Kingdom's Capital.

The northern side of Paltina's defenses were made solely of Inzaghi on patrol
and Court Magician Eudy fortifying the gates.

With the guard concentrated on Lenessey Mountains in the north, the castle
gates were loosely guarded compared to the southern Orlando region.

The Royal Army pushed through Framm's rich wheat harvest and continued into
North Paltina.

5.3.4 Battle Field 15 - Framm Granary


Inzaghi finds his job boring, because nothing happens. And he believes Baldus'
Army have the Lenessey Mountains covered, so he sees no point in his job.
Another soldiers mentions that Gulcasa has the other side covered, and no one
would be able to get either of them... all of a sudden you show up!

This catches Inzaghi by surprise.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 9



1 B
W G B h B 2 ?
W b B e f ?
B a c d B g i j
F B k


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The two other characters you picked
G = Bridge
V = Village
F = Fort
W = Water
Note: Eudy leaves after the first turn, which makes the whole left side of the
map disappear. Use this map for 15-2, though.



1 = Straw Hat (Not at Night)

2 = Nestle Bouquet (Not at Night)
Lady's Coat = Dropped by Eudy
Soldier's Bandana = Dropped by Inzaghi



a = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000

b = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000
c = Eudy, Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 4940/4940 (Eqp: Lady's Coat)
d = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000

e = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260

f = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260
g = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
h = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
i = Lvl 6 Fencer, Morale 2020/2020
j = Inzaghi, Lvl 8 Fencer, Morale 4800/4800 (Eqp: Soldier's Bandana)
k = Lvl 6 Fencer, Morale 2020/2020




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Inzaghi!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

You have now learned about Linking Unions. Awesome. Try it out on this BF.

Don't worry about Eudy and her units. She disappears after a turn, along with
her units. You just have to defeat Inzaghi.

Visit both villages anytime but at Night to get them.

Defeat the Bandits with Yggdra, Roswell/Rosary, or even Milanor. The Fencers
should be dealt with by (again) Roswell/Rosary or Durant/Nietzsche.

You'll probably notice how you can form huge unions with linking. The enemy
does the same, so you'll start to attack many enemies in one turn. This is
where (I think) the game gets a lot more fun since you can form massive unions.
Placing units correctly is even more important now and requires planning BEFORE
you move, because you need to still watch out for weaknesses and such. You'll
also notice the difference between the X and + Type unions now more than ever.

Before you kill Inzaghi, make sure to advance your units as much as possible.
Their placement is crucial in 15-2, and affects whether you go through 15-3 or


Conditions of Victory:
- Move everyone towards Rodney Road!
(Move everyone to "Rodney Road" flags)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: There are no enemies, but the items still remain if you haven't gotten
them yet.

This is the shortest section of the game. It only lasts one turn. If you can't
place all your units on the flags in one turn, you automatically advance to

Unless you placed ALL your units perfectly, you probably won't make it.

If you do make it, however, the BF will be over. If you don't, reinforcements
in the form of Aegina and her units will show up.

Note: To make 15-3 easier, try putting Durant/Nietzsche or Roswell/Rosary on

the very left flag. They are strong against Aegina's units. Durant would be
the best choice, since he gets a bonus for fighting on the Road.

Note2: If you know you're going to go to 15-3, know that the cards do not get
reset. Meaning any cards you use here, you won't be able to use again in 15-3.


Condition of Victory:
- Hurry towards Rodney Road!
(Move everyone to "Rodney Road" flags)

Condition of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



3 B
a b c 1 B
d e B B B B B
W G B B B 2 B


Same as in 15-1



1 = Straw Hat (if you haven't gotten it yet)

2 = Nestle Bouquet (if you haven't gotten it yet)
3 = Golden Wheat (Step on square to get)
Death Bringer = Dropped by Aegina



a = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220

b = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
c = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
d = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
e = Aegina, Lvl 10 Valkyrie, Morale 5880/5880 (Eqp: Death Bringer)

Note: All units have High status again, like in the Lenessey Mountains (if
you chose to fight them). It means that every enemy unit recovers ALL of their
Morale at the beginning of their turns. This gives you only two unions to kill
each unit: Once when they attack, and once when you attack.



Note: Your cards to not get reset from 15-2 to 15-3, so you won't be able to
use any cards you used in 15-2.

Yeah, all units have High status and have higher levels than normal. This also
means more EXP, so try your best to defeat all the units. Since you have access
to linking unions, it becomes a lot easier.

Your main goal is still to get all four units on the 4 flags. However, don't
miss out on the experience and the two items you can get (Golden Wheat and
Death Bringer from Aegina). Note that Aegina's item gives her a 50% of having
a critical hit when she attacks. Be careful about this.

Also notice the only way to still have a chance of even getting the +2 MVP
bonus is to not fight Aegina and just put everyone on Rodney Road. However,
I'd rather get the EXP and items in exchange for +1 little star.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whatever card you end this BF with, is the card that you'll
have when the enemy attacks you in BF16 (They get first attack). So be careful
and don't end with a terribly weak card or anything like that.


+2 <= 12 Turns
+1 >= 13 Turns






A Garrison Captain asks where the reinforcements are, and turns out Baldus
is delayed in the Mountains by the fog (....) and Eudy's units are still
preparing for battle.

Suddenly General Emilia and her units show up.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army broke through North Paltina's defenses and made it past the
northern gates through Rodney Road. They closed the gates behind them,
thwarting the Valkyrie Aegina's pursuit, but the Scarlet Princess Emilia
caught up with them by flying over the castle walls. Her forces began attacking
the Royal Army from behind.

Although the Imperial Army had failed to stop the Fantasinians from entering
the Capital, the Black Knight Leon was already on duty inside the castle walls.
The Court Magician Eudy began preparing the cannons as well.

As Emilia buys more time, the Imperial Army can steadily increase their efforts
to destroy the Royal Army...

5.3.5 Battle Field 16 - North Paltina


A Royal Messenger reports that Emilia's aerial divison is at the North Gate.
Durant and Yggdra are worried because Emilia is Gulcasa's sister and also one
of the Five Dragon Generals. The plan is to defeat Emilia to lower the enemy's

Milanor calls Emilia a kid (since she is one) and Emilia gets mad.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
Cards to Select: 9

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



Y ? b c e
? d
B 1 B T
B 2 G W
B a B B B G W


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The two other characters you picked
G = Bridge
V = Village
T = Town
F = Fort
W = Water



1 = Golden Spear (Trade Gold Lump for it)

2 = Ogre Blade (Trade Ogrenium for it)
Lady's Coat = Dropped by Eudy
Teddybear = Dropped by Emilia
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only



a = Eudy, Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 4940/4940 (Eqp: Lady's Coat)

b = Lvl 6 Griffon Rider, Morale 2100/2100

c = Emilia, Lvl 8 Griffon Rider, Morale 4760/4760 (Eqp: Teddybear)
d = Lvl 6 Griffon Rider, Morale 2100/2100
e = Lvl 6 Griffon Rider, Morale 2100/2100




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Scarlet Princess Emilia!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Emilia gets the first turn here, so beware.

If you have the Gold Lump from BF12, you can trade it here for a Golden Spear.
If you have the Ogrenium from BF13-2, you can trade it here for an Ogre Blade.

Eudy is inaccessible as of now.

You have to defeat Emilia. Griffon Riders are axe-users, so use Yggdra to get
maximum damage. Milanor will do fine, too. Make sure you make use of linked
unions to end this section real quick.


Condition of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Condition of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



T B B d B B B B B B B B B B B B
a 3 e B B
V B f B B B B B
b g B 1 B T
B F B 2 G W
C h B B B G W
c T W W W


C = Cannon



1 = Golden Spear (Trade Gold Lump for it) (If you haven't gotten it yet)
2 = Ogre Blade (Trade Ogrenium for it) (If you haven't gotten it yet)
3 = Nana's Candy (Trade Nestle Bouquet for it)
Lady's Coat = Dropped by Eudy
Catastrophe = Dropped by Leon
Medallion = Dropped by unit "d"
Warm Dud = Defeat unit "e" and step on her square to get
Sweetberry = Defeat unit "g" and step on her square to get



a = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260 (Protect)

b = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260 (Protect)
c = Leon, Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 5480/5480 (Protect) (Eqp: Catastrophe)
d = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 3390/3390 (Protect) (Eqp: Medallion)

e = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000

f = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000
g = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000
h = Eudy, Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 4940/4940 (Eqp: Lady's Coat)



NOTE: Once again, the cards will not be reset from 16-2 to 16-3. So do not use
any cards that you want to use in 16-3.

Lots of items to get. Try to get as many as you can (preferrably all).

This whole BF is quite a long one, and the battle field is bigger than usual
as well. Get used to this though, you'll be seeing these kinda fields more

The game tells you you must defeat all enemies to move on to the next section.
This is false, however. You see how Eudy has control of that cannon? Yeah,
she'll use it against you. You need to get hit by that cannon a total of six
times, then you'll move on to 16-3. Six hits simply means a cannon must
decrease any unit's morale six seperate times. It can be done to the same
unit or different units. The range of the cannon is pretty much
the area where the witches are and the long strip up top between the Knights
and where you're at at the beginning of this section.

Make sure you at least get the Warm Dud, if any item at all. It will be used
later in the game to get a VERY cool item.

The Witches all have Rods, and so far you have no Bow-users, so your best bet
is probably to use Roswell/Rosary and do your best with the other units.

The Knights have Protect this round, so attack them if you want to go ahead
and weaken them for the next section.

After six hits by the cannon, reinforcements will arrive. It's the Knight
Leon (again)!

All of a sudden Kylier (way back from BF2) shows up and lands next to Eudy.


Condition of Victory:
- Defeat Eudy and seize the cannon!
Condition of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: The cards weren't reset from 16-2.



T B B d B B B B B B B B B B B B
a 3 e B B
V B B B B f B B B B B
b B B g B 1 B T
B F B 4 B 2 G W
B B C h B B B G W
c B B B 5 B K T W W W


K = Kylier



Same items as listed in 16-2, plus these:

4 = Princess Dress (Step on square to get)

5 = Cracked Dud (Step on square to get)



Same enemies as listed in 16-2, minus the ones you defeated in 16-2.



Kylier may seem like she's on her own, but she can easily form Unions with
your other units if you move her to the left. Also, her item increases her
Power by 25% after every clash, so it should only take you a few turns to get
rid of Eudy.

Make sure to grab the Cracked Dud (do it!) and the Princess Dress with Kylier.

Start moving all your other units towards the Knights (which still have
Protect) while Kylier tries to take down Eudy.

Once you defeat Eudy you'll have control over the cannon and you'll move on
to 16-4.

Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Black Knight Leon!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



T B B d B B B B B B B B B B B B
a 3 B B B
6 b B B B B 1 B T
e B B F B 4 B 2 G W
B g h B B C B B B B G W
f c B B B 5 B B T W W W



Same as in listed in 16-2, and 16-3, plus the following:

6 = Treasure Map (Step on square to get)



a = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260

b = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260
c = Leon, Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 5480/5480 (Eqp: Catastrophe)
d = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 3390/3390 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 6 Valkyrie, Morale 1950/1950
f = Lvl 6 Valkyrie, Morale 1950/1950
g = Lvl 6 Necromancer, Morale 1990/1990
h = Lvl 6 Necromancer, Morale 1990/1990

Note: Units "a" and "d" might have lower Morale, depending on if you attacked
them earlier. The reason I mention "a" as well is because when you attack "d",
he forms a union with "a", so he gets attacked too.



Note: Kylier will fire the cannon for your side in this section.

If you've already brought the two Knights down to 1 Morale, they'll be MUCH
easier to kill here. Now you have a choice to make about the Nestle Bouquet:
1) You can either trade it for Nana's Candy in the Village.
2) Or Hold on to the Bouquet and after a series of trades you'll end up with
the Good Luck Charm with a 100% item drop effect.

I highly suggest you get the Treasure Map, as it's a useful item. Chances are,
you won't be able to reach it with a normal unit, because Leon will rush up to
meet you. The only way to get past Leon to get the Treasure Map is to use
Durant who can walk over enemies and just grab the item.

Anyway, once you've grabbed all the items you want/can, kill off Leon using
Milanor and Roswell/Rosary and whoever else you want in a large union. It
shouldn't take long since Axe and Rod are both effective against Spears.



+2 <= 21 Turns
+1 >= 22 Turns


New Cards:

Gravity Chaos (POW 2150, Mov 9, Ace Axe; Darkness damage to enemy, curses them)



All that's left in order to take back Paltina is secure South Paltina. Kylier
wonders if the enemy's hurt Milanor, and Milanor thanks Kylier for saving their
butt (again). Yggdra tries to thank Kylier, but Kylier isn't fond of the
"Kingdom folks". She also mentions that she's not an ally of the RLA. Kylier
starts getting mad at Milanor for helping out Yggdra, her problem being that
Yggdra doesn't know real pain because she's a princess and has everything she
wants (basically).

Note by me: I find Kylier rather annoying when she gets angry like that. All
I'm gonna say is: Get used to it, this isn't the last time she
does it.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army took North Paltina with Kylier's help and moved on to South

Baldus, the God of War, had received word of the assault on Paltina and
quickly returned from the Lenessey Mountains to shore up the defenses.

Gulcasa, the Emporer of Carnage, arrived at the southern gate and began
preparing for the showdown for the liberation of Paltina.

5.3.6 Battle Field 17 - South Paltina


Baldus appears to reinforce the Imperial Forces. Baldus is actually smart and
realizes that if you got this far, you must be pretty good. He tells his units
to keep you occupied until Gulcasa arrives.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Kylier
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 8

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



? C
? 1 B B B K
B B B c
B T B d
V B a b e
B f B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
K = Kylier
? = The two other characters you picked
V = Village
T = Town
F = Fort



1 = Cat's Eye (Step on square to get)

Ipponki = Dropped by Baldus (unless you already got it in BF13)
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only

Note: Early Drive not listed here because you have no way of reaching Gulcasa



a = Lvl 6 Griffon Rider, Morale 2100/2100

b = Lvl 6 Hunter, Morale 2110/2110
c = Lvl 6 Griffon Rider, Morale 2100/2100
d = Lvl 6 Hunter, Morale 2110/2110
e = Baldus, Lvl 10 Guardian Knight, Morale 5860/5860 (Eqp: Ipponki*)

f = Gulcasa, Lvl 11 Dragon Knight, Morale 6320/6320 (Eqp: Early Drive)

*Note: If you stole the Ipponki from Baldus in BF13, he won't have it now,
which will help since some of his stats will be lower (GEN and ATK
will be lower, but TEC will have gone up). He will also be able to use
skills against you, since his Ipponki prevent him from using skills




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Baldus, the God of War!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Kylier will keep firing her cannon every turn, which will help you a lot.

The Griffon Riders use Axes, so use Yggdra/Roswell/Rosary to defeat them.

Hunters use Bows and anyone but Roswell/Rosary will do just fine here.
Baldus is a spear-user himself, so use Milanor for maximum damage.

Once you defeat Baldus, you'll move on to 17-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Zilva and defend the cannons!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B a b C
B 1 B B B B
B f B
Note: The only difference map-wise are the two squares where Elena and Zilva
showed up ("a" and "b").



1 = Can still get Cat's Eye

Rainbow Arc = Dropped by Elena
Nightmare = Dropped by Zilva

Note: Still can't reach Gulcasa



a = Elena, Lvl 6 Assassin, Morale 4060/4060 (Eqp: Rainbow Arc)

b = Zilva, Lvl 8 Assassin, Morale 4720/4720 (Eqp: Nightmare)

f = Gulcasa, Lvl 11 Dragon Knight, Morale 6320/6320 (Eqp: Early Drive)



This is rather simple. Use linked unions with Kylier and the others to defeat
Elena and Zilva (or just Zilva if you don't want to kill Elena).

There are two ways to get the two items from Elena and Zilva:
1) Have someone with at least 5 Big stars for Luk (probably Milanor) be the one
to kill Elena/Zilva to make them drop their items

Or the easier way:

2) Since Kylier is an Axe-user (like Milanor), she can be the Ace in a union
with Milanor and the Steal card. Have Milanor steal the items from Elena/Zilva.

Either way, defeat Zilva to move on to 17-3. Get ready for a tough battle.


Condition of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!

Condition of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B 1 B B B B
B B B B B B d B
B T B B b e W
V B B B B a c f W
2 f B



1 = Can still get Cat's Eye

2 = Hero Badge (Step on square to get)
Early Drive = Dropped by Gulcasa
Zolfy = Dropped by Aegina (Unless you stole it from her in BF13)



a = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260

b = Aegina, Lvl 10 Valkyrie, Morale 5680/5680 (Eqp: Zolfy*)
c = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000
d = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260
e = Lvl 6 Witch, Morale 2000/2000
f = Gulcasa, Lvl 11 Dragon Knight, Morale 6320/6320 (Eqp: Early Drive)

*Note: If you stole the Zolfy from Aegina in BF13, she won't have it now,
which will help since her stats will be lower.



This battle can get pretty rough with Gulcasa AND Aegina around. Hopefully
you've already gotten Aegina's Zolfy item so she'll be weaker now.

The Witches use Rods obviously, which you only have Roswell/Rosary to counter
that. Other units should be able to take care of them, though. You should know
how to handle Knights by now (Milanor/Roswell/Rosary). You've also fought
Aegina plenty of times to know that she uses Swords, so use

Now Gulcasa. If Milanor has at least 3 Big Stars for TEC than he can steal
Gulcasa's card, lowering his stats quite a bit and getting rid of his Instant
Charge effect. Gulcasa attacks with the Fire element when in Rage mode, so if
you can, equip Fire-protecting items.

Some good cards to use against him: Ace Guard to protect your unions from
Charges/Counters (definetely useful), Gravity Chaos to curse Gulcasa and kill
everyone but the head. There are more you could use (Bloody Claw, Item Break),
but unfortunately you don't have the right units to use these cards.

Recommended Characters: Rosary. She's immune to Fire attacks, so while Gulcasa

is in Rage he won't be able to touch her, which should keep her safe for a bit.
Roswell, for the simple reason that he is not weak against scythes (Gulcasa's
affinity). Unfortunately, Sword/Spear/Axe ARE weak against scythes, so beware
of this.

The reason Gulcasa is so dangerous is because he's obviously a beast, but his
Genocide card is killer, too. He powers himself up by sacrificing other
members. Badass. And what's worse: If you get defeated by the Genocide attack,
Gulcasa gets a +50% Bonus when calculating morale damage! Definetely watch out
for this guy.

Hopefully this is helpful for those of you who are struggling to defeat him.

Don't forget the Hero Badge item down by Gulcasa's fort. Try to grab it, but if
you can't/don't want to (because you're trying to beat Gulcasa) then don't even
worry about it.

Once you beat Gulcasa, BF17 is over.



+2 <= 17 Turns
+1 >= 18 Turns


New Cards:




Paltina is now free from the Empire! The Capital has been taken back! Yggdra,
however, doesn't seem to care about that right now. She's still furious at
Gulcasa, since he killed her parents to begin with.

Kylier tells Milanor that he's done here, and they should live real life again
together. Milanor tells her that the castle is his new base, since his old base
got torched (waaay back before BF1). But now that he's got the castle, he feels
restless. He wants to see the world with his own eyes. Kylier can't believe
what she is hearing and is angry again... (I warned you, didn't I?)

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Imperial Army suffered a crushing defeat at Paltina, their forces

scattering in retreat. Among them was Emporer Gulcasa, seen retreating along
the main road to Karona.

When Yggdra received word, she was overcome with rage and pursued him alone,
Holy Sword in hand.

When Milanor and the others realized this, they left Durant to protect the
castle and chased after the Princess.

5.3.7 Battle Field 18 - Machina Bridge

Yggdra is full of rage towards Gulcasa and is determined to do him justice by

herself. Milanor finds out about this and asks Durant to protect the castle
while he goes after Yggdra.


Characters to Select: 3
- Milanor
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 9




Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra dies...

Note: No need for a Map, Items, or Enemies

This section is controlled by the game. Just sit back and watch. I will
summarize though.

Gulcasa is wounded and tries to head back to Karona. Yggdra follows him, and
attacks him four times (somehow, always winning). Gulcasa tricked her though,
because in the process of running away he led Yggdra across a bridge. Suddenly,
Aegina shows up between Yggdra and the bridge, preventing Yggdra's escape and
even destroying the bridge! A trap! Yggdra is captured by Gulcasa.


Condition of Victory:
- Hurry and help Yggdra!

Condition of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



Y B c B B B B B
a b d B B B B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell/Rosary






a = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350

b = Aegina, Lvl 10 Valkyrie, Morale 5680/5680
c = Gulcasa, Lvl 11 Dragon Knight, Morale 1/6320
d = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350

Note: Gulcasa's Morale is 1 because Yggdra knocked him down to 1 in 18-1.



Note: You cannot control Yggdra, only the other three characters.

Now it's Gulcasa's turn to attack. He will attack Yggdra until he defeats
her, and you just get to watch. Waste your turns by doing nothing, but I
suggest you move your units to the top of the little rectangle they're in,
because when 18-3 rolls around, the enemy has the first attack.

When Yggdra is defeating, 18-3 starts.


Conditions of Victory:
- Retreat to Castle Paltina!
(Move everyone to "Towards Paltina" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



a d f
b e g
c B h


G = Gulcasa



Etherion = Steal from Nessiah

Mirror of Truth = Defeat unit "g" and step on his square to get



a = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Protect)

b = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390 (Protect)
c = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400 (Protect)
d = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Protect)
e = Nessiah, Lvl 12 The Ancient, Morale 6640/6640 (Protect) (Eqp: Etherion)
f = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Protect)
g = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390 (Protect)
h = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400 (Protect)



This is quite a weird BF indeed. You have to stall again until Gulcasa
escapes out the right side of the map. In the meantime you can attack Nessiah
and the others just to power up some cards and level up some units.

Try to steal the Etherion from Nessiah, but beware that your TEC has to be at
least 4 Big stars otherwise your Steal will fail. Even though Milanor was my
strongest player, he still only had 3 Big stars and some little stars. Then
I equipped him with the Cat's Eye item which boosted him to 4 Big Stars, PLUS
you are stronger at night, and this BF happens to be night-time only. Perfect
item if you ask me. Maybe it'll work for you as well.

Note: I later realized that if you equip the Cat's Eye on Milanor on this BF,
you'll miss out on an item in the next BF, since Milanor has to have the
Treasure Map equipped to get the item. And Cat's Eye lasts 2 Maps. If you don't
even have the Treasure Map, don't worry about this.
After Gulcasa disappears it gets weird... Nessiah first kills off all his
units. Then he tells Milanor to hurry and save Yggdra, after which he stabs
himself and dies... weird.

Anyway, after this, move all 3 of your units to the flag to end this BF.



+2 <= 24 Turns
+1 >= 25 Turns


New Cards:




Milanor decides to head off to Karona to save Yggdra. Durant, of course, will
help him.

5.4 Chapter 4 - Yggdra in Chains

We'll Never Fight Alone

After returning from Machina Bridge, the Royal Army prepared to assault Castle
Korona, where Gulcasa had confined himself, in order to save Yggdra.

The Imperial Army had fortified its defenses, placing Inzaghi's mercenary unit
outside the main gates with Court Magician Eudy cannons to back him up.

5.4.1 Battle Field 19 - Karona Outskirts


Scouts report that they've seen a girl resembling the Princess in Castle
Karona. She seems to be in the Tower inside the castle. Milanor says it's not
much to go on, but it's better than nothing.

Once they reach the castle, Milanor comments on how big the castle is. It's as
big as a city and defenses will probably be strong. The castle also sports a

Inzaghi announces the Royal Army's arrival.

Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 9



B B B B c e f 1
d B g
a B B
B B B B b M D N R V


M = Milanor
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell/Rosary
V = Village
F = Fort
C = Cannon



1 = Seductive Bustier (with Milanor only, MUST have Treasure Map equipped)
Iron Helm = Dropped by Inzaghi
Burnt Dud = Defeat unit "g" and step on his square



a = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410

b = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
c = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180
d = Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 2030/2030
e = Inzaghi, Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 5160/5160 (Eqp: Iron Helm)
f = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180
g = Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 2030/2030

h = Eudy, Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 5240/5240 (Eqp: Noble Glasses)



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Inzaghi!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards..

If you have the Treasure Map, equip it on Milanor.

You have a combination of all 3 (Sword/Spear/Axe) weapon types in this BF.

Knights use Spears. Bandits have Axes. Fencers have Swords. And Roswell/Rosary
owns all of them. By now you should start to know which is effective against
which, and if you don't, you can always check the "Weapon Types" chart in the
game. I'm going to stop listing what you should use against what unless it's
something weird.

Don't forget to get the Burnt Dud (defeat unit "g" and step on his square)! If
you have Milanor with the Treasure Map, step on square "1" to get the Seductive
Bustier (sexy).

Other than that it's pretty simple... you've fought Inzaghi plenty of times.

Notice you can't reach Euby in this section, so don't worry about her item.
She does fire her cannon on you every turn, so try to make this quick.

As soon as you defeat Inzaghi, 19-2 will start.


Conditions of Victory:
- Infiltrate the Prison Tower!
(Move Milanor to "The Tower" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...
- If Milanor is placed next to an enemy...



B B B b e f
T a c g
V B B B B B d C
B B B B B B B 1
B B 2


T = Town
X = Put Milanor here to finish BF

Note: Until you step on the left fort at night, the map will be the same as
shown in 19-1. After you step on the Fort, the above map appears.



1 = Seductive Bustier (with Milanor, only if Treasure Map is equipped)

2 = Burnt Dud
Noble Glasses = Dropped by Eudy
Medallion = Dropped by Knight (unit "d")

Imperial Armor = Automatically gotten at beginning of 19-2, worn by Milanor



a = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220

b = Lvl 8 Hunter, Morale 2380/2380
c = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
d = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 3690/3690 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 7 Witch, Morale 2110/2110
f = Lvl 7 Witch, Morale 2110/2110
g = Eudy, Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 5240/5240 (Eqp: Noble Glasses)



Move all your units up, and as soon as Night hits, have Milanor step onto the
gate to open up the other path.

If Milanor moves next to ANY enemy unit, you lose. So keep him away from the
enemies and let everyone else do the work. Also, the Imperial Armor makes
it unable for Milanor to join unions.

Move everyone up through the castle in front of Milanor, so they can take care
of everyone. A cool use for Roswell's warp movement at night is to move him
directly into the castle without having to go all the around and through the

If you want the +2 MVP bonus, you'll have to ignore most of the enemies. Just
get rid of enough to move Milanor through unnoticed. However, if you don't mind
missing out ont the +2 bonus, go ahead and take care of all the enemies and
grab the Medallion and Noble Glasses. Eudy has 4 Luk stars, so you'll need
someone with 4 or more Luk to make her drop the Glasses. You can't steal
because Milanor's out of the question, but if you have the Four-Leaf Clover or
anything like that equipped, she'll also drop her Glasses.

Move Milanor to the "X" square to end this BF.


+2 <= 13 Turns
+1 >= 14 Turns


New Cards:




Milanor that he just needs to find out where Yggdra is being held.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Disguised as an Imperial soldier, Milanor slipped through enemy lines and

infiltrated the prison tower where Yggdra was rumored to be held.

Inside the prison tower, however, were rows upon rows of cells. The hunt was
on to find Yggdra...

5.4.2 Battle Field 20 - The Tower


Milanor wonders where Yggdra could be...


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor
- Durant/Nietzsche/Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 10



D d C B B a A A 2 g G G
F X C 1 B B b A F f
C C C c B M A A e E E
? E E 3

Note: This map is done a little different. I use the lower case letters to show
where you need to stop to open up certain passages. The upper case letters
shows the area that it opens (lower and upper case letters go together). Hope
it's not too confusing.

M = Milanor
? = The other character you picked
F = Flone (Rescued after you defeat Aegina; needed to recruit Russell in BF21)
X = Aegina (see Enemies)



1 = Blindfold (Step on square to get)

2 = Letter (Step on square to get)
3 = Rusted Chain (Step on square to get)
Platinum Ornamet = Dropped by Aegina
Iron Shackles = Rescue Flone, then step on her square to get



a = Aegina, Lvl 10 Valkyrie, 5880/5880 (Eqp: Platinum Ornament)




Conditions of Victory:
- Find the imprisoned Yggdra!
(Locate Yggdra's whereabouts)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Ok, this level is quite different. You have to step on certain squares to open
up the next part of the map. Follow this closely.

Save your strongest card for when fighting the enemy (there's only one enemy
unit in this BF: Aegina).

Note: To open a section you have to put a unit on the square, and the section
will open after you end your turn.

Ok, first move both units to the top two squares (marked "a" and "b") to open
up both these sections. If you want to recruit the only Fencer you can have
on your team (Russell), go left. If you don't mind missing out on Russell and
several items, go right.

If you went left, open up path "c". Make sure you bring both units. Grab the
Blindfold and open up path "d". This will reveal Aegina and Flone.

Aegina will recognize who Milanor is, even with his Imperial Armor. Since his
cover is blown, he takes off the Imperial Armor (meaning he can form unions
again). Use your strongest card to defeat her, and try to steal or make sure
she drops her item as well. To form a union here, place one unit above Aegina,
and the other unit to the lower right diagonal (in other words, one square
southwest of the Blindfold).

After you defeat Aegina, you will rescue Flone. You need Flone to recruit
Russell in the next BF. Flone is Russell's fiance and was imprisoned by Gulcasa
in order to force Russell to fight for him (blackmail). She will join you.

After all this, move the unit that can still move to the right again. When the
other unit can move again, move him to where Flone was just standing for the
Iron Shackles. Note that to finish the BF, only one of the two units needs to
stand on the last square, so just ditch your unit on the left after he gets the
Iron Shackles.

Have the unit on the right get the Letter then open up "e". Grab the Rusted
Chains and open up "f". Then "g". Then step on the flag to finish this BF.

Rather confusing, but something different, which is cool (I think).



+2 <= 9 Turns
+1 >= 10 Turns


New Cards:




Durant wonders where the Princess is. Milanor (smart guy that he is) points out
that she's not here. Durant isn't too excited that the fiance of one of the
Five Dragon Generals is with Milanor, but oh well. Milanor thinks Yggdra might
be inside the castle.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Yggdra was nowhere to be found in the prison tower, and the infiltration seemed
to have been a waste of time.

With no success in the prison tower, the Royal Army decided instead to
concentrate on Castle Karona, where Emporer Gulcasa had sequestered himself.

To reach the castle, they had to pass through Amatorium Square, which was being
protected by the Astral Fencer Russell and Inzaghi's mercenary crew.

5.4.3 Battle Field 21 - Amatorium Square

Milanor and Durant see Inzaghi and Russell. Nothing more.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary

Cards to Select: 11



c g B
a d h j B
b e i B B B
f B k 1


M = Milanor
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell/Rosary
F = Fort



1 = Armory Key
Yashamaru = Dropped by Russell
Criticalizer = Dropped by Inzaghi



a = Lvl 8 Necromancer, Morale 2270/2270

b = Lvl 8 Assassin, Morale 2070/2070
c = Russell, Lvl 10 Fencer, Morale 5280/5840 (Eqp: Yashamaru)
d = Lvl 8 Assassin, Morale 2070/2070
e = Lvl 8 Necromancer, Morale 2270/2270
f = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
g = Inzaghi, Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 5160/5160 (Eqp: Criticalizer)
h = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180
i = Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 2030/2030
j = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
k = Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 2030/2030



Conditions of Victory:
- Get through Castle Karona Gates!
(Defeat Inzaghi and Russell)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

There's actually an alternate way to end this BF. If you rescued Flone (please
tell me you did) then all you have to do is place any unit next to Russell.
You will then recruit him, and the BF will end.

This is a rather simple BF. Just rush two or three units down the path, grab
the item on your way, and slaughter the mass of units. Be careful not to kill
Russell if you want to recruit him.

After you defeat Inzaghi, he'll *finally* be slain (meaning he's gone for
good), so make sure you get his item one last time.

Place a unit next to Russell to end the BF (or kill him).



+2 <= 13 Turns
+1 >= 14 Turns


New Cards:




Flone is glad that Russell is safe and finally free from oppression. Russell
wants to thank you for rescueing his fiance and offers you his services.
He then joins you.

We'll Never Fight Alone

In central Korona, beyond Amatorium Square, the Imperial Army had dug in and
were ready to confront the Royal Army.

The Valkyrie Aegina was waiting in the center of Rosamil City at the front
line, while Court Magician Eudy and her cannons were in the rear. Gulcasa,
the Emporer of Carnage himself, took up position at Castle Karona.

The Royal Army stormed through Amatorium Square and approached Castle Karona,
hoping to take back Yggdra.

5.4.4 Battle Field 22 - Castle Karona


Milanor and the rest are in the Castle. Aegina is the only thing standing
between them and the castle.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor
- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell

Cards to Select: 12



a C

2 B g
B c 1
b d f X
V e B B B B R R B


M = Milanor
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell/Rosary and Russell
V = Village
T = Town
C = Cannon
X = Do NOT go here



1 = Insect Cage (Trade Hero Badge for it; not at Night)

2 = Elegant Spear (Only if you have the Armory Key)
Gauntlet = Dropped by Aegina

Note: If you traded the Nestle Bouquet for Nana's Candy, DO NOT get the
Insect Cage, it'll be useless to you. The Insect Cage is used with the Bouquet
(which would is now a Wilting Bouquet to get another item later in the game.



a = Eudy, Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 5240/5240 (Eqp: Sorcery Glasses)

b = Lvl 7 Hunter, Morale 2260/2260

c = Lvl 7 Hunter, Morale 2260/2260
d = Aegina, Lvl 11 Valkyrie, Morale 6100/6100 (Eqp: Gauntlet)
e = Lvl 7 Assassin, Morale 1890/1890
f = Lvl 7 Assassin, Morale 1890/1890

g = Gulcasa, Lvl 5 Dragon Knight, Morale 4320/4320 (Eqp: Cardinal Cloak)




Conditions of Victory:
- Liberate Rosamil City
(Move an ally to "Rosamil City" Town)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Eudy is back with her cannons. Doesn't she seem more like a coward, always
sitting behind those cannons? Ah well.

To go on to 22-2 you have to put someone on the square Aegina is sitting on.
Aegina is surrounded by Bow-users, so use Sword/Spear/Axe users to take them
down. Aegina, as you should know by now, is a Sword user.

Try to get the Elegant Spear at the top if you can. See the Town marked "X" on
the map? If you go here, someone will steal a random item from you. If you
didn't see my note above: Don't get the Insect Cage if you don't have the
Nestle Bouquet anymore. You need the Bouquet and the Cage to get an item later
in the game, and if you don't have the Bouquet anymore you don't want the
Insect Cage. The Hero Badge is better anyway.

As soon as you defeat Aegina and put someone on her square, you'll move on to


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!
Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



a B B B B B B B
b d B B B 3
c C B B B g B
B B B e j
2 B B B B B h 4
B B B B B f k
B B B B i B
B B 1 B B B



1 = Insect Cage (Trade Hero Badge for it; not at Night)

2 = Elegant Spear (Only if you have the Armory Key)
3 = Mirage Coat (Only if you have the Armory Key)
4 = Evening Dress (Step on square to get)
Disfigured Dud = Defeat unit "a" and step on her square to get
Sorcery Glasses = Dropped by Eudy
Cardinal Cloak = Dropped by Gulcasa

Note: If you traded the Nestle Bouquet for Nana's Candy, DO NOT get the
Insect Cage, it'll be useless to you. The Insect Cage is used with the Bouquet
(which would is now a Wilting Bouquet to get another item later in the game.



a = Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 2280/2280

b = Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 2280/2280
c = Eudy, Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 5240/5240 (Eqp: Sorcery Glasses)
d = Lvl 8 Witch, Morale 2280/2280

e = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410

f = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
g = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
h = Gulcasa, Lvl 5 Dragon Knight, Morale 4320/4320 (Eqp: Cardinal Cloak)
i = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410
j = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180
k = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180


Many people seem to run out of cards because they don't plan right. The +2 MVP
bonus is 29 Turns. Depending on how you did in 22-1, you'll have less than 20
Turns to finish 22-2. Meaning, defeat Eudy, get all the items, and defeat
Gulcasa. The easiest way (I find) is to split up your party and have one side
take out Eudy, and the other go towards Gulcasa. Use your weaker cards to move
your units, and your strongest cards to attack.

Rush one or two characters up to where Eudy is and take out her squad as fast
as possible. Try to grab her Glasses as well. Defeating her will disable the
cannon, which should help your Morale a bit. Make sure you don't forget to
grab the Disfigured Dud in the top left square by Eudy.

Now move everyone towards Gulcasa. Gulcasa is much weaker now than last time
you fought him (6 Levels weaker!), so he shouldn't be that hard to defeat this
time around. Just use multiple unions to plow through the room Gulcasa is in.

Don't forget the Evening Dress next to Gulcasa. Also, try to get Gulcasa's
Cardinal Cloak. Once you defeat Gulcasa, the BF is over.

You will now find out why Gulcasa was so easy to beat... it was a decoy! This
guy was wearing a wig.



+2 <= 29 Turns
+1 >= 30 Turns



Ivy Whip (POW 2300, Mov 5, Ace All; Physical damage w/ vines to enemy)



The party searches the castle for Yggdra, with no success. Milanor finds an
old man who says he's seen Yggdra. He says he saw a carriage leave during the
battle. The carriage went East, towards Lost Aries, the Land of Ruin. Durant
informs everyone that there's a scaffold that way, and that Gulcasa might be
planning to execute Yggdra!

Flone says you must get through Marduk Woods to get there. She then gives you
the Ivy Whip Card. She asks you to take care of Russell. Russell and Flone then
say their good-byes.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army succeeded in taking Castle Karona, but the Gulcasa they defeated
inside was an imposter, and Yggdra was nowhere to be seen...
According to a castle worker, Gulcasa had already moved Yggdra to the land of
Lost Aries, far to the east.

The Royal Army mounted an expedition to the east in pursuit, and ventured into
the deep and forbidding Marduk Woods.

5.4.5 Battle Field 23 - Southwest Marduk


The RLA has reached Marduk Woods. Lost Aries is just past the forest. Milanor
asks for the plan, since there lots of Imperial Forces around. Durant asks how
he knows this, and Milanor hints that Kylier is around. Durant suggest making
a detour around these forces by hiding in the trees.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor
- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell

Cards to Select: 10



B a
B B d B B
B B W e B
X B b f h B
B c g i
B B 1


M = Milanor
D = Durant
N = Nietzsche
R = Roswell/Rosary and Russell
V = Village
T = Town
C = Cannon
X = Opens up top square and reveals Pamela
W = Opens up enemy Group 1



1 = Elfin Bow (Trade Trap for it; not at Night)

Medallion = Dropped by unit "c" (only if you step on a W square)



a = Pamela, Lvl 11 Mystic Witch, Morale 5000/5000 (Eqp: Dream Cap)

Group 1:
b = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
c = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
f = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
g = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
i = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580




Conditions of Victory:
- Advance through the woods quietly!
(Move anyone to "Waypoint A" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

If you step on a W square, you open up the area that reveals Enemy Group 1. If
you happen to engage in any enemies, the conditions change. See 23-3.

First thing you should do is step on the "X" square to open up the area where
Pamela is. She's a random witch who's hiding and is surprised you found her.
She comes equipped with the Dream Cap, which makes her sleep at Noon. Well, if
you're still on the first turn it will be noon. So attack her to automatically
win the clash. If you're strong enough to beat her with just Nietzsche, do so,
but if you need someone else to defeat her, bring up another unit to form a
union. Try to beat her on the 1st turn since she won't fight back. If you beat
her she'll automatically give you her Dream Cap and disappear.

Another benefit of NOT uncovering any of the enemies is that they won't use up
your turns, which will make it easier to get the +2 MVP bonus (14 Turns or

If you have the Trap (from BF3), trade it for the Elfin Bow here.

Move any unit to the flag to advance to 23-2.

Note: If you didn't rescue Flone and already receive the Ivy Whip card from
her, you have to engage and defeat the Enemy Group 1 to get the card now.
However, this means you'll miss out on recruiting the Hunter Cruz, since if you
attack an enemy, you can't get to 23.5 (where you recruit Cruz). So you have to
choose between a card, or another member added to your party.

Conditions of Victory:
- Advance through the woods quietly!
(Move everyone to "Waypoint B" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



B a W B B B ?
B B d B B B ! B B
B B W e B W B B 2 Y
X B b f h B B 1 B
B c g i B B B
B B B B B B B Y B j m o B
B W W W W B B Y B k n p B
B B B B B B B B l B


X = Opens up top square and reveals Pamela

W = Opens up enemy Group 1
Y = Opens up enemy Group 2
! = Step on here to open the extension to get to 23.5 where you recruit Cruz
? = Go to 23.5. Also finishes BF23 early.



1 = Poison Viper (Only during Evening)

2 = Beasterfang (Trade Elfin Bow for it)
Medallion = Dropped by unit "c" (only if you step on a W square)
Dropped by unit "j" (only if you step on a Y square)



a = Pamela, Lvl 11 Mystic Witch, Morale 5000/5000 (Eqp: Dream Cap)

Group 1:
b = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
c = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
f = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
g = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
i = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580

Group 2:

j = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460 (Eqp: Medallion)

k = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 2310/2310
l = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 2310/2310
m = Lvl 9 Hunter, Morale 2540/2540
n = Lvl 9 Hunter, Morale 2540/2540
o = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460
p = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 2310/2310



The Y squares are the same as W squares. Stepping on them opens up Enemy Group
2. If you come in contact with them, the victory conditions change. See 23-3.

Not much to do in this section. Get the Poison Viper only if you're an item
fanatic. This is an edible item which DECREASES your TEC, so don't ever use it.
You can also trade your newly acquired Elfin Bow for a Beasterfang. It's up to
you really, but I would keep the Elfin Bow, for several reasons:

1. Elfin Bow is for Cruz (who you can recruit in 23.5 - just follow this guide
to get him.) and Beasterfang is for Milanor. Milanor is probably already
pretty strong now, so he really doesn't need Beasterfang. Cruz won't be as
strong as Milanor since you'll only have had him for a little bit.

2. Elfin Bow lasts 3 Maps, Beasterfang only lasts 1 Map.

3. Elfin Bow increases your Morale when its low. Beasterfang makes you weak
against archers.

So yeah, I'd hold on to the Elfin Bow. Your choice though. Right above the
Village where you can trade the Elfin Bow for the Beasterfang is the square
that opens up the extension to reach 23.5 (HIGHLY recommended, only way to get
a Hunter on your own team).

If you really want to ignore my advice and don't want to recruit another
unit for your team (don't see why, but it's you, not me) then you'll have to
move everyone to the Flag ("F" on the map).

Note there are tw more "W" squares (to open up Enemy group 1). They are across
from the Poison Viper and the square in front of the Flag.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


B B d B B B B B B
B B W e B B B W B B 2 B
B B b f h B B 1 B
B c g i B B B
B B B B B B B Y B j m o B
B W W W W B B Y B k n p B
B B B B B B B B l B



Look at 23-2 listing.



Look at 23-2 listing.



Note that if you get here because you somehow moved next to an enemy, you've
missed out on getting the Hunter Cruz in your party. It's impossible to get to
23.5 since the extension won't open up anymore. Even if you openend the
extension earlier, the flag will do nothing anymore. Too late.

Not much strategy involved here... there's two sets of enemies you need to
defeat.However, you do not have to fight all of them. If you beat their leader
(the unit with the item), all the units under that leader will disappear as
well. So technically you could defeat only two units - unit "c" and unit "j"
to end this BF.

Just remember the weapon chart when fighting these units and you'll have no
problem winning.

After you defeat all enemies, skip the 23.5 section and go to BF24.



+2 <= 14 Turns
+1 >= 15 Turns



Fortune (POW 2600, Mov 6, Ace All; Changes LUK to power for both sides)
- Only if you defeat Pamela
Ivy Whip (POW 2300, Mov 5, Ace All; Physical damage w/ vines to enemy)
- If you didn't recruit Flone and receive the card from her, you have to defeat
Enemy Group 1 to get this card


Epilogue: None

We'll Never Fight Alone

Through the thick foliage, the Royal Army could hear the sound of battle
outside their winding, uncharted road.

The camp of the anti-Imperial Resistance, founded by former Karonan soldiers,

was under attack by the bounty hunter Mizer's forces, who were working under
the aegis of the Imperial Army.

The Royal Army hurried to the aid of the outnumbered and overpowered Resistance

5.4.6 Battle Field 23.5 - Resistance Camp


The RLA hear a battle. It's Mizer! And he's fighting the Resistance Leader
Cruz. The RLA rushes to help.


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor

Pick one of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell

Cards to Select: 6



T B c
a T
b C
? M 1

M = Milanor
? = The other character you picked
C = Cruz
V = Village
T = Catapult



1 = Killer Beehive (Step on square to get)

Medallion = Dropped by unit "a" and "b"
Hoof Shoes = Dropped by Mizer



a = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 1930/2310 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2020/2170 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Mizer, Lvl 10 Hunter, Morale 5280/5280 (Protect) (Eqp: Hoof Shoes)

Note: If Cruz won any of the battles against the Bandit/Assassin, their Morale
will be lower. The Morales listed are the values before they fight Cruz.



Conditions of Victory:
- Help the Resistance leader Cruz!
(Move an ally next to Cruz)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Cruz dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

All you have to do is move someone next to Cruz to finish 23.5-1. Obviously,
you need to defeat the Bandit and Assassin, but that should be no problem at
all. Bandit uses Axe, and Assassin uses Bows. You know what to do. Mizer has
Protect status, so don't even think you can go kill him. You CAN steal his
item though if you really want too. Just wait to do it.

Make sure to pick up the Killer Beehive on the way. Move someone next to Cruz.
Cruz will join you here.


Conditions of Victory:
- Retrieve the resistance's hideout!
(Move Cruz to "Hideout")

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Cruz dies...
- If you use up all your cards...


The Hideout is the square Mizer is standing on. Since you defeat the other two
units a minute ago, Mizer is the only enemy left. Make sure to grab his item.
Move Cruz to the square Mizer was on to move on to 23.5-3.


Conditions of Victory:
- Move everyone through the secret path!
(Move everyone to "Secret Path" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If any of you use up all your cards...



2 B B B
f B B
d g 1
b B B B
a c B V B
e h


V = Village
T = Cannon
F = Flag to reach



1 = Killer Beehive (if you haven't gotten it yet)

2 = Powershroom (Step on square to get)
Medallion = Dropped by unit "f"



a = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170

b = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
c = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
f = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Protect) (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580



To finish this BF, simply move everyone to the flag. Don't forget the

If you have some spare turns (MVP +2 is 13 Turns or less), feel free to attack
some enemies for the experience and to power up some cards. Notice that the
Knight with the Medallion has Protect, so if you want the Medallion you'll
have to steal it.

Once everyone reaches the flag, the BF is over.



+2 <= 13 Turns
+1 >= 14 Turns






Milanor seems to get impatient, asking if they're there yet. Durant says
they are on the homestretch, so they're close.

We'll Never Fight Alone

If you didn't go to BF23.5:

The Royal Army continued deeper into the woods. The thick Marduk Woods
stretched further and further on...

If you did go to BF23.5 and recruit Cruz:

After saving Cruz, leader of the Resistance, from the bounty hunter Mizer, the
Royal Army was pursued by the Imperial Army who had noticed the struggle.

In their attempt to escape from the battlefield, the Royal Army took Cruz's
secret road to shake off their Imperial pursuers.
However, beyond the secret path lay still more thick foliage, and the Marduk
Woods stretched further and further on...

5.4.7 Battle Field 24 - Northeast Marduk


There's a large Imperial force ahead, so Durant suggests going around it.
However, the fact that there ARE so many Imperial Forces in this forest is a
sure sign that the Princess is beyond the forest.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor

Pick 4 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 10



b d g B
a c e B
F B f h B
W B 1 B B
2 W W M ?
B B V B ? ?
M B 3 B ?
? ? ? B B

Note: If you didn't go to BF23.5, your units will be in the lower left in the
+ shape. If you did go to BF23.5, your units will be on the right side.


M = Milanor
? = The 4 other characters you picked
V = Village
F = Flag
W = Opens up enemy Group 1


1 = World Tree Branch (Step on square to get)
2 = World Tree Leaf (Step on square to get)
3 = Element (only if Roswell has Dowsing Rods equipped)



Group 1:
a = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
b = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
c = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
f = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
g = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580



Conditions of Victory:
- Advance through the woods quietly!
(Move everyone to "Waypoint C" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This is similar to BF23. You must reach flags, and certain squares uncover

To move on to 24-2, you have to reach the flag ("F" on the map). Before you
step on the flag though, do your best to move up all units as close as possible
to the flag (with the fewest turns possible). In the end, you have to get all
units to the final flag to finish the BF.

Anyway, you have to uncover enemy group 1 (step on any "W" square) to get the
World Tree Branch. You have to have Roswell, and have him equipped with the
Dowsing Rods from BF8 in order to get the Element.

If you place any unit next to an enemy, the victory conditions will change.
See 24-4 if this happens. (You skip every other section).

Nothing too much going on. Grab the items, move everyone close to the flag then
have someone step on it.


Conditions of Victory:
- Advance through the woods quietly!
(Move everyone to "Waypoint D" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



i j k l m n b d g B
B B B B a c e B
Y B Y B Y B B f h B
B V W B 1 B B
B B 2 W W B B
V B B 3 B B


F = Flag
W = Opens up enemy Group 1
Y = Opens up enemy Group 2



1 = World Tree Branch (Step on square to get)

2 = World Tree Leaf (Step on square to get)
3 = Element (only if Roswell has Dowsing Rods equipped)



Group 1:
a = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
b = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
c = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
f = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
g = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580

Group 2:
i = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
j = Lvl 10 Valkyrie, Morale 2510/2510
k = Lvl 10 Hunter, Morale 2710/2710
l = Aegina, Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 6580/6580 (Eqp: Bloody Rapier)
m = Lvl 10 Hunter, Morale 2710/2710
n = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480



No items. Just more enemies to uncover, but this time it's not necessary.
Villages don't have anything. Just move everyone as close as you can to the
flag and step on it to go to 24-3.


Conditions of Victory:
- Get out of the woods quietly!
(Move everyone to "Exit" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



F i j k l m n b d g B
B Y B B B B a c e B
B B B Y B Y B Y B B f h B
B B V W B 1 B B
B B B B 2 W W B B
B X 4 B B B B B V B B B
B B B V B B 3 B B
o B B B B B


F = Flag
W = Opens up enemy Group 1
Y = Opens up enemy Group 2
X = Opens up extension that reveals Pamela

Note: If you defeated Pamela in BF23, she won't appear here. Extension will
still open, but nothing will be there.



1 = World Tree Branch (Step on square to get)

2 = World Tree Leaf (Step on square to get)
3 = Element (only if Roswell has Dowsing Rods equipped)
4 = Protato (Step on square to get)



Group 1:
a = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580
b = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
c = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
d = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
e = Lvl 9 Necromancer, Morale 2400/2400
f = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2350/2350
g = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 9 Knight, Morale 2580/2580

Group 2:
i = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
j = Lvl 10 Valkyrie, Morale 2510/2510
k = Lvl 10 Hunter, Morale 2710/2710
l = Aegina, Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 6580/6580 (Eqp: Bloody Rapier)
m = Lvl 10 Hunter, Morale 2710/2710
n = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480

o = Pamela, Lvl 11 Mystic Witch, Morale 5000/5000 (Eqp: See Note)

Note: Pamela can have two different items here:

Pamela's Broom = If you didn't see her in BF23.
Demon Tail = If you fought and battled her in BF23.



Final section, and you're out of these woods forever! Grab the Protato, and
open up the extension. If you defeated her in BF23, she will now have the Demon
Tail. If you never saw her in BF23, she'll have the item Pamela's Broom. Note
that she sleeps at noon, so try to attack her at noon and you'll automatically
win. If you defeat her, she'll always give you her item.

No other items, so just move everyone to the Flag to get out.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


Map, Items, Enemies:

Same as in 24-3.



Note that the enemy has first turn here. These guys shouldn't be too hard to
defeat. Just use type advantages and you'll do fine.

Aegina's item (Bloody Rapier) decreases her Morale everytime she moves, so
that helps you a bit. Try to grab the Medallion and Aegina's item while
you're at it.

Note you only have to defeat the enemy leaders (units with items) and their
entire unit will disappear. But why waste the experience, and power up?
Once you defeat all enemies, BF24 is over.



+2 <= 14 Turns
+1 >= 15 Turns



Fortune (POW 2600, Mov 6, Ace All; Changes LUK to power for both sides)
- If you didn't get this card in BF23, and defeated Pamela in BF24.



The RLA has finally reached Lost Aries. Milanor asks why anyone would drag
Yggdra to a place like this...

We'll Never Fight Alone

After the Royal Army passed Marduk Woods, they approached the entrance to
Lost Aries: the Valley of Lament.

The valley was lined with steep cliffs, with narrow and harsh passages, forming
a natural fortress.

Fortunately, Royal scouts discovered that due to the difficult terrain, the
Imperial presence within the Valley of Lament was small.

The Royal Army advanced into the valley, hoping for a quick and decisive

5.4.8 Battle Field 25 - Valley of Lament


The RLA notices that the enemy lines are thin. The enemy spots you, but it's
too late! You attack.


Characters to Select: 3
- Milanor

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 7

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



B B B B a
B B B B B b B
B M B c


M = Milanor
? = The 2 other characters you picked



Medallion = Dropped by Garrison Captain (unit "b")



a = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 2310/2310

b = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 4200/4200 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 9 Bandit, Morale 2310/2310



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the enemy garrison!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This level is rather simple. Simply defeat the Garrison Captain (the Knight) to
move on to 25-2. Might as well take out the other two units as well.

Try to move everyone as far right as possible. Once you defeat the Garrison
Captain, 25-2 starts up. First the conditions are "Advance through Valley of
Lament". Then, you get ambushed and the conditions change to:

Conditions of Victory:
- Break through the enemy's encirclement!
(Move everyone to "Land of Ruin" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



b d e f B h B i
a c B g B j
B B B B B B k l
B B B B B B B B B B m n



Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only
Scorpio Tail = Dropped by Zilva
Meteor = Dropped by Elena
Knight Killer = Dropped by Leon
Ribbon = Dropped by Emilia
Skull Stone = Defeat unit "g" and step on his square to get



a = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460

b = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
c = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460
d = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
e = Zilva, Lvl 11 Assassin, Morale 5640/5640 (Protect) (Eqp: Scorpio Tail)
f = Elena, Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 5200/5200 (Protect) (Eqp: Meteor)

g = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750

h = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
i = Leon, Lvl 13 Knight, Morale 6700/6700 (Eqp: Knight Killer)
j = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
k = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750

l = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2710/2710

m = Emilia, Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 5860/5860 (Eqp: Ribbon)
n = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2710/2710


Move to the end of the + shaped squares to be ambushed and extend the map and
reveal all the enemies. Who you fight depends on if you took the top (Leon) or
the right (Emilia) fork. I suggest using the right fork with Roswell/Rosary.
The Grilled Griffon is a worthy item to get, so try getting it. Also, try to
get the Ribbon from Emilia while you're at it.

Don't worry about stealing the Knight Killer from Leon (you can if you want),
because he will drop it automatically pretty soon and you'll just be able to
step on a square to pick it up. Once Leon steps on the square that unit "h" is
on, he gets shot at by Elena! She betrays the Imperial Army by shooting at her
own brother! Crazy.

Once this event happens, 25-2 is over. Do your best to get all the items you
can, but don't worry about it if you don't get all of them. It's hard and
takes several resets usually.

After Elena tries to kill her own brother, Leon leaves and tells Zilva to
deal with Elena. Zilva says that all traitors must die, even if she is Leon's


Conditions of Victory:
- Help Elena!
(Move an ally next to Elena)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Elena, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B B B B E 2 B B
B B B 1 B B

K = Kylier
E = Elena



1 = Skull Stone (Step on square to get)

2 = Knight Killer (Step on square to get)


Whatever is left from 25-2.



Suddenly Kylier shows up to save the day (again). All you have to do is place
a unit (Kylier) next to Elena. Before doing so, use your remaining Mov to move
all your other units to the original flag we were headed too. Then use the 2
Mov it takes for Kylier to move next to Elena.

Once you save her, Elena runs off. You're Welcome.


Conditions of Victory:
- Head to the Land of Ruin!
(Move everyone to "Land of Ruin" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


Map, Items:

Same as in 25-3.



Zilva is the only enemy left.



First, finish off Zilva and get her Scorpio Tail. Then, grab the Skull Stone
on your way to the flag if you haven't already, and don't forget the Knight
Killer left by Leon. Thx Leon.

Move everyone to the flag to end this BF.



+2 <= 27 Turns
+1 >= 28 Turns





The RLA has reached Kylier's homeland, the Lost Aries. Durant suggests they
visit the towns here first, to gather some info.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army had fallen into the enemy's trap and was surrounded, but a
betrayal by the enemy assassin Elena allowed them to barely escape.

The Fantasinians were now within Lost Aries, the Land of Ruin, where the scars
of the Great Sorcery War still remained.

Meanwhile the Imperial Army was preparing its troops to welcome the Royal

5.4.9 Battle Field 26 - Land of Ruin


Durant and Milanor question the motives of Kylier, since she seemed to not want
to help earlier. Apparently, she came because she knew Milanor was such a
klutz. Either way, Durant thanks her on behalf of the Princess, which angers
Kylier because she doesn't seem to like anything with Royalty.

Then Milanor spots the enemies.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor
- Kylier

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 20

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.


2 B T B B
B 1
h B k B m
V B a c B B B i l n
B B d f B B
B B b B e g B B M K ?
B B B B B ? ?


M = Milanor
K = Kylier
? = The 3 other characters you picked

Step on the following squares after defeating the enemies on them to open up
extensions to the hidden towns you need to visit:
a, c = 1st town
h = 2nd town
j = 3rd town



1 = Soul Crucible
2 = Dragon Killer Card (Warp to this square with Roswell or Rosary equipped
with Warp shoes. Night only.)
Dragon Eater = Defeat unit "n" and step on her square (a village) with Milanor
to get this item. Minimum TRP of 20 required. Not at night.
Medallion = Dropped by units "a" and "l"
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only



a = Lvl 9 Hunter, Morale 2540/2540 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
c = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
d = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
e = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
f = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
g = Lvl 9 Hunter, Morale 2540/2540

h = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170

i = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460
j = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2710/2710
k = Lvl 9 Fencer, Morale 2460/2460
l = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170 (Eqp: Medallion)
m = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2710/2710
n = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2710/2710



Conditions of Victory:
- Find the imprisoned Yggdra!
(Locate Yggdra's whereabouts)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: The MVP +2 bonus is 54 (!) turns, so you can take your time doing
everything. If you don't get the +2 bonus, you're doing something horribly

You have to visit 3 (as of now) hidden towns to move on to 26-2. I listed which
squares you need to step on to find the towns underneath the map. If you still
don't understand, look at the map below (26-2) for a better overview.

Lots of enemies to defeat here. But definetely managable if you use Unions
effectively and match up types. I feel I don't need to list how to beat who.
Yes, it's a lot of enemies, but take them out one union at a time. Note that if
you defeat the leading unit (The unit with the item), that entire unit

To get the Soul Crucible you have to open up the top extension (defeat unit "j"
and step on her square). Also, bring Roswell/Rosary up here. This is the only
way to get the Dragon Killer card. Warp Roswell/Rosary on the lone square to
get this awesome card. Make sure you plan a little ahead, because warping only
lets you step on every other square. Make sure that you are able to warp on
the card when Night rolls around.

To get the Dragon Eater, move Milanor to the village that unit "n" is standing
on. If you visit this village with any other character, you are told to leave.

Simply uncover all 3 Towns and visit each one once (with any character) to
advance to 26-2.

The Resident of the last town you visit says there's a prison east of here and
saw Yggdra head that way with ... Gulcasa!


Conditions of Victory:
- Advance to the End of the Earth.
(Move everyone to "End of the Earth" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


2 B T B B
T B B 1 B
V B W W B B B B B 3
B B B B B B B B M K ?
B B B B B ? ?


W = Step on one of these squares to uncover Town 1

Y = Step on this square to uncover Town 2
Z = Step on this square to uncover Town 3
T = Town
F = Move everyone to this flag to end BF



1 = Soul Crucible (Step on square to get)

2 = Dragon Killer (Warp to square to get)
3 = Dragon Eater (Step on square with Milanor to get; TRP >= 20; Not at Night)






Simply move everyone to the flag to end this BF. You can still grab all the
items you haven't gotten yet. That's about it.



+2 <= 54 Turns
+1 >= 55 Turns


Dragon Killer (POW 2800, Mov 8, Ace Axe; Star against dragons while activated)
- If you got it during the BF (must warp to get)


Nessiah shows up (didn't he kill himself last time we saw him?) and warn you
that you need to hurry, otherwise Gulcasa will unbind Yggdra's soul and she
won't be the same. Milanor is as puzzled as you are, since he saw Nessiah kill
himself, but nonetheless he hears Nessiah's warning about Yggdra and wants to

Durant, however, is thinking this might all be a trap. He's saying there could
be an Imperial unit could be waiting to ambush the RLA.

We'll Never Fight Alone

After gaining information on Yggdra's whereabouts in the Land of Ruin, the

Royal Army quickly mobilized their forces and closed in on the Gate of

However, the Gates were being protected by Leon and his Black Cavalry, with
Emilia waiting furhter on at Fort Baldoc.

By the time the Royal Army reached Fort Baldoc, someone was already engaging
the Imperial Army: Elena, the Imperial traitor from the Valley of Lament.

5.4.10 Battle Field 27 - Gate of Atonement


The RLA spots Elena fighting the guards of Fort Baldoc. Emilia is protecting
the fort. Durant decides to help Elena, since she is fighting the Empire.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Kylier

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 8

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.


? B B
? M B B
b B
C E d
a B e g h
1 c f


M = Milanor
K = Kylier
? = The 3 other characters you picked
C = Catapult



1 = Mana Stone (Step on square with Kylier to get)

Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only



a = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2480/2710

b = Lvl 10 Griffon Rider, Morale 2260/2710
c = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 2230/2350
d = Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 1950/2350
e = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
f = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
g = Emilia, Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 5860/5860 (Eqp: Small Breastplate)

h = Leon, Lvl 13 Knight, Morale 6700/6700 (Eqp: Silvia)



Conditions of Victory:
- Help Elena!
(Move an ally next to Elena)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor, Elena, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

All you have to do is move someone next to Elena and you'll start up 27-2.
Nothing more to this.


Conditions of Victory:
- Capture Bardock Stronghold
(Move an ally to "Bardock Stronghold" Fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



1 = Mana Stone (Step on square with Kylier to get)

Small Breastplate = Dropped by Emilia



This time you have to land a unit on the square Emilia is now standing on.
Obviously you have to defeat her. Luckily, there's plenty of units around
so unions will be large, which means enemies should die fast. Also include the
Catapults in your union for easier battles.

Note that Elena is now on your side, so you can use her as well. She's a Lvl 11
Assassin and therefore a Bow-user and comes equipped with the Meteor.

Try to grab Emilia's item by stealing or making her drop it. Also try to move
most units as close to the Fort as possible before stepping on it.

Step on the Fort Emilia was guarding to advance to 27-3.

Milanor and Durant question Elena as to why they should trust her, given the
fact that she is Leon's sister. Elena says that she cannot forgive her brother
for terrorizing both his enemies and his allies. Leon shows no mercy to anyone.
Apparently she joined the Special Forces and has been waiting for the right
time to kill her own brother. Talk about family issues.

Milanor suggests that they should let Yggdra (once they find her) decide if
Elena can be trusted and join them.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Black Knight Leon!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B B B B 2
B B B B C a B
B B B c
C B B B B B f
B B B B B B d g h
1 B B B b B
C B e C
B 3 B


M = Milanor
? = The 3 other characters you picked
C = Catapult



1 = Mana Stone (Step on square with Kylier to get)

2 = Kiss of Death card (Step on square to get; Night only)
3 = Dark Matter/Uncanny Fruit (Step on square to get;
Trade in RANDOM item for item;
TRP >= 12 means you get Dark Matter;
TRP <= 11 means you get Uncanny Fruit;
Night only)
Silvia = Dropped by Leon



a = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170

b = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
c = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
d = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
e = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
f = Lvl 10 Knight, Morale 2750/2750
g = Lvl 9 Assassin, Morale 2170/2170
h = Leon, Lvl 13 Knight, Morale 6700/6700 (Eqp: Silvia)



Now you get to finally defeat Leon. Make sure to visit the villages up top and
below at night to get both items. Be careful when getting the Dark Matter. The
game picks a random item and trades for it. If you get unlucky (like me) you'll
trade the Elemina Mint for it. If this happens, reset. You've come this far to
get the bath scene, we're not giving up now. Once I've even traded the "Letter"
which is completely useless for the Dark Matter.

Anyways, most of these units are Knights so go crazy with Milanor and

Leon only has 1 Luk star, so it's fairly easy to make him drop his item (or
just steal it).

Nothing much else here. Defeat units, get items, win.

After you defeat Leon, he is gone forever (slain). He was annoying anyway.



+2 <= 18 Turns
+1 >= 19 Turns


New Cards:

Kiss of Death (POW 2950, Mov 6, Ace All; Weakens enemy, strengthens you. But
kills your head if battle is not over after 7.77 seconds)
- Only if you got it from the top village at Night



The RLA is going on to the prison, but Elena's mission is now finished
(brother = dead). She just wants some time to bury her brother, after which
she'll join back up with the RLA.

Kylier goes on another one of her mood swings, calls Milanor a dumbass, and
leaves after that.

We'll Never Fight Alone

After defeating the Black Knight Leon, the Royal Army passed through the Gates
of Atonement and arrived at Galleon Prison, wher e Princess Yggdra was
supposedly held captive.

They found Yggdra tied to a cross in the execution grounds in front of Galleon
Prison, with Imperial guards patrolling that area.

The battle to reclaim the Princess had begun.

5.4.11 Battle Field 28 - Galleon Prison


The RLA finally finds Yggdra, tied to a cross! However, they don't know if she
is still alive or not.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
Pick 3 of the following:
- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 8

Note: If you want the Dragon Steak, an edible item that raises your GEN to the
next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



? ? B B
? a B B
B B B B 1
b e
c Y g
d f h


M = Milanor
? = The 3 other characters you picked
C = Catapult



1 = Old Music Box (Step on square to get)

Medallion = Dropped by unit "e"



a = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630

b = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
c = Lvl 10 Golem, Morale 2720/2720
d = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390
e = Lvl 11 Knight, Morale 4440/4440 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 10 Golem, Morale 2720/2720
g = Lvl 10 Golem, Morale 2720/2720
h = Lvl 9 Witch, Morale 2390/2390



Conditions of Victory:
- Rescue Yggdra!
(Move an ally next to Yggdra)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Storm towards Yggdra and free her. Pick up the Old Music Box BEFORE freeing
Yggdra (you'll see later why). This item is used to unlock the Sound Section
in the Extra Contents (after you beat the game).

If you defeat the Garrison Captain, all the other units disappear.

Put a unit next to Yggdra to move on to 28-2.

Gulcasa is informed of your arrival and that you have taken Yggdra back.
Gulcasa says the ritual is not finished, and that they still need her.


Conditions of Victory:
- Shake off Gulcasa's pursuit!
(Move everyone to "Retreat Path" flag)

Conditions of Victory:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



f g j k B B B B 1
h B B
i B B b d
B B 2 B a c e



1 = Old Music Box (Step on square to get)

2 = Rope (Step on square to get)
Inferno = Steal from Gulcasa
Bloody Rapier = Steal from Aegina (if you didn't steal it from her before)
Dragon Steak = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only Roswell/Rosary)



a = Lvl 13 Imperial Knight, Morale 3180/3180

b = Lvl 13 Imperial Knight, Morale 3180/3180
c = Lvl 13 Imperial Knight, Morale 3180/3180
d = Lvl 15 Dragoon, Morale 7680/7680 (Protect) (HIGH) (Eqp: Inferno)
e = Lvl 13 Imperial Knight, Morale 3180/3180

Note: Gulcasa has High and Protect status, making him invincible.

f = Lvl 12 Hunter, Morale 3030/3030 (Protect)

g = Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 2950/2950 (Protect)
h = Lvl 12 Bandit, Morale 2760/2760 (Protect)
i = Lvl 12 Hunter, Morale 3030/3030 (Protect)
j = Lvl 12 Bandit, Morale 2760/2760 (Protect)
k = Aegina, Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 6920/6920 (Protect) (Eqp: Bloody Rapier*)

Note: If you already stole the Bloody Rapier from Aegina, she'll have no item.



Gulcasa gets the first turn here, so I hope you can handle it. Grab the Rope
and turn around and RUN. If you can, and feel confident that you can, steal
the Inferno from Gulcasa.

You have to go back where you came from with all units. After a few turns,
Aegina's unit will show up behind you. You're trapped!

Conditions of Victory:
- Break thruogh the enemy's encirclement!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...

If you haven't already done so, keep pulling everyone all the way back
(meaning closer to Aegina's units)

Just endure the hits, hope you don't die, and wait a few turns for Elena to
show up.


Conditions of Victory:
- Get Elena in position!
(Move Elena to the "Cliff of Despair" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...


f g j k B B B B B
h F B B
i B B B b d
B B B B B B a c e
B 1 B B B

E = Elena



1 = Lost Material (Step on square with Elena to get)



Same as listing in 28-2



Just move Elena up to the flag. Once she's there, she'll shoot Aegina... in the
eye! Badass. Like I said, Elena's crazy. Aegina's unit retreats after their
commander being pwnd in the eye.

Conditions of Victory:
- Retreat from the front!
(Move everyone to "Retreat Path" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...



2 B B B b d
B B B B B B a c e
F B 1 B B B



1 = Lost Material (Step on square with Elena to get)

2 = Rusted Sword (Step on square to get)



Just Gulcasa's unit left.



Move everyone to the flags. Elena gets her own flag, since she's on a different

Watch out since Gulcasa is still following you. So hurry. Grab the Rusted
Sword on your way out.

Once you get everyone to the flag, the BF is over.



+2 <= 25 Turns
+1 >= 26 Turns


Sandstorm (POW 2500, Mov 6, Ace All; Physical damage w/ sand to enemy)
- Gotten in Epilogue



The RLA is back at Paltina and Yggdra is back. Yggdra apologizes for acting
rashly, and Milanor tells her to use this as a lesson. Durant shows up and
announces that Mother Paltina wants to see Yggdra. She's a seer who's lived in
Paltina forever.

Mother Paltina is glad to see Yggdra in good health. She says a red comet
appeared in the northern sky 7 days ago. It is a disastrous star with ominous
powers. And apparently that star will bring a terrible catastrophe. Something
dreadful is about to awaken. The star has disrupted the flow of the heavens.
Yggdra asks what this has to do with her, and Mother Paltina tells her it's her
duty as a leader, and the Holy Sword's true powers are necessary. To unleash
the power, one must ascend the throne. Yggdra has not been properly coronated
yet, so she needs to do that to unleash the power of the sword.

The coronation takes place in Welheim. Yggdra tells everyone to prepare for
departure. Then Mother Paltina gives you the Sandstorm card.

5.5 Chapter 5 - Truth and Sin, Light and Shadows

We'll Never Fight Alone

In order to fight against Gulcasa, who had gained tremendous strength by

breaking Brongaa's seal at Galleon Prison, the "true power" of the Holy Sword
Gran Centurio was necessary. Only those accepted as the legitimate ruler of
Fantasinia could wield that power, however, and to ascend the throne, a
coronation ceremony at the Holy Land of Welheim was required.

After giving Yggdra time to recover, the Royal Army headed south to Nyllard
Desert en route to the Holy Land.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Army had dispatched Zilva's Special Forces to Nyllard,
and hired additional bounty hunters to set their next plan in motion.

5.5.1 Battle Field 29 - North Nyllard


Milanor is complaining about the heat of the desert, and Durant informs
everyone that the heat is taking its toll on their soldiers. Luckily, there is
an Oasis Town nearby.

Milanor then spots a bounty hunter and wants to chase them off.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 10

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.


B B B ? B B
B B B ? B B
B a R M Y B
B b B B R R
B c B R
B R 1 B R
R B d e f
R B B 2 g


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 2 other characters you picked
R = Road (Safe to walk here)



1 = Mermaid Fin (Step on square to get)

2 = Stardust (Step on square with Nietzsche to get; Night only)
Medallion = Dropped by units "d", "e", and "f"
Dragon Boots = Dropped by Mizer



a = Lvl 12 Assassin, Morale 2560/2560

b = Lvl 12 Assassin, Morale 2560/2560
c = Zilva, Lvl 13 Assassin, Morale 6200/6200 (Eqp: Jack Hand)

d = Lvl 11 Witch, Morale 2720/2720 (Eqp: Medallion)

e = Lvl 11 Assassin, Morale 2460/2460 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630 (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Mizer, Lvl 12 Hunter, Morale 5820/5820 (Eqp: Dragon Boots)



Conditions of Victory:
- Liberate Ryne!
(Move an ally to "Town of Ryne" town)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...
Note: You can use Yggdra again! Yay! You get her back at Lvl 10, regardless of
what level she was when you lost her (BF18).

Welcome to the hell that is the desert. You'll get the tutorial here about
moving in the desert. If you step on a Sand square, your unit stops moving.
You can still press B to cancel the movement and try to find a better route,
but once you hit A, you're done. Also, once you're on a Sand square, you can
only move 1 square at a time, unless you happen to be next to a non-sand
square (meaning Road, Village, Water, etc.)

So how can you tell which is a safe square to step on? Well, three ways:

1. Either look at my map. However, this isn't completely accurate, since there
are still other squares which won't stop your movement (such as the Water, or
Village squares).
2. Look at the GEO rating when moving the cursor around. The bad squares are
the "Sand -20%" squares. Any square that doesn't say Sand -20% is good (meaning
Road, Village, and Water are all good).
3. You can tell where the road is just by looking at the map (Best seen at

Note: If a unit has can fly (Kylier), then all this doesn't apply. Kylier can
move normally like in any other BF.

Anyway, for some items you'll have to travel through the sand, which can be a
pain. You decide if it's worth it.

Ok, now that that's over with... to move on to 29-2, you have to defeat Mizer
and step on the village he's standing on.

You can't touch Zilva, since she's on the other side of the BF. Her and her
two units just move down until they disappear.

To get the Mermaid Fin you have to travel through the sand. Once you do, you'll
find an Undine who needs water, which you'll give to her. She gives you the
Mermaid Fin in return, and hints at the location of the Stardust. Anyway, you
have this guide, which tells you the Stardust is in the Water square next to
the village (Nietzsche only; Night only). Medallions are dropped by all 3 units
near Mizer, so try to grab those.

Mizer has the Dragon Boots this time (where does he get all these boots?) so
steal those from him.

Once you step on the village Mizer was standing on, 29-2 starts up.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Dort!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: Initially the victory conditions are to head toward Town of Sornetta,
but after you reach the "C" square, the conditions are changed to the above.


4 R R R R R B B R R
B R B 1 B R
R R 3 B R R
R B c e B 2 B
a d R R R R
b R R g B
T C R f h

R = Road (Safe to walk here)
S = This is the square Yggdra needs to be on to activate the Bath Scene
NOTE: You can't access the bath scene, I just suggest you move Yggdra towards
here to be ready for it.



1 = Mermaid Fin (Step on square to get)

2 = Stardust (Step on square with Nietzsche to get; Night only)
3 = Yarde Horn (Trade Rope for item)
4 = Desert Rose (Step on square to get)
Power Fruit = Defeat unit "d" and step on square to get
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only



a = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480

b = Dort, Lvl 12 Bandit, Morale 6140/6140 (Eqp: Hammer of Ruin)
c = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
d = Lvl 11 Griffon Rider, Morale 2870/2870
e = Lvl 11 Griffon Rider, Morale 2870/2870
f = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
g = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
h = Lvl 11 Griffon Rider, Morale 2870/2870



Make sure you read my note above, right below the Conditions. If you want to
see the infamous bath scene (must still have the Elemina Mint), I suggest
starting to move Yggdra towards the top left corner of the map. She can use the
road to get to the left side of the BF, and must travel through desert to get
to the right square. Note you can't get the Bath scene yet, I'm just suggesting
you move Yggdra towards there so you don't waste all those moves later.

After you step on the "C" square, Dort and his buddies show up. The enemy gets
first attack, so watch out. After Dort's first attack, Kylier shows up again.
You can user her from now on, and the awesome thing is that sand doesn't affect
her, so she can move around freely.

Everyone here are Axe-users (Dort included) so use Sword/Rod users to defeat
them more easily. Try to get Dort's item while you're at it.

You can get the items, but I suggest you wait until 29-3 to get them. It'll be
easier then.

Once you defeat Dort, 29-3 starts up.


Conditions of Victory:
- Head for the Town of Sornetta!
(Move an ally to "Town of Sornetta" town)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...



See listing in 29-2.

Fairy Bell = If you have the Elemina Mint, go visit the "S" (Noon only)
square to reveal a town. Step on the town at Noon again to get
the bath scene, after which you will get the Fairy Bell.



This is it. The infamous bath scene. Move Yggdra (well, anyone can do it but
since Yggdra is already up there, why not her) to the "S" square on the map
in 29-2, but only at Noon. If it's not Noon, nothing will happen, and you'll
have to move off the square, then back on. And since you're in the desert this
requires two turns to do. Just stand on the square next to it and wait for Noon
to roll around. Stepping on that square will reveal a town that only appears at

Since you can't move anymore, you have to end your turn, which makes it evening
and the town disappears. Wait for Noon to roll around again and the town will
reappear. Step on the town to view the bath scene. Enjoy. ^_^

Note: In case you didn't know yet, you DO need the Elemina Mint to do this.

Afterwards, you do lose the Elemina Mint, but you get the Fairy Bell instead.

Anyway, enough about the Bath Scene.

After getting all the items, step on the Town in the bottom left corner to
end this BF.

Note: It's easiest to get the items with Kylier, since she can move around



+2 <= 21 Turns
+1 >= 22 Turns






The RLA has finished resupplying, and Yggdra says they should move on to the
next oasis.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army advanced down Minel Road while stopping at oases along the way,
battling the shifting sands and scorching heat of Nyllard Desert. After fending
off rampaging bandits, they reached the halfway point of their journey.

Their next stop was the trading city of Ranquet, but it had fallen under
attack by bandits.

The Meria Parish Temple Knights that normally protected the city were nowhere
to be seen, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves.

On top of this, Emilia's aerial division had arrived, leading the Royal Army
to wonder: what is happening in the Diocese?

5.5.2 - Battle Field 30 - South Nyllard


Everyone is extremely hot, even all the soldiers. But they must endure for the
Princess and her coronation. There's an Imperial force up ahead, but it doesn't
look like they're after the RLA this time. Yggdra says they should advance, and
if they want to fight, they will get a fight.


Characters to Select: 5
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Kylier

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 12

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



B B B g h i B ? ? B
2 d R R R R B B B B
a B f B B B B B 1 B
b e W B B B B
c W 3 B B B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 2 other characters you picked
R = Road (Safe to walk here)



1 = Rokon Skull (Step on square to get)

2 = Yumina's Diary (Step on square to get)
3 = Mepple (Step on square to get)
Medallion = Dropped by unit "b"



a = Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 2350/2350

b = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 2350/2350
d = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
e = Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 2350/2350
f = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480

g = Emilia, Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 6440/6440 (Protect) (Eqp: Walnut Bread)
h = Lvl 13 Griffon Rider, Morale 3150/3150
i = Lvl 13 Griffon Rider, Morale 3150/3150


Conditions of Victory:
- Liberate Ranquet City!
(Move an ally to "Ranquet City" town)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Emilia disappears after one of your turns, so there's not much you can do about
her item.

I definetely suggest using Kylier to grab all 3 items, since it would take
forever and a day to get it with any other unit. Advance all the rest of the
units along the road and take out the units guarding the city. The enemies are
just a handful of Bandits and Assassins, so it shouldn't be a problem at all.

Once you defeat the unit with the item (unit "b"), all the other units will

After getting all the items, place a unit on the Town to move on to 30-2.

NOTE: You can only go to 30-2 if you have >= 20 REP.

The Governor of the Town reveals that the Temple Knights used to protect the
cities. But because of the corruption in the Church, the Temple Knights were
disbanded. The Bandits are using this to their advantage and attacking towns.
Somehow, the Empire is also behind the corruption (of course).

Kylier brings a captured Bandit to Yggdra. Yggdra demands him to tell her where
their hideout is, or she'll kill him. The Bandit agrees and tells them where
the hideout is.

The RLA then decides to take out Dort's fortress to get rid of the bandits once
and for all.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Dort!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Dort is overconfident because they have "The Protector" on their side, so they
couldn't possibly lose.


2 R R R R R B B B B
R B B B B B B B 1 B
B W 3 B B B B B B B
B R B B B c B h B R
B B R B a d f C B B
B B 4 B B e g B B B
B B B B b C B C B B

C = Catapult
R = Road (Safe to walk here)



1 = Rokon Skull (Step on square to get)

2 = Yumina's Diary (Step on square to get)
3 = Mepple (Step on square to get)
4 = Stardust Hourglass (Need both Stardust and Desert Rose to trade)
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only
Golem Suit = Dropped by Golem
Gaudy Turban = Dropped by Dort
Sun Orb = Defeat unit "e" and step on her square to get



a = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630 (HIGH)

b = Lvl 11 Griffon Rider, Morale 2870/2870 (HIGH)
c = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630 (HIGH)
d = Protector, Lvl 12 Golem, Morale 4470/4470 (Eqp: Golem Suit)
e = Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 2350/2350 (HIGH)
f = Lvl 10 Assassin, Morale 2350/2350 (HIGH)
g = Dort, Lvl 13 Bandit, Morale 6460/6460 (HIGH) (Eqp: Gaudy Turban)
h = Lvl 11 Griffon Rider, Morale 2870/2870 (HIGH)



Note that all units except the Golem (Protector) have HIGH status? Meaning
their Morale recovers completely at the beginning of their turn, so you only
have two unions (one on their turn, one on yours) to defeat these units.

However, if you take out the Golem first, all units lose their HIGH status, so
that's your #1 priority.

Unfortunately, there's no road to get you to the Fort, so you'll have to suffer
through moving one square at a time until you get there. Luckily, the MVP +2
turn limit is 32 Turns so you can still make it.

Don't forget that the Golem does NOT have High status, so you don't have to
defeat him in two unions. Once he's gone, the enemy becomes much easier to
defeat, since lost Morale lost will stay lost.

And lastly, there's three Catapults you can make use of. The enemy also uses
them, so be careful.

Try to either make Dort drop his Turban or Steal it. Either way, defeat him
to end this BF.



+2 <= 32 Turns
+1 >= 33 Turns






The Empire had already been in the area, looking for something, though no one's
sure what they would be looking for. Yggdra suggests they'll find whatever the
Empire was looking for once they reach St. Meriata.

Note: You're finally out of the desert. No more pure-sand levels. Yay. Yeah,
it was only 2 BF, but it was very annoying. There are still going to be levels
with sand though.

We'll Never Fight Alone

After defeating Dort's bandits, the Royal Army crossed the burning Nyllard
Desert and advanced towards the Holy City Oz, the entrance to Meria Parish.

However, Oz was already under siege by the Imperial Army. Meria Parish's Temple
Knights fought back, but couldn't withstand the Empire's strength, and were
edging closer and closer to defeat.

Seeing this from above, Kylier swooped down to take the cannon to the southeast
of Oz, in order to assist the Temple Knights.

The Royal Army's main forces also hurried to join the fight and save the Temple

5.5.3 - Battle Field 31 - Lombardia


There's a battle up ahead, between the Joachim sect and the Juvelon sect.
The orthodox sect of Meria is Joachim's, while the Juvelon sect is more elitist
and dogmatic (meaning this sect consist of the remaining Temple Knights).
Milanor notes that the thieves everywhere are the Juvelon sect's fault, so they
should back the Joachim sect instead. The Empire is probably somehow involved
in the Juvelon sect's creation and rise to power.

And what do you know, there's Zilva's Special Forces! This is when the RLA
decides to step in.


Characters to Select: 4
- Milanor
- Yggdra

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 14

Note: Bring Nietzsche if you want the Shiny Coin item.



Y ? ?
a G 1
b f C
c B K
d B B B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
K = Kylier
G = Gordon
? = The 2 other characters you picked
R = Road (Safe to walk here)



1 = Good Luck Charm (Trade White Butterfly for it)

Jack Hand = Dropped by Zilva



a = Lvl 12 Assassin, Morale 1260/2560

b = Lvl 12 Assassin, Morale 1320/2560
c = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630
d = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630
e = Zilva, Lvl 13 Assassin, Morale 6200/6200 (Eqp: Jack Hand)
f = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2250/2630



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Zilva & protect the Holy City Oz!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, Kylier, or Gordon dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Only visit the Village if you have the White Butterfly. I won't explain how to
get it here, since if you don't have it, it's too late. It's explained elsewhere
in the guide if you're still interested.

Gordon has HIGH status, so his Morale is recovered every turn.

You have to defeat Zilva to move on to 31-2. The easiest way to win here is to
union with Gordon, all while you're moving further up ahead. Kylier is unioned
with Gordon by her default position, so don't move her at all.

You've fought Zilva before. You know what to do. Do try to steal her Jack Hand

Once you defeat Zilva, 31-2 starts up.

Gordon is a Temple Knight of Pope Joachim. Gordon reveals to you that the Pope
is actually missing, and his mission is to find him, which is when he was
attacked by Zilva. The Imperial Army also seems to be searching for him (now we
know what they were looking for!).

Gordon explains that to enter the Holy Land, the Pope must be present, and he
thinks the Imperial Army may want to try to stop Yggdra's coronation.

The Pope might be at a church to the North, which is where Gordon was headed
before he was ambushed. Gordon then joins you temporarily.


Conditions of Victory:
- Head for the Old Church!
(Move Gordon to "Old Church" town)
Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, Kylier, or Gordon dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



b c W W W W W B T B B B B
B W B B 1

T = Town (Move Gordon here)
G = Bridge
C = Catapult



Walnut Bread = Dropped by Emilia



a = Mardym, Lvl 13 Necromancer, Morale 6600/6600 (Eqp: Jewel Rod)

b = Emilia, Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 6440/6440 (Eqp: Walnut Bread)

c = Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 3050/3050
d = Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 3050/3050



Note: Mardym does nothing for now, he plays a role in 31-3.

Now you have to get Gordon up to the church (town) in the north. This will take
a while, since Gordon has to move through 7 squares of sand (which equals 7

After one turn, Emilia appears from the water (top-left) and moves onto the

After another turn, Emilia gets a reinforcement (unit "c").

After yet another turn, another Griffon Rider (unit "d") shows up.
After unit "d" shows up, the condition adds "If Emilia finds Pope Joachim" to
the "Conditions of Defeat". I don't think she ever finds him, because I've
Ended my turn until I ran out of cards, and she still hadn't found the pope.

Anyway, keep moving Gordon (preferrably with some units to back him up) towards
the church through the sand. Note that Knights are weak against Griffon Riders,
so you'll definetely want to bring some backup.

Nothing much else in this section. There's just those three enemies, and Gordon
moving to the church. Make sure to grab the Walnut Bread from Emilia.

As soon as Gordon arrives at the church, 31-2 is over.

Gordon finally finds the Pope (why couldn't Emilia find him??). Joachim Lia
Blaucent is the 47th Pope of Meria. Yggdra introducers herself, and the Pope
instantly understands why she's here, and he agrees to do the coronation
ceremony with her.

However, to get into the Holy Land you need the Miracle Tiara, which is in
St. Meriata, which is udner control of the Juvelon sect. Durant assures the Pope
that they will take care of the sect, if that's what it takes.

Then Mardym, archbiship of Lombardia, shows up and demands to hand over the
Pope. The Pope says they won't let you enter without a fight.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Archbishop Mardym!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, Kylier, or Gordon dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



3 B W W 1 G B R R R R B
B W 2 W R B W B B 1
R c R g R 4 B B B B B
a d R R R R R B
b e f R h R B



1 = 7 Star Sword (Only if Total REP > 23)

2 = Lacan's Medicine (Trade Rokon Skull and Poison Viper for it; REP > 18)
3 = If REP >= 15 = Twilight Veil (Women only; Evening only;)
If REP <= 14 = Dark Sabre (Trade Dark Matter for it; Night only)
4 = Shiny Coin (Step on square with Nietzsche to get)
Marchen Wings = Defeat unit "h" and step on village;
Trade Yumina's Diary for it;
Not at night
Magical Sword = Defeat unit "g" and step on village;
Night only;
Trade Rusted Sword and Mana Stone for it
Jewel Rod = Dropped by Mardym



a = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720

b = Mardym, Lvl 13 Necromancer, Morale 6600/6600 (Eqp: Jewel Rod)
c = Lvl 11 Assassin, Morale 2460/2460
d = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
e = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
f = Lvl 11 Valkyrie, Morale 2670/2670
g = Lvl 11 Assassin, Morale 2460/2460
h = Lvl 11 Valkyrie, Morale 2670/2670



Lots of items to get here.

Make sure to take a look at the item list to grab all of them.

The goal here is to defeat Archbish op Mardym. Start moving all your units to
the lower left corner of the map, where all the action takes place here.

Try to catch the Skeletons at Noon, as they sleep during Noon. If you attack
them while they're asleep, you automatically win.

Don't forget to move Gordon and whatever other units you brought up there back
out of the sand. However, if you feel confident your other units can take down
Mardym and his gang, then don't move those units down, as they'll just waste
Move you could use for the other units.

You should know how to take out the Valkyrie and Assassins. Mardym has 4 large
LUK stars, so either make him drop it or steal it with Milanor.

Once you defeat Mardym the BF is over.



+2 <= 47 Turns
+1 >= 48 Turns





The RLA has reached St. Meriata. This place is the head temple of the religion
of Meria. Yggdra says she'll try to do a better job at ruling than her father
did. Aww.

We'll Never Fight Alone

After rescuing Pope Joachim, the Royal Army defeated Archbishop Mardym of Meria
Parish, successfully liberating Lombardia.

Beyond there lay the sacred ground of the St. Meriata Diocese, where Cardinal
Juvelon ruled over the St. Meriata Church. Amareus' Elite Meriants and skeleton
soldiers waited there to confront the Royal Army.

The Kingdom forces left Lombard Parish to liberate St. Meriata Church, while
Cardinal Juvelon's Holy Cross unit advanced. The two armies clashed across the
border of Lombardia.

5.5.4 - Battle Field 32 - St. Meriata Diocese


Kylier reports that there's armed troops all over the place. Mardym's Holy Cross
is also at the forefront, which makes the Pope wonder if he's trying to regain
his honor.


Characters to Select: 6
- Milanor
- Yggdra
- Kylier
- Gordon

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 14

Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.

Note: If you want the Dragon Steak, an edible item that raises your GEN to the
next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



d f g h E l W K ?
b e W W m W W ?
B c B i j n W B G
a B 2 W W E B M Y
3 W W
1 k o


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
K = Kylier
G = Gordon
? = The 2 other characters you picked
E = Bridge
W = Water
R = Road (Safe to walk here)



1 = ######## (Trade in Lost Material and Stardust Hourglass for item;

Turns into either Mjollnil or Mjollnir in BF42;
REP >= 25)
2 = Kalinka Berry (Step on square to get)
3 = Banango (Step on square to get)
Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only
Medallion = Dropped by units "c" and "e"
Alchemy Glass = Dropped by Mardym
Wind Cutter Blue = Dropped by Amareus
Meria Bible = Dropped by Juvelon



a = Juvelon, Lvl 13 Necromancer, Morale 6200/6200 (Eqp: Meria Bible)

b = Amareus, Lvl 14 Assassin, Morale 6380/6380 (Eqp: Wind Cutter Blue)
c = Lvl 12 Necromancer, Morale 4270/4270 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 12 Knight, Morale 3030/3030
e = Lvl 12 Necromancer, Morale 4270/4270 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
g = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
h = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720

i = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720

j = Mardym, Lvl 13 Necromancer, Morale 6600/6600 (Eqp: Alchemy Glass)
k = Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 3050/3050
l = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
m = Lvl 11 Valkyrie, Morale 2670/2670
n = Lvl 11 Valkyrie, Morale 2670/2670
o = Lvl 12 Griffon Rider, Morale 3050/3050



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Cardinal Juvelon!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, Kylier, or Gordon dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Another battlefield filled with items and tons of enemies. The only way to get
the ######## (which I HIGHLY recommend you get) is to either use Kylier to fly
over the water, or Nietzsche to just walk over the water. Or, if you do it
right and have the patience, use Roswell at Night to warp there, but this is
not recommended as you'll waste many turns getting him there and back since he
has to cross sand to get there. Anyway, either way, get it!

If you don't want to defeat the Griffon Riders (remember you can get the Grilled
Griffon from them; Use Flame card to defeat them and they'll drop it) then you
have to defeat Mardym first, since all his units will disappear if you defeat

If you don't have any water-crossers (Kylier, Nietzsche) you'll have to push
through to Mardym by the bridge. Note that since Mardym's units are all
together, they form wonderful unions. So bring some strong units of your own,
with some strong cards and you can take out Mardym's entire squad in just a few
turns. Sweet. Also make sure to get Mardym's second item, the Alchemy Glass
which can be used to boost your EXP.

Again, it's recommended to use Kylier to grab the Kalinka Berry, since you'd
have to cross through sand to get it.

After you've grabbed both items and the Alchemy Glass, start moving everyone up
towards to the top left part of the map, where Juvelon's units await.

Note that the Skeletons here sleep at Noon. Lucky for you, this part of the BF
is fixed at Noon, so the Skeletons are ALWAYS asleep. You may think they are
quite useless, since they can't attack. But they do serve a purpose, namely to
slow you down. Since Skeletons don't form unions, you have to defeat each one
individually before you can move past them. That's their only purpose as far as
I can tell though. Easy EXP and easy points for your cards.

Keep pressing your attack, make sure you plan ahead and make use of your females
since they have the + Type union, which you will need to use here. Once you're
out of that bottleneck, crowd your unions so the enemy can't take your spaces
and destroy everyone there. Amareus has a lot of HP, so use powerful cards to
take him down.

Make sure to grab the Wind Cutter Blue from Amareus and the two Medallions.
Lastly, attack Juvelon (what a wimp) and take the Bible from him.

Once Juvelon is defeated you'll move on to 32-2.

You'll now secure the Miracle Tiara, which you need for the coronation ceremony.
Now you need to head to the Holy Land.

Gordon also leaves you now, since he needs to resume his duties as guard posts
in Lombardia. Kylier leaves as well, "because I ain't the princess' nursemaid."
Yeah, whatever. She leaves, but not before calling Milanor an idiot.

The Pope informs everyone that only the royal family and the Pope himself may
enter the Holy Land. Everyone else has to wait until they return. Also, evil
beings cannot enter the Holy Land so they have nothing to fear there.

Back with Gordon, the Imperial Army gives him a surprise attack. They're
probably here to stop the coronation ceremony. And what do you know, there's
Kylier again and she spots that Gulcasa is with them! Gordon tells Kylier to go
warn the others.

So she flies back towards Milanor and the others and tells them who's coming.
Yggdra is worried about this, but Milanor tells her to go and they'll handle
the Imperial Army. Then the Pope and Yggdra head off to the Holy Land.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defend St. Meriata Church!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If an enemy enters St. Meriata Church..



? ? B B B B W B B
M K B W W G b d f
O B B a c e B


M = Milanor
K = Kylier
? = The 2 other characters you picked
G = Gordon
E = Bridge
O = Gate
W = Water


Burning = Dropped by Gulcasa

Rosary of Taboo = Dropped by Aegina
Dragon Steak = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only Roswell/Rosary)



a = Gulcasa, Lvl 16 Dragoon, Morale 8000/8000 (HIGH) (P) (Eqp: Burning Sun)
b = Lvl 14 Imperial Knight, Morale 3030/3030
c = Lvl 14 Imperial Knight, Morale 3030/3030
d = Lvl 14 Imperial Knight, Morale 3030/3030
e = Aegina, Lvl 15 Valkyrie, Morale 7460/7460 (HIGH) (P) (Eqp: Rosary of Taboo)

Note: (P) means (Protect). I didn't have room to write (Protect)



Here you have to defend the church from Gulcasa and Aegina. They both have HIGH
and Protect status (though the Imperial Knights don't) so you only have two
unions to take them down. Since they're invincible, it's not in your best
interest to attack them a lot. Attack them only to steal their items, and only
do so if you feel confident you'll make it and can survive. If you don't think
you can make it, wait till 32-3 comes around and you can make them drop their
items then, instead of having to steal it.

After two or three turns, the conditions change to the following:

Conditions of Victory:
- Defend the church until Yggdra reaches the Holy Land!
(Move Yggdra & Joachim to "The Holy Land" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If an enemy enters St. Meriata Church..

So now you have to move Yggdra and the Pope to the flag, while keeping Gulcasa
and Aegina away from the church. Great. It will take 5 Turns for the Pope and
Yggdra to reach the Holy Land, so just hold out until they take 5 Turns.

Knights are good on bridges, so try to put Gordon and/or (if you brought him)
Durant on the bridges. Milanor can make excellent use of the Dragon Killer card
here. Here's some few hints to help you stay alive against Gulcasa:

Some good cards to use against him: Ace Guard to protect your unions from
Charges/Counters (definetely useful), Gravity Chaos to curse Gulcasa and kill
everyone but the head. Bloddy Claw (Bow-users only) defeats the enemy head,
which means Gulcasa can't use his Genocide on you. Any other cards you think
are useful are, of course, fine. However, don't use Item Break to break
Gulcasa's and/or Aegina's item. You can steal or force-drop them in 32-3.
Recommended Characters: Rosary. She's immune to Fire attacks, so while Gulcasa
is in Rage he won't be able to touch her, which should keep her safe for a bit.
Roswell, for the simple reason that he is not weak against scythes (Gulcasa's
affinity). Unfortunately, Sword/Spear/Axe ARE weak against scythes, so beware
of this.

Anyway, just do your best to hold out against Gulcasa and Aegina. As long as
they don't reach the church, you'll be fine.

As soon as the Pope and Yggdra step on the Holy Land, 32-3 fires up.

All of a sudden something happens to Gulcasa, and he mentions something about

the recoil from the Awakening.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...


Map and Items are the same as from 32-2.



This time Gulcasa and Aegina don't have HIGH status or Protect, so you can
defeat them now. Just do what you did in 32-2 and since their Morale won't
recover, you should be able to defeat them now. Make sure to get the two items
if you haven't stolen them yet. You can make them drop the items this time

Once you defeat Gulcasa, the BF is over.

Emilia (Gulcasa's sister) shows up because she had a feeling something was
wrong. Well, her feeling was correct and Gulcasa passes out in front of her.
She then takes him and flies off.

Meanwhile on Welheim, the Holy Land, the Pope tells Yggdra that she will have to
face many challenges.



+2 <= 46 Turns
+1 >= 47 Turns


New Cards:
Medusa Eye (POW 2550, Mov 9, Ace Bow; Petrifies enemy)



Kylier does her thing again, and has an attitude with Milanor while talking
about Yggdra. *sigh* She flies off again.

5.6 Chapter 6 - The Gran Centurio

We'll Never Fight Alone

After the battle with Juvelon, the Royal Army faced a sudden attack by Gulcasa,
the Emporer of carnage, but Milanor and the others succeeded in defending
St. Meriata Church.

Meanwhile, Pope Joachim and Yggdra left for the Holy Land. The chaos of the
battle between the Royal Army and Imperial Army afforded them a chance to
escape, and they fled through the back of the church.

Though the Holy Land was meant to be a sealed place where only the Pope and
those of Royal blood can enter, a figure appeared before Joachim and Yggdra,
barring their path...

5.6.1 - Battle Field 33 - Welheim


The alter for the ceremony is up ahead, and the Pope leaves to prepare for it.
Yggdra prepares herself mentally for the coronation, when suddenly several units
appear. It's Rosary/Roswell! (Depending on who you killed in BF10)


Characters to Select: 0
- Yggdra

Cards to Select: 12



1 B
a B B B 2


Y = Yggdra



1 = Orihalcum (Step on square to get)

2 = Forbidden Fruit (Step on square to get)

If you're facing Rosary:

White Rose Crest = Dropped by Rosary

If you're facing Roswell:

Black Rose Crest = Dropped by Roswell



If you're facing Rosary:

a = Roccia, Lvl 12 Golem, Morale 2980/2980
b = Fels, Lvl 12 Golem, Morale 2980/2980
c = Rosary, Lvl 14 Witch, Morale 6900/6900 (Eqp: White Rose Crest)

If you're facing Roswell:

a = Lvl 12 Skeleton, Morale 2830/2830
b = Lvl 12 Skeleton, Morale 2830/2830
c = Roswell, Lvl 14 Necromancer, Morale 7220/7220 (Eqp: Black Rose Crest)



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Rosary/Roswell!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

If you killed Rosary in BF10, you'll face her here.

If you killed Roswell in BF10, you'll face him here.

Yggdra has HIGH status, so she'll recover all her Morale every turn, which is
definetely necessary, since she's on her own here. The nice thing about Yggdra
is that she's strong against Golems. So if you're facing Rosary here, it will
be easier to win.

Note that the only way to get the White/Black Crest is to force Ros to drop
their item (>= large LUK stars). Since Steal can only be used by Milanor, and
he's not here, you have to make them drop the item.
Once you defeat Roswell/Rosary, this short BF is already over.



+2 <= 10 Turns
+1 >= 11 Turns


New Cards:




Joachim says that the dead attacking Yggdra may just be a test. The Pope
teaches Yggdra that she has a responsibility to her people if she is to be

We'll Never Fight Alone

A soul of a departed had appeared in the Holy Land. Had its grudge from
Verlaine Hills tethered it to life, preventing it from reaching eternal rest...?

Yggdra wasted no time in purifying the tormented soul with the Holy Sword.

The Princess and the Pope finally reached Nacht Altar, the deepest part of the
Holy Land.

The coronation to succeed the throne of Fantasinia was about to begin...

5.6.2 - Battle Field 34 - Nacht Altar


Through the power of the Miracle Tiara and the Holy Sword. Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz
is now known as La Pucelle. The Holy Sword she carries also acknowledges this.
You also obtain the Crusade card here. Yggdra is now Queen of Fantasinia!

Right after the Pope finishes, he suddenly falls over injured! Turns out it
was Aegina who injured the Pope, but a hair too late. Yggdra wonders how Aegina
could enter the Holy Land, since only the Pope and those of royal blood can
enter... Aegina mentions that she must meet one of those criteria.


Characters to Select: 0
- Yggdra
Cards to Select: 1
- Crusade (The game automatically chooses this for you)



B a


Y = Yggdra



Revenger = Dropped by Aegina



a = Aegina, Lvl 16 Valkyrie, Morale 7780/7780 (HIGH) (Eqp: Revenger)



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the Valkyrie Aegina!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra dies...

This is a pretty simple BF. First, Aegina attacks you (you can't win) and defeat
you by using Revolution then killing your head. Use Crusade (it'll be 1 vs. 1)
and attack her back and win, which automatically knocks her Morale down to 0.
You'll automatically get the Revenger in the Spoils of War (Since it's
impossible to NOT make Aegina drop her item).

Note: If you somehow let Aegina's bar charge all the way again, she'll use
Revolution again, which will defeat you and most likely mean Game Over.



+2 <= 2 Turns
+1 >= 3 Turns


New Cards:
Crusade (POW 3300, Mov 12, Ace All; Defeats all enemies)
- Received before the battle



With his last breath, the Pope tells Yggdra not to let her guard down. He
warns her about the heartbeat of Brongaa, the Dragon of Purgatory. He explains
that at Lost Aries, the ritual of Soul Unbinding was performed, which has awoken
the sleeping dragon, Brongaa. Brongaa is the emblem of destruction. The Pope
tells Yggdra she'll need the power of the Holy Sword to defeat this dragon, and
that she is the only one who can do it. He then dies.

Yggdra travels back to St. Meriata. Durant notices the Pope is gone, and Yggdra
informs them that he fell to Aegina's blade. Milanor also notices something
weird about Aegina: Elena shot Aegina in the right eye. Yet, here she is looking
like nothing ever happened.

Yggdra then says they need to return to the palace immediately, because the
Empire is up to something terrible. Their first target is the Fortress of

5.7 Chapter 7 - To the Land of the Sleeping Dragon

We'll Never Fight Alone

Upon the coronation at Nacht Altar making Yggdra the 32nd monarch of Fantasinia,
Yggdra took the deceased Joachim's words to heart and led her troops toward the
Imperial Capital of Flarewerk in order to stop Emporer Gulcasa's mad ambition.

At the Fantasinian border where Canossa Road ends lies the Fortress of Ishnad,
protected by Baldus, the God of War. This impregnable fortress is an unavoidable
barrier on the road into the Empire's territory.

Baldus sensed the Royal Army's movement and placed Court Magician Eudy at
Ishnad's cannon, leading the elite Guardian Knights himself to form an
indomitable formation before the fortress's main gates to await the Royal Army's

5.7.1 - Battle Field 35 - Canossa Road


The Fortress of Ishnad is up ahead. Even though Yggdra is a queen now, she still
wants to be called Princess. She only wants to be called sovereign of Fantasinia
when the war is over.

A Royal Soldier reports Imperial units stationed in front of Ishnad. It's

Baldus' Guardian Knights protecting the castle gates.

Characters to Select: 6
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 4 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 16

Note: Bring the Morale of all the units you're going to use to the Max. You'll
need it.



a C B e 1
c G
b B f B Y ? ?
d G G
B g B M ? ?


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 4 other characters you picked
G = Bridge
C = Cannon



1 = Muddy Dud (Step on square to get)

Mars Shield = Steal from Baldus
Medallion = Steal from unit "c", "d", "e", "f", and "g"



a = Eudy, Lvl 15 Witch, Morale 7140/7140 (Eqp: Formular)

b = Baldus, Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 8180/8180 (Eqp: Mars Shield)

c = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
Note: ALL the above units have Protect and are invincible. Read below for more.



Conditions of Victory:
- Take Fortress of Ishnad's South Gate!
(Defeat Baldus, and get through the gates)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This is the most asked about BF in the whole game. Simply because the game adds
a twist, but doesn't tell you about it. More on that in a minute.

First of all, you'll want to get the Muddy Dud. The only way to get it is to use
Durant or someone with equipped with any of the following items: Dragon Boots,
Hoof Shoes, Marchen Wings. These items change your move to Dragon/Horse/Fly
respectively, and will allow you to step over the enemy in order to get the
Muddy Dud. Definetely grab this.

Now the Knights. They are invincible. You won't EVER win (unless you're
cheating), I guarantee it. Even if you're at an advantage of 6 vs. 1 in a clash,
you'll still lose. Besides, they have Protect, so even if you could win you
still wouldn't be able to beat them. And don't even try to destroy the bridges,
or anything else you could think of (don't Crusade). You're not supposed to win,
so don't try to force your way to a win.

How do you get past them? Simple, you don't. Ignore what the Victory Conditions
say. All you have to do is lose 10 clashes. Yes, lose. This is only take one
of your turns, and one of the enemies turns. Why? Because when you attack a
knight you will be fighting a 5 person union, and that's 5 clashes you're going
to lose. Then they attack you (again with a 5 person union) and that makes 10.
Once you win 10 clashes, you'll move on to 35-2.

However, if you want you can get some Medallions and even Baldus' Mars Shield.
Put Milanor (with Steal card obviously) alone against the Knights. Be careful
though, since every union after the first, Milanor will lose one member. So in
the 2nd union you'll fight 5 vs. 6, in the 3rd union 4 vs. 6, etc. You CAN
prevent this with the use of an item: Boss Bandana. This item's effect is
"No battle penalty" which means you won't lose a member after every clash. If
you still have it, I suggest you equip it (if you want the items that is).
Start the attack and steal from all 5 Knights (Baldus included) to snatch 4
Medallions and the Mars Shield.

Note: After you use your skill, charge your Passive/Aggressive bar all the way
up again. Since you know you won't win the clash, there's no need to go
aggressive. The bar gets carried over between clashes, so if you charge it up
after you use the skill, you can use it right away in the next clash, then
charge it up again for the NEXT clash. Do this all 5 times.

I suggest above that you max out everyone's Morale (at unit select screen)
since you'll obviously be losing Morale 10 times here. To minimize the damage
you take, bring the Guardian Knights down to 1 Member.
Here's what I do for this level, and it seems to work quite well.

On your Turn, (with a weak card, but high Mov) move Durant up to get the Muddy
Dud. End Turn. Enemy attacks Durant (who forms union with someone else) and you
lose 5 clashes. Enemy End Turn. Now use Steal to bring Durant back to where your
other units are, and move Milanor (equipped with Boss Bandana) next to the
Knight on the bottom. Make sure he doesn't form a union with anyone. If he does,
move them out of the way. Attack, steal 4 Medallions and 1 Mars Shield and lose
5 clashes. 35-1 over.

This works rather well for me, since you get the Muddy Dud, 4 Medallions, and
the Mars Shield.

Anyway, after you lose 10 clashes, you move on to 35-2.

Note: Cards do not reset for 35-2.


Conditions of Victory:
- Head for the hills!
(Move everyone to "Regnar Hills" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If any of your units die...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: Cards do not reset.



a C B e B
c G
b B f B B B B
d G G
B g B B B B
B B B h i k m B B B
j l B
B B B 1

G = Bridge
F = Flag (place a unit here)
C = Cannon



Medallion = Dropped by unit "k"

1 = Excalibur = Step on square with Yggdra or Russell;
Trade Orihalcum for item;
Not at Night
Element Rod = Step on square with Roswell;
Trade Element and World Tree Branch for item;
Not at Night

Note: The two items gotten from the village can ONLY be gotten if you've NEVER
retried a level (meaning lost and restarted the level). If you've ever retried,
you won't be able to get the items.



a = Eudy, Lvl 15 Witch, Morale 7140/7140 (Eqp: Formular)

b = Baldus, Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 8180/8180 (Eqp: Mars Shield)

c = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
d = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
f = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)

Note: ALL the above units have Protect and are invincible.

h = Lvl 13 Undine, Morale 3150/3150

i = Lvl 13 Hunter, Morale 3150/3150
j = Lvl 13 Undine, Morale 3150/3150
k = Lvl 13 Hunter, Morale 3150/3150 (Eqp: Medallion)
l = Lvl 13 Bandit, Morale 2910/2910
m = Lvl 13 Bandit, Morale 2910/2910



Your goal is to move all your units onto a flag each. Ignore the Guardian
Knights now, and get away from them. I bet you're tired of them, anyway. They
won't move or anything, so as long as you don't confront them yourself or leave
a unit next to them, you're fine.

Defeat the group of enemies that are blocking your way to the Flags.

If you have the Orihalcum (from BF33), then step on the village ("1" on the map)
with Yggdra or Russell to get the Excalibur. If you have the Element (BF24) AND
the World Tree Branch (also BF24), visit the village with Roswell to get the
Element Rod. Note that you can't get these items at Night.

Unit "k" has a Medallion equipped, so make sure to grab that. Also, if you
defeat unit "k", all the other units disappear.

Once you place all units on a flag, the BF will be over.


+2 <= 49 Turns
+1 >= 50 Turns


New Cards:




The group is trying to figure out what to do, but no one comes up with anything.
Milanor asks Elena what she thinks, since she knows the area well. She says a
direct assault will be ineffective. She does mention a river that flows near the
Fortress. A floodgate was built there to contain the water level. Her plan is to
open the floodgates to wash out the entire Fortress. Everyone agrees on the

We'll Never Be Alone

With Baldus' heavy defenses and the Court Magician Eudy's overwhelming
firepower, the Royal Army could do nothing but regroup at Regnar Hills.

The Royal Army saw that breaking through the main gate would be difficult and
decided to put Roswell's proposal into action. They split up into two teams and
begun their plan to capture the mighty Fortress of Ishnad.

What could that plan be...?

5.7.2 - Battle Field 36 - South Gate - Mt. Bypass


Elena reveals that the floodgate's location is classified information. Lucky for
you, Elena is/was important enough to know this information. Milanor will go
with Elena, and Yggdra and the rest will cause a diversion.


Characters to Select: 6
- Yggdra
- Milanor
- Elena

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 10
Note: Bring the Morale of all the units you're going to use to the Max. You'll
need it.



a C B k B
i G
h B l F F F F
j G G
B B m B B B B
b B B B B
B c d e f g B B B B
B B M ? Y B
E ? ?


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
E = Elena
? = The 3 other characters you picked
G = Bridge
C = Cannon
F = Flag



Medallion = Can only be gotten by bringing Milanor up to unit "b" and stealing
it. Not recommended.



a = Eudy, Lvl 15 Witch, Morale 7140/7140 (Eqp: Formular)

b = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 5410/5410 (Protect) (Eqp: Medallion)

c = Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 3070/3070
d = Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 3070/3070
e = Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 3070/3070
f = Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 3070/3070
g = Lvl 14 Valkyrie, Morale 3070/3070

h = Baldus, Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 8180/8180 (Eqp: Mars Shield)

i = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
j = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
k = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
l = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
m = Lvl 15 Guardian Knight, Morale 5490/5490 (Eqp: Medallion)
Note: ALL of Baldus' units (and Baldus himself) have Protect and are invincible.



Conditions of Victory:
- Split into 2 groups and start the mission!
(Move Milanor & Elena to "Toward Mountain Pass" flag and everyone else to
"South Gate" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Elena dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This can easily be one of the harder BFs of the game, if not one of the most
annoying ones. You will probably lose a lot of Morale here. You have to fight
the invincible Knights from BF35 again, while wasting tons of turns.

Anyway, you have to split up your party into Milanor & Elena (move these two to
the Flags on the bottom, right near where you start). Move the other 4 units to
the other 4 Flags next to the Knights.

On the way to the top 4 Flags, you might as well take out the little group of
Valkyries. If you've forgotten, Valkyrie are sword users, so act accordingly.
The Knight has Protect, so don't bother fighting him. If you REALLY wanted to
get that Medallion, you'd have to bring Milanor up, steal it, then move him back
to his flag. Do what you want.

You have two choices in placing your 4 units on those 4 flags. I recommend
putting a weak, male unit on the very left square. He'll be attacked by the
Knights, but due to his union type, he'll be the only one in the union. After a
few attacks, he'll die. This is actually good. Since the Knights don't move,
ever, you'll be safe from further attacks by them.

Your other option (if you really wanted too) is to place a female unit on the
very left flag. This will throw pretty much everyone to the union, which does
mean the damage will be spread out. I still find you take a lot less damage by
letting one of your weaker units die.

I prefer choice #1, but it's ultimately up to you. Once you have everyone on
their respective flags, 36-2 starts up.

Once 36-1 is over, Baldus will order the bridge you just crossed to be
destroyed, which traps you on those 4 squares you're on now. And since you're up
against invincible Knights, you'll just have to sit there and take damage while
Milanor & Elena hurry to the floodgate.


Conditions of Victory:
- Quickly move Milanor & Elena to the Mt. Bypass!
(Move Milanor & Elena to "Mt. Bypass" flag)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Elena dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



I don't feel the need to do a map. The only change from the 36-1 map is that
the game will add two squares with flags for Milanor & Elena everytime they
step on the last flag. If you need a map for this, you need help.



Still none. You can't steal from the Knights or Baldus.



Same as 36-1



Ok, your goal is to move Milanor & Elena to the flags. The catch is, you can
only move at night. This means, you have to wait for Noon & Evening to pass
before Night rolls in. Then you can move them onto the flags once, and then you
wait for Night to roll around again. Yeah, you'll be using up all your cards

If you followed option #1 (Male unit on the left flag) as I suggested, you'll
just have to wait till the Knights kill off that unit. After which, you'll
receive no more damage, since the Knights don't ever move. If you went with
option #2 (Female unit on the left flag), you'll take damage for a very long
time, but the damage will be spread out. Hey, I warned you.

Also, don't ever attack the Knights. They're invincible (even if it's 6 vs. 1 in
your favor, they'll still win) AND they have Protect (only for you cheaters out
there). Do NOT attack them, just let them attack you for minimal damage.
Basically, just pick a card and end your turn every time (unless it's Night, in
which case you move Milanor & Elena and then end your turn). Pretty boring, but
painful BF to watch your units take damage with you not being able to do

One more thing. Eudy and her cannon. She'll attack you every turn she gets for
10% damage on all your units except the unit on the right flag. More damage
loss for you. Just close your eyes.

Not much to be said really. Survive the hits by the Knights, move Milanor &
Elena to the flags everytime Night rolls around, and that's about it.

After moving a few times at Night, there should only be 1 flag that appears,
instead of two. This means you're pretty much done. Just move Milanor & Elena
each to the flag to end this BF. Phew.


+2 <= 34 Turns
+1 >= 35 Turns


New Cards:




Durant informs Yggdra that Milanor is now on the mountain road. Yggdra says
that their role is still to keep the enemy distracted.

We'll Never Fight Alone

In order to wash out the impregnable Fortress of Ishnad, the Royal Army began
their operation to control the floodgates.

Yggdra's unit would attack the main gates in order to hold the Imperial Army's
attention, while Milanor and Elena would go quietly through the mountain road
behind the fortress to take the floodgates.

Led by Elena and her knowledge of the area, Milanor quietly advanced through
the narrow mountain path.

5.7.3 - Battle Field 37 - Mt. Bypass Floodgate


The floodgate is up ahead. Elena says there are two gates, one in the front and
one in the back. They have to be opened together to flood the castle. Elena
offers to take the far gate, since she knows the area.

Milanor then asks Elena a favor. He wants Elena to stop calling him "Master".
Since she's one of them, they should be able to call each other by their normal


Characters to Select: 2
- Milanor
- Elena

Cards to Select: 9

Note: Make sure to boost up the Morale of any fallen units.



b d B
Z a c


M = Milanor
E = Elena
X, Y, Z = Flags
S = Secret Gate
K = Kylier
F = Flags



Carnage Claw = Dropped by Zilva

1 = Mountain Grapes (Step on square to get)



a = Zilva, Lvl 15 Assassin, Morale 8480/8480 (Eqp: Carnage Claw)

b = Lvl 13 Assassin, Morale 2740/2740
c = Lvl 13 Assassin, Morale 2740/2740
d = Lvl 13 Assassin, Morale 2740/2740



Conditions of Victory:
- Head for the Floodgate!
(Move an ally to "Floodgate" Fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...

The first part is pretty simple. Just keep moving Milanor & Elena onto the flags
that show up. You have to end your turn after you get on each flag for the next
ones to show up.

Move required to reach the next flags (so you pick the right cards):
1st flags (X on the map) = 6 Move
2nd flags (Y on the map) = 10 Move
3rd flags (Z on the map) = 8 Move

After you step on the 3rd set of flags (Z on the map), Zilva and 3 other
Assassins show up. Conditions change to this:

Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Zilva

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Elena dies...
- If you use up all your cards...
- If an enemy reaches the Secret Gate...

Zilva has tons of Morale, so make sure to use strong cards to take her down.
She will usually be the last of the 4 units, so it's easy to target her. Her
unions can be annoying though, since you don't really want to take out the
other units, just Zilva. But defeat the other Assassins anyway, to make it
easier to take out Zilva. If any unit reaches the Secret Gate ("S" on the map)
you fail the BF. Make sure you're done with these units before this happens.

Either Steal the Carnage Claw or make her drop it (She does have 5 Large LUK
stars though).

Once you defeat Zilva, she (finally) dies. Elena apologizes to Zilva for
betraying the kindness she showed her. She grieves for a second, but then gets
over it.

Suddenly Kylier shows up. Apparently she was worried so she came to check up
on Milanor. Milanor invites her to come along.

Conditions change back to this:

Conditions of Victory:
- Head for the Floodgate!
(Move an ally to "Floodgate" Fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...

Move your units up and onto the flags to finish off 27-1. Make sure to grab the
Mountain Grapes.

This is where Elena splits off and heads toward the other gate that needs to be
opened. Elena tells Milanor to open the gate on her signal.


Conditions of Victory:
- Gain control of the Floodgate within 5 turns!
(Move an ally to "Floodgate" Fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Milanor or Kylier dies...
- If 5 turns pass after Elena leaves...


a b

K = Kylier
F = Flag



Medallion = Dropped by unit "a"



a = Lvl 14 Knight, Morale 5160/5160 (Eqp: Medallion)

b = Lvl 13 Undine, Morale 3150/3150
c = Lvl 13 Undine, Morale 3150/3150



This is simple. Defeat the units within 5 turns and step on the square that unit
"a" is standing on. It's just two Undines and a Knight. Grab the Medallion from
the Knight.

Once you step on the square unit "a" was standing on, the BF will be over.



+2 <= 16 Turns
+1 >= 17 Turns


New Cards:



Elena gives Milanor the signal to open the gate. Milanor opens the gate and the
place floods. How Milanor & Elena survived this is beyond me, but they do.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army's plan to take the floodgates was jeopardized when Milanor
encountered Zilva's Special Forces on the mountain road, but with Kylier's help,
he managed to defeat their enemy. The group proceeded unbeknownst to the
Imperial Army.

As expected, the Fortress of Ishnad saw severe casualties from the flooding and
couldn't prevent the Royal Army from entering the castle through the destroyed
south wall.

Despite the losses, Baldus, the God of War, preserved through the flooding and
confusion to regroup his defensive formation.

Eudy's sorcery unit, which survived the disaster from their castle perch, moved
the cannon inside the fortress to prepare for the Royal Army's attack.

5.7.4 - Battle Field 38 - Inside Ishnad


The south wall of the castle is destroyed, allowing the Royal Army to enter.
Durant says they have to worry before the enemy recovers.


Characters to Select: 7
- Yggdra
- Milanor
- Elena
- Kylier

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz

Cards to Select: 17

Note: Bring Nietzsche if you want to get the Dozeu.

Equip "Glass Bottle" on someone if you want the Bottled Dozeu.
Bring Roswell (or Rosary with Warp Shoes) if you want the Snipe Glass.
Note: If you want the Grilled Griffon, an edible item that raises your GEN to
the next big star, bring your Flame card. Also, bring Roswell/Rosary.



B B a c 1
B b B 3
E M 2 B B B B
K B B B B Y ? ?
B B B B ?


M = Milanor
E = Elena
K = Kylier
Y = Yggdra
? = The 3 other characters you picked
C = Cannon



1 = Damp Dud (Step on square to get)

2 = Dozeu (Step on square with Nietzsche to get; Night only)
3 = Snipe Glass (Warp to square to get; Night only)
Bottled Dozeu = Have any character equip the Glass Bottle* and move once you
have the Dozeu

*Note: The Glass Bottle is gotten by using the Goat Milk. After you use it, you
hold on to the Glass Bottle.



a = Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 1620/2950

b = Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 1580/2950
c = Lvl 13 Valkyrie, Morale 1540/2950

d = Baldus, Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 8180/8180 (Eqp: Grand Cross)



Conditions of Victory:
- Rendezvous with Yggdra!
(Move everyone next to each other)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This is quite simple. All you have to do is reunite the three characters on the
left with everyone on the right. They don't have to be lined up or anything,
just move them all to the same area.

You have to defeat the Valkyrie on the way, since that Water square is in your
way. They're very easy, so no problems here.

Now the items. To get the Dozeu, you need Nietzsche to step on that lone water
square at Night. If you have the Glass Bottle (use Goat Milk to get the Bottle)
equipped, then you'll get the Bottled Dozeu once you move after you have the
Dozeu. Don't worry about the negative effects of the Glass Bottle, you'll only
have it for a short time. To get the Snipe Glass, you have to have Roswell warp
at night, or Rosary with the Warp Shoes (also at Night). Also, make sure you
grab the Damp Dud with someone before reuniting everyone.

Reuniting everyone triggers 38-2.

Emilia now shows up. Eudy also appears next to the cannon (where else?).


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Victory:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



f g i j l B n
B B h B k B B m C p
B B B B B B o 4
a d e B B B B B
b B B B B 1
c B B B 3
B B W 2 B B B

G = Gate (Once you defeat Emilia and step on the Town of Ish, the gate opens
and reveals everyone inside the castle).


Bead Bracelet = Dropped by Emilia

Grilled Griffon = Defeat a Griffon Rider with the Flame Card (only
1 = Damp Dud (Step on square to get)
2 = Dozeu (Step on square with Nietzsche to get; Night only)
3 = Snipe Glass (Warp to square to get; Night only)
4 = Holey Dud (Step on square to get)
Bottled Dozeu = Have any character equip the Glass Bottle* and move once you
have the Dozeu
Grand Cross = Dropped by Baldus
Formular = Droped by Eudy

*Note: The Glass Bottle is gotten by using the Goat Milk. After you use it, you
hold on to the Glass Bottle.



a = Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 3320/3320

b = Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 3320/3320
c = Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 3320/3320
d = Emilia, Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 7120/7120 (Eqp: Bead Bracelet)
e = Lvl 14 Griffon Rider, Morale 3320/3320

f = Lvl 15 Golem, Morale 2210/3460

g = Lvl 14 Undine, Morale 3320/3320
h = Lvl 13 Fencer, Morale 2460/3060
i = Baldus, Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 8180/8180 (Eqp: Grand Cross)
j = Lvl 14 Undine, Morale 3320/3320
k = Lvl 13 Fencer, Morale 2510/3060
l = Lvl 15 Golem, Morale 2140/3460

m = Lvl 13 Witch, Morale 2550/3000

n = Lvl 13 Witch, Morale 2710/3000
o = Eudy, Lvl 15 Witch, Morale 7140/7140 (Eqp: Formular)
p = Lvl 13 Witch, Morale 2640/3000



Now you must defeat Emilia and her Griffon Riders. You can also get another
Grilled Griffon here if you want.

Note that Emilia has 5 large LUK stars, so keep that in mind if you're trying
to make her drop it.

So you've defeated Emilia, but nothing happened? Yeah, you gotta step on the
Town of Ish (the square Emilia was guarding) to trigger the next scene, which is
still part of 38-2.

The Residents of the town think you're trying to invade them. Baldus tells his
guards to open the Gates of Carnage, since the wall has already been breached.
Now you can enter the Castle and defeat everyone else.
Now that the gates are open, all the other units are revealed. You can finally
get that Formular you've been seeing for a while.

There's a variety of units here, so be careful when setting up unions and don't
forget about the weapon triangle. Your MVP +2 limit is 40 Turns, so keep this in
mind if that's what your aiming for.

Baldus has tons of Morale, so just keep at it and you'll win. His Grand Cross
voids all attributes, making him immune to elements. He only has 2 LUK stars so
you should have no problem making him drop the Grand Cross.

Eudy is by her cannon as usual, so try to include the cannon in your unions for
extra damage. Make sure to grab her Formular (finally).

Also, the Holy Dud is right next to Eudy. If you've been getting all the other
Duds, this one should be #7, the last one. Good job. Now hold onto these so you
can get a real nice item later.

Once you defeat all the enemies, the BF will be over.



+2 <= 40 Turns
+1 >= 41 Turns


New Cards:




The Royal Army is on it's way to Bronquia. The enemy keeps falling back further
and further after each battle. Yggdra says she'll advance in the name of the
Holy Sword.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Even through the Court Magician Eudy's heavy cannon fire, the Royal Army managed
to rejoin Milanor's detachment and defeat General Emilia's reinforcements. They
broke through the Gates of Carnage, thus capturing the Fortress of Ishnad where
General Baldus had confined himself.

Sensing that the Royal Army had the upper hand, Emilia and Eudy retreated back
to the Imperial Capital. Baldus remained behind, gathering the survivors to form
a shield in front of Bronquia's Great Gates, the last line of defense for
Imperial territory, and dug in to await the Royal Army.

5.7.5 - Battle Field 39 - Gates of Bronquia


Baldus is informed that Eudy and Emilia are under attack, and orders the
Gates of Bronquia to be opened to let them retreat.


Characters to Select: 5
- Yggdra
- Milanor
- Kylier

Pick 2 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 12



a d f B B B 1
b e B O
c B B B B M
B B B O B B ?
Y ? K


M = Milanor
K = Kylier
Y = Yggdra
? = The 2 other characters you picked
O = Open Gate
C = Closed Gate



1 = Item Manual
Werdna = Dropped by Baldus



a = Baldus, Lvl 18 Guardian Knight, Morale 6400/6400 (HIGH) (Eqp: Werdna)

b = Lvl 15 Golem, Morale 3460/3460
c = Lvl 14 Fencer, Morale 3220/3220
d = Lvl 15 Golem, Morale 3460/3460
e = Lvl 14 Fencer, Morale 3220/3220
f = Lvl 14 Fencer, Morale 3220/3220



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Baldus, the God of War!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra, Milanor, or Kylier dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: Emilia and Eudy immediately retreat, so you don't have to worry about

This is a rather small BF, but it can still be quite hard. You have to defeat
Baldus to win, but he has HIGH status (Recovers Morale at the beginning of every
turn). This means you have two unions to defeat him (When he attacks, and when
you attack)

First things first though. Grab the Item Manual, which is an item used for the
Extra Contents (Item Section) after the game. Then get rid of all the units
around Baldus. The Golems don't form unions so you'll have to beat them

Now for Baldus. Only two unions to defeat him. First some things to help you

1) Steal the Werdna item, as this will lower his GEN, ATK, and TEC a little
2) He's weak against Griffon Riders, so make sure to use Kylier on this one
3) Use powerful cards against him (obviously). You should know by now what is
useful and what isn't.
4) Large Unions. This is obvious.

Anyway, defeat him to end this BF.

After you defeat him, Baldus is gone for good and you've taken control of the
Fortress of Ishnad.



+2 <= 14 Turns
+1 >= 15 Turns


New Cards:

Mantrap (POW 3200, Mov 5, Ace All; Physical damage w/ swamp to enemy)

NOTE: You should now have all 30 cards.



Kylier brings up the fact that you're in enemy territory now, which means you'll
have to stomp through innocent towns. Durant points out that they can't just
leave now, or the Empire will continue to terrorize. Kylier responds with the
fact that the Royal Army is now invading, and not the Empire. Even though she
has a good point, the Royal Army can't turn back now, and Yggdra decides to push
on, for the justice of the Holy Sword.

Later, Milanor and Kylier talk alone. Kylier thought she might be able to change
the Princess' mind about invading, since her home place Lost Aries was destroyed
by a similar war. She then gives Milanor the Mantrap Card. Kylier then takes

We'll Never Fight Alone

Baldus, the God of War, had fallen, and the gates of Bronquia opened. The Royal
Army finally entered Imperial territory.

The Imperial citizens were galvanized by a sense of patriotism, and the

Anti-Paltas militia formed from a core of hot-tempered youths.

Canaan and Monica, the young leaders of the Anti-Paltas movement who learned of
the Royal Army's arrival, concentrated their defense around two forts in the
east and west to show their resistancec.

5.7.6 - Battle Field 40 - Bardot Hill


The Royal Army spots a fort with people, and wonder whether they're Imperial
Knights or not. Yggdra suggests that they tell them they mean no harm, and see
where that leads them.

Yggdra tries to talk to the Militia, but they won't listen. So the Royal Army
decides to attack.


Characters to Select: 6
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 4 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 8
Note: Bring Nietzsche if you want the Engagement Ring/Silk Hood



G b X
a c B B
C d e
X f V
? ? ? ?


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 4 other characters you picked
C = Cannon
G = Bridge
X = Barricade (can't step here)
V = Village
T = Town



Rosary of Hope = Dropped by Monica



a = Lvl 8 Undine, Morale 2370/2370

b = Lvl 6 Hunter, Morale 2110/2110
c = Lvl 7 Bandit, Morale 2030/2030
d = Monica, Lvl 9 Valkyrie, Morale 5100/5100 (Eqp: Rosary of Hope)
e = Lvl 8 Valkyrie, Morale 2220/2220
f = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410



Conditions of Victory:
- Capture Fort Ronaris!
(Move an ally to "Fort Ronaris" fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This is not hard. The enemy are at low levels, so it shouldn't take much to beat
them down. Simply defeat all the enemies, make sure to grab the Rosary of Hope,
and step on the square Monica was standing on to finish off 40-1.

Don't bother visiting the Town/Village. They'll just tell you to leave them
alone and spit on you.

After you finish off Monica, she dies and Canaan is sad.

Once you step on the square Monica was on, 40-1 is over.


Conditions of Victory:
- Capture Fort Genoma!
(Move an ally to "Fort Genoma" fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



V B G B e B B B
a c f B G C
B B b d g B B B G B X
B W B T h B 1 W W C B B
B B B G B 2 X B V
3 W W G B B
i B B B


C = Cannon
G = Bridge
X = Barricade (can't step here)
V = Village
T = Town



1 = Engagement Ring (Step on square with Nietzsche to get)

2 = Silk Hood (Trade Engagement Ring for it)
3 = Evil Eye = Trade Gold coin for it;
REP >= 14
Rag = Trade Gold Coin for it
REP <= 13
4 = Blunt Sword (Trade Brascendo for it)
Blue Apple = Defeat unit "g" and step on his square
Lionheart = Dropped by Canaan
Cat Ears = Dropped by Emilia



a = Lvl 7 Fencer, Morale 2180/2180

b = Lvl 8 Hunter, Morale 2380/2380
c = Canaan, Lvl 10 Fencer, Morale 5660/5660 (Eqp: Lionheart)
d = Lvl 6 Undine, Morale 2100/2100
e = Lvl 6 Bandit, Morale 1910/1910
f = Lvl 7 Undine, Morale 2270/2270
g = Lvl 7 Knight, Morale 2260/2260
h = Lvl 8 Knight, Morale 2410/2410

i = Emilia, Lvl 17 Griffon Rider, Morale 7380/7380 (HIGH) (Eqp: Cat Ears)



Lots of items to get here. Also a fairly large map. First use Nietzsche to get
the Engagement Ring, which you can then use to get the Silk Hood. You decide
which item you'd rather have.

Now go attack Canaan's units. After you end your, Emilia will show up from the
bottom left corner. She has HIGH status so be careful. She also has an item that
recovers her Morale everytime she moves at Night (not that she needs it). Make
sure to grab this item while you're at it.

Unless you're a completionist, do not get the Blunt Sword. It lowers your stats,
while the Brascendo increases them. What do you expect from an enemy Blacksmith?
If your REP is 14 or more, grab the Evil Eye, you'll use it in the next BF.
If your REP is below 14, you'll just get the Rag, which does nothing. Blue Apple
can be gotten from the Village unit "g" is standing on.

That's it for items... the units are again at low level (except Emilia) so just
slaughter these people. Grab the Lionheart from Canaan when you defeat him.

If you step on the Fort Canaan was standing on, the BF will be over.



+2 <= 30 Turns
+1 >= 31 Turns


New Cards: None anymore


Everyone is dead, no survivors, since no one would surrender. Yggdra is becoming
worried about the whole war... if innocent people have to die it might not be
worth it. Milanor explains that it was either the enemies or themselves.

Anyway, it's still too late to turn back, so they push on ahead.

We'll Never Fight Alone

Yggdra's desperate please fell on deaf ears, and the Bronquian youths who
resisted to the end were lost to the flames of war.

The words "Fantasinian invasion of Bronquia" had gained solidity both in the
minds of the Royal Army as well as the Imperial citizenry.

The Holy Sword was gradually becoming tainted from the constant combat... The
Royal Army had no choice but to believe what they did was just, and to continue
their adavnce toward the Imperial Capital of Flarewerk.

However, the Imperial citizens continue to take up arms aganist the Royal Army
in Drominos Marsh, where the war has started to seem like a neverending hell.

5.7.7 - Battle Field 41 - Drominos Marsh


Milanor notes the marsh up. Durant, however, notes Yggdra's pain of killing all
those innocent people. Milanor notes it's easier to kill outside of enemy
territory, since you're killing people trying to kill you. Right now, they're
killing parents and lovers. Yggdra is learning what it means to rule, and to
conquer. But Milanor, Durant, and everyone else are there to support her when
she needs it.


Characters to Select: 6
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 4 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: All your cards are used for this BF (30 max)

Note: I suggest you recover everyone's Morale, since you'll be taking lots of
damage from the Poison Swamp here.

Note2: Equip Evil Eye on Roswell/Rosary if you want the Cursed Talisman.


a d 2 ? ?
b e h k ? ?
c f B B g B j B W B M Y
B i P l G B P p P P P
B B B P P P W P o P
B V B 3 W m n P q r P
1 P P P
4 P


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 4 other characters you picked
C = Cannon
G = Bridge
X = Barricade (can't step here)
V = Village
T = Town



Black Maria = Dropped by Emilia

Medallion = Dropped by unit "h" and unit "m"
Shaman Mask = Defeat unit "q" and step on square to get
1 = Hyper Drill = Trade in 7 Duds (Night only)
Guillotine Cutter = Trade in 5-6 Duds (Night only)
Gatling Bow = Trade in 3-4 Duds (Night only)
Night Scope = Trade in 1-2 Duds (Night only)
Dried Lizard = Defeat unit "k" and step on village;
Trade Bottled Dozeu for it;
Not at Night;
2 = Egg Shell (Step on village to get; Not at Night)
3 = Hresvelgr (Step on square to get)
4 = Cursed Talisman (Step on square to get;
Roswell only;
Must have Evil Eye equipped)



a = Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 3650/3650

b = Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 3650/3650
c = Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 3650/3650
d = Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 3650/3650
e = Lvl 16 Griffon Rider, Morale 3650/3650
f = Emilia, Lvl 17 Griffon Rider, Morale 4780/7380 (Eqp: Black Maria)

g = Lvl 11 Hunter, Morale 2870/2870

h = Lvl 12 Hunter, Morale 3030/3030 (Eqp: Medallion)
i = Lvl 11 Undine, Morale 2870/2870
j = Lvl 10 Fencer, Morale 2630/2630
k = Lvl 10 Undine, Morale 2710/2710
l = Lvl 11 Fencer, Morale 2780/2780

m = Lvl 12 Necromancer, Morale 2850/2850 (Eqp: Medallion)

n = Lvl 11 Necromancer, Morale 2740/2740
o = Lvl 10 Bandit, Morale 2480/2480
p = Lvl 11 Bandit, Morale 2630/2630
q = Lvl 11 Skeleton, Morale 2720/2720
r = Lvl 10 Skeleton, Morale 2560/2560



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat all enemies!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

This level is a Poison Swamp. After your first turn, you'll get the last
tutorial of the game. It tells you about movement in Poison Swamps like this
one. Lucky for you, this is the only BF in the game with Poison Swamps. Once
you're on the purple squares, you can only move on square at a time (like Sand).
Each turn you're on the poison squares (which also give you -30% terrain),
you'll lose 10% of your Morale (which is why I told you to recover all your

This BF has more enemies than ever before, and tons of items as well. If you're
getting the Cursed Talisman, you'll have to equip the Evil Eye on Roswell/Rosary
and move to the "4" on the map. Note that the Evil Eye decreases your Morale a
bit every time you move, and that plus the poison morale loss will hurt you
a LOT once you get the item. If you don't want to lose any more Morale after you
get the Talisman, just leave Roswell/Rosary there and don't move them again.

The Shaman Mask can be gotten by stepping on the square unit "q" is on. The same
unit that gets the Mask should probably head towards the "1" on the map. This is
where you trade in all those Duds you've been collecting. Depending on how many
duds you have, you get a special item:

7 Duds = Hyper Drill

5-6 Duds = Guillotine Cutter
3-4 Duds = Gatling Bow
1-2 Duds = Night Scope

Dried Lizard can only be gotten if you have the Bottled Dozeu. Step on the
village unit "k" is standing on to get it. Grab the Hresvelgr from "3" on the
map. Then there's the two Medallions that unit "h" and "m" drop. Defeating
either of these units also gets rid of that group of enemies, as I'm sure you've
figured out by now (at least I hope so). The last item is the Black Maria, which
is dropped by Emilia. Phew.

Anyway, enough about items. Advance through the poison one square at a time (ok,
that was corny) and take out all the units. Forming unions will be hard unless
you lead off with a female unit (recommended).

Not much else I can say... keep pushing through the marsh, defeating all the
units and grabbing all the items. The MVP +2 limit is 50 turns, so you have
plenty of time.

Once you defeat all the enemies, the BF is over.

Emilia (finally) dies here.



+2 <= 50 Turns
+1 >= 51 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



Durant mentions that the final Dragon General has been defeated. All that
remains is Eudy's unit, Gulcasa's army, and Aegina's army. These last three will
be the toughest. Yggdra comments that the battleground will be the gates of
the enemy's Capital, so they will have the home advantage. Yggdra wants to avoid
any more bloodshed, so she wants to ASK Gulcasa to stop fighting... yeah right.
If Gulcasa refuses (duh?) then Yggdra will fight him.

5.8 Chapter 8 - Bronquia Showdown

We'll Never Fight Alone

Combat through unfamiliar, marshy terrain against the volunteer citizen militia
had taken its toll. Yggdra had doubts about the justice she fought for, but
continued nevertheless with the Holy Sowrd in hand. The Royal Army defeated an
injured Scarled Princess Emilia to end the battle of Drominos Marsh.

Past there, the Imperial Capital of Flarewerk was a stone's throw away. The
Royal Army advanced with all speed, to hasten the end of the war.

The gigantic Arc of Triumph protecting the Imperial Capital was an impassable
barrier that had stymied all invaders since the founding of the Empire.
Gulcasa's elite Imperial Knights had fortified the front lines, and Court
Magician Eudy provided backup from the top of the gate.

5.8.1 - Battle Field 42 - Arc of Triumph

Gulcasa is informed that his sister was killed at Drominos Marsh. Gulcasa
apologizes to his sister for failing her. Gulcasa then decides join the

The Royal Army spots Gulcasa at the gate. Gulcasa salutes Yggdra for getting
that far. Yggdra asks Gulcasa to lay down his weapons (as she promised she'd
try). Of course, Gulcasa just laughs it off. Gulcasa says the fighting cannot
end until either of them can fight no more (meaning, either of them are dead).

Yggdra wonders if the only way of carving a new path is by the sword. Her only
goal is to have a peaceful world, with no borders. But to tear down the borders,
blood must be shed. All of a sudden the battle starts.


Characters to Select: 6
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 4 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 9

Note: I suggest you recover everyone's Morale, since you'll be taking lots of
damage in this BF.

Note2: Remember when you changed your Lost Material and Stardust Hourglass
into the "########" in BF32? Well, it's finally undergone transformation and
has either changed into the Mjollnir (awesome!) or the Mjollnil. It is still
unknown what effects which item you get. So far, I've gotten the Mjollnil every
time, and I don't know of anyone who's ever gotten the Mjollnir, so who knows
if it's even possible. If you have any info on this, send me an e-mail. You
can't check which item you got until BF43.



a A h

b e g
c f B B
d B B B
? ? ? ?

M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 4 other characters you picked
A = Ankh
C = Closed Gate



Medallion = Dropped by units "d", "f", and "g"

Southern Cross = Dropped by Eudy

Note: The Southern Cross can ONLY be gotten if you've NEVER retried a level
(meaning lost and restarted the level). If you've ever retried, you won't be
able to get the item.



a = Gulcasa, Lvl 19 Dragoon, Morale 9040/9040 (HIGH) (Eqp: Ifrit Fling)

b = Lvl 15 Witch, Morale 3280/3280 (Protect)
c = Tutelar, Lvl 16 Golem, Morale 5430/5430
d = Lvl 17 Imperial Knight, Morale 5890/5890 (HIGH) (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Tutelar, Lvl 16 Golem, Morale 5430/5430
f = Lvl 17 Imperial Knight, Morale 5890/5890 (HIGH) (Eqp: Medallion)
g = Lvl 17 Imperial Knight, Morale 5890/5890 (HIGH) (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Eudy, Lvl 16 Witch, Morale 7460/7460 (Eqp: Southern Cross)



Conditions of Victory:
- Get through the Arc of Triumph!
(Defeat all in front of the gate and open it)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: The Ankh does 40% (!) damage to your units. Ankh range is every square
on the field except the ones the enemies are standing on.

This level is quite tricky. You have to ignore the given Victory Conditions,
since you can't really defeat all the enemies (one has Protect) and open the
Gates. You have to wait for a story event to trigger. This is also where the
problem is, as I haven't been figure out what the conditions are to make the
story event trigger.

One way that is confirmed to work: Either move your units up, but not within
attack range of the enemies, or don't move your units at all. After a seemingly
random turn count (I always get Turn 13, but others have gotten Turn 8, etc.)
the story event will trigger. More on said event later.

If you do decide to attack (I suggest you do attack), beware of the Imperial

Knights, since they have HIGH status. Make sure to use large Unions since you'll
only get two unions to defeat those three Imperial Knights.

After those are gone, and get rid of the Golems. I suggest you attack the Witch
every turn from here on out, since it's unclear what the conditions are to
trigger the story event. Attacking every turn seems to work though, and the
Witch is not that hard to beat.

Do note that you'll take massive damage from the Ankh (40% every hit) so try to
move your characters onto the spaces the enemy was on. One unit will still get
hit though since you have no room for everyone to be safe.

Anyway, after a few turns, Kylier shows up near Eudy. This means you're almost
there. Kylier takes 2 turns to get to Eudy, and one more to do what she has to
do, so just hang in 3 more turns. You don't have to attack the Witch anymore, or
if you haven't attacked anyone at all up till now, feel free to do so now. If
you still don't want to attack them, don't worry about it, they'll be destroyed
automatically soon.

After 3 of Kylier's turns, she says good-bye and sacrifices her own life to
destroy that dangerous Ankh. She also blows up the entire front gates in the
process, so now you can just walk through. On to 42-2.


Condition of Victory:
- Defeat the soldiers at the Arc of Triumph!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



a c
b d


Griffon Feather = Step on square to get
Ankh Piece = Defeat unit "c" and step on square to get
Medallion = Dropped by unit "b"



a = Lvl 15 Valkyrie, Morale 2810/3240

b = Lvl 16 Knight, Morale 5300/5650 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 15 Valkyrie, Morale 2830/3240
d = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3240/3510



Note: Your cards do not get reset, so I hope you have enough to make it.

Have someone grab the Griffon Feather. This is Al's (Kylier's Griffon) feather,
so let's have a moment of silence for their sacrifice...... ok. Moving on.

Make sure you grab the Ankh Piece if you want it.

You really only have to defeat the Knight with the Medallion, but you might as
well take out everyone else too.

If you've never retried, the Southern Cross is automatically dropped, and you'll
get it once the BF is over (in Spoils of War). Or I guess if it was night you
could warp there with Roswell, but you'll get the item anyway, so don't bother
warping there.

Once you defeat the Gate Keeper (Knight with Medallion), the BF is over.



+2 <= 26 Turns
+1 >= 27 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



Gulcasa is not surprised at all that you've breached the Gate. The final battle
is here, and Gulcasa has decided to make his presence known! He then plans to
lure the Royal Army onto his own ground.

We'll Never Fight Alone
Kylier's suicide attack destroyed the Ankh Cannon, and the resulting explosion
destroyed the Arc of Triumph as well as the northeast portion of the Imperial

The Royal Army broke through the collapsed monument and advanced into the
Imperial Capital of Flarewerk en route to Castle Bronquia.

Meanwhile, Gulcasa, the Emporer of Carnage, had escaped the Ankh Cannon's
explosion and strengthened Castle Bronquia's gates. He sent two warriors into
the city to further delay the Royal Army.

They were the Twin Valkyries, Luciana and Aegina.

5.8.2 - Battle Field 43 - Flarewerk


The Royal Army has finally reached the Imperial Capital: Flarewerk. Durant asks
one of the Royal Soldier's who they'll be fighting against, and the soldier is
confused, because you seem to be fighting Aegina and... Aegina? There's two of

You may have noticed that Elena shot Aegina in the eye a while ago. A little
while later she shows up again, with no damage to any of her eyes. Thought that
was weird? Well, now you'll know why: Aegina has a twin sister, Luciana! All
those times after Aegina was injured, you thought you were fighting Aegina, but
it was in reality her twin sister Luciana.

Anyway, in this battle you'll be fighting both the sisters at the same time, so
Durant thinks it'll be a tough battle.


Characters to Select: 7
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 5 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 10

Note: If you haven't already done so, start going crazy with all the items you
have. You're nearing the end of the game, and you can't keep your items after
the game ends, so might as well use them. Either use them for Morale, or equip

Note: Make sure to check whether you got the Mjollnil or Mjollnir.


1 W
B B W W b V
B B V a c W f W B
C B d B g G G M Y ? ?
C B B B e h V B ?
V B B ? ? ?
i k m o B
j B l n B p


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 5 other characters you picked
V = Village
C = Closed Gate
W = Water



1 = Stray Dragon (Step on square to get)

Blue Stinger = Dropped by Luciana
Red Crimson = Dropped by Aegina



Note: I listed the enemy units a little different on the map. I put all of
Luciana's units together, and all of Aegina's units together.

a = Lvl 15 Assassin, Morale 2970/2970

b = Lvl 15 Undine, Morale 3490/3490
c = Lvl 15 Assassin, Morale 2970/2970
d = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510
e = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510
f = Lvl 15 Undine, Morale 3490/3490
g = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510
h = Luciana, Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 8120/8120 (Eqp: Blue Stinger)

i = Lvl 15 Assassin, Morale 2970/2970

j = Lvl 15 Assassin, Morale 2970/2970
k = Lvl 15 Undine, Morale 3490/3490
l = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510
m = Aegina, Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 7940/7940 (Eqp: Red Crimson)
n = Lvl 15 Undine, Morale 3490/3490
o = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510
p = Lvl 15 Knight, Morale 3510/3510

Note: Gulcasa is also on the map, but I didn't include him since he plays no
role (plus I'd have to put in a lot of spaces to have him in the map).


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the Twin Valkyries!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Lots of enemies here. Once again, the victory conditions are slightly
misleading. They may make you think you have to defeat Aegina AND Luciana, but
once you defeat just one of the twins, you move on to 43-2 (Where you'll defeat
the other one).

Anyway, note the position of the Stray Dragon. This is an item for Durant, and
it changes his class to Dragon Knight, so make SURE to grab this.

If you can, try to steal both the Blue Stinger and the Red Crimson. If you don't
get both, make sure you get the one of the person you're planning on killing.
Since you fight the other sister in the next section, you can steal her item

Unless you really want the Exp and Power Up for your cards, I don't suggest you
fight everyone. There's a lot of enemies. If you're sure you can win easily
though, feel free to take everyone out. Make sure to send someone up to get the
Stray Dragon, which is an excellent item for Durant.

There's no need to visit the villages, they just tell you to get out, and that
Gulcasa will punish you, etc. etc. You don't need to hear this.

Aegina and Luciana have a lot of Morale, so use large unions like always. You
know the drill.

Once either of the sisters falls, you'll move on to 43-2.

Which ever sister you decided to kill dies here (yay). You'll fight the other
sister now.

Gulcasa tells the other Aegina/Luciana (A/L from here on out) to retreat back
to the castle. A/L wants to avenge her fallen sister, but Gulcasa says he needs
her help for this and gives her the order to retreat. She obeys and retreats.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the Valkyrie Aegina/Luciana!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Note: Depending on who you killed in 43-1, you'll fight the other sister here.


1 W
C b O B B B B G G B B B B
a B c O B B B B B V B B
B d h V B B B B B
B B e g B B B B B B
B B f B C B B B B B p


V = Village
O = Open Gate
W = Water
C = Cannon



Stray Dragon = Step on square to get (If you haven't gotten it yet)
Red Crimson = If you're facing Aegina and haven't gotten it yet
Blue Stinger = If you're facing Luciana and haven't gotten it yet



If you defeated Aegina:

a = Lvl 15 Bandit, Morale 3190/3190

b = Lvl 16 Assassin, Morale 3130/3130
c = Lvl 16 Assassin, Morale 3130/3130
d = Aegina, Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 7940/7940 (HIGH) (Eqp: Red Crimson*)
e = Lvl 15 Bandit, Morale 3190/3190
f = Lvl 16 Assassin, Morale 3130/3130
g = Lvl 15 Fencer, Morale 3390/3390
h = Lvl 15 Fencer, Morale 3390/3390


If you defeated Luciana:

a = Lvl 15 Necromancer, Morale 3290/3290

b = Lvl 16 Undine, Morale 3650/3650
c = Lvl 16 Undine, Morale 3650/3650
d = Luciana, Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 8120/8120 (HIGH) (Eqp: Blue Stinger*)
e = Lvl 15 Necromancer, Morale 3290/3290
f = Lvl 16 Undine, Morale 3650/3650
g = Lvl 15 Fencer, Morale 3390/3390
h = Lvl 15 Fencer, Morale 3390/3390

*Note: If you didn't get it already in 43-1. If you did get it, she has
nothing equipped.


Now you get to fight the other sister. Note that A/L (Aegina/Luciana) have HIGH
status now, so beware of that. If you stole their item already, they should be
slightly easier to defeat due to decreased stats.

The gates that were closed before are now open. The enemies are all bunched
together, so this means large unions, and (hopefully) quick defeats.

Anyway, not much to say here. Simply work your way through the little units,
and set up some large unions to defeat A/L with their HIGH status. Also, grab
their item if you haven't already.

Note: Make sure you end with a good card. The next BF starts off with the enemy
attacking first, and the card you use will be the last one you used in this BF.

After you take down the other sister, the BF is over. She doesn't die here, so
don't get too excited.



+2 <= 45 Turns
+1 >= 46 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



The Imperial Army has withdrawn into the castle. Gulcasa plans to settle this
inside his home. The plan is to (obviously) advance, since they can't turn back
now anyway.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army defeated Luciana and Aegina, the Twin Valkyries, at the Imperial
Capital of Flarewerk, at last granting them access to Castle Bronquia.

A long, uphill city stretched from the castle gates to Castle Bronquia proper,
which towered over the place. The jet-black spire known as the Obsidian Castle
seemed to reach the heavens, as if to display the Bronquian Empire's majesty.

Emporer Gulcasa left the defenses of Castle Bronquia to his men, in order to
lead a force through the capital city and meet the advancing Royal Army himself.

5.8.3 - Battle Field 44 - Castle Bronquia

Gulcasa wants to keep you busy until A/L's unit regroups.


Characters to Select: 7
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 5 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 11

Note: If you haven't already done so, start going crazy with all the items you
have. You're nearing the end of the game, and you can't keep your items after
the game ends, so might as well use them. Either use them for Morale, or equip



B M Y ? ?
a B ? ? ?
B c B B
b d B B h B
e f B g B
C i B B B k C


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 5 other characters you picked
C = Closed Gate



Ifrit Fling = Dropped by Gulcasa



a = Lvl 16 Fencer, Morale 3550/3550

b = Lvl 16 Assassin, Morale 3130/3130
c = Gulcasa, Lvl 19 Dragoon, Morale 9040/9040 (Eqp: Ifrit Fling)
d = Lvl 16 Skeleton, Morale 3440/3440
e = Lvl 16 Necromancer, Morale 3450/3450
f = Lvl 16 Bandit, Morale 3350/3350
g = Lvl 16 Undine, Morale 3650/3650
h = Lvl 16 Knight, Morale 3670/3670

i = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000

j = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000 (Eqp: Medallion)
k = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

You start off being attacked. On your turn, immediately set up some large unions
to counter the enemy's attacks. Once a lot of the smaller units are gone, focus
on Gulcasa.

Gulcasa is pretty much the same as always, just stronger. You'll want to protect
yourself against Genocide like you've done before (take out head for example).
I'm not going to repost the strategies to beat him, since a) You should know by
now how to beat them, b) If you really need it you can look earlier in the guide
for the hints.

Try to steal/force drop the Ifrit Fling from Gulcasa when defeating him.

After you defeat Gulcasa, 44-1 is over.

A/L (whichever you didn't kill in BF43) shows up now. She apologizes to Gulcasa
for taking so long to regroup and says it's time to repay the kindness Gulcasa
has shown her. She tells him to withdraw and let her handle this.


Conditions of Defeat:
- Defeat the Valkyrie Aegina/Luciana!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



B B B B a
B B B B B B b d
B B B B B c e
T i j m B C B B B B B
B k B g B B B
B l B B B
C f B B B h C


C = Closed Gate
N = Cannon
T = Catapult



End of Ages = Dropped by Aegina (If you're facing her)

Mistilteinn = Dropped by Luciana (If you're facing her)
Medallion = Dropped by units "i", "j", "k", and "m"
Salamandora = Dropped by Gulcasa
Mesala's Tablet = Defeat unit "i" and step on his square to get



If you're facing Aegina:

a = Aegina, Lvl 18 Valkyrie, Morale 8160/8160 (Eqp: End of Ages)

If you're facing Luciana:

a = Luciana, Lvl 18 Valkyrie, Morale 8440/8440 (Eqp: Mistilteinn)

b = Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 2500/2500

c = Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 2500/2500
d = Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 2500/2500
e = Lvl 17 Valkyrie, Morale 2500/2500

f = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000

g = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 17 Guardian Knight, Morale 6000/6000

i = Lvl 18 Imperial Knight, Morale 6130/6130 (Eqp: Medallion)

j = Lvl 18 Imperial Knight, Morale 6130/6130 (Eqp: Medallion)
k = Lvl 18 Imperial Knight, Morale 6130/6130 (Eqp: Medallion)
l = Gulcasa, Lvl 19 Dragoon, Morale 9040/9040 (Protect) (Eqp: Salamandora)
m = Lvl 18 Imperial Knight, Morale 6130/6130 (Eqp: Medallion)



Here you face the Valkyrie twin for the last time. Aegina and Luciana both have
awesome items equipped, so it is highly recommended to steal these before you
fight them.
After one turn, Gulcasa and some of his Imperial Knights show up in the bottom
left. This means trouble. 4 Imperial Knights with a Medallion each, and Gulcasa
with the Salamandora. I highly recommend stealing this item now, as it'll make
44-3 a lot easier (you'll see why later). You've faced these Imperial Knights
before, so you know what to do. Try to make use of the Catapult in your unions
as well, it should help you out. Grab their Medallions, and steal the
Salamandora from Gulcasa (he has Protect). Your objective is still to kill A/L,
so don't get too distracted.

If you're in the area where Gulcasa showed up, make sure to grab Mesala's
Tablet, which is used for the Extra Contents (Game Chronicles) after the game.

Now back to A/L. Her Bodyguards are 4 Valkyrie, and you definetely how to take
care of these units (at least you should!).

A/L's units are nicely lined up, so you'll likely catch all 5 units (including
A/L) in a single union, so plan accordingly. Either steal the item, or make them
drop it.

Not much else. No items, nothing else to do.

Once you defeat A/L, SHE dies and the twin sisters are no more. Oh, and you move
on to 44-3.

Note: When you defeat them and the screen shows:

Aegina Eine Artwaltz annihilated
Luciana Rune Artwaltz annihilated

Did you know that Yggdra's full name is: Yggdra Yuril ARTWALTZ.

Same last name? This explains why Luciana was able to enter the Holy Land before
the coronation. Only the Pope and those of royal blood could enter the Holy
Land, and apparently Yggdra and the twin Valkyries are related somehow. Whether
they are sisters, cousins, whatever is unknown.

Just a little fun fact that isn't real obvious to most.

Gulcasa comments how he's lost A/L too, but that he cannot lose.


Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Emporer Gulcasa!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...



T 1 B B B O B B B B B
O B B a B B O


C = Closed Gate
N = Cannon
T = Catapult



1 = Mesala's Tablet (Step on square to get; only if you haven't gotten it yet)



a = Gulcasa, Lvl 20 Brongaa Knight, Morale 6540/6540 (HIGH) (Eqp: Salamandora*)

*Note: If you stole this item from him in 44-2, he'll have nothing equipped.



Didn't we already defeat Gulcasa once this BF? Oh well, let's do it again.

After your first card, Gulcasa opens the gate and goes there. Suddenly he
transforms and has a fiery aura around him. Then you see an "Awakening" flash
by and the whole battlefield turns to fire.

Yggdra asks if they have awakened the sleeping dragon Brongaa that Pope Joachim
was warning her about before he died. The point of the Ritual of Soul Unbinding
(Gulcasa performed this on Yggdra when he captured her) was to awaken Brongaa.
If Brongaa fully awakens, its rage will be unstoppable.

Now you see the true power of Gulcasa as a Brongaa Knight. He also has HIGH
status, which just makes him that much harder. This Gulcasa voids all ailments
(Poison and the like) AND all attributes (immune to elements). He'll have the
Salamandora equipped if you didn't steal it from him in 44-2.

He's the only enemy here, so you get to gang up on him. Since the battlefield
has changed to fire, every one of your units will take 10% Morale Damage before
every turn. Note that every square is now a Fort +40% square.

Use the same tactics as the normal Gulcasa to defeat this Brongaa Knight. Large
unions will do the trick here. As always, watch out for Genocide (tired of this
card yet?).
Once Gulcasa is defeated, the BF will be over.

Gulcasa is... laughing? He laughs at dying? He laughs because he can feel the
beast (dragon) awakening. He tells the Princess it's not over yet and chuckles.
The power is overwhelming, and his aura can be felt everywhere. Even though
Gulcasa has sustained tons of injuries, he's still as strong as ever. Then
Gulcasa flees.



+2 <= 50 Turns
+1 >= 51 Turns


Cards: None anymore



Gulcasa escapes through an open gate. Milanor asks if they should follow him
or not. Yggdra believes that Gulcasa intends to sacrifice himself to Brongaa,
which will fully ressurect the dragon. Yggdra says they must stop him at any

We'll Never Fight Alone

After being driven into a corner by the Royal Army, Gulcasa allowed the Evil
Dragon's blood to flow within him and charged forth to begin the final battle.

Flames engulfed the fierce combat, but the Royal Army emerged triumphant. Castle
Bronquia had fallen at last.

However, the war was not yet over.

Though severely injured, Gulcasa used the last of his strength to reach the
Chamber of Brongaa.

Yggdra grasped the Holy Sword Gran Centurio tightly and advanced to finish the
Emporer of Carnage once and for all.

5.8.4 - Battle Field 45 - Chamber of Brongaa


Gulcasa is trying to resurrect the Dragon of Purgatory. Yggdra says it's hard to
move because of the intense presence of Gulcasa. Milanor then spots Gulcasa, and
he's heading towards the Abyss (a flag).

If Gulcasa reaches the Abyss, Brongaa is fully resur rected.


Characters to Select: 3
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 1 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 3

Note: If you haven't already done so, start going crazy with all the items you
have. You're nearing the end of the game, and you can't keep your items after
the game ends, so might as well use them. Either use them for Morale, or equip



? B a


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The other character you picked
O = Open Gate
F = Flag (Prevent Gulcasa from getting here)



Prominence = Dropped by Gulcasa



a = Lvl 20 Brongaa Knight, Morale 6600/6600 (Eqp: Prominence)



Conditions of Victory:
- Crush the Emporer of Carnage's ambition!
Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Ok, you only get 1 other character, and 3 cards, so choose carefully. I
personally suggest you bring your strongest supporting unit, and your top 3
cards against Gulcasa. I included Steal so I could steal Gulcasa's Prominence
to stop his gauge from filling (which is what Prominence does). If you want to
know what I chose: Steal, Bloody Claw (one of my strongest cards, defeats enemy
head meaning no more Genocide), and Dragon Killer (strong against dragons,
again one of my stronger cards).

It's very important to choose the right cards, since you only have 3 Turns to
take down Gulcasa's 6600 Morale.

Anyway, once you've chosen, you're on to the final and last battle with Gulcasa.
I can't give you much strategy here, because it depends on what cards you chose.
Also, this is a very quick battle, so there's not much you can do wrong unless
you chose the wrong cards.

You still receive 10% Burn damage every turn, but it shouldn't play too much of
a role since this BF is only 3 (of your) Turns long at the longest.

Make sure to plan ahead and use your supporting unit in your unions (Male and
Female unions are possible).

NOTE: If Gulcasa reaches the Abyss ("F" on the map), you won't get a Retry
option, because the game will end. This game has 3 different endings, and having
Gulcasa reach the Flag here is one of the endings. If you want to go on through
the last 3 BF, you must defeat Gulcasa here. Plus, this isn't the ultimate
ending you'll want anyway.

If you defeat Gulcasa, the BF will be over and you'll go on to BF46.

Gulcasa talks about the Bronquian way (the strong rule the earth). He says the
new sovereign is magnificent. Yggdra then says a world controlled by power is
cruel and empty. She mentions how she's still angry about her parent's death,
but that she won't let her feelings control her (Isn't she the one who stormed
after Gulcasa and got herself captured that way? Oh well).

Gulcasa says Yggdra is foolish to the end. His soul and her soul will remain
distant for eternity. Then he is "extinguished".

Milanor asks if he's dead. Durant says the battle is won and Yggdra agrees.

All of a sudden the fire gets out of control and Milanor tells everyone to move


If you didn't defeat Gulcasa and he reached the flag:

Gulcasa says the ritual is complete. Then he commits suicide and awakens the

Yggdra and Milanor are shocked that they failed. Then Mother Paltina appears out
of nowhere and says that calamity has befallen on them. The age of darkness is
again upon this land!

See section 7.1 for the final scene




+2 <= 4 Turns
+1 >= 5 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



Yggdra asks Gulcasa for his forgiveness. She wanted a peaceful solution, but she
couldn't stop him. She says that even with the Holy Sword, things are going
wrong. Yggdra and Milanor then talk about the Holy Sword for a bit (are you
getting the idea the Holy Sword might play a bigger role here?)

All of a sudden something emerges from the ocean. It's an island! Rising from
the sea...? Yggdra feels the Holy Sword resonating and has a bad feeling about
all of this. They chose to go and investigate.

5.9 Chapter 9 - Battle on the Requiem

We'll Never Fight Alone

The Royal Army slew Gulcasa, ending the new Bronquian Empire.

Just when the battle seemed mercifully over, though, the sea south of Bronquia
parted, and an island surfaced from its depths.

The island, festooned with azure coral and reflecting crystals, floated
enigmatically on the night seas. Through the Gran Centurio, Yggdra sensed a
powerful presence aboard it, and resolved to investigate.

Yggdra and the others traveled to the island, led by the Holy Sword, and found
a deceased comrade awaiting them.

5.9.1 - Battle Field 46 - Ancardia


Milanor thinks the island looks wrong, just hanging there, like it's not of this
Suddenly Nessiah is spotted. Milanor says that they say Nessiah die, so how
is he standing here now? Nessiah says that her reviving process didn't take as
long as he thought. He says the Gran Centurio was simply that powerful. What
does the Holy Sword have to do with this sword? Anyway, Yggdra asks Nessiah if
he planned all of this, and he says he did, and that everything is going
according to the plan.

He then says he's arranged for some entertainment for you. Suddenly the ghost
of Kylier appears! Somehow Nessiah managed to "piece" Kylier back together and
brought her here. Milanor starts to get quite angry at Nessiah for doing this
to Kylier. Nessiah teases them a little bit more and then goes off to steer the
island. You didn't think the island flew on it's own did you?


Characters to Select: 5
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 7

Note: If you haven't already done so, start going crazy with all the items you
have. You're nearing the end of the game, and you can't keep your items after
the game ends, so might as well use them. Either use them for Morale, or equip



M ? ?
B B Y ?
B a B B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 3 other characters you picked


Maiden's Tear = Gotten automatically after defeating Kylier



a = Lvl 18 Griffon Rider, Morale 5920/5920 (HIGH)



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat Kylier!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Kylier is telling Milanor to help her, and put her out of her misery, but
Milanor can't hear her. Then Yggdra says she can hear her through the Holy
Sword. She says that Kylier is crying from the torment and pain of having her
soul violated. Kylier's last request is that Milanor stops her before Nessiah
forces her to hurt everyone.

Milanor doesn't want to kill Kylier, but Yggdra convinces him that it's the only
way, plus it's Kylier's last wish.

Anyway, on to the battle. Kylier doesn't ever move, which is nice. There are two
things that are dangerous about Kylier:

1) Her HIGH status (although you should be able to deal with this by now)
2) Her Gravity Chaos Power: 8000!

Yeah, 8000 power for Gravity Chaos. There are no items, no other enemies,
nothing else to do but defeat Kylier. This battle takes place at Night so go
crazy with your Night-only cards (if you want to use them).

Anyway, just form a large union and take her down within 2 unions to defeat her.

Once you defeat Kylier, you will free her soul from Nessiah and end the BF.

Kylier thanks you for freeing her. Then she says a few more touching things,
then finally mentioning that you have to stop Nessiah, who wants revenge on the



+2 <= 7 Turns
+1 >= 8 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



Milanor is pretty pissed at Nessiah for violating Kylier's soul like that. Oh,
then there's the plan to throw the whole world into a useless war so Nessiah can
get his revenge on the gods. He obviously wants to stop that as well.

We'll Never Fight Alone

The war strategist for new Bronquia left the world by his own had at Machina
Bridge, only to reappear in the ruined land of Lost Aries...

This was the man who emerged as the maser of Kylier's soul, directing her to
attack Yggdra, who was weary from the war against Gulcasa.

His name: Nessiah, the Fallen Angel.

The formerly heavenly host had vowed revenge upon the gods, waiting patiently
in the Great Temple.

After liberating Kylier's soul, the Royal Army proceeded towards that Great
Temple, to stop Nessiah from causing Ragnarok -- the war against the gods.

5.9.2 - Battle Field 47 - Great Temple


Nessiah says that they will pass through Heaven's Gate any minute now. He's been
waiting for this moment for quite some time it seems. Apparently, Nessiah's true
body lies deep within the island, because he was sealed by the gods, abhorred as
a fallen angel. They wrapped him in the Chains of Conviction. To sever the
chains, he needed the Holy Sword. Somehow Yggdra has been raising the Sword to
become more powerful. You now find out that Nessiah was the one who gave the
Holy Sword to the Royal Family. The Holy Sword has taken many lives in the name
of justice (Nessiah told the Royal Family the phrase "Justice lies with the
Holy Sword"). The Sword has been absorbing all the hate, rage, and anger from
the war, which made it more powerful for Nessiah.

Also, all the wars throughout history were all started by Nessiah, in order to
feed the Holy Sword with more power. Kylier's death has charged the last of the
sword's power. Nessiah has been working towards this goal for hundreds of years.

Then he asks for the Gran Centurio back, since it's rightfully his! The Holy
Sword is the last vital element of his plan. Because of this, Yggdra refuses to
give him the Holy Sword (what was she going to say in the first place? "Here ya

Nessiah obviously knew this would happen, and summons several enemies.


Characters to Select: 5
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena

Cards to Select: 9

Note: If you haven't already done so, start going crazy with all the items you
have. You're nearing the end of the game, and you can't keep your items after
the game ends, so might as well use them. Either use them for Morale, or equip

Note: If you want to finally find that Transmigragem, bring Nietzsche.



? ?
B B M Y ?
B B B 2
b 1 B
c e g h
a d f


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 3 other characters you picked



1 = Transmigragem (Step on square with Nietsche to get)

2 = Fanelia (Step on square 3 times to get; Need Hyper Drill to get)
Medallion = Dropped by unit "b", "d", and "g"



a = Nessiah, Lvl 20 The Ancient, Morale 9320/9320 (HIGH) (Eqp: Rev. of the Gods)
b = Lvl 19 Astarte, Morale 5700/5700 (Eqp: Medallion)
c = Lvl 17 Golem, Morale 3800/3800
d = Lvl 19 Astarte, Morale 5700/5700 (Eqp: Medallion)
e = Lvl 17 Skeleton, Morale 3560/3560
f = Lvl 17 Golem, Morale 3800/3800
g = Lvl 19 Astarte, Morale 5700/5700 (Eqp: Medallion)
h = Lvl 17 Skeleton, Morale 3560/3560



Conditions of Victory:
- Defeat the Fallen Angel Nessiah!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If Yggdra or Milanor dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

Almost done! Second to last BF here. Let's get on with it. You must defeat
Nessiah here. And it's not going to be easy. First you have to fight through the
creatures he summoned.

The Astarte are new creatures (and you'll only find them here). They are similar
to Valkyrie it seems (at least their sprite suggests this). They have no battle
penalty, take no damage from Dark attacks, but they are weak to Holy (Yggdra,

You already know about Skeletons and Golems, so act accordingly.

Now, the items. To finally get the Transmigragem (which is useless except for
Item completion), step on the water square with Nietzsche. At least she finally
found what she was originally looking for (WAY back in BF6).

The Fanelia can only be gotten if you have the Hyper Drill (Collect all 7 Duds
and get Hyper Drill in BF41). Make sure the Hyper Drill is not equipped on
anyone, then move onto the "2" square on the map a total of three times. You
feel a strong energy from the square the first time. The 2nd time you say
something like "too bad I can't dig under this rock to see". The third time you
step on that square you finally use the Hyper Drill to dig through the rock and
get the Faenlia. You can do this all in the same turn if you have enough Move
to do so. The Fanelia is probably the best item in the game, except you can
only use it in BF48, and it really won't do you any good there. Shame.

Anyway, defeat all the smaller units and get ready for Nessiah. He's got HIGH
status so get ready to use your two unions again. LOTS of Morale (9320) so this
guy will be harder than most other guys with HIGH status. Make sure to get his
item (Revelation of the Gods), which is used for the Cards Section in the Extra
Contents. Nessiah uses the weapon type "Book", which is strong against Rods and
Lumps, but weak against Bows (Elena anyone?).

Once you defeat Nessiah, the BF will be over.

Nessiah can't believe you defeated him. Yggdra then rambles on and on about how
her love for the world was stronger than Nessiah's hatred for the gods.

After this Nessiah is "Convicted" (I guess he's dead?).



+2 <= 10 Turns
+1 >= 11 Turns


New Cards: None anymore



Yggdra isn't sure if it's over or not, but she does know they stopped Nessiah.
Now they just need to figure out how to stop the island from rising. Nessiah
said they would pass through Heaven's Gate soon, but no one knows what will
happen since they're all still alive. But at least the Holy Sword is still

We'll Never Fight Alone

"Justice lies with the Holy Sword."

These words had been passed down in the Kingdom for generations; all citizens
of Paltina lived by them. Yggdra was no exception, and the words had given her
comfort during hard times, allowing her to draw strength from her misfortunes.

Now, the Bronquian Empire had fallen, and only the Kingdom of Fantasinia

Yggdra stood alone in the Great Temple, Holy Sword in hand, haunted by Nessiah's
last words...

The island rose higher and higher, reaching the boundary between the earth and
the skies, at last entering Heaven's Gate. A single ray of light shone down onto
the southern region of the island.

5.9.3 - Battle Field 48 - Heaven's Gate


An angel appears in the south end of the Gate.


Characters to Select: 5
- Yggdra
- Milanor

Pick 3 of the following:

- Durant
- Nietzsche
- Roswell/Rosary
- Russell
- Cruz
- Elena
Cards to Select: 16

Note: This is the last BF. If you want a special ending, equip all Morale
recovering items you have. Use up all your Medallions to recover everyone's
Morale to the max. IMPORTANT: Bring CRUSADE. If you don't bring this card, you
can't get the special ending.



? ?
a B


M = Milanor
Y = Yggdra
? = The 3 other characters you picked
X = Move any character here to trigger next scene.
T = Great Temple
Y = Triggers battle with Marietta



Scepter of Wisdom = If you go to the Great Temple with Yggdra, Marietta will
give you this staff



a = Marietta, Lvl 75 Archangel, Morale ????/???? (Eqp: Scepter of Wisdom)

Note: Marietta is invincible unless she has 1 Morale. Read below if you want
to defeat her.



Conditions of Victory:
- ? ? ?

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...

NOTE: If you want the special ending, don't use Crusade until later.

First move any unit onto the "X" square to trigger a dialogue, after which you
have two options to end this game.

The angel is Marietta, the Guardian Angel of the realm of the gods. She forbids
you to enter. She mentions the Holy Sword Yggdra is carrying. She says that
sword has caused all the wars on Earth, and is asking you if you want to use
such an evil weapon in heaven? She then gives you a message from the Gods:

Draw thy blade for eternal sin:

else lay thine edge to rest.

Whether you listen to these words is up to you now. Conditions change to:

Conditons of Victory:
- Seal the Gran Centurio forever!
(Move Yggdra to "Great Temple" fort)

Conditions of Defeat:
- If you use up all your cards...

Now you have two choices. Note how there was one possible game ending in BF45?
Well, there's two more different endings in this BF alone. One of them is easy:

1) Move Yggdra to the Great Temple ("T" on the map).

- If Yggdra goes to the Great Temple, she'll have chosen to "lay thine edge
to rest". She says ruling with a sword will only cause more strife. Her
dream is to have a world without war, like Kylier would have wanted. Milanor
notes that Yggdra is a true queen now, since she does what's best for the
entire world. Everyone agrees with Milanor and support the queen in her

Marietta commends Yggdra for her decision. She says to part with something
that she has relied upon so much is not easy. Marietta then gives Yggdra
a gift: Her Scepter of Wisdom. Marietta tells Yggdra that the world below
is still in chaos, and that it takes more than just wishing for peace for it
to actually happen. She then says they must part, and returns Ancardia back
to the bottom of the sea.

To see the ending scene, go to section 7.2

2) The other ending is much harder, but more fun (imo). You have to defeat the
Lvl 75 Archangel, Marietta. Her Morale is off the chart and she's invincible
if she has more than 1 Morale. So how do you defeat her? Well, read on.

If you want to defeat Marietta, move any unit to the "Y" on the map and end your
turn. Now you can finally attack her. Before you do, move everyone into position
so that EVERYONE of your units is in the union. You want the biggest unions
possible when attacking. Why?

Well, Marietta has some kind of "HP control system", which means everytime she
wins she actually LOSES some Morale. The reason you can't defeat her is because
she's invincible (duh), but she also has an A.S. Shield (Anti-Skill Shield)
which protects her from all skills. Once you get her down to 1 Morale, her
shield will change to an S. Shield (which protects her against all Card Skills
EXCEPT Crusade). Now see why Crusade is so important?

After you attack (and lose) the first union, the conditions change to:

Conditions of Victory:
- With the Holy Sword, show your justice!

Conditions of Defeat:
- If everyone dies...
- If you use up all your cards...

NOTE: Once these conditions above appear, there's no turning back. You can't
decide otherwise and go up to the Great Temple, since it's not there anymore.


Ok, I think you got it now. So what you do now is just any card but Crusade and
attack her with your largest union possible. You'll lose every single battle,
but Marietta will also lose Morale because she's winning (make sense?).

Just a side note: Since Marietta is lvl 75(!), chances are you'll boost all
your characters to Lvl 20 here, since you still get EXP when you lose (and you
get more EXP if the enemy is a higher level than you, and in this case, Marietta
is at a MUCH higher level than yours).

I find that after about 20-25 loses, her Morale drops below 9999, so you see
a number now instead of just "????". After a few more turns, her Morale should
drop down to 1. If you check her stats now, her "A.S. Shield" will have turned
into the "S. Shield". The only card that works against her now (and the only way
to defeat her) is Crusade.

Select Crusade, and attack with Yggdra. When you're down to 1 vs. 1 (the only
time Crusade works), make sure to charge the bar and activate Crusade. Marietta
will probably cancel your charge at least once, so hurry and charge it again.
If you don't activate the skill now, you'll have done everything for nothing, so
MAKE SURE you activate the skill.

Using Crusade at this point will kill Marietta, taking away her last Morale.
Congratulations, you've just beaten the Archangel Marietta.

Marietta says you are quite strong to have defeat her. But your actions are a
challenge against the heavens. You have chosen to turn your blade against the
gods. With her final words she tells you that divine judgement awaits you.
Then she is annihilated (dang).

Milanor asks if they've done the right thing, and he feels they've done
something terrible. However, Yggdra sticks with the saying she's lived by:
Justice lies with the Holy Sword. The Holy Sword has delivered her enemies to
her, and that is justice. This is the way Yggdra's kingdom is going to rule.
Not even the gods can escape from that truth. She then blames the gods for
not donig anything to stop Nessiah.

6) Tutorials

6.1 Cards (BF1)

Summary: This tutorial explains what is on the card, and what they do.

Mov is Movement, meaning how many squares you can move. Each turn, all units
share Mov, meaning if you want to advance your party all together, you would
only move each character a few squares each turn.

POW is Power, it affects the amount of damage done to the enemy.

Ace is the Ace Type, meaning if the Ace Type was Axe, a user with an Axe weapon
would use this card to become the Ace. This is mostly used for Unions, which
you won't be able to do until the later levels.

Here's me attempting to draw a card in Notepad:

Ace Type -> /Axe /
/ /
/ POW 1000 / <- Power
/ /
/ Steal / <- Skill
Movement -> / Mov 12 /
/ /

6.2 Moving Units (After you select your first card to play)

Summary: This tutorial just reviews how to move. Basically, hit A on the unit
you want to move. Move the cursor to one of the white squares, and hit A to
confirm the movement. If you want to cancel that movement, press B. One panel
(I call them squares) takes up 1 Movement, which is the bottom number on the

6.3 Attacking Units (After moving a unit next to enemy unit)

Summary: This tutorial briefly explains attacking. To attack, move a unit next
to an enemy unit and press START. You're now in Attack Mode. Move the cursor
to the unit you want to attack. You'll see your units on the left, the enemies'
on the right. The Prediction Mark is located next to the names of both units.
This mark lets you know how good of a chance you have at defeating this unit.
At the bottom of this screen are the cards both units are using. If you're
ready to attack, press A. Press A again to confirm, or B to cancel.

Prediction Mark is in this order:

Circle, with dot in the middle - Favorable

Circle |
Triangle, shaded in |
Triangle |
X - Unfavorable

6.4 Tips on Picking Battles (After winning first battle)

Summary: This tutorial tells you the importance of choosing the right battles.
You can only attack once a turn, so make it count. If you still have Mov left
after the battle, you can move again (except the unit that battled cannot move)

6.5 Losing (After Bandit attacks you and loses)

Summary: This tutorial explains what happens when you lose. Your own Morale
will decrease. If your Morale hits 0, it's Game Over. Simple.

6.6 Passive/Aggressive Bar (Beginning of BF2)

Summary: This tutorial is important. You'll be using this technique throughout

the whole game. Basically, when you're in a clash, pressing left will lower
your attack, but increase the gauge. And pressing right will increase your
attack and lower your gauge.

The bar kinda looks like this:

<- Passive / Aggressive ->

/______________________________/ <-- Bar that gets filled/empties

6.7 Prelude to Skills (After first battle in BF2 is over)

Summary: Later on in the game you'll be able to use skills (the skills that are
on the cards you use). To use these, your gauge has to be completely full.

6.8 Rage Rate of Enemies (After you end first turn on BF2)

Summary: This tutorial explains an important thing to watch out for. The Rage
Rate located below the enemies during a clash fills up over time. If it fills
up once the enemy's attack increases (Rage mode). If it fills up again, the
enemy's attack increases again (MAX mode) AND the enemy will be able to use
skills! Keep this in mind and watch out for it.

6.9 Unions (After you select a card on BF3-2)

If the unit is male, he uses the X Type Union, where all units standing
diagonally from this unit are part of the union.

Graphical Representation (Male):

X X M = Male Leader
X X Everyone standing in an "X" square is part of the
X X union.
If the unit is female, she uses the + Type Union, where all units standing
below/beside the lead attacker join the union.

Graphical Representation (Female):

+ F = Female Leader
+ + F + +
+ Everyone standing in a "+" square is part of the
+ union.

Every unit in the union attacks (unless you kill all enemies and their own

It may sound hard at first, but you'll learn how to use this naturally soon.

6.10 Items in Villages (After selecting a card on Turn 2 of BF3-2)

Summary: This tutorial basically means that you can get items from villages. It
suggests you visit every village, but you don't have to waste Move on that.
This guide will tell you when a village rewards you with an item.

6.11 Weapon Triangle (After selecting a card on BF4-1)

Summary: This tutorial teaches you about what is more commonly known as the
weapon triangle. Pretty much every RPG has it. It's just one more thing to
watch out for when attacking the enemy. Use swords against axes, axes against
spears, and spears against swords, etc.

Graphical Representation:

Sword <---- Spear

\ ^ In other words:
\ / Sword is strong against Axe
\ / Axe is strong against Spear
Axe Spear is strong against Sword

6.12 Movement in Water (After you select a card on BF5)

Summary: Just explains that you can't move in water if you're not an undine
(which are basically mermaids). More specifically, if your Move Type has to
be Swim to walk on water.

6.13 Advanced Weapon Triangle (After you select a card on BF6-2)

Summary: This extends the "Weapon Triangle" a bit. It goes to the next level.
Here, Sword/Spear/Axe will be treated as one "weapon". S/S/A are strong against
Bows, Bows are strong against Rods, and Rods are strong against S/S/A. This
will start to be more useful as more units are introduced.

Graphical Representation:
Bow <---- (Sword/Spear/Axe)
\ ^
\ / In other words:
\ / Sword/Spear/Axe is strong against Bow.
Rod Bow is strong against Rod.
Rod is strong against Sword/Spear/Axe.

6.14 Skills (Beginning of BF7)

Summary: This tutorial is important, as it explains how to use Skills. Each

card you have has a skill. To read about the skill, press Select when you have
the card highlighted. Only certain people can use some skills (only Milanor can
Steal). The Ace Type of the card must also match up with the lead attacker.
One last condition of skills is that the Passive/Aggressive Gauge must be full.
Now there's 2 different types of Skills.
A Type: Hold A down as long as you want the skill to work. While holding A down
the gauge will decrease.
B Type: Hold B to bring up the Charge Gauge. Keep holding B until the Charge
Gauge is filled, then let go of the B Button to use the skill.

6.15 Enemy Skills (2nd Turn, BF7-1)

Summary: This just explains that when the enemies Rage Gauge is at MAX, they
also can use Skills. Simple.

6.16 The Ankh (After the Ankh is fired in 8-2)

Summary: This tutorial explains what The Ankh is. It amplifies magic, and can
attack any enemy in range in the form of light. When you select a unit and see
it's movement, you will notice some squares are blue instead of white. The blue
squares is the range of the Ankh. Note that the Ankh only damages the opposing
side, not it's own.

6.17 Catapults (At the beginning of BF12)

Summary: This tutorial explains the use of catapults. They can be included in
your unions and will launch rocks at the enemy before the clash even begins.
Take note that both sides can use catapults.

6.18 Linking Unions (At the beginning of BF15)

Summary: This is one of the coolest things in the game (at least I think so).
Basically, units inside a union (but not the Lead Attacker) will extend the
union themselves, but only by a little bit. They only expand the union by 1
square of their own union type. Let me explain with a diagram:


You know what this is. A male's (let's say it's Milanor) union type. Now let's
put Yggdra in there:

X + X
X + Y +
M +

See how Yggdra was in Milanor's union, and because of linking, she expands
the union by 1 square of her own union type (Since she's female, she has the
+ union type).

It may sound confusing at firsts (remember when unions itself were confusing?)
but you'll get the hang of it, just like when you first learned about unions.

6.19 Moving in Sand (Begining of BF29)

Summary: All characters except those with Move = Fly can only move 1 square per
turn in a desert area. Meaning there are some squares that are pure desert, and
once you land on these squares, your unit will stop moving (unless you hit B
and reset the movement, and try to find another path). Once you confirm the
movement though, that's it. When in sand, you can only move one square at a
time (unless, like already mentioned, your unit can fly).

In every sand level, there is a path that you can take that doesn't stop your

6.20 Moving in Poison Swamp (After first turn of BF41)

Summary: Poison Swamps are the exact same as Sand. When you move into it, you
automatically stop moving. You can only move one square at a time. Oh, and you
take 10% damage after every one of your turns spent in the Poison Swamps (the
purple squares).

There's no way to really prevent it (except with Move -> Fly) so you'll just
have to push through and hope for the best.


7) Endings

7.1 - The Dark Ages Reborn (BF45)

The Dark Ages Reborn

The entrance into purgatory... the Abyss.

With Yggdra in pursuit, Holy Sword in hand, Gulcasa, the Emporer of Carnage,
used the last of his strength to drive his blade into his body and threw himself
into the Abyss.
Gulcasa's blazing will was released in those eternal depths, and the resulting
ripple of chaos shook the dragon from its slumber.

It was the second advent of Brongaa, the Dragon of Purgatory.

Engulfed in hellfire, human society burned to the ground. An age of darkness

governed by absolute power had begun...


7.2 - Power Traded for Wisdom (BF48)

Power Traded for Wisdom

Since King Paltinaeas's founding of the Kingdom of Fantasinia, the Holy Sword
Gran Centurio has lit a path for the kingdom in the name of justice.

At the close of the war with Bronquia, Yggdra, the 32nd Monarch of Fantasinia,
renounced all military force forever and sealed the Holy Sword in the Great
Temple. She vowed never to allow war to give rise to any more sorrow or hatred.

Acknolwedging this, the Guardian Angel Marietta gave Yggdra her holy Scepter of
Wisdom, and Yggdra swore to be driven by wisdom rather than power.

A gentle breeze has begun to flow, bringing a new age of peace to Paltina...


7.3 - The Advent of Ragnarok (BF48)

The Advent of Ragnarok

Ancardia, the Lost Paradise, continued to rise during the fierce battle with
Nessiah, reaching the boundary between the realm of humans and that of the
gods, known as Heaven's Gate.

The guardian angel Marietta flew down to deliver the words of the gods to the
Royal Army. Yggdra, who believed in the absolute justice of the Holy Sword
which has served as a pillar of Fantasinia, responded by slaying her with the
Gran Centurio.

Violent thunder roared and lightning rent the clouds. The war had been carried
to the heavens...

A titanic clash between Yggdra's forces and the gods... The great battle that
came to be known as "Ragnarok" was about to begin...


8) Items

8.1) Basics

First of all, the Items will be listed in the following format:

#. Item Name

Duration: How many Maps the item lasts

Game Description: Self-explanatory
Who Can Equip: ....

Stat change: Any stat increases this item gives

Effects: Any effects this item has


Simple, right? Eventually, but not now, I'll try to add Item Locations to each
of the items, so people actually know where to find these items.

Note about "Stat change":

There are two different types of stat change. Let's call it a big stat, and
a small stat:

Big Stat: Anything that has "UP", or "DW" (= DOWN) next to it. This means the
item will increase/decrease the stat by a value of 1 BIG STAR.

Small Stat: Anything that has +2 or -4 on it. This means that the item will
add/subtract that many LITTLE STARTS to the stat, but only up to
the next Big Star.

Note: These stat gains are NOT permanent! These stats wear off after the item
wears off. The only stat gains that are permanent ones are the "Edible" items.
You equip these items, and as soon as you move in the BF, your character will
eat the item and get the stat increase. Edible Items raise your stat to the
next Big Star.

8.2) Item List

Note: There's 256 items, so this list is long. Items are listed in alphabetical


Listed in alphabetical order.

1. 7 Star Sword (#097)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A treasured sword with a beaded hilt, used for rituals.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -6
Tec = +6
Luk = +4

Effects: Lightning Attacks UP

2. Alchemy Glass (#241)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A gold-rimmed monocle worn by an ancient alchemist.
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 12 or higher

Stat change:
Tec = +6
Luk = +4

Effects: Exp + 3

3. Angel Halo (#143)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A shining ring crowning Heaven's angels. Is it real...?
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 18 or higher

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Gradually raises Morale

4. Ankh Piece (#013)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A fragment of the Ankh Cannon with some residual powers.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: Gauge fills

5. Aquarius (#007)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A spiral jewel that gives the wearer a bond with water.
Who Can Equip: Nietzsche
Stat change:
Gen = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: GEO card in water.

6. Aran Doll (#012)

Duration: Infinite
Game Description: A doll shaped like the Guardian Aran, with a burnt smell.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Can't remove

7. Armory Key (#189)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An iron key that opens Castle Karona's armory.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

8. Banango *EDIBLE* (#170)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A fruit with a perfect balance of sweet and sour.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this.

Effects: LUK UP

9. Bead Bracelet (#179)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A beaded bracelet, handmade by Emilia.
Who Can Equip: Females only.

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Tec = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Evade panic.

10. Beast Cloak (#080)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A cape sewn from scrapes of beast hide.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: GEO + 10%

11. Beasterfang (#178)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Beast fangs carved to act as a boomerang.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: Weak against Archers

12. Berserk (#055)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A bloody axe which drives its user mad.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = UP
Tec = -2

Effects: Infinite Aggressiveness

13. Black Brand (#190)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A magic-user's sword, covered with dark aura.
Who Can Equip: Magicians

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = -2
Tec = UP

Effects: Dark attacks UP

14. Black Maria (#191)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Gothic lolita clothing accented with a charming red ribbon.
Who Can Equip: Nietzsche

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +2
Luk = +6

Effects: Blocks counters

15. Black Rose Crest (#074)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An heirloom of the House of the Black Rose
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = +4
Tec = -4
Luk = +4

Effects: Dark attacks UP

16. Blindfold (#220)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A white cloth for blindfolding prisoners
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = -6
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Foe has 50% of having a critical hit

17. Bloody Rapier (#136)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An ominous rapier whose blade drips blood.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = UP

Effects: Morale decreases every time you move.

18. Bloody Rose (#192)

Duration: Infinite
Game Description: Kylier's weapon. Its needles resemble a bright red rose.
Who Can Equip: Kylier

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = UP
Tec = +4

Effects: Power 25% stronger

19. Blue Apple (#005)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Light blue color indicates its poisonous nature.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: N/A

Effects: LUK DOWN

20. Blue Stinger (#193)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Luciana's favorite rapier. It shines a deep blue color.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = -2

Effects: Water/Ice attacks UP

21. Blunt Sword (#159)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: One of the most ineptly crafted swords ever.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = -6
Atk = DOWN
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Weak against all units

22. Boss Bandana (#102)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: The headband Ortega wore day in and day out.
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +2

Effects: Always Ace

23. Bottled Dozeu *EDIBLE* (#180)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A captured Dozeu, swimming in a bottle.
Who Can Equip: Non-vegetarians

Stat change: Eat this.

Effects: GEN UP

24. Brascendo (#208)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A demonic spear that slowly eats the user's soul
Who Can Equip: Spear-users

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: Decreases Morale slowly

25. Brave Ring (#194)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A ring with a powerful insignia that gives the wearer courage
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = +4

Effects: Increases Morale when below 50%

*** Note: This item is glitched. When attacking someone with this item, the
Pow. Up Value breaks, and can change to any number, even though the
most I've seen it go is only about 80 (and at full Morale, it starts
out with 120 Pow. Up I believe, so the glitch works against you).

26. Bronze Shield (#195)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A large bronze shield to ward off arrows and stones.
Who Can Equip: All but Bow-users

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -2
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Blocks attacks by catapults

27. Burning Sun (#169)
Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: This sword resembles the red setting sun.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +2

Effects: Strong in sunlight.

28. Burnt Dud (#084)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A cannonball with a lingering singed odor.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story item.

29. Caged Butterfly (#036)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A white butterfly caught in a cage.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story item.

30. Cardinal Cloak (#107)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A bright red cloak reminiscent of hell's flames.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Tec = +4

Effects: No damage from Fire attacks

31. Carnage Claw (#042)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A bloody claw that turns the wielder into a serial killer
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = +4

Effects: Infinite Aggressiveness

32. Cat Ears (#073)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A hairband with black cat ears.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2

Effects: Morale increases during movement at Night.

33. Cat's Eye (#054)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A spherical jewel resembling a cat's eye.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Stronger during Night-time

34. Catastrophe (#225)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Leon's demonic spear that buries everything in darkness.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: Dark attacks UP

35. Coral Spear (#094)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A three-pronged coral spear used by Embellia warriors.
Who Can Equip: Nietzsche

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +4

Effects: Morale increases in water.

36. Cracked Dud (#049)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A cannonball with a deep fissure on the surface.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story item.
37. Criticalizer (#069)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Shows an enemy's precise weakness
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 9 or higher

Stat change:
Tec = UP

Effects: You have a 50% of landing a critical hit.

38. Crusade Lance (#070)

Duration: Infinite
Game Description: A cross-shaped symbolizing faith and trust.
Who Can Equip: Gordon

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +4
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: Strong against Skeletons

39. Crystal Rod (#068)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A staff with a polished crystal attached to the top.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +2

Effects: Water/Ice attacks UP

40. Cursed Talisman (#009)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An evil spirit may possess the user.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Movement Decreases Morale

41. Damp Dud (#099)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A cannonball that was soaked in water.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

42. Dark Matter (#132)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A metal that exists only in the Netherworld.
Who Can Equip: N/a

Story Item?

43. Dark Sabre (#131)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A jet-black blade that harnesses dark energy.
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Gen = -6
Atk = +6
Tec = +6
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Dark attacks UP

44. Dead Dozeu *EDIBLE* (#110)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A Dozeu that died from taking it out of the wetland.
Who Can Equip: Iron-stomachs (Milanor, Nietzsche)

Stat change: Eat this.

Effects: Random Stat UP

45. Death Bringer (#145)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword with a chance of inflicting one-hit kills
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = +6
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: You have a 50% of landing a critical hit.

46. Demon Tail (#008)
Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An accessory to mimic a demon's tail.
Who Can Equip: All females but Nietzsche

Stat change:
Gen = -6
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Sleep during Noon-time

47. Desert Rose (#120)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A desert flower that blooms once every 100 years.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

48. Disfigured Dud (#201)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A malformed cannon ball.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

49. Dowsing Rods (#133)

Duration: 8 Map
Game Description: Magical sticks that react to certain substances
Who Can Equip: Roswell

Stat change:
Atk = -2
Luk = +6

Effects: Reacts to certain items.

50. Dozeu *EDIBLE* (#149)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A nutritious fish that lives in rivers.
Who Can Equip: Non-vegetarians

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: GEN UP

51. Dragon Boots (#153)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Fashionable boots made with dragon scales.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +4

Effects: Move changes to Dragon

52. Dragon Eater (#151)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword used to return dragons to their pits.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = +6

Effects: Strong against Dragons.

53. Dragon Steak *EDIBLE* (#152)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A cut of dragon meat, well-done.
Who Can Equip: Non-vegetarians.

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: GEN UP

54. Dream Cap (#230)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Enables the wearer to fall asleep at will.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: Sleep during Noon-time

55. Dried Lizard *EDIBLE* (#174)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A dried lizard. It has a horrible, bitter taste...
Who Can Equip: Iron-stomachs

Stat change: Eat this.

Effects: ATK UP

56. Early Drive (#001)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A blade as sharp as Death's scythe.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +4

Effects: Instant charge

57. Egg Shell (#129)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A griffon's eggshell. It's quite large.
Who Can Equip: Everyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +2

Effects: Decreases Morale slowly

58. Elegant Spear (#025)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A spear that was stored in the armory.
Who Can Equip: Spear-users

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: Exp + 2

59. Element (#027)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A material condensed from spiritual energy.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

60. Element Rod (#028)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A staff that bends the power of nature to the user's will.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = +2
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: GEO card anywhere

61. Elemina Mint *EDIBLE* (#026)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A mint that dissolves in bathwater for smoother skin
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: TEC UP

*** NOTE: Do NOT use this item if you want to see the infamous bath scene.

62. Elfin Bow (#024)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A gift from Elves to the people of the forest.
Who Can Equip: Cruz

Stat change:
Tec = UP
Luk = +4

Effects: Increases Morale when low

63. End of Ages (#030)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An ancient sword whose appearance signals the end of an era.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Power 50% stronger

64. Engagement Ring (#029)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A ring which promises love for all eternity.
Who Can Equip: Bachelors

Stat change:
Luk = +4

Effects: Can revive user once.

65. Etherion (#022)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Holy clothes that convert ambien energy into power.
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 15 or higher

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +4
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Gauge fills faster

66. Evening Dress (#016)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: An evening gown with a revealing cut.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = -4
Luk = +2

Effects: Stronger during Night-time

67. Evil Eye (#111)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An orb with an eye that darts to and fro, looking for
Who Can Equip: Magicians

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = UP
Luk = -4

Effects: Movement Decreases Morale

68. Excalibur (#023)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword made by using the full strength of orichalcum.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Holy attacks UP

69. Fairy Bell (#183)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A cute bell that belonged to the holy spring's fairy.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: Enemy Rate fills slower

70. Fanelia (#182)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A weapon forged by the gods who created the world to destroy
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 20

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = UP

Effects: All attributes UP UP

71. Flamberg (#185)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword with a crimson-colored blade.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Atk = +4

Effects: Fire attacks UP

72. Flute of Deception (#211)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A recorder decorated with demon's wings.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = -4

Effects: Foe GEO 0%

73. Forbidden Fruit *EDIBLE* (#063)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A fruit stolen from Paradise.
Who Can Equip: All
Stat change: Eat this!

Effects: All stats UP

74. Formular (#184)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A magical broomstick that defies gravity.
Who Can Equip: Rosary

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = UP

Effects: Gauge = MAX

75. Four-Leaf Clover (#232)

Duration: 4 Map
Game Description: A clover that brings luck to the bearer.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = UP

Effects: Drop rate 100% (Enemy always drops item)

76. Frilly Lace (#186)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Rosary's favorite hair ornament adorned with lace.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Instant charge

77. Fur (#078)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A dried pelt skinned from a wild beast.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

78. Fur Coat (#079)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A winter cloak lined with beasts' fur.
Who Can Equip: All
Stat change:
Gen = +4

Effects: No damage from Water/Ice attacks

79. Gale Bow (#098)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A lightweight bow that fires arrows as if they were wind.
Who Can Equip: Bow-users

Stat change:
Tec = +6

Effects: Instant charge

80. Gargoyle Rod (#045)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A staff with a gargoyle design on the head.
Who Can Equip: Roswell

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Atk = +4
Tec = +4
Luk = -4

Effects: Strong during Night-time

81. Gatling Bow (#046)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Shoots arrows rapidly until it runs out.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = +4

Effects: Gauge fills

82. Gaudy Turban (#150)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Dort's eyesore of a turban.
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary.

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Luk = +2

Effects: No zero reset (When your Morale hits 0, your Exp will not be reset)
83. Gauntlet (#048)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A steel gauntlet that fits snugly no the wearer's wrist.
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 8 or higher

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +4

Effects: Blocks counters

84. Glass Bottle (#047)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A clear glass container. It's quite fragile
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN

Effects: Foe has 50% of having a critical hit

85. Goat Cheese *EDIBLE* (#105)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Richly flavored cheese made by fermenting goat milk.
Who Can Equip: Non-milk haters

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: ATK UP

86. Goat Milk *EDIBLE* (#106)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Fresh milk from a goat.
Who Can Equip: Non-milk haters

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: TEC UP

87. Gold Lump (#061)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Shiny gold bar found in the Brigand Stronghold.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

88. Golden Spear (#088)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A shining spear made of solid gold.
Who Can Equip: Spear-users

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Tec = DOWN
Luk = UP

Effects: Lightning Attacks UP

89. Golden Wheat (#086)

Duration: 4 Map
Game Description: A golden stalk of wheat. Found rarely in Framm.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +6

Effects: Exp + 1

90. Golem Suit (#089)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An unwieldly costume to impersonate a golem.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +4
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Move changes to Slow

91. Good Luck Charm (#082)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An amulet that blesses the wearer with luck.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: Drop rate 100% (Enemy always drops item)

92. Grand Cross (#075)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: He who went into combat wearing this never lost.
Who Can Equip: Strong Males only

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +2

Effects: No damage from all attributes

93. Griffon Feather (#076)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A feather from Kylier's griffon, Adlerauge Luftgreif.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = UP

Effects: Movement Increases Morale

94. Grilled Griffon *EDIBLE* (#077)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A cut of griffon meat, well-done.
Who Can Equip: Non-vegetarians

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: GEN UP

95. Guillotine Cutter (#064)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A chakram with large blades arranged around it.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = UP
Luk = -2

Effect: You have a 50% of landing a critical hit.

96. Gungnir (#227)

Duration: 4 Map
Game Description: A divine spear that spent eternity with the queen of Embellia
Who Can Equip: Nietzsche

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = +4
Luk = +4
Effect: A-Type Skills last twice as long

97. Hair Band (#039)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A simple hair ornament that Yggdra often wears.
Who Can Equip: All females but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Instant charge

98. Hammer of Ruin (#168)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A small hammer; capable of destroying anything
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = -6

Effects: Destroys objects

99. Handmade Bow (#142)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A bow handcrafted from tree branches.
Who Can Equip: Cruz

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -2
Tec = -2

Effect: Critical = 0% (You will never deal a critical hit)

100. Headgear (#200)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Inzaghi's signature helmet. Padded to absorb shocks.
Who Can Equip: Males only

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = +2

Effects: Invulnerable to all ailments

101. Healing Herb (#017)
Duration: 4 Map
Game Description: An herb with a soothing effect.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = +2

Effects: Cures ailments

102. Hero Badge (#228)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Bestows heroic feelings. Unusually popular among kids.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Always Ace

103. Holey Dud (#010)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A cannonball with a hole in it.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

104. Hoof Shoes (#176)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A Pair of shoes that looks like horse's hooves.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = +2

Effects: Move changes to Horse

105. Hresvelgr (#188)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A huge sword reminiscent of a legendary bird.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = UP
Tec = +4
Luk = -4
Effects: Heavy counter % UP

106. Hyper Drill (#163)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A mining drill that can grind the hardest rock to pieces.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Morale damage max

107. Ice Javelin (#003)

Duration: 5 Map
Game Description: An icicle spear made by fairies.
Who Can Equip: Spear-users

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +4

Effects: Water/Ice attacks UP

108. Ifrit Fling (#015)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A demonic sword that sealed the god Ifrit's soul.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = +2
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Fire attacks UP

109. Imperial Warfare 1 (#138)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Volume detailing landform and climate specifications.
Who Can Equip: The literate

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = -4
Tec = UP
Luk = +2

Effects: No zero reset (When your Morale hits 0, your Exp will not be reset)

110. Imperial Warfare 2 (#139)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Volume detailing weapon and magic specifications.
Who Can Equip: The literate

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = -4
Tec = +2
Luk = UP

Effects: No zero reset (When your Morale hits 0, your Exp will not be reset)

111. Imperial Warfare 3 (#140)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Volume detailing formation and tactic specifications.
Who Can Equip: The literate

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -4
Tec = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: No zero reset (When your Morale hits 0, your Exp will not be reset)

112. Inferno (#018)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A weapon possessed by a fire demon.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Win = decreases Morale

113. Insect Cage (#218)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A simple reed cage to hold insects.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: N/A

Effects: N/A

114. Ipponki (#087)
Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A simple, unadorned but perfectly crafted spear.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Cannot use Skills

115. Iron Choker (#072)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A dangerous bladed iron choker.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: Evades critical hits

116. Iron Helm (#002)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: An iron helmet to guard against head injury.
Who Can Equip: Strong Males

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -2
Tec = -4

Effects: Evades critical hits

117. Iron Shackles (#141)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A chain to prevent prisoners from escaping.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Atk = -4
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Move cost doubles, 1 Square = 2 Mov

118. Item Manual (#004)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An index of all items known to man.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Extra Contents Item. Shows all items.

119. Jack Hand (#112)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A claw of insanity that rips enemies to shreds.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Gen = -6
Atk = UP
Tec = +6
Luk = DOWN

Effects: 1 on 1 = You win (in a clash)

120. Jewel Rod (#113)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A gleaming staff encrusted with jewels.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = -2
Luk = +6

Effects: Lightning Attacks UP

121. Kalinka Berry *EDIBLE* (#041)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Grown only at St. Meriata; has intoxicating effects.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: Random Stat UP

122. Kill Blade (#059)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A hand axe with an arched blade.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = UP

Effects: 1 on 1 = You win (in a clash)

123. Killer Beehive (#057)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A nest of ferocious and poisonous killer bees.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: N/A

Effects: Heavy counter % UP

124. Knight Killer (#155)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: An infamous spear that sent many knights to their doom.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = +2

Effects: Strong against Knights

125. Kokorinut *EDIBLE* (#085)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An addictive snack food.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: LUK UP

126. Lacan's Medicine *EDIBLE* (#235)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Small capsules that numb the tongue when taken.
Who Can Equip: All units over 18

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: TEC UP

127. Lady's Coat (#101)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: An elegant coat for elegant women.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = -4
Tec = -2
Luk = +4
Effect: Critical = 0% (You will never deal a critical hit)

128. Leather Hat (#044)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A simple hat made by stitching skins together.
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +4

Effects: Evades panic

129. Letter (#038)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An imprisoned soldier's letter home.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

130. Lightning Bow (#234)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A magical bow with electric attributes.
Who Can Equip: Bow-users

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: Lightning Attacks UP

131. Lionheart (#233)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An accessory conferring perserverance to the wearer
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = +4

Effects: No battle penalty (You don't lose a member every clash in unions)

132. Lost Material (#244)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An unknown substance.
Who Can Equip: N/A

This item serves no function at all.

133. Lucky Broom (#236)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A broom that brings happiness.
Who Can Equip: Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = +4
Luk = UP

Effects: Drop Rate 100% (Enemy always drops item)

134. Mage Ring (#204)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A ring of such power that wars have been fought over it.
Who Can Equip it: All Lvl 5 or higher

Stat change:
Tec = +6

Effects: Gauge fills

135. Magical Sword (#207)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword that confers Mana power to its user
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Gauge fills

136. Maiden's Tear (#033)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Crystalized from an innocent maiden's tears.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: N/A

Effects: Can revive user once.

137. Mana Stone (#210)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An iridescent jewel that shines different colors.
Who Can Equip: N/A
Story Item.

138. Marchen Wings (#223)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Cute, but false, white wings.
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 10 or higher

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Luk = +6

Effects: Move changes to Fly

139. Mars Shield (#212)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A large shield with a decoration of the god Mars.
Who Can Equip: Strong Males

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Tec = DOWN
Luk = +4

Effects: Blocks charges

140. Mepple *EDIBLE* (#222)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A citrus fruit with a refreshingly sour flavor.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: LUK UP

141. Meria Bible (#121)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: An illuminated manuscript of Meria's sacred text.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = -4
Luk = +6

Effects: No damage from Holy attacks

142. Mermaid Fin (#205)
Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Special fins to swim like an Undine
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Tec = -4

Effects: Move changes to Swim

143. Mesala's Tablet (#221)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A tablet inscribed by the legendary prophet Mesala.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

144. Meteor (#213)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A lethal weapon capable of killing in one blow.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = +6

Effects: You have a 50% of landing a critical hit.

145. Midnight Robe (#226)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A robe sewn from pitch-black thread.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +2

Effects: No damage from Dark attacks

146. Miracle Tiara (#050)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An insignia of office for the Monarch of Fantasinia.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Always Ace

147. Mirage Coat (#215)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A marvelous coat that can camouflage its wearer.
Who Can Equip: All Lvl 7 or higher

Stat change:
Gen = +4

Effects: GEO + 20%

148. Mirror of Truth (#019)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A magical hand mirror that shows one's true face.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

149. Misanga of Life (#014)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Flone's handmade good luck charm for Russell.
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: Can revive user once.

150. Mistilteinn (#214)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A demonic sword that feasts on living souls
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = +4

Effects: Win = decreases Morale

151. Mjollnil (#137)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A failed alchemic replica of a Diviner...
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = DOWN
Tec = DOWN
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Foe Heavy Counter 100%

152. Mjollnir (#108)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A replica of one of the Diviners of the gods.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: 1-hit kill % UP

153. Mjollni# (#247)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Brightly shining Lost Material. Almost there...
Who Can Equip: N/A

This item has no purpose whatsoever.

154. Mountain Grapes *EDIBLE* (#224)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Wild grapes of small size but enormous taste.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: TEC UP

155. Muddy Dud (#154)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A mud-caked cannonball.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

156. Murderous Mask (#091)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A mask that conjures images of death for those who see it.
Who Can Equip: Elena
Stat change:
Gen = -6
Atk = UP
Tec = +6

Effects: Lowers Gauge

157. Nana's Candy (#158)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Sweet, sweet candy from Nana.
Who Can Equip: Sweet-tooths

Stat change: N/A

Effects: Increases Morale slowly

158. Nestle Bouquet (#161)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Sweetly scented flowers that grow in Framm.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

159. Night Scope (#156)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Increases visibility at nighttime.
Who Can Equip: Bow-users

Stat change:
Tec = +6

Effects: Stronger during Night-time.

160. Nightmare (#157)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: This macabre mask is the stuff of nightmares.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Tec = +6
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Dark attacks UP

161. Noble Glasses (#162)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Eudy's regal-looking eyeglasses.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Evades panic

162. Obsidian (#083)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Glossy black stone that can be found at Verlaine Hills.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

163. Ogre Blade (#032)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A gigantic blade once used by an ancient ogre.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = UP
Tec = -6
Luk = -2

Effects: Power 25% stronger

164. Ogrenium (#031)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: The hardest metal in existence; found rarely in Lenessey.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

165. Old Music Box (#187)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An old organ found in the Land of Ruins.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Extra Contents Item. Opens up the "Sound Mode"

166. Orihalcum (#034)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Crystalline mineral said to exist only in Heaven.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.
167. Paladin Lance (#172)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A spear presented to the leader of the Royal Army
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +6

Effects: Holy attacks UP

168. Pamela's Broom (#171)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Pamela's favorite broom, decorated with countless figurines.
Who Can Equip: Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Atk = +4
Tec = +6
Luk = UP

Effect: A-Type Skills last twice as long

169. Phalanx (#181)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A thin, long spear to reach archers from a distance.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +2

effects: Strong against Archers

170. Platinum Ornament (#196)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A gorgeous platinum hairpin.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: No damage from any element except Dark

171. Poison Viper *EDIBLE* (#147)
Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A poisonous snake mottled black and white.
Who Can Equip: Iron-stomachs

Stat change: Do NOT eat this!

Effects: TEC DOWN

172. Power Fruit (#173)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A nutritious fruit that makes the eater stronger.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects; ATK UP

173. Powershroom (#135)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A strange mushroom that charges the body with energy.
Who Can Equip: Non-mushroom-haters

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: ATK UP

174. Pretty Shell (#060)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Beautiful twin shells that softly reflect the light.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

175. Princess Dress (#197)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A dress Yggdra wore about the castle.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = +2
Tec = +4
Luk = +4

Effects: No damage from all attributes

176. Prominence (#199)
Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword that burns everything with its deadly flame.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = UP

Effects: Gauge fills

177. Protato *EDIBLE* (#198)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A high-protein potato. It doesn't taste very good...
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: ATK UP

178. Rag (#203)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A ripped cloth worn by a beggar. It smells...
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Drains Morale slowly

179. Rainbow Arc (#160)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A mystic bow that sparkles like a rainbow.
Who Can Equip: Bow-users

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = +6
Luk = UP

Effects: Foe GEO 0%

180. Ranger Boots (#242)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Boots that let the wearer walk over any terrain.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Effects: GEO + 10%

181. Red Crimson (#240)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Aegina's favorite rapier. It shines a deep red color.
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = UP
Tec = -4
Luk = +2

Effects: Fire attacks UP

182. Rev. of the Gods (Revelation of the Gods) (#040)

Duration: Infinite
Game Description: A book of gods that belonged to Nessiah.
Who Can Equip: Nessiah

Extra Contents Item. Opens up the "Cards" section.

183. Revenger (#237)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A sword charged with hatred and thirst for revenge.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = -6
Atk = +2
Tec = UP
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Counter does same amount of damage

184. Ribbon (#177)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A large red ribbon.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: No damage from all ailments.

185. Rokon Skull (#056)
Duration: N/A
Game Description: The skull of Rokon, an ancient gargantuan beast.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

186. Rope (#243)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: The rope used to tie Yggdra to the scaffold.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = DOWN
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Weak against all units

187. Rosary of Hope (#053)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A rosary that pious Meria believers carry everywhere.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Gauge might fill to Max

188. Rosary of Taboo (#062)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A crimson rosary used in secret by religious heretics.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Drains Morale slowly

189. Rotten Dozeu *EDIBLE* (#065)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A rotten, dead Dozeu with a nasty stench...
Who Can Equip: Iron-stomachs

Stat change: Do NOT eat this!

Effects: GEN DOWN

190. Ruby Staff (#238)

Duration: 5 Map
Game Description: A Staff with a ruby embedded in the head.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Atk = +4
Tec = +2

Effects: Fire Attacks UP

191. Rune Crystal (#206)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A mysterious crystal concealing powerful magic.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

192. Rusted Chain (#092)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A rusted metal chain used to secure the prisoners.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Atk = DOWN
Tec = DOWN

Effects: Cannot counter in a clash.

193. Rusted Sword (#066)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A famous sword that rusted over with time.
Who Can Equip: Sword-users

Stat change:
Gen = DOWN
Atk = DOWN
Tec = DOWN
Luk = -4

Effect: Critical = 0% (You will never deal a critical hit)

194. Salamandora (#093)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A burning red sword.
Who Can Equip: Milanor
Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = +4
Tec = -4

Effects: Counter does same amount of damage

195. Scepter of Wisdom (#021)

Duration: Infinite
Game Description: The Guardian Angel's holy staff, symbolizing wisdom.
Who Can Equip: Marietta

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Gauge = MAX

196. Scorpio Tail (#116)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A poisonous claw resembling the tail of a scorpion.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Atk = +2
Tec = +6

Effects: Strong in Sand

197. Sealed Purse (#006)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A stolen briefcase that the bandits failed to open.
Who Can Equip: Roswell

Stat change: N/A

Effects: N/A

198. Seductive Bustier (#216)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Sexy red bustier decorated with white lace.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2

Effects: Increases Morale slowly

199. Shaman Mask (#100)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: May have been used by excorcists during rituals.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = -2
Tec = -4
Luk = +6

Effects: GEO card anywhere

200. Shell Breastplate (#035)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A slightly embarassing breastplate made of shells.
Who Can Equip: Nietzsche

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = UP

Effects: Evades critical hits

201. Shin Zantetsu (#109)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Ultimate katana that can even cut ethereal matter.
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Morale damage max

202. Shiny Coin (#058)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A coin commemorating Pope Mennes's election.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

203. Silk Corset (#052)

Duration: 6 Map
Game Description: A lovely corset, coated with a layer of fine silk.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = UP

Effects: Blocks counters

204. Silk Hood (#051)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A white silk hood. Was once the standard for single women.
Who Can Equip: All females but Rosary

Stat change:
Atk = -2
Tec = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Evades panic

205. Silver Moon (#103)

Duration: 7 Map
Game Description: A crescent moon-shaped silver blade.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: No battle penalty (You don't lose a member every clash in unions)

206. Silvia (#175)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: The spear that caused the goddess Silvia much sorrow.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = +6
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Lowers Gauge

207. Skull Stone (#148)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A horrific stone that emanates negative waves.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

208. Small Breastplate (#134)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A small breastplate made especially for Emilia.
Who Can Equip: Certain Females (i.e. Nietzsche)

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +4

Effects: Strong against Archers.

209. Snipe Glass (#119)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A device used to guarantee accuracy.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Tec = UP

Effects: 1 on 1 = You win (in a clash)

210. Soldier's Bandana (#239)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Inzaghi's bandana, with many battlefield stains.
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = +2
Tec = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: No battle penalty (You don't lose a member every clash in unions)

211. Sorcery Glasses (#125)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Glasses favored by witches to increase mental focus.
Who Can Equip: Magicians

Stat change:
Atk = -2
Tec = UP
Luk = +2

Effects: Gauge fills

212. Soul Crucible (#130)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A small jar containing countless soldiers' souls.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Luk = -6

Effects: Can revive user once.

213. Southern Cross (#090)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A staff shining like a star, with infinite magical power.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = +4
Tec = UP
Luk = UP

Effects: Power 50% stronger

214. Split Upola Statue (#246)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: an Upola Statue that split in half. May be a bad omen...
Who Can Equip: All

Stat chagne:
Gen = DOWN
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Cannot counter

215. Sprouting Protato *EDIBLE* (#166)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A Protato with sprouts sticking out from it.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Do NOT eat this!

Effects: ATK DOWN

216. Stardust (#118)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A star-shaped ore that shines light yellow.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

217. Stardust Hourglass (#202)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: An hourglass made from powdered Stardust.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

218. Stell Persona (#164)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A perfectly polished, expressionless mask.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +2
Luk = -2

Effects: Evades panic

219. Straw Hat (#217)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A hat to keep off the sun.
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: Strong in sunlight.

220. Stray Dragon (#165)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: An obedient dragon trained for riding.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change: N/A

Effects: Turns Durant into a Dragon Knight

221. Sun Orb (#126)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: An orb containing the image of a burning desert sun.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Luk = +2

Effects: Movement in sunlight increases Morale

222. Sweetberry *EDIBLE* (#115)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A bittersweet fruit. It's Yggdra's favorite.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: LUK UP

223. Teddybear (#067)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Emilia's favorite. She sleeps with it every night.
Who Can Equip: Females only

Stat change:
Gen = +2

Effects: N/A

224. Tough Boots (#114)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: Special boots to wade through poison marshes.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Gen = +2

Effects: Cannot be poisoned

225. Transmigragem (#144)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: The jewel enabling the Undines' reincarnation.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

226. Trap (#146)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A huntsman's snare.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

227. Treasure Map (#127)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: It appears to lead to a spot in the Karona Outskirts.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: N/A

Effects: Reacts to certain items.

228. Twilight Veil (#128)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A golden veil that brings on mysterious heartaches.
Who Can Equip: All females but Rosary

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Tec = +4
Luk = +2

Effects: Stronger in Evening-time.

229. Uncanny Fruit *EDIBLE* (#011)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A fruit from the Netherworld. It looks poisonous...
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: Random Stat UP

230. Upola Statue (#020)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A statue of a forgotton civilization. Even brigands didn't
want it...
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Gen = -2
Atk = -2
Tec = -2
Luk = UP

Effects: Can revive user once.

231. Walnut Bread *EDIBLE* (#071)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A bread with walnuts baked into it.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change: Eat this

Effects: GEN UP
232. Warm Dud (#117)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A cannonball that's slightly hot to the touch.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

233. Warp Shoes (#245)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Magical shoes that enable teleportation.
Who Can Equip: Magicians

Stat change:
Tec = +2

Effects: Move changes to Warp

234. Werdna (#219)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A famous golden horse that ran 2,500 miles in a day.
Who Can Equip: Durant

Stat change:
Gen = +6
Atk = +4
Tec = +2

Effects: Always Ace

235. White Butterfly (#209)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: A rare white butterfly tempted by the scent of Nestle.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

236. White Rose Crest (#104)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: An heirloom of the House of the White Rose
Who Can Equip: Anyone but Roswell

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Atk = -4
Tec = +4
Luk = -4
Effects: Holy Attacks UP

237. Wilting Bouquet (#096)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Time has wilted the Nestle flowers.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

238. Wind Cutter Blue (#037)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A weapon forged by Meriant zealots.
Who Can Equip: Elena

Stat change:
Atk = +6
Tec = UP

Effects: No battle penalty (You don't lose a member every clash in unions)

239. Winged Sandals (#167)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Stylish sandals with small wings on the ankles.
Who Can Equip: Anyone who's move isn't Horse/Swim

Stat change:
Tec = +2
Luk = +6

Effects: GEO 0%

240. Withered Bouquet (#043)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Desiccated brown Nestle flowers.
Who Can Equip: N/A

Story Item.

241. World Tree Branch (#122)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A branch of the World Tree with spiritual power reamining.
Who Can Equip: Staff-users

Stat change:
Gen = +4
Tec = +2
Luk = +2
Effects: N/A

242. World Tree Leaf (#123)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A leaf of the World Tree, found in Marduk Woods.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = UP

Effects: GEO card anywhere

243. Yarde Horn (#081)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: Horn from Yarde, a holy beast.
Who Can Equip: Males only

Stat change:
Gen = +2
Atk = +2

Effects: Morale increases in evening movement.

244. Yashamaru (#231)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A red mystic sword that emits wicked energy
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Gen = UP
Atk = UP
Tec = UP
Luk = DOWN

Effects: Heavy counter % UP

245. Yumina's Diary (#229)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A pink-covered diary kept by Yumina.
Who Can Equip: All

Stat change:
Luk = +4

Effects: No zero reset (When your Morale hits 0, your Exp will not be reset)

246. Zantetsu (#095)

Duration: 3 Map
Game Description: A legendary blade that can cut anything in twain.
Who Can Equip: Russell

Stat change:
Atk = UP
Tec = UP

Effects: Strong against Golems

247. Zolfy (#124)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: A rapier that has sent many men to their graves
Who Can Equip: Yggdra

Stat change:
Gen = -4
Atk = +4
Tec = +6
Luk = -6

Effects: 1 on 1 = You win (in a clash)

248. #jollni# (#248)

Duration: N/A
Game Description: Brightly shining Lost Material. Nearly done.

249. #jo#lni# (#249)
250. #jo#ln## (#250)
251. ##o#ln## (#251)
252. ##o##n## (#252)
253. #####n## (#253)
254. ######## (#254)

Game Description: Brightly shining Lost Material, still resolving...

255. Imperial Armor (#255)

Duration: 2 Map
Game Description: Standard-issue Imperial officers' armor.
Who Can Equip: Milanor

Stat change:
Gen = +6

Effects: Can't join Unions

256. Medallion (#256)

Duration: 1 Map
Game Description: A medal for distinguished service in combat.
Who Can Equip: No one
Stat change: N/A

Effects: Recovers 20% Morale


9) Cards

9.1) Basics

Cards are obviously extremely important, as without them, you wouldn't be able
to move/attack/do anything actually. Here is a list of all cards in the game,
their effects, initial power rating, Move, Ace, and Who can use them. For most
of the cards I have also included the Incantation that flies across the screen
when you use the card's skill. If you have any incantations I'm missing, feel
free to send them to me, even though I'll get most of them as I continue
playing through the game.

Note: Even though I have 33 Cards listed here, you can only obtain 30 of them
in the game. The last 3 are only used by enemies and cannot be obtained in any

Note2: Eventually I'll add the Locations (which BF you can get these cards) to
all the cards. As of right now, I don't know the Locations of all of the cards
yet, but once I figure out the Locations for all of them, I'll add it in here.
So, as of know, all the locations for the cards I know are in my walkthrough
(Use CTRL+F to find them).

Here's the format the cards will be in.

#. Card name (A- or B-Type)

Description: Game description what the card does

Effects: Further notes on how the card works

Power: Initial power. A card's power can increase when defeating enemies using
that card.
Move: How many squares you can move.
Ace: What type the Ace is.

Who Can Use: Obvious.

Incantation: The incantation that flies across the screen when using the card's

9.2) Card List

1. Doll Craft (B-Type)

Description: Summons golems

Effects: Strength = Star

Power: 1400
Move: 11
Ace: Rod

Who Can Use: Witches only


2. Necrogate (B-Type)

Description: Summons skeletons

Effects: Strength = Star

Power: 1400
Move: 11
Ace: Rod

Who Can Use: Necromancers at night-time only


"Wretched souls pounding at Hell's gate...

It is I who hold the key!"

- Necromancer Gnelda

3. Medusa Eye (B-Type)

Description: Petrifies enemy

Effects: Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN

Power: 2550
Move: 9
Ace: Bow

Who Can Use: Anyone


"O memories of sin faded by time...

Let it end with this conviction of stone."

- Luane the Condemned

4. Poison Breath (B-Type)

Description: Poisons enemy

Effects: Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN

Power: 1650
Move: 9
Ace: Lump
Who Can Use: Skeleton only


5. Gravity Chaos (B-Type)

Description: Darkness damage to enemy, curses them

- Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN
- Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 2150
Move: 9
Ace: Axe

Who Can Use: Anyone


"O angel deprived of light and wings...

Let thy misery cage mine enemy."

- Aymia the Fallen

6. Item Break (B-Type)

Description: Destroys enemy's equipped item

Effects: Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN

Power: 1750
Move: 8
Ace: Sword

Who Can Use: Fencers only


"Swordmanship honed in war...

At thy strike even demon bones crumble."

- The Legendary Hawk

7. Steal (B-Type)

Description: Steals enemy's equipped item

Effects: Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN

Power: 1000
Move: 12
Ace: Axe

Who Can Use: Milanor only

"The Shadow of the wind Snatches all...
Even the treasure of the Gods"

- Saezar the Wind Demon

8. Bloody Claw (B-Type)

Description: Defeats enemy head

Effects: Successful if: Your TEC >= Enemy GEN

Power: 1700
Move: 9
Ace: Bow

Who Can Use: Assassins at Night-time only


"Crazed demon bathed in crimson moonlight...

Let fountains of blood rain from thy claws."

- Anon of the Red Moon

9. Chariot (B-Type)

Description: Cuts enemy numbers to same as you

Effects: Strength = Changes

Power: 1800
Move: 9
Ace: Spear

Who Can Use: Knights only

"O iron centaur trampling the Battlefield...
Thy spear pierces steel and flesh alike."

- Gallad, the Steel Knight

10. Shield Barrier (A-Type)

Description: Receive no damage while activated

Effects: Effect Duration = Short

Power: 1500
Move: 6
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone


"Sage wielding the holy scepter of war...

Let thy light shield the weak"
- Hasha Hatti the Protector

11. Flame (B-Type)

Description: Fire damage to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1250
Move: 7
Ace: Rod

Who Can Use: Anyone


"O sorceress clad in the flames of hell...

Let thy fiery incarnation bear its fangs."

- Masende, the High Sorceress

12. Blizzard (B-Type)

Description: Ice damage to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1350
Move: 7
Rod: Spear

Who Can Use: Anyone

NOTE: If used by an Undine, all the water in the level will be frozen, allowing
you to walk on it. The ice will melt after a few turns.


If used by Nietzsche:
"Uphold the ancient pact...
Seal mine enemy's fate with Ice."

- Queen Cestina

If used by anyone else:

"O coffin of ice, sealing away anguish...
Invite death with thy bitter eulogy."

13. Thunderbolt (B-Type)

Description: Lightning damage to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1550
Move: 7
Ace: Bow
Who Can Use: Anyone


14. Banish (B-Type)

Description: Holy damage to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1150
Move: 7
Ace: Sword

Who Can Use: Anyone


"O shepherd with earthly body and heavenly Soul...

Strike down evil with holy Light."

- San Asta Narev

15. Dragon Killer (A-Type)

Description: Star damage against dragons while activated

Effects: Effect Duration = Normal

Power: 2800
Move: 8
Ace: Axe

Who Can Use: Anyone, if enemy is a dragon


"O blade master and conqueror of fear...

Even from the grave, thy blade still Reigns."

- Dragon Slaying Gill

16. Earthquake (B-Type)

Description: Destroys petrified objects w/i 2 squares

- Strength = Enemy units are halved
- Destroy = 100%

Power: 1650
Move: 10
Ace: Lump

Who Can Use: Golems only

"O angry goliath, sentencing the earth...
Shake Gaia with thy hammer of destruction."

- Doekes, Lord of Rage

17. Mind Change (B-Type)

Description: Makes enemy join your side in battle

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1300
Move: 6
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, if enemy is same size/gender


"Twin goddesses each born with a single Wing...

With imperfection lies everchanging Hearts."

- Gemini Aristella

18. Revolution (B-Type)

Description: Defeats all enemies but the head

Effects: Strength: Infinite to all but head

Power: 1300
Move: 10
Ace: Sword

Who Can Use: Valkyrie & Yggdra, when only the head is alive


"O valkyrie of the doomed Rebellion...

In the depths of despair, sing us to Victory."

- Nirvana, Goddess of Battle

19. Crusade (B-Type)

Description: Defeats all enemies

Effects: Strength: Infinite

Power: 3300
Move: 12
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Yggdra, when only head is alive

"Divine empress loved by the phoenix Mulminams...
Bring light to the darkness of Chaos."

- Paltina the Creator

20. Sanctuary (B-Type)

Description: Revives your fallen members

Effects: Your TEC

Power: 1100
Move: 8
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only at Noon


"Maiden of the sacred sanctuary...

Grant weary soldiers a moment of Peace."

- Laksimi the Half-Beast

21. Refreshment (B-Type)

Description: Heals ailments

Effects: Success = 100%

Power: 1050
Move: 3
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only at Noon


"O spring of eternal purity...

Bubble with the longs of the Faeries."

- Cullin Fairy of the Holy Spring

22. Kiss of Death (B-Type)

Description: Weakens enemy, strengthens you. (Increases your attack randomly,

decreases enemy's attack randomly)
Effects: Duration = 7.77 sec

Power: 2950
Move: 6
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only at Night

NOTE: When you activate this card, a timer with 7.77 seconds start. If you
still haven't won the clash yet, your head instantly dies.


"Bewitching demon of the night...

Seduce thy victims, drowning them in pleasure."

- Vanessa, Empress of Darkness

23. Fortune (A-Type)

Description: Changes LUK to power for both sides

Effects: Duration = Long

Power: 2600
Move: 06
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone


"Blind seer, mute soothsayer...

All of Fate lies in thy Cards."

- Vasuraha the Beholder

24. Mirage (A-Type)

Description: Swaps enemy geography with yours

Effects: Duration = Normal

Power: 1350
Move: 4
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only at Noon


"Whimsical fairie of the rainbow Crystal..

Let thy illusions become Reality."

- Rubina the Dreamer

25. Banshee's Cry (A-Type)

Description: Lowers enemy ATK to 1 while activated

Effects: Duration = Normal

Power: 1050
Move: 8
Ace: Sword

Who Can Use: Anyone


"I summon thee, burier of the dead...

Let thy shriek pierce the enemy's heart."

- Iona the Gravedigger

26. Ivy Whip (B-Type)

Description: Physical damage w/ vines to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 2300
Move: 5
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only if Enemy is in Forest


27. Sandstorm (B-Type)

Description: Physical damage w/ sand to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 2500
Move: 5
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only if Enemy is in Desert


28. Mantrap (B-Type)

Description: Physical damage w/ swamp to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 3200
Move: 5
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only if Enemy is in Swamp


29. Rockfall (B-Type)

Description: Physical damage w/ rocks to enemy

Effects: Strength: Your TEC - Enemy GEN

Power: 1100
Move: 5
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Anyone, but only if Enemy is in Wasteland


30. Ace Guard (B-Type)

Description: Protects unions from charges/counters

Effects: Effect = 100%

Power: 1600
Move: 4
Ace: All

Who Can Use: Union Leader only


"O emporer, protector of many...

Victory exists under thy flag alone."

- Lion King Allemronde

31. Genocide (B-Type)

Description: Powers up by sacrificing members

Effects: Effect = ???

Power: 1750 (BF17), 1500 (BF18), 1500 (BF19), 1050 (BF22), 3600 (BF28),
2500 (BF32), 4200 (BF42), 2800 (BF43), 2800 (BF44), 7500 (BF45)
Move: 10
Ace: Scythe

Note: When Gulcasa uses this on you, your gauge breaks.

Who Can Use: Gulcasa only


"O ancient wyrm, enshrouded in a blazing aura...

Thy flames shall unleash the fury of Hell."

- Brongaa, Dragon of Purgatory

32. Reincarnation (B-Type)

Description: Reincarnates all members

Effects: Success = 100%
Effects: Resurrects your fallen members, and makes the members effective against
the opponent (weapon type, elements, and everything else)

Power: 2100 (BF18), 8200 (BF47)

Move: 2
Ace: Book
Who Can Use: Nessiah only


33. Angelic Thunder

Description: Ultimate skill that destroys all enemies

Effects: Unknown

Power: 666
Move: 1
Ace: Rod

Who Can Use: Marietta only


"O gatekeeper of the sanctified realm...

Retribution awaits those who defile thy home."

- The Seraph Flauvel


10) Nothing yet, wait a few updates

11) Conclusion & Credits

Thanks to:

- Getting the MVP info and the REP requirments,

- Sting & Atlus: For producing this awesome game.

- yggdra: Help with several different things and corrections

- theseus19: Helping me with some of the Cards and several other things

If I've forgotten anyone here, please let me know.

Restore Page

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