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Time expressions (Present Simple)

usually; generally; normally; often; sometimes; not very often;
occasionally;sometimes; rarely; seldom; hardly ever; never.
Every day;
every other day; every week; every month; every year.
Once a week;
three times a day; twice a week; once a week; once in a while.
Time expressions (Present Continuous)

today; at the moment; at this moment; at present; at the present time.
(Future sense)*Tomorrow;
the day after tomorrow; one of these days; next week; nextmonth; next year;
next Friday; next spring; next autumn.
(Future sense)* In a day or two;
in a week; in a year; in five years.
(Future sense)* A week from now;
a year from now; five years from now.
(Future sense) *Soon;
quite soon; sometime soon; sometime next week.
Time expressions (Past Simple & Continuous)

yesterday morning, the day before yesterday; the other day.

Last week;
last month; last year; last Monday; last winter; last summer.
Three years ago;
a month ago; a week ago; an hour ago; ten minutes ago.
Two days later;
a week later; a year later; five years later.

Parts of the day and hoursIn the morning;

in the afternoon; in the evening; at noon; at night; at dawn; atmidnight; after
midnight; tonight.
During the day;
during the night; during the week; during the weekend.
At eight o'clock;
at eleven o'clock; at 9:15; at nine fifteen; at 10:30; at ten thirty; at7:00 a.m. (at
seven ['ei'em]); at 10:00 p.m. (at ten ['pi:'em]).
At nine in the morning;
at three in the afternoon; at eight in the evening; at ten atnight.
For ten minutes;
for half an hour; for an hour; for three hours; for a day or two; for sixdays;

1. In the morning – por la mañana
2.In the afternoon – por la tarde
3.In the evening – por la tarde ( a partir de las 6)
4.At night – por la noche
5.At the moment – en este momento
6.All day – todo el día
7.All night – toda la noche
8.Now - ahora
9.Today – hoy
10. Tomorrow – mañana
11. Tomorrow morning – mañana por la mañana
12. Tomorrow afternoon – mañana por la tarde
13. Tomorrow evening / night – mañana por la noche
14. Yesterday – ayer
15. This morning – esta mañana
16. This afternoon – esta tarde
17. Tonight – esta noche
18. This month – este mes
19. This week – esta semana
20. This year – este año
21. The day before yesterday – anteayer
22. The day after tomorrow – pasado mañana
23. The day before – el día anterior
24. Next month – el mes que viene
25. Next week – la semana que viene
26. Next year – el año que viene
27. By day – de día
28. By night – de noche
29. Day after day – día tras día
30. Day by day – día a día
31. Good morning – Buenos días
32. Good afternoon – buenas tardes
33. Good evening – buenas tardes/noches
34. Good night – buenas noches (“Good night” no se suele utilizar como
fórmula de saludo; se utiliza como fórmula de despedida. En su lugar se dice
“good evening”)

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