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The Beginner’s Guide to Engineering:

Mechanical Engineering

quantum scientific publishing

The Beginner’s Guide to Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering
Mark Huber

quantum scientific publishing

The Beginner’s Guide to Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering
Published by quantum scientific publishing
Pittsburgh, PA | Copyright © 2013

All rights reserved. Permission in writing must be obtained from the publisher
before any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including
photocopying and recording.

Cover design by Scott Sheariss

Unit One
Section 1.1 – Introduction to Engineering  8
Section 1.2 – Units of Measurement  15
Section 1.3 – Vectors  23
Section 1.4 – Force  31
Section 1.5 – Moments  39
Section 1.6 – Two-dimensional Force Systems  45
Section 1.7 – Three-dimensional Force Systems  53
Section 1.8 – Moments and Moment Vectors  59
Section 1.9 – Couples  63
Section 1.10 – Equivalent Systems  67
Section 1.11 – Systems of Algebraic Equations  73
Section 1.12 – Two-Dimensional Equilibrium  79
Section 1.13 – Three-Dimensional Equilibrium  85
Section 1.14 – Trusses  93
Section 1.15 – Applications  97

Unit Two
Section 2.1 – Force Analysis in Joints  104
Section 2.2 – Section Analysis  111
Section 2.3 – Frames and Machines  117
Section 2.4 – Centroids of Areas  127
Section 2.5 – Centroids of Composite Areas  133
Section 2.6 – Distributed Loads  139
Section 2.7 – Centroids of Volumes and Lines  143
Section 2.8 – Pappus-Guldinus Theorems  149
Section 2.9 – Center of Mass, Simple Objects  153
Table of Contents

Section 2.10 – Center of Mass of Composites  159

Section 2.11 – Moment of Inertia  165
Section 2.12 – Moments of Simple Objects  169
Section 2.13 – Rotated and Principal Axes  173
Section 2.14 – Parallel Axis Theorem  177
Section 2.15 – Analysis Application  181
Unit Three
Section 3.1 – Dry Friction  190
Section 3.2 – Structural Support Beams  199
Section 3.3 – Force and Moment  203
Section 3.4 – Shear Force and Bending Moment  207
Section 3.5 – Distributed Load Moment  215
Section 3.6 – Cables  225
Section 3.7 – Loads Along Straight Lines  229
Section 3.8 – Loads along Cables  235
Section 3.9 – Discrete Loads on a Cable  241
Section 3.10 – Characteristics of Liquids and Gases  249
Section 3.11 – Pressure, Center of Pressure  259
Section 3.12 – Pressure in a Stationary Liquid  263
Section 3.13 – Virtual Work  267
Section 3.14 – Potential Energy  273
Section 3.15 – Applications  281

Unit One Answer Key  290
Unit Two Answer Key  302
Unit Three Answer Key  315
Unit One

Section 1.1 – Introduction to Engineering  8

Section 1.2 – Units of Measurement  15

Section 1.3 – Vectors  23

Section 1.4 – Force  31

Section 1.5 – Moments  39

Section 1.6 – Two-dimensional Force Systems  45

Section 1.7 – Three-dimensional Force Systems  53

Section 1.8 – Moments and Moment Vectors  59

Section 1.9 – Couples  63

Section 1.10 – Equivalent Systems  67

Section 1.11 – Systems of Algebraic Equations  73

Section 1.12 – Two-Dimensional Equilibrium  79

Section 1.13 – Three-Dimensional Equilibrium  85

Section 1.14 – Trusses  93

Section 1.15 – Applications  97

Section 1.1 – Introduction to Engineering

Section Objective
• Explain the difference between engineering and science

This section discusses science and engineering, two occupations which both require
creativity, ingenuity and inventiveness. Science can be pursued by anyone at any age. This
is how children learn and how big and small questions are initially answered. Once the
questions are answered, another type of dedicated creativity is required to figure out how
to use this new knowledge. This is engineering.

Engineering versus Science

Science and engineering are related, but different disciplines. They exist on different parts
of the continuum that connects basic discovery research and the practical application of the
knowledge gained from the basic research. Science generates new knowledge. Scientists
do this by asking questions, developing hypotheses and experiments, conducting the
experiments and then analyzing the data and communicating the results. Engineering is the
practical application of this knowledge to solving problems in the real world. Engineers
use the knowledge generated by basic research to do things like build stronger bridges,
develop safer chemical compounds, and design faster computer processors.

Science by Definition:
The investigation of natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation, and
experimentation, or the knowledge produced by such investigation. Science makes use
of the scientific method, which includes the careful observation of natural phenomena,
the formulation of a hypothesis, the conducting of one or more experiments to test the
hypothesis, and the drawing of a conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published
by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Engineering by Definition:
1: the activities or function of an engineer a: the application of science and mathematics
by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to
people b: the design and manufacture of complex products <software engineering> 3:
calculated manipulation or direction (as of behavior) <social engineering>

engineering. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.


Computer rendering of mechanical designs for the Advanced Photon Source
Image: courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory

Science is an investigation or analytical approach focused on development new understanding

of natural phenomena. Science evolved from philosophical studies. Early philosophers tried
to explain the things they saw in the world. Philosophers began to develop new ways of
asking and answering questions, which led to the development of science and the scientific
method. Engineering is a profession that applies scientific knowledge to benefit the world.

Engineering clearly benefits from new scientific developments. Likewise, science also
benefits from new engineering developments.

Scientists discovered electricity. The engineers put this to work and created a stable source
of transportable energy. This allowed scientists to do interesting experiments using the
more complex instruments, which require a stable energy source.
BCE and CE
Scientists may have developed the concepts of ink and printing but engineering developed
BCE and CE
it into a disciplined form allowing for the printing of vast amounts of books.
have replaced
BC and AD for
Physicists and chemists developed the theories behind the semiconductors and computer
indicating dates.
chips. Engineers applied these theories to develop methods to mass-produce computer chip.
BCE means
They also used their knowledge to optimize the size and shape of the structures, resulting in “Before the
reduction of the scale of equipment. In 2009, a cellular phone has more computing power Common Era”
than the first desktop computers introduced on the 1980s. and replaces the
more commonly
known “BC,”
History of Science which means
“Before Christ.”
Let’s look at the history of science briefly. Investigation of the natural world has occurred
throughout history. Some records of people observing natural phenomena date back to 3500 CE stands for
BCE. The concept that fire, earth, water, air and idea were the only fundamental elements is “Common Era”
from before the time of Socrates (470-366 BCE). This idea about the fundamental elements and refers to the
was considered the one and only truth through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance time since the
(14th through 17th centuries). This theory strongly influenced early European thought. birth of Christ,
Hinduism, Buddhism and the Japanese used the same elements only replacing “idea” with previously indi-
“Ether” to explain the unseen forces. The Chinese had fire, earth, water, wood and metal. cated with A.D.
(Anno domoni).

Some of the earliest sciences
The process Science builds upon knowledge generated by earlier scientists. The knowledge generated
of purifying a throughout history has allowed us to develop the sciences and technologies that make our
liquid by first current way of life possible. Let’s look at a few of these now.
it, then One of the earliest sciences was alchemy. Alchemy is often regarded as the origin of modern
condensing it chemistry. Alchemy began not only as a study of nature, but also as a philosophical and
and collecting spiritual practice. Alchemy began more than 2,500 years ago and is still practiced in some
the resulting

The process
of forming
crystals, often
by freezing.

The process
of changing
from solid to
gas without
going through a
liquid phase.

The Alchemist Lab

Robert Boyle
In their investigations of nature, early alchemists focused on improving their practical
Robert Boyle is
regarded as the
skills of transmutation (the production of gold from base metals), They also searched for
first modern the elixir of life and the source of immortality.
chemist. One
of his most Arabic cultures, in medieval times, produced systematic surveys of alchemy by blending
well known their own pharmacological (herb/drug-based treatment) tradition with Greek, Indian,
achievements and Chinese work. They also improved techniques for distillation, crystallization and
is a gas law sublimation. The term “alchemy” is believed to be from Arabic. At this same time, in
called Boyle’s medieval Europe, alchemy was considered a heretical (aberrant and unacceptable religious)
Law, which practice and advances came from isolated efforts by people working alone.
describes the
proportional In the 1500s, the concepts of physics, through astronomy studies, became recognized as a
relationship separate discipline from the other natural sciences. In the 1600s, chemistry became more
between the recognized as a scientific pursuit as Robert Boyle published his text describing chemistry
absolute apart from alchemy.
pressure of
a gas and its Starting in the 1700s and 1800s, as more discipline was applied to the various branches
volume in a
of science, primarily chemistry and physics, the field of science began to diverge from the
closed system
with a constant
field of philosophy. This occurred as the scientific method took hold and more discipline
was applied to the study. By the early 1900s, the concept of science as we know it now was

History of Engineering Archimedes
Now let’s look at engineering. Examples of applications of the concepts of civil and Archimedes
mechanical engineering can be found as early 200 BCE in ancient Greece. Examples include was an ancient
the Roman aqueducts, the Parthenon, the lost city in India, and the principles (buoyancy, for Greek scientist
example) that were defined by Archimedes. In the 1200s, the Arabic cultures extensively who first
developed the concepts of mechanical devices and tools. However, it was not until the described the
1800s that mechanical engineering separated from the general engineering disciplines and principles of
titles like “engineer” were used to define a professional class. buoyancy. He
also developed
some basic
and was an

Bonnie Dunbar (born 1949) is a mechanical engineer and an astronaut.

Image: Courtesy of NASA

The concepts of electrical engineering can be found as early as the 1600s with William
Gilbert. These concepts were developed more fully in the early 1800s by Alessandro Volta,
George Ohm and Michael Faraday. In the late 1800s, James Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz
developed the field of electronics further expanding electrical engineering.

Over time, more areas of science are being applied in the world. This expands the overall
field of engineering with new sub-disciplines, including:

• chemical engineering – the application of engineering principles to problems

involving chemistry, such as drug manufacturing and the development of household
cleaning products.

• civil engineering – the application of engineering principles to problems of

civilization, such as road construction, sewage treatment, and building design.

• computer engineering – the application of engineering principles to problems

involving computers, such as processor speed, battery life, and memory.

• aeronautical engineering – the application of engineering principles to flight,

including aircraft design.

• aerospace engineering – the application of engineering principles to space flight
and travel. Examples include the space shuttles, satellites and the International Space

• genetic engineering – the application of engineering principles to questions of

genetics. Examples include genetically modified foods that are designed to be
resistant to pests or disease.

• software engineering – the application of engineering principles to the development

of new software, including maximizing the efficiency of the code so the computer
processors are able to work as quickly as possible.

• solar engineering – the application of engineering principles to collecting, storing

and using energy collected from the sun to heat homes and do other work.

Branches of the Natural Sciences

The natural sciences generate knowledge that is used by engineers to solve practical
problems. The natural sciences are those that study the natural world and include disciplines
ranging from astronomy to physics. The knowledge generated by the natural sciences is
used by engineers to solve practical problems that will benefit humans. The result may be a
new type of plant, a new airplane design, or a car that runs on air. We don’t know what will
be developed until someone has translated the basic knowledge into a practical application
that solves some problem.

Branch of Description
Natural Science
Astronomy Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets and the interactions
between these bodies.
Biology Biology is the study of living things, plants, animals and humans.
Chemistry Chemistry is the study of the fundamental makeup of the elements on
the planet and their interactions.
Ecology Ecology is the study of the ecosystem, the impact of man on the envi-
ronment and searches for solutions to the challenges of pollution and
waste on the earth.
Geology Geology is the study of the macro scale physical aspects of the planet,
the minerals, the continents, and plate tectonics.
Physics Physics is the study of nature with the goal being to explain the reasons
that things behave the way they do. Along with Newtonian mechanics
and quantum mechanics, physics also covers thermodynamics, elec-
tromagnetism and the new theories of relativity.

Branches of Engineering
Engineering takes the knowledge generated by the natural sciences and uses engineering
principles to solve practical problems. Engineers apply the knowledge generated by the

natural sciences, which is why engineering is considered an applied science. It can be
very difficult to translate a finding made in a laboratory to a scale where a product can
be consistently produced or a principle applied on a large scale. Engineers often develop
the processes required to translate these basic processes so they can be used to produce a

Branch of Description
Aeronautical and This discipline deals with the design and construction of airborne
Aerospace craft and vehicles that will be launched into space.

Chemical This discipline primarily focuses on using chemicals in industrial

Engineering applications.

Civil This focuses on the structures needed for modern society, which in-
Engineering cludes buildings, bridges, roads, highways and large infrastructure
projects like airports and hydroelectric facilities.
Computer This discipline applies the concepts of mathematics to computation
Hardware and through hardware (computer hardware engineering) and computer
Software software (software engineering).

Electrical Electrical Engineering applies the principles of physics to industrial

engineering uses. This includes magnetics, electronic circuits and Radio Fre-
quency (RF) communication.
Genetic Genetic engineering uses the principles of genetics and biology in
Engineering combination with various engineering disciplines. The engineering
disciplines include electrical, mechanical and hydrodynamic engi-
Mechanical This branch of engineering applies the principles of mechanics,
Engineering which is a branch of physical science dealing with mechanical
interactions between bodies and the interactions of forces and mo-
tion. Statics is a branch of mechanics focused on the analysis of the
various forces active in a rigid structure when it is in equilibrium.
Dynamics is a branch of mechanics focused on the analysis of the
interrelation between forces and motion of bodies.

Other aspects of engineering that fall under mechanical engineering are energy
production, fluid mechanics, kinematics, general mechanics, heat and mass transfer and
thermodynamics. Applications include the design and analysis of vehicles, structures,
manufacturing processes, medical instrumentation, robotics, motors, generators, energy
sources, etc.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Describe the basic concept of science

2. Describe the basic concept of engineering

3. Explain the difference between science and engineering

4. Explain what is studied in each of the following fields of science:

biology, ecology, and physics

5. Explain the focus of each of the following fields of engineering:

mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and genetic engineering

Section 1.2 – Units of Measurement

Section Objective
• Describe the systems of units and unit conversions

This section presents the basic units in the two most prominent systems of measures,
the International System (SI) of units and the English Customary system of units. Many
countries have adapted the SI system because of the simple advantages related to the scaling
of the sizes being a factor of 10 difference. Additionally, the SI system does not require
converting between sets of units, such as gallons and pints, which reduces the potential for

Why are systems of measurement important?

Engineering requires both precision and accuracy. Many applications of engineering have
very low tolerance for error, often in the hundredths of millimeters for machined metal
pieces. This concept also applies to circuits, computer chips, fluid measures, temperature,
time, and any other measured variable. Two main systems of measurement are used in
the US: The Metric System and the US Customary System. The metric system uses SI
Measurement units and is the measurement system accepted for scientific and engineering
use. The US Customary System is a system of measurement that came from Europe when
the first settlers came to the country. These units of measure are not based on any particular
starting unit. A foot was actually the measure of a person’s foot, so people with different
size feet would measure different actual distances but count the same number of feet. You
can begin to see where the metric system might be easier to use. Every starting measure can
be multiplied or divided by ten to get to the next larger or smaller level of measurement.

Hy Tran examines a kilogram sample in a mass comparator

at Sandia’s Primary Standards Laboratory. Image courtesy of Sandia Laboratories.

The Metric System and SI Measurement Units
The SI (International System) of units contains seven base units.

The SI base units have been defined as the standard by which all measurements can be
compared. The SI base units, along with the entire system, were developed in 1960 to
provide a uniform system of measures. Before that time, two systems had developed: the
meter-kilogram-second system and the centimeter-gram-second. These were two systems
that developed to reduce the variation in measures. The SI developed to further reduce the
variation in measures internationally.

Physical Quantity Unit Symbol

Length meter m
Time second s
Mass kilogram kg
Temperature Kelvin K
Amount of Substance mole mol
Electric Current ampere A
Luminous intensity candela cd

Derived Units Physical Quantity Unit Symbol

Area square meter m2
Dry volume cubic meter m3
Liquid volume liter L

The Convention du Mètre of May 20, 1875 is an international treaty that established
three organizations to oversee the keeping of metric standards. These organizations focus
on accurately defining these various measures and finding more accurate methods to
independently describe these base units. For instance, these organizations are:

• The General Conference on Weights and Measures, which meets every four to six
years with delegates from all member states.

• The International Bureau of Weights and Measures, which is an international

metrology (study of measurement) center located in France.

• The International committee for Weights and Measure, which is an administrative

committee that meets yearly at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

The US Customary System and Measurement Units
The U.S. Customary System of units is also called the English, Imperial or standard system
of units. There are several common units for some of the physical quantities.

The English system of units has existed for centuries. This system began in the Roman
Empire and may even pre-date that.

Because of this extensive and varied history, the units in the English System have different
and interesting roots. Records show that the term “inch” in one society was the term for the
width of a thumb, but in a different society was the term for the length of 3 barley corns
end to end. The term “foot” originally meant the length of a person’s foot and the term
“mile” was the distance of 1,000 paces of a Roman Legion. Here a “pace” is the length of
two steps (right and left).

Physical Quantity Unit Symbol

Length inch in
foot ft
yard yd
mile mi
Time second s
Mass Slug Slug
Temperature Farenheit °F
Amount of Substance mole mol
pound-mole lb-mol
Electric Current ampere A
Luminous intensity Candlepower cd
Dry volume cubic inch cu in
cubic foot cu ft
cubic yard cu yd
Liquid volume pint pt
quart qt
gallon gal

Over time, the terms used for different physical quantities were adapted so they were
convertible with each other.

Unit Conversions

To convert between the SI units (meters) and the US Customary units:

1 meter (m) = 39.37 in (inches) = 1.0936 yd (yard)

1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 m (meters)

From the meter, with the use of scientific notation, smaller divisions are defined such as
centimeter (cm) being 1/100th of a meter or micrometer (μm) being 1 millionth of a meter.

To convert between centimeters and inches:

1 centimeter (cm) = 0.39370 in (inches)

1 inch = 2.54 cm (centimeters)

Larger divisions are periodically used, as well, with one kilometer (km) equal to 1,000
meters, often used.

To convert between kilometers and miles:

1 kilometer (km) = 0.622 mi (miles)

1 mile (mi) = 1,609 m (meters) = 1.609 kilometers (km)

Time in seconds is universal, with minutes (60 seconds), hours (60 minutes = 3600 seconds)
and days (24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds).

The SI system mass unit is the kilogram (kg). Note that mass is not weight. While mass is
constant if you are on the Earth or the Moon, weight is different because it is the influence
of the gravitational pull towards the Earth (or the Moon) on the mass of an object that
defines weight.

The kilogram (kg), in combination with scientific notation, has smaller mass quantities.
While a kilogram = 1,000 grams, measures can be in a single gram (g), microgram (μg) or
smaller or larger.

The conversion between SI mass units and US customary mass units is rare. A conversion
between pounds (force) and kilograms (mass) is common, with 0.4536 kg per pound.

Kelvin is a measure of temperature that is related to the Celsius scale. Kelvin has been
defined as a scale that begins at a temperature that is the theoretical point at which there is
no movement of matter. This is called absolute zero and has been established at -273.15 °C.

In the Celsius scale, water freezes at 0 °C and boils at 100 °C, a 100 °C difference.

In the Kelvin scale, water freezes at 273.15 K and boils at 3273.15 K, a 100 K difference
between the freezing point and boiling point.

Note that the “degree” symbol (°) is not used when describing temperature in terms of

Amount of substance
The mole equals 6.0221367×1023, which is usually shortened to 6.02×1023. The mole is a
number, similar to the term dozen, which represents a quantity of anything. In the way we
can say a dozen eggs, chemists say a mole of a substance, such as a mole of hydrogen gas.

Note that this is a very large amount of a substance. However, when chemists talk about
atoms, molecules and compounds, these are very small individual units. Therefore, even
though a mole is a large amount of the substance, when we talk about a mole of hydrogen,
its mass is just 1 gram (1.008 g/mol).

Electric current
Electric current is measured using the ampere (A), an amount of electric charge per second.
It is the flow (movement) of electric charge.

One ampere is one coulomb of electric charge per second flowing through an imaginary
2-dimensional plane (a cross section) of a conductor. 1 coulomb is approximately 6.242×1018

Note that the actual path of electrons through a conductor is quite random. Even though it
sounds like the electrons are moving in a single direction like water in a stream, a better
metaphor is that electrons move like a 3-dimensional batch of marbles bouncing down a
slightly sloping ramp with some of the marbles moving in every direction.

Luminous Intensity
Luminous intensity is a measure of the power emitted by a light source in a particular
direction. This measure is based on a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human

A common candle emits approximately 1 candela (1 cd) while a 100 watt incandescent
bulb emits approximately 120 candela (120 cd).

1 candlepower (US units) = 1 candela (metric units)

Metric Prefixes and Scientific Notation

In order to more readily express a full range of measures when describing things, the metric
system uses prefixes as shortcuts to scientific notation that express a linear relation to the
powers of 10.

From the following table these very small or very large numbers can be rewritten in several
much more convenient formats. Most people have heard of the terms one thousand (1,000),
or one million (1,000,000) or even one billion (1,000,000,000).

These can be rewritten using various prefixes or notations.

One thousand (1,000) can also be written as one kilo or one “k.” When you say one kilo or
one k, you mean that you have one chunk of something the size of 1,000 individual units.
For example: one kilometer (or 1 km) means 1,000 meters. This is similar for one million
(1,000,000), which can be rewritten as one mega or one “M” or one billion (1,000,000,000),
which can be rewritten as one giga or one “G.”

One hundredth of a unit can also be written as one centi. If you have one centi or one c
of something, this means that you have one chunk of something 1/100th the size of the
individual units. For example: one centimeter (or 1 cm) means 1/100th of a meter. This is
similar for micro (μ), like micrometer or μm, which can be rewritten as 1/1,000,000th of a
meter or nano (n), like nanometer or nm, which can be rewritten as 1/1,000,000000th of a

Examples of this notation:

50 μm is written as fifty micrometers

3nm is written as three nanometers
10cm is written as ten centimeters
100pg is written as one hundred picograms
25 μs is written as twenty five microsecond

Magnitudes and the Power of Ten
Prefix Symbol Magnitude Meaning
(multiply by)
tera- T 1012 1,000,000,000,000
giga- G 109 1,000,000,000
mega- M 106 1,000,000
kilo- k 103 1,000
hecto h 102 100
deka da 10 10
- - - -
deci- d 10-1 0.1
centi- c 10-2 0.01
milli- m 10-3 0.001
micro- μ (mu) 10-6 0.000001
nano- n 10-9 0.000000001
pico p 10-12 0.000000000001
femto- f 10-15 0.000000000000001

There is another convenient way to express large and small numbers. This is using the
power of ten. When we have one or ten bananas it is easy to write. These quantities can be
rewritten in a different format using the power of ten.

One is ten to the power zero (100)

Ten is ten to the power one (101)
100 (2 zeros after the digit 1) is ten to the power two (102)
1,000 (3 zeros after the digit 1) is ten to the power three (103).

We can also use this to express small numbers. Recall that a negative power is essentially
saying this is a number in the denominator.

10-3 is one divided by one thousand (3 zeros after the digit 1). This is the same as
0.001 (the decimal point is moved 3 points to the right after the 1)
10-9 is one divided by one billion (9 zeros after the digit 1). This is the same as
0.000000001 (the decimal point is moved 9 points to the right after the 1).

Examples of this notation:

50 μm is written as fifty micrometers or as 50×10-6 m

3nm is written as three nanometers or as 3×10-9 m
10cm is written as ten centimeters or as 10×10-2 m
100pg is written as one hundred picograms or as 100×10-12 g
25 μs is written as twenty five microseconds or as 25×10-6 s

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the reasons for standard units of measure to exist.

2. List the seven base units of the SI system.

3. Convert the measure of 21 feet to meters, kilometers, centimeters and micrometers

using scientific notation first with symbols and then using powers of 10.

4. Convert the measure of 300 feet to meters, kilometers, centimeters and

micrometers using scientific notation first with symbols and then using powers of

Section 1.3 – Vectors

Section Objective
• Explain vectors and describe how they are used

This section presents the concept of scalars and vectors as types of expressions of mea-
surement. A scalar expresses only a magnitude (amount). Examples of scalar expressions
are “my cup is full” or “my battery is weak.” Direction is not relevant in either case. The
direction of my cup’s volume of liquid is of no value and the direction of the strength of
the battery is also of no value.

A complete expression of a vector includes both a magnitude and a direction. Examples

of vector expressions are “I dropped my cell phone” or “the birds flew north,” In both
these cases the direction is important information. In the first expression, the direction is
implied (dropping = downward). However, note there is no magnitude in either of these ex-
pressions. Therefore, they are not complete vectors. Complete vectors are “my cell phone
dropped at 9.8 m/s” and “the birds flew north at 15 mph.”

Scalars and Vectors

All measurements express a magnitude with the magnitude being the amount of the physi-
cal quantity. Each of the following examples presents a magnitude as a way to compare
these events to other events.

Example 1: Magnitude
She is sick and has a fever of 101°F Amount.
He weighs 185 lbs. is a scalar
The balloon has 15 liters of helium inside. which
means it
The trip odometer on the car showed we traveled 105 miles. measures
only the
No direction specified in any of these examples. Someone’s fever can only increase or amount of
decrease on the temperature scale. Someone’s weight can only increase or decrease on the something,
weight scale, and the amount of helium inside the balloon can only increase or decrease. not its
This is complete information. The direction of the fever, the weight or the volume is not direction.
relevant. Only with the car can we suggest that a direction may be relevant.

Comparison of one unit to one thousand units

It is possible to describe the direction the car traveled, for instance, westward. In this case,
adding the direction adds relevant information. It helps to know that the car traveled to the
west because we will know where it has come from and where it has gone.

Example 2: Magnitude and Direction

Amount + A group starts out in their car from Austin, Texas and they travel 105 miles. They stop at a
Direction. A rest station and ask how much further to San Antonio. At this point, we need to ask where
vector provides they are. It will help a great deal to know the direction of their travel from Austin. If they
information traveled straight east, the distance to San Antonio, which is west of Austin, has increased.
on both the If they traveled straight west, they may have passed San Antonio, but they will be closer
amount of
than they would be if they traveled east.
(scale) and its

Image showing vectors - each arrow indicates magnitude (length) and direction (angle).

When the measurement only provides a magnitude it is called a scalar quantity. The fever,
weight and volume are scalar quantities, or scalars.

When the measurement provides a magnitude and a direction that is relevant it is called a
vector quantity. The length of travel and the direction are both relevant and this combina-
tion is called a vector quantity or just vector.

Algebra Operations on Scalars

When we add or subtract scalars, this is adding or subtracting a magnitude. This is what is
normally done in algebra.

• We can add the temperature of two objects: 101°F + 51°F = 152°F

• We can add the weights of two people: 185 lb–115 lb = 70 lb

• We can add the volume of two spaces: 15 L + 5 L = 20 L.

These answers are correct and this is all the relevant information available. The direction is
not relevant information. This is the same for multiplication and division.

With vectors, these simple functions take on a different meaning.

Adding Vectors
When adding vectors, the direction is relevant information and affects the results of the

Example3: Adding Vectors

Vector 1 (V1) has a magnitude 10 with a direction of east.

Vector 2 (V2) has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of east.
Calculate the resultant vector.


We draw the first vector. Then, starting where the first vector ends, we draw the second vec-
tor. These two vectors, because they are in the same direction, are simply added together.
Vector 1 is 10 units to the east and vector 2 is 10 additional units to the east. The magnitude
of the resultant vector is 10 + 10 = 20 and the direction is still east. The answer is written
as 20E.

Example 4: Adding Vectors

Vector 1 (V1) has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of east.

Vector 2 (V2) has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of west.
Calculate the resultant vector.


We draw the first vector. Then, starting where the first vector ends, we draw the second
vector. In this case, the second vector retraces the path of the first vector – back to the ori-
gin. Because they are in opposite directions, the second vector is subtracted from the first.
Vector 1 is 10 units to the east and vector 2 is 10 units to the west. We can solve this in two
ways, which both depend on the direction.

First, there is a connection between the direction and the magnitude.

We know that east and west are opposite directions. If we travel a positive 10 steps to the
east, this is equivalent to a negative 10 steps to the west. Both of these descriptions are cor-
rect. This assumes that travel to the east is in the positive direction, so the positive steps are
going towards the east.

Therefore, Vector 1 is a positive 10 steps to the east and Vector 2 is a negative 10 steps to
the east.

We can also define that travel to the west is in the positive direction, so the positive steps
are going to the west. In this case, Vector 1 is a negative 10 steps to the west and Vector 2
is a positive 10 steps to the west.

Either way, Vector 1 is in the opposite direction of Vector 2. Because the magnitudes are the
same and the directions are opposite, they cancel each other and the resultant vector is zero.

Example 5: Adding Vectors

Vector 1 has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of east.

Vector 2 has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of north.
Calculate the resultant vector.


We draw the first vector. Then, starting where the first vector ends, we draw the second vec-
tor. In this case, the second vector is in a direction that is 90° from the first vector.

This requires the use of trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles,
where A2 + B2 = C2. In this case, Vector 1 is A, Vector 2 is B and the resultant vector is C.
Solve for C (the magnitude of the resultant vector):

Because they have the same magnitude and their directions are 90° apart, the result is a 45°
angle towards the northeast.

The angle can be determined using various trigonometry functions:

Tangent: Tan (10/10) = 45°

Sine: Sin (10/14.14) = 45°

Cosine: Cos (10/14.14) = 45°

The resultant vector is 14.14 ∡ 45° NE.






Now we’ll expand on the concept of positive and negative direction for the vectors. There
is a positive-negative scale for the east –west direction. There is a positive-negative scale
for the north-south direction.

Each vector, including the resultant vector, can be stated using the various orientations of
the axes.

Some of the possible correct solutions are:

• Vector 1 is a positive 10 steps to the east and vector 2 is a positive 10 steps to the

• Vector 1 is a negative 10 steps to the west and vector 2 is a positive 10 steps to the

• Vector 1 is a positive 10 steps to the east and vector 2 is a negative 10 steps to the

• Vector 1 is a negative10 steps to the west and vector 2 is a negative 10 steps to the

Note that the origin (0° angular direction) for the vector angle is directed horizontally, in
this case, straight east.

Subtracting Vectors
As can be seen from the examples in the Adding Vectors section, the operation depends
upon how the orientation of the direction is defined. Will “east” be the positive direction?
Will north also be defined as a positive direction?

With this in mind, subtraction of vectors is very similar to addition of vectors. In fact, it is
best to change all vector subtraction problems into vector addition problems. This is done,
as presented above, by reversing the direction of the vector to be subtracted. The direction
is then “positive” and the magnitude is negative.

Example 6: Subtracting Vectors

Vector 1 has a magnitude 20 with a direction of east.

Vector 2 has a magnitude of 12 with a direction of east.
Calculate the resultant vector if vector 2 is subtracted from vector 1.


We draw the first and second vectors. We change the subtraction into an addition by revers-
ing the direction of the second vector. Now we have a simple addition problem.

Starting at the point of the arrow, where the first vector ends, we draw the second vector.
This is in the opposite direction. Together we have 30 steps to the east and 12 steps back to
the west. The magnitude of the resultant vector is 20 + (-12) = 8 and the direction is east.

Example 7: Subtracting Vectors

Vector 1 has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of east.

Vector 2 has a magnitude of 10 with a direction of north.
Calculate the resultant vector if we subtract vector 2 from vector 1.


We draw the vectors. Then we create a vector addition by reversing the direction of Vec-
tor 2. Then we draw the second vector starting where the first vector ends. In this case, the
second vector is in a direction that is 90° from the first vector.

This requires the use of trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles,
where A2 + B2 = C2. In this case, Vector 1 is A, Vector 2 is B and the resultant vector is C.
Solve for C (the magnitude of the resultant vector):

Because they have the same magnitude and their directions are 90° apart this is a 45° angle
towards the southeast.

The angle can be determined using various trigonometry functions:

Tangent: Tan (10/10) = 45°

Sine: Sin (10/14.14) = 45°

Cosine: Cos (10/14.14) = 45°

The resultant vector is 14.14 ∡ 45° SE.







Concept Reinforcement
1. State the difference between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.

2. Add two vectors; vector 1 is 15 units west, vector2 is 5 units west.

3. Subtract vector 2 (2 units south) from vector 1 (10 units north)

4. Add vector 1 (5 units north) to vector 2 (10 units west).

Section 1.4 – Force

Section Objective
• Discuss forces and free-body diagrams

This section presents the concept of a force and describes the general types of forces that an
object can experience. Contact forces, action-at-a-distance forces and the governing laws
of motion first presented by Isaac Newton are also presented. A graphical representation
of forces acting on an object is also discussed. This is called a free-body diagram where
the forces are presented as arrows with the arrow length equal to the relative size of the
force and the arrow direction showing the direction of the force. The free-body diagram is
a useful tool for analysis of force and object interactions because it presents everything in
a concise visual form and because the forces are presented as acting from the center of the
object, which simplifies the calculations.

A Definition of Force
Force is the term that describes the effort to push or pull an object, or the amount of
effort required to move an object over a distance. Something gets pushed or pulled and it
moves. If it was originally at rest and it moved due to the push/pull then there is a change
in velocity.

If we compare the change in velocity (∆v) over the same time interval (∆t), for two objects:

• Object 1. ∆v is from zero to some final velocity vf1

• Object 2. ∆v is from zero to some final velocity vf2; where vf2 > vf1.

Then we can say that, since the change in velocity (∆v) is larger for object 2 (over the
same time interval), this inplies that more force was applied to make this happen. Force
is proportional to the change of velocity which is more formally called acceleration and
therefore force is proportional to acceleration.

Because both the amount and the direction of this push or pull carry relevant information,
this inplies that the force is directional, which means force is a vector quantity, with
magnitude (amount) and direction. The amount and direction are both relevant aspects of
the acceleration and therefore acceleration is also a vector.

One more relevant aspect when talking about forces is the physical size of the object. If
we find an object 3 that has more mass than object 2 and subject it to the same push that
was delivered to object 2 we know that object 3 will not have as much change of velocity.
Therefore force, acceleration and mass are linked.

We can say that force is proportional to both mass and acceleration.

The formula for force is: Force = mass × acceleration.

Force: F = ma

F = force in newtons (N)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
a = acceleration in meters/second squared (m/s2)

In the SI system:

• The unit of mass (m) is the kilogram (kg)

• The unit of acceleration (a) is m/s2 (meter per second squared)

• The unit of force (F) is the newton (N) where

• 1 newton = 1 kg × m/s2 = 1 kilogram × meter/second2

In the English system:

• The unit of mass (m) is the slug (slug)

• The unit of acceleration (a) is in ft/s2 (feet/second2)

• The unit of force (F) is the pound (lb) where

• 1 pound = 1 slug × ft/s2 = 1 slug × feet/second2

How can we tell if a force is present? In the relation presented in the formula F = ma, note
that a force cannot exist without an acceleration or a mass.

Therefore, the object would need to have mass and it would need to have an acceleration (a
change in its velocity) for force to be acting on it.

Note also that since acceleration is a vector and mass is a scalar (no direction defined),
this equation is effectively a vector multiplication that results in force being a vector that
is a multiple of the acceleration vector. The direction of the acceleration vector dictates
the direction of the force vector while the magnitude of the mass and the acceleration both
influence the magnitude of the force.

Therefore if acceleration is acting on an object that has mass there is a force with magnitude
of F = ma and a direction that is the same as the acceleration (a).

Categories of Force
Forces are usually broken into two groups: contact forces and action-at-a-distance forces.
Contact forces are involved when two objects interact and physically contact each other.
Action-at-a-distance forces exist everywhere and exert a push or pull on objects without
having a physical contact.

Contact Forces Action-at-a-distance Forces

Frictional Force Gravitational Force
Tension Force Electrical Force
Normal Force Magnetic Force
Air Resistance Force
Applied Force
Spring Force

A Definition of Net Force

If acceleration is acting on an object in several different directions, then it is possible to
talk about several forces acting on the object. Each force is in the same direction as the
associated acceleration. Because force is a vector, we can use vector addition when more
than one force is present and determine a “net force,” which is the sum effect of all the
various forces acting on that object.

When no forces push or pull on the object or the object is not moving, there is no net force,
or more accurately, the net force is zero.

When a force pushes or pulls on an object, the net force that be greater than zero. You need
to know two things to calculate net force: the mass of the object and the acceleration that
is acting on the object.

If the mass (m) = 30 kg and acceleration (a) = 10 m/s2, then force F = ma = (30 kg)(10 m/s2) =
300 kg × m/s2 = 300 N (newtons)

We can also determine the acceleration by noting the change in velocity, since acceleration
(a) = ∆v/∆t= (vf-vi)/t.

If the initial velocity (vi) is 15 m/s and the final velocity (vf) is 55 m/s and this happened in
time (t) of 10 s, the acceleration (a) is = (55 m/s–15 m/s)/10 s = 40/10 = 4 m/s2.

If mass (m) = 30 kg, then force, F = ma = (30 kg)(4 m/s2) = 120 kg × m/s2 = 120 N

When several forces push or pull on the object, the net force is the vector sum of the
disparate forces.

When the two vectors are in the same direction, the problem becomes a simple addition
of the magnitudes. If force 1 (F1) is 30 N and force 2 (F2) is 35 N and they act in the same
direction, then the sum is F1 + F2 = 30 N + 35 N = 65 N.

When several forces push or pull on the object in opposite directions, the net force is the
vector sum of the disparate forces. These forces can be arranged to be a simple addition
of two vectors in the same direction, one with a positive magnitude and the other with a
negative magnitude.

If force 1 (F1) is 30 N to the west and force 2 (F2) is 35 N to the east, then the sum can be
written several ways.

If we use west as the positive direction, then east is the negative direction. F1 is positive
and F2 is negative.

Since the forces have a magnitude and direction, the forces will then be:

F1 = +30 N west and F2 = -35 N west

The sum is: F1 + F2 = +30 N + (35 N) = 5 N to the west or +5 N to the east.



Sum = F1 + F2 = -5N west


Because a vector with a negative magnitude in the direction west can also be described as a
vector with a positive magnitude in the direction east, this can also be stated as +5 N to the
east. This assumes that the direction “west” is exactly opposite the direction “east.”

If, on the other hand, we use east as the positive direction, then the directions (and signs)
change and west is the negative direction. F1 is negative and F2 is positive.

Since the forces have a magnitude and direction, the forces will then be:

F1 = 30 N east and F2 = +35 N east.

The sum is: F1 + F2 = 30 N + (+35 N) = +5 N east, which can also, of course, be stated as 5
N to the west.



Sum = F1 + F2 = 5N east


The results are exactly the same because these are the same forces, acting the same
directions. We just used different frameworks, which are different points of view. One
framework assigned “west” as the positive direction and the other framework assigned
“east” as the positive direction.

Free-body Diagrams
A free-body diagram is a graphical representation of the various forces acting on an object
in a specific situation and at a specific time. It is a vector diagram where all the forces,
which are vectors, have their origin at the geometric center of the object.

Free body diagram of an object on a ramp

In the illustration, four forces are shown, with each force acting in a different direction.

The order of the number is important here.

• Force F1 is usually the force of gravity (Fg).

• Force F2 is usually the normal force (FN), the force of the ramp against the object,
which opposes that fraction of the gravitational force.

• Force F3 is usually the fraction of the force of gravity (Fgsinθ) that acts on the object
at the angle of inclination of the ramp. Here θ is the angle of inclination.

• Force F4 is usually the force of friction (Ff), which is related to the normal force and
the properties of the material.

In the illustration, the dashed lines at the “tail” of each force are shown only to demonstrate
that the forces all originate from the geometric center of the object. Normally, the force
vectors are only shown from the edge of the object outward and the magnitude of the force
is shown using the length from the edge of the object to the tip of the force arrow.

Free-body diagrams follow several guidelines;

1. The object is drawn as a simple geometric shape, usually a box

2. All forces are shown as arrows

3. The forces are shown acting on the outer edge of the object

4. The origin of each force is the geometric center of the object

5. The length of the arrow shows the relative magnitude of the forces

6. The direction of the arrow shows the direction of the force

7. Each force vector is labeled

An object may experience a single force, two forces, or many forces. Therefore, the free-
body diagram of that situation would also show one, two or many forces.

Concept Reinforcement:
1. What is the definition of force?

2. Explain how to determine acceleration.

3. Explain why force is a vector.

4. List the guidelines for creating a free-body diagram.

5. Solve the following problems:

5a: Mass=10 kg; Acceleration=30 m/s2. Solve for force in newtons.

5b: Mass=52 kg; Acceleration=75 m/s2. Solve for force in newtons.

6. Create a free-body diagram

6a. An object is on a flat plane. It has a force of gravity = 980 N, a normal force
which opposes the force of gravity and a force from the left of 100 N.

6b. An object is on a ramp with an incline. It has a force of gravity = 1,000 N, there
is a normal force which opposes the fraction of the force of gravity, a force
down the ramp which is a fraction of the force of gravity and a force of friction
of 100 N which is acting opposite the direction of movement. Define the
magnitude of the forces as much as possible.

6c. Create a free-body diagram of a person on a snowboard sliding down a hill.

Section 1.5 – Moments

Section Objective
• Explain moments and their uses

This section presents the concepts of a mechanical moment, which is a more generalized
term for torque. A moment (and a torque) is the effect caused by a force acting at a radial
distance from a point. This force acts perpendicular to the radial line connecting the point
and the force. The moment is a vector, with a direction that is always perpendicular to the
plane described by the force and the radial line. Oftentimes, the direction of the moment
can be simplified to “clockwise” or “counterclockwise,” but this terminology quickly loses
its relevance when an object experiences moments in more than two dimensions.

A Definition of Moment
“Moment,” in mechanical engineering, is a term used to describe the effect on an object of
a force that is acting on that object at a radial distance from the point of interest. The force
acts in a way to bend the object around the point of interest.

A force acts in a perpendicular direction at a distance from the point. The moment (M) is
a vector quantity. To understand the direction of the moment, we use something called the

Moment: M = Fd

M = moment in Newton-meters (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
d = distance in meters (m)

Right Hand Rule

Place your right hand on the table with the fingers pointing straight away from your body
and your thumb pointing straight up at a 90° angle from the fingers. Point your fingers in
the direction of the distance (d). Then curl your fingers in the direction of the force as if
wrapping your fingers around a pole with the thumb pointing up along the pole. Here, the
thumb points in the direction of the moment vector.

Moment versus Torque

The concept and formula for moment is very similar to that of torque. Moment is a more
general examination of the effects of a force applied at a distance. While sometimes this
causes a rotation at the axis point, it usually just causes stress. Torque, on the other hand, is
a description of the rotational effect of the force applied at a distance and is usually related
to a rotation at the axis.

Applications of Moment
Within mechanical engineering, there is extensive analysis of the various stresses and
strains on joints, connections and components of a structure. The bending and flexing of a
bridge due to the weight of the bridge itself, the vehicles on the bridge or the wind shear
impacts the structural durability of the bridge.

With a cooking pot on the stove filled with water, we lift the pot using the handle. This will
cause the pot to experience a moment about the connection point between the handle and
the metal pot. This location must be able to endure a lot of stress and is usually reinforced
with a metal collar at the connection point between the handle and the pot.

Even a simple computer keyboard experiences moments. If you lift the keyboard by the
end with one hand, there is a moment about a point somewhere between your hand and the
other end of the keyboard.

Or think of a diving board and how it bends at a particular location along the length of the
board. This is the axis around which the moment occurs. This is designed into the board.
We can imagine an amount of force at the correct distance that would cause the board to
bend the most or even break. These are applications using mechanical engineering analysis
to keep people safe, and help them have fun.

Moment with any Force
A force acts in a direction at a distance from the point. In order to determine the moment
(M) around a point A, the perpendicular component of the force vector must be determined
at a distance d from the axis point A.

Moment: M = Fdsinθ

M = moment in newton-meters (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
Fcosθ = perpendicular component of the force in newtons (N)
d = distance in meters (m)

Example 1: Moment

A force (F) of 200 N is applied perpendicular to a rod at a distance (d) 55 cm from point A.
Determine the moment of the rod about point A.

Using the formula for the moment M = Fd we have:

M = Fd = 200 N(55 cm) = 200 N(0.55 m) = 110 Nm

Example 2: Moment

A force (F) of 200 N is applied at a 45°angle to the perpendicular to a rod at a distance (d)
55 cm from point A. Determine the moment of the rod about point A.

Using the formula for the moment M = Fdcos45° we have:

M = Fd = 200 N(55 cm)cos45° = 200 N(0.55 m)(0.707) = 77.78 Nm

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the concept of a moment.

2. Explain the right-hand rule and the direction of the moment.

3. Explain the difference between moment and torque.

4. Calculate the moment about point A of a force of 300 N applied perpendicular to a

rod at a distance of 2 m.

5. Calculate the moment about point A of a force of 300 N applied at a 30°angle to the
perpendicular a rod at a distance of 2 m.

Section 1.6 – Two-dimensional Force Systems

Section Objective
• Describe two-dimensional force systems

This section presents the concept of a set of forces that are acting only in two dimensions,
which is a two-dimensional force system. This is easily presented on a sheet of paper.
The forces act in any direction, but the forces should be acting on the same object or set
of objects, rather than on random objects. This allows the various forces to be added and
subtracted either graphically or using calculations involving the Pythagorean theorem and






A Force is a Vector
A vector must be shown with both a magnitude and its direction to be complete. A magnitude
alone is not sufficient to describe a vector and is then a scalar.

Force is a vector and, therefore, must be presented with both a magnitude and a direction.
For instance, describing a force as simple 10 N is insufficient. No direction is defined.

Correct presentations of a force vector:

10 N straight up
20 N to the left
30 N from the right
40 N east

Inverse of a Vector
A vector is presented with a magnitude and direction. A positive direction is opposite to a
negative direction.

“10 N to the east” is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to “10 N straight west.”



The magnitude of the vector can also be presented as either positive or negative.

Therefore, “10 N to the east” is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to “10 N
straight east.”

The negative sign translates to the same force pointing in the opposite direction. This
negative force terminology is applicable, for instance, when a force is applied to slow a
vehicle, or decelerate a car.

A single force has a single direction. A two-dimensional force system occurs when a body
experiences two forces with directions that are not parallel.

Multiplication of a Vector
Multiplication of a vector means using a scaling factor, a scalar, to increase the size of the
vector. The direction of the vector remains the same. The magnitude is changed by the
scale of the scalar.

Example 1: Vector Multiplication by a scalar

The force vector of 15 N at an angle of 30° is multiplied by 4.

Define the resultant vector.


(15 N ∡ 30°) (4)= 60 N ∡ 30°

Two-dimensional force systems

In the illustration, the two forces (F1, F2) are in different directions. If both of these force
vectors act on the same point (A) or object they can be summed to a single equivalent force
vector. The effect of the single force vector FR acting on the object from point A to point
D is exactly the same as the effect of the two force vectors, F1 acting from A to B and F2
acting from A to C acting on the object.






The single equivalent force (FR) is the “resultant” force vector.







For this to be accurate, the length of the drawn vectors must be properly proportioned. In
the end, the resultant force vector length will indicate its magnitude.

Summing Force Vectors Graphically

Vector summation is different from standard algebraic summation. From the illustration,
the resultant vector FR is longer than either of the initial force vectors and the direction is
different as well. To sum the vectors graphically we take the second vector and create a
parallel vector that starts at the tip of the first vector. In the illustration, that is the dashed
vector to the right parallel to F2. Then the resultant vector is from the original of the first
vector to the end of the second.










This can easily be expanded to three and more vectors. Graphically we begin with one
vector and add each vector in turn starting the subsequent vector from the tip of the previous
vector. The effect of the resultant force vector (FR) will be exactly the same as the effect of
the three original force vectors (F1, F2, F3).

Deconstructing Vectors
In a two-dimensional framework, each force vector has an x-component and a y-component.
In the illustration, F1 is shown, along with its x- and y- components.




As mentioned above, two vectors are summed by placing the beginning of the second
vector at the end of the first vector. The resultant vector F1 is equivalent to the other two
vectors F1x and F1y.

This requires knowledge of the angle of the vector and use of the sine function to determine
the y-component and cosine functions to determine the x-component.

For the x-component: F1x = F1cosθ

For the y-component: F1y = F1sinθ

where θ is the angle from the direction of the vector to the horizontal.

The convention used when describing the angle of the vector (θ) is to use directly east (or
right) as 0°. The angle increases in a counterclockwise direction until the angle has made
one full circle at which point it is at 360°or 0°. Here the force vector F1x is directly east and
at an angle of zero° and the force vector F1y is at a 90° angle.

Θ = 90û


Θ= 180û


In this way, when several force vectors are to be summed, each of the original vectors can
be deconstructed into an x- and a y-component. To determine the resultant vector, sum the
x-components together and sum the y-components together and use this as the basis of the
x- and y-component of the resultant vector.

Example 1: Summing Force Vectors

We have 3 force vectors; F1 = 30 N at 30°; F2 = 20 N at 45°; F3 = 60 N at 60°.

Deconstruct each vector.
Determine the x- and y-component of each force vector and define the resultant vector.

F1 = 30 N at 30°
To determine the x-component: F1x = F1cos30°
F1x = F1cosθ = 30 N (0.866) = 26 N

To determine the y-component: F1y = F1sin30°

F1y = F1sinθ = 30 N (0.5) = 15 N

F2 = 20 N at 45°;

To determine the x-component: F2x = F2cos45°
F2x = F2cosθ = 20 N (0.707) = 14 N

To determine the y-component: F2y = F2sin45°

F2y = F2sinθ = 20 N (0.707) = 14 N

F3 = 60 N at 60°;
To determine the x-component: F3x = F3cos60°
F3x = F3cosθ = 60 N (0.5) = 30 N

To determine the y-component: F3y = F3sin60°
F3y = F3sinθ = 60 N (0.866) = 52 N




FR; resultant force

Sum the x-components.
F1x + F2x + F3x = 26 N + 14 N + 30 N = 70 N
Sum the y-components.
F1y + F2y + F3y = 15 N + 14 N + 52 N = 81 N
The magnitude of the resultant vector is obtained using the Pythagorean theorem.
(70 N ) + (81N )
2 2
FR = FRx2 + FRy2 = = 107 N

The direction is obtained using the arctangent function:
a tan = 49°
The resultant force vector is: FR = 107 N, 49°.

Example 2: Summing Force Vectors

In this example, we have 3 force vectors; F1 = 30 N at 30°; F2 = 20 N at 45°; F3 = 40 N at

Deconstruct each vector.
Determine the x- and y-component of each force vector and define the resultant vector.

F1 = 30 N at 30°;
To determine the x-component: F1x = F1cos30°
F1x = F1cosθ = 30 N (0.866) = 26 N

To determine the y-component: F1y = F1sin30°

F1y = F1sinθ = 30 N (0.5) = 15 N

F2 = 20 N at 45°;
To determine the x-component: F2x = F2cos45°
F2x = F2cosθ = 20 N (0.707) = 14 N

To determine the y-component: F2y = F2sin45°

F2y = F2cosθ = 20 N (0.707) = 14 N

F3 = 40 N at 150°;
To determine the x-component: F3x = F3cos150°
F3x = F3cosθ = 40 N (-0.866) = -35 N

To determine the y-component: F3y = F3sin150°

F3y = F3sinθ = 40 N (0.5) = 20 N

FR; resultant force

Sum the x-components.
FRx = F1x + F2x + F3x = 26 N + 14 N + (-35 N) = 5 N
Sum the y-components.
FRy = F1y + F2y + F3y = 15 N + 14 N + 20 N = 49 N

The magnitude of the resultant vector is calculated with the Pythagorean theorem.

(5N ) + (49N )
2 2
FR = FRx2 + FRy2 = = 49 N

The direction is obtained using the arctangent function:

a tan = 84°

The resultant force vector is: FR = 49 N, 84°.

Concept Reinforcement
1. What is required to fully describe a force vector.

2. Explain what a negative magnitude of a vector indicates.

3. Describe how to graphically add two vectors.

4. With the 3 force vectors; F1 = 10 N at 30°; F2 = 20 N at 45°; F3 = 50 N at 135°,

deconstruct each vector. Determine the x- and y-component of each force vector
and define the resultant vector.

Section 1.7 – Three-dimensional Force Systems

Section Objective
• Describe three-dimensional force systems

This section presents the concept of a force system that exists in three dimensions. This is
closer to reality than the two-dimensional force systems. Most objects in reality experience
forces in all three dimensions. This is, of course, more complicated, but using x, y, z
coordinates simplifies the calculation and the understanding of the methods to arrive at the
resultant force vector. Each force has an x-component, a y-component and a z-component.
The resultant force vector is the summation of all the x-components, y-components and

Three-dimensional deconstruction of a force vector

A Force is a Vector
For a complete description a force vector must be presented as a magnitude along with its
direction. A magnitude alone is insufficient information for describing a vector.

Correct presentations of a force vector:

105 N straight down

50 lb at an angle of 20°
20 N to the left which is equivalent to 20 N to the right

Three-dimensional force systems
Forces on mechanical structures act in three dimensional space. This is a more accurate
representation of the actual conditions in the world of engineering work. This is an extension
of the analysis of force vectors using two-dimensional space and will be utilized often in
the analysis of the more interesting advanced aspects of mechanical engineering.

In the illustration, the single force (F) is deconstructed into its x, y, and z components,
(Fx, Fy, Fz) along each axis of the Cartesian coordinate system.

3-dimensional deconstruction of a force vector

The effect on the point (A) of the summation of these three forces (Fx, Fy, Fz) is equivalent
to the effect on the point (A) of the single force (F).

Addition of 3-D vectors

When several 3D vectors are to be added, the x, y, and z coordinates are summed individually.
This assumes that all vectors begin at the origin (0, 0, 0). With vectors 1, 2, 3…n, the
resultant vector will be defined by the three coordinates: Rx = 1x + 2x + 3x+ …nx; Ry = 1y +
2y + 3y+ …ny; Rz = 1z + 2z + 3z+ …nz.

Example 2: 3D vector addition

Given two vectors starting at the origin (0, 0, 0), Vector 1 with coordinates (3, 4, 5) and
Vector 2 with coordinates (6, 7, 8), calculate the resultant vector as a result of adding these
two vectors.


Resultant = Vector 1 + Vector 2 = (3, 4, 5) + (6, 7, 8) = (3+6, 4+7, 5+8) = (9, 11, 13).

The Cartesian basis vector
The Cartesian basis vector (i, j, k) is the identity vector with the coordinates of (1, 1, 1) and
beginning at the origin.

i is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0)

j is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (0, 1, 0)

k is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (0, 0, 1)

This allows any vector to be defined as a linear combination of the basis vector.

The illustration shows the vector (F) and its x, y, and z components, (Fx, Fy, Fz).

Three-dimensional deconstruction of a force vector

Here the vector can be defined as:

F = Fxi + Fy j + Fzk.

Deconstructing 3-Dimensional Force Vectors

The magnitude of each of the deconstructed force vector components is determined by the
angle on the force vector (F) with respect to that axis.

Magnitude of the x-component: Fx = Fcosα

Fx = the vector along the x-axis of with magnitude from point A to point x1.
α = the angle from the x-axis to the force vector.

Magnitude of the y-component: Fy = Fcosβ

Fy = the vector along the y-axis of with magnitude from point A to point y1.
β = the angle from the y-axis to the force vector.

Magnitude of the z-component: Fz = Fcosγ

Fz = the vector along the z-axis of with magnitude from point A to point z1.
γ = the angle from the z-axis to the force vector.

The Pythagorean Theorem used to solve two-dimensional systems is also applicable to

3-dimensional space.

FR = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2

In the illustration the x-component of the force vector on the x-axis is presented with the
angle (in the shaded plane) from the vector to the x-axis being α.

x-component of the force vector

A similar projection can be produced for all three components and angles; the x-component,
the y-component and the z-component. In all cases, the angles will be as listed above.

This vector deconstruction in 3-dimensions uses the same general concepts as two-
dimensional vector deconstructions.

Summing Force Vectors Graphically

The force vector (i.e. the resultant vector) can be developed graphically from the component
vectors by simply starting with one component vector and then adding the subsequent
component vectors starting at the tip of the previous component vector. This is done for
all three component vectors. The origin of the first component vector is the origin of the
resultant vector and the tip of the last component vector is the tip of the resultant vector.

The third illustration shows the graphical summation. Clearly, the y-component vector has
just been moved forward and the z-component vector has been moved diagonally to the
opposite corner.

Graphical summation of the component force vectors

For this to be accurate, the length of the drawn force vectors must be properly proportioned.
In the end, the resultant force vector length will indicate its magnitude.

Example 1: 3-Dimensional Vector Summation

We have a force vector of 7.07 N in 3-dimensional space that begins at the origin (0, 0, 0)
and ends at the coordinates (x, y, z) = (3, 4, 5). Deconstruct the vector and determine the
angles between the x, y and z component and the force vector. State the resultant vector
using the basis vector.


A: x-component angle:

The magnitude of the x-component (3) is defined by: Fx = Fcosα

First it’s necessary to determine the angle (α) between the force vector and the x-axis. This
is the angle projected in the plane defined by the resultant vector and the x-axis.

From Fx = Fcosα and solving for the cosine of the angle: cos α = and then the angle
F  F   3 
itself: α = arccos  x  and α = arccos  x  = arccos   = 64.9°
F  F   7.07 

B: y-component angle:

The magnitude of the y-component (4) is defined by: Fy = Fcosβ

Again, it’s necessary to determine the angle (β) between the force vector and the y-axis.
This is the angle projected in the plane defined by the resultant vector and the y-axis.

From Fy = Fcosβ and solving for the cosine of the angle: cosβ = and then the angle
 Fy   Fy   4 
itself: β = arccos   and β = arccos   = arccos   = 55.5°
F  F   7.07 

C: z-component angle:

The magnitude of the z-component (5) is defined by: Fz = Fcosγ

Again, it’s necessary to determine the angle (γ) between the force vector and the z-axis.
This is the angle projected in the plane defined by the resultant vector and the z-axis.

From Fz = Fcosγ and solving for the cosine of the angle: cos γ = and then the angle
F  F   5 
itself: γ = arccos  z  and γ = arccos  z  = arccos   = 45°
F F  7.07 

To state the resultant vector using the basis vector we use the model of:

F = Fxi + Fy j + Fzk.

Here the resultant vector is: FR = 3i + 4j +5k.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain how to present a vector in 3-dimensions.

2. Add the three 3D vectors (3, 6, 9), (2, 6, 8) and (1, 2, 3). Assume they all begin at
the origin (0, 0, 0).

3. Express the vector (7, 2, 9) using the basis vector.

4. Determine the angles between the x, y, and z components and the resultant vector in
the basis vector.

Section 1.8 – Moments and Moment Vectors

Section Objective
• Discuss moments and moment vectors

This section presents mechanical moments and the moment vector. This introduces the
right-hand rule as a guide to determine the actual direction of the moment vector. A
moment is a way to quantify the combined effect of a force at a radial distances from a
point. A larger force increases the moment and a larger distance increases the moment.
Generally, the direction of the moment is perpendicular to the direction of the force. It is
also perpendicular to the direction of the radial distance between the force and the point
of interest. The moment can be described as rotating in a clockwise or counterclockwise
direction, though this loses its relevance when moments occur in various directions in
3-dimensional space. Therefore, it’s important to use a vector arrow in illustrations that
shows the direction and magnitude of the moment.

Moment Description
Moment is a term used to describe the effect of a force acting on a rigid object at a radial
distance from the point of interest. The force acts in a way to bend the object around the
point of interest. As an example, think of a diving board and how it moves when the diver
is ready to jump from the board.

The force may be acting at any conceivable angle, but the moment is produced by the
component of the force that acts perpendicular to the radial line connecting the force and
the point. The moment (M) is a vector quantity and to understand the direction of the
moment we use something called the “Right-Hand-Rule.”

Moment: M = Fd

M = moment in newton-meters (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
d = distance in meters (m)

Right Hand Rule

Place your right hand on the table with the fingers pointing straight away from your body
and your thumb pointing straight up at a 90° angle from the fingers. Point your fingers in
the direction of the distance (d). Then curl your fingers in the direction of the force as if
wrapping your fingers around a pole with the thumb pointing up along the pole. At this
point, the thumb points in the direction of the moment vector.

Rigid Body Assumption

To simplify the analysis at this stage all objects are assumed to be rigid bodies. This means
that there is no bending of the object and the effects of the forces and moments are felt
equally throughout the object. Contrast this to an object that is flexible or pliable. A force
experienced at one end may not be experienced with the same intensity at the other end.
This would complicate the analysis and, of course, is required at more advanced stages of
mechanical engineering work. For now all objects will only be considered rigid bodies.

Line of Action of a Force

All forces are vectors and act along a direction called the line of action. In the illustration,
the force is shown in red and the line of action is shown as a dashed line. The object
experiences the force as if it is acting anywhere along the line of action.

Demonstrating the line of action of the force

Force and Moment
A force can be in any direction, therefore a moment can also be in any direction. Any object
subjected to a force has the potential to also experience a moment at different points on
the body. This discussion begins with examining objects in two dimensions and expands to
3-dimensional space in a Cartesian coordinate system.

Moment Vectors
As presented in the explanation of the right-hand rule, the direction of the moment is
perpendicular to the plane of the object in which the radial distance is measured. The
moment is also perpendicular to the perpendicular component of the force applied at the
radial distance from the point of interest.

In the illustration, the force is acting along its line of action, which is not perpendicular to
the radial distance (r) as shown.

A top down view of the plane

From the formula for the moment, it is possible to establish the magnitude of the moment
in two ways:

1. using the fraction of the force that is perpendicular to the radial distance (r).

2. using the fact that this is a rigid body and establishing a distance (d) that is
perpendicular to the line of action of the force.

In both cases, the formula will result in the same value for the moment about the point O.

Using the perpendicular component of the force (Fcosθ), the formula for the moment is:

Moment = (Fcosθ)r = Frcosθ.

Using the distance (d) that is perpendicular to the line of action of the force, we have

d = rcosθ and the moment is:

Moment = Fd = F(rcosθ) = Frcosθ.

Example 1: Moment Vector

Using the illustrations in the section above, we have a radial distance of 50cm and a force
of 200 N acting on a line of action that is 30° from the perpendicular to the radial distance
where the force and the radial distance meet.

Calculate the moment using the two different formulas and describe the direction of the

First determine the cos30° which is 0.866.

Using the component of the force that is perpendicular to the radial distance:

Fcos30° = 200 N (0.866) = 173 N.

Moment = (Fcosθ)r = Frcosθ = 173 (0.5 m) = 86.6 Nm

Using the distance (d) that is perpendicular to the line of action of the force,

d = rcos30° = 0.5 m (0.866) = 0.433 m.

Moment = Fd = F(rcosθ) = Frcosθ = 200 N (0.433m) = 86.6 Nm

In both cases, the moment is perpendicular to the plane described by the line of action of
the force and the radial distance. The direction is counterclockwise.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the right-hand rule for moments.

2. Explain the rigid body assumption.

3. Explain the line-of-action of a force.

4. Using the same illustrations from the section above, define the moment using the
two different methods. The radial distance (r) is 70 cm, the force (F) is 300 N and
the angle of approach of the line-of-action is 60° to the perpendicular to the radial

Section 1.9 – Couples

Section Objective
• Describe couples and their uses in engineering

This section presents couples, which are pairs of forces that are equal in magnitude, parallel
and opposite in direction. These force couples cause the object to experience a moment that
has a direction defined by the right hand rule. The magnitude of the moment is defined by
the equation M = Fd. An object can experience a force couple at any conceivable angle,
which in turn means that the moments which are directed perpendicular to the plane of the
force couple are also in any conceivable direction.

A force couple

Couple Definition
A couple is a pair of forces that are parallel, but in opposite directions. This pair of forces
creates a moment about a point midway between the parallel lines of action of the forces.

Each force is equal and each is r/2 from the center point and therefore the two moments
r r r r r
M 1 = F1 and M 2 = F2 result in a single moment of: M o = F1 + F2 = 2 F = Fr
2 2 2 2 2

These forces can be paired in any conceivable direction and, therefore, the moments that
are products will be possible in any conceivable direction, as well.
In the illustration, the forces are presented perpendicular to the radial distance. It is just as
possible to define a radial distance at an angle to both forces. The magnitude of the moment
will still be equal to the perpendicular distance between the forces. The perpendicular
distance will be determined as a function of the angle.

A force couple

Two parallel forces (a force couple) with the line-of-action of the two forces

The moment will also be located in the center between the parallel lines of action of the two
forces. The radial distance that is perpendicular to the two force vectors (rp) is determined
through the formula:

Radial distance: rp = dcosθ

The moment is: M = Frp

Recall that each force-distance pair is ½ the total, which is why the moment formula is
equal to the total perpendicular separation distance times one force magnitude.

It is also important to understand that the location of the moment is determined by the
location of the parallel lines of the line-of-action of each of the forces. In the illustration
there are two parallel forces acting where their lines-of-action are parallel but the two
forces appear disconnected.

Two parallel forces (a force couple) with the line-of-action of the two forces

Couples in 3-Dimensions
Forces act in all directions and when parallel forces act this creates a force couple.

The illustration presents two pairs of forces (two force couples) acting in different directions
on a 3-dimensional rigid body. This is more common than the two dimensional pattern.

In most structures, there are many moments acting at the same time due to force couples.

Two paired parallel force couples with the line-of-action

of the two forces visible and the moments visible

Force and Couple System

When a set of paired forces and additional forces are present, the paired forces represent a
couple producing a moment and the forces have a separate effect.

These separate forces act on the body in ways different from the force couples.

These separate forces also create moments separate from the force couples.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Describe a couple.

2. State the formula for the moment that is created by a couple.

3. Explain the direction of the moment created by a couple.

Section 1.10 – Equivalent Systems

Section Objective
• Explain equivalent systems

This section presents the concept of equivalent systems. These systems include only
external forces, couples and the associated moments generated by the force couples. When
the net effect on the object is the same with two apparently different sets of forces, couples
and moments then the two systems are considered equivalent. Technically, the net effect of
all the forces must be equivalent and the net effect of all the moments must be equivalent,
in order for the two systems to be equivalent.

Equivalent Systems
When the resultant forces of two systems are equivalent and the resultant moments are
equivalent then the two systems are equivalent. This can be approached in two ways; either
we can examine two random systems to determine if they are equivalent or we can change
a known system to an equivalent system.

Here we focus on the second approach where a known system is changed to an equivalent
system. There are advantages to changing the location of a force and relocating the moment
of the forces. There are three general changes; moving a force along its line of action,
moving a force off its line of action and define the resultant of a force and couple system.

Moving a force along its line of action

Moving a force along its line of action creates a new force system. This new system is
equivalent to the original force system.

These two force systems are equivalent.

The force has been moved along its line of action.

Note that the force creates a moment about the point O and that the radial distance to
the line of action is the same in both systems. Therefore the direction of the force and

the direction of the radial distance are both the same. Since the magnitudes of these two
aspects are equivalent in the two systems the moments are equivalent.

Moving a force off its line of action

When moving a force off its line of action, a couple must be added to the new force system
in the new location to compensate for the change.

Here the original force system includes a force acting on point A. The objective is to
produce an equivalent force system with an equivalent force at point B.

Original force system

The second stage includes a couple which is created by adding a positive force and a
negative force at point B both parallel to and the same magnitude as the original force at
point A.

The couple added as part of the move off the line of action of the original force

The new force system, which includes the equivalent force
at point B and a moment at point B

The final stage changes the couple (F1 at point A and –F1 at point B) to a moment (MB) at
point B. This is the moment that would be experienced at point B if the force had stayed
at point A.

Note: All three of these systems are equivalent.

The resultant of a force and couple system

At any point O every force and couple system can be modified to be equivalent to a single
force passing through the point O and a single couple. The single force (FR) is equal to
the resultant force of the original system. The single couple (CR) is equal to the resultant
moment of the original system around the point O.

The first illustration includes two couples (red) and four forces at varying distances from
the point of interest (point O).

Original force system

In the second illustration, all the forces have been shifted off their line of action to the point
O. Each shift includes a couple.

Here all the forces have been moved off their line of action and are now starting at the
point O and include a couple (Fr) associated with each force.

The final force system is one single force and one single couple.

The final force system includes a single force starting
at the point O and a couple that starts at point O.

All three of these systems are equivalent.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the concept of equivalent systems

2. Explain the idea of a force moving along its line of action.

3. Explain how to move a force from its line of action.

4. Explain the concept of the resultant of a force and couple system

Section 1.11 – Systems of Algebraic Equations

Section Objective
• Explain how to solve systems of algebraic equations

This section presents the concept of a system of algebraic equations, which is a set of
equations that are assumed to have at least one point in common. These “systems” of
equations can be solved using graphical means by drawing the lines described by the
equations on a graph. These sets of equations can also be solved using algebra. This is done
by either adding or subtracting one equation to or from the other. The system can also be
solved by solving one of the equations for one of the variables and substituting the result
into the other equation.

Systems of Simultaneous Equations

When there are two straight lines in a plane that intersect, the point of intersection is a
coordinate (x, y), which is in the set of solutions for both of these lines. This can be extended
to solve three, four and more simultaneous lines.

The solution of this coordinate (x, y) can be determined using graphical means or through
solving algebraic equations such as x + 2y = 1.

In algebra, when one equation is given and a single variable is unknown, the solution is

Example 1: Equation with one unknown variable

Given the equation: 5 + 3y = 23, solve for y.


This is a simple matter of subtracting 5 from both side to arrive at the equation: 3y = 18.
From this both sides are divide by 3 to arrive at y = 6, which is the solution.

It is therefore necessary to have one equation in order to solve for one unknown.

Also, in algebra, when there are two unknowns, it is necessary to have two equations.

Example 2: Single Equation with two unknown variables

Given the equation: 5x + 3y = 23, solve for x and y.


With just a single equation, we can prove that for every x there is a corresponding y. There
is no unique solution because there is only the single equation.

This section presents three different approaches to solving the problem of two unknowns.
These methods are applicable to linear as well as non-linear equations. These methods can
be extended to any number of unknowns, though computationally, the work becomes quite
complicated with many unknowns.

The three methods are:

• a graphical approach

• using the equations

• solving algebraically by addition and by substitution.

Graphical Solutions
The graphical method for solving the problem of the unique (x, y) coordinate that works
for both lines is simply drawing each line on a graph and evaluating where they intersect.
The intersection is the point at which the (x, y) coordinate is in the set of solutions for both
of the lines.

Example 3: Two equations with two unknowns

Given the equation: 5x + 3y1 = 23 and x + y2 = 5, solve for the one unique coordinate pair
for x and y that is a solution for both lines.


Both equations are drawn in the figure. The x-value is along the x-axis. The two lines
appear to intersect at a position where x = 4.

This can be verified using the two equations and solving for the y values.

5x + 3y1 = 23 and substituting x = 4 we have 20 + 3y1 = 23. Subtracting 20 from both sides,
we have 3y1 = 3 and y1 = 1.

x + y2 = 5 and substituting x = 4 we have 4 + y2 = 5. Subtracting 4 from both sides we have:

y2 = 1.

Therefore, both equations have the same pair of coordinates (4, 1). However, this can
only be determined accurately through algebraic means. Using graphical means, there will
always be a larger margin of error in the solution as compared to the algebraic methods.

Linear System of Algebraic Equations

When the lines are described by linear equations, it is called a linear system of equations.

Solving through Elimination by Addition

When solving for the variables in a set of equations the primary goal is to eliminate one of
the variables at a time. This can be done by manipulating one or both equations, and then
using addition (or subtraction) of the two equations to remove one of the variables.

Example 4: Two equations with two unknowns

Given the equation: 5x + 3y = 23 and x + y = 5, solve for the one unique coordinates for x
and y that is a solution for both lines.

5x + 3y = 23
Initially we have the two equations:
x + y = 5

We need to eliminate one of the two variables, either x or y.

We will solve this first by eliminating x.

5x + 3y = 23 5x + 3y = 23
We modify the second equation: which becomes
5(x + y = 5) 5x + 5y = 25

We eliminate the variable x by subtracting the second equation from the first:

5x + 3y = 23
5x + 5y = 25 and from this, we have a single equation and a single unknown and the
y −
solution is y = 1. This is then replaced in either equation to solve for the other unknown, x.

Using the equation x + y = 5, we substitute the known value for y (y = 1) and obtain:
x + 1 = 5. Subtracting 1 from each side results in x = 4.

This can also be solved by eliminating the y variable.

5x + 3y = 23 5x + 3y = 23
We modify the second equation: which becomes
-3(x + y = 5) -3 x - 3y = -15

5x + 3y = 23
-3x - 3y = -15
We eliminate the variable y by adding the second equation to the first:
2x = 8
and from this we have a single equation and a single unknown and the solution is x = 4.
This is then replaced in either equation to solve for the other unknown, y.

Using the equation x + y = 5 we substitute the known value for x (x = 4) and obtain:
4 + y = 5. Subtracting 4 from each side results in y = 1.

Note that if both lines have the same slope there is no solution because the lines do not
intersect anywhere.

Solving through Elimination by Substitution

Again, when solving for the variables in a set of equations, the primary goal is to eliminate
one of the variables at a time. This can also be done by using one of the equations to
develop a substitution, where one of the variables is defined in terms of the other variable
and a constant. This is used to replace the variable in the other equation so that there is only
a single equation with a single unknown which is easily solvable.

Example 4: Two equations with two unknowns

Given the equation: 5x + 3y1 = 23 and x + y2 = 5, solve for the one unique coordinates for x
and y that is a solution for both lines.

5x + 3y = 23
Initially we have the two equations:
x + y = 5
We need to create a substitute for one of the two variables, either x or y.

We will solve this first creating a substitute for x.

We modify the second equation: x = 5 – y, which is then substituted into the first equation,
which becomes 5(5 – y) + 3y = 23 and 25 - 5y + 3y = 23 and finally, -2y = -2 which results
in y = 1.

This is then substituted into the first equation x + y = 5 to obtain: x + 1 = 5. Subtracting 1

from each side results in x = 4.

This can also be solved by creating a substitute for y.

We modify the second equation: y = 5 - x which is then substituted into the first equation
which becomes 5x + 3 (5-x) = 23 and 5x + 15 − 3x = 23 and finally 2x = 8, which results
in x = 4.

This is then substituted into the first equation x + y = 5 to obtain: 4 + y = 5. Subtracting 4

from each side results in y = 1.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Describe a system of linear algebraic equations

2. Describe the graphical method of solving a system of two equations.

3. Explain solving through elimination by addition.

4. Explain solving through elimination by substitution.

Section 1.12 – Two-Dimensional Equilibrium

Section Objective
• Explain how to solve two-dimensional equilibrium problems

This section presents the concept of a two-dimensional equilibrium problem. Equilibrium
is a state where the forces and the moments acting on an object all sum to zero. Solving
these problems therefore requires that the forces in both dimensions, both the horizontal
(x) axis and the vertical (y) axis sum to zero and the moments, which have a direction
perpendicular to the plane and are therefore in the z-axis, also sum to zero.

Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on
the object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on the object is zero.

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0

When considering two-dimensional equilibrium we have:

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero and
the sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero.

The sum of the moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a
two-dimensional (x, y) system act in the z-direction.

Because of the assumption that the object is a rigid body, this definition can be expanded.

Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the vector sum of the forces
acting on all the particles of the object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on all the
particles of the object is zero.

Newton’s Laws of Motion
Isaac Newton developed several laws of motion that relate to the issue of forces and

Newton’s First Law of Motion:

A particle that is at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

A particle that is moving with a constant velocity continues to move with constant velocity
unless acted upon by an outside force.

These statements both assume that the outside force is a single force not countered by an
equal and opposite force.

The first law supports the concept that an object in equilibrium must have zero resultant
force and zero moment acting on it.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

The force (F) applied to an object of mass (m) causes acceleration (a) of the object in the
direction of the force vector and the relationship is: F = ma.

The second law explains that if a force is applied, the object must be accelerated.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For every action force of object X on object Y, there is a reaction force of object Y on object
X, which is equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acts at exactly the same time.

The third law explains that to have an object in mechanical equilibrium requires equal and
opposite forces between the object and its environment.

Zero point for Angles

In order to maintain a consistent treatment for forces and moments, the angles will be
defined from the horizontal vector pointing to the right. This is established as zero degrees
(0°) and the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise direction until
the angle of the vector is pointing again directly to the right. At this point the vector has
traversed one full rotation and is at an angle of 360° which is equivalent to 0°.

Two-Dimensional Equilibrium
This section focuses on equilibrium in a two-dimensional system in the x-y plane. Forces
can act in the x or y directions or any angular direction in the x-y plane. All moments will
therefore be directed in the z-direction. In a system in equilibrium, all the forces and force
components sum to zero and all the moments sum to zero.

To solve these equilibrium problems we need to identify the forces and force components
acting in the x-direction and those acting in the y-direction. The objective is to determine
the amount of force in each direction, which will results in mechanical equilibrium where
the sum of the forces and the moments is zero:

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0. For forces that are directed
along either the x or the y axis the sum of the force is clearly just the magnitude of the force.
For forces that are directed at an angle from the horizontal, the determination of the x and
y components requires trigonometry.

Two-Dimensional Equilibrium Problems

Example 1: 2D Equilibrium

A 4 m long bar with a mass of 200 kg is held by two equidistant supports. The system is
in equilibrium. Determine the force on the two supports. Determine the moments acting
within the system.


First we develop an equation that describes this system.

Because the system is in equilibrium, the forces supplied by the supports must be in the up
direction to counter the force of gravity acting on the mass. Therefore, the system can be
described as:

F1 + F2 = 200 kg(9.8 m/s2)

Note that the acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/s2 and the force in the down direction of the
200 kg mass is F = 200 kg(9.8 m/s2).

We know that the two supports are equidistant and the object is treated as a rigid body,
therefore the forces are equivalent (F1 = F2 = Fs) where Fs is the support force.

The equation can be simplified to 2Fs = 200 kg(9.8 m/s2).

200 kg
The solution is to divide both sides by 2 to obtain: Fs = 9.8 m/s 2
Finally the force on each support is: Fs = (100 kg) (9.8 m/s2) = 980 N

Because the bar has its mass evenly distributed, there is no moment produced by the bar

Types of Two-Dimensional Equilibrium Problems

There are four general types of two-dimensional equilibrium problems. These are the
collinear force system, the parallel force system, the concurrent force system and the
general force system.

Collinear Force System

In a collinear force system all the forces are acting on the exact same line of action. The
illustration presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all acting along the
same line of action the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

Collinear force system


∑F = 0
i =l

In the collinear force system there are no moments.

Parallel Force System

In a parallel force system, all the forces act on parallel lines of action. The illustration
presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all acting along parallel lines

of action, the forces must sum to zero and the moments must sum to zero for equilibrium
to exist.

When the forces are parallel to one particular axis, such as the x-axis the requirements for
equilibrium reduce to:

∑ F = 0
∑ Mz = 0

Parallel force system

∑ F = 0
∑ Fy = 0 ∑ Mz = 0
Concurrent Force System
In a concurrent force system all the forces are acting from the exact same origin. The
illustration presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all acting along the
same line of action the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

Concurrent force system

∑F = 0
∑Fy = 0
This system, because all the forces are acting from the same point, has no moments.

General Force System
In a general force system, all the forces are acting in random directions on the object
and produce various moments. The illustration presents how this might appear. With a
multitude of forces all acting along different lines of action the vector sum of the forces and
force components must equal zero for equilibrium to exist. Also, in this case the moments
about the z-axis must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

General force system

∑ F = 0
∑ Fy = 0 ∑ Mz = 0

Concept Reinforcement
1. List and discuss the requirements for equilibrium

2. Explain how angles are defined in force systems

3. List and describe the four types of equilibrium problems

Section 1.13 – Three-Dimensional Equilibrium

Section Objective
• Explain how to solve three-dimensional equilibrium problems

This section presents the concept of a three dimensional force system in equilibrium. For
the system to be in equilibrium, all the forces in all directions (3-dimensional space) must
sum to zero and the moments associated with these forces must also sum to zero.

Original force system

Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on
the object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on the object is zero.

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0

When considering three-dimensional equilibrium we have a more complicated set of

requirements for equilibrium to exist:

Mechanical Equilibrium of forces: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Fz= 0.

Mechanical Equilibrium of moments: ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ My = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.

The vector sum of the external forces and force components is zero in the x-direction, in
the y-direction and in the z-direction. Forces in a three dimensional (x, y, z) system act in
any conceivable direction but can be deconstructed and presented as x, y and z components
of the force.

The sum of the moments acting on the object is zero in the x-direction, in the y-direction and
in the z-direction. Moments in a three dimensional (x, y, z) system act in any conceivable
direction but can be deconstructed and presented as x, y and z components of the moment.

Because of the assumption that the object is a rigid body this definition can be expanded.

Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the vector sum of the forces
acting on all the particles of the object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on all the
particles of the object is zero.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Isaac Newton developed several laws of motion that relate to the issue of forces and

Newton’s First Law of Motion:

A particle that is at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

A particle that is moving with a constant velocity continues to move with constant velocity
unless acted upon by an outside force.

These statements both assume that the outside force is a single force not countered by an
equal and opposite force.

The first law supports the concept that an object in equilibrium must have zero resultant
force and zero moment acting on it.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

The force (F) applied to an object of mass (m) causes acceleration (a) of the object in the
direction of the force vector and the relationship is: F = ma.

The second law explains that if a force is applied the object must be accelerated.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For every action force of object X on object Y there is a reaction force of object Y on object
X, which is equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acts at exactly the same time.

The third law explains that to have an object in mechanical equilibrium requires equal and
opposite forces between the object and its environment.

Zero point for Angles

In order to maintain a consistent treatment for the direction of forces and moments, the
angles will be defined from the horizontal x-axis pointing to the right. This is established
as zero degrees (0°) and the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise

direction until the angle of the vector is pointing again directly to the right. At this point the
vector has traversed one full rotation and is at an angle of 360° which is equivalent to 0°.



180° 0°



In a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, the angle between vectors is what is

important when evaluating force and moment components.

Three-Dimensional Equilibrium
This section focuses on equilibrium in a three-dimensional system in the x-y-z Cartesian
coordinate system. Forces can act in the x, y or z directions or any angular direction in the
coordinate system. Therefore moments will act perpendicular to the associated force but
this direction can also be any conceivable direction. In a system in equilibrium, all the
forces and force components sum to zero and all the moments sum to zero.

To solve these equilibrium problems we need to identify the forces and force components
acting in the x-direction, in the y-direction and in the z-direction. The objective is to
determine the amount of force in each direction which will result in mechanical equilibrium
where the sum of the forces and the moments is zero:

Mechanical Equilibrium of forces: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Fz= 0.

Mechanical Equilibrium of moments: ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ My = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.

Three-Dimensional Equilibrium problems

Example 1: 3D Equilibrium

In the original force system, there is a force (F1) of 500 N acting perpendicular on an arm
of length 3 m. There is a separate force (F2) acting perpendicular on the arm at a length of
1 m but from the opposite direction. If the two forces are replaced with a force and a couple
at the axis (r) of the arm and the moment at the axis point is 900 Nm, calculate the force
(F2), and the force (FA) acting on the axis point.

Original force system

First, determine the force and couple system associated with the force F1 once it is moved
to the radial position (r).

The force shifted to the axis point r will be a 500 N force in the same direction as F1.

Next, determine the couple and the magnitude of the moment associated with the couple
that will be acting at r.

Force F1 replaced with a force and couple at r

The couple is a pair of 500 N forces each at 1.5 m from the center point. Together these add:

M = Fr = 500 N (3 m) = 1,500 Nm

The resultant moment at the point r is given as 900 Nm. Therefore we must find a force (F2)
that, when shifted to the point r, gives a moment in the opposite direction of the difference:
MR = M1 – M2

Solving for M2 we have M2= M1 – MR = 1,500 Nm – 900 Nm = 600 Nm

The formula for the moment from F2 is: M = Fr = F2 (1m)

With M2= 600 Nm and solving for F2 we have: F2 = M/(1 m) = 600 Nm/1 m = 600 N.

Force F2 replaced with a force and couple at r

Therefore, the force (F2) is equal to 600 N in the opposite direction.

The final step is to determine the force acting on the point r.

We have F1 (500 N) acting from the right and F2 (600 N) acting from the left.

Fr = F1 + F2 but they are from opposite directions and therefore:

Fr = 500 N + 600 N = 100 N acting from the left.

The final force system has a force of 600 N acting at point r from the left and a moment of
900 Nm acting in a counterclockwise direction on point r.

Final force system

Types of Three-Dimensional Equilibrium Problems

There are four general types of three-dimensional equilibrium problems. These are the
concurrent at a point collinear force system, the parallel force system, the concurrent force
system and the general force system.

Force System Concurrent at a Point
In a force system that is concurrent at a point all the forces are acting from the exact same
origin. The illustration presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all acting
from the same origin, the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

Point concurrent force system

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0

x y z

This system, because all the forces are acting from the same point, has no moments.

Force System Concurrent at a Line

In a force system that is concurrent at a line all the forces are acting on the exact same axis
in the object. The illustration presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all
acting along the same line of action the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

Line concurrent force system

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0

x y z

∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0

x y z

This force system will have moments.

When the axis line is along one of the major axes, for example the x-axis this reduces to

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0

x y z

∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0
y z

Parallel Force System

In a parallel force system all the forces act on parallel lines of action. The illustration
presents how this might appear. With a multitude of forces all acting along parallel lines
of action the forces must sum to zero and the moments must sum to zero for equilibrium
to exist.

This force system will have moments.

When the axis line is along one of the major axes, for example the x-axis the equilibrium
requirements reduce to

∑ F = 0

∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0
y z

Parallel force system

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0

x y z

∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0

x y z

General Force System
In a general force system all the forces are acting in random directions on the object and
various moments are produced. The illustration presents how this might appear. With a
multitude of forces all acting along different lines of action the vector sum of the forces and
force components must equal zero for equilibrium to exist. Also, in this case the moments
about the x, y and z-axes must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

General force system

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0

x y z

∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0, ∑ M = 0

x y z

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the requirements for equilibrium to exist in a 3-dimensional force system

2. Explain how angles are measured in a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.

3. Explain the four types of 3-dimensional force systems.

Section 1.14 – Trusses

Section Objective
• Explain trusses and their uses

This section presents the concept of the truss, a structural element that is utilized in many
different building and construction applications. Trusses use triangular configurations of
beams because the triangle is a more stable shape than a square or rectangle. All trusses
experience both compression and tension in different structural elements. There are two
general styles of trusses: triangular and flat.

A truss is a support structure used to create mechanical stability. The most basic form of
a truss is three support beams connected in a triangular shape. Under moderate levels of
stress, a triangle will not change shape as easily as other simple geometric shapes like a
square. Therefore, the forces that act on a truss will produce strain and moments in the
beams, but the overall structure will not be seriously affected.

The typical roof truss in a residential home

Forces Acting on a Truss

Within all trusses and all structures, the forces that are experienced can be segregated as
that of tension (pulling) and compression (pressing). The structural materials that are better
able to withstand tension are used in places in the truss where tension is the predominant
force experienced. Those materials that are better at handing compression are therefore
positioned where the primary force experienced is compression.

Tension is a pulling force where the two ends of a beam are drawn apart. With this type of
force the structural member that is experiencing this stress is in “tension.” The properties of
the material that makes up the structural member dictate how well the beam can withstand
these forces of tension. This is also dependent upon the size, shape and cross-sectional area
of the beam. Some materials are better able to withstand tension and some are better with

Tension is the force typically experienced by the structural beams at the underside of a truss
when a load is experienced by the truss from above.

A structural beam experiencing tension

Compression is a pressing force where the two ends of a beam are forced towards each
other. With this type of force the structural member that is experiencing this stress is in
“compression.” The properties of the material that makes up the structural member dictate
how well the beam can withstand these forces of compression. This is also dependent upon
the general size, length, shape and cross-sectional area of the beam. Some materials are
better able to withstand compression and some are better with tension.

A structural beam experiencing compression

Compression is the force typically experienced by the beams on the top of a roof or in the
support columns in a building.

Two General types of Truss

There are two major families of truss shapes, which are described by the outer shape of the
overall structure rather than the inner webbing within the structure. The triangular truss is a
very common shape in residential homes and many other applications. The flat shape truss
is typical of the structure used in floors and flat construction.

Within all trusses, the “webbing” is built as triangular units for the same reasons of the
stability of the triangle structure.

Triangular Shape
As mentioned above, the outer structure is what segregates these general truss types. The
triangular structure is useful in residential structures, primarily for roof construction. The
top side of the truss bears the load of rain, snow and wind plus the weight of the structure
itself. Therefore, the top beams are in compression as the load presses on the beams. The
smaller webbing beams that rise up and connect to the middle of the top members are also
experiencing the load and compression.

While the load presses down from above, the bottom beams are being pulled from both
ends, experiencing tension. This is the same for the two longer webbing sections that rise
to meet at the peak. They are stretched and therefore experience tension as well.

A common truss with the forces of compression and tension presented

There are many variations on this structure. The variants all have different names. Generally,
the styles differ by the way the internal webbing beams are structured. When the size
expands to the point that more than a single triangular webbing is required, the styles are
then called double and triple trusses.

Some common names are the King Post, Queen Post, the Fan, the Fink, and the Howe.
Larger roofs use expanded versions of these same styles with names such as Double Fan,
Modified Queen, Double Fink, Double Howe, Triple Fink, Triple Howe, etc.

Flat Shape
The flat truss is made of two parallel beams separated by consistently shaped triangular
sections of cross beams, or webbing. This is the form commonly visible in flooring, but
also commonly used with bridges, particularly with the railroads. One common type of flat
truss is the Pratt Truss.

In the Pratt Truss the vertical sections are there to absorb the forces of compression and the
non-vertical sections are there to absorb the forces of tension.

A Pratt truss with the forces of compression and tension presented

There are also several different styles of flat trusses with some using a cantilever (an
overhang) some using only angular webbing (no vertical posts) and some using non-
parallel horizontal beams.

When this form is applied to bridges, there are several names that are common; Pratt truss,
the Curved Chord Pratt truss, the Baltimore truss, the Pennsylvania (Pratt) truss, the Warren
truss, the Quadrangular Warren truss, the Subdivided Warren Type truss, the Lattice truss
and the Whipple truss.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Describe a truss.

2. Explain the two general types of truss.

3. Explain why a triangular structure is most common.

4. Explain where the forces of compression and the forces of tension are most
prevalent in a basic triangular roof truss.

Section 1.15 – Applications

Section Objective
• List applications of mechanical engineering

This section presents applications of force vectors and moments related to force couples
and force systems.

Vector Applications

Multiplying Force Vectors

A force (F1) of 200 N is acting horizontally east on an object. The force is to be multiplied
by 5. Calculate the new force and the direction of the force vector.


Multiplying a vector by a scalar only changes the magnitude of the vector while the
direction remains the same.

New force = 5F1 = 5(200 N) horizontally east = 1,000 N horizontally east.

Adding Force Vectors

With vector1 having a magnitude 5 with a direction of east and vector2 having a magnitude
of 8.66 with a direction of north, calculate the resultant vector.


We draw the first vector. Then, starting where the first vector ends, we draw the second
vector. In this case the second vector is in a direction that is 90° from the first vector.

This requires the use of trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles,
where A2 + B2 = C2. Vector 1 is A, Vector 2 is B and the resultant vector is C. Solving for C
(the magnitude of the resultant vector):

C = A2 + B 2 = 5.002 + 8.662 = 100 = 10.0

The angle can be determined through various trigonometry functions:

Arc tangent: arctan (8.66/5.00) = 60°

Arc sine: arcsin (8.66/10.0) = 60°

Arc cosine: arccos (5/10.0) = 60°

The resultant vector is 10.0 � 60° NE.

Free-Body Diagram
An object is on a ramp with an incline. It has a force due to the acceleration of gravity =
5,000 N, there is a normal force which opposes the fraction of the force of gravity against
the ramp, an external force acting on the object down the ramp which is a fraction of the
force of gravity and a force of friction of 300 N which is acting opposite the direction of
movement. The ramp is at a 30° angle. Define the magnitude of the other forces.

Free-body diagram of an object on a ramp


First, define the formula for the force of gravity pulling the object down the ramp.

As can be seen in the figure, the force F1 that is pulling the object down the ramp is related
to the force of gravity.

With the force of gravity being the hypotenuse of the right triangle below the ramp we
have: F1= Fgsinθ

This equals: F1= Fgsinθ = 5 kN (sin30°) = 5 kN (0.5) = 2.5 kN

The normal force is also a fraction of the force of gravity.

With the force of gravity being the hypotenuse of the right triangle below the ramp we
have: FN= Fgcosθ

This equals: FN = Fgcosθ = 5 kN (cos30°) = 5 kN (0.866) = 4.3 kN

Moving a Force off its line of action

In this exercise, we replace a force acting at a point with a parallel force and a couple at
a different point on the object. The force F1 = 300 N. The distance between the points is
20 cm. The angle θ =15°. Calculate the equivalent force system in which a parallel force is
moved to point B and a moment acts at point B.

Original Free-body diagram of an object with a force F1


First, we move the force F1. See the illustration where the force F1 has been moved to point
B and an opposing force –F1 has been placed at point B. This is an equivalent system to the
original system

Next we consider how to calculate the magnitude of the moment that acts at point B.

An equivalent system where the force F1 is being moved to point B

Because we are using the horizontal measure of 20 cm as the distance between the two
points we can determine the vertical component of the force vector (the “up” direction in the
illustration). The other option is to determine the separation distance that is perpendicular
to the force vectors. Either way we use the cosine of the angle θ of 15°.

M = (Fcosθ)r or M = Frcosθ

The moment is therefore:

M = (Fcosθ)r = 300 N (cos15)0.20 m = 300 N (0.966)0.20 m = 57.9 Nm

An equivalent system where the force FR is moved to point B

and the Moment MR acts on point B

Concept Reinforcement
1. Calculate the result of multiplying the acceleration vector with a magnitude of
9.8 m/s2 in the direction towards earth, by the mass scalar with a magnitude of
100 kg.

2. Add two force vectors: a vector with a magnitude of 173 and a direction directly
east and a vector with a magnitude of 100 and a direction directly north.

3. Create a free-body diagram: An object is on a ramp with an incline. It has a force
due to the acceleration of gravity = 2,500 N, there is a normal force which opposes
the fraction of the force of gravity against the ramp, an external force acting on
the object down the ramp which is a fraction of the force of gravity and a force of
friction of 800 N which is acting opposite the direction of movement. The ramp
is at a 60° angle. Create the free body diagram and calculate the magnitude of the
normal force and the force pulling the object down the ramp.

4. Replace a force acting at a point with a parallel force and a couple at a different
point on the object. The force F1 = 4,500 N. The distance between the points is
35 cm. The force vector acts perpendicular to the measurement of the separation
distance. Calculate the equivalent force system in which a parallel force is moved
from the original point O to point B and a moment acts at point B.

Unit Two

Section 2.1 – Force Analysis in Joints  104

Section 2.2 – Section Analysis  111

Section 2.3 – Frames and Machines  117

Section 2.4 – Centroids of Areas  127

Section 2.5 – Centroids of Composite Areas  133

Section 2.6 – Distributed Loads  139

Section 2.7 – Centroids of Volumes and Lines  143

Section 2.8 – Pappus-Guldinus Theorems  149

Section 2.9 – Center of Mass, Simple Objects  153

Section 2.10 – Center of Mass of Composites  159

Section 2.11 – Moment of Inertia  165

Section 2.12 – Moments of Simple Objects  169

Section 2.13 – Rotated and Principal Axes  173

Section 2.14 – Parallel Axis Theorem  177

Section 2.15 – Analysis Application  181

Section 2.1 – Force Analysis in Joints

Section Objective
• Explain the method of joints

This section presents the method of joints, one of two methods to analyze and resolve the
various forces and moments that are acting on a truss. The method of joints assumes all
forces act at the joints only. The method of joints initially resolves the external forces acting
on the truss using the standard equilibrium equations where the forces in each direction
sum to zero and the moments about any point sum to zero. After this, the forces acting at
each joint are resolved one at a time until all forces are identified. The end result is a free-
body diagram with all the forces displayed acting at each joint.

Ideal Truss
For the purposes of simplifying mechanical force analysis of trusses, a concept called an
ideal truss is defined.

In an ideal truss:

1. all sections are weightless; i.e. the weight of the sections do not impact the
equilibrium calculations

2. all sections lie in a two dimensional plane; i.e. this is only a two dimensional

3. all sections are connected by smooth pins; i.e. the connections themselves do not
change the forces or moments

4. all sections form triangular substructures within the main structure

5. all external loads are applied only at the joints

The Rigid Body Assumption is also held. This states that the sections and the entire truss
acts as a rigid body (that it does not twist or bend).

Mechanical Analysis of Forces
To analyze the forces acting on an object the standard procedure is to create a free-body
diagram with all the forces acting from the geometric center of the object. Ideally all the
moments would also be translated to the geometric center of the object as well.

For the mechanical analysis of the forces acting on a truss there are two primary procedures:
1. The Method of Joints and 2. The Method of Sections.

The Method of Joints applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act at a joint
(a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of forces
acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Joints is to define the forces and moments
acting at the joints in question. This assumes that the forces are in balance and that the truss
is in mechanical equilibrium; i.e. all forces in all directions sum to zero and all moments in
all directions also sum to zero.

The Method of Sections also applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act
at a joint (a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result
of forces acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Sections is to define the force’s
action on the various sections of the Truss. Whether the section is in compression or is in
tension is determined through the Method of Sections.

We will focus on the Method of Joints.

Mechanical Equilibrium
Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on
the object and the sum of the moments acting on the ∑ F= 0 and equation ∑ M= 0.

When considering two-dimensional equilibrium, we have:

Mechanical Equilibrium: equation ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and equation ∑ Mz= 0.

Fx = a force or force component acting the x-direction in newtons (N)
Fy = a force or force component acting the y-direction in newtons (N)
Mz = a moment due to the forces acting in the x-y plane and acting the z-direction in
newton-meters (Nm)

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero
and the sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero. The
sum of the moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a two-
dimensional (x, y) system act in the z-direction.

Zero point for Angles
In order to maintain a consistent treatment for forces and moments, the angles will be
defined from the horizontal vector pointing to the right. This is established as zero degrees
(0°) and the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise direction until
the angle of the vector is pointing again directly to the right. At this point the vector has
traversed one full rotation and is at an angle of 360° which is equivalent to 0°.



180° 0°



Method of Joints
Within the analysis the structure of the truss is assumed to be a rigid body (i.e. it does
not deform), the connecting joints are all smooth frictionless pins (i.e. they do not add or
detract from the external force or moment) and the individual sections are weightless (i.e.
the weight is only externally applied).

Regarding the base of support, there are generally two types of structure support, a pinned
joint and one that is resting on a roller. The pinned join can experience forces in both the x
and the y directions (either up or down). Supports that rest on a roller can only experience
compression in the single direction, usually vertically down. Because the roller allows
horizontal movement these joints do not experience horizontal (x-direction) forces and do
not experience moments.

The Method of Joints is best expressed through an example.

Example 1: Method of joints

With a truss as presented in the figure with horizontal members of 8 m and vertical members
of 6 m, there is a force applied horizontally at point F of 300 N and a force applied vertically
at point C of 700 N.

The first step is to create a free-body diagram of the structure. This is presented in the
second figure.

The second step is to resolve all the forces into their x and y components. This is already
done in the free-body diagram. Note that the support on the left has both an x and a y
component because it was a pinned joint while the support at the right was only a roller and
therefore only has a vertical component to the force.

The third step is to write and solve the three equilibrium equations: equation ∑ F x
= 0,
equation ∑ Fy = 0 and equation ∑ Mz= 0.

Forces in the x-direction:

We define that force acting to the right is positive and force acting to the left is negative.

The free-body diagram shows 300 N positive and a force component of Ax being negative.

∑ F = −A
x x
= 300 N

Because the total force at equilibrium is zero, we therefore conclude that Ax = 300 N

Forces in the y-direction:

We define that force acting in the “up” direction is positive and force acting in the “down”
direction is negative.

The free-body diagram shows positive forces of Ay and Dy and a negative force of 700 N.

∑ F = A
y y
+ Dy − 700 N

Because the total force at equilibrium is zero, we therefore conclude that Ay + Dy = 700 N

Moments in the z-direction:

We define that a moment acting in the “clockwise” direction is positive and a moment
acting in the “counterclockwise” direction is negative.

The free-body diagram shows positive moments due to the force Dy acting at a distance of
24 m from point A, a negative moment due to the force of 700 N at point C a distance of
16 m from point A and a second negative moment due to the force of 300 N at point F a
distance of 6 m vertically from point A.

∑ M = D
z y
(24 m) − 700 N (16 m) − 300 N (6 m)

Because the total moment at equilibrium is zero we therefore conclude that

700 N (16 m) − 300 N (6 m)

=Dy = 542 N
24 m

And from Ay + Dy = 700 N we have Ay = 158 N.

Free-Body Diagram with all external forces defined

The Method of Joints now comes into play to determine the forces acting in the internal
members. This is a type of analysis that focuses on each joint (pinned or on a roller)
separately. There are no moments acting at a joint, therefore the solution is resolved through
the force equilibrium equations.

∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0
x y

With only two equations, we can solve for only two unknown forces at any specific joint.
The only joints that have only two forces acting are point A and point D, so this is where
we start.

Starting with Point A, we again use the process of creating a Free-Body Diagram, then
resolving for the forces and solving the equilibrium equations.

Free-Body Diagram of Point A

Here is the Free-Body Diagram for Point A and the FBD with the forces resolved into their
x- and y-components.

Free-Body Diagram of Point A with forces resolved

Solving for the force equilibrium we have ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0

∑ F = AE cos 37° + AB − 300 N = 0 and ∑ F = AE sin 37° + 158 N = 0

x y

158 N
Solving for AE we have AE =
− −263 N
sin 37°

Here the negative direction means that the member AE is in tension, the force is directed
towards the point A.

Solving for AB we have AB = 300 N − AE cos 37° = 300 N − (-210 N) = 510 N

Therefore, the force is also in tension. This time, however, because of convention (we have
positive to the right) the magnitude is positive.

Using this procedure, all the forces acting at all the joints can be resolved.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the assumptions for an Ideal Truss.

2. Explain Mechanical Analysis of Forces.

3. Explain Mechanical Equilibrium.

4. Describe the convention for angles in mechanical systems.

Section 2.2 – Section Analysis

Section Objective
• Explain the method of sections

This section presents the method of sections, one of two methods to analyze and resolve
the various forces and moments that are acting on a truss. The method of sections assumes
all forces act at the joints only. The method of sections initially resolves the external forces
acting on the truss using the standard equilibrium equations where the forces in each
direction sum to zero and the moments about any point sum to zero. After this, a cut across
the truss at the location of interest is made and the forces acting on those members at each
joint are resolved along with the moments. The end result is a free-body diagram with the
forces displayed acting on the members (sections) of interest.

Free-Body Diagram with all external forces defined

and the truss “cut” across members EF, BF, and BC

Mechanical Analysis of Forces

To analyze the forces acting on an object the standard procedure is to create a free-body
diagram with all the forces acting from the geometric center of the object. Ideally, all the
moments would also be translated to the geometric center of the object as well.

For the mechanical analysis of the forces acting on a truss there are two primary procedures;
1. The Method of Joints and 2. The Method of Sections.

The Method of Joints applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act at a joint
(a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of forces
acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Joints is to define the forces and moments
acting at the joints in question. This assumes that the forces are in balance and that the truss
is in mechanical equilibrium; i.e. all forces in all directions sum to zero and all moments in
all directions also sum to zero.

The Method of Sections also applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act
at a joint (a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result
of forces acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Sections is to define the force’s
action on the various sections of the Truss. Whether the section in compression or is it in
tension is determined through the Method of Sections.

We will now focus on the Method of Sections.

Mechanical Equilibrium
Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on
the object and the sum of the moments acting on the object are both zero. In summary this
appears as mechanical equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0 and when considering two-
dimensional equilibrium we have:

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.

Fx = a force or force component acting in the x-direction in newtons (N)
Fy = a force or force component acting in the y-direction in newtons (N)
Mz = a moment due to the forces acting in the x-y plane and acting the z-direction in
newton-meters (Nm)

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero
and the sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero. The
sum of the moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a two-
dimensional (x, y) system act in the z-direction.

Method of Sections
In the method of sections a line is draw through the truss across several members. This line
can be a straight line or a curved line. The number of members “cut” can be many. After the
truss has been “divided” a free body diagram is made, the x and y components of the forces
are resolved and the equilibrium equations solved.

Example 1: Method of Sections

With a truss, as presented in the figure, with horizontal members of 8 m and vertical
members of 6 m, a force is applied horizontally at point F of 300 N and a force applied
vertically at point C of 700 N.

Initially, before the method of section can be applied, the external forces acting on the
truss must be solved. The first step is to create a free-body diagram of the structure. This is
presented in the second figure.

The second step is to resolve all the forces into their x and y components. This is already
done in the free-body diagram. Note that the support on the left has both an x and a y
component because it was a pinned joint, while the support at the right was only a roller
and therefore only has a vertical component to the force.

The third step is to write and solve the three equilibrium equations: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0
and ∑ Mz= 0.

Forces in the x-direction:

We define that force acting to the right is positive and force acting to the left is negative.

The free-body diagram shows 300 N positive and a force component of Ax being negative.

∑ F x
= −Ax + 300 N

Because the total force at equilibrium is zero, we therefore conclude that Ax = 300 N.

Forces in the y-direction:

We define that force acting in the “up” direction is positive and force acting in the “down”
direction is negative.

The free-body diagram shows positive forces of Ay and Dy and a negative force of 700 N.
∑ F x
= Ay + Dy – 700 N.

Because the total force at equilibrium is zero, we therefore conclude that Ay + Dy = 700 N.

Moments in the z-direction:

We define that a moment acting in the “clockwise” direction is positive and a moment
acting in the “counterclockwise” direction is negative.

The free-body diagram shows positive moments, which are due to the force Dy, acting at a
distance of 24 m from point A, a negative moment due to the force of 700 N at point C, a
distance of 16 m from point A, and a second negative moment due to the force of 300 N at
point F, a distance of 6 m vertically from point A.

∑ M = D (24 m) −700 N (16 m) − 300 N (6 m)

z y

Because the total moment at equilibrium is zero we therefore conclude that

700 N (16 m) − 300 N (6 m)

=Dy = 542 N
24 m

From Ay + Dy = 700 N we have Ay = 158 N.

Free-Body Diagram with all external forces defined

and the truss “cut” across members EF, BF, and BC

The method of section can now be applied using the following steps.

1. Produce a free-body diagram.

2. Resolve the x and y components of the forces.

3. Solve the force equilibrium equations.

Free-Body Diagram with all external forces defined
and the internal forces of the truss in members EF, BF, and BC resolved

Free-Body Diagram with all external forces defined

and the truss “cut” across members EF, BF, and BC

Solving for the force equilibrium, we have ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.

∑ F = -BF cos37° + BC − 300 N

= 0 and ∑ F y
= -BF cos37° + 158 N = 0 and
∑ M = 158 N (8 m) + EF (6 m) = 0.

−158 N (8 m)
Solving for EF, we have: EF = = −211 N

Here, the negative direction means that the member EF is in tension, the force is directed
towards the point E.

 158 N 
Solving for BF we have BF =−  −  =263 N
 sin 37° 

Here the positive direction means that the member BF is in the direction we specified
(downward) and therefore is in tension, the force is directed towards the point B.

Solving for BC we have BC = 300 N – BF cos37° = 300 N – (-210 N) = 510 N.

Therefore the force is also in tension but this time, because we initially selected the direction
of the force to the left (we have positive to the right) the magnitude is positive.

This procedure allows one to resolve all the internal forces acting in the sections.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the types of mechanical analysis of trusses.

2. Explain the method of sections.

3. Explain the difference between the method of joints and the method of sections.

Section 2.3 – Frames and Machines

Section Objective
• Explain frames and machines

This section presents the concepts of frames and machines. Frames are structures similar
to trusses. Both are expected to be static (stationary) but the pattern of the structure of
frames is more open and flexible than trusses. Frames can carry loads as well as trusses.
This section also presents the machine, which is a general term for a mechanical structure
that includes moving parts and is not expected to be static.

Non-Axial member (resultant forces)

Definition of Statics
Within mechanical engineering, statics focuses on the analysis of external forces and
moments on structures that are in static equilibrium. In a structure (a physical system) in
static equilibrium, all the sections, components, members, etc. do not move relative to each
other over time. Either the entire system does not move over time or all of it moves at the
same velocity over time. Either way, the relative positions do not change and the way the
subsections experience the external forces does not change over time.

Mechanical Analysis
Applying mechanical analysis of a structure to problems of statics initially involves several
key assumptions:

1. the structure and the substructures are assumed to act as a rigid body (i.e. they do
not deform),

2. the connecting joints are all smooth frictionless pins (i.e. they do not add or detract
from the externally applied forces or moments)

3. the individual sections are weightless (i.e. the loads are only externally applied at
the specific points of application of the external forces).

These assumptions are used in this early mechanical analysis so that major mechanical
principles can be the focus of the analysis. In more advanced mechanical analysis, these
assumptions will be eliminated one by one.

Structure pinned at the left support, with a roller as the right support

Free Body Diagram of the same structure

Structures rely on various types of support, such as attachment mechanisms to the wall,
floor or ceiling. There are two general types of structural support: a pinned joint and a
joint that is resting on a roller. The pinned joint can experience forces in both the x and
the y directions and be in either the positive or negative direction. Supports that rest on a
roller can only experience compression in the single direction. The compression is directed
into the support. Because the roller allows movement in the other direction, these joints
experience forces in one direction only and do not experience moments.

Axial vs Non-Axial Member

The structural members of a mechanical system experience forces in two primary ways:
only at the ends or in more than just at the ends.

Axial member (resultant forces)

Axial member (various forces)

An Axial Member is one that experiences the forces only at the ends and the forces can be
summed so that the line-of-action is along the member, which will show that the member
is only in tension or in compression.

Non-Axial member (resultant forces)

Non-Axial member (various forces)

A non-axial member is one that also experiences external forces in the center span of the
member and hence the line-of-action of the forces are not only along the length of the
member. In this case, the resultant forces (the sum of the forces) are shown to have a line-
of-action along the member and a line-of-action that is perpendicular to the member.

A frame is a set of structural members and is usually considered separate from a truss. A
truss is a structure that includes substructures within the outer framework of the truss itself.

In the analysis of the forces in a frame that is in mechanical equilibrium there are three
typical steps;

1. Create a Free-Body Diagram

2. Identify all the forces and identify the x and y components of each force

3. Solve the three equilibrium equations:

A. ∑ Fx = 0
B. ∑ Fy = 0
C. ∑ Mz = 0

Simple Machines
There are six simple machines, which are all methods to improve the mechanical output
of a mechanical input. These machines are inclined planes, the three types of levers, the
pulley, the wedge, the wheel and axle, and the screw.

Inclined Plane
An inclined plane is designed for two purposes. One is to reduce the external work required
to move an object horizontally by utilizing gravity to reduce the apparent weight and the
frictional forces resisting movement. In the graphic, the direction of the movement is down
the incline. As the angle of inclination increases, the amount of external work required
decreases. (when θ = 0°, cosθ = 1 and when θ = 90°, cosθ = 0). When the angle θ is 90°,
the inclined plane is then a vertical face and there is no component of gravitational force
holding the object against the plane.

When the inclined plane is horizontal and θ = 0°, the frictional force (Ffric) is at a maximum
and defined by the coefficient of friction times the normal force. When θ = 0° the normal
force is equal to the weight of the object.

The force of friction: Ffric = μN

Ffric is the force of friction in joules (J)
μ is the coefficient of friction with no units (usually between 0 and 2)
N is the normal force in joules (J)

The formula for the normal force is the weight times the cosine of the angle (N = Fcosθ).
Here F = weight. When θ = 0° the cosθ = 1 and therefore N = F. As the incline of the
plane increases, the value of cosθ decreases and therefore the level of the frictional force
decreases. Less force is then required to overcome the frictional forces and the object
moves with less external force required.

The principle of the lever is that a force applied in an effort to lift an object with mass is
proportional to the length of the respective lever arms.

As in the illustration, a balance exists if the force (W = weight) times the distance from the
fulcrum (the support or point at which a lever pivots) of individual 1 equals the force times
the distance from the fulcrum of individual 2.

The standard equation is: F1d1 = F2d2

This is exactly the same as Work1= Work2 (Work = Fd) and this is the expression of the
conservation of energy from the input to the output.

Note that the forces could just as easily be pushing up, as long as the fulcrum is fixed to the
bar in the correct orientation.

First Class Lever: Fulcrum is centered between the force and the output load

Common examples of a first class lever are a bottle opener, a crowbar, a hammer (used in
pulling nails), oars, pliers, scissors, and a seesaw.

The fulcrum is located between the two forces and this is typically used to reduce the force
required to lift a load.

Example 1: First Class Lever

If we have a first class lever with the following mass on the input of m1 = 20 kg with the
length of the input arm d1 = 10 m and that of the output arm d2 = 1 m calculate the mass
that will be lifted at the output.

This utilizes the formula: F1d1 = F2 d 2

From F1d1 = F2 d 2 , solving for F2 gives F2 =
m1 gd1
Since we have the mass of the object at the input: m2 g =
m1d1 md 20kg (10m )
The gravity term (g) cancels and therefore m2 = and m2 = 1 1 = = 200kg
d2 d2 1m

This means that an object of 200 kg would be perfectly balanced at the output by just 20
kg at the input.

Second Class Lever: Output load is positioned between the fulcrum and the force.

Common examples of a second class lever are a door, a nutcracker, a paddle, a springboard,
a wheelbarrow, and a wrench.

The fulcrum is located at one end of the bar with the force located at the other end with the
output load on the bar between the two ends.

Example 2: Second Class Lever

If we have a second class lever with the following mass on the input of m1 = 40kg with the
length of the input arm d1 = 2m and that of the output arm d2 = 1 m calculate the mass that
will be lifted at the output.

This utilizes the same formula: F1d1 = F2 d 2

From F1d1 = F2 d 2 , solving for F2 gives F2 =
m1 gd1
Since we have the mass of the object at the input: m2 g =
m1d1 md 40kg (2m )
The gravity term (g) cancels and therefore m2 = and m2 = 1 1 = = 80kg
d2 d2 1m

Third Class Lever: Force pulls at the center with the fulcrum attached at one end and
the output load at the other end.

Common examples of a third class lever are a baseball bat, boat paddle, broom, fishing rod,
tongs, tweezers, a shovel and a stapler.

The fulcrum is located at one end of the bar with the output load located at the other end
with the input force on the bar between the two ends. Note that in this case the input force
is greater than the output load but the advantage is that the output load travels a greater

Example 3: Third Class Lever

If F1 = 20 kg, d1 = 2 m and F2 is 8 kg then if d2 = 5 m, it will balance, with more than twice

the distance traveled by F2 relative to F1.

If we have a third class lever with the following mass on the input of m1 = 20 kg with the
length of the input arm d1 = 2 m and the mass at the output arm m2 = 8 kg calculate the
length of the output arm d2.

This utilizes the formula: F1d1 = F2 d 2

From F1d1 = F2 d 2 , solving for d2 gives d 2 =

m1 gd1
Since we have the mass of the object at the input: d 2 =
m2 g

m1d1 md 20kg (2m )

The gravity term (g) cancels and therefore d 2 = and d 2 = 1 1 = = 5m
m2 m2 8kg

Pulleys can come in a wide variety of configurations. Pulleys exist in garages, on boats,
even in engines. The primary advantage of a pulley is that the load is split between the
number of cables (or ropes) that hold the weight.

The formula Workin = Workout ( F1d1 = F2 d 2 ) when using pulleys is always the same. Where
the mechanical advantage comes in is when the distance we pull the rope is increased
which then allows us to pull with less force to raise the load. Of course the load is raised a
smaller distance but we are interested in finding a way to use less force. We sacrifice by
having to pull for a longer distance but we gain by being able to lift loads that are many
times heavier than what we normally would be able to lift.

The Wedge
The wedge is a solid triangular shaped block. The typical use is to apply a force to the base
of the triangle in order to force the tip of the triangle into a material or between two objects.
The force applied at the base is amplified at the tip of the triangle because of the difference
in surface area that transmits the force and the fact that the force is applied to the objects
through the two triangle sides of the triangle which are usually at an extreme angle relative
to the base. Therefore the amount of force applied to the base is translated to movement in
between the objects against the friction of the two sides.

The Wheel and Axle
The typical example of a wheel and axle system is any bicycle, any vehicle or any belt
driven manufacturing system because all of these use a wheel that rotates around an axle to
guide the rotation and direction of the forces applied.

The Screw
The screw is a rotary wedge. The force is applied as a moment on the screw head and this
is translated into both forward movement and circular movement into the material.

Concept Reinforcement
1. What does it mean when we say that a system is “static?”

2. What are the basics of performing a mechanical analysis?

3. What are axial and non-axial members?

4. Describe the two main types of structural support.

5. Describe the three equilibrium equations for a two dimensional system.

Section 2.4 – Centroids of Areas

Section Objective
• Describe the centroids of areas

This section presents the concept of a center of mass of an area, called the centroid of the
area. The density, which is the mass per unit area, is assumed to be uniform which allows
the use of the area of the object rather than the force or load of the object in calculations.
The objective is to find a centerpoint in the two-dimensional object where the amount of
area, and hence load, is the same in all directions. At this point the object could be balanced
on a pin. This is exactly the same as establishing a single force applied at a single location as
a conceptual replacement for several forces acting at different locations within the object.

The center of mass of the area is the intersection of the center of mass
about the y-axis and the center of mass about the x-axis

Center of Mass
We are going to learn how to work with objects that are not massless, meaning they have
mass and will have weight in a gravitational field. This will require a different approach to
the problem. First, we will examine a simple linear system and the concept of the center
of mass.

Along a massless line, we have several masses, all feeling the effects of gravity and creating
forces in the down direction. Where is the center of the mass? In other words, at what point
along the line would a single mass give the same effect as these various masses?

We will work with different forces, though the location of the center of mass will be in the
same place.

The solution is established by finding a single moment that can replace the sum of the
moments at a point outside the line at point O.

∑ M − 600 N (2 m) + 700 N (7 m) + 800 N (10 m)

To find the center location we define the xc to be the center of mass/force.


M 600 N (2 m) + 700 N (7 m) + 800 N (10 m) 14,100 Nm
= = 6.7 m
∑F (600 N + 700 N + 800 N) 2,100 N

Note that if the formula is for the center of mass. the gravity is removed from both the top
and the bottom of the fraction. Therefore the solution is the same. i.e.


6.7 m

Centroids of Areas
The centroid of area is the same concept as the center of mass, but applied to a two
dimensional area rather than a single dimension; i.e. a line. This is also commonly called
the center of gravity or center of mass of the area. This could be considered the balance
point where the area would be able to balance on a point without tipping in any direction.

These calculations apply the assumption that the density of the area is uniform, which infers
that the mass and, therefore the weight, is evenly distributed. These calculations include
the assumption that the thickness of the area is uniform, which supports the same goal as
the first assumption, which is that the mass and, therefore the weight, is evenly distributed.
These assumptions allow for the possibility of standardized formulas for specific shapes.

Graphical Methods
One method to solve for the geometric center of a standard area is to draw the line bisecting
each side of the area. The point of intersection is the center of mass and the geometric

Algebraic Methods
The centroid of an area is calculated by dividing the area in one dimension into many
parallel sections. Then the centroid of each area is established, keeping in mind that the
center of mass should be the geometric center of the thin section. These sections are then
added together and divided by the total area. This is done in a similar way to the calculation
for the center of mass, which is the summation of the various centers of mass all divided
by the total mass. Since the mass distribution in an area is uniform, the sum of the area is
equivalent to the sum of the mass (or weight) for each section and for the total area.

Note that because the mass distribution is uniform, mass can be removed from the equations
for centroids of area.

Advanced Methods
Just like with the calculation for the center of mass on a one-dimensional line, there is a
way to examine the moments of an area that is also used to define the centroid of the area.
The total area is divided up into many small individual squares and the moment about each
axis is determined for each of the individual squares. Each square has the same mass (and
the same weight). All of the individual moments are summed about one axis. This sum is

divided by the total area (which is the equivalent of the weight or force because the density
is uniform and the thickness is uniform). This provides the centroid about the single axis.

A second set of calculations is done using the same pattern, but this time around the other
axis. Again, the individual moments are summed and the sum is divided by the total area
(equivalent to the total weight) to get the centroid.

The center of mass of the area is the intersection of the center of mass
about the y-axis and the center of mass about the x-axis

The centroid of the area is the intersection of the two centroids about the separate axes.

The calculation for the center of mass about the y-axis:


∑xm i l
xc = i =l

i =l

The calculation for the center of mass about the x-axis:


∑ym i l
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the x-axis in meters (m)
mi = the unit of mass in kilograms (kg) as a uniform fraction of the total mass.

To calculate the centroid of an area, we instead use the area, which we noted is equivalent
to the mass because of uniform density and thickness assumptions.

The centroid of the area is the intersection of the centroid
about the y-axis and the centroid about the x-axis

For the centroid of an area about the y-axis:


∑x A i l
xc = i =l

i =l

For the centroid of an area about the x-axis:


∑y A i l
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the unit of area in square meters (m2) as a uniform fraction of the total area.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the center of mass.

2. Explain how to calculate the center of mass of a set of masses in a line.

3. Explain how to calculate the center of mass of a set of forces in a line.

4. Give the definition of the centroid of an area.

5. Describe how to determine the centroid of an area graphically.

6. Describe how to calculate the centroid of an area using algebra.

Section 2.5 – Centroids of Composite Areas

Section Objective
• Describe the centroids of composite areas

This section presents the method to determine the centroid of a composite area. When the
various pieces of the composite are geometric shapes there are tables that present formulas
for locating the centroid. Once the centroid of each individual shape is located and the
total area of each shape is known the calculation of the centroid for the composite of
these shapes is relatively straightforward. We sum the area moments for the various shapes
(M = Ad) and divide this sum by the total area of composite. Overall, this assumes that the
mass density of all the areas is the same which allows us to use the area as a replacement
for the load in calculations.

Centroid of an area
To calculate the centroid of an area, multiply the sum of the individual unit areas by the
distance from the axis, and then divide by the total area. The area is equivalent to the mass
because we are assuming that the area has uniform density and uniform thickness.

The centroid of the area is the intersection of the centroid

about the y-axis and the centroid about the x-axis

For the centroid of an area about the y-axis:


∑x A i i
xc = i =l

i =l

For the centroid of an area about the x-axis:

∑y A i i
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the unit of area in square meters (m2) as a uniform fraction of the total area.

The centroid of a composite area is the combination

of the centroid of the different component shapes

A Composite Area
A composite area is a set of shapes, usually geometric, that are joined together to create a
single grouping. For example, using several different sized squares, the grouping will not
appear like a single uniform square but can still be treated as a single total area.

The centroid about the y-axis of a composite area is the combination

of the centroids of the different component shapes about the y-axis

Centroids of Composite Areas
The calculation for the centroid of an area about the y-axis:

∑x A i i
xc = i =l

i =l

x i = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the area of the composite shapes in square meters (m2)

x1 A1 + x2 A2 + x3 A3
This would be xc =
A1 + A2 + A3

The centroid about the x-axis of a composite area is the combination

of the centroids of the different component shapes about the x-axis

The calculation for the centroid of an area about the x-axis:


∑y A i i
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the area of the composite shapes in square meters (m2)

y1 A1 + y2 A2 + y3 A3
This would be xc =
A1 + A2 + A3

What if one of the areas in not solid, or if one of the areas is only a space between solid
areas? In this case, the empty area is treated as having no area and therefore does not
participate in the calculation.

Centroids of Composite Areas with an Empty Space

For the centroid of an area about the y-axis:

∑x A i i
xc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the area of the composite shapes in square meters (m2)

x1 A1 + x3 A3
The resulting equation is: xc =
A1 + A3



The centroid about the y-axis of a composite area is the combination

of the centroids of the different component shapes about the y-axis

The calculation for the centroid of an area about the x-axis:


∑y A i i
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the area of the composite shapes in square meters (m2)

y1 A1 + y3 A3
The resulting equation is: xc =
A1 + A3

The centroid about the x-axis of a composite area is the combination of the centroids of
the different component shapes about the x-axis

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the centroid of an area.

2. Explain how the centroid relates to the center of mass of an area.

3. Describe a composite area.

4. Describe the centroid of a composite area.

5. State the formula for a centroid of a composite area.

Section 2.6 – Distributed Loads

Section Objective
• Explain distributed loads

This section presents distributed loads and the methods used to analyze systems that are
experiencing distributed loads. We use the assumption that the density of the load is uniform
and therefore the area can be used as a replacement for the actual load in calculations. The
area of the load can then be divided into geometric shapes (as much as is possible) and the
centroid of the area of each sub-area is determined. To determine the centroid of the area
of the whole load we sum the area moment of the various sub-areas about a point (usually
a point which is a clearly measurable distance from the point loads). This sum is divided
by the total load. This defines the actual position on the beam where a point load would be
applied as a replacement for the distributed load.

Distributed load presented as acting across the entire width of the load

A load is the term used for the weight associated with a mass above a mechanical system.
When using early models for mechanical analysis, the load is a force applied at a point. It
is possible for more than a single external load to be experienced by the object. These are
always shown as point loads.

Distributed Loads
As the types of analysis become more complicated, the type of external loads experienced
by an area or object become spread out and are no longer presumed to be point loads. A
distributed load is more like a block with mass that rests on an object and exposes the
object to a force that is spread out along the entire area of the block.

Distributed load presented as acting across the entire width of the load

Typical Free-Body Diagram with the load presented as acting from the center of the load

The free-body diagram for a distributed load no longer shows a single force acting from the
center of the object, but uses a block to represent the overall load.

Uniformly distributed load presented as the force

acting across the entire width of the load

A distributed load shows a set of force lines acting on the object in question. The magnitude
of the distributed lines of force is proportional to the fraction of the force experienced at
the section. If, for instance, the load is 1,000 N and the width of the block presenting the
load is 2 m, then for every 10 cm of the width the load would be 50 N. The load can also
be described as 500 N per meter of width or as 5 N per centimeter.

In this particular case, a uniformly distributed load can be presented as 50 N/10 cm (or
5 N/cm or 500 N/m). The total load is calculated by multiplying this load per unit length by
the length of applied load. In this case, the length of applied load is the width of the block,
2 m, which means the total load is 1,000 N. The point of application of the load is midway
between the ends of the blocks. This distance is used to simplify the calculation of the

We have just described how to calculate a uniform distributed load. The load can just as
easily be uniformly increasing or decreasing along the width of the block.

When the load is uniformly increasing, it can be treated as a uniformly distributed load plus
a triangular load. The two components have slightly different points of application when
the loads are simplified to a point load.

Uniformly changing distributed load presented as the force

acting across the entire width of the load

In all cases, when the mechanical system is simplified (for instance to calculate the moment),
the load will be simplified to a point load acting and at a single distance.

Example 1: Distributed Load

We have a load that begins 2 m to the left from point A, which is where the system is
pinned. The load is uniformly increasing across a 4 m section and begins with a 100 N/cm
load on the left and ends at 1,000 N/cm load on the right. Calculate the total load and the
point of application relative to point A.

This uniformly increasing load can be divided into two parts:

1. The load/cm of 100 N/cm across the entire length of 4 m.

2. The triangular load that increases from 0 N/cm to 900 N/cm at the right.

First, determine how many cm in the 4 m section. This is 4 m(100 cm/m) = 400 cm.

The load for section 1:

This is (100 N/cm)(400 cm) = 40 kN

The load for section 2:

Here we use the formula for the area of a right triangle, which is ½ the area of the length ×
height. This is ½ (400 cm)(900 N/cm) =180 kN.

To determine the point of application for the load of section 1, we use the fact that the load
has a rectangular shape, which places the load at ½ the width of the distributed load; i.e. 2
m in from the edge, which is a total of 4 m from point A.

The resultant forces

To determine the point of application for the load of section 2, we use tables that have the
formulas for triangular shaped loads. These tables present the formula for the centroid of an
area based on a particular orientation. For a triangle, the centroid is 1/3 the distance from
the base, which is the larger dimension. Therefore, 1/3 of the distance from the 900 N/cm
side is 4/3 of a meter. This places the point load at a distance of 2 and 2/3 meters from the
left end and therefore 4 and 2/3 m from point A.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain loads and the units of a load.

2. Explain distributed loads

3. Explain the difference between a uniform and a uniformly increasing distributed


Section 2.7 – Centroids of Volumes and Lines

Section Objective
• Describe the centroids of volumes and lines

This section presents the centroid of a volume, which is an extension of the concept of
a centroid for an area and the center of mass of a beam. As with the centroid of the area,
the mass density of the volume is assumed to be uniform and therefore the volume is
substituted for the mass in calculations.

The determination of the centroid of a volume is broken into three calculations, one for
each plane. A planar centroid is determined by summing the volumetric moments at the
various distances from the plane. This sum is divided by the total volume and the result is a
distance from the plane. For instance, there is a planar centroid parallel to the plane defined
by the x-y axes. ½ of the volume is above this plane and ½ below. The same exists for the
other two planes described by the x-z axes and the y-z axes.

Centroid of a Volume: initially determine the centroid about each axis

The centroid is the same as the center of mass or the center of gravity. It is calculated using
dimensions of length, rather than mass or force, because several assumptions are made as
part of these calculations.

• Assumption 1 is that the density, the amount of mass per unit volume is constant.

• Assumption 2 is that the thickness of the material is constant.

Using these two assumptions, the calculation for centroid in a two-dimensional system
requires only the use of unit area and distance from an axis. The center of mass requires the
use of a mass or force unit in the calculations.

There are technically three centroids in a two-dimensional area:

1. one about the x-axis.

2. a second about the y-axis.

3. the third is the centroid of the area that is located at the intersection of the centroids
about the x and the y axes.

The centroid of an area is a point within the area at which the area will be balanced like a
plate on a pin. The centroid about the x-axis is similar, but only applicable in one dimension.
The area, if positioned on a line at the x-centroid would be balanced in that dimension. For
the y-centroid the line would be perpendicular to the x-centroid line and the area would
again be balanced.

Centroid of a Volume: initially determine the centroid about each axis

Centroids of Volumes
The same formula applies in a three-dimensional system. A three-dimensional system has
four centroids:

1. x-axis centroid.

2. y-axis centroid.

3. z-axis centroid.

4. the overall volumetric centroid, which is located at the intersection of the x, y and z

The centroid of a volume is a point within an object at which the 3-dimensional object
will be balanced like a helium balloon in a 3-dimensional space. The centroid about the

x-axis is similar but only applicable in the one dimension. The volume, if positioned on a
line at the x-centroid, will be balanced in that dimension. For the y-centroid, the line will
be perpendicular to the x-centroid line and the volume will again be balanced. For the
z-centroid, the line will be perpendicular to both the x-centroid line and the y-centroid line
and the volume will again be balanced.

Calculating the Centroid of a Volume

To calculate the centroid of a volume, the sum of the individual unit volumes is multiplied
by the distance from the axis. The product of this calculation is then divided by the total
volume of the object. The volume is equivalent to the mass because of the uniform density

For the x-coordinate of the centroid of a volume:


∑ xV 1 i i n
=xc =
i =l
∑ xV i i

∑Vi T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of volume multiplied by the distance of that
unit volume from the x-axis (y-z plane). This is then divided by the total volume.

The centroid of the volume is the intersection of the centroid

about the x-axis, y-axis and the centroid about the z-axis

The calculation for the y-coordinate of the centroid of a volume:

∑ yV
i i
1 n
=yc =
i =l
∑ yV i i

∑Vi T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of volume multiplied by the distance of that
unit volume from the y-axis (x-z plane). This is then divided by the total volume.

The calculation for the z-coordinate of the centroid of a volume:


∑ zV
i i
1 n
=zc =
i =l
∑ zV i i

∑Vi T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of volume multiplied by the distance of that
unit volume from the z-axis (x-y plane). This is then divided by the total volume.

xi = the distance to the unit of volume (Vi) from the y-z plane in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of volume (Vi) from the x-z plane in meters (m)
zi = the distance to the unit of volume (Vi) from the x-y plane in meters (m)
Vi = the unit of volume in cubic meters (m3) as a uniform fraction of the total volume.

Centroids of Lines
The centroid of a line is calculated in the same manner as the centroid of an area and a
centroid of a volume. The line may have any shape, including linear, spiral or a random
curved shape.

Therefore, the calculations for the centroid of a line appear very similar to those for the
centroid of a volume. The calculations take into consideration all three dimensions within
a coordinate system. The calculation of the centroid about each axis is comparable to the
calculation of the moment of the line about each axis.

For the x-coordinate of the centroid of a line:


∑x L
i i
1 n
=xc =
i =l
∑ xL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of length times the distance of that unit length
from the x-axis (y-z plane). This is then divided by the total length.

For the y-coordinate of the centroid of a length:

∑yLi i
1 n
=yc =
i =l
∑ yL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of length times the distance of that unit length
from the y-axis (x-z plane). This is then divided by the total length.

The centroid of the line is the intersection of the centroid

about the x-axis, y-axis and the centroid about the z-axis

For the z-coordinate of the centroid of a length:


∑z L
i i
1 n
=zc =
i =l
∑ zL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of length times the distance of that unit length
from the z-axis (x-y plane). This is then divided by the total length.

xi = the distance to the unit of length (Li) from the y-z plane in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of length (Li) from the x-z plane in meters (m)
zi = the distance to the unit of length (Li) from the x-y plane in meters (m)
Li = the unit of length in meters (m) as a uniform fraction of the total length.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain centroids.

2. Explain the centroid of a volume.

3. State the formula for the centroid of a volume.

4. Describe how the centroid of a volume is determined.

5. State the formula for the centroid of a line.

Section 2.8 – Pappus-Guldinus Theorems

Section Objective
• State the Pappus-Guldinus theorems

This section presents the Pappus-Guldinus Theorems which provide algebraic formulas
for determining what appear to be difficult challenges. The first theorem is focused on the
external surface area of a three dimensional shell. The shell must be created by rotating
a line about an axis (a line) that is at a distance from the line itself. The line can be a
very complicated shape. The first Pappus-Guldinus theorem uses the concept of the three
dimensional centroid of a complex line and uses this to create a formula to calculate the
surface area that is defined by rotating that line 360˚ about the axis line. The second Pappus-
Guldinus theorem takes this one step further and focuses on the volume that would be
created by that same line as it is rotated about an axis. An area is described by the complex
line on one side, the axis line as the other side and the top and bottom by vertical lines
reaching from the axis to the complex line. The centroid of this area is calculated. Then
the volume is calculated by multiplying the area described by the distance around a 360˚
rotation about the axis.

Pappus-Guldinus Theorems
The Pappus-Guldinus theorems apply the centroids of lines and areas to an interesting
structure, that of a surface of revolution and a volume of revolution.

The First Pappus-Guldinus theorem
If we take a straight vertical line of 20 m and place it 1 m from an axis and then rotate that
line about that axis, we draw a tube that is 20 m in height and 1 m in radius. This concept
can be applied to virtually any type of line, whether it is angled or curvy relative to the
central axis. These are called surfaces of revolution.

The first theorem describes a simplified formula for determining the area of a surface of
revolution using the centroid of the line about that axis.

The line cannot intersect the axis of rotation.

Area of the surface of revolution: A = 2πyL

A = the area of the surface in square meters (m2)
y = the centroid about the x-axis in meters (m)
L = the length of the line in meters (m)

This is a restatement of the formula for area of A = LW.

A = the area of the surface in square meters (m2)
W = the width of the area in meters (m)
L = the length of the area in meters (m)

The “width” factor is defined by the centroid of the line multiplied by the arc distance. The
centroid can be roughly considered to be the average distance from the axis of rotation.
This equates to a radius in the formula for the circumference of a circle, which is 2πr. When
the line is a simple straight line, the formula is simply A= 2πrL.

When the line is much more complicated, calculations for the centroid about the axis
provide a very useful shortcut.

If the area produced by the line is not a complete circle, then it is just a matter of defining
the arc length as a fraction of a complete circumference.

If the line actually creates a geometric shape, such as a square, circle, triangle, or other
unusual shape, then the formula from the theorem results in a surface area similar to
that of a circular pipe that has either a square, circular, a triangular or an unusual profile,

The Second Pappus-Guldinus theorem

If we take a flat and straight vertical plate with an area of 20 m × 2 m, place it on an axis and
then rotate that area about that axis, we draw a solid column that is 20 m in height and 4 m
in diameter. This can be applied to virtually any type of area, whether it is angled, curvy or
at a distance to the central axis. These are called volumes of revolution.

The second theorem describes a simplified formula for determining the volume of a volume
of revolution using the centroid of the area about that axis.

The area cannot intersect the axis of rotation.

Volume of the volume of revolution: V = 2πyA

V = the volume in cubic meters (m3)
y = the centroid about the x-axis in meters (m)
A = the area of the surface in square meters (m2)

This is a restatement of the formula for volume of V = LWH

V = the volume of the volume of revolution in cubic meters (m3)
W = the width of the volume in meters (m)
L = the length of the volume in meters (m)
H = the height of the volume in meters (m)

If the area is produced by the A =LH, then the “width” factor is defined by the centroid
of the area × the arc distance. The centroid could be roughly considered to be the average
distance from the axis of rotation. The centroid also equates to a radius in the formula for
the circumference of a circle, which is 2πr. When the area is a simple flat plate, as in the
explanation, the formula is simply V= 2πrA.

When the area is much more complicated, calculations for the centroid about the axis
provide a very useful shortcut.

If we now take a flat and straight vertical plate with an area of 20 m × 2 m, place it 1 m from
an axis and then rotate that area about that axis, we draw a thick tube that is 20 m in height,
2 m thick, 1 m in radius at the inner wall, and 3 m at the outer wall.

To solve for the volume of this thick tube, we calculate the volume of the volume defined
by the outer diameter and subtract the empty volume that is described by the inner diameter.

As with the first theorem, the area can be quite complicated, can produce a fractional
volume (an incomplete rotation about the axis), a thick tube that appears like a pipe that is
curved around the axis.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the centroid of a line.

2. Explain the centroid of an area.

3. Explain the first Pappus-Guldinus theorem.

4. Explain the second Pappus-Guldinus theorem.

5. State the formula for volume of an area of 25 m2 that is revolved 1/2 of the way
around an axis. The area has a centroid of 2 m.

Section 2.9 – Center of Mass, Simple Objects

Section Objectives
• Explain the center of mass of simple objects

This section presents the concept of the center of mass for basic forms. For a one dimensional
structure like a beam the center of mass is determined through the use of the moments
about an axis divided by the total force. For a two-dimensional object like a flat plate there
are two sets of calculations. One set of calculations divides the area into parallel strips of
mass (or force) in one direction and calculates moments about an axis line in one direction.
This sum, divided by the total mass (or force), results in a coordinate in one dimension for
the center of mass. The second set of calculations results in the second coordinate for the
center of mass in the other dimension.

The center of mass of the area is the intersection of the center of mass
about the y-axis and the center of mass about the x-axis.

For a three-dimensional object like a solid ball there are three sets of calculations. One
set of calculations divides the volume into parallel 3-D plates of mass (or force). This
is as if the volume was flattened to a plate and the slices of mass (or force) appear like a
set of parallel forces. Using these forces the moments about an axis in one direction are
calculated. This sum, divided by the total mass (or force), results in the coordinate for the
center of mass in one dimension. The second and third sets of calculations result in the
other two coordinates for the center of mass in the other dimensions.

Center of Application of External Forces

We will now work with objects that are not massless, meaning they have mass and, therefore,
weight in a gravitational field. This will require a different approach to the problem. First,

we examine a simple linear system and the concept of the center of mass.

We have several masses along a massless line, all feeling the effects of gravity and creating
forces in the down direction. Where is the center of the mass? This is interpreted to mean
where along the line would a single mass give the same effect as these various masses?

We will work with forces in this section, even though the location of the center of mass will
be in the same place (as the center of force).

The solution is determined by finding a single moment that can replace the sum of the
moments at a point outside the line at point O.

∑ M − 600 N (2 m) + 700 N (7 m) + 800 N (10 m)

To find the center location, we define the xc to be the center of mass/force.


M 600 N (2 m) + 700 N (7 m) + 800 N (10 m) 14,100 Nm
= = 6.7 m
∑F (600 N + 700 N + 800 N) 2,100 N

Note that if the formula is for the center of mass, the gravity is removed from the top and

the bottom of the fraction, therefore the solution is the same. i.e.
∑ mx
xc = 6.7 m .
Center of Mass
The center of mass of an object is the centroid of its mass.

Center of Mass of a Line
In one dimension along a line with two separate concentrations of mass, the center of mass

∑m x i i
Center of Mass: xc = i =l

i =l

The individual point concentrations of mass are measured from a reference point outside
the line. Each point concentration of mass is multiplied by its distance from the reference
point. These values are summed and then divided by the total mass. The result is a single
mass located at a single point along the line.

For example for two point concentrations of mass the formula is:

m1 x1 + m2 x2
Center of Mass: xc =
m1 + m2

Center of Mass of an Area

In an area in two dimensions with mass throughout the area, the center of mass is also
calculated for the centroid about each axis, the x-axis and the y-axis:

∑m x i i
Center of Mass of the x-axis: xc = i =l

i =l

∑m y i i
Center of Mass of the y-axis: yc = i =l

i =l

The individual area concentrations of mass are measured from a reference point outside the
area. This is done for all the area concentrations of mass with respect to the x-axis. Each
area concentration of mass is multiplied by its distance from the reference point (usually
where x = 0). These values are summed and then divided by the total mass. The result is a
single mass located at a single point along the x-axis.

This is then repeated for along the y-axis with the end result being a single mass located at
a single point along the y-axis.

The intersection of the line on the x-axis at the center of mass of the x-axis and the similar
line at the center of mass of the y-axis is the center of mass of the area, the centroid of mass.
This is a point at which the area can be balanced on a pin.

Center of Mass of a Volume
In a volume in three dimensions with mass throughout the volume, the center of mass is
also calculated for the centroid about each axis, the x-axis, y-axis and the z-axis:

∑m x i i
Center of Mass of the x-axis: xc = i =l

i =l

∑m y i i
Center of Mass of the y-axis: yc = i =l

∑m i =l

∑m z i i

Center of Mass of the z-axis: zc =

i =l

i =l

The individual volume concentrations of mass are measured from a reference plane outside
the object. This is done for all the volume concentrations of mass with respect to the x-axis.
Each volume concentration of mass is multiplied by its distance from the reference plane
(usually where x = 0). These values are summed and then divided by the total mass. The
result is a single mass located at a single plane parallel to the y-z plane along the x-axis.

This is then repeated for along the y-axis with the end results being a single mass located
at a single plane parallel to the x-z plane along the y-axis.

This is then repeated for along the z-axis with the end results being a single mass located at
a single plane parallel to the x-y plane along the z-axis.

The intersection of the plane along the x-axis at the center of mass, the plane along the
y-axis at the center of mass, and the plane along the z-axis at the center of mass is the center
of mass of the volume, or the centroid of mass.

The center of mass of the volume is the intersection of the center of mass about the
x-axis, the center of mass about the y-axis and the center of mass about the z-axis.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the center of mass in one dimension.

2. Explain the center of mass in two dimensions.

3. Explain the center of mass in three dimensions.

4. Describe the difference between the centroid and the center of mass for an area.

5. Describe the difference between the centroid and the center of mass for a volume.

Section 2.10 – Center of Mass of Composites

Section Objective
• Explain the center of mass of composite objects

This section presents the concept of the center of mass for a composite object. The
coordinate along each axis is determined as with the center of mass determination along a
one-dimensional beam. The moment of each of the parts of the composite is determined.
These moments are summed and then divided by the total load of the set of parts. This
results in one coordinate in one dimension. For a two dimensional object a second set of
calculations are processed to obtain the coordinate in the second dimension. For a three
dimensional object a third set of calculations is performed to obtain the coordinate for the
third dimension.


The center of mass about the y-axis of a composite area

Center of Mass
The center of mass of an object is the centroid of its mass.

A Composite Area
A composite area is a set of shapes, usually geometric, that are joined together to create a
single grouping. For example, if you combine several different sized squares, the grouping
will not appear like a single uniform square, but can still be treated as a single total area.

Centroids of Mass of Composite Areas
The calculation for the center of mass (the centroid of mass) of an area about the y-axis:

∑xm i i
xc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the y-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)

x1m1 + x2 m2 + x3 m3
The resulting formula is: xc =
m1 + m2 + m3


The center of mass about the y-axis of a composite area


∑ym i i
The calculation for the center of mass about the x-axis: yc = i =l

i =l

The center of mass about the x-axis of a composite area

yi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the x-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)

y1m1 + y2 m2 + y3 m3
The resulting formula is: yc =
m1 + m2 + m3

What if one of the areas in not solid, or if one of the areas is only a space between solid
areas? In this case the empty area is considered to have no area and therefore does not
participate in the calculation.

Center of Mass of Composite Areas with an Empty Space

The formula for calculating the center of mass (centroid of mass) of an area about the

∑xm i i
xc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the y-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)
x1m1 + x3 m3
The resulting equation is: xc =
m1 + m3


The center of mass about the y-axis of a composite area is the combination of the center
of mass of the different component shapes about the y-axis

For the center of mass about the x-axis:


∑ym i i
yc = i =l

i =l

yi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the x-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)

y1m1 + y3 m3
The resulting equation is: yc =
m1 + m3

The center of mass about the x-axis of a composite area is the combination of the center
of mass of the different component shapes about the x-axis.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the center of mass of an area.

2. Explain how the center of mass relates to the centroid of an area.

3. Describe a composite area.

4. Describe the center of mass of a composite area.

5. State the formula for the center of mass of a composite area.

Section 2.11 – Moment of Inertia

Section Objective
• Describe the concept of moment of inertia

This section presents the idea of the moment of inertia. With linear motion the mass of the
object causes resistance to movement. For rotational motion the moment of inertia causes
resistance to rotary movement. The resistance is greater if the mass of the object is further
from the axis of rotation.

A Definition of Inertia
When an object is moving at a constant velocity, there is a tendency for it to continue in
that direction. Can you imagine a scenario where you and your book are traveling on a
train and the book suddenly does not move at the same speed with you and the train? It
has inertia because it is moving at a constant velocity provided by the train. But if the train
has to suddenly stop, then the inertia to move at that constant velocity which you and the
book have will cause both you and the book to lurch forward, relative to the train. In the
same sense, when the train makes a strong turn the inertia to move at that constant velocity
(straight forward) which you and the book have will cause both you and the book to lurch
to the side of the train opposite the direction of the turn.

Inertia also exists when an object is stationary. There is a tendency for it to continue to not
move. This explains why a lot of force is required initially to get a car moving. This also
explains why it is impossible to get your brother or sister off the couch when they settle in.

Inertia is a tendency. It is a measure of how difficult it is to change what an object is doing.

1. Physics. The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at

rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a
straight line unless acted on by an outside force.

2. Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change: the inertia of an

entrenched bureaucracy.

The use of the term “inertia” to refer to the difficulty of changing the direction of a
bureaucracy or sometimes even an individual is an apt metaphor for the physics definition.

Applying the Concept of Inertia

When a body is not moving it is inert (has
inertia). It will not move without some force
causing it to move. Force is defined as the
acceleration of a mass.

If the body is initially at rest and it starts to

move, there is a change in velocity, which
is by definition, acceleration. Hence, a force
has acted on the body to get it to move. And
by definition, an acceleration of the body
was caused by that force. Inertia resists this

A ball lying on the floor will not move unless someone or something causes it to move.
That movement, or change in velocity, is acceleration. The ball has mass and hence a force
(F = ma) has acted on the ball.

If a body is moving at a constant velocity, there is no change in velocity from one time to
the next. Hence, there is no acceleration, and therefore no force acting on the body. This
moving body also has inertia. In order for it to accelerate, which by definition, is to change
its velocity, a force must be applied to the body.

A ball is rolling at a constant velocity. If it is on flat ground, there are forces acting on it
to slow it down, hence there is acceleration in the opposite direction to the velocity and
therefore a force is acting on the ball.

While riding in a car at a constant velocity, you feel no pressure other than gravity holding
you to the seat. No horizontal forces are felt. Suddenly the driver decides to change the
velocity. A change in velocity is acceleration. When this happens, a force is applied to the
mass of the car to make it accelerate to a faster (or slower) velocity.

What happened to the passengers? They were moving along nicely at a constant velocity and
suddenly a force was applied to the car. The passengers did not have that same acceleration,
that same exact force, acting on them. Therefore, they felt movement of the car relative to
their position. They were no longer in what is called an “inertial frame of reference.”

An inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference in which the motion of a particle not
subject to forces is a straight line.

The velocity of the car was changing, so the velocity of the passengers was then being
forced to change by the force of the car around them acting on them. As a result, the
passengers felt force from the car.

While the passengers felt like they were “thrown in the seat” when the car “lurched”
forward, what actually happened was that the car jumped towards the passengers. As the car
jumped toward the passengers, it pushed on them so they would start to move at the higher
velocity the car had achieved. When braking the car, the opposite is true. The passengers
have inertia to continue in their forward movement but the car has been forced to stop. The
braking force acts against the inertia of the car.

Moment of Inertia
The moment of inertia is a measure of an object’s resistance to changes in its rotational
rate. The moment of inertia is rotational inertia. This is often equated with mass in a
linear movement framework, beginning with the resistance to change in its rate of linear
movement. As a result, the moment of inertia is also called the angular mass.

Linear Dynamics Angular Dynamics

Term Formula Term Formula
Mass m Inertia I
Velocity v Angular velocity ω
Acceleration a Angular acceleration α
Newton’s 2nd Law: F=ma Newton’s 2nd Law: τ = Iα
Force Torque or Moment
Momentum p = mv Angular momentum L = Iω
Kinetic Energy 1 2 Angular Kinetic Energy 1 2
K= mv K= Iω
2 2
Work-Energy 1  Angular Work-Energy 1 
Fd = ∆  mv 2  τθ = ∆  I ω 2 
2  2 

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain inertia.

2. Explain linear inertia.

3. Explain the difference between linear and rotational inertia.

4. Explain the difference between the formula for linear kinetic energy with that of
angular kinetic energy.

Section 2.12 – Moments of Simple Objects

Section Objective
• Explain moments of inertia of simple objects

This section presents the moments of inertia of simple objects that are geometric shapes.
The general formula for the moment of inertia is the product of the mass of the object and
the radial distance between the axis of rotation and the center of mass. For any geometric
shape the formula for the moment of inertia is established while for complicated shapes
the formula for the center of mass as well as the moment of inertia require more advanced

Moment of Inertia
The moment of inertia is calculated as the mass × the square of the distance to the center
of mass.

Moment of Inertia: I = mr2

I = the moment of inertia in kilogram-meters squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = radial distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass in meters (m)

This is the expression for a single point mass but can be expanding to include many point

Moment of Inertia of many point masses: I = ∑ mi ri 2
i =l

I = the moment of inertia in kilogram-meters squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = radial distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass in meters (m)

In general, the formula for the moment of inertia will be some fraction of the above equation
primarily because most objects are not a point mass at a distance r from the axis of rotation.
Therefore, the formula I = mr2 gives the magnitude that is the most that the moment of
inertia will be.

Moment of Inertia of Simple Objects

For many geometric shapes the formulas have been defined. For more complicated shapes
additional calculations may be needed if the complicated shape cannot be decomposed into
several different common geometry shapes.

Object Figure Formula

1 2
I= mr
Solid cylinder
m = total mass in kilograms (mg)
r = outer radius in meters (m)

Hoop (not solid

I = mr2

2 2
Solid sphere I= mr

1 2
Rod I= ml

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the moment of inertia.

2. Explain the difference between mass and the moment of inertia.

3. State the formula for the moment of inertia of a solid sphere.

4. Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid sphere with a mass of 300 kg and an
outer radius of 0.320 m.

Section 2.13 – Rotated and Principal Axes

Section Objective
• Describe rotated and principal axes

This section presents the concept of realigning the coordinate system to the object. The
purpose of realigning a set of coordinates is to find an angle at which the moments of
inertia of the object are at a minimum. This new set of axes at this angular position is called
the principal axes and the minimum moments of inertia are called the principal moments
of inertia.

A rotated coordinate system shown over the standard coordinate system

Cartesian Coordinate System

All objects exist in the Cartesian coordinate system, which includes x, y, and z axes. This
can be presented in a variety of ways but there are two generally common presentations.
One has the x-axis directed towards the lower right and the y-axis is towards the upper right
and the z-axis is straight up.

One common pattern for the Cartesian coordinate system

The other common system places the x-axis horizontal, the y-axis advancing down to the
left and the z-axis straight up.

One common pattern for the Cartesian coordinate system

Though the object may be in the same relative location, the coordinate system is changed in
our view. In both cases, the moments of inertia around the three axes will be the same; i.e.
the moment of inertia about the x-axis will have the same magnitude in both presentations
of the coordinate system.

Equivalent coordinate systems: Ix1 = Ix2

There are times when the entire coordinate system is shifted by a consistent defined amount
or rotated to a new orientation with respect to the object. Once the coordinate system is
shifted, the moment of inertia about each of the axes in this new position will be different
from that determined using the standard coordinate system.

Shifted coordinate systems: Ix1 ≠ Ix2

For some engineering applications, it is necessary to determine the moments of inertia
of areas or volumes from different points of view, in the context of different coordinate
systems. At other times, it is desired to determine the position of a coordinate system that
results in the moments of inertia being either minimized or maximized. These adjusted
coordinate systems relate the Principal axes and the Rotated axes.

Rotated Axes
As mentioned above the axes can be rotated in any orientation. The general terminology is
that these are “rotated” axes without a specific endpoint for the amount of rotation.

As an example, we examine the area as shown in a two-dimensional coordinate system.

The red coordinate system has been rotated by some angle (θ) to a new position.

The moment of inertia about the x-axis is not the same as the moment of inertia about the
x’-axis. The moment of inertia about the y-axis is not the same as the moment of inertia
about the y’-axis.

An object in an x-y Coordinate system

We can estimate that the moment of inertia of this object about the y’-axis is less than that
about the y-axis because the mass of the object is the same but the distances from the y’-
axis are less than those from the y-axis.

A rotated Coordinate system show over the standard coordinate system

Eventually the rotation will lead to a minimum or a maximum moment of inertia about that

At that point, the term used for the coordinate system in that position is Principal Axes.

Principal Axes
The Principal Axes occur when the coordinate system is rotated to a point where the
moment of inertia is minimum about one of the axes.

At this point, the moment of inertia is called the principal moment of inertia.

Ix + I y  Ix − I y 
 + ( I xy )
Principal moments of inertia: = ± 
2  2 

Practical Principal Axes

How does this relate to practical issues?

Usually, it is assumed that the coordinate system is a set of Principal Axes, but this is not
always the case. For example, a wheel rotates around an axle. When the wheel is mounted
properly, a minimum amount of energy is required to maintain rotation of the wheel. The
axle is an example of a Principal Axis.

If the wheel is not mounted properly and it wobbles, the amount of energy required to
maintain the rotational movement is not at a minimum, which means that the axle is no
longer a Principal axis.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain a coordinate system.

2. Explain how the moment of inertia is affected by the location of the coordinate

3. Explain the difference between a translated coordinate system and a rotated

coordinate system.

4. Describe how a rotational coordinate system is used with moments of inertia.

5. Explain principal axes.

Section 2.14 – Parallel Axis Theorem

Section Objective
• Explain the parallel axis theorem.

This section presents the parallel axis theorem. Any moment of inertia for an object about
an axis parallel to the axis of rotation at the center of mass of the object will be larger than
the moment of inertia of the object at that center of mass.

Parallel Axis Theorem

Minimum Moments of Inertia

Within the dimensions of an object, there is a position where the moment of inertia about
each axis is at a minimum. This is the center of mass of the area or object about that specific
axis. This will rarely be the minimum moment of inertia about all the axes at the same time,
because the minimum moment of inertia about all axes at the same time would only occur
with a circle area in two dimensions or a spherical volume in 3-dimensions.

Therefore, there will normally be a minimum moment of inertia in only one dimension
about a specific axis. Because the mass, area or volume of the object does not change, this
minimum moment of inertia will occur where the distances are at a minimum, somewhere
near the center of the object.

If we examine the moment of inertia about an axis that is in the same direction, but in a
slightly different location, we can guarantee that the moment of inertia will be larger. This
is the basis of the parallel axis theorem.

Parallel Axis Theorem
The parallel axis theorem gives a formula for determining the moment of inertia about any
parallel axis if the mass and the minimum moment of inertia are known.

The minimum moment of inertia is the moment about an axis through the center of mass
of the object.

Parallel Axis Theorem: Ip = Ic + mr2

Ip = the moment of inertia about a parallel axis in kilogram-meter squared (kg-m2)
Ic = the minimum moment of inertia about an axis in kilogram-meter squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = the distance from the axis with a minimum moment of inertia to the new parallel axis
in meters (m).

The component added (mr2) is the formula for the moment of inertia of a point mass at a
distance r from the axis.

Parallel Axis Theorem

Therefore, the moment of inertia about a parallel axis is the moment of inertia at the center
of mass plus the entire mass treated as a point mass at the center of mass of the object.

Example: Parallel Axis Theorem

An object with mass of 300 kg has a moment of inertia at its center of mass of 1,000 kgm2.

Determine the moment of inertia at a parallel axis at a distance 20 cm from the center of

Using the formula Ip = Ic + mr2, we have Ip = 1,000 kgm2 + (300 kg) (0.20 m2).

This can be simplified to: Ip = 1,000 kgm2 + (12 kgm2) = 1,012 kgm2

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the center of mass of an object.

2. Explain the minimum moment of inertia.

3. Explain the formula for the minimum moment of inertia.

4. State the formula for the parallel axis theorem.

5. An object with mass 300 kg has a moment of inertia at its center of mass of 1,000
kgm2. Determine the moment of inertia at a parallel axis at a distance 2.0 m from
the center of mass.

Section 2.15 – Analysis Application

Section Objective
• List applications of mechanical engineering

This section presents various applications of the methods used to analyze forces and
moments; i.e. the method of joints and the method of sections. The concept of a broader
category of structural elements called frames and machines extends the category. Centroids
of areas, centroids of volumes are examined. The center of mass and the moment of inertia
are explained along with methods to analyze the moment of inertia.

Frame Analysis
In the analysis of the forces in a frame that is in mechanical equilibrium there are three
typical steps:

Create a free-body diagram

Identify all the forces and identify the x and y components of each force

Solve the three equilibrium equations:

A. ∑ Fx = 0
B. ∑ Fy = 0
C. ∑ Mz = 0

A frame with pin connections in all three joints

Frame Problem
Two members are attached to a wall in a triangular pattern. One member is 8 m long and
mounted horizontally. The other member is longer, mounted at the wall at 6 m higher, and
is connected by a pin to the other end of the horizontal member. At the point C, where the
two members join, is a load of 500 N. At a point B, 5 m from the wall pin, is a second load
of 900 N. Determine the loads at the pinned joints on the wall and produce a full free body

An initial free-body diagram

Step 1: Create a free-body diagram of all external forces and all dimensions, noting angles
where available.

First, we show the components of the forces in all locations, specifically the two joints at
the wall. Note that we technically only have three equilibrium equations and, therefore, can
only solve for 3 unknown forces. At first, it appears we have four unknown forces Ax, Ay,
Bx and By. However, because we can derive all the dimensions, we can derive the angles.
Therefore, the two forces at point B plus the angle provide additional equations to help
with the solution.

The equations of equilibrium are:

∑ F =x
= −Ax–Bx

∑ F = 0 = A
y y
+ By – 900 N – 500 N

∑ M = 0 = 5 m (900 N) + 8 m (500 N) – 6 m (B )

a x

Bx = Bcos37 and By = Bsin37


∑ F = 0 = -A –B
x x x
= -Ax – Bcos37

∑ F = 0 = A
y y
+ By – 900 N – 500 N = Ay + Bsin37 – 900 N – 500 N

∑ F = 0 = 5 m (900 N) + 8 m (500 N) – 6 m (B ) = (4,500 Nm) + (4,000 Nm) –

y x
6 m(Bcos37)

The final Free-Body Diagram

We can immediately solve for Bx from the equilibrium equation for the moments.

B cos 37 =
( 4, 500 Nm ) + ( 4, 000 Nm ) = 1417 N


( 4, 500 Nm ) + ( 4, 000 Nm ) = 1, 774 N
( 6m cos 37 )
From here, we can also solve for Ax, which is the opposite value of Bx from the equation for
the x-direction: −Ax = Bcos37 = −1,417 N

This is negative, therefore the direction shown in the figure is incorrect: the force is in the
opposite direction and the member AC is in compression with the force to the right.

Solving for By: By = Bsin37 = 1,774 N (sin37) = 1,068 N

And finally solving for Ay: Ay = 900 N + 500 N − Bsin37 = 1,400 N − 1,068 N = 332 N

Centroids of Areas
To calculate the centroid, we use individual units of the area along with the length from the
axis to determine the centroid.

The centroid of the area is the intersection of the centroid

about the y-axis and the centroid about the x-axis.

The equation used to calculate the centroid of an area about the y-axis:

∑x A i i
xc = i =l

i =l

The equation used to calculate the centroid of an area about the x-axis:

∑y A i i
yc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the y-axis in meters (m)
yi = the distance to the unit of area (Ai) from the x-axis in meters (m)
Ai = the unit of area in square meters (m2) as a uniform fraction of the total area.

Example 1

To approximate this work, we can assume the area has been divided up into 9 equal areas,
which are uniformly distributed in a 3 × 3 pattern throughout the object. Each area is 2 m2.
Each area is 80 cm apart in the x-direction and the y-direction. The distance from the axis
point of x = 0 to the first area is 50 cm. The distance from the axis point of y = 0 to the first
area is 120 cm.

Determine the centroid about the x-axis, the y-axis and the centroid of the area.

The centroid about the y-axis is defined at a position on the x-axis. We can examine one
row of areas.

0.50m ( 2m 2 ) + 1.30m ( 2m 2 ) + 2.10m ( 2m 2 )

xc =
3 ( 2m 2 )

 1 m3 + 2.6 m3 + 4.2 m3  7.8 m3

=xc  =  = 1.3 m
 6 m2  6m

In relation to the y-axis, the other two rows will provide the exact same results because the
area is uniformly distributed. Therefore, even if we were to sum all nine units of area to
determine the centroid about the y-axis, the result would be the same, that the xc = 1.3 m

The center of mass about the x-axis is defined at a position on the y-axis. We can examine
one row of point masses.

1.20m ( 2m 2 ) + 2.0m ( 2m 2 ) + 2.80m ( 2m 2 )

yc =
3 ( 2m 2 )

 2.4 m3 + 4.0 m3 + 5.6 m3  12 m3

=yc  =  = 2.0 m
 6 m2  6m

In relation to the x-axis, the other two rows will provide the exact same results because the
area is uniformly distributed. Therefore, even if we were to sum all nine units of area to
determine the centroid about the x-axis, the result would be the same, that the yc = 2.0 m

The centroid of the area is the intersection of the two centroids. This is at the (x, y) coordinate
of (1.3, 2.0).

Center of Mass of an Area
In a two-dimensional area with mass throughout the area, the center of mass is also
calculated about each axis: the x-axis and the y-axis:

∑m x i i
Center of Mass of the x-axis: xc = i =l

i =l

∑m y i i
Center of Mass of the y-axis: yc = i =l

i =l

The individual area concentrations of mass are measured from a reference point outside the
area. This is done for all the area concentrations of mass with respect to the x-axis.

The center of mass of the area is the intersection of the center of mass about the y-axis and
the center of mass about the x-axis.

Example 2

To approximate this work, we can assume we have 9 concentrations of mass uniformly

distributed throughout the object in a 3 × 3 pattern. Each mass concentration is 50 kg. Each
mass concentration is 20 cm apart in the x-direction and the y-direction. The closest mass
to the point of x = 0 is at a distance of 40 cm. The closest mass to the point of y = 0 is at a
distance of 30 cm.

Determine the center of mass about the x-axis, the y-axis and the center of mass of the area.

The center of mass about the y-axis is defined at a position on the x-axis. We can examine
one row of point masses.

50kg ( 0.40m ) + 50kg ( 0.60m ) + 50kg ( 0.80m )

xc =
3 ( 50kg )

 20 kgm + 30 kgm + 40 kgm  90 kgm

=xc  =  = 0.60 m
 150 kg  150 kg

In relation to the y-axis, the other two rows will provide the exact same results because
the mass is uniformly distributed. Therefore, even if we were to sum all nine point masses
to determine the center of mass about the y-axis, the result would be the same: xc = 0.6 m

The center of mass about the x-axis is defined at a position on the y-axis. We can examine
one row of point masses.

50kg ( 0.30m ) + 50kg ( 0.50m ) + 50kg ( 0.70m )

yc =
3 ( 50kg )

 15 kgm + 25 kgm + 35 kgm  75 kgm

=yc  =  = 0.50 m
 150 kg  150 kg

In relation to the x-axis, the other two rows will provide the exact same results because
the mass is uniformly distributed. Therefore, even if we were to sum all nine point masses
to determine the center of mass about the x-axis, the result would be the same, that the
yc = 0.5 m

The center of mass of the area is the intersection of the two centers of mass. This is at the
(x, y) coordinate of (0.6, 0.5).

Moment of Inertia
A surface area in the shape of a hoop has a mass of 50 kg and a radius of 30 cm. Determine
the moment of inertia of the hoop about the axis that is perpendicular to the plane of the
circle of the hoop.

This is an application of the formula of the moment of inertia for a hoop: I = mr2

Moment of inertia: I = mr2 = 50 kg (0.30 m)2 = 50 kg (0.09 m2) = 4.5 kgm2

Moment of Inertia
A solid sphere has a mass of 50 kg and a radius of 30 cm. Determine the moment of inertia
of the circle about the central axis.

2 2
This is an application of the formula of the moment of inertia for a solid sphere: I = mr
Moment of inertia:
= I
2 2 2
50kg ( 0.30m
= )
2 2
50kg 0.09m
= (
1.8kgm 2

Parallel Axis Theorem

An object with mass 500 kg has a moment of inertia at its center of mass of 400 kg/m2.
Determine the moment of inertia at a parallel axis at a distance 3.0 m from the center of

Using the formula Ip = Ic + mr2, we have Ip = 400 kgm2 + (500 kg) (3.0 m2)

This can be simplified to: Ip = 400 kgm2 + (4,500 kgm2) = 4,900 kgm2

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain frames.

2. Explain the three equations of equilibrium in a two dimensional problem.

3. Explain the four equations of equilibrium in a three dimensional problem.

4. Describe the difference between the centroid and the center of mass of an area.

5. A solid sphere has a mass of 400 kg and a radius of 750 cm. Determine the moment
of inertia of the circle about the central axis.

Unit Three

Section 3.1 – Dry Friction  190

Section 3.2 – Structural Support Beams  199

Section 3.3 – Force and Moment  203

Section 3.4 – Shear Force and Bending Moment  207

Section 3.5 – Distributed Load Moment  215

Section 3.6 – Cables  225

Section 3.7 – Loads Along Straight Lines  229

Section 3.8 – Loads along Cables  235

Section 3.9 – Discrete Loads on a Cable  241

Section 3.10 – Characteristics of Liquids and Gases  249

Section 3.11 – Pressure, Center of Pressure  259

Section 3.12 – Pressure in a Stationary Liquid  263

Section 3.13 – Virtual Work  267

Section 3.14 – Potential Energy  273

Section 3.15 – Applications  281

Section 3.1 – Dry Friction

Section Objective
• Explain dry friction

This section presents the concept of friction, a resistance force that affects virtually all
surfaces. Friction comes in two types, static and kinetic friction. Static friction is the
resistive force between two surfaces in contact that are not moving relative to each other.
Kinetic friction is the resistive force between two surfaces in contact that are moving
relative to each other. The magnitude of the force of friction is defined as a fraction of the
normal force. That fraction is defined by the coefficient of friction. The direction of the
force of friction is always in opposition to the direction of movement.

A Definition of Friction Forces

Friction is the term used to describe the force of resistance to movement. Friction exists
when one surface acts against another. For example, a paperclip will continue to hold
sheets of paper together because of the friction between the clip and the paper. Likewise,
if those sheets of papers are between the pages in a closed book, the friction between the
sheets of paper and the pages of the book holds the sheets in the book.

Climbing would be practically impossible without friction.

Technically, friction is a form of chemical adhesion and bonding between the surfaces. The
molecules of the two surfaces chemically bond when the surfaces are stationary relative to
each other.

These bonds break when an external force is strong enough to cause the surfaces to move
relative to each other. If the surfaces again stop moving relative to each other, the molecules
of the surfaces re-bond in this new position.

The roughness of a surface determines the amount of friction that will occur. This is
because adhesion depends upon the amount of surface area where the two surfaces contact
each other.

Friction is separated into two broad types:

• Static friction (μs): This when the two objects are not moving relative to each other.

• Kinetic friction (μk): This is when the two objects are moving relative to each other.

In all cases, static friction is greater than kinetic friction. Once the objects begin to move,
friction is greatly decreased and less force is required to continue moving the objects at the
same speed.

Friction in Everyday Motion

When a box on a table seems to resist your efforts at pushing it, there is friction between
the bottom of the box and the surface of the table. The fact that your chair does not shift
around easily and needs to be pushed to make it move shows there is friction between the
feet of the chair and the floor.

In the illustration, the blue block is pulled down against the green plate by the force of gravity
(W) acting on the block vertically downward. Because there is an angle of application of
the external force (FE) only a portion of the external force is acting on the block to push it
towards the right. The total apparent weight of the block is therefore the weight (W) of the
block plus the vertical portion of the external force (FEsinθ) acting on the block.

The remaining portion of the external force (FEcosθ) acts to push the block to the right in
opposition to the forces of friction, which are acting at the interface between the block and
the surface. The “Normal Force” (N) is an equal and opposite force of the surface acting
against the apparent weight of the block. The normal force is equal and opposite to the sum
of the force due to gravity and the external force acting at this angle θ (N = (W + FEsinθ)).

The force of friction (Ff) is equal to the coefficient of friction (μ) between the two surfaces
times the normal force. Because the normal force is a negative value, the friction force is
in the opposite direction of the movement. (Ff = μN).

Friction is what causes your tires to stay connected to the road while driving. When a car is
parked, it does not slide away because of the friction between the tires and the road surface.
When the road and the tires are dry, the tires grip the road even at high speeds. When the
road is wet or worse, oily, the frictional forces are weaker and it is more likely that the
tires will slip. This is the prime reason there are so many more auto accidents in wet road

When everything is dry, the friction between solid objects is called dry friction or sliding
friction. The friction between a solid and a liquid is called fluid friction.

Friction forces exist in our world at all times. There is always some amount of friction
resisting movement.

In the illustration, the pink block is pulled down the inclined plane by the force of gravity
(W) acting on the block vertically downward. Because there is an angle of incline, only
a portion of the gravitational force is acting on the block to pull it down the incline. The
actual gravitational force acting on the block down the ramp is Wsinθ. The remaining
portion of the gravitational force (Wcosθ) acts to pull the block against the surface. The
“Normal Force” (N) is an equal and opposite force of the inclined plane against the block,
meaning it is equal and opposite to the force of gravity at this angle of the block against the
surface (N = Wcosθ).

If the inclined plane were horizontal, this normal force would be directly vertical. The
normal force is always perpendicular to the surface. The frictional force (Ffric) acts against
the direction of motion at the surface between the block and the inclined plane and is
proportional to the normal force.

Books “stick” to each other, the dresser drawers stick to the sides, and your plates “stick”
to the table.

It would not be possible to write on paper with a pen if there were no frictional forces. Have
you noticed how some types of paper are easier to write on or draw on than others? This is
because the frictional forces are different between the pen or pencil and the different types
of paper.

As is noted above, friction is more related to chemical adhesion between the two surfaces
than to surface roughness. The amount of friction between two smooth surfaces will
typically be stronger than between two rough surfaces. The way that these differences in
friction level are explained is by something called the “Coefficient of Friction.” If the two
surfaces slide against each other quite easily, the coefficient of friction is low. The lowest
theoretical value is zero, but this is virtually impossible to reach. The upper level values are
usually around one while the highest values reach, at most, a value of two.

Force of friction: Ffric = μN

Ffric = the force of friction in newtons (N)
μ = the coefficient of friction
N = the normal force = Wcosθ in newtons (N)
Note that when the angle θ is zero degrees (0°), N = W

When you walk into a dry bathtub, your feet easily hold the tub. Once the tub gets wet, it
feels a bit more slippery and your feet do not hold on so well. Then you spill the shampoo
or some oil all over the bathtub, it is very difficult to remain standing on that surface. The
dry friction between your feet and the dry bathtub has a moderately high coefficient of
friction. The water reduces the coefficient of friction substantially, and the shampoo or oil
almost eliminates it, bringing the coefficient of friction to near zero.

Static Friction
Static friction occurs between two stationary objects. A pair of shoes on the floor, tools on
a workbench, art paint tubes and brushes on an easel, and boxes of birthday presents on
a table all exhibit static friction when they are not moved. They “adhere” to the surface
on which they stand. Remember that once you get a stationary object moving, it seems
to move with less effort. The force of your push exceeded the force of static friction. It
required a stronger push to get it moving initially and that is the effect of static friction.
That heavy birthday present won’t budge at first, but once you get it sliding, it is easy to
keep it moving.

Force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

Ffric = the force of friction in newtons (N)
μs = the coefficient of static friction
N = the normal force = Wcosθ in newtons (N)

Note that when the angle θ is zero degrees (0°), N = W

Kinetic Friction
Kinetic friction is a continuous resistive force that acts between objects when they are
moving against each other. Essentially, once the force applied to the object overcomes
static friction, kinetic friction comes into play.

When we walk on ice, there is some friction between our boots and the ice that allows us
to keep our traction and, therefore, our balance. However, we know we can sometimes
slide on the ice without losing our balance and we stop after a few meters. There is some
resistance between our shoes and the ice when we are sliding. This is kinetic friction.

Force of kinetic friction: Ffric = μkN

Ffric = the force of friction in newtons (N)
μk = the coefficient of kinetic friction
N = the normal force = Wcosθ in newtons (N)
Note that when the angle θ is zero degrees (0°), N = W

The coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) is always less than the coefficient of static friction

μk < μs

The table lists the static friction and kinetic friction between various pairs of surfaces.

Surfaces μs μk
Aluminum–Aluminum 1.05–1.35 1.4

Aluminum–Mild Steel 0.61 0.47

Cast Iron–Cast Iron 1.1 0.15

Copper–Cast Iron 1.05 0.29

Copper–Mild Steel 0.53 0.36

Glass–Glass 0.9–1.0 0.4

Glass–Nickel 0.78 0.56

Ice – Ice 0.05–0.5 0.02–0.09

Leather–Oak (parallel grains) 0.61 0.52

Nickel–Nickel 0.7–1.1 0.53

Oak–Oak (across grains) 0.54 0.32

Oak–Oak (parallel grains) 0.62 0.48

Steel–Zinc plated on Steel 0.5 0.45

Hard Steel – Hard Steel 0.78 0.42

Mild Steel–Brass 0.51 0.44

Mild Steel–Lead 0.95 0.95

Mild Steel–Mild Steel 0.74 0.57

Clean Wood – Clean Wood 0.25–0.5 0.17

Zinc–Cast Iron 0.85 0.21

Example 1: Static Friction

The weight of a block is 500 N. The block is on a flat surface with a coefficient of static
friction of 0.7.

Using the formula for the force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

The magnitude of the Normal force is the same as the weight, 500 N. The direction is
opposite. The normal force is N = -500 N.

Ffric = μsN = (0.7)(-500 N) = -350 N.

Therefore, this block requires 350 N of force applied horizontally to get it to move from a
static position.

Example 2: Friction

The weight of a block is 600 N. The block is on a surface at an angle of 30˚ with a coefficient
of static friction of 0.7 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.5.

Force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

The magnitude of the normal force is the same as the weight, but opposite in sign,
N = -600 N cosθ.

Ffric = μsN = (0.7)(600 N (cos(30˚)) = 420 N (0.866) = 364 N.

Therefore, this block requires 363.7 N of force applied at an angle of 30° down the ramp to
get it to move from a static position at this angle.

Once the block is moving the kinetic friction is the resistive force.

Ffric = μkN = (0.5)(600 N cos(30˚)) = 300 N (0.866) = 260 N.

Therefore, this block requires 260 N of force applied at an angle of 30° down to keep it
moving at this angle.

Dry Friction and Fluid Friction

Friction can also be segregated into types based on the conditions or types of materials
involved in the interaction. This can be either dry friction or fluid friction. Dry friction
exists between clean dry surfaces. If the conditions are clean and dry, the surfaces will
exhibit both static and kinetic forms of friction. This is what exists when a dry clean box
is on a dry clean table.

Fluid or viscous friction exists between surfaces when at least one surface is a liquid or
gas. A good example is a water slide. We know that without the water, the skin of the body
adheres to the plastic and we do not move. Therefore, there must be sufficient water flow
so we do not receive friction burns while trying to have fun at a water park.

Other Effects of Friction

Friction causes resistance. This can result in wasted energy. Friction usually creates heat.
Friction can also cause components to wear out when they are used for a long time. We
know that if an engine is not maintained, or the amount of oil is not kept at the proper level
or allowed to become very contaminated, the engine will not last as long. This is because
the friction is increased, causing more heat, more wear on components and consequently
even more heat and damage.

Without friction we could not drive, and could not even stand on the ground the way we do.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the concept of friction.

2. Explain static friction.

3. Explain kinetic friction.

4. The weight of a block of nickel is 500 N. The block is on a flat surface of glass
with a coefficient of static friction (0.78) and kinetic friction (0.56) as listed in the
table. Determine the forces of static friction and kinetic friction.

5. The weight of a block of cast iron is 600 N. The block is on a surface at an angle of
30˚, which is also cast iron. Using the coefficients of static friction (1.1) and kinetic
friction (0.15) from the table, determine the forces of static friction and kinetic

Section 3.2 – Structural Support Beams

Section Objective
• Describe beams and their uses in mechanical engineering

This section presents the structure of a beam and the stresses that are typically experienced
by beams. A beam is a long, narrow and stiff structural member that is used like the skeleton
of a building. They are usually made from hard but flexible materials such as metals and
wood. Vertical beams can be constructed of stone and concrete because both are stronger
in compression than in tension or shear.

Description of a Beam
A beam is the term that refers to sections of a support structure. They are normally straight
sections, but there are reasons that they may be other than straight.

Beams support a load. The strength of a beam relates to the amount the beam will bend
when a particular load is placed on the beam.

The shape of a beam influences the ability of the beam to withstand a load and resist
bending due to the applied load. A typical beam has a length that is many times larger than
the dimension of the height or width. When discussing the various common shapes of a
beam, this generally refers to the cross section.

The W Type I-Beam

The structure of a W Type I-Beam is a capital I, with both the top and bottom sections that
are flat plates.

The S Type I-Beam

The structure of an S Type I-Beam is also a capital I, but the base and the cap are tapered
towards the vertical section, providing additional stability.

The Channel Type Beam

The structure of a Channel Type Beam is like a vertical half of a capital I (half of the S
Type I-Beam). The base and the cap are tapered toward the vertical section as in the S Type

The Angle Type Beam

The structure of an Angle Type Beam approximates a corner of a square with a horizontal
base and a vertical portion, both of which are about half the height of the vertical section
of a standard I-Beam.

Stresses on Beams
Most beams carry vertical loads; i.e. loads from above as in the figure. In virtually all
situations where beams are used, the objective is to transfer the load to vertical supports,
such as columns, walls or other beams.

A load applied to a beam

Within construction applications, the material of beams is usually steel, while some
applications require steel reinforced concrete, wood or aluminum. The type of beam used
is based on the specific application for the beam.

Beams experience various forms of stress: compressive, tensile and shear stresses.

Compressive Stress
When the load is from the top, as in the figure, the upper side of the beam experiences
compressive stress along the horizontal length of the beam. As can be seen in the second
figure, an exaggerated amount of deflection occurs when the top bends down under the
force of the load. This causes the horizontal compressive stress on the upper ½ portion of
the beam.

A load applied to a beam with the beam deflecting as a result

Tensile Stress
On the other hand, the bottom side of the beam experiences tensile stress along the horizontal
length of the beam. Under the force of the load, the bottom side of the beam extends out
with the deflection. This is the cause of the tensile stress.

Shear Stress
Because the load is centered on the beam and the supports are at the ends of the beam, there
is a strong possibility that shear stress exists within the beam itself. If we divide the beam
up into many vertical layers, we can more readily explain the shear stresses.

A load applied to a beam causes shear stress within the vertical portions of the beam.

Starting from the center and moving to the left, the central layers of the beam, where the
load is applied, have relatively more force pushing the layers down compared to the next
layer to the left.

The same concept applies as we move from the center to the right. We see the same situation,
with the center portions experiencing more downward force than those layers to the right.

This is an important consideration as we move from theory (an assumption that the
members of a structure, the beams, are weightless and do not deform) to a more realistic
approach. All beams have mass and weight. They experience external loads, which cause
compressive and tensile stresses within the beam. These loads also cause the beams to
experience shear stresses.

Also, because the load is being supported by single-point structural supports, the beam
experiences a moment. This is a bending moment, which is sometimes also called internal

A portion of a beam in equilibrium under a load must also experience
a bending moment in order to be in equilibrium.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the description of a beam.

2. Name the forces experienced by a beam.

3. Explain where tensile and compressive stresses are experienced in a beam.

4. Describe shear stresses.

5. Describe bending moment.

Section 3.3 – Force and Moment

Section Objective
• Discuss axial force, shear force, and bending moment

This section presents the concepts of axial force, shear force and bending moments. An
axial force is experienced by the structural member parallel to the member. This can be
either a tensile or compressive force. When an axial force is experienced by a specific cross-
sectional area this produces an axial stress which can be either a tensile or a compressive
stress. A shear force is what the material experiences when two layers slide past each other
like two books sliding past each other. A bending moment is experienced by portions of a
structural member that is in equilibrium when only a portion of the member is examined.

Within a fraction of a beam a bending moment will exist in equilibrium.

Axial force
Axial force is a force experienced by a structural member in the direction along the length
of the member. Axial force is usually drawn as a tensile force, with the direction moving
out of the member and normal to the cross section of the member. Axial force is the force
experienced by an axial member, which is a member that experiences forces only at the

Using this convention, with the force always pointing out of the axial end, if the value of
the force is positive, it is then a tensile force and if it is negative, it is then a compressive

Axial Stress
Axial stress is measured in force per unit area. These measures include newtons per square
meter (N/m2) and pounds per square inch (psi). Therefore, axial stress is similar to the
concept of pressure in a fluid. Both use the same base units of force per unit of cross
sectional area.

Every material has a maximum axial stress that it can bear. When used in construction, the
engineering design must limit the maximum load so that the axial stress threshold is not

Axial force is given in newtons (or pounds). The area is given in square meters or (square

Axial Stress: σ =
σ = shear stress in newtons per square meter (N/m2)
F = force (load) in newtons (N)
A = area in square meters (m2)

Example 1: Axial Force

With a tensile force of 50 kN on an axial member, calculate the axial stress for a radius of
10 cm and 5 cm.

First, determine the cross sectional area of the member in square meters.

For a radius of 10 cm (0.10 m) the area is:

A= πr2 = π (0.10 m)2 = π (0.01 m2) = 3.14 × 10-2 m2

The axial stress is: σ= F= 50 kN

= 1.6 ×106 N/m 2
−2 2
A 3.14 ×10 m

For a radius of 5cm (0.05m) the area is:

A= πr2 = π (0.05 m)2 = π (0.00252) = 7.85 × 10-3 m2

F 50 kN
The axial stress is: σ= = = 6.37 ×106 N/m 2
A 7.85 ×10−3 m 2

Note the axial stress increases by a factor of four when the radius is halved.

Shear Force (V)

Within the structure of a beam, the material can be considered to exist in layers. When
there is a concentrated force (load) acting on a beam at a point, the material at that point
will tend to move in the direction of the force. The material layers around this point will
resist movement and hence there will be a force differential. The layers furthest away from
the point force move least. This differential is called transverse shear stress and is always
parallel to the direction of the acting force.

Shear Stress
If we have a load centered on a beam and the supports are at the left and right ends then
transverse shear stress exists within the material of the beam itself with more transverse
shear stress close to the application point of the load. Starting from the center and moving
to the left along the beam, the central portions of the beam have relatively more force
pushing the layers down compared to the next layer to the left.

Shear stress occurs when a concentrated force acts on a portion of the material.
The shear stress occurs between the layers of the material.

Again, moving from the center to the right, we see the same trend. The center layers
experience more downward force than those layers to the right.

The transverse shear stress is typically determined at a specific distance from one of the
ends. It is dependent upon the strength of the material that makes up the beam, the actual
shear force applied at the location of interest, and the form of the beam, which then defines
the moment of inertia of the beam, the load applied, as well as the moment of the area.

The typical construction is a vertical load applied to a horizontal beam.

In this case the formula for the shear stress (τ) is:

Shear Stress: τ =
τ = the shear stress in newtons/ square meters (N/m2) or pascals (Pa)
V = the shear force in newtons (N)
Q = the moment of the area (about the neutral axis) in cubic meters (m3)
I = the moment of inertia of the beam about the centroidal axis in meters to the fourth
power (m4)
t = the width of the beam at the location the shear stress is measured in meters (m)

Bending moment
Through examining a portion of a beam in equilibrium we see the left support providing an
upward force and the load being a downward force at the fractional end of the beam. It is
assumed that the beam is supported on both ends and is in equilibrium; i.e. it is not moving.
Here we are examining just a fraction of the beam because everywhere along the length of
the beam the condition of equilibrium should also exist.

Within a fraction of a beam a bending moment will exist in equilibrium.

Under equilibrium, the external forces will sum to zero in both the vertical and horizontal
directions. There are no horizontal forces in this instance. For the vertical forces to sum to
zero, the force applied by the vertical support must be both equal and opposite to the load.

Also, for equilibrium to exist, we know that the moments about the left end must sum to
zero. Therefore, an opposing moment must also be present at the fractional end of the beam,
as shown in the figure. This is called a bending moment, which is sometimes also called
internal torque. This bending moment is proportional to the distance from the left end and
increases to a maximum at the point on the beam where the load is actually applied.

Shear Force and Bending Moment

When examining any point along the beam at equilibrium conditions, there will be a shear
force and a bending moment acting on the beam at that position. This is required for the
beam to be in equilibrium all along its length.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the assumptions associated with an axial force.

2. Explain axial force and axial stress.

3. Explain mechanical equilibrium.

4. Define shear force.

5. Explain why everywhere along a beam in equilibrium there will be a shear force
and a bending moment.

Section 3.4 – Shear Force and Bending Moment

Section Objective
• Draw and interpret shear force and bending moment diagrams

This section presents the analytical concept of the shear force and bending moment.
Beginning with axial members which experience forces only at the ends and non-axial
members which experience forces anywhere along the member this section presents shear
forces and bending moments that are part of the equilibrium conditions of a structural
member. With any point load acting on a beam, different portions of a beam experience
different amounts of load resulting in shear forces. Along the length of the beam the shear
forces experienced change. To maintain equilibrium conditions along the length of the
beam bending moments must exist. Along the length of the beam the bending moment also
changes from one end to the other end of the beam.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the Beam

Axial Members
An axial member is a structural section that experiences forces only at the ends. The result
is either a tensile force or a compressive force experienced by the entire member. There is
also the potential for a moment to be experienced by the member.

Axial members experience forces only parallel to the beam and only at the ends.

Axial members also experience stresses and deformations as a result of the forces parallel
to the member itself.

Non-Axial Members
A non-axial member is a structural section that experiences forces anywhere along the
length of the member. These forces can be experienced at any angle. The result is a more
complicated set of issues related to the forces, stresses, moments and deformation of the
member. To demonstrate these issues we use a standard horizontal beam carrying a load
perpendicular to the beam.

Non-Axial Members experience forces at any location

along the length of the beam, applied at any angle.

Shear forces
Shear forces are experienced by the beam under equilibrium conditions, due to the load
acting on the material of the beam.

Bending moments
Bending moments (also called internal torque) will also be experienced under equilibrium
conditions due to the combination of the load pushing down and the supports pushing up.

The shear forces and bending moments both need to be understood because they produce
the stresses, both axial and shear, experienced by the beam. The shear force and bending
moment are usually examined together primarily because a beam with a load and in
equilibrium will experience both shear forces and bending moments at any position along
the length of the beam.

Solving for Shear Force and Bending Moments

Here we examine how to quantify the shear forces and bending moments using an example.
The steps that are followed to obtain the solution are the following:

Step 1: Examine the description of the problem.

Step 2: Create a free-body diagram for the problem.

Step 3: Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram

Step 4: Define the relationships that exist in formulas with the aim to have as many equations
as there are unknown elements (forces and moments).

Demonstration Problem
The length from point A to point C is 20 m and from point A to point B is 8 m. The load is
20 kN.

Step 1: Description of the Problem

This description of the problem shows that the load is off center to the left which indicates
that more of the load is supported by the left support. This additional force will be
proportional to the fraction of the length of the beam.

A Horizontal beam with a vertical load at point B experiences

shear forces and bending moments.

Step 2: Free-Body Diagram

To create the free-body diagram we know that under equilibrium conditions the vertical
load is countered by an equal amount of force in the opposite direction which is the sum of
the upward forces from the two supports. This assumes that the beam itself does not deform
and only transfers the forces to the supports.

Free-body diagram of the Beam

If the load was in the center of the beam each support would carry 10 kN but since the load
is off center we can solve the actual load using fractions.

 12 m 
Support Force on
= point A: FA 20
= kN   12 kN
 20 m 

 8m 
Support Force on
= point C: FC 20
= kN   8 kN
 20 m 

Step 3: Shear Forces and Bending Moments

To understand the shear forces and the bending moments we examine a portion of the beam
to the left of the load.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the left of the load

The entire beam is in equilibrium and therefore each section of the beam is in equilibrium.
This is the basis of the determination of the shear forces and the bending moments.

Step 4: Define the equations

The beam at a distance “x” from point A experiences a shear force (V) and a bending
moment (M).

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the left of the load

To determine the forces, we again turn to the fact that the vertical forces are in equilibrium
and sum to zero. Therefore, the portion of the vertical load is equal and opposite the force
upward that the beam experiences from the left support.

Hence, the portion of the load is 12kN; i.e. V1 = 12 kN with the direction downward.

The bending moment that the beam experiences is determined by the fact that the moments
about the left end must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive, we have:

Sum of moments: V1x – M = 0 and therefore M = V1x

Including that V1 = 12 kN we have: M = (12 kN)x

For example, if the distance x = 6 m the solution is M = (12 kN)6 m = 72 kNm

Now we examine a section of the beam on the other side of the load.

Here the calculation of the shear force includes the entire load as well as the support force
at point A.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the right of the load

The equilibrium equation for the forces is:

12 kN – 20 kN – V2 = 0; i.e. V2 = (12-20) kN = 8 kN

Therefore the shear force (V2) is 8 kN upward.

The bending moment that the beam experiences is again determined by the fact that the
moments about the left end at point A must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive
we again have the equilibrium equation for the moments:

Sum of moments: (20 kN)(8 m)+V2x – M = 0 and therefore M = 160 kNm + V2x

Including that V2 = 8 kN we have: M = 160 kNm + (8 kN)x = 160 kNm 8 kN (x)

For example, if the distance x = 15m the solution is M = 160 kNm + (8 kN)(15 m) =
160 kNm 120 kNm = 40 kNm.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam

This infers that the direction shown for the moment (counterclockwise) is correct and the
moment is 40 kNm in the counterclockwise direction.

From this data the Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram is constructed

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram

Section 1: 0 < x < 8 m

V1 = 12 kN
M1 = 12 kNx

Section 2: 8 < x < 20 m

V2 = −8 kN
M2 = 160 kNm −8kNx

Shear force and bending moment equations describing the two sections

Shear force diagram (above) and bending moment diagram (below)

The shear force (V) is constant at 12 kN from the left support to the load and is constant at
8 kN from the load to the right support.

The bending moment increases linearly from zero (0) at the left support to a maximum of
96 kNm at the location of the load (at 8 m) and decreases linearly from the location of the
load to the right support.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the assumptions around an axial member.

2. Explain the assumptions around a non-axial member.

3. Explain shear force.

4. Define the bending moment.

Section 3.5 – Distributed Load Moment

Section Objective
• Explain distributed loads, bending moments, and shear forces

This section presents the shear force and bending moment diagram of a distributed load
which is a graphic display of the effects of a distributed load on a beam. This analysis
is usually begun from the left-most joint of the beam. The shear force experienced by
the beam begins at a maximum positive magnitude and gradually reduces to a maximum
negative magnitude. The bending moment begins at zero at the left end, increases to a
maximum at the centroid of the distributed load and then reduces again to zero at the right
most end.

Distributed Load
Structural members may experience concentrated loads at a point or loads distributed over
a portion or over the full length of the member. The typical free-body diagram shows
the force experienced at a point. A distributed load appears differently in the free-body

Typical free-body diagram with the load presented as acting from the center of the load

A distributed load is actually much more common than point loads and can be visualized
as a block with mass resting on a structural member. The most common distributed load
is the uniform load where a load of constant magnitude (per unit of length) is applied over
the entire length of the beam.

Distributed load presented as acting across the entire width of the load

The mass of the block experiences the gravitational acceleration and this creates the weight
of the object or load. This load is spread evenly along the beam for the full length of the

The free-body diagram for a distributed load no longer shows a single force acting from
the center of the object. This can complicate the equilibrium calculations but there is a
common procedure to return us to a force applied at a point. That is called resolving the
distributed loads and entails finding the centroid of the load (the center of gravity) and
determine the total force applied by the load.

Resolving Distributed Loads

Starting with uniformly distributed loads the centroid is easily found. For a rectangle or a
uniform load “area” the centroid is the intersection of the two diagonal lines.

Distributed load presented as acting across the entire width of the load

Example 1: Resolving Distributed Loads

For a load that is 10 kN/m spread over a length of 3 meters find the centroid and the total

Finding the centroid of a uniformly distributed load using the intersection

of diagonal lines. This is also a position at ½ the length and ½ the height.

The important dimension is the horizontal location of the force. This being a uniformly
distributed load the resolved force will be applied at 1.5 meters from the end of the “block”
of the load. Exactly where this is relative to a support structure must be determined when
that data is available.

The total load is the force per unit length times the length. This is 10 kN/m × 3 m = 30 kN.

Therefore the resolved load will be a force of 30 kN applied at 1.5 m from the end of the
section of the beam where the distributed load begins.

The free-body diagram for a uniformly distributed load with the resolved force

Moving on to more complex loads it is also possible that the load is a uniformly increasing
load. This load “area” could either appear like a triangle or like a triangle placed on top of
a rectangle.

The free-body diagram for a triangular distributed load

The centroid of a rectangle is found as described above. The centroid of a triangle is also
a simple formula of the intersection of two lines, each at 1/3 from the wider part of the
triangle, with one line parallel to one of the bases of the triangle.

Example 2: Triangular distributed load

The free-body diagram for a triangular distributed load

divided into three triangular shapes

Here the load begins on the left at 3 kN/m and ends on the right at 12 kN/m.

This can be divided up into three triangular distributions to resolve the force. This will
result in three separate concentrated forces but this is for illustration of the process.

Triangle 1:

The base is 9 m and therefore the centroid is at 3 m from the left. The height is 3 kN/m at
the left and zero at the right. The area of a right triangle is ½ bh.

1 1 27
1 A=
1 bh
= ( 9 m )( 3 kN/m=) kN
2 2 2

Triangle 2:

The base is again 9 m and therefore the centroid is at 3 m from the right. The height is
3 kN/m at the right and zero at the left. The area of a right triangle is ½ bh.

1 1 27
2 A=
2 bh
= ( 9 m )( 3 kN/m=) kN
2 2 2

Triangle 3:

The base is again 9 m and therefore the centroid is at 3 m from the right. The height is
(1.2 kN/m – 3 kN/m) = 9 kN/m at the right and zero at the left. The area of a right triangle
is ½ bh.

1 1 81
3 A=
3 bh
= ( 9 m )( 9 kN/m=) kN
2 2 2

The free-body diagram for a triangular distributed load

divided into three triangular shapes

Bending Moment of a Distributed Load

The bending moment is the rotational expression of the force applied at a distance from a
point. When the load is concentrated at a point the moment is calculated as the separation
distance between the point and the load times the load.

Bending Moment: M = Fd

M = the bending moment in newton-meters (Nm)
F = the force (or load) in newtons (N)
d = the separation distance in meters (m)

When the load is uniformly distributed, the bending moment is different at different
separation distances from the point to part of the load.

Let’s examine how to quantify the shear forces and bending moments using an example
with a uniformly distributed load.

The steps followed to obtain the solution are:

Step 1: Examine the description of the problem.

Step 2: Create a Free-Body Diagram for the problem.

Step 3: Draw the Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram.

Step 4: Define the relationships that exist in formulas with the aim to have as many equations
as there are unknown elements (forces and moments).

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for Distributed Loads

Step 1: Description of the Problem

This description of the problem shows that the uniformly distributed load is off center
to the left, which indicates that more of the load is supported by the left support. This
additional force will be proportional to the fraction of the length of the beam.

A uniformly distributed load

Step 2: Free-Body Diagram

To create the free-body diagram we know that under equilibrium conditions the vertical
load is countered by an equal amount of force in the opposite direction, which is the sum of
the upward forces from the two supports. This assumes that the beam itself does not deform
and only transfers the forces to the supports.

Free-body diagram for a uniformly distributed load

If the load was concentrated in the center of the beam, each support would carry 45 kN.
However, since the load is off center, we can solve the actual load using fractions. We
first resolve the load to a concentrated load at the centroid. The magnitude of the load is
10 kN/m × 9 m = 90 kN. The centroid is located at ½ the length of the load = 4.5 m from
the end of the load.

From the left side, this is 3 m + 4.5 m = 7.5 m.

From the right side, this is 6 m + 4.5 m = 10.5 m.

 10.5 m 
on point A: FA 90
Support Force = = kN   52.5 kN
 18 m 

 7.5 m 
Support Force on
= point C: FC 90
= kN   37.5 kN
 18 m 

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the left of the load

Step 3: Shear Forces and Bending Moments

To understand the shear forces and the bending moments, we examine a portion of the
beam to the left of the load.

The entire beam is in equilibrium and therefore each section of the beam is in equilibrium.
This is the basis of the determination of the shear forces and the bending moments.

Step 4: Define the equations

The beam, at a distance “x” from point A, experiences a shear force (V) and a bending
moment (M).

To determine the forces, we again turn to the fact that the vertical forces are in equilibrium
and therefore sum to zero. Therefore the portion of the vertical load is equal and opposite
the force upward that the beam experiences from the left support.

Hence, the portion of the load is 52.5 kN; i.e. V1 = 52.5 kN with the direction downward.

The bending moment that the beam experiences is determined by the fact that the moments
about the left end must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive we have:

Sum of moments: V1x – M1 = 0 and therefore M1 = V1x

Including that V1 = 52.5 kN we have: M1 = (52.5 kN)x

For example, if the distance x = 3 m the solution is M1 = (52.5kN)3 m = 157.5 Nm

Now we examine a section of the beam on the other side of the load.

Here the calculation of the shear force includes the entire load as well as the support force
at point A.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam

The equilibrium equation for the forces is:

52.5 kN – 90 kN – V2 =0; i.e. V2 = (52.5 – 90) kN = 37.5 kN

Therefore, the shear force (V2) is 37.5 kN upward.

The bending moment that the beam experiences is again determined by the fact that the
moments about the left end at point A must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive
we again have the equilibrium equation for the moments:

Sum of moments: (90 kN)(7.5 m)+V2x – M = 0 and therefore M = 675 kNm + V2x

Including that V2 = 37.5 kN we have: M = 675 kNm + (37.5 kN)x = 675 kNm 37.5 kN(x)

For example, if the distance x = 13 m the solution is M = 675 kNm + (37.5 kN)(13 m) =
675 kNm 488 kNm = 188 kNm.

This infers that the direction shown for the moment (counterclockwise) is correct and the
moment is 188 kNm in the counterclockwise direction.

Now we examine a section of the beam where the uniformly distributed load is applied.

In this case, the calculation of the shear force includes a portion of the entire load, as well
as the support force at point A.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam in the uniformly distributed load

The equilibrium equation for the forces is:

52.5 kN − (10 kN/m) (x − 3 m) − V3 = 0

V3 = 52.5 kN + 10kN/m (3 m) − (10 kN/m)x

V3 = 82.5 kN − (10 kN/m)x

Therefore the shear force (V3) is 82.5 kN – (10 kN/m)x with the direction dependent upon
the sign of the value. If the shear force is positive then the shear force is downward.

x-range V – Shear Force

0 to 3 m 52.5 kN
3 to 12 m 52.5 kN to –37.5 kN
12 to 18 m –37.5 kN

The bending moment that the beam experiences is again determined by the fact that the
moments about the left end at point A must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive,
we again have the equilibrium equation for the moments:

Sum of moments: V3x + 10 kN/m(x – 3 m)(3+(x – 3)/2) – M3 = 0

Term 1: The shear force times the distance from Point A

Term 2: The fractional load applied at the middle point of the load, times the distance to
point A

Solving for the moment M3:

 x −3   x −3 
V3 x + 10 kN/m ( x − 3 m )  3 m +
M3 = V3 x + (10 kN/m − 30 kN/m )  3 m +
m = m
 2   2 

The formula for the moment can be expanded using V3 = 82.5 kN − (10 kN/m)x

(82.5 kN − (10 kN/m ) x ) x + (10 kN/m ( x ) − 30 kN/m )  3 m + x 2− 3 m 

M3 =
 

 x −3 
82.5 kN − (10 kN/m ) x 2 + (10 kN/m ( x ) − 30 kN/m )  3 m +
M3 = m
 2 

For example, if the distance x = 10 m the solution is

 10 − 3 
M 3 = 82.5 kN (10 m ) − (10 kN/m )(10 m ) + (10 kN/m (10 m ) − 30 kN/m )  3 m +
 2 

M3 = 825 kNm − (1,000 kNm) + (100 kNm −30 kNm) (6.5 m)

M3 = 280 kNm

This inplies that at 10 m the direction shown for the moment (counterclockwise) is correct
and the moment is 280 kNm in the counterclockwise direction.

From this data, the Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram is constructed.

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram

Shear Force Diagram (above) and Bending Moment Diagram (below)

Section 1: 0 m ≤ x < 3 m

The shear force (V1) is constant at 52.5 kN from the left support to the start of the distributed
load at x = 3 m.

The bending moment (M1) increases linearly from zero (0) at the left support to a
157.5 kNm at x = 3 m.

Section 3: 3 m ≤ x ≤ 12 m

The shear force (V3) is constantly reducing by 10 kN/m. Starting at 52.5 kN at x = 3 m, V3

reduces to 37.5 kN at x = 12 m.

The bending moment (M3) continues to increase but not linearly. From x = 3 m to
x = 8 m the moment increase to a maximum of 295 kNm. After that point the moment
reduces, again not linearly, to 225 kNm at x = 12 m.

Section 2: 12 m < x ≤ 18 m

The shear force (V2) is constant at 37.5 kN from the point at x = 12 to the right support at
x = 18 m.

The bending moment (M2) decreases linearly from 225 kNm at x = 12 to zero (0) at the right
support x = 18 m.

The shear force (V1) is constant at 52.5 kN from the left support to the start of the distributed
load at x = 3 m.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain a distributed load.

2. Explain how to resolve a uniformly distributed load into a concentrated load.

3. Explain how to resolve a triangular force distribution into a concentrated load.

4. Explain the formula for the shear force in the section of beam with a distributed

5. Explain the formula for the bending moment in the section of beam with a
distributed load.

Section 3.6 – Cables

Section Objective
• Describe cables and their uses in mechanical engineering

This section presents the description of cables, both support cables and control cables.
Support cables are usually seen in bridges and tents and work primarily in tension. Because
of their flexibility, they cannot transmit compressive forces or bending moments. There are
various ways that these cables are constructed all of which focus on maximizing the tensile
strength. Control cables are also used primarily in tension and are often constructed with
a sheath for protection, while the cable inside moves back and forth transmitting tensile

A cable is a flexible structural support. In general, a cable is assumed to offer no resistance
to bending. Therefore, a cable cannot transfer bending moments. In addition, because of
this assumption, cables cannot transfer transverse loads and all loads are assumed to be
represented as tensile forces along the cable (normal to the cross sectional area of the

Cables do not have their own shape because they adapt to the loads that are placed on them.
It is also assumed that the length of the cable material does not change its length as a result
of the load it bears. This characteristic of a cable is called infinite axial stiffness.

Cables can be constructed using several parallel wires braided together along the length of
the wire. They can also be constructed with a solid core with many parallel wires wound
around the core. The primary objective of this construction is to create a structural element
that is more flexible than a beam while also having the tensile strength comparable to the

other structural members. As the amount of individual wires increases, the tensile strength
of the group of wires which are components of the cable increases.

Parallel Wire Cable

Structural Cables
Primarily used as a bridge support, structural cabling is more flexible than solid structural
members. It does, however, have the same material properties in terms of the amount of
stress it can withstand.

Galvanized Bridge Wire

This is the basic wire used to produce parallel wire bridge cables. Various sizes are available,
with a typical diameter of approximately 0.2 cm.

Galvanized Bridge Strand

A bridge strand is constructed of many bridge wires twisted together to form a single
support. The bridge wires may have many different diameters. The bridge strand may
consist of a few or many individual bridge wires.

Galvanized Bridge Rope

A bridge rope is constructed of several, typically six, bridge strands. These strands are
usually braided around a center core strand.

Parallel Wire Cables

This is a cable that consists of many individual smaller wires, all of which are parallel to
each other. These wires are not twisted or braided. They are usually delivered on huge reels
and “spun” on to the bridge support. Once the planned amount of wire is spun out the wire
is compacted together into a round cross section.

Closed Parallel Strand Cables

This consists of several parallel galvanized strands held tightly together and wrapped along
the entire length by wire for protection.

Open Parallel Strand Cables

These cables consist of several parallel galvanized strands held close, but at a slight distance
from each other, usually forming a rectangle. The rectangular matrix of these strands is
bound at intervals by structural elements, which are riveted to the cables.

Cable Controls
Cables are also used as a method to transmit either tensile force or compressive force
through a space with obstruction that requires a flexible structural element. The advantage
of a cable is that it is usually lighter weight and much less bulky than a mechanical
combination of solid members designed to do the same thing.

Bicycles use various control cables

Types of Force Transmission

A cable system often includes the metal braided cable surrounded by a protective, as well
as controlling, sheath or housing.

Linear Transmission (A Bowden cable)

Though the cable will have one or more turns along the path, the cable sheath will be stiffer
in order to improve the transmission of a linear force. This can be a pushing force, which
translates to compression on the cable from one end, transmitting a push to an element at
the other end of the cable.

This can also be a pulling force, which translates to tension on the cable from the operator
end. This transmits a pull to the other end of the cable.

Rotational Transmission
In this type of transmission, the cable is moved linearly into and out of a housing that
translates this linear motion into a rotation of a wheel within the housing.

Angular Motion
When there is a need for a structural member to be able to flex in position and also transmit
a turning or twisting motion, the choice is often a type of cable that remains and includes
several “elbow” joints so that the angular motion is possible.

Control cable construction

Control cables can be constructed using various designs for wrapping the component wires.
Each structure has its advantages for particular applications.

Wire rope cables are a braided set of narrow gauge wire with no external wrapping around
the braid. These are extremely flexible, which results in a very low ability to transmit
tensile forces and no ability to transmit compressive forces. These typically transmit force
with low efficiency.

Helix cables consist of a straight core of wires wrapped by one or more layers of heavier
wire. These are very flexible, but this flexibility results in a reduction in the amount of
tensile or compressive forces that can be transmitted. Within the range of loads that are
allowed, these cables are very efficient.

Flat wrap cables also have a core of wires, but the wrapping consists of one or more flat
metal layers. These outer layers provide much stronger structural integrity and, as a result,
flat wrap cables are able to transmit higher tensile and compressive loads even though these
flat wrap cables are much less flexible.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the purpose of a structural bridge cable.

2. Explain the construction of a structural bridge cable.

3. Explain the three levels of bridge cabling.

4. Explain the types of force transmission with control cables.

5. Describe the three types of control cable construction.

Section 3.7 – Loads Along Straight Lines

Section Objective
• Explain loads along straight lines

This section presents the concept of the effects of a uniform load on the tension in a
suspension cable. Generally, this uniform load causes the line to take the shape of a portion
of a parabola. The formula of that parabola is given and a formula is presented that describes
the tension in the cable relative to the uniformly distributed load, the minimum tension in
the cable and the distance along the cable from the end.

Loads along straight lines

The forces and shape of a cable can be analyzed for several situations:

1. when the cable is carrying a uniformly distributed load, as with a suspension


2. when the cable itself is analyzed based on its deadweight load and no external load.

3. when the cable is carrying several non-uniform loads.

This section analyzes the situation when the cable is carrying uniformly distributed load.

A load along a straight line of a suspension bridge

The concept of a load acting along a straight line is most clearly demonstrated by the top
cable of a suspension bridge. The top cable runs at an angle from the top of the vertical
support in the middle of the span. It gradually lowers until it reaches the base supports at
the level of the bridge itself at one of the ends of the bridge.

A load along a straight line of a suspension bridge

All along this cable, and at consistent vertical spacing, are vertical cables. These vertical
cables transmit the load of the bridge uniformly to the cable through the entire length of
the cable.

Each cable transmits a uniform fraction of the load to the cable. The total load is the weight
of the bridge itself. As can be seen in the figure of the free-body diagram, the load (w)
is the same at each vertical support cable. This uniform load, with an assumption of a
massless cable (the mass of the cable does not enter into the equilibrium equations), creates
a parabolic shape in the cable.

This situation can be described using the following:

At the left end of the cable the load on the cable is T0. This is the minimum load that the
cable experiences. At the right end of the cable, the load on the cable is T.

In the horizontal equation for equilibrium of the forces: T0 = Tcosθ.

In the vertical equation for equilibrium of the forces: wx = Tsinθ.

wx T sin θ
Comparing the two equations, we have: = = tan θ .
T0 T cos θ

The tangent of a line is the slope. To define the shape of the cable itself, this value for the
slope is used in an equation of a parabola.

1w 2
The shape of the cable is: y = x .
2 T0

y = the vertical position of the cable from the ground in meters (m)
w = the load per unit length in newtons per meter (N/m)
T0 = the minimum tension on the cable in newtons (N)
x = the horizontal distance from the left end in meters (m)

Tension in the Cable
To determine the tension in the cable, both of the equations T0 = Tcosθ and wx = Tsinθ
are squared and summed:

The square of T0 = Tcosθ is: T02 = T 2 cos2θ

The square of: wx = Tsinθ is: w2x2 = T 2 sin2θ

The sum of the two equations is: T02 + w 2x2 = T 2 cos2θ + T 2 sin2θ, which can be reduced to
T02 + w 2x2 = T 2 (cos2θ + sin2θ). Using the identity sin2θ + cos2θ = 1, this equation simplifies
to: T02 + w 2x2 = T 2 or T 2 = T02 + w 2x2 .

 w2 
T 2 T02 1 + 2 x 2 
This can be rearranged to:=
 T0 

Taking the square root of both sides gives: T = T0 1 + 2 x 2 . This presents a formula that

shows that the tension T is equal to the minimum tension T0 when x = 0.

Example 1: Load along a straight line

A bridge with a uniform load (w) of 100 MN/m (100 ×106 newtons/meter) is suspended by
two cables. For a section of the bridge that is 100 m long, define the equations that describe
the tension in the cable and the shape of the cable.

First, the total load is the uniform load (w) measured over the length (x).

wx = 100 MN/m(100 m) = 10.0 ×109 N

A load along a section of a suspension bridge

To determine the value of the tension T requires an angle θ and use of the equation:

Tsinθ = wx which can be solved for tension T:

Tension in a span of a cable: T = .
sin θ
For example, if the angle is 30˚ the sin30 is 0.5.

wx 10 ×109 N
Therefore the tension is: T = = = 20 ×109 N
sinθ 0.5
Of course, this is the tension of the two cables so each cable would have ½ of this value.

Using the equation describing the tension, we can assume the angle of 30˚ and find the
minimum tension T0 where T0 = Tcosθ.

T0 = T cosθ =10 ×10 9 N cos 30 ° =10 ×10 9 N (0.866 ) = 8.66 ×10 9 N

This is the tension in a single cable (hence the value of T in the equation is ½ that shown

The equation describing the tension is: T = T0 1 + 2 x 2 .

Adding the values from above:

100 ×106 N/m 2

The equation describing the tension is: T =
8.66 ×109 N 1 + x
8.66 ×109 N

1w 2
The shape of the cable is: y = x.
2 T0

Adding the values from above (using ½ of the load for each cable):

1  50 ×106 N/m  2 1
=y  9
2  8.66 ×10 N 
5.77 ×10−3 /m x 2 )

The shape of the cable is: y = (2.9 × 10-3/m)x2.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the concept of a load along a straight line.

2. Explain a typical bridge structure with a long straight line load.

3. Explain the equation for the tension in the cable.

4. Define the equation for the shape of the cable.

Section 3.8 – Loads along Cables

Section Objectives
• Explain loads along cables

This section presents the concept of the effects of the deadweight of the cable itself on the
shape of the cable and the tension within the cable. The shape is slightly different from
that expected for a uniformly distributed load like a bridge. The deadweight of the cable
causes the cable to take the shape called a catenary, which is similar to a parabola. This
describes the shape that a cable hanging freely between two supports obtains. The tension
in the cable caused by the deadweight of the cable itself also has a slightly different result
because the formula includes the length along the cable rather than the horizontal length as
in the uniformly distributed load.

A cable suspended between two supports

Loads along Cables

The forces and shape of a cable can be analyzed for several situations; A. when the cable
is carrying a uniformly distributed load, as with a suspension bridge, B. when the cable
itself is analyzed based on its deadweight load and no external load and C. when the cable
is carrying several non-uniform loads. This section analyzes the situation when the cable
itself is analyzed based on its deadweight load and no external load.

A cable suspended between two supports

When talking about loads along cables, this refers to the deadweight load of the cable itself
with no external forces or loads included in the analysis.

A cable suspended between two supports

The shape of a cable that is subjected to a uniform load, such as a cable of a suspension
bridge, is a parabola.

When examining just the deadweight load of the cable itself, the shape of the cable is
similar to a parabola called a catenary, but requires a different formula. The word catenary
comes from a term used to describe the shape of a chain or rope hanging between two

The free-body diagram of a section of the deadweight load along a cable

This situation can be described using the following:

At the left end of the cable, the load on the cable is T0. This is the minimum load that the
cable experiences. At the right end of the cable, the load on the cable is T.

In the horizontal equation for equilibrium of the forces: T0 = Tcosθ.

In the vertical equation for equilibrium of the forces: ws = Tsinθ.

Note that here the distance (s) is along the cable and not in the x-direction.

w T sin θ
Comparing the two equations, we have: s= = tan θ
T0 T cos θ

The tangent of a line is the slope. Using this concept and the Pythagorean theorem as s2 =
x2 + y2 plus some advanced derivation, we can develop the formula for the catenary shape
of the cable.

T0  t0 
wx wx

Initially: =  e + e t0 − 2 
2 w  

ea − e− a
Through the identity for the hyperbolic cosine function: cosh = , this formula for
the shape of the cable can be simplified. 2

T0  w  
the cable is: y
The shape of =  cosh  x  − 1
w 
 T0  

y = the vertical position of the cable from the ground in meters (m)
w = the load per unit length in newtons per meter (N/m)
T0 = the minimum tension on the cable in newtons (N)
x = the horizontal distance from the left end in meters (m)
cosh = the hyperbolic cosine

Tension in the Cable

To determine the tension in the cable, both of the equations T0 = Tcosθ and ws = Tsinθ

are squared and summed:

The square of T0 = Tcosθ is: T02 = T 2 cos2 θ

The square of: ws = Tsinθ is: w2s2 = T 2 sin2 θ

The sum of the two equations is: T02 + w 2s2 = T 2 cos2 θ + T 2 sin2 θ, which can be reduced to
T02 + w 2s2 = T 2 (cos2 θ + sin2 θ). Using the identity sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1, this equation simplifies
to: T02 + w 2s2 = T 2 or T 2 = T02 + w 2s2 .

 w2 
This can be rearranged to:=
T 2 T02 1 + 2 s 2 
 T0 

w 2
Taking the square root of both sides gives: T = T0 1+ s

This presents a formula that show the tension T is equal to the minimum tension T0 when
s = 0.

Example 1: Load along a Cable

A cable with a deadweight load (w) of 40 N/m is suspended between two supports. For a
section of the cable (s) that is 50 m long, define the equations that describe the tension in
the cable and the shape of the cable. Assume the angle θ is 30˚.

First, the total load is the uniform load (w) measured over the length (s).

ws = 40 N/m(50 m) = 2,000 N

Determining the value of the tension T requires an angle θ and use of the equation:

Tsinθ = ws, which can be solved for tension T:

A load along a cable

Tension in a span of a cable: T =
sin θ

For the angle of 30˚, the sin30 is 0.5.

ws 2, 000 N
Therefore the tension is: T = = = 4, 000 N
sin θ 0.5
For the equation describing the tension with an angle of 30˚, we find the minimum tension
T0, where T0 = Tcosθ.

T0 = Tcosθ = 4,000 N cos30° = 4,000 N (0.866) = 1.7 × 103 N

w 2
The equation describing the tension is: T = T0 1+ s Adding the values from above:

40 N/m 2
1.7 ×103 N 1 +
The equation describing the tension is: T = s
1.7 ×103 N
T0  w  
the cable is: y
The shape of =  cosh  x  − 1
w 
 T0  
Adding the values from above:

1.7 ×103 N   40 N/m  

=y  cosh  3
x  − 1
40 N/m   1.7 ×10 N  

The shape of the cable is: y = 43.3 m (cosh (23.0 × 10-3 /m) x−1)

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the difference between a load along a straight line and a load along a cable.

2. Explain a typical hanging cable shape of a load along a cable.

3. Explain the equation for the tension in a cable under its own deadweight load.

4. State the equation for the shape of the cable.

Section 3.9 – Discrete Loads on a Cable

Section Objective
• Explain discrete loads

This section presents the concept of the shape and tension in a cable that is subjected
to various discrete loads. For the analysis the cable cannot elongate, is weightless, and
cannot transmit bending moments. The analysis utilizes the standard equilibrium equations
for horizontal and vertical force as well as moments even though moments cannot be
transmitted. The objective is to find the horizontal and vertical locations of the point of
application for the discrete loads and the forces that support the cable. A second objective
is to determine the tension in the cable itself.

Discrete Loads
The forces and shape of a cable can be analyzed for several situations:

A. w
 hen the cable is carrying a uniformly distributed load, as with a suspension

B. when the cable itself is analyzed based on its deadweight load and no external

C. when the cable is carrying several non-uniform loads.

A set of discrete loads along a cable

This section analyzes the situation when the cable is carrying several non-uniform loads.

In this example, the cable is used to carry several loads. The actual deadweight load of the
cable itself is typically ignored because this will be much less than the weight of the loads.

A free body diagram of a set of discrete loads along a cable

Three assumptions are used in these problems:

1. The deadweight of the cable is small enough to be ignored.

2. The cable is ultimately flexible and therefore cannot transmit a moment

3. The axial stiffness of the cable is infinite which means the cable will not elongate
due to excessive loads

A free body diagram of a portion of the above cable

These are problems of equilibrium. Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object

where the sum of the forces acting on the object is zero and the sum of the moments acting
on the object is zero. When considering two-dimensional equilibrium we have:

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.

A free body diagram of a larger portion of the above cable

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero
and the sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero. The
sum of the moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a two-
dimensional (x, y) system act in the z-direction.

Even though the cable is assumed to be flexible enough that it cannot transmit moments,
these equations are still valid within the context of equilibrium.

For every section of cable, the conditions of equilibrium exist and therefore a set of
equilibrium equations can be constructed to solve for the variables that are unknown.
Normally, the desired outcome is to know the vertical location of each load, the vertical and
horizontal components of the tension at the supports, and the tension in the cable at each
span (between the support and the load, between each load, etc.). As with all solutions of
multiple algebraic equations, there must be one equation for each unknown. For example,
if there are five unknown variables, there must be five equilibrium equations. Likewise, if
there are 20 unknown variables, there must be 20 equations, and so on.

A cable with two separate discrete point loads

We will use an example problem to demonstrate this concept. The example uses a cable
that has two discrete point loads.

Because some amount of information is required in order to completely solve for all
unknowns, several dimension are given.

Example 1: Cable with Discrete Loads

We first construct a free-body diagram of the entire cable structure.

The free-body diagram of a cable with two discrete point loads

The equilibrium equations can be defined based on the free body diagram.

We examine the equilibrium at the point E, which is partway between the two loads. The
system has four unknowns: Av, Ah, Bv, Bh. Therefore, we must have four equations.

In the x-direction, ∑ Fx = 0:

∑ F x
= Ah – Bh = 0

In the y-direction, ΣFy = 0:

∑ F y
= Av + Bv – 120 kN – 40 kN = 0

The moments in the z-direction, ΣMz = 0:

∑ M z
= -Ah6 m – 120 kN (34 m) – 40 kN(14 m) + Av50 m = 0

At this point, there are still four unknowns. Therefore, a fourth equation is necessary.

The free-body diagram of a cable with two discrete point loads

taken from a point E between the two loads

For a fourth equation, we can examine the section of the cable to the left of point E and sum
the moments about the point E. This will include only two unknowns: Av, and Ah.

∑ M zE
= −Ah12 m – 120 kN(14 m) + Av30 m = 0

Combining the two moment equations for a solution:

∑ M zB
= −Ah6 m – 120 kN(34 m) – 40 kN(14 m) + Av50 m = 0

−Ah6 m – 4.08 × 103 kNm – 560 kNm + Av50 m = 0

Ah 6 m + 103 kNm 30 m 1.68 ×103 kNm

Av = = Av − 2.5 Av − 140 kN
12 m 12 m 12 m

Substituting this into the moment equation about point E:

∑ M zE
= −Ah12 m -120 kN(14 m) + Av30 m = 0

−Ah12 m – 1.68 x 103 kNm + Av30 m = 0

Av 30 m − 1.68 ×103 kNm 30 m 1.68 ×103 kNm

Ah = = Av − 2.5 Av − 140 kN
12 m 12 m 12 m

The solution for Ah is:

Ah = 2.5Av–140 kN = 2.5 (0.12Ah + 92.8 kN) – 140 kN = 0.3Ah + 92 kN

Ah (1 – 0.3) = 92 kN and Ah = 131 kN

Solving for Av we have:

Av = 0.12Ah + 92.8 kN = 0.12(131 kN) + 92.8 kN = 108.6 kN

From: ∑ Fx = Ah – Bh = 0, the solution for Bh = 131 kN

From: ∑ Fy = Av + Bv – 120 kN – 40 kN = 0. The solution for Bv is: 51.4 kN

This completes stage 1, finding the solution for these unknowns.

Next we determine the exact height of the two loads.

Summing the moments about point C:

∑ M zC
= −Ah(hc) + Av(16 m) + 40 kN(20 m) – Bv(34 m) + Bh(hC – 6 m) = 0

∑ MzC = −131 kN(hC) + 108 kN(16 m) + 40 kN(20 m) – 51.4 kN(34 m)

+ 131 kN(hC – 6 m) = 0

But we can look at just the section to the left of point C, since the system is in equilibrium:

∑ M zC
= −Ah(hC) + Av(16 m) = 0.

∑ M zC
= −131 kN(hC) + 108 kN(16 m) = 0

108.6 kN (16 m )
And solving for the height of point C: hc = 13.2 m
131 kN
The same method allows us now to solve for the height of point D. Summing the moments
about point C:

∑ M zD
= −Ah(hD) + Av(32 m) – 120 kN(20 m) = 0

∑ M zD
= −131 kN(hD) + 108.6 kN(32 m) – 120 kN(20 m) = 0

∑ M zD
= −131 kN(hD) + 3,475 kNm – 2,400 kNm = 0

3, 475 kNm − 2, 400 kNm 1, 075 kN

=hD = = 8.2 m
131 kN 131 kN

The free-body diagram of a cable with two discrete point loads

The next step is to solve for the tension in each section of the cable.

The horizontal component of the tension can be assumed to be constant at 131 kN because
the load is only vertical.

The free-body diagram of a cable with two discrete point loads

with the tension in the cable sections labeled

The formula for the horizontal section of the tension is H = Ncosθ. We can rearrange this
to solve for the tension (N): N = where θ is the angle to the horizontal of the section
cos θ
of the cable. This can use the substation and give an easier formula to use:

= H 1 +( tan θ )
cos θ

Since the tangent is a ratio of heights, we can just use the various dimension to calculate
the tension.
13.2 m
In section AC: tan AC = = 0.825
16 m

N AC = H 1 +( tan θ ) = 131 kN 1 + 0.8252 = 170 kN

In section CD: tan CD = = 0.25
20 m

N CD = H 1 +( tan θ ) = 131kN 1+ 0.252 = 135kN


2.2 m
In section DB: tan DB = = 0.157
14 m

N DB = H 1 +( tan θ ) = 131kN 1 + 0.157 2 = 133kN


The free-body diagram of a cable with two discrete point loads

with the tension in the cable sections labeled

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain a cable with discrete loads.

2. Explain the assumptions associated with a solving a problem of a cable with disrete

3. Explain two-dimensional mechanical equilibrium.

4. Explain the equations required to solve a problem of a cable with discrete loads
given the widths between points and the height of a random point on the cable.

Section 3.10 – Characteristics of Liquids and Gases

Section Objective
• Describe liquids and gases

This section presents the concept of using liquids and gases to create loads in mechanical
systems. Liquids are sufficiently massive that gravity affects the molecules which results
in the liquid molecules moving downward and spreading out in a container so that the
area of the container has a uniformly distributed load. Liquids do not compress and this
allows the use of liquids for transmitting compressive loads from place to place in a closed
system using techniques connected with hydraulics. Gases are rarely massive enough to be
affected by gravity. Gases are also quite compressible. These characteristics of gases allow
them to be used in closed mechanical systems as well to transmit compressive loads but not
as effectively as liquids. This is the mechanical study of pneumatics.

Liquid Loads
The concept of a distributed load becomes more detailed and nuanced with the application
of liquid loads or gas loads. When a liquid is placed on a horizontal surface, the liquid
spreads out evenly over the surface area. Without walls to block the flow, the liquid will
eventually spread everywhere. The liquid will become a thinner and thinner horizontal
layer until it starts to break apart. This occurs as the forces of cohesion within the liquid,
which keep the molecules together, are overtaken by the forces of separation, which are
pulling the molecules apart. The liquid forms beads that roll off the surface under the
influence of gravity.

If a liquid is placed in a container, the liquid spreads to take the shape of the entire container.
This assumes the container is not moving and has no holes in the walls. Under the influence
of gravity, the liquid molecules will fill practically any shaped container. The liquid will
flow in every direction, resulting in the top surface of the volume being flat. This will
happen with any container of any shape, even if the bottom surface of the container is

If the height of a container is uniform and the bottom surface is horizontal and flat, a
liquid placed in this container will become a uniformly distributed load over the entire
area covered by the container. This is true with any substance that exhibits the standard
characteristics of a liquid, primarily being incompressible and exhibiting translational flow
among the molecules.

Generally, most substances are liquid under specific conditions of temperature and pressure.
Examples of common substances that are liquid at room temperature (25°C) include water,
various oils, alcohol, and many chemical solutions.

To determine the total load of a defined mass of liquid, it is sufficient to know the calculation
for the force of a mass that experiences gravity; i.e. gravitational acceleration.

Force due to Gravity: F = mg.

F = force in newtons (N)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
g = gravitational acceleration of 9.8 meters/second squared (9.8 m/s2)

When the mass of the liquid is spread over a defined area, the total mass will continue to
exhibit the same load (force due to gravity) within the area. It is now a uniformly distributed
load over an area that can be described as a defined force over a defined surface area. Force
per unit surface area is commonly called pressure.

Pressure = force/area: P = .

P = pressure in pascals (Pa) or newtons/square meter (N/m2)

F = force in newtons (N)
A = area in square meters (m2)

The pressure is measured as applied normal to the surface.

Liquid Properties
In liquids, the individual particles are confined by the volume of their container. Liquids
flow to assume the shape of the container holding them. The shape is limited only by
the volume of the liquid. The direction of the flow of liquid is primarily determined by
gravitational forces. This causes a liquid to maintain a level top surface as it flows into the
container. Remember that liquids do not easily compress.

Physical Properties of Liquids

The physical properties of liquids vary a lot. The properties depend upon the nature and
strength of the intermolecular forces of attraction and repulsion among the particles (atoms,
molecules, ions) making up the liquid.

Honey has a high viscosity at room temperature.

The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of the resistance to flow. Honey has a high viscosity
at room temperature and a low viscosity at higher temperature. For a liquid to flow, the
molecules must be able to slide past one another.

In general, the viscosity of a liquid increases with:

• Stronger intermolecular (between molecules) forces of attraction.

• A greater ability to form intermolecular (between molecules) bonds, especially

involving several bonding sites per molecule.

• Increasing size and surface area of molecules which also increases intermolecular
(between molecules) forces.

• Longer molecules, because they are more likely to get tangled up with one another
which makes it harder for them to flow.

As temperature increases and the molecules move more rapidly, their kinetic energies
are better able to overcome intermolecular attraction. Viscosity therefore decreases with
increasing temperature.

A “thin” fluid such as water has a low viscosity and a “thick” fluid such as oil has a higher

Material Temp (°C) Viscosity (µ)

Air 15 0.0000179
Water 40 0.00065
Water 20 0.001
Ethyl Alcohol 20 0.0011
Milk 25 0.003
Canola Oil 25 0.057
Olive Oil 20 0.084
Light Machine Oil 20 0.102
Molasses 20 5.
Honey 20 10.
Peanut Butter 20 150.

Viscosity can be measured in both liquids and gases and can be more technically explained
as fluid friction or a measure of the resistance of a fluid to shear stress.

The various layers of the liquid experience friction as the molecules in the layers move past
one another. In liquids, the viscosity is due to the cohesive forces between the molecules
while in gases the viscosity is due to collisions between the molecules.

Description of friction within a fluid flow

A fluid flowing in a tube will adhere to the walls of the tube. This initial layer of the fluid,
which is adhered to the wall, will travel slower than the remainder of the fluid. Because
this layer travels slower it will impede the next layer of fluid through the cohesive forces
of attraction between the molecules in the different layers of the fluid. Each layer impedes
the next layer into the fluid until we get to the layer of molecules at the center of the tube.

The viscosity of the fluid will impact the speed with which it flows and hence the speed
with which a defined liquid volume over an area will exhibit uniform distribution of the
load. This also impacts how a fluid flows onto or off of a surface. A high viscosity fluid will
cause greater resistance to movement and hence a force of drag or friction that is higher
than a low viscosity fluid.

Cohesion and Adhesion

All liquids exhibit both cohesive and adhesive forces. Cohesive forces are forces of
attraction between the molecules. Adhesive forces are forces of attraction between the
molecules of the liquid and external surfaces.

Surface Tension
Molecules below the surface of a liquid are influenced by intermolecular attraction
in all directions. Once at the surface, molecules orient themselves to maximize their
intermolecular forces towards the fluid. This results in the surface molecules directing their
cohesion forces only at the molecules below the surface within the fluid.

Another way to understand this tendency is to consider water droplets.

The forces that create this surface tension also create a preference for minimum surface
area whenever possible.

This is evident when a drop of a liquid is in free fall or in free space. It will always assume
a spherical shape to minimize its surface area.

Fluid molecules at the surface cohesively bond preferentially inward,
into the bulk of the fluid.

The surface tension on water is often able to resist the pressure of small insects and light
objects but can also hold up heavier metal objects, such as needles, if they are dry and
carefully placed on the surface.

The surface tension has an impact when objects are moved into or out of a body of a liquid.
The resistance to movement at the surface will be slightly stronger than that within the bulk
of the liquid.

Capillary Action
The forces of attraction between the molecules within liquids can be characterized as
cohesive forces. There are also forces of attraction to foreign materials and these are
characterized as adhesive forces. Water in a glass container often “adheres” to the sides
and forms a meniscus up the inside surface of the glass.

In the left tube the fluid adheres to the surface causing the
molecules at the glass-water interface to rise above the surface;
i.e. the capillary effect. In the right tube, there is no effect.

Adhesive forces are due to the atomic charge interaction between the molecules of the
liquid and the foreign surface.

Some liquids will exhibit adhesive forces with certain materials that are stronger than their
internal cohesive forces. Water does this.

Mercury is a liquid with internal cohesive forces that are much stronger than the adhesive
forces between the mercury and glass. In a glass tube, mercury creates a ‘reverse’ meniscus
where the molecules pull the liquid away from the glass.

Capillary action is evident when a narrow glass tube is lowered into a liquid that has strong
adhesive forces, which pull the liquid to the inner walls of the glass tube up to a point
where the weight of the liquid resists any further upward movement.

Glass coatings of silicone polymers are used to greatly reduce the adhesive forces between
water and glass. Silicone polymers are in the products used on the windshields of cars to
greatly improve visibility during heavy rain.

This capillary effect can produce resistive forces of drag or friction. This depends upon the
charge interaction of the liquid to the surface.

Evaporation is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid break away and
enter the gas phase. The kinetic energy of the molecules in liquid depends on temperature,
just like in gases. A minimum level of kinetic energy must be attained for a molecule to
escape the liquid phase. Therefore, the rate of evaporation increases as the temperature
increases. This is because the additional heat energy that causes an increase in temperature
also causes an increase in the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

Vapor Pressure
Vapor pressure is the partial pressure of vapor (gas) molecules above the surface of a liquid
that is at equilibrium at a specific temperature in a confined container. Vapor pressures
always increase with increasing temperature because the rate of evaporation also increases
with increasing temperature.

This occurs in closed containers because vapor molecules escape the liquid phase, but
cannot escape the container. As more molecules escape the liquid, these additional gas
molecules exert more pressure because of the additional collisions with the inner walls of
the container. These collisions result in a transfer of kinetic energy to the container wall,
which causes condensation (gas molecules cooling and changing to liquid molecules) as
those gas molecules lose kinetic energy and return to the liquid phase.

Easily vaporized liquids are called volatile liquids. High volatility results in a high vapor
pressure. Water is the least volatile liquid and diethyl ether is the most volatile.

Therefore, if the temperature of the mechanical system is sufficient to cause extensive

evaporation, evaporation of the liquid will need to be considered in the analysis of a
uniformly distributed liquid load.

Gases and Ideal Gases
To be considered an ideal gas, the space the individual gas molecules (molecular space)
occupy must be insignificant when compared with the space in between the gas molecules
(intermolecular space). In other words, the gas molecules can have no significant volume.

The intermolecular forces between the gas molecules of an ideal gas are negligible and
are disregarded in calculations. Gas molecules are usually moving so rapidly that their
interactions are not affected by the intermolecular forces. Ideal gases do not exist in the
natural world, but in most cases, real gases act very much like ideal gases.

Ideal Gas Law

If both of these conditions are valid, then the gas acts as an ideal gas and the Ideal Gas
Equation can be used:

Ideal Gas Equation: PV = nRT


P = pressure in atmospheres (atm) or Pascal (Pa)

V = volume in liters (L) or cubic meters (m3)
n = number of moles of the gas in moles (mol)
R = the Ideal Gas Constant with two values, one for (atm) and one for (Pa)
R = 0.0821 L × atm/mol × K or R = 8.3145 J/mol × K
T = temperature in Kelvin (K)

The Ideal Gas Law is a combination of various relationships that were developed between
pressure, volume, and temperature acting on a gas. The relationships that were developed

Boyle’s Law showed that volume is inversely proportional to the pressure: This is at
constant temperature (T) and number of moles of the gas (n).

V∝ or PV = constant or P1V1 = P2V2

Charles’ Law shows that volume is proportional to temperature. This is true at constant
pressure (P) and number of moles of the gas (n).

V ∝ T or = constant or 1 = 2
T T1 T2

Gay Lussac’s Law shows that pressure is proportional to the temperature. This is at
constant volume (V) and number of moles of the gas (n).

P ∝ T or = constant or 1 = 2
T T1 T2

Gay Lussac also determined the law of combining volumes which states that at a given
pressure and temperature, the volumes of gases that react with one another are in the ratios
of small whole numbers.

Avogadro developed a hypothesis related to the number of molecules in a gas.

Avogadro’s hypothesis: Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure
contain equal numbers of molecules.

From this, Avogadro found that approximately 22.4 L (liters) of any gas at 0°C and 1 atm
contained 6.02 × 1023 gas molecules, which is one mole of molecules.

Avogadro’s Law followed his hypothesis and showed that volume is proportional to the
number of moles at constant temperature (T) and pressure (P):

V ∝ n or V = constant × n

Real Gases
A real gas could violate these two above conditions of the gas molecules occupying minimal
space and the gas molecules exhibiting minimal intermolecular force.

This usually happens when pressures are extremely high or the temperatures are extremely
low. Normal pressure is considered 1 atmosphere, the pressure on the Earth’s surface on
a normal day. Normal temperatures are the standard ambient temperature of about 25°C
(298 K).

At extremely high pressures, the first condition is no longer valid. The space the individual
gas molecules (molecular space) occupy is not insignificant when compared with the
space in between the gas molecules (intermolecular space). Therefore, at these very high
pressures, it is not valid to use the ideal gas equations that assume the molecules occupy
no space.

At extremely low temperatures, gases are slowed down to the point that their speed does not
shield them from the influence of the intermolecular forces. Again, the ideal gas equations,
at these extremely low temperatures, are not valid.

Helium contained in balloons

Because of the complication of the equations needed to evaluate a real gas, chemistry
courses usually work with the assumption that all gases act as ideal gases.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain how pressure depends on depth in a static fluid.

2. Find the static fluid pressure with ρ=1,000.0 kg/m3, h = 0.2 m.

3. Find the static fluid pressure with ρ=1,000.0 kg/m3, h = 0.6 m.

4. Explain Pascal’s Principle.

5. Define the difference between an ideal gas and a real gas.

Section 3.11 – Pressure, Center of Pressure

Section Objective
• Explain pressure and center of pressure

This section presents the concepts of pressure, static fluid pressure and the center of
pressure. Pressure is the result of a load applied over a specific area and pressure is defined
as a force per unit area. The static fluid pressure is the pressure that an object experienced
based upon the density of a fluid and the depth within the fluid. A denser fluid has more
mass per unit volume and therefore is heavier. As an object sinks deeper under the surface
of the fluid the amount of fluid above it increases and hence the weight of that amount of
fluid is larger. Therefore the pressure is larger. For analysis purposes the force that is spread
over an area, otherwise known as pressure, can be resolved into a point load. The center of
pressure is the location at which that point load is applied.

Loads and Pressure

There are many situations where a load is distributed over a wide area. The liquid sealants
spread over the surface of the roof of a building or between the floors to reduce water
leakage are examples. The rain that collects on that sealed roof enclosure is another. These
loads are the result of gravity acting on the mass of the material, the sealant or the water.

When the wind acts on the sails of a schooner this is also a distributed load, albeit a force
caused by the aerodynamics and wind.

In all these cases, we are talking about distributed loads of liquids and gases, which are
generally called fluids. The surfaces are being impacted by a large volume of fluid and, in
some cases, are submerged within the fluid.

The force experienced by the surface of an object due to fluids is normally called pressure,
which is the force per unit area.

Pressure = force/area: P =
P = pressure in pascals (Pa) or newtons/square meter (N/m2)
F = force in newtons (N)
A = area in square meters (m2)

The pressure is measured as applied normal to the surface.

The U.S. Customary units for pressure are “pounds per square inch” or psi.

Example 1: Pressure

Given a liquid volume that translates to a force of 100 kN, we need to determine the
pressure on a roof area of 10 m2 and on a roof area of 50 m2.
This is an application of the formula for pressure = force/area: P = .
F 100 kN
For the roof area of 10 m2, the pressure is: P = = = 10 kN/m 2 .
A 10 m 2
F 100 kN
For the roof area of 50 m2, the pressure is: P = = = 2 kN/m 2 .
A 50 m 2
If the specification for the maximum pressure on the roof is 5 kN/m2, only the second
situation would be approved because it is below the specification.

Atmospheric and Gauge Pressure

Standard atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth is 14.7 pounds per square inch
(14.7 psi) in the English System and 101,325 Pascal (101,325 Pa) in the SI System. This is
called one standard atmosphere.

When the pressure in a pneumatic system, for example in tires, is measured using a gauge,
the measurement is the pressure above standard atmospheric pressure. Therefore, actual
total pressure is the gauge pressure plus the atmospheric pressure.

Therefore, the total pressure experienced by a system that is showing a gauge pressure of
35 psi at the surface of the Earth would be 35 psi + 14.7 psi = 49.7 psi. In the SI system
of units, the gauge pressure of 35 psi would be 241,250 Pa. Therefore, the total pressure
would be 241,250 + 101,325 Pa = 342,575 Pa.

Center of Pressure
When the pressure is applied over a surface, the pressure is the same on each small square
surface area of the object.

This is true in all three dimensions. The force per unit area acting on an object submerged
in a fluid is the same at all points around the object at the same depth in the fluid.

This is presented in the formula for static fluid pressure on an object placed into a fluid that
is stable and which has a uniform density. At any specific height in the fluid, the pressure
that is exerted on an object can be obtained at any location around the object using the
following equation.

The static fluid pressure is calculated as:

P = pressure in pascals (Pa), where 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
ρ (Greek letter rho) = fluid density in mass/volume (m/V) (in kg/m3)
g = gravitational acceleration g=9.8 m/s2)
h = depth of fluid in meters (m)
A = horizontal Area of the water in square meters (m2)
V = Volume = Ah in cubic meters (m3)
m = mass = ρV = density × volume in kilograms (kg)

When examining the surface of an object and considering the load applied by a fluid on that
surface, we can resolve the distributed load into a single load at a point similar to resolving
a set of loads acting on a beam or a set of loads acting on a surface.

The point at which a concentrated load applied to the surface is comparable to the distributed
load of the fluid is called the Center of Pressure.

For example, if the fluid is in an evenly distributed layer over a horizontal surface that is a
perfect circle, the center of pressure will also be the center of the circle.

Example 2: Center of Pressure

A uniform layer of fluid is covering a vast area that is the exact shape of a right triangle
with the base length of 10 m and the height of 20 m. Determine the center of pressure.

This uses the same concepts as the centroid of the area of a triangle, which can be obtained
from a book of formulas. The centroid of the area of a right triangle is located at 1/3 the
base (in the x-direction) and 1/3 the height (in the y-direction).

Therefore, the centroid of the area is located at 10/3 m from the edge of the base (the edge
closer to the right angle) and 10/3 m of the height from the bottom. This is also the center
of pressure.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain two examples of typical fluid pressure applications.

2. State the standard units for pressure in SI Units and Customary Units.

3. Write the formula for pressure.

4. Given a force of 40 N and a surface area of 10 m2, define the pressure acting on the

5. Given a load of 150 kN of fluid acting on a perfect circle of surface area 20 m2,
define the center of pressure and the resolved load acting at that point.

Section 3.12 – Pressure in a Stationary Liquid

Section Objective
• Describe pressure in a stationary liquid

This section presents the concept of pressure in a stationary fluid. Most liquid closed systems
that use pressure for transmitting force are considered to have stationary liquid. Within a
stationary liquid, the pressure is generally dependent upon the depth within the fluid. For
any objects that are submerged into a liquid the pressure that the object experiences is
dependent upon the depth within the fluid. Another aspect to fluids and pressures is that
external forces can be multiplied through a hydraulic system just by changing the area
exposed to the pressure. Any external pressure is experienced uniformly throughout the
liquid and therefore a force applied to a small area translates to a pressure. This pressure,
when exposed to a larger area translates to a larger force.

Pressure in a stationary liquid

Pressure, which is a force exerted over a surface (force per unit area), can be transmitted
through a fluid and is felt equally throughout the entire fluid. Because of the mobility of the
molecules in a fluid, fluids are able to exert pressure in any shape container and are able to
transmit pressure over long distances.

In a static (non-moving) fluid, the pressure exerted depends on how far below the surface of
the fluid the pressure is measured, the density of the fluid and the gravitational acceleration.
The pressure in a static fluid results from the weight of the fluid and does not depend upon
the shape of the container, the total mass of the fluid, or surface area of the fluid.

To determine the weight of the fluid, you must first determine the mass. Density is a measure
of mass per unit volume in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3). The volume of the fluid is
usually more easily established using the dimensions of the container.

Consider a fictional container that is massless, shaped like a column and that exists within
a volume of a fluid (see the figure). This container holds a fraction of the fluid, a volume
that is defined by an area of A and the height of h. The volume of the fluid contained in this
fictional column is V = Ah.

Returning to the determination of the mass, we have a fluid with a known density and now
we have the volume. The mass is then equal to the density times the volume, as represented
by the formula .

The weight of the fluid that is contained within this massless container is:

The static fluid pressure is calculated as

P = pressure in pascals (Pa), where 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
ρ (Greek letter rho) = fluid density in mass/volume(m/V) (in kg/m3)
g = gravitational acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2)
h = depth of fluid in meters (m)
A = horizontal Area of the water in square meters (m2)
V = Volume = Ah in cubic meters (m3)
m = mass = ρV = density × volume in kilograms (kg)

Note that for this equation to provide accurate answers the fluid is assumed to be
incompressible. This is an accurate assumption for most fluids, including water.

Notice that in the equation the static fluid pressure depends only on the density of the
fluid, the gravitational acceleration and the height of the fluid above the measuring point.
Though it does depend upon the mass and the volume of the fluid these are both presented
in the formula through the use of density. Therefore the static fluid pressure is the same for
a specific depth within any volume or mass of the fluid. This means that no conceivable
geometric shape for the container changes the basic fact that at a specific depth the pressure
is the same everywhere. It is independent of the shape.

Example 1: Static Fluid Pressure

A container with an area (A) of 60 cm2 has water filled to a height of 30 cm. the density of
water is 1.00 gr/cm3. Determine the static fluid pressure at the top and at the bottom of the

At the top of the container, the static fluid pressure uses the same formula . For a
height of zero, the static fluid pressure at the surface of the water is also zero.

At the bottom of the fluid, the height is 30cm. We use the same formula: .

However, we change the value for density to kilograms per cubic meter.

1 gram = 0.001 kg = 1×10-3 kg. 1 cm = 0.01m and therefore if we cube each side we get
1 cm3 = 0.0000001 m3 = 1×10-6 m3.

density of water = 1 gr/cm3 = 0.001 kg/0.000001 m3

density of water = 1 × 10-3 kg/1 × 10-6 m3 = 1,000 kg/m3

The height of the water is 30 cm = 0.3m. Returning to our equation:

P = ρgh = (1,000 kg/m3) 9.8 m/s2 (0.30 m) = 2,940 kg/m × s2

To get to the units for pressure of newtons per square meter, we need to make a slight
modification. We multiply the units of the numerator and denominator by m.

 2 kg  m  2,940 kg/m × s 2
=P 1,960 kg/m
= × s  2,940 =
2   2
= 2,940 N/m 2
 m × s  m  m

Pascal’s Principle
Pascal’s Principle states

“A change in the pressure of an enclosed incompressible fluid is conveyed undiminished to

every part of the fluid and to the surfaces of its container.”

Pressure is force/area and is presented in newtons per square meter (N/m2). The Pascal
principle shows that if the pressure is transmitted through the fluid, the force that is applied
only depends on the surface area of the fluid to which it is applied. The additional pressure
is not dependent upon the volume, density or depth. The increase in pressure is uniform
throughout the volume of the fluid.

If a force of 20 N is applied over an area of 0.02 m2 of a fluid, the pressure is 1,000 N/m2.
When we examine another section of a surface of 4 m2, the force applied is 4,000 N. The
pressure is the same because 4,000 N/4m2 = 1,000 N/m2.

Therefore, with a small force applied over a small area (also called pressure) and an
incompressible fluid, we can obtain a substantially larger force that can be utilized to do
work. This is how hydraulic pressure systems work.

This calculation assumes the height of the applied pressure is the same. An example is a
U-shaped system, where the initial force is applied at the top of one arm and the resultant
force is available at the top of the other arm.

In the case where the resultant force is available at a different depth, we would need to add
the static fluid pressure to the calculations.

Example 1: Pascal’s Principle

In the U-shaped configuration in the figure, a pressure of 200 kPa is applied downward to
the narrow tube at the left, which has 15 cm2 of surface. The right tube is 3 times the area
of the left tube. Calculate the pressure and force at the surface of the right tube.

Using Pascal’s principle, we know the pressure experienced at the surface of the fluid in
the large right tube is the same as that experienced in the narrow left tube. Therefore, the
pressure is 200 kPa.

The force that must be applied to the left tube in order to obtain a 200 kPa pressure over a
10 cm2 area is calculated as:

Ai = 15 cm2 = 15 (1 × 10-4 m2) = 1.5 × 10-3m2

P= and F = PA, at the input: Fi = PAi = (200 kPa) (1.5 × 10-3 m2) = 300 N
At the output, we have 3 times the area, therefore:

Ao = 45 cm2 = 45 (1 × 10-4 m2) = 4.5 × 10-3m2

This means that the force experienced at the output is:

Fo = PAo = (200 kPa) (4.5 × 10-3 m2) = 900 N

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain how pressure depends on depth in a static fluid.

2. Find the static fluid pressure with ρ=1,000.0 kg/m3, h = 0.6 m.

3. Explain Pascal’s Principle.

4. Describe the convention for angles in mechanical systems.

Section 3.13 – Virtual Work

Section Objective
• Explain virtual work

This section presents the concept of virtual work and virtual displacement. Virtual work
is a tool used in equilibrium analysis to determine equilibrium conditions based on the
potential for displacement, which is the virtual displacement. In a system such as the slider-
crank mechanism a specific set of forces are defined and the objective is to find the position
of the various members of the system to have the system in equilibrium.

Slider-crank mechanism

Real Displacement
In our real world the idea of a displacement is a change of position between time zero (t0)
and some later time (t1). This change in position is a necessary condition for real work to
be performed.

Real Work Formulation

The basic engineering explanation of work is a force applied to an object that causes that
object to move in the direction of the force. If there is no movement in the same direction
as the force there is no work. For example, with circular motion the centripetal acceleration
acting on an object produces centripetal force perpendicular to the direction of movement
and hence there is no work performed.

Work: W = Fd

W = work in joules (J) or newton-meter (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
d = displacement in meters (m)

With real work, there is a real force and a real displacement. The force can be measured and
the displacement can be measured.

Virtual Displacement
In virtual displacement, we establish a random coordinate point in space. We imagine
that the point has infinitesimal changes in position which are arbitrary in direction and
unpredictable in time. This is virtual displacement and can literally be just imagined. It is a
theoretical tool of analysis for engineering studies.

This conceptual problem can be further expanded by defining some constraints on the
movement of our point in space. For example, we can place two points in space and define
that there is a distance between the two points that cannot change. This would be as if there
were a tether connecting the two points so as one moved the other would also move in the
same direction or in an angular movement such that the distance between the points stays
the same.

Therefore the virtual displacement at this stage would be the infinitesimal changes in
position of the point given the constraint that the distance to the other point cannot change.

Virtual Work
Virtual work is the work performed based upon the “potential” virtual displacement. This
is used in mechanical statics to solve equilibrium problems.

Virtual Work: Wv = Fdv

Wv = virtual work in joules (J) or newton-meter (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
dv = virtual displacement in meters (m)

Equilibrium Conditions
On a particle:

The necessary and sufficient condition for the equilibrium of a particle is that zero virtual
work is done by all the working forces acting on the object during any virtual displacement.
This must be consistent with any constraints imposed on the particle – as discussed above.

On a rigid body:

The necessary and sufficient condition for the equilibrium of a rigid body is that zero virtual
work is done by all the external forces acting on the object during any virtual displacement.
This must be consistent with any constraints imposed on the particle – as discussed above.

No virtual work is done by internal forces, by reactions in smooth constraints or by any

forces perpendicular to the direction of motion. Virtual work is done only in reactions when
friction exists.

Applications to Dynamic Equilibrium

The primary application of virtual displacements is in dynamic equilibrium problems where
there is an “anticipated” displacement. Therefore the equations of equilibrium are applied
using infinitesimal displacement changes. A classic demonstration vehicle for virtual work
is the typical crank and piston system that is common in combustion engines and pumps.
This is called the “slider-crank mechanism” which converts rotary motion into back and
forth motion in a piston housing.

Slider-crank mechanism

Example 1: Virtual Work

A slider-crank mechanism like the one in the figure is being analyzed. The shafts are pinned
at points A, B and C. The length of the shaft AB is the same as the length of the shaft
BC, 0.75 m. The weight of shaft AB is 30 N and the weight of the shaft BC is 40 N. This
weight applies a force to move the piston to the right. The force (F) that is opposing this
is 80 N. The objective is to determine the angle θ for the slider-crank mechanism to be in


The first step is to create a free-body diagram. This is a free-body diagram of a dynamic
system and therefore it presents the changes (∆) in the movement in both the x and y

A short explanation of the free-body diagram is necessary.

The origin is defined as point A. Therefore all the changes in position are relative to point

Slider-crank mechanism


The angle θ that each of the shafts experiences with respect to horizontal will always be
the same. (θ1 = θ2)

Horizontal dimensions
xAC = the original length
∆xAC = the change in length (virtual displacement in the –x direction)

Vertical dimensions
yAB = the original height of the centroid for the shaft AB
∆yAB = the change in the height of the centroid for the shaft AB (virtual displacement)
yBC = the original height of the centroid for the shaft BC
∆yBC = the change in the height of the centroid for the shaft BC (virtual displacement)


Ax = the virtual force exerted by the pin support on the shaft AB in the x-direction
Ay = the virtual force exerted by the pin support on the shaft AB in the y-direction

NOTE: The two forces at A perform no work because there is no displacement

F = the force exerted opposing the movement of the piston

Cy = the virtual force exerted by the pin and piston support on the shaft BC in the

NOTE: The vertical force at C performs no work because there is no vertical


The loads of the two shafts (30 N, 40 N) are from the centroid of the respective shaft

It is necessary to express all the positions in terms of the angle θ. To arrive at the “∆” terms
for the different dimensions, the derivations have been omitted.

xAC = 0.5cosθ +0.5cosθ = cosθ
∆xAC = (sin θ)∆θ

yAB = 0.25sinθ
∆yAB = 0.25(cosθ)∆θ

yBC = 0.25sinθ
∆yBC = 0.25(cosθ)∆θ

From the free-body diagram, an increase in the angle θ of ∆θ causes a decrease in the length
of xAC and an increase in the heights of yAB and yBC.

The virtual work done through this virtual displacement is the sum of the virtual work done
by the force (F) and the virtual work done by the weight of the shafts.

∆W = 30 N(∆yAB) – 40 N(∆yBC) – F(∆xAC) = 0

For equilibrium to exist, the sum of the virtual work must be zero.

We replace the terms with the formulas that include the angle θ.

∆W = 30 N(0.25(cosθ)∆θ) – 40 N(0.25(cosθ)∆θ) – 80 N(sinθ)∆θ = 0

All the signs can be changed because they sum to zero:

∆W = +30 N(0.25(cosθ)∆θ) + 40 N(0.25(cosθ)∆θ) + 80 N(sinθ)∆θ = 0

It is necessary to note that ∆θ cannot be zero.

This simplifies to: (7.5cosθ +10 cosθ)∆θ – 80 N(sinθ)∆θ = 0

This gives: (7.5 N + 10 N)cosθ∆θ = 80 N sinθ∆θ

This can be simplified to (17.5 N) cosθ = 80 N sinθ

sin θ 17.5 N sin θ 17.5 N

and further simplified to: =  and the tan θ = = = 0.218 .
cos θ 80 N cos θ 80 N

Solving for θ we have: θ = tan-1 (0.218) = 12.34°.

Therefore, the equilibrium condition requires a positive angle θ of 12.5˚.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain the concept of real displacement.

2. Explain real work and the formula for work.

3. Calculate the work done by a force of 30 N moving an object 50 m.

4. Explain the concept of virtual displacement.

5. Describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for virtual work.

Section 3.14 – Potential Energy

Section Objective
• Describe potential energy and its importance

This section presents the concept of potential energy, which is the energy of position.
In a gravitational field objects increase their potential energy by moving in the direction
opposite the direction that the field would naturally pull the object. On Earth, this means
raising the object up. There is also elastic potential energy which is the energy involved
in spring motion where an object is repeatedly moved from one position by the spring to
another position and back again. These endpoints are where the bob has the maximum
potential energy. There is also a universal gravitational potential energy formula for stellar
objects in space.

Potential Energy
Potential energy is a called the energy of position. This is energy that an object has because
of its physical position in a field such as a gravitational field, or by virtue of its position in
the reflex action of a spring.

Gravitational Potential Energy (near Earth)

Potential energy is described in several ways:

1. as energy stored in a system.

2. as the energy an object has because of its position in a force field (ex. Gravitational
force field).

3. as a restoring force.

Gravitational potential energy uses the formula U = mgh

U = potential energy in joules (J)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
g = the gravitational acceleration of 9.8 meters/second squared (9.8 m/s2)
h = the height above the zero position in meters (m)

Note: 1 J = 1 Nm = 1 (kg × m/s2)m

(1 joule = 1 newton-meter = 1 (kilogram-meter/second2 )(meter)

Near the surface of the Earth, gravitational acceleration (g) is a constant at 9.8 m/s2 (32 ft/s2).
With mass (m) also being a constant under normal conditions the scale of the potential
energy depends only on height.

Therefore U = m(9.8 m/s2)h and where mass and gravity are constant the potential energy
is dependent upon only the height above a location.

In scenario (a) of the illustration, the ball was moved up to a physical height from which
the ball can drop. The floor level is considered the zero position. Therefore, the height of
3 m is the height used in the calculation of potential energy. To get the ball to the height of
3 m, an amount of work must be performed on the ball by a force applied over a distance
(W=Fd, where d=h), which is then equal to the potential energy at that height (h).

Because the calculation of potential energy in each case requires that only the vertical
component of the force be considered, and not the horizontal component, the potential
energy (U) is the same for each of these situations. The kinetic energy of the objects is
affected by the travel paths because they move down to the ground, but all start with the same
potential energy. This is because the gravitational field and the direction of gravitational
acceleration are vertically down.

Example 1: Potential Energy

For an object with a mass of 30 kg, calculate the potential energy for each of the three

Scenario a: height is 3 m. Gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)3 m = 882 J

Scenario b: height is 3 m. Gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s2

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)3 m = 882 J

Scenario c: height is 3 m. Gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s2

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)3 m = 882 J

There is no effect by the horizontal displacement of the path taken to arrive at the position
of 3 m high. This is one result of gravitational potential energy being a conservative force.

Example 2: Potential Energy

Now, looking at scenario c and assuming the potential energy at the top of the steps is 882
J, what is the potential energy at each step?

Each step is 1 meter and there are 3 steps. At the floor the potential energy is zero. Therefore,
the potential energy at each step is 1/3 of the potential energy of the top.

At the first (lowest) step, the height (h) is 1 m.

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)1 m = 294 J

At the second step the height (h) is 2 m.

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)2 m = 288 J

At the third step the height (h) is 3 m.

U = mgh = 30 kg(9.8 m/s2)3 m = 882 J

In the situation where an object is held above a cliff, the potential energy is dependent
upon the height of the cliff above the ground below. Initially, we stated that the ground
position is assumed to be the ground of the Earth. However, the position of the “ground”
level is arbitrary and can be chosen for convenience. In this case, the potential energy is
determined for the difference in position and not for the absolute position about a known
zero point, which is normally the Earth. When the position of the object in the gravitational
field (the gravitational field is a vector; i.e. it has a direction) indicates that when the object
is released, it will travel in the direction of the gravitational field, then the potential energy
is positive.

Here, even if the grassy spot where the woman is standing would normally be considered
at the ground level, we can set the “ground” level at the base of the cliff for convenience

in calculation. The ball is able to move, once released, in the direction of the gravitational
field (i.e. down) towards ground. It therefore has potential energy, which is equal to mgh,
with h being the height from the base (bottom) of the cliff up to the woman’s hand.

Example 3: Potential Energy

For an object of 8 kg, if the woman is standing 400 m above the base of the cliff and she
holds the ball 1.5 m above where she is standing what is the potential energy?

U = mgh = 8 kg(9.8 m/s2 ) 400 m = 31,360 J?

But wait, this is the potential energy of the object at the cliff level, after it has left her hand
(and dropped 1.5 m). The actual potential energy of the object while in her hand is:

U = mgh = 8 kg(9.8 m/s2) 401.5 m = 31,477.6 J

During that 1.5 m drop from her hand to the top of the cliff, 117.6 J of potential energy are
converted to kinetic energy.

Calculating Potential Energy

A more universal definition of potential energy is: the change in potential energy (associated
with a conservative force) is the work done by that conservative force; i.e. W = ∆U; Work
= change in potential energy.

The standard formula for work is W=Fd.

Therefore, when doing work in a gravitational field, this can be considered performing
work on the object in the vertical direction against gravity.

W=Fd = Fh = mah and for a = g this changes to W = mgh.

This formula (W = mgh) is the formula for potential energy in the special case of gravitational
potential energy.

Common situations where potential energy occurs are the elastic potential energy, the
general gravitational potential energy and the electromagnetic potential energy.

Elastic Potential Energy

Starting with potential energy equal to the work done: i.e. W=Fd.

The Force (F) on a spring: F = kx,

F = the force in newtons (N)
x = the distance in meters (m)
k = called the spring constant, a relative measure of the elasticity of the spring in
newtons/meter (N/m).

Therefore, W = kxd (but d = x) and the distance must be averaged, which adds a factor of
½. This gives the elastic potential energy formula:

1 2
U= kx

U = elastic potential energy in joules (J)
x = the distance in meters (m)
k = the spring constant, a relative measure of the elasticity of the spring in newtons/meter

Example 4: Elastic Potential Energy

If 60 N of force causes the spring to stretch 0.3 m, we use F=kx to find the spring constant.

Solving for the spring constant we have:

F F 60 N
k= and  k = = = 200 N/m
x x 0.3 m
1 2
The formula for elastic potential energy is U = kx
1 2 1 1
2 2 2
( )
kx = ( 200 N/m )( 0.3m ) = ( 200 N/m ) 0.09m 2 = 9.0 Nm = 9.0J

General Gravitational Potential Energy

For general gravitational potential energy there is a formula that is more widely applicable
than the formula U = mgh.

Gravitational Potential Energy: U G = − G
U = potential energy in joules (J)
G = the universal gravitational constant:

G = 6.67 × 10-11 N × m2/kg2 = 6.67 × 10-11 m3/kg × s2

m1 and m2 are the masses of two objects in kilograms (kg)
r = the distance between the two object in meters (m)

This applies to objects at a great distance from the earth where the force of gravity is no
longer constant.

Example 5: Universal Gravitational Potential Energy

A person on the surface of the Earth has a mass (m1) of 150 kg. The mass of the Earth (m2)
is 5.98 ×1024 kg. The distance r is to the center of the Earth, assuming the person is standing
on the surface of the planet.

U G = −G
m1m2 −11 2 2
= −6.67 ×10 N ⋅ m /kg ⎜
⎛ (150kg ) 5.98 ×1024 kg ) ⎞⎟
r ⎜ 6,378,000m ⎟
⎝ ⎠

U G = −G
= −6.67 ×10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 ⎜
⎛ 8.97 × 1026 kg ) ⎟⎞
r ⎜ 6,378,000m ⎟
⎝ ⎠

UG = -9.38 × 109 J

Note that using the formula for potential energy U=mgh would give us a value for potential
energy of zero because the height (h) is zero at the surface of the Earth. Also note that the
value for universal potential energy is negative.

Example 6: Universal Gravitation Potential Energy

An object is 5 million meters from the surface of the Earth. The object has a mass (m1) of
150 kg. The mass of the Earth (m2) is 5.98 ×1024 kg. The distance r is to the center of the
Earth and therefore we need to add the radius of the Earth to the distance r.

r = 5,000,000 m + 6,378,000 m = 8,378,000 m

U G = −G
= −6.67 ×10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 ⎜
⎛ (150kg ) 5.98 ×1024 kg ) ⎞⎟
r ⎜ 11,378,000m ⎟
⎝ ⎠

m1m2 ⎛ 8.97 × 1026 kg ⎞

U G = −G = −6.67 ×10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 ⎜ ⎟
r ⎝ 11,378,000m ⎠

UG = -5.26 × 109 J

In this calculation, at a distance 5 million meters from the surface of the Earth, the object
of 150 kg experiences smaller potential energy compared to the level at the surface of the
Earth. Therefore, the quantity of the potential energy decreases as we move further away
from the planet.

Concept Reinforcement
1. Explain how potential energy is the energy of position.

2. Explain gravitational potential energy.

3. Explain elastic potential energy.

4. State the formula for general gravitational potential energy.

5. For an object of 40 kN determine the gravitational potential energy at a height of

20 m and at a height of 130 m.

Section 3.15 – Applications

Section Objective
• List applications of mechanical engineering

This section presents various application; friction, a load on a cable and the static pressure
in a liquid.

Friction Applications
The weight of a block is 1,200 N. The block is on a flat surface and is experiencing an
external force of 900 N at an angle of 30˚ with the horizontal. The coefficient of static
friction of 0.78 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.45.

Force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

The magnitude of the normal force is the sum of the weight of the block plus the fraction
of the external force that is vertically down; N = 1,200 N + 600 N sinθ. With the angle of
30˚ the normal force is:

N = 1,200 N + 600 N sin30 = 1,200 N + 600 N (0.5) = 1,500 N

The force of static friction is: Ffric = μsN = (0.78)(1,500 N) = 1,170 N

This is the horizontal component of the required force; Fcosθ = 1,170 N

Therefore, the amount of force required to exceed the force of friction is:

−1,170 N −1,170 N
=F = = 1,351 N
cos 30° 0.866

In order to get this block to move, 1,351 N of external force must be applied at an angle of

Once the block is moving, the kinetic friction is the resistive force.

Ffric = μkN = (0.45)(1,500) = 675 N.

Again, this is the horizontal component of the required force; Fcosθ = 675 N.

Therefore, the amount of force required to exceed the force of friction is:

−675 N −675 N
=F = = 779 N
cos 30° 0.866

In order to keep this block moving, 779 N of external force must be applied at an angle of

Shear Force and Bending Moments

Here we examine how to quantify the shear forces and bending moments using an example.
The steps that are followed to obtain the solution are the following:

Step 1: Examine the description of the problem.

Step 2: Create a free-body diagram for the problem.

Step 3: Draw the Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram

Step 4: Define the relationships that exist in formulas with the aim to have as many equations
as there are unknown elements (forces and moments).

The length from point A to point C is 40 m and from point A to point B is 16 m. The load
is 50 kN.

Step 1: Description of the Problem

This description of the problem shows that the load is off center to the left, which indicates
that more of the load is supported by the left support. This additional force will be
proportional to the fraction of the length of the beam.

A Horizontal beam with a vertical load at point B
experiences shear forces and bending moments

Step 2: Free-Body Diagram

To create the free-body diagram, we know that under equilibrium conditions, the vertical
load is countered by an equal amount of force in the opposite direction, which is the sum of
the upward forces from the two supports. This assumes that the beam itself does not deform
and only transfers the forces to the supports.

Free-body diagram of the beam

 24 m 
Support Force on
= point A: FA 50
= kN   30 kN
 40 m 

 16 m 
Support Force on
= point C: FC 50
= kN   20 kN
 40 m 

Step 3: Shear Forces and Bending Moments

To understand the shear forces and the bending moments, we examine a portion of the
beam to the left of the load.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the left of the load

The entire beam is in equilibrium and therefore each section of the beam is in equilibrium.
This is the basis of the determination of the shear forces and the bending moments.

Step 4: Define the equations

The beam at a distance “x” from point A experiences a shear force (V) and a bending
moment (M).

To determine the forces, we again turn to the fact that the vertical forces are in equilibrium
and therefore sum to zero. Therefore, the portion of the vertical load is equal and opposite
to the force upward that the beam experiences from the left support.

The portion of the load is 30 kN; i.e. V1 = 30 kN with the direction downward.

The bending moment the beam experiences is determined by the fact that the moments
about the left end must also sum to zero.

Using clockwise as positive, we have:

Sum of moments: V1x – M = 0 and therefore M = V1x.

Including that V1 = 30 kN we have: M = (30 kN)x.

For example, if the distance x = 7 m the solution is M = (30 kN)7 m = 210 kNm.

Now we examine a section of the beam on the other side of the load.

The calculation of the shear force includes the entire load as well as the support force at
point A.

The equilibrium equation for the forces is:

30 kN – 50 kN – V2 = 0; i.e. V2 = (30-50) kN = 20 kN

Therefore, the shear force (V2) is 20 kN upward.

The bending moment that the beam experiences is again determined by the fact that the
moments about the left end at point A must also sum to zero. Using clockwise as positive,
we again have the equilibrium equation for the moments:

Sum of moments: (30 kN)(16 m)+V2x – M = 0 and therefore M = 480 kNm + V2x

Including that V2 = 20 kN we have: M = 480 kNm + (20 kN)x= 480 kNm 20 kN(x)

For example, if the distance x = 17 m the solution is M = 480 kNm + (20 kN)(17 m) =
480 kNm 340 kNm = 140 kNm.

This infers that the direction shown for the moment (counterclockwise) is correct and the
moment is 140 kNm in the counterclockwise direction.

Free-body diagram of a portion of the beam to the right of the load

The Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram is constructed from this data.

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram

Section 1: 0 < x < 16 m

V1 = 30 kN
M1 = 30 kNx

Section 2: 16 < x < 40 m

V2 = 20 kN
M2 = 480 kNm −20kNx

Shear force and bending moment equations describing the two sections

Shear Force Diagram (above) and Bending Moment Diagram (below)

The shear force (V) is constant at 30 kN from the left support to the load and is constant at
20 kN from the load to the right support.

The bending moment increases linearly from zero (0) at the left support to a maximum of
480 kNm at the location of the load (at 16 m), and decreases linearly from the location of
the load to the right support.

Load along a straight line

A bridge with a uniform load (w) of 250 MN/m (250 ×106 newtons/meter) is suspended by
two cables. For a section of the bridge that is 50 m long define the equations that describe
the tension in the cable and the shape of the cable. Assume the angle θ = 30˚.

A load along a section of a suspension bridge

First, the total load is the uniform load (w) measured over the length (x).

wx = 250 MN/m(50 m) = 12.5 ×109 N

To determine the value of the tension T, we use the angle is 30˚, where the sin30° is 0.5.

wx 12.5 ×109 N
Therefore, the tension is: T = = = 25.0 ×109 N
sin θ 0.5
This is the tension of the two cables, so each cable would have ½ of this value.

The tension in a single cable is 12.5 ×109 N.

Again, apply the angle of 30˚ to find the minimum tension T0 where T0 = Tcosθ.

T0 = Tcosθ = 25 × 109 N cos30° = 25 × 109 N (0.866) = 22.0 × 109 N

This is the tension in the pair of cables, hence the value of T for each cable is ½ that shown
above; i.e. 11.0 × 109 N.

w 2
The equation describing the tension is: T = T0 1 + x

Adding the values from above:

The equation describing the tension in both cables is:

9 250 ×106 N/m 2

22.0 ×10 N 1 + x
22.0 ×109 N

This can be approximated for a single cable as:

125 ×106 N/m 2

11.0 ×109 N 1 +
T= x
11.0 ×109 N

1w 2
The shape of the cable is: y = x
2 T0

Adding the values from above (using ½ of the load for each cable):

1  250 ×106 N/m  2 1

=y  =
2  22.0 ×109 N 
1.15 ×10−2 /m x 2 )

The shape of the cable is: y = (5.77 × 10-3/m) x2

Concept Reinforcement
1. The weight of a block of cast iron is 600 N. The block is on a surface at an angle of
20˚, which is also cast iron. The coefficient of static friction between two cast iron
surfaces is 1.1 and for kinetic friction is 0.15. Determine the forces of static friction
and kinetic friction.

2. A bridge with a uniform load (w) of 300 MN/m (300 ×106 newtons/meter) is
suspended by two cables. For a section of the bridge that is 80 m long, define the
equations that describe the tension in the cable and the shape of the cable. Assume
the angle at the upper end is 45˚.

Mechanical Engineering Answer Key – Unit 1

Section 1.1
1. Science is an investigation or analytical approach focused on developing new understanding
of natural phenomena. Science evolved from philosophical studies. Early philosophers tried
to explain things they saw in the world. Philosophers began to develop new ways of asking
and answering questions, which lead to the development of science and the scientific method.
Engineering is a profession that applies scientific knowledge to benefit the world.

2. Engineering benefits from new scientific developments. Likewise, science also benefits
from new engineering developments. Scientists discovered electricity. The engineers put
this to work and created a stable source of transportable energy. This allowed scientists to
do interesting experiments using more complex instruments, which require a stable energy

3. Science generates new knowledge. Engineering is the practical application of this knowledge
solve problems in the real world.

4. Biology is the study of living things, plants, animals and humans. Ecology is the study
of the ecosystem, the impact of man on the environment and searches for solutions to the
challenges of pollution and waste on Earth. Physics is the study of nature with the goal being
to explain the reasons that things behave the way they do. Along with Newtonian mechanics
and quantum mechanics, physics also covers thermodynamics, electromagnetism and the new
theories of relativity.

Mechanical engineering applies the principles of mechanics, which is a branch of physical

science dealing with mechanical interactions between bodies and the interactions of forces
and motion. Statics is a branch of mechanics focused on the analysis of the various forces
active in rigid structure when it is in equilibrium. Dynamics is a branch of mechanics focused
on the analysis of the interrelation between forces and motion of bodies.

Civil engineering focuses on the structures needed for modern society, which includes
buildings, bridges, roads, highways and large infrastructure projects like airports and
hydroelectric facilities.

Genetic engineering uses the principles of genetics and biology in combination with various
engineering disciplines. The engineering disciplines include electrical, mechanical and
hydrodynamic engineering.

Section 1.2
1. The SI base units have been defined as the standard by which all measurements can be
compared. The SI base units, along with the entire system, were developed in 1960 to
provide a uniform system of measures. Before that time, two systems had developed: the
meter-kilogram-second system and the centimeter-gram-second. These were two systems
that developed to reduce the variation in measures. The SI developed to further reduce the
variation in measures internationally.
Physical Quantity Unit Symbol
Length meter m
Time second s
Mass kilogram kg
Temperature Kelvin K
Amount of Substance mole mol
Electric Current ampere A
Luminous intensity candela cd

3. To convert between the SI units (meters) and the US Customary units: 1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 m
(meters). Therefore, to determine the number of meters given the number of feet we multiply
the number of feet × 0.3048.

(21 feet)(0.3048 m/ft) = 6.4 m.

Converting meters to kilometers: 1 m = 0.001 km
Therefore 6.4 m = 0.0064 km = 6.4 × 10-3 km
Converting meters to centimeters: 1 m = 100 cm
Therefore 6.4 m = 640 cm = 6.4 × 102 cm
Converting meters to micrometers: 1 m = 1,000,000 μm
Therefore 6.4 m = 6,400,000 μm = 6.4 × 106 μm

4. To convert between the SI units (meters) and the US Customary units: 1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 m
(meters). Therefore, to determine the number of meters given the number of feet we multiply
the number of feet × 0.3048.

(300 feet)(0.3048 m/ft) = 91.44 m.

Converting meters to kilometers: 1 m = 0.001 km
Therefore 91.44 m = 0.09144 km = 9.144 × 10-2 km
Converting meters to centimeters: 1 m = 100 cm
Therefore 91.44 m = 9,144 cm = 9.144 × 103 cm
Converting meters to micrometers: 1 m = 1,000,000 μm
Therefore 91.44 m = 91,440,000 μm = 9.1444 × 107 μm

Section 1.3
1. A scalar expresses a magnitude of the physical measurement with no direction. A vector
expresses a magnitude of the physical measurement but also includes a direction.

2. When two vectors are in the same direction the addition of the two vectors is simple addition.
Hence, we have 15 west + 5 west = (15 + 5) west = 20 west.

3. When two vectors are in opposite directions but the operation is subtraction this can be
modified and expressed as an addition of the two vectors in the same direction. 10 north – 2
south = 10 north + (−2 south) = 10 north + (+2 north) = 12 north

4. When two vectors are in orthogonal directions (perpendicular) and the operation is addition
this can apply the Pythagorean theorem to determine both the magnitude and direction.
Graphically, the vectors can be added by drawing the first vector to scale and then starting
the second vector from the end of the first. The resultant vector is a vector drawn from the
origin of the first vector to the end of the second vector. Hence, this appears as a right triangle
with the two original vectors as the base sides of the triangle and the resultant vector as the

For the magnitude: Resultant = √(52 + 102) = √(125) = 11.18 units

For the angle: tangent = (opposite side)/(adjacent side) = 5/10 = 0.5/

To determine the angle we obtain the arc tangent (= tan-1). tan-1 (0.5) = 26.5 degrees north

Section 1.4
1. Force is the term that describes the effort to push it or pull an object, or the amount of effort
required to move an object over a distance. Something gets pushed or pulled and it moves.

2. If the velocity of the object changes in any way, either in magnitude or in direction, then an
acceleration is experienced by the object.

3. Because both the amount and the direction of the push or pull carry relevant information, this
infers that the force is directional, which means force is a vector quantity, with magnitude
(amount) and direction.

4. • The object is drawn as a simple geometric shape, usually a box

• All forces are shown as arrows
• The forces are shown acting on the outer edge of the object
• The origin of each force is the geometric center of the object
• The length of the arrow shows the relative magnitude of the forces
• The direction of the arrow shows the direction of the force
• Each force vector is labeled

5. a. F = (10 kg)(30 m/s2) = 300 kg∙m/s2 = 300 N
b. F = (52 kg)(75 m/s2) = 3,900 kg × m/s2 = 3.9 kN

6. a. An object is on a flat plane. It has a force of gravity = 980 N, a normal force which opposes
the force of gravity and a force from the left of 100 N.

b. An object is on a ramp with an incline. It has a force of gravity = 1,000 N, there is a

normal force which opposes the fraction of the force of gravity, a force down the ramp which
is a fraction of the force of gravity and a force of friction of 100 N which is acting opposite
the direction of movement. Define the magnitude of the forces as much as possible.

c. Create a free-body diagram of a person on a snowboard sliding down a hill

Section 1.5
1. “Moment,” in mechanical engineering, is a term used to describe the effect on an object of
a force that is acting on that object at a radial distance from the point of interest. The force
acts in a way to bend the object around the point of interest. A force acts in a perpendicular
direction at a distance from the point. The moment (M) is a vector quantity.

2. Place your right hand on the table with the fingers pointing straight away from your body
and your thumb pointing straight up at a 90° angle from the fingers. Point your fingers in
the direction of the distance (d). Then curl your fingers in the direction of the force as if
wrapping your fingers around a pole with the thumb pointing up along the pole. Here, the
thumb points in the direction of the moment vector.

3. The concept and formula for moment is very similar to that of torque. Moment is a more
general examination of the effects of a force applied at a distance. While sometimes this
causes a rotation at the axis point, it usually just causes stress. Torque, on the other hand, is a
description of the rotational effect of the force applied at a distance and is usually related to a
rotation at the axis.

4. With the formula for the moment being M = Fd the moment M = (300 N)(2 m) = 600 Nm

5. With the formula for the moment being M = Fd the moment M = (300 N)(2 m)(cos30) =
600 Nm (cos30) = 600 Nm (0.866) = 519.6 Nm

Section 1.6
1. Force is vector and, therefore, must be presented with both a magnitude and a direction. For
instance, describing a force as simple 10 N is insufficient. No direction is defined.

2. A vector is presented with a magnitude and direction. A positive direction is opposite to a

negative direction. The negative sign translates to the same force pointing in the opposite
direction. This negative force terminology is applicable, for instance, when a force is applied
to slow a vehicle, or decelerate a car.

3. Vector summation is different from standard algebraic summation. The resultant vector FR is
longer than either of the initial force vectors and the direction is different as well. To sum the
vectors graphically the first vector is drawn to scale in the correct magnitude and direction.
This begins at an origin and the arrow is as long as the magnitude of the vector. We take the
second vector and create a parallel vector that starts at the end (arrow tip) of the first vector.
This is continued with each subsequent vector until all the vectors are lined up end to end.
Then the resultant vector is from the origin of the first vector to the end of the last.

4. Vector 1: F1 = 10 N at 30°; Vector 1 is pointing northeast and both its x- and y-components
are positive.

F1x = F1cosθ; F1 y = F1sinθ
F1x = F1cosθ =10 N(0.866) = 8.66 N
F1 y = F1 sinθ = 10 N(0.5) = 5.0 N

Vector 2: F2 = 20 N at 45°; Vector 2 is also pointing northeast and both its x- and
y-components are positive.

F2x = F2cosθ; F2 y = F2sinθ

F2x = F2cosθ = 20 N(0.707) = 14.14 N
F2y = F2sinθ = 20 N(0.707) = 14.14 N

Vector 3: F3 = 50 N at 135°; Vector 3 is pointing northwest and therefore its x-component is

negative while its y-component is positive.

F3x = F3cosθ; F3 y = F3sinθ

F3x = F3cosθ = 50 N(−0.707) = −35.35 N
F3 y = F3sinθ = 50 N(0.707) = 35.35 N

Resultant vector:
Total of the x-components: 8.66 N + 14.14 N + (−35.35 N) = −12.5 5 N
Total of the y-components: 5.0 N + 14.14 N + 35.35 N = 54.50 N
Magnitude of the resultant vector: FR = √((−12.55)2 +(54.5)2) = √(3127.5) = 55.9 N

To determine the direction we note that the x-component is negative and therefore the
resultant vector must be pointing to the northwest.

The tangent of the angle = 54.5/−12.55 = −4.34

The arc tangent (tan-1) = tan-1(−4.34) = −77°
To define this angle using 0° as directly east this is 180 − 77 = 102.9°
The Resultant force vector is: 55.9 N at 102.9°

Section 1.7
1. The typical method to present a vector in three-dimensional space is to assume that its origin
is at the position (0, 0, 0) and to stated its end point as a position in 3-D space by defining its
coordinates in (x, y, z). Therefore the vector 3, 3, 3 would be a vector that begins at the point
(0, 0, 0) and extends out to the position x = 3, y = 3 and z = 3.

2. To add the three vectors we assume that all coordinates are defined in the order x, y and then z.

x = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 y = 6 + 6 + 2 = 14 z = 9 + 8 + 3 = 20

The resultant vector is defined as (6, 14, 20)

3. This is a way to present the resultant vector as a summation of the three components as
defined by the basis vector. This is simply the coordinate with the basis vector terminology;
i.e. V = 7i + 2j + 9k

4. In the basis vector all axes are orthogonal; i.e. they are all at 90° from each other. The x-axis
is perpendicular to the y-axis and the z-axis. The y-axis is perpendicular to the x-axis
and the z-axis. The z-axis is perpendicular to the y-axis and the x-axis.

The basis vector is defined as:

i is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0)
j is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (0, 1, 0)
k is the vector from (0, 0, 0) to (0, 0, 1)

Magnitude of the x-component: Fx = Fcosα

Fx = the vector along the x-axis of with magnitude from point A to point x1.
α = the angle from the x-axis to the force vector.

Magnitude of the y-component: Fy = Fcosβ

Fy = the vector along the y-axis of with magnitude from point A to point y1.
β = the angle from the y-axis to the force vector.

Magnitude of the z-component: Fz = Fcosγ

Fz = the vector along the z-axis of with magnitude from point A to point z1.
γ = the angle from the z-axis to the force vector.
The angles α, β, and γ are all equal in the basis vector.

Section 1.8
1. Place your right hand on the table with the fingers pointing straight away from your body
and your thumb pointing straight up at a 90° angle from the fingers. Point your fingers in
the direction of the distance (d). Then curl your fingers in the direction of the force as if
wrapping your fingers around a pole with the thumb pointing up along the pole. At this point,
the thumb points in the direction of the moment vector.

2. To simplify the analysis at this stage all objects are assumed to be rigid bodies. This means
that there is no bending of the object and the effects of the forces and moments are felt
equally throughout the object. Contrast this to an object that is flexible or pliable. A force
experienced at one end may not be experienced with the same intensity at the other end.
This would complicate the analysis and, of course, is required at more advanced stages of
mechanical engineering work. For now all objects will only be considered rigid bodies.

3. All forces are vectors and act along a direction called the line of action. In the illustration, the
force is shown in red and the line of action is shown as a dashed line. The object experiences
the force as if it is acting anywhere along the line of action.

4. First determine the cos60° which is 0.5.

Using the component of the force that is perpendicular to the radial distance:
Fcos60° = 300 N(0.5) = 150 N.
Moment = (Fcosθ)r = Frcosθ = 150(0.7 m) = 105.0 Nm
Using the distance (d) that is perpendicular to the line of action of the force,
d = rcos60° = 0.7 m(0.5) = 0.35 m.
Moment = Fd = F(rcosθ) = Frcosθ = 300 N(0.35 m) = 105.0 Nm
In both cases, the moment is perpendicular to the plane described by the line of action of the
force and the radial distance. The direction is counterclockwise.

Section 1.9
1. A couple is a pair of forces that are parallel, but in opposite directions. This pair of forces
creates a moment about a point midway between the parallel lines of action of the forces.

2. Each force is equal and each is r/2 from the center point and therefore the two moments
r r r r r
M 1 = F1 and M 2 = F2 result in a single moment of: M o = F1 + F2 = 2 F = Fr
2 2 2 2 2

3. In all cases the direction will be defined by the right hand rule, perpendicular to the plane that
is defined by the two force vectors that create the couple.

Section 1.10
1. When the resultant forces of two systems are equivalent and the resultant moments are
equivalent then the two systems are equivalent. This can be approached in two ways; either
we can examine two random systems to determine if they are equivalent or we can change a
known system to an equivalent system.

2. A force includes a magnitude and a direction. The force acts along a specific linear track,
called its line of action. The line of action is perpendicular to the radial position to the point
of interest, around which the moment is measured. A parallel force that is at a further radial
distance is not acting along the same line of action. Along this line of action the force can
move without changing the moment about the point of interest.

3. When moving a force off its line of action, a couple must be added to the new force system
in the new location to compensate for the change. Here the original force system includes
a force acting on one point, point A. The objective is to produce an equivalent force system
with an equivalent force at a second point at a distance from point A, which is called point B.

An intermediate stage includes a couple which is created by adding a positive force and a
negative force at point B both parallel to and the same magnitude as the original force at
point A.

The final stage changes the couple (F1 at point A and – F1 at point B) to a moment (MB) at
point B. This is the moment that would be experienced at point B if the force had stayed at
point A.

Section 1.11
1. A linear equation will have variables but no variables in the denominator of a fraction and no
variables with a power higher than 1. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line. When
there are two straight lines in a plane that intersect, the point of intersection is a coordinate (x,
y), which is in the set of solutions for both of these lines. This can be extended to solve three,
four and more simultaneous lines. This intersection point is the solution for both equations
and hence is the solution for the “set” of these two linear equations.

2. The graphical method for solving the problem of the unique (x, y) coordinate that works for
both lines is simply drawing each line on a graph and evaluating where they intersect. The
intersection is the point at which the (x, y) coordinate is in the set of solutions for both of the

3. When solving for the variables in a set of equations the primary goal is to eliminate one of
the variables at a time. This can be done by manipulating one or both equations, and then
using addition (or subtraction) of the two equations to remove one of the variables. This
results in a single equation with a single unknown variable which can then be easily solved
for that variable. Now that this variable is known it can be plugged into either of the initial
equations to solve for the other variable.

4. When solving for the variables in a set of equations, the primary goal is to eliminate one
of the variables at a time. This can also be done by using one of the equations to develop
a substitution, where one of the variables is defined in terms of the other variable and a
constant. This is used to replace the variable in the other equation so that there is only a
single equation with a single unknown which is easily solvable. Now that this variable is
known it can be plugged into either of the initial equations to solve for the other variable.

Section 1.12
1. Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on the
object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on the object is zero.

1. Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0.

When considering two-dimensional equilibrium we have:
Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero and the
sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero. The sum of the
moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a two-dimensional
(x, y) system act in the z-direction. Therefore the object is in equilibrium and is not moving
relative to the external forces and moments. It could also be that everything is moving at
the same velocity. Because the whole object is in equilibrium this infers that a portion of the
object is in equilibrium as well and can be analyzed separately.

2. In order to maintain a consistent treatment for forces and moments, the angles will be defined
from the horizontal vector pointing to the right. This is established as zero degrees (0°) and
the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise direction until the angle of the
vector is pointing again directly to the right. At this point the vector has traversed one full
rotation and is at an angle of 360° which is equivalent to 0°.

3.  Collinear Force System: In a collinear force system all the forces are acting on the exact
same line of action. With a multitude of forces all acting along the same line of action the
forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.
Parallel Force System: In a parallel force system, all the forces act on parallel lines of
action. With a multitude of forces all acting along parallel lines of action, the forces must
sum to zero and the moments must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.
Concurrent Force System: In a concurrent force system all the forces are acting from the
exact same origin. With a multitude of forces all acting along the same line of action the
forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.
General Force System: In a general force system, all the forces are acting in random
directions on the object and produce various moments. With a multitude of forces all acting
along different lines of action the vector sum of the forces and force components must equal
zero for equilibrium to exist. Also, in this case the moments about the z-axis must sum to
zero for equilibrium to exist.

Section 1.13
1. Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on the
object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on the object is zero.
Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0.
When considering three-dimensional equilibrium we have a more complicated set of
requirements for equilibrium to exist:
Mechanical Equilibrium of forces: ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ Fz= 0.
Mechanical Equilibrium of moments: ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ My = 0 and ∑ Mz= 0.
The vector sum of the external forces and force components is zero in the x-direction, in the
y-direction and in the z-direction. Forces in a three dimensional (x, y, z) system act in any
conceivable direction but can be deconstructed and presented as x, y and z components of the

The sum of the moments acting on the object is zero in the x-direction, in the y-direction and
in the z-direction. Moments in a three dimensional (x, y, z) system act in any conceivable
direction but can be deconstructed and presented as x, y and z components of the moment.

2. In order to maintain a consistent treatment for forces and moments, the angles will be defined
from the horizontal vector pointing in the positive direction along an axis. This is established
as zero degrees (0°) and the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise
direction until the angle of the vector is pointing again directly to the right. In a 3D Cartesian
coordinate system, the angle between vectors is what is important when evaluating force and
moment components.

3.  Force System Concurrent at a Point: In a force system that is concurrent at a point all the
forces are acting from the exact same origin. With a multitude of forces all acting along the
same line of action, the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.
Force System Concurrent at a Line: In a force system that is concurrent at a line all the
forces are acting on the exact same axis in the object. With a multitude of forces all acting
along the same line of action the forces must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.
Parallel Force System: In a parallel force system all the forces act on parallel lines of action.
With a multitude of forces all acting along parallel lines of action the forces must sum to zero
and the moments must sum to zero for equilibrium
General Force System: In a general force system all the forces are acting in random
directions on the object and various moments are produced. With a multitude of forces all
acting along different lines of action the vector sum of the forces and force components must
equal zero for equilibrium to exist. Also, in this case the moments about the x, y and z-axes
must sum to zero for equilibrium to exist.

Section 1.14
1. A truss is a support structure used to create mechanical stability. The most basic form of a
truss is three support beams connected in a triangular shape. Under moderate levels of stress,
a triangle will not change shape as easily as other simple geometric shapes like a square.
Therefore, the forces that act on a truss will produce strain and moments in the beams, but
the overall structure will not be seriously affected.

2. There are two major families of truss shapes, which are described by the outer shape of the
overall structure rather than the inner webbing within the structure. The triangular truss is
a very common shape in residential homes and many other applications. The flat shape is
typical of the structure used in floors and flat construction.

3. Under moderate levels of stress, a triangle will not change shape as easily as other simple
geometric shapes like a square. Therefore, the forces that act on a truss will produce strain
and moments in the beams, but the overall structure will not be seriously affected.

4. The top side of the truss bears the load of rain, snow and wind plus the weight of the
structure itself. Therefore, the top beams are in compression as the load presses on the beams.
The smaller webbing beams that rise up and connect to the middle of the top members are
also experiencing the load and compression.
While the load presses down from above, the bottom beams are being pulled from both ends,
experiencing tension. This is the same for the two longer webbing sections that rise to meet at
the peak. They are stretched and therefore experience tension as well.

Section 1.15
1. This is the formula for force where F = ma. The Force (F) = (100 kg)( 9.8 m/s2) =
980 kg × m/s2 = 980 N

2. These two vectors make up the two components of the resultant vector. The magnitude of the
resultant vector is FR = √((173)2 +(100)2) = 200
The angle from the horizontal is found by taking the arc tangent of (100/173) = tan-1(0.578) =
Therefore the resultant vector is: 200 N at 30° Northeast


The normal force as a fraction of the force of gravity (2,500 N) is Fgcos60

FN = Fgcos60 = 2,500 N(0.5) = 1,250 N

The component of the gravitational force that is acting on the block down the ramp is

F1 = Fgsin60 = 2,500 N(0.866) = 2,165 N


This is moving a force off its line of action. Therefore the force that is at the new location is a
parallel force with the same magnitude and direction.

FB = 4,500 N parallel to the original F1.

The moment that is necessary to maintain equilibrium conditions with this move to point B is
a moment that is defined by the force and the distance of separation. M = Fr.

M = Fr = 4,500 N(0.35 m) =1,575 Nm

Mechanical Engineering Answer Key – Unit 2

Section 2.1
1. For the purposes of simplifying mechanical force analysis of trusses, a concept called an
ideal truss is defined. In an ideal truss:

• all sections are weightless; i.e. the weight of the sections do not impact the equilibrium
• all sections lie in a two dimensional plane; i.e. this is only a two dimensional problem
• all sections are connected by smooth pins; i.e. the connections themselves do not change the
forces or moments
• all sections form triangular substructures within the main structure
• all eternal loads are applied only at the joints

The Rigid Body Assumption is also held. This states that the sections and the entire truss acts
as a rigid body (that it does not twist or bend).

2. To analyze the forces acting on an object the standard procedure is to create a free-body
diagram with all the forces acting from the geometric center of the object. Ideally all the
moments would also be translated to the geometric center of the object as well.

For the mechanical analysis of the forces acting on a truss there are two primary procedures:
1. The Method of Joints and 2. The Method of Sections.

The Method of Joints applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act at a joint
(a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of forces
acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Joints is to define the forces and moments
acting at the joints in question. This assumes that the forces are in balance and that the truss
is in mechanical equilibrium; i.e. all forces in all directions sum to zero and all moments in
all directions also sum to zero.

The Method of Sections also applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act
at a joint (a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of
forces acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Sections is to define the force’s action
on the various sections of the Truss. Whether the section in compression or is it in tension is
determined through the Method of Sections.

3. Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on
the object and the sum of the moments acting on the object are both zero. In summary,
this appears as mechanical equilibrium: ∑ F= 0 and ∑ M= 0. When considering two-
dimensional equilibrium, we have:

Mechanical Equilibrium: ∑ F = 0, ∑ F = 0 and ∑ M = 0.

x y z

Fx = a force or force component acting the x-direction in newtons (N)
Fy = a force or force component acting the y-direction in newtons (N)
Mz = a moment due to the forces acting in the x-y plane and acting the z-direction in newton-
meters (Nm)

The vector sum of the external forces and force components in the x-direction is zero and the
sum of the external forces and force components in the y-direction is zero. The sum of the
moments acting on the object in the z-direction is zero. All moments in a two-dimensional (x,
y) system act in the z-direction.

4. In order to maintain a consistent treatment for forces and moments, the angles will be defined
from the horizontal vector pointing to the right. This is established as zero degrees (0°) and
the magnitude of the angle increases in the counterclockwise direction until the angle of the
vector is pointing again directly to the right. At this point the vector has traversed one full
rotation and is at an angle of 360° which is equivalent to 0°.

Section 2.2
1. For the mechanical analysis of the forces acting on a truss there are two primary procedures;
1. The Method of Joints and 2. The Method of Sections.

The Method of Joints applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act at a joint
(a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of forces
acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Joints is to define the forces and moments
acting at the joints in question. This assumes that the forces are in balance and that the truss
is in mechanical equilibrium; i.e. all forces in all directions sum to zero and all moments in
all directions also sum to zero.

The Method of Sections also applies the concepts of an Ideal Truss, assumes all forces act
at a joint (a connection of two or more sections), and assumes all moments are the result of
forces acting at joints. The objective of the Method of Sections is to define the force’s action
on the various sections of the Truss. Whether the section in compression or is it in tension is
determined through the Method of Sections.

2. In the method of sections a line is draw through the truss across several members. This line
can be a straight line or a curved line. The number of members “cut” can be many. After the
truss has been “divided” a free body diagram is made, the x and y components of the forces
are resolved and the equilibrium equations solved.

3. The method of joints starts with the boarder examination of the external forces, defining
the equilibrium conditions of the whole truss with respect to the external forces. Then the
method of joints examines each joint separately, starting from the external forces and
produces a balanced equilibrium condition at each joint in turn until all the forces acting
on all the joints in identified.

In the method of sections, equilibrium conditions are assumed at each fractional section
of the truss. Through this assumption the forces and moments are solved without solving
all the forces and moments in adjoining joints and members. In this way the forces and
moments can be resolved at a section within the truss without first solving all the forces
one at a time starting from the external forces at the end supports (as in the method of
joints). The portion of the truss from the external forces all the way to the members of the
section of interest is considered a single object in equilibrium. Therefore the forces
internal to this portion are not considered in the analysis.

Section 2.3
1. Within mechanical engineering, statics focuses on the analysis of external forces and
moments on structures that are in static equilibrium. In a structure (a physical system) in
static equilibrium, all the sections, components, members, etc. do not move relative to each
other over time. Either the entire system does not move over time or all of it moves at the
same velocity over time. Either way, the relative positions do not change and the way the
subsections experience the external forces does not change over time.

2. Applying mechanical analysis of a structure to problems of statics initially involves

several key assumptions:
• the structure and the substructures are assumed to act as a rigid body (i.e. they do not
• the connecting joints are all smooth frictionless pins (i.e. they do not add or detract
from the externally applied forces or moments)
• the individual sections are weightless (i.e. the loads are only externally applied at the
specific points of application of the external forces).

These assumptions are used in this early mechanical analysis so that major mechanical
principles can be the focus of the analysis. In more advanced mechanical analysis, these
assumptions will be eliminated one by one.

3. The structural members of a mechanical system experience forces in two primary ways: only
at the ends or in more than just at the ends.

An Axial Member is one that experiences the forces only at the ends and the forces can be
summed so that the line-of-action is along the member, which will show that the member is
only in tension or in compression.

A Non-Axial Member is one that also experiences external forces in the center span of
the member and hence the line-of-action of the forces are not only along the length of the
member. In this case, the resultant forces (the sum of the forces) are shown to have a line-of-
action along the member and a line-of-action that is perpendicular to the member.

4. There are two general types of structural support: a pinned joint and a joint that is resting on
a roller. The pinned joint can experience forces in both the x and the y directions and be in
either the positive or negative direction. Supports that rest on a roller can only experience
compression in the single direction. The compression is directed into the support. Because
the roller allows movement in the other direction, these joints experience forces in one
direction only and do not experience moments.

5. The three equilibrium equations for a two-dimensional system are:

A. ∑ Fx = 0 (the sum of the forces in the x-direction is zero)
B. ∑ Fy = 0 (the sum of the forces in the y-direction is zero)
C. ∑ Mz= 0 (the sum of the moments about a point (in the z-direction) is zero)

Section 2.4
1. The center of mass in a two dimensional beam is the location along the beam where ½ the
total mass is to the left and ½ the total mass is to the right. If several point masses are along
a line the center of mass is a point in space at which ½ the total mass is to the left and ½ the
total mass is to the right.

2. To determine the center of mass of a set of masses in a line the first step is to determine
the force associated with each mass. A force is caused by a mass that is accelerated and a
weight on Earth is caused by a mass accelerated by gravity. Once these masses are resolved
into forces the moments that they create about a point are determined. Each force is at a
different distance from this point and therefore creates a different moment. These moments
are summed and then divided by the total force. The result is a location at a distance from
the point at which the same total moment would be created if a force that is equal to the total
force were applied. To determine the actual total mass requires only that the total force be
divided by the acceleration of gravity.

3. To determine the center of mass of a set of forces in a line the moments of the various
forces (a force is caused by a mass that is accelerated by gravity) about a reference point
are determined. Each force is at a different distance from this point and therefore creates
a different moment. These moments are summed and then divided by the total force. The

result is a location at a distance from the reference point at which the same total moment
would be created if a force that is equal to the total force were applied. To determine the
actual total mass requires only that the total force be divided by the acceleration of

4. The centroid of area is the same concept as the center of mass, but applied to a two-
dimensional area rather than a single dimension; i.e. a line. This is also commonly called the
center of gravity or center of mass of the area. This could be considered the balance point
where the area would be able to balance on a point without tipping in any direction.

5. If the object is geometric and the sides can be bisected, then the first step is to draw a line
bisecting each of the various sides. The centroid of the area will be at the intersection of these
lines. If the object is not geometric, i.e. it is not symmetrical, then graphical methods are
much more difficult.

6. The centroid of an area is calculated by dividing the area in one dimension into many parallel
sections. Then the centroid of each area is established, keeping in mind that the center of
mass should be the geometric center of the thin section. These sections are then added
together and divided by the total area. This is done in a similar way to the calculation for the
center of mass, which is the summation of the various centers of mass all divided by the total
mass. Since the mass in an area is uniform, the sum of the area is equivalent to the sum of the
mass (or weight) for each section and for the total area. Note that because the mass density is
uniform, mass is removed from the equations for centroids of area.

Section 2.5
1. The centroid of an area is determined along two axes. First, to determine the x-coordinate
of the centroid of the area the area is divided up into uniform sections and the moments
about the y-axis are determined. These moments are summed and then divided by the total
area. This results in a line parallel to the y-axis at some specific x-coordinate. This line can
be considered the x-coordinate of the centroid of the area. It is a line which bisects the area
with ½ the total area to the right and ½ the total area to the left. Second, to determine the
y-coordinate of the centroid of the area the area is divided up into uniform sections and the
moments about the x-axis are determined. These moments are summed and then divided by
the total area. This results in a line parallel to the x-axis at some specific y-coordinate. This
line can be considered the y-coordinate of the centroid of the area. It is a line which bisects
the area with ½ the total area above and ½ the total area below. Lastly, the centroid of the
area is the point coordinate (x, y) which is the intersection of these two lines.

2. The centroid of the area is equivalent to the center of mass of the object or area with the mass
density of the area is uniform. If the mass density is uniform then a fraction of the area equals
the same fraction of the mass and if a line divides the area with ½ of the total area to the left
and ½ of the total area to the right, this is equivalent to saying that ½ of the total mass is to
the left and ½ of the total mass is to the right.

3. A composite area is a set of shapes, usually geometric, that are joined together to create a
single grouping. For example, using several different sized squares, the grouping will not
appear like a single uniform square but can still be treated as a single total area.

4. The centroid of the area of a composite area is, as with the centroid for a uniform area, the
point coordinate (x, y) at which the area is bisected in both the x and the y directions; i.e. ½
the total area to the right and ½ the total area to the left; ½ the total area above and ½ the total
area below.

5. The formula for the centroid of a composite area is similar to the formula for the center of
mass of a set of point masses. The area moments are calculated in each direction (usually the
x and y direction). An area moment is calculated as the area × distance from a reference point.
These area moments are summed and then divided by the total area. This is done along the
x-axis which results in a x-coordinate with ½ the total area to the left, ½ the total area to the
right. This is done along the y-axis which results in y-coordinate with ½ the total area above
and ½ the total area below. The centroid of the composite area is the point coordinate (x, y)
which is the intersection of these two lines.

Section 2.6
1. A load is the term used for the weight associated with a mass above a mechanical system.
When using early models for mechanical analysis, the load was a single force applied at a
point to the system but it is possible for more than a single external load to be experienced by
the system. These load are always shown as point loads. The units of a point load are always
in the form of force or weight with the most common units being either newtons or pounds.

2. A distributed load is different from a point load. Instead of being applied at a distinct point as
in point loads a distributed load is spread out over a length or even over an area. An example
would be a block that rests on a mechanical system and exposes the system to a force that is
spread out along the entire area of the block. While the block may have a total force of 1000
N that it applies to the mechanical system the fact that the load of the block is distributed
means that no single point on the mechanical system actually experiences exactly 1000 N. If
the contact between the block and the system is a total of 2 meters in length, then the load is
spread over those 2 meters and the system experiences 500 N/m of length.

3. A uniform load is expressed as a force per unit distance and is consistent along the entire
length of the exposure. For example, a uniform load would be expressed as 10 N/m or 400 lb/
ft. A uniformly increasing distributed load is a linearly increasing load and the force per unit
distance changes from point to point along the length that the system is exposed to the force.
For example, a uniformly increasing and distributed load would have a load of 100 N/m at
one end and a load of 1000 N/m at the other end. It would have a triangular shaped set of
force arrows in a free body diagram.

Section 2.7
1. The centroid is the same as the center of mass or the center of gravity. It is calculated using
dimensions of length, rather than mass or force, because several assumptions made are made
as part of these calculations.

Assumption 1 is that the density, the amount of mass per unit volume is constant.

Assumption 2 is that the thickness of the material is constant.

Using these two assumptions, the calculation for centroid in a two-dimensional system
requires only the use of unit area and distance from an axis. The center of mass requires the
use of a mass or force unit in the calculations.

2. A three-dimensional system has four centroids: the x-axis centroid; y-axis centroid; z-axis
centroid; and the overall volumetric centroid, which is located at the intersection of the x, y
and z centroids.
The centroid of a volume is a point within an object at which the 3-dimensional object will
be balanced like a helium balloon in a 3-dimensional space. The centroid about the x-axis
is similar but only applicable in the one dimension. The volume, if positioned on a line
at the x-centroid, will be balanced in that dimension. For the y-centroid, the line will be
perpendicular to the x-centroid line and the z-centroid line and the volume will again be
balanced. For the z-centroid, the line will be perpendicular to both the x-centroid line and the
y-centroid line and the volume will again be balanced.

3. The centroid of a volume is determined using three formulas. One calculates the centroid
about the x-axis, the second about the y-axis and the third about the z-axis.

n n n

∑ xiVi
1 n ∑ yiVi
1 n ∑ zV
i i
1 n
=xc =
i =l
∑ xiVi =yc =
i =l
∑ yiVi =zc =
i =l
∑ zV i i

∑Vi T
i =l
i =l
∑Vi T
i =l
i =l
∑Vi T
i =l
i =l

4. The centroid of a volume is determined using the three formulas for the three centroids about
the 3 Cartesian coordinate axes. One for the centroid about the x-axis, the second about the
y-axis and the third about the z-axis. Each formula takes the sum of the area moments about
an axis and divides this sum by the total area. The result is a coordinate for either the x, y or
z axis. To obtain the centroid of the volume the intersection point of the three centroids about
the Cartesian axes is defined. This is the x-coordinate from the x-centroid, the y-coordinate
from the y-centroid and the z-coordinate from the z-centroid.

5. The calculations take into consideration all three dimensions within a coordinate system. The
calculation of the centroid about each axis is comparable to the calculation of the moment of
the line about each axis.


∑x Li i
1 n
For the x-coordinate of the centroid of a line:
= xc =
i =l
∑ xL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of length × distance of that unit length from the
x-axis. This is then divided by the total length.

∑yLi i
1 n
For the y-coordinate of the centroid of a length:
= yc =
i =l
∑ yL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

This is the sum of the collection of each unit of length × distance of that unit length from the
y-axis. This is then divided by the total length.

∑z L i i
1 n
For the z-coordinate of the centroid of a length:
= zc =
i =l
∑ zL i

∑ Li T
i =l
i =l

Section 2.8
1. The centroid of a line is the point in 3-dimensional space on an oddly shaped 3 Dimensional
line at which the distance of the line in each direction is balanced with an equal amount of
distance in the x, y and z directions.

2. The centroid of an area is point in two-dimensional space which is at the intersection of the
centroid about the x-axis and the centroid about the y-axis of an area.

3. The first Pappus-Guldinus theorem describes a simplified formula for determining the area of
a surface of revolution using the centroid of the line about that axis. The line cannot intersect
the axis of rotation. An example of a surface of revolution would be the outer surface of a
soda can. Using a line in 3-dimensional space at a distance from an axis and rotating this line
about an axis in the y-direction creates a barrel shape in the y-direction. The first Pappus-
Guldinus theorem provides a simplified formula to determine the surface area of the outside
of that “barrel” using the centroid of that line.

4. The second Pappus-Guldinus theorem describes a simplified formula for determining the
volume of a volume of revolution using the centroid of the area about that axis. The area
cannot intersect the axis of rotation. Using an area in 3-dimensional space that is defined
by a central axis and an outside line and rotating this area about an axis in the y-direction
creates a solid barrel shape in the y-direction. The second Pappus-Guldinus theorem provides
a simplified formula to determine the volume occupied by that “barrel” using the centroid of
that area.

5. The formula for the volume of the volume of revolution: V = 2πȳA

V = 2πȳA = 2π(2 m)25 m2 = 314.16 m3

Section 2.9
1. Along a line with several point forces (or masses) the moments of all of these forces about a
reference point can be obtained. These force (or masses) can also be summed. The center of
mass along a line is the point at which the total force (mass) of a set of point forces (masses)
can be applied so that the moments about a reference point is the same as that for all the
individual point forces (masses).

2. The center of mass of an area is the intersection of the center axis of the mass along the
x-axis with the center axis of mass along the y-axis. This is the point in the area at which the
mass on either side of line bisecting the area through this point leaves ½ of the mass of the
object on either side of the line.

3. The center of mass of a volume is the intersection of the center axis of the mass along the
x-axis with the center axis of mass along the y-axis and the center axis of mass along the
z-axis. This is the point in the volume at which the mass on either side of plane bisecting the
volume through this point leaves ½ of the mass of the object on either side of the plane.

4. The centroid of the area is the same as the center of mass for an area when the mass density
of the area is uniform. They are both the point on the area through which a line bisecting the
area will leave ½ of the area (or mass) on either side of the line. When the mass density of
the area is not uniform the centroid of the area will probably not be at the same location as
the center of mass.

5. The centroid of a volume is the same as the center of mass for the volume when the mass
density of the volume is uniform. They are both the point in the volume through which a
plane bisecting the volume will leave ½ of the volume (or mass) on either side of the plane.
When the mass density of the volume is not uniform the centroid of the volume will probably
not be at the same location as the center of mass.

Section 2.10
1. The center of mass of an area is the intersection of the center axis of the mass along the
x-axis with the center axis of mass along the y-axis. This is the point in the area at which the
mass on either side of line bisecting the area through this point leaves ½ of the mass of the
object on either side of the line.

2. The centroid of the area is the same as the center of mass for an area when the mass density
of the area is uniform. They are both the point on the area through which a line bisecting the
area will leave ½ of the area (or mass) on either side of the line. When the mass density of
the area is not uniform the centroid of the area will probably not be at the same location as
the center of mass.

3. A composite area is a collection of separate shapes which are treated as a single unit. If
the separate shapes are geometric then the centroids are relatively easy to determine using
formulas. When they are not geometric shapes the determination of the centroid of the
individual shapes requires advanced math.

4. The center of mass for a composite area is determined similar to the way the center of mass
for a set of point masses on a line is determined. The moments are determined about a
reference point and this total is divided by the total mass (of all three shapes). This results
in a location along that axis at which a point mass would be applied which would results in
the same total moment as that for the set of point masses at different distances. Here, mass
and force are interchangeable because the difference is just the factor of gravity (9.8 m/s2).
For a composite area this set of calculations is performed along the x-axis and then along the
y-axis. These two coordinates form the x, y coordinates of the center of mass for the area.

5. These formulas create “mass” moments (rather than “force” moments) because they use mass
terms in the formula for the moments instead of forces. Using the y-axis (as a reference point
where x = 0) the mass moments are summed and then divided by the total mass. The same is
performed using the x-axis (as a reference point where y = 0).

∑xm i i
The calculation for the center of mass of an area about the y-axis: xc = i =l

i =l

xi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the y-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)
x1m1 + x3 m3
For 3 areas the resulting formula is: xc =
m1 + m3 n

∑ym i i
The calculation for the center of mass about the x-axis: yc = i =l

i =l

yi = the distance to the unit of mass (mi) from the x-axis in meters (m)
mi = the mass of the composite shapes in kilograms (kg)
ym +ym
For 3 areas the resulting formula is: yc = 1 1 3 3
m1 + m3

Section 2.11
1. Inertia is a tendency. It is a measure of how difficult it is to change what an object is doing.

2. When a body is not moving it is inert (has inertia). It will not move without some force
causing it to move. If a body is moving at a constant velocity, there is no change in velocity
from one time to the next. Hence, there is no acceleration, and therefore no force acting on

the body. This moving body also has inertia. In order for it to accelerate, which by definition,
is to change its velocity, a force must be applied to the body.

3. Linear inertia measures the resistance to change in a framework of straight-line motion.

When an object makes a turn this is still considered to be examined in a straight-line
framework because the acceleration and the inertia is examined based on straight-line
directions. Rotational inertia is similar to linear inertia in that it is a measure of resistance to
change. Rotational inertia considers the situation where all the world is turning at the same
number of revolutions per second. What does it mean to “turn” in this situation when we
are all revolving around an axis constantly? Looking at this from a straight-line framework
a mass will only revolve around an axis if the centripetal force is constant and sufficient.
Looking at this from a rotational framework the “moment of inertia” is a measure of the
ability of an object to resist the rotational movement. This is similar to the way mass is a
measure of the ability of an object to resist linear movement.

4. Linear kinetic energy uses the formula: K = 1 mv 2

This is ½ × mass(m) × linear velocity squared (v2)
1 2
Angular kinetic energy uses the formula: K = Iω
This is ½ × moment of inertia (I) × angular velocity squared (ω2)

Here the moment of inertia is equivalent to the mass and the angular velocity is equivalent to
the linear velocity. The units will both be in joules of energy.

Section 2.12
1. The moment of inertia is calculated as the mass × the square of the distance to the center of

Moment of Inertia: I = mr2

I = the moment of inertia in kilogram-meters squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = radial distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass in meters (m)

2. The moment of inertia is the measure of the resistance of an object to a change in movement
in a rotational framework similar to the way mass is a measure of the resistance of an object
to change in movement in a linear framework.

2 2
3. The formula for the moment of inertia of a solid sphere is: I = mr
I = the moment of inertia in kilogram-meters squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = radial distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass in meters (m)

2 2
4. Using the formula: I = mr
2 2 2
( 300 kg )( 0.320=
m ) 12.29 kg × m 2 /s
=I = mr
5 5

Section 2.13
1. All objects exist in the Cartesian coordinate system, which includes x, y, and z axes. This can
be presented in a variety of ways but there are two generally common presentations. One has
the x-axis directed towards the lower right and the y-axis is towards the upper right and the
z-axis is straight up.

2. There are times when the entire coordinate system is shifted by a consistent defined amount
or rotated to a new orientation with respect to the object. Once the coordinate system is
shifted, the moment of inertia about each of the axes in this new position will be different
from that determined using the standard coordinate system.

3. A translated coordinate system is a coordinate system that is shifted linearly along either the
x, y or z axis. A rotated coordinate system leaves the origin in the same location but the axes
are shifted by an angular amount rather than a linear amount. The new axes are at a different
angle from the original coordinate system.

4. With an original set of axes the moment of inertia may be at a magnitude that is incorrect
(either too large or too small) for the application. If the axes are rotated the moment of inertia
about the new axes cane be altered with respect to the original set of axes.

5. The Principal Axes occur when the coordinate system is rotated to a point where the moment
of inertia is minimum about one of the axes. At this point, the moment of inertia is called the
principal moment of Inertia.

Section 2.14
1. The center of mass of an object is the intersection of the center axis of the mass along the
x-axis with the center axis of mass along the y-axis and the center axis of mass along the
z-axis. This is the point in the object at which the mass on either side of a plane bisecting the
object through this point leaves ½ of the mass of the object on either side of the plane.

2. Within the dimensions of an object, there is a position where the moment of inertia about
each axis is at a minimum. This is the center of mass of the object about that specific axis.
This will rarely be the minimum moment of inertia about all the axes at the same time,
because the minimum moment of inertia about all axes at the same time would only occur
with a spherical volume in 3 dimensions. Therefore, there will normally be a minimum
moment of inertia in only one dimension about a specific axis. Because the mass, area or
volume of the object does not change, this minimum moment of inertia will occur where the
distances are at a minimum, somewhere near the center of the object.

3. The formula for the minimum moment of inertia is the moment of inertia at the center of
mass of the object. At any position outside of the center of mass the moment of inertia will be

4. The parallel axis theorem gives a formula for determining the moment of inertia about any
parallel axis if the mass and the minimum moment of inertia are known. The minimum
moment of inertia is the moment about an axis through the center of mass of the object.

Parallel Axis Theorem: Ip = Ic + mr2

Ip = the moment of inertia about a parallel axis in kilogram-meter squared (kg-m2)
Ic = the minimum moment of inertia about an axis in kilogram-meter squared (kg-m2)
m = mass in kilograms (kg)
r = the distance from the axis with a minimum moment of inertia to the new parallel axis in
meters (m).

5. Using the formula for the Parallel Axis Theorem: Ip = Ic + mr2

Ip = Ic + mr2 = 1,000 kg∙m2 + (300 kg)(2 m)2

Ip = Ic + mr2 = 1,000 kg∙m2 + 1,200 kg∙m2 = 2,200 kg∙m2

Section 2.15
1. A frame is a broad family of mechanical support structure that includes other structures such
as trusses. Frames utilize axial and non-axial members, pinned joints and roller supports, etc.

2. The three equations of equilibrium in a two dimensional problem are:

∑ F = 0 (the sum of the forces in the x-direction is zero)

∑ F = 0 (the sum of the forces in the y-direction is zero)


∑ M = 0 (the sum of the moments about a point (in the z-direction) is zero)

3. The three equations of equilibrium in a two dimensional problem are:

∑ F = 0 (the sum of the forces in the x-direction is zero)

∑ F = 0 (the sum of the forces in the y-direction is zero)


∑ F = 0 (the sum of the forces in the z-direction is zero)

∑ M = 0 (the total of the moments about every axis is zero)

4. The centroid of the area is the same as the center of mass for an area when the mass density
of the area is uniform. They are both the point on the area through which a line bisecting the
area will leave ½ of the area (or mass) on either side of the line. When the mass density of
the area is not uniform the centroid of the area will probably not be at the same location as
the center of mass.
2 2
5. This is an application of the formula of the moment of inertia for a sphere: I = mr
2 2 2
400 kg ( 0.75 =
2 2
400 kg 0.5625m
= (
90 kgm 2 )

Mechanical Engineering Answer Key – Unit 3

Section 3.1
1. Friction is the term used to describe the force of resistance to movement. Friction exists
when one surface acts against another. For example, a paperclip will continue to hold sheets
of paper together because of the friction between the clip and the paper. Likewise, if those
sheets of papers are between the pages in a closed book, the friction between the sheets of
paper and the pages of the book holds the sheets in the book.

2. Static friction occurs between two stationary objects. A pair of shoes on the floor, tools on a
workbench, art paint tubes and brushes on an easel, and boxes of birthday presents on a table
all exhibit static friction when they are not moved. They “adhere” to the surface on which
they stand. Remember that once you get a stationary object moving, it seems to move with
less effort. The force of your push exceeded the force of static friction. It required a stronger
push to get it moving initially and that is the effect of static friction.

3. Kinetic friction is a continuous resistive force that acts between objects when they are
moving against each other. Essentially, once the force applied to the object overcomes static
friction, kinetic friction comes into play.

Using the formula for the force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

The magnitude of the Normal force is the same as the weight, 500 N. The direction is
opposite. The normal force is N = -500 N.
Ffric = μsN = (0.78)(-500 N) = -390 N. This is 390 N in the direction opposite the movement.

Therefore, this block requires 390 N of force applied horizontally to get it to move from a
static position.

Ffric = μkN = (0.56)(−500 N) = −280 N.

This is 280 N in the direction opposite the movement. Therefore, once this block is moving it
continues to require 280 N of force applied horizontally to keep it moving.

Force of static friction: Ffric = μsN

The magnitude of the Normal force is the same as the weight, but opposite in sign,
N = −600 N cosθ.

Ffric = μsN = (1.1)(−600 N)(cos(30°)) = −660 N(0.866) = −572 N.

Therefore, this block requires 572 N of force applied at an angle of 30° down the ramp to get
it to move from a static position at this angle. Once the block is moving the kinetic friction is
the resistive force.

Ffric = μkN = (0.15)(−600 N)(cos(30°)) = −90 N(0.866) = −77.9 N.

Therefore, this block requires 77.9 N of force applied at an angle of 30° down to keep it
moving at this angle.

Section 3.2
1. A beam is the term that refers to sections of a support structure. They are normally straight
sections, but there are reasons that they may be other than straight. Beams support a load.
The strength of a beam relates to the amount the beam will bend when a particular load is
placed on the beam. The shape of a beam influences the ability of the beam to withstand a
load and resist bending due to the applied load. A typical beam has a length that is many
times larger than the dimension of the height or width. When discussing the various common
shapes of a beam, this generally refers to the cross section.

2. Most beams carry vertical loads; i.e. loads from above. In virtually all situations where beams
are used, the objective is to transfer the load to vertical supports, such as columns, walls or
other beams.
Compressive Stress: When the load is from the top the upper side of the beam experiences
compressive stress along the horizontal length of the beam. An exaggerated amount of
deflection occurs when the top bends down under the force of the load. This causes the
horizontal compressive stress on the upper ½ portion of the beam.

Tensile Stress: The bottom side of the beam experiences tensile stress along the horizontal
length of the beam. Under the force of the load, the bottom side of the beam extends out with
the deflection. This is the cause of the tensile stress.

Shear Stress: Because the load is centered on the beam and the supports are at the ends of
the beam, there is a strong possibility that shear stress exists within the beam itself.

3. When the load is from the top the upper side of the beam experiences compressive stress
along the horizontal length of the beam. An exaggerated amount of deflection occurs when
the top bends down under the force of the load. This causes the horizontal compressive stress
on the upper ½ portion of the beam. The bottom side of the beam experiences tensile stress
along the horizontal length of the beam. Under the force of the load, the bottom side of the
beam extends out with the deflection. This is the cause of the tensile stress.

4. When the load is centered on the beam and the supports are at the ends of the beam, there is
a strong possibility that shear stress exists within the beam itself. If we divide the beam up
into many vertical layers, we can more readily explain the shear stresses. Starting from the
center and moving to the left, the central layers of the beam, where the load is applied, have
relatively more force pushing the layers down compared to the next layer to the left. The
same concept applies as we move from the center to the right. We see the same situation,
with the center portions experiencing more downward force than those layers to the right.

5. Because the load is being supported by single-point structural supports, the beam experiences
a moment. This is a bending moment, which is sometimes also called internal torque.

Section 3.3
1. Axial force is a force experienced by a structural member in the direction along the length
of the member. Axial force is usually drawn as a tensile force, with the direction moving
out of the member and normal to the cross section of the member. Axial force is the force
experienced by an axial member, which is a member that experiences forces only at the ends.
Using this convention, with the force always pointing out of the axial end, if the value of the
force is positive, it is then a tensile force and if it is negative, it is then a compressive force.

2. Axial force is the force experienced by an axial member, which is a member that
experiences forces only at the ends. Axial stress is measured in force per unit area. Axial
stress is similar to the concept of pressure in a fluid. Both use the same base units of force per
unit of cross sectional area.

3. Mechanical equilibrium is when the sum of the forces is zero. Forces are vectors and
therefore, for equilibrium to exist, the x-components of the various force vectors must sum
to zero. This requirement applies to the y-components of the various force vectors and the
z-components of the various force vectors. Also, all moments must sum to zero as well. The
moments will be in various directions depending upon the plane described by the distance
and the force.

4. Within the structure of a beam, the material can be considered to exist in layers. When there
is a concentrated force (load) acting on a beam at a point, the material at that point will
tend to move in the direction of the force. The material layers around this point will resist
movement and hence there will be a force differential. The layers furthest away from the
point force move least. This differential is called transverse shear stress and is always parallel
to the direction of the acting force.

5. If the beam is experiencing a load but is in equilibrium, this means that the beam is not
moving relative to the outside forces. Within the material of the beam itself the layers of the
material must experience shear forces due to the load. The amount of shear force experienced
will be larger near the load and less at further distance from the load. To counter the load in
each fractional component of the beam a bending moment must exist to maintain equilibrium
– a balance of the effects of the forces and the moments on the fraction of the beam itself.

Section 3.4
1. Axial force is a force experienced by a structural member in the direction along the length
of the member. Axial force is usually drawn as a tensile force, with the direction moving
out of the member and normal to the cross section of the member. Axial force is the force
experienced by an axial member, which is a member that experiences forces only at the ends.
Using this convention, with the force always pointing out of the axial end, if the value of the
force is positive, it is then a tensile force and if it is negative, it is then a compressive force.

2. A non-axial member is a structural section that experiences forces anywhere along the
length of the member. These forces can be experienced at any angle. The result is a more
complicated set of issues related to the forces, stresses, moments and deformation of the

3. Within the structure of a beam, the material can be considered to exist in layers. When there
is a concentrated force (load) acting on a beam at a point, the material at that point will
tend to move in the direction of the force. The material layers around this point will resist
movement and hence there will be a force differential. The layers furthest away from the
point force move least. This differential is called transverse shear stress and is always parallel
to the direction of the acting force.

4. Bending moments (also called internal torque) will be experienced by all portions of the
beam under equilibrium conditions due to the combination of the load pushing down and the
supports pushing up.

Section 3.5
1. A distributed load is actually much more common than point loads and can be visualized
as a block with mass resting on a structural member. The most common distributed load is
the uniform load where a load of constant magnitude (per unit of length) is applied over the
entire length of the beam. The mass of a block experiences the gravitational acceleration and
this creates the weight of the object or load. This load is spread evenly along the beam for the
full length of the block.

2. The free-body diagram for a distributed load no longer shows a single force acting from the
center of the object. This can complicate the equilibrium calculations but there is a common
procedure to return us to a force applied at a point. That is called resolving the distributed
loads and entails finding the centroid of the load (the center of gravity) and determine the
total force applied by the load.

Starting with uniformly distributed loads the centroid is easily found. For a
rectangle or a uniform load “area” the centroid is the intersection of the two
diagonal lines.

3. The centroid of a triangle is also a simple formula of the intersection of two lines,
each at ⅓ from the wider part of the triangle, with one line parallel to one of the
bases of the triangle.

4. The shear force is a fraction of the total load and is proportional to the load. When
examined from the left end the shear force in this section is equal to the vertical
support at point A plus the load/length × the length starting at the distributed load.
This continues until the end of the distributed load.

5. The bending moment that the beam experiences through the length below the
distributed load is also dependent upon the length and the load/length. It is related
to the shear force, which is related to the load/length.

Section 3.6
1. Primarily used as a bridge support, structural cabling is more flexible than solid
structural members. It does, however, have the same material properties in terms
of the amount of stress it can withstand. A cable is a flexible structural support. In
general, a cable is assumed to offer no resistance to bending. Therefore, a cable
cannot transfer bending moments. In addition, because of this assumption, cables
cannot transfer transverse loads and all loads are assumed to be represented as
tensile forces along the cable (normal to the cross sectional area of the cable).

2. Cables can be constructed using several parallel wires braided together along
the length of the wire. They can also be constructed with a solid core with many
parallel wires wound around the core. The primary objective of this construction
is to create a structural element that is more flexible than a beam while also
having the tensile strength comparable to the other structural members. As the
amount of individual wires increases, the tensile strength of the group of wires
which are components of the cable increases.

3.  Galvanized Bridge Wire: This is the basic wire used to produce parallel
wire bridge cables. Various sizes are available, with a typical diameter of
approximately 0.2 cm.

Galvanized Bridge Strand: A bridge strand is constructed of many bridge wires

twisted together to form a single support. The bridge wires may have many
different diameters. The bridge strand may consist of a few or many individual
bridge wires.

Galvanized Bridge Rope: A bridge rope is constructed of several, typically six,

bridge strands. These strands are usually braided around a center core strand.

4.  Linear Transmission (A Bowden cable): Though the cable will have one or more turns
along the path, the cable sheath will be stiffer in order to improve the transmission of a linear
force. This can be a pushing force, which translates to compression on the cable from one
end, transmitting a push to an element at the other end of the cable. This can also be a pulling
force, which translates to tension on the cable from the operator end. This transmits a pull to
the other end of the cable.

Rotational Transmission: In this type of transmission, the cable is moved linearly into
and out of a housing that translates this linear motion into a rotation of a wheel within the

Angular Motion: When there is a need for a structural member to be able to flex in position
and also transmit a turning or twisting motion, the choice is often a type of cable that remains
and includes several “elbow” joints so that the angular motion is possible.

5.  Wire rope cables: Wire rope cables are a braided set of narrow gauge wire with no external
wrapping around the braid. These are extremely flexible, which results in a very low ability
to transmit tensile forces and no ability to transmit compressive forces. These typically
transmit force with low efficiency.

Helix cables: Helix cables consist of a straight core of wires wrapped by one or more layers
of heavier wire. These are very flexible, but this flexibility results in a reduction in the
amount of tensile or compressive forces that can be transmitted. Within the range of loads
that are allowed, these cables are very efficient.

Flat wrap cables: Flat wrap cables also have a core of wires, but the wrapping consists of
one or more flat metal layers. These outer layers provide much stronger structural integrity
and, as a result, flat wrap cables are able to transmit higher tensile and compressive loads
even though these flat wrap cables are much less flexible.

Section 3.7
1. The concept of a load acting along a straight line presents the effect on a cable that is
supporting a load all along its length. This causes the cable to flex and take the shape of a

2. The concept of a load acting along a straight line is most clearly demonstrated by the top
cable of a suspension bridge. The top cable runs at an angle from the top of the vertical
support in the middle of the span of the bridge. It gradually lowers until it reaches the base
supports at the level of the bridge surface itself at one of the ends of the bridge. All along this
cable, and at consistent vertical spacing, are vertical cables. These vertical cables transmit the
load of the bridge uniformly to the cable through the entire length of the cable. Each cable
transmits a uniform fraction of the load to the cable. The total load is the weight of the bridge
itself. As can be seen in the figure of the free-body diagram, the load (w) is the same at each
vertical support cable. This uniform load, with an assumption of a massless cable (the mass
of the cable does not enter into the equilibrium equations), creates a parabolic shape in the

3. The formula for the tension in the cable is: T = T0 1 + 2 x 2

w = the load per unit length in newtons per meter (N/m)
T0 = the minimum tension on the cable in newtons (N)
x = the horizontal distance from the left end in meters (m)

This presents a formula that shows that the tension (T) is equal to the minimum tension T0
when x = 0. Both the load per unit length and the minimum tension on the cable are
constants. Therefore as the distance x increases the tension (T) increases.

1w 2
4. The shape of the cable is: y = x.
2 T0
y = the vertical position of the cable from the ground in meters (m)
w = the load per unit length in newtons per meter (N/m)
T0 = the minimum tension on the cable in newtons (N)
x = the horizontal distance from the left end in meters (m)

The shape that the cable attains as a result of the uniform load is a parabola.

Section 3.8
1. When talking about a load along a straight line, this refers to a cable experiencing a
uniformly distributed load – horizontally uniform distribution. The load is suspended from
the cable all along its length. When talking about loads along cables, this refers to the
deadweight load of the cable itself with no external forces or loads included in the analysis.

2. When examining just the deadweight load of the cable itself, the shape of the cable is similar
to a parabola and called a catenary, but requires a different formula. The word catenary
comes from a term used to describe the shape of a chain or rope hanging between two

w 2
3. The formula for the tension in the cable is: T = T0 1+ s

This presents a formula that show the tension (T ) is equal to the minimum tension T0 when
s = 0. Both the load per unit length and the minimum tension are constant. Therefore, as the
length s increase the tension also increases by a proportional amount.

T0  w  
the cable is: y
4. The shape of =  cosh  x  − 1
w  T0  

y = the vertical position of the cable from the ground in meters (m)
w = the load per unit length in newtons per meter (N/m)
T0 = the minimum tension on the cable in newtons (N)
x = the horizontal distance from the left end in meters (m)
cosh = the hyperbolic cosine

When the distance x is zero the vertical displacement y is also zero. The function cosh
(hyperbolic cosine function) equals 1 when taken for the value of zero (0); i.e. cosh(0) = 1.
The load per unit length and the minimum tension are both constant. Therefore as the
distance x increases the value of cosh rapidly increases resulting in a proportional increase in
the y-displacement.

Section 3.9
1. A cable with discrete loads is typically a cable that is mounted at the two ends with point
loads hanging at random locations along the cable.

2. Three assumptions are applied with cables with discrete loads:

• The deadweight of the cable is small enough to be ignored.
• The cable is ultimately flexible and therefore cannot transmit a moment
• The axial stiffness of the cable is infinite which means the cable will not elongate due to
excessive loads

3. Mechanical equilibrium is a condition of an object where the sum of the forces acting on the
object is zero and the sum of the moments acting on the object is zero. When considering
two-dimensional equilibrium we have mechanical equilibrium: ∑ Fx= 0, ∑ F = 0 and

∑ M = 0.

4. This requires the equations for mechanical equilibrium of the forces: ∑ Fx= 0, ∑ F = 0.

This also requires two equations for mechanical equilibrium of the moments:
The sum of the moments about one end point: ∑ Mz= 0.
The sum of the moments about the random point on the cable: ∑ Mz= 0.

Section 3.10
1. If a liquid is placed in a container the liquid spreads to take the shape of the entire container.
This assumes the container is not moving and has no holes in the walls. Under the influence
of gravity the liquid molecules will fill practically any shaped container. The liquid will flow
in every direction with the end result being that the top surface of the volume will be flat.
This will happen with any container of any shape even if the bottom surface of the container
is irregular.

2. Using the formulas P = F/A and F = mg we have:

P = (500 kg)(9.8 m/s2)/10 m2 = 4,900 N/10 m2 = 490 N/m2 = 490 Pa

3. Using the formula P = F/A we have:

P = (10,000 kg)/5 m2 = 2,000 N/m2

4. The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of the resistance to flow. Honey has a high viscosity
at room temperature and a low viscosity at higher temperature. For a liquid to flow, the
molecules must be able to slide past one another.

In general, the viscosity of a liquid increases with:

• Stronger intermolecular (between molecules) forces of attraction

• A greater ability to form intermolecular (between molecules) bonds, especially involving
several bonding sites per molecule.
• Increasing size and surface area of molecules which also increases intermolecular (between
molecules) forces.
• Longer molecules, because they are more likely to get tangled up with one another which
makes it harder it is for them to flow.

The viscosity of the fluid will impact the speed with which it flows and hence the speed with
which a defined liquid volume over an area will exhibit uniform distribution of the load.
This also impacts how a fluid flows onto or off of a surface. A high viscosity fluid will cause
greater resistance to movement and hence a force of drag or friction that is higher than a low
viscosity fluid.

5. To be considered an ideal gas a gas needs to pass three tests:

• The space the individual gas molecules (molecular space) occupy must be insignificant
when compared with the space in between the gas molecules (intermolecular space).
In other words, the gas molecules can have no significant volume.
• The intermolecular forces between the gas molecules are generally negligible and therefore
can be disregarded in calculations.
• The gas molecules are usually moving so rapidly that their interactions are not affected by
the intermolecular forces.

Ideal gases do not exist in the natural world, but in most cases, real gases act very much
like ideal gases. At extremely high pressures and extremely low temperatures the behavior
of gases begins to diverge from that of an ideal gas but this is rarely experienced. Normal

pressure is considered 1 atmosphere, the pressure on the Earth’s surface on a normal day.
Normal temperatures are the standard ambient temperature of about 25°C (298 K).

Section 3.11
1. A sail on a sailboat is pressed by air acting as a fluid. Water towers are built at an elevation so
that the water fluid pressure forces the water to flow.

2. The standard units for pressure in SI Units are pascals (Pa) which equals newtons/meter2
(N/m2). The U.S. Customary units for pressure are “pounds per square inch” or psi.

3. Pressure = force/area; P =
P = pressure in pascals (Pa) or newtons/square meter (N/m2)
F = force in newtons (N)
A = area in square meters (m2)

F 40 N
4. Pressure = force/area; P
= = =2
4 N/m 2
A 10 m
5. For a circle the center of pressure is located at the radial center. The resolved load acting at
that point is the total load of 150 kN.

Section 3.12
1. In a static (non-moving) fluid, the pressure exerted depends on how far below the surface of
the fluid the pressure is measured, the density of the fluid and the gravitational acceleration.
The pressure in a static fluid results from the weight of the fluid and does not depend upon
the shape of the container, the total mass of the fluid, or surface area of the fluid.

kg ⋅ m/s 2
  P ρ=
2. = gh ( )( )
1, 000 kg/m3 9.8 m/s 2 ( 0.6 =
m ) 5,880
m 2
= 5,880 N/m 2

This equals 5,880 Pa

3. Pascal’s Principle states “A change in the pressure of an enclosed incompressible fluid is

conveyed undiminished to every part of the fluid and to the surfaces of its container.”

The Pascal principle shows that if the pressure is transmitted through the fluid, the force that
is applied only depends on the surface area of the fluid to which it is applied. The additional
pressure is not dependent upon the volume, density or depth. The increase in pressure is
uniform throughout the volume of the fluid.

4. The minimum angle is 0° with the ray pointing directly to the right. The angle increases
counterclockwise. When the ray is pointing directly up the angle is 90°. Pointing directly to
the left this is 180°. When the ray rotates further back to directly right it is 360° with is also
0° when considering this to be a circle.

Section 3.13
1. In our real world the idea of a displacement is a change of position between time zero (t0 )
and some later time (t1). This change in position is a necessary condition for real work to be

2. The basic engineering explanation of work is a force applied to an object that causes that
object to move in the direction of the force. If there is no movement in the same direction
as the force there is no work. For example, with circular motion the centripetal acceleration
acting on an object produces centripetal force perpendicular to the direction of movement and
hence there is no work performed.

Work: W = Fd

W = work in joules (J) or newton-meter (Nm)
F = force in newtons (N)
d = displacement in meters (m)

With real work, there is a real force and a real displacement. The force can be measured and
the displacement can be measured.

3. Applying the formula Work: W = Fd

W = Fd = (30 N)(50 m)=150 Nm

4. In virtual displacement, we establish a random coordinate point in space. We imagine that the
point has infinitesimal changes in position which are arbitrary in direction and unpredictable
in time. This is virtual displacement and can literally be just imagined. It is a theoretical tool
of analysis for engineering studies.

5.  On a particle: The necessary and sufficient condition for the equilibrium of a particle is that
zero virtual work is done by all the working forces acting on the object during any virtual
displacement. This must be consistent with any constraints imposed on the particle – as
discussed above.
On a rigid body: The necessary and sufficient condition for the equilibrium of a rigid body
is that zero virtual work is done by all the external forces acting on the object during any
virtual displacement. This must be consistent with any constraints imposed on the particle –
as discussed above.

No virtual work is done by internal forces, by reactions in smooth constraints or by any

forces perpendicular to the direction of motion. Virtual work is done only reactions when
friction exists.
Section 3.14
1. Potential energy is a called the energy of position. This is energy that an object has because
of its physical position in a field such as a gravitational field, or by virtue of its position in the
reflex action of a spring.

2. Near the surface of the Earth gravitational acceleration (g) is a constant at 9.8 m/s2 (32 ft/s2).
With mass (m) also being a constant under normal conditions the scale of the potential energy
depends only on height. Therefore the gravitational potential energy which uses the formula
U = mgh is equal to U = m(9.8 m/s2)h and where mass and gravity are constant the potential
energy is dependent upon only the height above a location.

1 2
3. The elastic potential energy formula: U = kx
U = elastic potential energy in joules (J)
x = the distance in meters (m)
k = the spring constant, a relative measure of the elasticity of the spring in newtons/meter

This is the potential energy that a bob on a spring has when it is at the positions with the
largest displacement of the spring, either in compression or in extension.

4. For general gravitational potential energy there is a formula that is more widely applicable
than the formula U = mgh.
Gravitational Potential Energy: U G = − G 1 2
U = potential energy in joules (J)
G = the universal gravitational constant:
m1 and m2 are the masses of two objects in kilograms (kg)
r = the distance between the two object in meters (m)

This applies to objects at a great distance from the earth where the force of gravity is no
longer constant.

5. This uses the formula U = mgh which is equal to U = m(9.8 m/s2)h. Here the force is given
which is the mass × gravity. (F = mg)

At a height of 20 m: U = Fh = 40 kN(20 m) = 800 kNm = 800 kJ

At a height of 130 m: U = Fh = 40 kN(130 m) = 5,200 kNm = 5,200 kJ

Section 3.15
1. First, draw the free body diagram.

Second, determine the normal for (FN).

FN = Fgcos20 = (600 N)(0.94) = 563.8 N

From the normal for we can determine both the force of static friction and kinetic friction.

Static Friction: Ff = μFN = 1.1(563.8 N) = 620.2 N

Kinetic Friction: Ff = μFN = 0.15(563.8 N) = 84.57


First, the total load is the uniform load (w) measured over the length (x).

wx = 300 MN/m(80 m) = 24.0 × 109 N

To determine the value of the tension T, we use the angle is 45°, where the sin45° is 0.707.

wx 24.0 ×109 N
Therefore, the tension is:= = = 33.9 ×109 N
sin θ 0.707

This is the tension of the two cables, so each cable would have ½ of this value. For each
cable the tension will be: 1.7 × 109 N.

Again, apply the angle of 45° to find the minimum tension T0 where T0 = Tcosθ.

T0 = Tcosθ
= 33.9 × 109 N cos45° = 33.9 × 109 N (0.707) = 24.0 × 109 N

This is the tension in the pair of cables, hence the value of T for each cable is ½ that shown
above; i.e. 12.0 × 109 N.
 w2 
The equation describing the tension is: = T T0 1 + 2 x 2 
 T0 
Adding the values from above:
The equation describing the tension in both cables is:

( 300 ×10 N/m )


24.0 ×109 N
T= 1+ x2
( 24.0 ×10 N )

This can be simplified to: T =24.0 ×109 N 1 + 1.56 ×10−4 /m 2 x 2 )
(150 ×10 N/m )
This can be approximated for a single cable as: T =
12.0 ×10 N 9
1+ x2
(12.0 ×10 N )

To determine the shape that the cable takes:

1w 2
The shape of the cables is: y = x
2 T0
1  300 ×106 N/m  2 1
Adding the values from above:
= y  9
2  24.0 ×10 N 
1.25 ×10−2 /m x 2 )
The shape of the cables is:
= y ( 6.25 ×10 −3
/m x 2

To determine the shape of the individual cables will require this value to also be divided in

The shape of the cable is:

= y ( 3.13 ×10 −3
/m x 2


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