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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Spinal blocks
Hannu Kokki
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kuopio University Hospital, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

Keywords Summary
adolescent; child; infant; complications;
spinal anesthesia; adverse effects; blood Every anesthetist should have the expertise to perform lumbar puncture
patch; epidural that is the prerequisite to induce spinal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is easy
and effective technique: small amount of local anesthetic injected in the
Correspondence lumbar cerebrospinal fluid provides highly effective anesthesia, analgesia,
Hannu Kokki,
and sympathetic and motor block in the lower part of the body. The main
Department of Anaesthesiology and
Intensive Care, Kuopio University Hospital,
limitation of spinal anesthesia is a variable and relatively short duration of
University of Eastern Finland, FI-70800 the block with a single-injection of local anesthetic. With appropriate use
Kuopio, Finland of adjuvant or combining spinal anesthesia with epidural anesthesia, the
Email: hannu.kokki@kuh.fi analgesic action can be controlled in case of early recovery of initial block
or in patients with prolonged procedures. Contraindications are rare.
Accepted 9 August 2011 Bleeding disorders and any major dysfunction in coagulation system are
rare in children, but spinal anesthesia should not be used in children with
Section Editor: Per-Arne Lonnqvist
local infection or increased intracranial pressure. Children with spinal anes-
doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03693.x thesia may develop the same adverse effects as has been reported in adults,
but in contrast to adults, cardiovascular deterioration is uncommon in chil-
dren even with high blocks. Most children having surgery with spinal anes-
thesia need sedation, and in these cases, close monitoring of sufficient
respiratory function and protective airway reflexes is necessary. Postdural
puncture headache and transient neurological symptoms have been
reported also in pediatric patients, and thus, guardians should be provided
instructions for follow-up and contact information if symptoms appear or
persist after discharge. Epidural blood patch is effective treatment for pro-
longed, severe headache, and nonopioid analgesic is often sufficient for
transient neurological symptoms.

in animals indicate that exposure of the developing

brain to anesthetic agents can lead to neuronal apopto-
Spinal anesthesia was an innovative and popular tech- sis and neurodegeneration, and neurobehavioral and
nique in pediatric anesthesia in the first half of the functional deficits (4). Whether spinal anesthesia may
1900, but then its use decreased significantly, for exam- pose similar or other risk that may cause long-lasting
ple, after the Woolley and Roe case in 1947 and develop- harms to growing body has been neither indicated
ments in general anesthesia (1). The new interest for nor formally evaluated, but some concerns have
the use of spinal anesthesia rose three decades ago been raised with the use of excessive doses of local
when awake spinal anesthesia was introduced for her- anesthetics in neonates (5). However, there is a recent
niotomies in preterm neonates with high risk of apnea interest to used spinal anesthesia, and several centers
associated with general anesthesia (2). However, spinal have described their experiences with spinal anesthesia
anesthesia is a feasible technique not only in neonates (6–9).
but also in older children and adolescents (3). In Kuopio, we have used spinal anesthesia in pediat-
There is a public concern on the safety of general ric patients for the last two decades, and as we do
anesthesia in pediatric patients as experimental studies 400–500 cases annually, we have an experience on

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H. Kokki Spinal blocks

around 10 000 pediatric spinal anesthesias. We do not anesthesia is considered to worsen respiratory function
use spinal anesthesia in newborns, as the technique in (20). Because amino-amide local anesthetics, in con-
small infants was found to be challenging to perform trast to some case reports with amino-esters (21), may
and excessive dose of local anesthetics was needed for not trigger malignant hyperthermia, spinal anesthesia
sufficient blocks. Our method for infants <5 kg of with amino-amide local anesthetics can be used in
body weight is a segmental epidural anesthesia with an malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients (22).
indwelling catheter technique, a technique that allows The benefits of spinal anesthesia are most evident in
a titration of the block and using the catheter for post- the pediatric day-case surgery where there is a close
operative pain relief. co-operation between the surgical and anesthetic teams
The use of spinal anesthesia in pediatric patients has and the amount of time needed to complete the opera-
been recently reviewed by several authors (10–14), and tion is often <60–75 min, which is a typical duration
here, I will discuss some of the topics that may be of a single-injection spinal anesthesia in children (19).
interesting for the pediatric anesthetists. In outpatient setting, the high success rate and
straightforward recovery helps to plan the operative
lists. Spinal anesthesia could be used also in situations
Indications for spinal anesthesia
where there is a limited access for resources. Most chil-
Surgery on the lower part of the body is the main indi- dren live in developing countries (23), and in a situa-
cation for spinal anesthesia in children. In neonates, tion with limited resources, drugs, and equipment,
unsupplemented spinal anesthesia is used for inguinal spinal anesthesia is a safe, simple, and relatively inex-
hernia repair (7). In older children and adolescents, pensive alternative to general anesthesia. A rapid turn-
spinal anesthesia is commonly used for different types over in the operating room and uneventful recovery
of abdominal, inguinal, urological, and lower limb should provide further cost savings (15,24).
procedure (10,11). In addition, spinal anesthesia has
been used for umbilical incisions, such as pyloromyot-
Contraindications to spinal anesthesia
omy (15), and even for pediatric cardiac surgical
patients (16), because in young children, spinal anes- There are absolute and relative contraindications to
thesia is the most effective method in suppressing the spinal anesthesia. It should be avoided in children with
cardiovascular and stress response to surgery. infection at the puncture site, ongoing degenerative
Spinal anesthesia is particularly useful in children in axonal diseases, increased intracranial pressure, and
whom the anesthetist wishes to avoid general anesthe- severe hypovolemia (9). In Kuopio, we do not consider
sia and airway manipulation with endotracheal tube or the presence of a ventricular shunt as a contraindica-
laryngeal mask airway. During and within the first tion to spinal anesthesia if the child’s medical condi-
2 weeks after an acute respiratory infection, endotra- tion is stable. During the last decade, the risks of
cheal anesthesia is associated with an increased risk of spinal hematoma have been one of the main concerns
respiratory complications (17). In these events, spinal in adult patients with intraspinal anesthesia and anal-
anesthesia allows the planned surgery to be performed gesia (25). However, coagulopathy and bleeding dis-
without unexpected cancellations (11). Spinal anesthe- orders are relatively rare in children, and drugs
sia could be used also in children with a known diffi- affecting coagulation function are less frequently used
cult airway (10). However, in these cases, there should in pediatric patients than in adults and elderly patients
be a plan how to provide an open airway if sedation is (26). Although very rare cases of neuraxial hematomas
needed. have been reported in children with diagnostic lumbar
Spinal anesthesia is also feasible technique in chil- puncture (27) and epidural anesthesia (28), spinal anes-
dren with the presence of a full stomach such as in thesia should be safe if there is no positive family or
pediatric patients with lower limb trauma and testicu- patient history for major dysfunction in coagulation
lar torsion (18). The risk of aspiration is low with system (29). However, an alternative anesthetic tech-
spinal anesthesia because protective airway reflexes are nique should be considered when there are difficulties
ensured when no or only light sedation is provided. to identify the subarachnoidal space. A bloody tap
Spinal anesthesia is associated with a relatively low may occur, but there is no need to postpone surgery, if
incidence of emetic episodes, and thus, it is a good there is no history for bleeding disorder (30).
choice for children with increased risk of postoperative Major deformities of the spinal column are relative
nausea and vomiting (11,19). contraindication to spinal anesthesia. However, in
Spinal anesthesia may be used in children with pul- some patients, spinal deformity may compromise the
monary or neuromuscular disease in whom general respiratory function or cause other functional prob-

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Spinal blocks H. Kokki

lems, and in these cases, spinal anesthesia can be con- atives are needed. Ketamine, benzodiazepines, and
sidered as an alternative technique (20). older volatile anesthetics used in conjunction with
The main limitation for the use of spinal anesthesia spinal anesthesia seems to be associated with a signifi-
in children is the limited duration of action. In chil- cantly increased risk of apnea (34). But whether the
dren, single-dose spinal anesthesia does not allow the light sedation with barbiturates (35), as we do in Kuo-
performance of operations lasting over 75–90 min (11). pio, or the two newer inhalation agents, sevoflurane
If the surgery is likely to be prolonged use of spinal and desflurane, are safer in this respect has not been
adjuncts to local anesthetic, combined spinal-epidural formally evaluated. However, before more data are
block or an alternative technique should be considered. available, all high-risk babies should be monitored
Thus, it is important to communicate with the surgeon appropriately whichever type of anesthesia is used.
before a single-shot spinal anesthesia is provided. Some co-operative children want to be awake during
the procedure, and occasionally, spinal anesthesia may
be used without concurrent sedation. In older children,
most important is to provide appropriate information
The aim of sedation is to provide analgesia, anxiolysis, about what is to be done, and familiar and firm assis-
sedation, and motor control during lumbar puncture tance to maintain the position during the lumbar punc-
and the procedure. Analgesia for puncture site is easily ture will minimize the need for sedation. Some
achieved with transdermal local anesthetic such as children like to listen to music or watch videos rather
eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine applied than sleep during the surgery with spinal block. In
into the puncture site for 60 min. Motor control is older children who wish to be sedated small incremen-
important to prevent harms to neural structures while tal doses of midazolam, thiopental, or propofol are
the needle tip is in subarachnoidal space, but also useful to promote sleep, to ensure a calm state, and to
because kicking and fussing may lead to an excessive relieve anxiety and tension. After completion of block,
spread of block (31). only minor doses are needed because spinal anesthesia
To provide safe care, children should be monitored itself has a sedative action and it increases the sensitiv-
closely during sedation. Most important is to monitor ity to sedatives (36).
respiratory function; both oxygenation, with pulse Different types of sedatives may be used, but one of
oximetry, and ventilation, with capnography, should the most interesting drugs at this time is dexmetedomi-
be monitored to detect early any respiratory compro- dine. Dexmedetomidine is a potent, specific, and selec-
mise. Bispectral index and entropia monitoring do not tive a2-adrenoceptor agonist. It has several desirable
provide accurate data on sedation level in infant, but properties for an optimal sedation compound; it
in children 2 years or older, both monitors are useful induces sedation that mimics natural sleep, anxiolysis,
tools to titrated appropriate level of sedation during analgesia, and decreased activity of the sympathetic
spinal anesthesia. In Kuopio, our target ranges for nervous system. Because dexmedetomidine does not
bispectral index and state entropia during intraopera- depress respiratory function, it is a promising com-
tive sedation are 60–70 (32). pound for pediatric sedation (37). However, further
Sedation is not always used. In neonates, awake regio- confirmatory studies are needed to establish the effi-
nal anesthesia does not exacerbate ventilatory distur- cacy and safety of dexmetedomidine in sedation during
bance. Abajian et al. (2) described the technique of pediatric regional anesthesia.
unsupplemented spinal anesthesia in ex-preterm infants
scheduled for herniotomy in 1984, and since then, this
Lumbar puncture
technique has been used in many neonatal units. How-
ever, it has not been established whether the episodes of Dural puncture is performed in the lumbar area, and
apnea as whole can be reduced with this technique. It because the spinal cord ends at L3 in infants and even
has been shown that the risk of apnea is less in neonates lower in some neonates (38), needle placement should
who have spinal anesthesia alone, but if the block fails be at L4/5 or L5/S1 interspace. The intercristal line
or surgery outlasts the duration spinal block benefits of can be used for the identification of safe puncture lev-
awake regional anesthesia are lost if supplementation is els for patients of all ages. The shape of the infants’
needed. Supplementation of spinal anesthesia with seda- and children’s pelvis is more circular, and the position
tives or general anesthetics is associated with a signifi- of the iliaca crest is lower than that is in adults. Thus,
cantly high incidence of apneas (33,34). the line joining the most superior part of iliac crests,
The choice of sedative may also affect the outcome, Tuffier’s line, can be used for orientation also in pedi-
and more prospectively collected data on different sed- atric patients. The iliac crest is at the level of the fifth

58 Pediatric Anesthesia 22 (2012) 56–64 ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

H. Kokki Spinal blocks

lumbar vertebra in young children, and the position is limbs should not be raised, and Trendelenburg posi-
even lower in neonates (39), and a puncture at the in- tion should not be used to avoid unintentional exten-
tercristal level will be below the spinal cord. sion of the spinal block as the respiratory function
The flexibility of a child’s spine and the ready access may be compromised (44,46,47). Five years ago, in
to the intervertebral space make a dural puncture easy Kuopio, a technical assistant raised the legs of an 5-kg
to perform in children; firstly, the skin-spinal space dis- infant having spinal block for inguinal surgery to
tance is short (40), and secondly, the lumbar spinal install a grounding pad for electrocautery into the
canal is fairly wide even in small children, and the lower back, and as a result, spinal block spread into
interpedicular diameter of the spinal canal at lumbar the cervical segments, and the infant needed assisted
level at birth is 70% of the adult size (41). Owing to ventilation for an hour. Thereafter, his recovery was
relatively large spinal canal, the volume of cerebrospi- uneventful.
nal fluid per body weight is twice than that in adults, 4
vs. 2 mlÆkg)1, respectively. This, a larger amount of
Local anesthetics used for spinal blocks
lumbar cerebrospinal fluid, may be one of the reasons
why small children need higher body weight-based In children, spinal anesthesia is commonly used for
doses of local anesthetics, and the duration of the procedures with duration of 60–75 min or less, and in
spinal block is shorter than that in adults. Other sup- most children, (levo)bupivacaine, ropivacaine, and tet-
posed factors for shorter duration of action and higher racaine provide this long-lasting anesthesia (Table 1).
dose requirements are high cardiac index and regional Tetracaine, an amino-ester, and (levo)bupivacaine
blood flow both in the spinal cord and in the epidural and ropivacaine, amino-amide local anesthetics, are
space, and a relatively large surface area of the neural the agents most commonly used in children. The ester
tissues exposed, all of which promote the uptake of and amide compounds differ in regard to the manner
local anesthetic away form the injection site. The ana- in which they are metabolized, their stability in solu-
tomical configuration of the spinal column is flat in tion, and their potential for causing allergic reactions.
young children, and consequently, drugs injected into The amino-esters are hydrolyzed in plasma by pseudo-
the subarachnoid space spread rather evenly and com- cholinesterase, are somewhat unstable in solution and
monly result in a mid-thoracic block (42). a metabolite, aminobenzoic acid, can cause allergic
For spinal anesthesia, the patient is usually posi- reactions. With the amino-amides, allergic reactions
tioned on his side with the back flexed and neck are extremely rare, and the amide compounds undergo
extended. In newborns and small infants, the sitting enzymatic degradation by the liver and are extremely
position is also used. To ensure an open airway, the stable even after prolonged storage.
child’s neck should be extended (43). For spinal anesthesia, the dose of local anesthetic
Before injecting local anesthetic into the subarach- should de calculated on the basis of body weight.
noid space, it is important to ensure a free flow of However, nowadays obesity is common even in youn-
cerebrospinal fluid. To avoid an unintended subdural
injection, the needle should be advanced 1 mm beyond Table 1 Choice of local anesthetic dosages in pediatric spinal
the depth at which cerebrospinal fluid is first seen to anesthesia
flow out of the needle. When necessary, rotating the
needle for 90 will ensure a free flow of cerebrospinal Anticipated
Body duration of
fluid. The injection should be performed slowly,
weight Dose anesthesia
>20 s, to avoid extensive spread of the block (44). Drugs (kg) (mgÆkg)1) (min) References
After the injection, a free flow of cerebrospinal fluid is
determined to ensure continued correct placement of (Levo)bupivacaine –5 0.3–1 65–90 52,56–58,61
6–10 0.4–0.5 75 11,58
the needle (11).
11–20 0.3–0.4 80 11,59
After the local anesthetic has been injected, the sty-
>20 0.25–0.3 85– 11,62
let should be reinserted, and the needle may be left in Ropivacaine –5 0.5–1 45–80 51,52
the position for a few seconds to prevent the drug 6–10 0.5 90 51
from tracking back into the tissues and site of skin 11–20 0.5 90 51
puncture. This is especially suggested in small children >20 0.5 105 51
because a relatively big hole in dura promotes the Tetracaine –5 0.2–0.6 85–105 7
6–10 0.4–0.5 75 35,48
tracking of local anesthetic from the puncture site (45).
11–20 0.3–0.4 80 48
The operative installation after intrathecal injection
>20 0.2–0.3 85– 48
of local anesthetic is also important, and the lower

Pediatric Anesthesia 22 (2012) 56–64 ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 59

Spinal blocks H. Kokki

ger children, and in notably overweight children, doses

Adjuncts to local anesthetics
should be based on ideal body weight to avoid exces-
sive dosages. One of the major limitations of single-injection spinal
The use of isobaric and hyperbaric solutions has anesthesia is the relatively short and highly interindi-
been compared also in pediatric spinal anesthesia, and vidually variable duration on anesthetic, analgesic, and
similar block characteristics were found with both motor block action (48–51). Thus, different classes of
solutions indicating that the baricity may not be that adjuvant are combined with spinal anesthetics to mod-
important for the selection of local anesthetic in young ify the onset, intensity, and duration of spinal block
children as it is in adults (48). (Table 2). Because subarachnoidally injected drugs are
Tetracaine at a dose of 0.4 mgÆkg)1 of body weight in close contact with neural tissue, potential neurotox-
in children 1- to 2-year-old and in preschool children icity should always be considered before injecting any
at a dose of 0.3 mgÆkg)1 provides a sensory block to compounds into the cerebrospinal fluid. Adjuncts
T3–T5 with duration of 80–90 min, but in adoles- should not contain antioxidants and preservatives that
cents, the duration is significantly longer, up to 3 h have a potential for neurotoxicity (55).
In Kuopio, we use isobaric (levo)bupivacaine at a Table 2 Effects of additives to local anesthetics in pediatric spinal
dose of 0.5 mgÆkg)1 of body weight for children 5–10 anesthesia
kg, 0.4 mgÆkg)1 for children 11–19 kg, and 0.3 mgÆkg)1
Compounds Effect on spinal anesthesia References
for those 20 kg or over. These doses produce a sensory
block to the T3–T5 level with duration of 75–85 min Adrenaline Bupivacaine 0.3 mgÆkg)1 + adrenaline 52
(11,48,50). For ropivacaine, the appropriate dose seems 3 lgÆkg)1 (neonates)
to be 0.5 mgÆkg)1 of body weight (51). Recently, much Plain: 50 min
With adrenaline: 95 min
higher doses of (levo)bupivacaine and ropivacaine, up
Bupivacaine 0.8 mgÆkg)1 + adrenaline 56
to 1.2 mgÆkg)1 of body weight, have been suggested
4 lgÆkg)1 (neonates)
for neonates (52), but the safety of these higher doses Plain: 70 min
injected intrathecally has not been established. How- With adrenaline: 80 min
ever, in the dose-finding study where these proposals Tetracaine 0.2–0.3 mgÆkg)1 + adrenaline 2
are based a relatively thick needle, 25 Gauge, was used 2 lgÆkg)1 (neonates)
for lumbar puncture, and the needle was withdrawn Plain: 85 min
With adrenaline: 110 min
immediately after the injection of local anesthetic (52).
Tetracaine 0.3 mgÆkg)1 + adrenaline
Thus, it is likely that local anesthetic should have been
escaped from the intrathecal space owing to the large Plain: 85 min
hole in the dura. Moreover, with the same amount of With adrenaline: 130 min
local anesthetic injected segmentally into the epidural Clonidine Bupivacaine 1 mgÆkg)1 + clonidine 61
space in most neonates a sufficient anesthesia is 1 lgÆkg)1 in neonates
achieved. The safety of these higher doses injected Plain: 70 min
With clonidine: 110 min
intrathecally has not been established. There could be
Bupivacaine 0.2–0.4 mgÆkg)1 + clonidine 62
a risk of neurological damage (5), and cases of high
1 lgÆkg)1 (adolescents)
blocks are reported (7). More data are needed before Plain: 110 min
these higher doses could be recommended for routine With clonidine: 135 min
clinical use. *Analgesia: from 330 to 460 min
Local anesthetics are highly protein bound com- Fentanyl Bupivacaine 0.4 mgÆkg)1 + fentanyl 59
pounds, and because protein concentration in cere- 0.2 lgÆkg)1 (children)
Plain: 80 min
brospinal fluid is low, most of the intrathecally
With fentanyl: 75 min
injected local anesthetic should be protein-free (53).
*Analgesia: from 170 to 220 min
However, after spinal injection, plasma concentra- Bupivacaine 0.4–0.5 mgÆkg)1 + fentanyl 58
tions are very low, and thus, the risk of systemic 0.25–1 lgÆkg)1 (infants)
toxicity is unlikely. In Beavoirs’ study, a single blood Plain: 50 min
sample was obtained at 10 min after intrathecal bupi- With fentanyl 0.25 lgÆkg)1: 55 min
vacaine 1 mgÆkg)1 of body weight, and a total With fentanyl 0.5 lgÆkg)1: 55 min
With fentanyl 1 lgÆkg)1: 55 min
plasma concentrations of bupivacaine were 0.25–
*Analgesia: 70, 95, 95 to >240
0.30 lgÆml)1 and free bupivacaine concentrations only
min, respectively
0.05–0.06 lgÆml)1 (54).

60 Pediatric Anesthesia 22 (2012) 56–64 ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

H. Kokki Spinal blocks

The most commonly used adjuncts are adrenaline, feasible technique for major abdominal, genitourinary,
opioids (fentanyl), and clonidine. Combined with tetra- and lower limb orthopedic surgery (66,67). This tech-
caine and bupivacaine, adrenaline 2–5 lgÆkg)1 of body nique has been used also for inguinal surgery (68), but
weight extends the duration of analgesia by up to 50% it is too complicated for such a minor surgery, and the
(56,57). Low doses of fentanyl, 0.2 lgÆkg)1 of body total dose of local anesthetics should be calculated
weight, have been added to intrathecal bupivacaine. At carefully when different blocks are used in conjunction
these dose levels, fentanyl improves the quality and pro- to avoid risk of systemic toxicity.
longs the duration of spinal block without compromis-
ing the safety of spinal anesthesia (58). Higher doses of
intrathecal fentanyl, 1 lgÆkg)1 of body weight (59), and
intrathecal morphine, 7 lgÆkg)1 (16,60), have also been Recent studies have established that following lumbar
used, but caution is needed at least in day-case surgery puncture and spinal anesthesia, children may develop
owing to the risk of delayed respiratory depression. the complaints similar to those developed in adults.
Preservative-free clonidine at a dose of 1 lgÆkg)1 of However, assessment of signs and symptoms of com-
body weight prolongs the duration of sensory plications in infants and young children is not as easy
and motor blocks by 30 min and postoperative and straightforward as it is among older children and
analgesia by 120 min achieved with bupivacaine in adults. Infants are unable to verbalize their com-
without compromising the hemodynamic stability. plaints, and clinicians may misinterpret physical and
At higher doses, 2 lgÆkg)1, clonidine may induce hypo- behavioral changes suggestive of postpuncture compli-
tension, respiratory depression, and sedation (61–63). cations (11).
The most well known complication of dural puncture
is a position-dependent headache (69). Overall, head-
Alternatives to single-shot spinal anesthesia
ache is a common symptom in children and in surgical
In small infants, spinal anesthesia is a challenging patients whatever type of anesthesia they have had.
technique, and owing to significant interindividual However, the signs and symptoms of postdural puncture
variation in the duration of the block, the anesthetist headache are often easy to detect; it is often bilateral,
must always be ready to deal with inadequate anesthe- develops within the 24 h after lumbar puncture, the
sia and complications (64). In Kuopio, we do not use symptoms occurs or worsens in minutes after assuming
spinal anesthesia in children <5 kg of body weight. In the upright position and disappears or improves in read-
small infants, we used segmental epidural anesthesia ily after resuming the recumbent position. Children may
with an indwelling catheter technique that allows the have nausea and vomiting and associated symptoms from
titration of the optimal dose, and the catheter can be different cranial nerves, such as vertigo, tinnitus, dimin-
used for postoperative pain management in this vulner- ished hearing, and blurred vision, may occur (11,70–72).
able patient group. To reduce the risk of postdural puncture headache,
Continuous spinal anesthesia is not frequently used lumbar puncture should be performed with a small
in children although it has some theoretical advanta- diameter atraumatic needle with a stylet, as thin atrau-
ges. Continuous spinal anesthesia allows the use of a matic needles are associated with the lowest incidence
small initial dose of local anesthetic followed by titra- and severity of puncture complications (45). In Kuo-
tion to the desired level and duration of anesthesia, pio, we use 27-gauge spinal needles with atraumatic tip
giving small additional doses as required. The tech- in children. A short needle allows good accuracy in
nique has been described in some relatively small sam- movement and ensures a minimal dead space; in
ples suggesting that it may have some benefits (16) but infants, 25- to 38-mm needles are sufficiently long, and
also risks of its own, such as leakage of cerebrospinal in small children, we use 50-mm needles. In school-age
fluid alongside the catheter and risk of dura-cutaneous children, a standard length adult spinal needle can be
fistula formation (65). used with a high success rate. The needle should have
Combining spinal anesthesia with continuous epidu- a stylet, and it should be reinserted before needle is
ral blockade a rapid onset and a prolonged duration withdrawn from the subarachnoidal space; this may
of anesthesia can be obtained. With an epidural cathe- decrease the risk of postpuncture complications (45).
ter increments could be given to extend the height and When postlumbar puncture headache develops, the
duration of the initial block achieved with spinal injec- patient should be followed up carefully. Headache gen-
tion, and epidural catheter could be used for the treat- erally undergoes spontaneous resolution within 3–5
ment for postoperative pain following major surgery. days, but in some children, it may last for several days.
Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and analgesia is The first line treatment for severe symptoms is bed

Pediatric Anesthesia 22 (2012) 56–64 ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 61

Spinal blocks H. Kokki

Table 3 Management on postdural puncture headache (refer- whose symptoms do not fit with those of classic post-
ences: 68,71,72) puncture complaints (70–72).
1. Use thin atraumatic needle for lumbar puncture Backache following lumbar puncture and spinal anes-
Incidence with cutting-point needles thesia is common, 5–10% of children may have some
With 25- or 27-gauge needles: 4–5% symptoms in lower back. Overall, backache is a frequent
With 22-gauge needle: 10–15% postoperative complication, and studies indicate that
2. Differential diagnosis necessary the type of anesthesia, regional or general anesthesia,
Headache common complaint after surgery
does not affect its incidence. Thus, it is not known
PDPH should appear or worsen within 15 min after sitting or
standing and improve or disappear within 15 min after lying
whether spinal anesthesia per se is associated with any
Associated symptoms: neck stiffness, tinnitus, hypacusia, increased risk of backache (11). However, in some cases,
photophobia, nausea backache may be a sign of subclinical neurotoxicity of
Develops within 24 h (5 days) after dural puncture the local anesthetic, and children also may develop so-
3. High spontaneous recovery rate and conservative treatment called transient neurological symptoms (73). The symp-
often highly effective toms of transient neurological symptoms appear in a
Bed rest
few hours after a full recovery of spinal block. Transient
Normal hydration—i.v. fluids if p.o. fluids not tolerated
Nonopioid analgesics—paracetamol with NSAID
neurological symptoms consist of pain originating in the
Caffeine—up to 10 mgÆkg)1 per 24 h divided in 2 or 3 p.o. doses, gluteal region and radiating to lower extremities, and
>25 kg: 100 mg · 3 children may describe tingling feelings in the feet (74–
4. Epidural blood patch highly effective for severe and persistent 76). The intensity of pain varies from light to severe,
symptoms and neurologic examination and imagination evaluation
Indicated if severe symptoms do not resolve within 3–5 days or and electropathological testing are often negative (77).
symptoms persist over 7 days
Children may develop transient neurological symptoms
Remove autologous blood aseptically
as often as adults, with bupivacaine the incidence is 3–
Inject blood into epidural space at the same intervertebral space
or one above/below as the lumbar puncture 4%, most often symptoms are mild (11).
Appropriate volume of autologous blood 0.2–0.3 mlÆkg)1 of
body weight
The aim of anesthesia is to provide good operating
rest, normal hydration, nonopioid analgesics, and caf- conditions for the surgeon while minimizing any harm-
feine. If the symptoms persist, an epidural blood patch ful psychological and physiological sequelae for the
should be considered as it is an effective treatment child. Spinal anesthesia produces a dense intra-opera-
(Table 3; 70–72). tive analgesia, and when combined with sedation or
An epidural blood patch is rarely required, but when general anesthesia, it reduces the requirements for
a lumbar puncture has been performed with a cutting- anesthetic agents, muscle relaxants, and opioids intra-
point 25–27 Gauge needle position-dependent head- operatively. Spinal anesthesia allows a fast return to a
ache may persist despite conservative treatment in one bright and alert status and an early return of normal
of 750 children (71). With atraumatic needles, the risk appetite. Because analgesia continues into the early
should be lower. When indicated, an epidural blood postoperative period and nausea and vomiting are
patch is an effective treatment for severe and persisting uncommon following spinal anesthesia, ambulation
symptoms. Autologous blood is removed aseptically and discharge are not delayed.
and injected into the epidural space into the same ver- Severe complications are rare, but a postlumbar punc-
tebra interspace, or one below or one above, where the ture headache and transient neurological symptoms may
lumbar puncture had been performed. The appropriate develop also in children with spinal anesthesia. If these
volume seems to be 0.2–0.3 mlÆkg)1 of body weight. symptoms persist for long term, they may surpass the
This amount of blood compresses the dural sac suffi- benefits of spinal anesthesia and should therefore be
ciently to reverse the decreased pressure in the sub- identified and treated appropriately. Because in young
arachnoidal space. If effective, patients should children, these symptoms may be difficult to perceive,
experience immediate relief of their symptoms, but a parents should be informed and given contact informa-
bed rest and a follow-up for 3 h after the procedure is tion should complications arise after discharge.
recommended to allow a clot formation into the epidu-
ral space. If the symptoms are not relieved, other diag-
noses should be considered before repeating the
procedure. This is especially important in patients This research was carried out without funding.

62 Pediatric Anesthesia 22 (2012) 56–64 ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

H. Kokki Spinal blocks

Conflict of interest
No conflicts of interest declared.

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