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Julian’s Index

Average number of years spent residing in any one house: 1.64

Most years spent in any one house: 4
Most nights spent sleeping outside in a single calendar year: 149
Average number of days spent skiing per year: 44.7
Pairs of skis: 6
Bones broken: 2
As a proportion of major injuries: 1/6
Countries visited: 25
With unique languages: 14
Languages learned: 4
Proficient: 1
Students in graduating high school class: 212
Nationalities: 48
Miles run in a single day: 26.2
Teams captained: 2
Rugby numbers: 4, 7
Highest elevation: 18,255
Hours spent exercising daily to maintain mental health: 2
Weeks spent in the field collecting samples for Paleontology and Geochemistry thesis: 2
Months spent in the lab analyzing samples and collecting data: 2
Years spent analyzing data and literature: 2
Miles rowed: 9,923
Miles biked with clients: 2,831
Current number of bikes: 3.5
Highest commercially run flow through Cataract Canyon of the Colorado River: 61,500
As a percentage of average flow: 878.6
Historic high: 108,000
Largest river trip led: 33
Smallest: 6
Largest concert band: 29
Smallest: 2
Years spent learning and practicing drum kit and percussion: 11
Songs liked on HypeMachine: 4,974
Books currently being read on Kindle: 6
Unread emails on Gmail: 1,941
Dogs that have been pets: 2
Currently: 0
House plants: 7
Daughters: 1
Hours wife spent in labor: 12
Average hours slept pre-2018: 8
Post-2018: 6
Shooting stars seen: 1,183

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