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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Sunday | January 27, 2019

Victim in child
exploitation 4-County weighs broadband
case sues in light of new legislation
CMSD Presley: Co-ops that don’t offer internet service
Plaintiff said district
officials knew about ex-
should ‘be prepared’ to tell members why
By Slim Smith
teacher’s inappropriate

sexual conduct When the Mississippi Legislature

took up a bill that would allow the
By ISABELLE ALTMAN state’s electric cooperatives to provide broadband service to its customers,
the term “high speed” was the opera-
A former Colum- tive word — in more ways than one.
bus Municipal School It took just 10 days from the time the
District student is su- Mississippi Broadband Enabling Act
ing in federal court was sent to committee for its to pass
the district and the both chambers and be sent to Gov. Phil
ex-teacher convicted Bryant for his signature Thursday.
of exploiting him. Bryant is expected to sign the bill into
Michael Jackson, law early this week.
35, was sentenced to Jackson The uncommon speed of the bill’s
seven years in the Mississippi De- passage and its enthusiastic support (it
partment of Corrections last May, passed the House by a 115-3 vote and
four years after a then 17-year-old the Senate by a 52-0 vote) may create
male Columbus High School stu- the assumption that co-ops will soon
dent accused Jackson of soliciting be providing internet service to their
him for sex in 2013. At the time of customers.
his arrest in early 2014, Jackson “We’re asking our customers to be
was a choir teacher at CHS. patient,” said Michael Callahan, CEO
In the victim’s suit, which was of the Electric Cooperative Association
filed Friday, the victim claims Jack- that lobbied hard for the bill on behalf
son and the school district violat- of its 25 member co-ops in the state,
ed his 14th Amendment rights — which represent 1.8 million members.
Jackson by soliciting the student, “We don’t want to dive head-first into a
and the school district by failing to two-foot pool. We need to do this right
protect students and later criticiz- and that means we have to take our
ing the student and his mother for time to really understand what we are
reporting Jackson to police. The getting into.”
victim is asking for damages to be Until the new bill was passed, elec-
determined by a jury.
tric cooperatives were bound by a law
The student is identified only
passed in 1932 that prohibited them
as “K.B.” in the lawsuit. Attorney
from providing anything but electricity
Lilli Evans Bass, of Jackson-based
to members. Now, the co-ops can pro-
Brown Bass and Jeter law firm, is
vide broadband service — but are not
representing him. Bass did not re-
required to do so.
spond to a message from The Dis-
The bill has been championed by
patch by press time.
North District Public Service Com-
According to the complaint,
missioner Brandon Presley and enthu-
school officials and administrators
siastically supported by the Electric
had knowledge that Jackson was
Cooperative Association but closer
harassing the student and did noth-
to home, a spokesman for 4-County
ing to prevent it. It also claims the
Electric Power Association
district failed to appropriately train
said officials are taking a
teachers and staff how to respond
cautious approach.
to and report inappropriate sexual
conduct between teachers and stu- See Broadband, 3A
“Despite knowledge of Jack-
son’s dangerous and exploitative
propensities as a sexual predator,
child molester, and unfit agent, the
school district failed to warn K.B.,
of said propensities,” the complaint
says. “...As a ... cause of this failure
to warn, K.B. has suffered and con-
tinues to suffer severe emotional
See Lawsuit, 8A

Families First seeks

Elmarie Brooks,
project manager
community funding options
for Starkville’s
Families First,
Program at J.L. King Center lost grant The program, hosted
at the J.L. King Center on
speaks during
a community
funding due to federal shutdown North Long Street, relies
on Mississippi Depart-
meeting. The By Alex Holloway grant funding.
meeting was ment of Human Services Even with the end of the
held to find ways funding. The money is ad-
to seek funding shutdown Friday, officials ministered to north Mis-
A 35-day partial feder-
for the program al shutdown has forced at Starkville’s Families sissippi programs, includ-
after it lost a First program doubt they ing the one in Starkville,
grant due to the a Family Centered Pro-
grams initiative to look to will receive the $150,000 through the Family Re-
partial federal
government possible community fund- annual grant that has pro- source Center in Tupelo.
shutdown. ing avenues after learning vided the bulk of their Families First provides
Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff it will no longer receive funding in years past. See Funding, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Inside today Public

1 Who won the popular vote for the Tuesday meetings
U.S. presidency in 2000 by more than Feb. 1: Board of
■ GSDP annual
half a million votes? Aldermen work
2 What is the title of Tony Kushner’s banquet: The Greater
Starkville Development session, 1:15
two-part play about the AIDS crisis?
3 What part of the body does a podia- Partnership hosts its p.m., City Hall
trist specialize in? annual banquet at The Feb. 4: Board of
Emma Rose Lick 4 The 1988 Calgary Olympic Games Mill at 6:30 p.m. For
saw the debut of a bobsled team from Supervisors, 9
Kindergarten, Annunciation information or tickets,
what snowless country? visit
a.m., Oktibbeha

High 57 Low 34
Mostly sunny
5 What does TMZ stand for in TMZ.
County Court-
Answers, 5D Feb. 5: Board of
Full forecast on ■ Exhibit reception:
page 2A. The public is invited to Aldermen, 5:30
a free reception from p.m., City Hall
5:30-7 p.m. at The W’s
Inside Summer Hall for exhibi-
Feb. 12: Plan-
ning and Zoning
Classifieds 5D Lifestyles 1C tions by ceramics artist Don’t miss The Dispatch’s How to
Comics Insert Obituaries 7B Commission,
Stephen Phillips and by Choose special section, a guide to prod-
Crossword 3C Opinions 4,5A multiple media artist ucts and services in the Golden Triangle, 5:30 p.m., City
Dear Abby 2D Scene & Seen 1D Jenna Fincher Donegan. in today’s paper. Hall


2A Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “I don’t want to be mean to them, but it’s really a system
Memos: Facebook allowed that’s overburdened, out of control.”
71-year-old mechanic Terry Rose of Texas on federal

‘friendly fraud’ to profit from kids workers who missed paychecks during the government
shutdown. Story, 7A.

Lawsuit: Company permitted teens

to spend hundreds of dollars buying Ask Rufus
additional features on games
The Associated Press employees’ compensation.
The internal debate
SAN FRANCISCO — about how to address the
Facebook allowed children recurring problem of kids
to rack up huge bills on dig- spending big bucks behind
ital games while the compa- their parents’ backs oc-
ny rejected recommenda- curred from 2010 and 2014
tions for addressing what — a period that included
it dubbed “friendly fraud,” Facebook’s stock market
according to newly released debut in 2012. After going
court documents. public at $38 per share,
The internal Facebook Facebook’s stock plummet-
memos and other records ed by 50 percent, intensify-
were unsealed late Thurs- ing the pressure on CEO
day to comply with a judge’s Mark Zuckerberg and his
order in a federal court case management team to bring
settled in 2016. in more revenue.
The lawsuit, filed in San None of the unsealed
Jose, California, centered on records, however, directly
Courtesy photo
allegations that Facebook tie Facebook’s tolerance of The permanent exhibits at the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Museum are well worth seeing. The mock up
knowingly milked teenag- “friendly fraud” to concerns of the pilot house of a modern Tombigbee River towboat traveling down the river is one of the more popular
ers by permitting them to about its slumping stock exhibits among both young and old.
spend hundreds of dollars price during parts of 2012

Columbus Water/Ways
buying additional features and 2013.
on games such as “Angry A Facebook statement
Birds” and “Barn Buddy” didn’t address its rejection
without their parents’ con- of the recommendations.
sent. Instead, it said the compa-

The documents show ny has offered refunds and Smith- ter with the
Facebook considered mea- changed its practices. sonian river.
sures to reduce the chances “We routinely examine Institu- Rodrigo
of kids running up charges our own practices, and in tion traveling Rangel, pri-
on parents’ credit cards 2016 agreed to update our exhibit on vate secretary
without their knowledge. terms and provide dedicat- waterways to de Soto,
But the company didn’t ed resources for refund re- has opened recorded an
adopt them for fear of under- quests related to purchases at the Agnes account of the
cutting the revenue growth made by minors on Face- Zaiontz Ten- expedition’s
that helps boost the compa- book,” the company said in nessee-Tom- arrival at the
ny’s stock price — and its a statement Friday. bigbee Tombigbee,
Waterway probably in
Transporta- Rufus Ward the Colum-
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH tion Museum bus area. He
on Seventh wrote “The
Office hours: Main line: Street North here in river of Chicaca (Chicka-
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 Columbus. saw) they found over-
Email a letter to the editor? The exhibit focuses on flowing its banks and the
HOW DO I ... n the importance of water Indians on the other side
Report a missing paper? and how almost every- in arms with many white
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? thing we do has some flags” (but they were not
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 connection to water. The flags of Surrender).
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? exhibit actually merges Though Tombigbee
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to into the existing exhibits actually was taken from
community in the museum, some- a Choctaw phrase, it was
Buy an ad?
times making it difficult the Chickasaws who first
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding to distinguish between gave the river a recorded
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- the museum’s exhibits name. The Chickasaw
n 662-328-2471 ment? and the Smithsonian’s. called it the “Ming-oo
n n Download forms at www. The reason the aye-u-py Ok’Hin-nah” exhibits seem to merge or King’s Bath River.
is because of the rela- Edward Fontaine, a
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 tionship of Columbus to draughtsman in the Courtesy photo
water. Columbus is actu- Pontotoc Land Office in The Smithsonian Institution’s Water/Ways exhibit,
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 1848, explained that the which has opened at the Tennessee-Tombigbee Wa-
ally here because of the
Chickasaws believed terway Museum, “explores the relationship (between)
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 Tombigbee River. The people and water.”
town was founded where that the flooding of the
the Military Road Ferry Tombigbee was caused English into Tombeckby display was also provided
SUBSCRIPTIONS crossed the river in 1817. by the Great Spirit taking and then Tombigby and by the U.S. Army Corps
The town grew because a bath. Fontaine also said finally the present day
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE of the availability of water that the Choctaw called Tombigbee.
of Engineers. Three cam-
eras were mounted in the
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 transportation to the port the river “Itte-ombee-eye The Agnes Zaiontz pilot house of a Parker
Online.......................................... of Mobile. Today much ika-abee” or wooden box Tennessee-Tombigbee
making river. That was to towboat which recorded
of the industrial develop- Waterway Transportation
RATES ment that is happening is commemorate learning Museum has permanent
the boat’s journey down
how to construct boxes the river. Screens in
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. related to the availability exhibits telling the story
in which pelts could the life size pilot house
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. of barge traffic on the of the Tombigbee River,
be shipped during the replica provide the visual
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. Tenn-Tom Waterway. its importance in the de-
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. The history of the French fur trade of the velopment of Columbus experience of traveling
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 Tombigbee River is the 1700s. and its importance today down the river on a real
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 history of Columbus. For In 1805, Mississippi in regional economic towboat.
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. thousands of years the Territorial Judge Harry development across Ken- The museum is open
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. river was a trade highway Toulmin wrote that the tucky, Tennessee, Missis- during business hours
for prehistoric Indians. Choctaw called the river sippi and Alabama. Those Monday through Sat-
The earliest reference to “Elome-gabee” or “Box exhibits merge with the urday and admission is
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) the Tombigbee River was Maker’s River” after a Smithsonian’s interactive free. The Smithsonian
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS in the narratives of Her- box maker who formerly Water/Ways exhibit Water/Ways exhibit will
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: nando de Soto’s expedi- lived on some of its head- which “explores the be at the museum, which
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 waters. Other accounts
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., tion which described his relationship (between) is located at 318 Seventh
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 December 1540 encoun- related that the river people and water.” Street North, from Jan.
was named after a creek As good as the Smith- 25 through March 8. For
FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE near Eppes, Alabama, sonian exhibit is, the more information or to
on which a Choctaw box Tennessee- Tombigbee schedule a group tour,
maker lived. It was there Waterway museum is by
call 662-328-8936. The ex-
that in 1736 the French itself well worth seeing.
built a fort they called hibit is a collaborative ef-
One of its most popular
TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Fort Tombecbe. exhibits is the mock up fort of the Agnes Zaiontz
Intervals of clouds and Clouds and sun Much colder; some Partly sunny and not Plenty of sunshine Tennessee-Tombigbee
sunshine snow in the morning as cold Whatever the real of the pilot house of a
story, the French appar- modern Tombigbee Riv- Waterway Transportation
57° 35° 61° 25° 35° 20° 44° 21° 45° 30° Museum, Mississippi Hu-
ently named the river er towboat. It was funded
ALMANAC DATA after a Choctaw word by Parker Towing of manities Council and the
Columbus through 3 p.m. Saturday
TEMPERATURE HIGH LOW for box maker that they Tuscaloosa and is based Smithsonian Institution.
Saturday 53° 25° interpreted as Tombecbe. on one of their boats. Rufus Ward is a local
Normal 55° 33° That evolved under the Assistance with the historian.
Record 82° (1950) 11° (1963)
24 hours through 3 p.m. Sat. 0.00
Month to date 6.19
Normal month to date 4.44
Year to date 6.19
Normal year to date 4.44
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Sat. Stage Stage Chng.
Amory 20 13.78 -1.89
Bigbee 14 10.27 -1.67 Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Columbus 15 10.50 +1.33 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fulton 20 14.49 -1.07 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
Tupelo 21 2.58 -0.37 TODAY MON TODAY MON
In feet as of 24-hr.
7 a.m. Sat. Capacity Level Chng. Boston 45/23/pc 32/28/pc Orlando 57/47/r 61/41/r
Chicago 12/9/pc 35/-3/sn Philadelphia 47/25/pc 39/29/s
Aberdeen Dam 188 164.37 -2.75 Dallas 61/42/s 58/27/pc Phoenix 73/46/s 74/52/pc
Stennis Dam 166 140.80 -2.75 Honolulu 78/64/pc 78/65/s Raleigh 54/34/pc 50/34/s
Bevill Dam 136 136.38 +0.10 Jacksonville 54/40/r 62/37/r Salt Lake City 42/28/pc 38/21/sf
Memphis 52/38/pc 58/21/c Seattle 50/38/pc 54/36/pc
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES
Today 5:31a 11:43a 5:56p ----
Mon. 6:19a 12:08a 6:43p 12:31p Sunrise 6:54 a.m. 6:53 a.m. The history of the Tombigbee River is the history of Columbus. It is because of the
Sunset 5:20 p.m. 5:21 p.m. river that Columbus was founded and much of Columbus’ economic development
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise none 12:43 a.m.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 11:24 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Jan 27 Feb 4 Feb 12 Feb 19
today is related to the river. The Smithsonian’s Water/Ways exhibit examines the
relationship of people and water.
Sunday, January 27, 2019 3A


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Continued from Page 1A
“We have to be re- optics should be incentive
sponsible,’’ said 4-County ‘At the end of the day, we’re not an internet company. We have a for co-ops to commit to
spokesperson Jon Turner.
“We’ve seen (this legisla-
job to do and that job is to provide reliable, affordable power to our the program while federal
funds are available.
tion) coming for a while
and had already commis-
customers. As much as people may want broadband, we can’t lose “What I will say is this:
The ball is in the court of
sioned a feasibility study.
As a matter of fact, we
sight of that. That’s always going to be our most important priority.’ the boards of directors of
4-County spokesperson Jon Turner these co-ops to respond
are studying some of the to the needs of the peo-
preliminary reports right In a lot of places, those osition — Turner said ops are not immune to ty, you’re talking about ple who own the co-ops,”
now.” customers are paying for 4-County’s preliminary the market pressures a density of three to four he said. “I feel like every
4-County serves more satellite TV, which is ex- report estimates it would that apply to commercial customers per mile. At board will be hearing
than 38,000 members in pensive. But with broad- cost $120 million to pro- internet service provid- that point, you really have from their members. If
rural areas of the Golden band, you can subscribe vide fiber-optics to its ers. In fact, the primary to ask some serious ques-
Triangle, as well as Noxu- the boards aren’t going
to things like Hulu and customers. Even so, Cal- reason why the 23 million tions about whether it’s to pursue this on behalf
bee, Monroe, Chickasaw, Netflix as a cheaper alter- lahan said, fiber-optics Americans living in rural really feasible.”
Choctaw, Winston and of their members, they
native to satellite TV. Once will someday be standard areas who don’t have any
Webster counties. How- should be prepared to give
ever, Turner said it is not
you consider everything equipment for the nation’s broadband access is that Presley: an answer as to why they
that broadband can do, 900 electric co-ops. it’s been judged cost-pro-
clear those members will you begin to understand “All the studies say hibitive by commercial
The time is now aren’t.”
want to pay for internet Presley remains unde- Turner said 4-County
that it’s a much better deal that between 2040 and providers.
service from 4-County if terred, pointing out there officials understand that,
than what they have now.” 2050, every co-op will “What our consultants
they feel they have other are $600 million in federal but they also understand
Presley said that even operate on some kind of have told us is that you
options. grant funding set aside for their primary mission.
in those areas that do have fiber,” Callahan said. “It’s need nine to 12 custom-
“We did a survey of companies to assist in pro- “At the end of the day,
access, co-ops have anoth- the gold standard. It’s the ers per mile who are tak-
members in the most af- viding broadband service
er advantage. future.” ing the service to make it we’re not an internet com-
fected areas — western to rural areas.
“For the co-ops, broad- While acknowledging work,” Callahan said. “Al- pany,” Turner said. “We
Clay County, Choctaw Although that’s a drop-
band isn’t a profit-center. the move toward fiber-op- together, we have only 8.8 have a job to do and that
in-the-bucket compared
County and Noxubee They’ll tell tics, Turner said 4-Coun- meters per mile, and that job is to provide reliable,
to what it would cost to
County as well as smaller you they ty leadership is trying to includes meters at catfish affordable power to our
provide service to thou-
areas in Lowndes and Ok- don’t want take a long view of how ponds, shops, places that customers. As much as
sands of unserved or un-
tibbeha counties, focusing to be in the the services will operate you don’t have a demand people may want broad-
der-served rural commu-
on the areas that most bro a db a nd in the future. for broadband. band, we can’t lose sight of
nities across the country,
qualify as rural areas,” he business. “The flip side is what “Now, from co-op to that. That’s always going
what Presley believes to
said. “We wanted to find For them, will happen if there is co-op those numbers go be the inevitability of a na- to be our most important
out what their appetite for it’s a service emerging technology up or down,” he added. tional conversion to fiber priority.”
this was, to get a feel for to their cus- Presley that will supersede fi- “So for some areas with
what they might want. tomers,” he ber optics,” Turner said. a higher density, we can
“They don’t like what said. “That means they “Who’s to say that some- help. For others, probably
they have necessarily, but can provide faster service body out there someday not.”
what we are seeing is that at a lower price. You’re go- has a Tesla moment and Turner said density is-
whether they have (broad- ing to tell me people won’t suddenly you don’t need sues are a major consider-
band access) or not, they like that?” wires? If we have made a ation as 4-County consid-
don’t want to pay what it’s $120 million commitment ers broadband.
going to cost to get it to Chicken or the egg? and that happens, where “The problem is that
them,” he added. “That’s In order to provide will we be?” it’s the low-density areas
the big factor.” broadband service to its Presley argued co-ops that are the ones that have
Both Callahan and customers, co-ops have have the ability to borrow the worst access,” Turner
Presley said that once to lay fiber-optic cable re- money long-term at low said. “In a lot of our ser-
customers realize the full quired to deliver the ser- interest. vice area, Lowndes Coun-
implications of what co-op vice. “They’ve done it be- ty and Oktibbeha County
provided internet service Callahan said six of fore and have been very in particular, those cus-
could mean, customers the state’s 25 co-ops are successful,” he said. tomers have good access
will find it appealing. already in the process of to broadband already.
“The biggest thing is running fiber optic cables, A matter of density But in the western part of
making sure the custom- either their own or by leas- While Callahan is an Clay County and in Choc-
ers understand the poten- ing access to fiber-optics enthusiastic supporter taw and Noxubee Coun-
tial,” Callahan said. “It’s from other companies. for co-op provided broad-
not just about the internet. It’s an expensive prop- band, he recognizes co-

Area arrests

Wilson Thomas Taylor Malone Conner Brewer

Armistad Townsend Griffin Davis Yeldell Wofford

Robinson Drake Pepper III Gibson Hailey Brooks

The following arrests malicious mischief, pos- stolen fire-
were made by Lowndes session of a weapon by a arm.
County Sheriff’s Office: felon and two counts of n Jus-
n Rakeem Wilson, 24, failure to appear. tin Drake,
was charged with posses- 20, was
sion of a controlled sub- The following arrests c h a r g e d
stance, posting messages were made by the Oktib- with two
electronically to cause beha County Sheriff’s Of- counts of Chandler
injury and two counts of fice: grand larce-
failure to appear. n Santana Townsend, ny.
n Walter Thomas, 25, 31, was charged with two n Eugene Pepper III,
was charged with posses- counts of sexual activity 33, was charged with ma-
sion of a weapon by a fel- with an inmate, furnish- licious mischief, assault
on and aggravated assault ing contraband and sale/ on a police officer, first
with a weapon or other possession of a controlled offense DUI and resisting
means to produce death. substance.
n James Taylor, 37, n Michael Griffin, 40,
n Patrick Gibson, 35,
was charged with pos- was charged with two
was charged with pos-
session of a weapon by a counts of embezzlement
session of a controlled
felon. by public officer and two
n Anthony Malone, 23, counts of trafficking in substance and disorderly
was charged with embez- stolen firearms. conduct.
zlement. n Jerome Davis, 21, n Jordan Hailey, 26,
n Rayshaun Conner, was charged with aggra- was charged with posses-
36, was charged with vated assault. sion of a controlled sub-
domestic violence, traf- n Timothy Yeldell, 25, stance, improper equip-
ficking of controlled sub- was charged with mali- ment and possession of
stances and possession cious mischief. paraphernalia.
with intent to distribute. n Bobby Wofford, 51, n Adolphus Brooks,
n Nicholas Brewer, 25, was charged with a cir- 30, was charged with two
was charged with posses- cuit court order. counts of burglary of a ve-
sion of marijuana-more n Khatravious Robin- hicle.
than one ounce. son, 21, was charged with n Brandon Chandler,
n Kenny Armistad, burglary other than a ve- 51, was charged with
23, was charged with hicle and possession of a third offense DUI.
4A Sunday, January 27, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

Roses and thorns

A rose to the Golden consideration, but we feel these bills, in to play a role in the fight for equality. We applaud all who made that effort.
Triangle delegation on particular, deserve consideration. Now, visitors to United Park will be
the Mississippi Legisla- reminded of that truth and, perhaps, in- A rose to Golden
ture for some common A rose to the memory spired to play their own role in making Triangle chapter of the
sense proposals. Dead- of Wilson Ashford Sr. their community a better place. Christian Women’s Job
line for submitting bills and Adelaide Jeannette Corp organization for
for consideration arrived last week. Elliott, who became the A rose to all those its efforts to help unem-
Our representatives and senators au- seventh and eighth addi- who participated in ployed and under-em-
thored dozens of bills for consideration. tions to Starkville’s Unity Martin Luther King ployed women in Oktibbeha, Lowndes
Of those, several stand the chance of Park during a ceremony held on MLK Jr. Day events around and Clay counties with free educa-
moving through the Legislature and Day. Ashford, a veteran and mechanic, the Golden Triangle on tional and life-skills training needed
becoming law. Among them an equal and Elliott, a teacher, were in many Monday. From parades to secure and maintain jobs that pay
pay for women bill (Rep. Kabir Kar- respects ordinary people who made in West Point and Starkville, to service a living wage. The CWJC is accept-
riem), a law providing children age 6 or extraordinary contributions to civil projects in Columbus and Starkville. In ing applications for the twice-weekly
younger to have their sight tested upon rights in their community. Ashford Columbus, the United Way of Lowndes classes, which begin on Feb. 5. Classes
attending school for the first time (Rep. helped black citizens register to vote County held school supplies drive at will help women improve their basic
Rob Roberson), a bill fixing a standard after he returned from military service the Columbus Soccer Complex as its computer and work-place skills as
statewide policy of law enforcement while Elliott helped organize the Ok- “Day of Giving” program while volun- well as life-skills that are important in
body cameras (Sen. Angela-Turner tibbeha County chapter of the NA ACP. teers for Starkville’s “Day of Service” obtaining and keeping jobs. It is open
Ford) and a law providing constitu- Attention is often rightly focused on cleaned up the grounds of Oddfellows to women regardless of their faith. For
tional protection for the use of medical those leaders who captured headlines Cemetery. By making service projects more information on times, locations
marijuana (Sen. Chuck Younger). and inspired the masses. But in Elliott a part of the holiday, organizers and and curriculum, as well as information
There are many more bills authored and Ashford, we are reminded that you volunteers paid tribute to the memory on applying for the classes, call coordi-
by our legislators that are worthy of don’t have to be powerful or famous and legacy of King in a tangible way. nator Helen Ward at 662-722-3016.

Letter to the editor

Voice of the people
Rules of the road
It has been over 40 years since I had to take
my drivers’ license test. I was wondering if your
readers could enlighten me as to when posted
speed limit signs, stop signs, red lights, improper
parking signs, yield signs and various other signs
became suggestions instead of the law.
Robert Jolly

Other editors
More public scrutiny, not
less, needed at MDOC
It is unfortunate that the state agency tasked
with incarcerating those found guilty of crimes
has so little regard for the law — at least certain
parts of the law.
The Mississippi Department of Corrections
would like the state Legislature to exempt it from
parts of the Public Records Act. The act is state
law, and it requires the government to release to
the public the documents and records that it uses
in the course of operations. There are exemptions,
but generally speaking, any document used by a Partial to home
body of the government is open to public inspec-
The act allows the public to keep tabs on its
government. It forces transparency.
Moon river
But governments, generally speaking, don’t It was a scene and forth waiting for Larry, who is the perfect
like the act. It makes it harder for government straight out of Huck the boat to pass. Add- straight man for HD, was con-
agencies and boards to do their work, they com- Finn. Two guys stand- ing to that, a surging fused. HD continued riffing about
plain. It is a waste of time, they say. Those docu- ing around a campfire current magnified by the mermaid.
ments are no one’s business, they gripe. on a remote island in a recent rains pushed my As the Earth’s shadow began to
“There should be some limits on what you are wide river, bright moon kayak toward a tangle creep over the face of the moon,
transparent about,” MDOC Commissioner Pelicia and stars overhead. of fallen trees nestled we stared upwards in wonder.
Hall said. HD and Matt had against the old railroad Precisely at 10:41, as projected, the
Really? The government functions only to serve paddled out before dark bridge. eclipse was total. The moon had
the public, yet some think the public has no busi- to put out set hooks. The night was bright become an orangish-red sphere.
ness peeking behind the curtain. That was more than and our site was not far The full eclipse would last about
To make matters worse, MDOC has been two hours ago. Now away. With the tug out an hour.
under scrutiny for years due to a public corruption they held their hands Birney Imes of the way, my crossing Too seldom we pause to con-
scandal that sent the former MDOC commission- to a sparking fire, went smoothly. sider these cosmic events as old
er to prison. Nearly $1 billion into MDOC con- occasionally leaving its warmth to Winds from earlier in the day as time, these gentle reminders
tracts were called into question due to the bribery check their lines or venture into had subsided, but the temperature of our insignificance and the
and kickback scheme. the woods for firewood. Jim and had dropped below freezing. As I ephemeral nature of our existence.
And this same agency has the gall to say that Huck would have coveted their climbed from my kayak, Jim and Instead, we squabble, kill one an-
there should be limits on transparency. headlamps. Huck, glad to see another compa- other, degrade this fragile planet,
If MDOC’s commissioner does not value state One of our number had orga- triot, offered hearty hellos. our home.
law or does not believe in transparency or works nized a river outing Sunday timed Days before we had come out Meanwhile, the stars continue
to keep the scrutinizing public eye away, the state to see the lunar eclipse, aka the and prepared the site, cutting away to glow in the heavens, indifferent
should find another commissioner. Super Blood Wolf Full Moon. briers and stacking wood gathered to the folly below.
Only someone who understands the impor- “Super” because the moon would from the forest floor. Nothing to be With a shaded moon, the river
tance of transparency in an agency plagued by be unusually close to the earth, done about the soggy ground. had grown dark. The blinking
scandal should be charged with leading it. “Blood” for its color during the All in all, it was surprisingly stars were our only light now. We
(Brookhaven) Daily Leader eclipse and “Wolf” because that is cozy standing by the fire, joking, paddled back across the river, this
the name of the first full moon of talking, occasionally looking up time working against the current.
the year. through the bare trees to check on On the way home, at the turnoff
I should have waited for the tug progress of the eclipse. to Officers Lake Road, I pulled
headed upstream to pass before One of our party, waiting on over and got out. I wanted one last
Our View: Local Editorials launching from Waverly Landing, shore for stragglers called to see look at the orange moon on this
Local editorials appearing in this space represent but I was anxious to get on the wa- how we were doing. “Larry, I’ve cold winter night.
the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board: Peter ter. My impatience was rewarded caught a mermaid,” HD said. Birney Imes (birney@cdispatch.
Imes, editor and publisher; Birney Imes, publisher with the glare of the tug’s search- “She’s on the stringer. What do I com) is the former publisher of The
emeritus; Slim Smith and senior newsroom staff. To
inquire about a meeting with the board, please con-
light in my face as I paddled back do with her?” Dispatch.
tact Peter Imes at 662-328-2424, or e-mail voice@


We encourage you to share your opinion with readers
of The Dispatch. EDITOR/PUBLISHER Luther Shields Courtney Hendricks Mary Pollitz Doris Hill
Peter Imes Jackie Taylor Lisa Oswalt Slim Smith Quaylon Jones
Submit your letter to The Dispatch by:
Evie Vidrine Deanna Robin- Jan Swoope Toma McClanahan
E-mail: son-Pugh Scott Walters Kayla Taylor
Mail: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 PUBLISHER EMERITUS
In person: 516 Main St., Columbus, or 101 S. Lafay- Birney Imes BUSINESS OFFICE
ette St., No. 16, Starkville. Lindsey Beck NEWS MAILROOM PRODUCTION
All letters must be signed by the author and must Debbie Foster Isabelle Altman Christina Boyd William Hudson
ADVERTISING Matt Garner Dalen Cochran William LeJeune
include town of residence and a telephone number Cynthia Cunningham Mary Ann Hardy
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for verification purposes. Letters should be no more Kelly Ervin Anne Murphy
than 500 words, and guest columns should be 500- Melissa Johnson Amanda Lien Joseph Ellis
CIRCULATION Adam Minichino Jeffrey Gore Donta Perry
700 words. We reserve the right to edit submitted Beth Proffitt Tina Perry
material. Mary Jane Runnels Michael Floyd Zack Plair Katrina Guyton
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 5A

Cartoonist view An opening for

a party of reality
Here they come, the newly resurgent
Democrats, ready to take on “the man” (Rep.
Rashida Tlaib); protect America’s middle
class from “attack” by big corporations and
billionaires (Sen. Elizabeth Warren); provide
“Medicare-for-all” (Sen. Kamala Harris);
offer universal pre-K (Julian Castro); and
fight capitalism in general without any idea
of how it works (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).
The Democratic Party is lurching to the left
like a confused American driver on a British
Mona Charen
As The New York Times’ Thomas Edsall
notes, it isn’t just leaders who are stamped-
ing to the port side. Democratic voters are becoming more liberal,
too. In the past 17 years, Pew Research has found, the percentage of
Democrats who described themselves as liberal jumped from 30 to
50 percent. This is reflected in issue positions. In 2008, the percent-
age of Democrats who agreed that immigrants here illegally should
be permitted to become citizens was 29 percent. That increased to 51
percent in 2018. Between 2010 and 2017, the portion who said “racial
discrimination is the main reason many blacks can’t get ahead these
days” rose from 28 percent to 64 percent. (Notably, among white
liberals, 79.2 percent agreed that discrimination was the main thing
holding blacks back, whereas among black respondents, the per-
centage was lower — 59.9 percent identified discrimination as the
obstacle to progress. Hmm.)
The liberal nostrums on offer are utterly disconnected from the
actual challenges the nation faces. It’s hard to see how the “war on
the middle class” theme can get traction in an economy with 3.9
percent unemployment. Poverty has been declining and middle
incomes have been increasing since 2013. Jobs are plentiful. Me-
dian household income reached $61,372 in 2017, which is higher
than comparable countries like Canada, Germany, France, Britain
and Denmark, and exceeded only by a handful of tiny rich nations
sitting on oil (Norway) or numbered bank accounts (Switzerland and
Lichtenstein). U.S. median household size, meanwhile, has declined,
so individual wealth has increased even more than the income num-
bers reflect.
Admittedly, facts need not impede a good political pitch. Republi-
cans have succeeded by offering their own fractured fairy tale about
what ails the nation. They’ve insisted that we are being overrun by
illegal immigrants, when border apprehensions are at an 18-year low.
They assert that immigrants bring crime, which is false. They’ve
claimed (along with some progressives like Bernie Sanders) that out-
sourcing has decimated U.S. manufacturing, when the real story is
that automation has been the chief cause of lost manufacturing jobs.
And they’ve claimed that globalization has hollowed out the middle
class when, in truth, global trade, while costing some jobs, has creat-
ed far more and provided middle-income Americans with a bounty of
affordable products, thus improving their standard of living.
Republicans and Democrats alike encourage victimhood. We need
a party that will address the true problems we face.
As a governing matter, our greatest problem is that we are not
behaving like citizens but like consumers. We are gorging on entitle-
ments and washing them down with tax cuts. The bill? What bill? We
can always borrow more! Medicare’s trust fund runs out in 7 years.
Social Security’s in 15. But what the hell, let’s have free college! Bar-
tender, let’s have another tax cut, but this time for the middle class!
(By the way, what ever happened to that pre-election pledge?)
Any individual who behaved the way our nation does would be
obese and broke.
Also, we are living in a civic cesspool. Our language, our man-
ners and our hatreds are out of control and out of proportion to our
problems. We are marinating in mutual contempt and suckers for
conspiracy theories. Do you think the Covington High imbroglio was
bad? Wait until deep fakes come along. These video impostures can
make any politician (or anyone else) appear to say anything. Imagine
the kids at the Lincoln Memorial having racial slurs put into their
mouths by video manipulation.
It’s not that our problems are so intractable; it’s that our spirits
are so sour. We desperately need some uplift, some commitment
to the rule of law, more suspicion of centralized power, and a stab
at trust. It’s a lot to ask of a political party, and frankly, most of our
problems, like the decline of families and churches, are pre-political.
But leadership is important, and the majority of Americans are not
at the extremes. A recent survey found that 54 percent of Democrats
would like their party to be more moderate. And two of the most
popular Republican elected officials are Maryland’s Larry Hogan and
Massachusetts’s Charlie Baker.
That’s a start.
Mona Charen is a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy

Democrats’ America: The heart of darkness

If it was the worst riot in U.S. history, when Lincoln
dream of Dr. Is America, 50 years after segregation was outlawed sent Union veterans of Gettysburg to
Martin Luther shoot down Irish immigrants protesting
King Jr. that in our public life, really a land saturated with systemic the draft in New York?
black and white
would come to-
racism? “It’s up to us to bring these stories
out of the shadows so they never happen
gether in friend- again,” said the mayor.
ship and peace if you’re rich and guilty than poor and conceding, “We may not have always got But where are black communities
to do justice, innocent.” things right.” threatened by white mob violence in
his acolytes in Booker urged the crowd “to apply the Biden then proceeded to slander 2019? Was the Watts riot of 1965, were
today’s Dem- ideals of Dr. King” and avoid vitriol in the nation that has honored him as it the Detroit and Newark riots of 1967,
ocratic Party dealing with political adversaries. has few of his generation: “Systematic was the rioting, looting and arson that
appear to have Patrick J. Buchanan But his Senate colleague Bernie racism that most of us whites don’t even ravaged 100 cities after King’s death a
missed that part Sanders, also in South Carolina, wasn’t like to acknowledge” is “built into every result of rampaging whites assaulting
of his message. buying it. Routed by Hillary Clinton in aspect of our system.” black folks?
Here is Hakeem Jeffries, fourth- the South Carolina primary in 2016, Is America, 50 years after segre- Was the LA riot of 1992, which target-
ranked Democrat in Nancy Pelosi’s Sanders is determined not to lose the gation was outlawed in our public life, ed Koreatown, the work of white racists?
House, speaking Monday, on the holiday party’s African-American majority that really a land saturated with systemic Monday, after a meeting with Sharp-
set aside to honor King: badly in 2020. racism? ton, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand offered her
“We have a hater in the White House. “Today we talk about racism,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg was also message of conciliation. Said the succes-
The birther in chief. The grand wizard Sanders. “It gives me no pleasure to tell in D.C. sor to Sen. Hillary Clinton, President
of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. ... While you that we now have a president of the The mayor’s problem with Afri- Trump has “inspired a hate and a dark-
Jim Crow may be dead, he’s still got United States who is a racist.” can-Americans is that he pursued a ness in this country that I have never
some nieces and nephews that are alive Sanders apparently connected, with policy of stop-and-frisk with criminal experienced myself.
and well.” his remarks “drawing applause.” suspects in New York. So, he sought to “It is wrong to ask men and women of
At the headquarters of Al Sharpton’s Joe Biden spoke in D.C. in the full find common ground with his audience color to bear these burdens every single
National Action Network, wrote The apology-tour mode made famous by by relating “a series of events that had day. ... White women like me must bear
New York Times, Jeffries’ remarks were his former boss, Barack Obama. He shaped his recent thinking about race.” part of this burden.”
“met with ... much cheering.” brought up the 1994 crime bill he The mayor said he had “recently Does there not come a time when the
At a Boston breakfast that same day, shepherded though the Senate, which learned about the deadly race riots in pandering has to stop?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren chose to honor treated consumption and distribution of which white residents destroyed the Ronald Reagan preached America as
King’s memory in her way: “Our govern- crack cocaine as more serious crimes Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Pilgrim fathers’ “shining city on a
ment is shut down for one reason ... So than the use of powder cocaine, and in 1921, and murdered several dozen hill.” For Democrats today, America is
the president of the United States can then confessed to the crowd that it was black residents.” the heart of darkness.
fund a monument to hate and division “a big mistake.” But why did his honor have to go all Can people lead a republic that
along our southern border.” “We were told by the experts that, the way back to 1921 and Tulsa to find they have come to see as a sinkhole of
At a rally in Columbia, South Caroli- ‘crack you never go back,’ that the two race riots, when Harlem, in the heart racism?
na, Sen. Cory Booker declaimed — in were somehow fundamentally differ- of the town he served as mayor for 12 Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally syn-
what could be taken as a shot at his New ent. It’s not. But it’s trapped an entire years, exploded in a riot in 1964 that dicated columnist, was a senior advisor
Jersey colleague, the lately acquitted generation.” spread to Brooklyn and Queens and last- to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford
Sen. Bob Menendez — “We live a nation Biden meant that lots of black folks ed six days? and Ronald Reagan. His website is http://
where you get a better justice system got locked up for a long time, unjustly, Why did Bloomberg not bring up the
6A Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A

Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff

Lisa Wilson, a community member, asks a question
about funding the Families First program at Friday’s
community meeting at the J.L. King Center.

adult education programs, Funding fears linger

workforce development Though President Don-
training such as prepa- ald Trump announced an
ration for the WorkKeys
agreement on Friday to
test, and after-school pro-
temporarily reopen the
grams for children.
government for three
On Wednesday, Fami- Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff
weeks, Families First offi-
lies First received a notice Family Centered Programs Director Joan Butler talks during Friday’s community meeting. Family Centered Pro-
cials in Starkville said they grams oversees the Families First program, which recently lost a $150,000 grant due to the partial federal
from Family Resource
doubt the program would government shutdown.
Center Executive Direc-
get its funding back once
tor Christi Webb saying
the shutdown ended. liams, who attended Fri-
the subgrant that funds it
“The way the letter day’s meeting, suggested
must be terminated “effec-
reads, and that’s the only getting in touch with local
tive immediately.” The let-
real contact we can say pastors in Starkville’s min-
ter further instructed the
we’ve had, it talks about isterial alliance.
program to cease all ac-
equipment and any excess “They are very active
tivities and expenditures
supplies and materials,” and I think they’d be will-
after Thursday.
Butler said at the meet- ing to help,” he said.
On Friday, officials
ing, which was held before The center will host two
held a public meeting at
Trump’s announcement. meetings for faith-based
the center — attended by
“If it was a temporary and civic organizations at
about two dozen commu-
freeze they would just
nity members, leaders, noon and 6 p.m. on Feb. 5.
tell you that maybe you
program officials and Butler also noted that
shouldn’t come to work
students — where they Emerson Family School,
because you may not be
stressed that the Families on Louisville Street, can
paid and reimbursed and
First Program at the J.L. accept donations for the
all that.
King Center will remain J.L. King Center’s pro-
“It is not reading that
open for now. grams. She said any dona-
way at all,” she continued.
Joan Butler, director of tions for the center should
“It says it’s a closeout — Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff
the Starkville-Oktibbeha be designated specifically
that’s the difference when Alison Buehler, with the Homestead Education Center, offers input Friday during a
Consolidated School Dis- for the Families First pro-
they are closing the doors. community meeting at the J.L. King Center, held to brainstorm funding options for
trict’s Family Centered gram. the center’s Families First program.
It doesn’t say temporary or
Programs, said she re-
anything in that letter.”
assigned some donation
The Dispatch was un-
funding from Emerson
able to reach Butler after
Family School to keep the
Trump’s announcement
center’s door open while
officials look for more on Friday.
“The location is ideal, Seeking solutions
the passion — the people Friday’s meeting pri-
here are motivated and marily focused on brain-
reaching the community storming ways to secure
and able to show success funding to keep the pro-
on a daily basis,” Butler gram moving forward.
said. “To end this momen- Alison Buehler, with
tum at this point would be the Homestead Education
a crime. Center, said finding fund-
“We are determined,” ing won’t be solved with
she added. “We will have one meeting. However,
these doors open on Mon- she encouraged attendees
day morning and we will to find connections and
be continuing to do busi- potential resources to help
ness as usual.” back the center.
Butler said it would “You’ve got to go back
take about $10,000 per to church and say, ‘We’ve
month to keep the center got to step up and get
open and operating. back on board,’” she said.
Elmarie Brooks, proj- “You’ve got to go back to
ect manager for Families your organization and say,
First in Starkville, said ‘We’re not going to scatter-
she was heartbroken at shot this and go all over
the news. the place. We’re going
“It’s very disturbing to to come together in this
get a letter one day and one place and make a big
you’re serving over a hun- dent.’”
dred families a month — Starkville Area Arts
and that’s not even count- Council Executive Direc-
ing the 40 or so children tor John Bateman suggest-
who come here in the ed the center partner with
evening Monday through local nonprofit organiza-
Thursday,” she said. tions, such as Homestead
Walter C. Robinson, or the Arts Council, which
a student in the center’s could act as additional
adult education program, collection points for dona-
said he hopes to see it car- tions or possibly help seek
ry on. grants for further funding.
“I’m going to get my Brooks said the pro-
GED here,” he said. “I gram is in talks with
would like to see it contin- 4-County Electric Power
ue on, and with the Lord’s Association and may re-
help, we’re going to contin- ceive a $10,000 grant to
ue on. It’s important, for continue operations.
people like me and for the Oktibbeha County Dis-
young people.” trict 5 Supervisor Joe Wil-

Police: Arkansas men accused

of defacing MSU bulldog statue
The Associated Press Arkansas Razorbacks
chant “Woo Pig” also writ-
STARKVILLE — Po- ten on it.
lice say two former Univer- Police say the bronze
sity of Arkansas students mascot on MSU’s campus
are accused of defacing a in Starkville was painted
bulldog statue at Missis- in September. They say
sippi State University. Tillinghast was arrested
MSU police Chief in Arkansas last month,
Vance Rice told news and that Yeldell turned
outlets on Wednesday himself in at the Oktibbe-
that 24-year-old Mathes ha County jail in Missis-
Tillinghast and 25-year- sippi this month.
old Timothy Yeldell have Both men were free on
been charged with felony bond ahead of court dates
malicious mischief. Police in Oktibbeha County. It is
tweeted a photo of the Bul- unclear if they have law-
ly statue painted red with yers who could comment.
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 7A

Smaller government? Some Trump Tech rises, but four-week

winning streak for stocks ends
supporters cheer the shutdown The Associated Press

‘I want less government. That’s what we’re getting’ of economic studies at the
libertarian Cato Institute,
NEW YORK — Stocks closed higher on Wall
Street Friday, recovering a chunk of their losses
71-year-old mechanic Terry Rose of Texas noted that the shutdown from earlier in the week. Technology and indus-
continuing for so long trial companies jumped.
By WILL WEISSERT ing to fund the government schism within the Re-
The Associated Press likely will end up costing Traders took a brighter view on the economy,
for three weeks — did dra- publican Party between
taxpayers more to make and U.S. companies continued to report solid re-
matically shrink the size of conservatives, who would
FORT HANCOCK, up for lost time as things sults for the fourth quarter. Energy and consum-
government at least tem- like to see some parts of
Texas — Donald Trump begin returning to normal. er-focused companies as well as basic materials
porarily. Funding was cut government contract but
didn’t carry many parts of “This just makes makers all did better than the broader market.
off for nine of the 15 Cabi- don’t mind creating defi-
Texas’ heavily Democrat- small-government people, Those industries and stocks tend to benefit the
net-level departments and cits for things like tax cuts
ic areas along the border and conservatives who most when economic growth improves.
about 800,000 employees and defense spending, and
with Mexico, but he won claim to be small-govern- Markets didn’t react much to news that Pres-
went without pay, nearly libertarians, whose main
remote Hudspeth County ment people, look like ident Donald Trump and congressional leaders
half of whom were deemed goal is to get government
thanks to people like Terry they’re angry, aggressive, reached a deal to reopen the federal government
non-essential and told not out of peoples’ lives almost
Rose. And the 71-year-old willing to cause people for three weeks while talks continue over Trump’s
to report to work. entirely. to go without their pay-
mechanic saw the longest demands for money to build a wall along the U.S.
Even as it eroded the Trump has backed in- checks,” Miron said.
shutdown in U.S. history border with Mexico.
president’s approval rat- creasing the size of the Rose considers himself The S&P 500 surged 10 percent during the
as a campaign promise ing, the shutdown ener- federal budget, whether to
kept. a conservative and not a shutdown, which started when the stock market
gized a segment of the Re- raise military spending or Republican, but concedes was at its low point in December. Some experts
“I want less govern- publican base that has for to spend billions walling he almost always votes feel that the standoff won’t have a lasting effect on
ment. That’s what we’re decades heard GOP pres- off the entire U.S.-Mexico GOP. He said he feels for the market or the economy, with government em-
getting,” said Rose, who idential hopefuls vow to border, making him no those who missed pay- ployees resuming their spending as soon as they
was having lunch with a abolish the IRS and moth- true champion of small checks: “I don’t want to be are repaid for their work in January.
group of friends in Fort ball the departments of Ed- government. Libertarians mean to them, but it’s real- The S&P 500 index rose 22.43 points, or 0.8
Hancock, an enclave with ucation, Energy or Interior and fiscal conservatives percent to 2,664.76, but the index fell 0.2 percent
ly a system that’s overbur-
fields of cotton, alfalfa and or many other agencies, are also quick to point dened, out of control.” for the week after big gains in the past four.
chili peppers just across without actually accom- out that shuttering the
the border from El Porve- plishing anything close. government indiscrimi-
nir, Mexico. “I’m under- It’s a reminder that should nately because of political
standing about federal Trump choose a shutdown squabbles did nothing to
employees, but if you’re again, as he threatened reduce long-term federal
‘non-essential’ it’s hard to Friday, he is likely to have spending or have any last-
feel too badly for you.” some supporters cheering ing, meaningful impact on
The shutdown — which him on. government’s overall size
lasted 35 days and ended But the shutdown didn’t and scope.
Friday with Trump agree- repair a decades-long Jeffrey Miron, director

Even with IRS staffers returning, tax refunds may be delayed

By MARCY GORDON the tax filing season is shutdown to handle tax
AP Business Writer Monday, and the Trump returns and taxpayers’
administration has said questions had returned to
WASHINGTON — The taxpayers who are owed their jobs as of Tuesday,
IRS’ workforce will return refunds would receive according to congressio-
to full strength under the them on time despite the nal and government aides.
short-term deal to reopen shutdown. The admin-
the government struck Of the roughly 14,000
istration made money recalled employees who
Friday by President Don- available to pay hundreds
ald Trump and congres- hadn’t reported to work,
of billions in refunds and
sional leaders. But the dis- ordered nearly 60 percent IRS officials told House
ruption from the partial of the Internal Revenue staffers Thursday, around
shutdown and the recent Service workforce back to 5,000 sought permission
absence of a large contin- work without pay. under their union contract
gent of recalled IRS em- But fewer than half of to be absent because of fi-
ployees mean the possibil- 26,000 furloughed IRS nancial hardship. The re-
ity of delayed tax refunds. employees who were re- maining 9,000 couldn’t be
The official start of called to work during the reached by IRS managers.
8A Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Kitchenware maker
moving to Mississippi,
will hire 400
The Associated Press equipment, leasing a
786,000-square-foot build-
BYHALIA— A kitch- ing in a rapidly expanding
enware maker will move industrial park near Inter-
a factory and distribution state 269.
center from California to The Mississippi De-
northwest Mississippi, velopment Authority and
investing $28 million and Marshall County are of-
hiring 400 by June 2020. fering more than $10 mil-
Corelle Brands of Rose- lion in incentives. MDA
mont, Illinois, announced spokeswoman Tammy
plans Thursday for the Craft said the Mississippi
facility near Byhalia, Development Authority
about 30 miles southeast will give Corelle $3.25
of Memphis, Tennessee. million to relocate and in-
CEO Kenneth Wilkes stall equipment and help
said in a statement that with infrastructure needs,
the move will improve as well as $300,000 for
efficiency and customer worker training. Marshall
service. County will provide the
Corelle spokeswom- company a grant worth up
an Amy Hilbert said the to $600,000, plus proper-
company is closing sepa- ty tax abatements. Craft
rate manufacturing and said the estimated value
warehouse facilities in of those abatements is not
Mira Loma, and River- yet available.
side, California, and con- Hilbert declined to say
solidating operations in how much Corelle will pay
Mississippi. Hilbert said workers, but Craft said
the company has about the company will qualify
200 overall employees at for incentives rebating
the California facilities, some worker income tax-
including one that makes es to the company. That
Snapware. The compa- requires Corelle pay work-
ny’s other brands include ers at least $41,572 annu-
Pyrex, Corningware and ally. Corelle could get $6.6
Chicago Cutlery. million over 10 years.
The company will The Tennessee Valley
invest $27.7 million in Authority is also providing
new and transferred unspecified assistance.

Continued from Page 1A
distress, mental pain and er — then
suffering, physical pain a CMSD
and suffering, and adverse teacher —
consequences, including and report-
public scorn and ridicule.” ed the ha-
District Superinten- rassment to
dent Cherie Labat, who her. He tes-
was not working for the tified that
district at the time of Jack- he became Labat
son’s arrest, told The Dis- the subject of gossip and
patch she is aware of the ridicule at school because
lawsuit and has contacted he reported Jackson, a
the district’s attorney, but claim which the complaint
said she has no comment also alleges.
until she has more infor- While the victim’s
mation on the suit. mother is not named in
The Dispatch was un- the lawsuit as a plain-
able to reach Jackson’s de- tiff, she also accused the
fense attorney in his crim- school district of harass-
inal trial, Chris Kitchens ment during the trial.
of Ripley, by press time. During Jackson’s sentenc-
ing hearing, she testified
that after Jackson’s arrest
Nature of allegations she was called into a meet-
During the trial, the ing with school adminis-
student said he and trators where former dep-
Jackson communicated uty superintendent Craig
through text and social Shannon told her she “had
media messages in No- no business going to the
vember and December of police” because this was
2013. Through those mes- a matter for the district to
sages, they agreed to meet handle internally.
in person where Jackson After the trial, Shan-
would give him more non declined to comment
than $200 in exchange for on the testimony when
performing a sexual act. reached by The Dispatch.
However, they never had Dispatch reporter Mary
that meeting, as the victim Pollitz contributed to this
said he went to his moth- report.
Adam Minichino

THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Sunday, January 27, 2019



Schaefer stressing
improved play on
defense for Bulldogs
By Adam Minichino

STARKVILLE — Vic Schaefer hasn’t

forgotten about defense.
When you’re as efficient offensively as the No.
7 Mississippi State women’s basketball team, it’s
natural for a lot of questions to focus on that end
of the floor.
Coming off a 48-point win against Florida on
Thursday, No. 7 MSU continues
to lead the nation in scoring (90.9
points per game). The Bulldogs
also are fifth in the country (first
in the Southeastern Conference)
in field goal percentage (50.7
percent) and 16th in the nation
(second in the SEC) in 3-point
field goal percentage (38.1). Schaefer
Matt Bush/USA TODAY Sports Throw in the stellar play at
Mississippi State guard Nick Weatherspoon (0) handles the ball against Auburn guard Samir Doughty (10) during point guard by senior Jazzmun Holmes and the
the first half of their game Saturday night at Humphrey Coliseum. improved performance of multiple reserves and

No. 22 Bulldogs earn big home win

Schaefer has a lot of positives to discuss.
But it all comes back to the other end of the
floor for a man whose nickname is the “Secre-
tary of Defense.”
BY SCOTT WALTERS and 10 assists. Reggie Perry had his “We have got a long way to go (on defense),”
No. 22 Mississippi St. 92, second double-double with 10 points Schaefer said Friday.
No. 16 Auburn 84 and 11 rebounds. Nick Weatherspoon Schaefer and No. 7 MSU hope they can contin-
STARKVILLE — With the No. had 12 points. ue to make strides defensively at 2 p.m. Sunday
22 Mississippi State and No. 16 MSU needed to reverse its fortunes “It was just a case of taking what (SEC Network) when they play host to Ole Miss
Auburn men’s basketball teams and to earn a critical win for the the defense was giving me,” Quin- at Humphrey Coliseum. The game is sold out.
trading baskets Saturday night, the NCAA tournament résumé. ndary Weatherspoon said. “They Schaefer and the players want to see improve-
Bulldogs found another component of “Just a monumental win for us,” were not helping off on my drive. The ment on defense even though the Bulldogs are
their game. MSU coach Ben Howland said. “We thing about this is winning. Seeing See DEFENSE, 5B
Trailing by seven points early in certainly needed this for the (tourna- everybody make shots made me ex-
the second half, No. 22 MSU played ment) résumé. We played with a lot of cited.” Game 20
arguably its best defensive stretch of passion. Twenty assists with 13 turn- The game was billed as a matchup n Ole Miss 2 p.m. Sunday (SEC Network;
the season to pull out a 92-84 victory overs. Lamar Peters did a great job between two of the league’s premier WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).
against No. 16 Auburn before a crowd with four or five passes in there for 3-point shooting teams. Neither one NOTE: The game is sold out.
of 10,063 at Humphrey Coliseum. dunks. Holding them to 21 3-point at- disappointed. MSU was 13 of 30 from
MSU snapped a two-game losing tempts was huge. They average over 3-point range, while Auburn (13-6,
streak and held serve in the South- 30.” 2-4) was 11 of 21 from 3-point range.
eastern Conference standings to Quinndary Weatherspoon “Things really got going on of- college baseball
MSU has stability
move to 15-4 and 3-3 in league play. matched a season high with 27 fense early, that relaxed everybody,”
With a grueling stretch of Alabama points. Lamar Peters had his first Peters said. “We had a tough start to
and Ole Miss upcoming on the road, career double-double with 16 points See MSU MEN, 2B

as practice begins
The W drops OT decision to Belhaven at home BY SCOT T WALTERS
By DAVID MILLER bounds, MUW was gifted
Special to The Dispatch possession on its baseline STARKVILLE — This season is all about
and the time preserved stability for Mississippi State
The Mississippi Uni- for a quick shot attempt. senior outfielder Elijah
versity for Women’s men’s Owls coach Brian Merkel MacNamee.
basketball team missed Construction at Dudy
drew up a lob to Keith
two potential game-win- Noble Field meant last season’s
Harris, who caught it
ning shots with less than squad couldn’t practice in its
cleanly and got the shot
a second to play and fell ballpark. Once the season started, a
off, only to watch the ball
75-71 in overtime to Bel- coaching change three games into
draw backboard and iron
haven on Saturday at Pohl the campaign muddied the waters
before rimming out.
Gymnasium. even more.
The loss marked the The Owls traded buck-
ets in overtime, and Har- Now, the Bulldogs are stable
second-straight weekend
ris turned the ball over again and are eyeing a return trip
the Owls (5-14) suffered
twice on MUW’s last two to Omaha and the College World
a heartbreaking loss. Last
possessions. Series.
Saturday, Morris College
“It’s a great look with New coach Chris Lemonis will
hit a 3-pointer at the buzz-
.6 on the clock,” Merkel make his debut at 4 p.m. Friday,
er to steal a victory.
said. “That’s as good of Feb. 15, against Youngstown State. Mangum
The W guard Tavon-
a look as you cold hope “We will be a much better
ta Jones made 1 of 2 free
for … the kids executed prepared team this year,”
throws with the Owls
trailing by one point with it great, but the ball just MacNamee said. “A year ago, we were clearly not
0.6 seconds left to play. didn’t go in.” ready when we played at Southern Miss. It’s just
With the game tied at 63, The W guard Tre Pink- See BASEBALL, 5B
and after Belhaven in- ston put the Owls on the
explicably launched the
David Miller/Special to The Dispatch
Mississippi University for Women’s Tre Pinkston goes line at the end of regu- Game 1
ensuing inbounds pass up for a shot as Belhaven’s Brosnan Cooks defends in lation with a gutsy drive n Youngstown State, 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15
down the court and out of their game Saturday in Columbus. See THE W, 6B (WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).

Acker sparks Patriots to key district win at home
By Adam Minichino
Inside we were getting all of the Acker nearly had a 50-50 balls. In the third chance for another at-
The Starkville High School quarter, we let off of it a lit- tempt at a dunk on the en-
Eli Acker sensed his tle bit and they started out suing possession when he
team needed a spark. girls and boys earned Class
6A, Region 3 wins against hustling in the third quar- cheated into the passing
With 5 minutes, 29 Northwest Rankin on Friday ter. We definitely needed lanes and nearly forced an-
seconds remaining in the night. Page 2B a spark, something to get other turnover, but he just
third quarter, the Heritage
us going.” missed the ball and had to
Academy junior stepped
Acker said he was hustle back on defense.
into the second block on it regained the lead for
the right lane, bent at the good. That’s when Ack- thinking about going in Acker converted a
waist, and turned to his er took center stage and for a dunk on his first pass from Jared Long for
left. He locked eyes with scored six-straight points steal, but he said the Can- a layup to make it 59-52
teammate Moak Griffin to help push his team to a ton Academy player came with 1:27 to go. Huskison
and mouthed the words, 62-52 victory against Can- under him, so he had to hit two free throws and
“Let’s go.” ton Academy in a Missis- pull up short and settle for Cameron Bell added an-
The spark didn’t come sippi Association of Inde- a finger roll that gave the other to account for the
immediately. pendent Schools (MAIS) Patriots a 57-52 lead with final margin.
Even after Heritage Class AAA, District 2 2 minutes, 13 seconds to Griffin led a balanced
David Miller/Special to The Dispatch
Academy built a 10-point game. play. Acker had an offen- attack with 17 points, Heritage Academy junior center Eli Acker positions
cushion in the third quar- “I thought we needed sive rebound putback of a while Bell had 12. Long himself to make a post move against Starkville
ter, it had to wait until some momentum,” Acker miss by Reid Huskison on (nine points) and Acker Academy earlier in the season. Acker played a key role
the fourth quarter before said. “All in the first half, the previous possession. See Patriots, 5B Friday in his team’s victory against Canton Academy.
2B Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •


Punter: x-Michael Dickson, Seattle
Placekicker: x-Aldrick Rosas, N.Y. Giants

Metropolitan Division
N.Y. Islanders 49 29 15 5 63 147 122
NBA Long snapper: To be named by coach Washington 50 27 17 6 60 171 162
Local Prep Basketball
Atlantic Division
W L Pct GB
Return Specialist: x-Tarik Cohen, Chicago
Special Teamer: x,sb-Cory Littleton, L.A.
Rams; r-Michael Thomas, N.Y. Giants
48 28 17 3 59 154 146
48 26 16 6 58 169 146
MSMS girls soccer team qualifies for MHSAA Tuesday’s Games Toronto
36 15 .706 —
32 17 .653 3 College Bowl Schedule
Carolina 50 24 20 6 54 140 149
N.Y. Rangers 48 21 20 7 49 139 164
Columbus at Tupelo
playoffs New Hope at Noxubee County
30 18 .625 4½
27 23 .540 8½
Saturday’s Game
Senior Bowl
Philadelphia 48 19 23 6 44 139 169
New Jersey 48 18 23 7 43 140 164
The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science girls soccer New York 10 37 .213 24 At Mobile, Alabama WESTERN CONFERENCE
team finished beat Philadelphia 12-0 on Friday night at the Downtown Caledonia at Amory Southeast Division North 34, South 24 Central Division
Columbus Soccer Complex. West Lowndes at Noxapater Miami 23 24 .489 — North 34, South 24 Winnipeg 48 31 15 2 64 167 134
Murrah at Starkville Charlotte 23 25 .479 ½ North 0 3 17 14—34
The victory helped MSMS (6-3-1, 4-2 region) finish as the run- Washington 21 27 .438 2½ South 9 3 0 12—24
Nashville 52 30 18 4 64 161 135
Minnesota 50 26 21 3 55 142 142
ner-up in as Class 1A/2A/3A, Region 4. Grenada at West Point Orlando 20 29 .408 4 First Quarter
Dallas 49 24 21 4 52 126 128
Atlanta 15 32 .319 8 South—Armstead 1 run (kick Failed), 10:18.
Erin Williams, Arin Kelly, and Tierah Macon led scorers with two Houston at Aberdeen Central Division South—FG Tracy 33, 3:41. Colorado 50 22 20 8 52 169 162
goals. Mia Riddley, Zariah Wright (penalty kick), Grace Anne Beech, Winston Academy at Heritage Academy W L Pct GB Second Quarter St. Louis 49 22 22 5 49 139 149
Milwaukee 35 12 .745 — North—FG Seibert 20, 7:47. Chicago 51 18 24 9 45 156 190
Amber Means, Madioson Wypyski, and Niyah Troup added goals. Oak Hill Academy at Marshall Academy Indiana 32 15 .681 3 South-FG Tracy 43, :27. Pacific Division
Goalkeepers Clara Grady, Millie Perdue, and Camryn Mason Detroit 21 27 .438 14½ Third Quarter GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Starkville Academy at Canton Academy Chicago 11 38 .224 25 North—Jones 1 run (Seibert kick), 10:20. Calgary 51 33 13 5 71 190 145
combined for the clean sheet. Cleveland 9 41 .180 27½ North—Isabella 19 pass from Jones (Seibert
“We stumbled the last couple of matches, so we worked this week Kemper Academy at Columbus Christian WESTERN CONFERENCE kick), 8:10.
San Jose 52 29 16 7 65 187 167
Vegas 52 29 19 4 62 157 140
to regain our early season form,” MSMS coach Chuck Yarborough said. Thursday’s Games
Southwest Division
W L Pct GB
North—FG Seibert 29, :29.
Vancouver 51 23 22 6 52 147 161
Fourth Quarter
“Tonight we improved our runs and combination play. We celebrated Lamar County at Caledonia Houston 28 20 .583 — South—Jennings 10 pass from Jackson Anaheim 51 21 21 9 51 120 153
San Antonio 28 22 .560 1 (run failed), 12:06. Arizona 50 23 23 4 50 132 142
our seniors tonight, and it was a nice way to see them off in their final Winona Christian at Columbus Christian Dallas 22 26 .458 6 North—Williams 4 run (Seibert kick), 8:05. Edmonton 50 23 24 3 49 144 163
home match. Friday’s Games New Orleans
22 28 .440
19 30 .388 9½
7 North—Pollard 21 run (Seibert kick), 3:17. Los Angeles 50 20 26 4 44 114 150
South—Sills 15 pass from Jackson
“Sunday we’ll prepare for our first round playoff match at Strayhorn. Columbus at Oxford Northwest Division (pass failed), :14. NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
The Lady Mustangs are a strong offensive squad, but we’ve worked all W L Pct GB
Leake Central at New Hope Denver 32 15 .681 —
A—31,437 overtime loss. Top three teams in each division
season to prepare for challenges like this, so I’m confident our team will Pontotoc at Caledonia Oklahoma City 30 18 .625 2½ Nor Sou
and two wild cards per conference advance to
Portland 30 20 .600 3½ playoffs.
perform at our best and leave it all on the field Monday.” Madison Central at Starkville Utah 28 22 .560 5½
First downs 30 21
Rushes-yards 32-179 15-53
MSMS will play Strayhorn High at 5 pm Monday in Sarah. Minnesota 24 25 .490 9 Friday’s Games
In the boys match, MSMS dropped a heartbreaker 3-2 on a penalty
West Point at Saltillo Pacific Division
312 231
31-50-0 22-42-1 No games scheduled
W L Pct GB
goal in the fourth extra period. At the end of regulation play, the match Kosciusko at Noxubee County Golden State 34 14 .708 —
Return Yards 39 56 Saturday’s Games
Punts-Avg. 2-56.0 3-49.7 Central All-Stars vs Pacific All-Stars: Central
was tied 2-2. The teams played two 10 minute extra periods followed by Choctaw County at Aberdeen L.A. Clippers
L.A. Lakers
27 22 .551 7½
25 24 .510 9½ Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1 vs. Pacific, late
two five-minute extra periods. Noxubee County at Hamilton Sacramento 25 24 .510 9½ Penalties-Yards 13-128 7-40
Time of Possession 36:14 23:46
Metropolitan All-Stars vs Atlantic All-Stars:
Phoenix 11 40 .216 24½ Metropolitan vs. Atlantic, late
Dylan Johnson scored both goals for MSMS (2-8). Heritage Academy at Hartfield School All-Star Game Final, late
“I was proud of the effort the team put forth on Senior night,” MSMS Starkville Academy at Madison-Ridgeland Friday’s Games
Washington 95, Orlando 91 RUSHING—North, Pollard 8-60, Williams 11- Today’s Games
coach Morri Mims said. “We don’t feel like we lost the match. We just No games scheduled
Tournament Brooklyn 109, New York 99 39, McLaurin 1-19, Higdon 5-18, Isabella 1-14,
Finley 1-11, McSorley 1-8, Ingold 1-7, Lock 1-2, Monday’s Games
ran out of time.” Miami 100, Cleveland 94
Prep Soccer Houston 121, Toronto 119
L.A. Clippers 106, Chicago 101
Jones 2-1. South, Armstead 7-24, Hills 2-22,
Jackson 1-11, Minshew 1-0, Hall 4-(minus 4).
New Jersey at Pittsburgh, 6 p.m.
Winnipeg at Philadelphia, 6 p.m.
PASSING—North, Lock 9-14-0-57, McSorley Tuesday’s Games
Monday’s matches Sacramento 99, Memphis 96
Columbus High School girls basketball team wins Tupelo Home School at Starkville Academy, 5 p.m.
Dallas 106, Detroit 101
Milwaukee 108, Charlotte 99
7-13-0-59, Finley 7-11-0-83, Jones 8-11-0-115,
team 0-1-0-(-2). South, Jackson 13-21-1-165,
Winnipeg at Boston, 6 p.m.
Buffalo at Columbus, 6 p.m.
Hannah White had 30 points Friday night to lead the Columbus Denver 132, Phoenix 95 Minshew 1-8-0-4, Grier 4-8-0-61, Stidham Philadelphia at N.Y. Rangers, 6:30 p.m.
High School girls basketball team to a 65-30 victory against South Heritage Academy at Pillow Academy, 5 p.m. Utah 106, Minnesota 102 4-5-0-30, team 0-0-0-(-29).
Panola in a Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA)
Class 6A, Region 2 game.
Mississippi High School Activities Association
Saturday’s Games
San Antonio 126, New Orleans 114
Indiana at Memphis, late
RECEIVING—North, Isabella 7-74, Doss 4-55,
McLaurin 4-53, Sample 4-39, Wilson 4-24, Pol-
lard 2-13, Meyers 1-15, Smith 1-12, Ingold 1-11,
(MHSAA) Class 4A — First Round Golden State at Boston, late Hart 1-7, Sweeney 1-7, Williams 1-4. South, Australian Open
Aniya Saddler had 15 points for the Lady Falcons. Philadelphia at Denver, late Renfrow 5-63, Hall 3-25, Wesco 3-10, Jen- Results Saturday from the Australian Open at
New Hope boys at Pontotoc, 5 p.m. Atlanta at Portland, late nings 2-64, Sills 2-28, Armstead 2-12, Samuel Melbourne Park (seedings in parentheses):
Today’s Games 1-15, Johnson 1-14, Moreau 1-11, Brady 1-11,
Mooreville girls at Caledonia, 5:30 p.m. Fulgham 1-7.
Women’s Singles
Starkville High School basketball teams sweep New Hope girls at Amory, 6 p.m.
Cleveland at Chicago, 2:30 p.m.
Sacramento at L.A. Clippers, 2:30 p.m. Final

Northwest Rankin New Albany boys at Caledonia, 7:30 p.m.

Milwaukee at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m.
Orlando at Houston, 6 p.m. Golf Naomi Osaka (4), Japan, def. Petra Kvitova (8),
Czech Republic, 7-6 (2), 5-7, 6-4.
Mixed Doubles
Jalisa Outlaw had 21 points to lead the Starkville High School girls Classes 1A/2A/3A – First Round
Toronto at Dallas, 6 p.m.
Utah at Minnesota, 6 p.m. PGA Tour Final
basketball team to a 41-35 victory against Northwest Rankin on Friday
MSMS girls at Strayhorn, 5 p.m.
Washington at San Antonio, 6 p.m.
Miami at New York, 6:30 p.m.
Farmers Insurance Open Rajeev Ram, United States
Barbora Krejcikova (3), Czech Republic, def.
night. Phoenix at L.A. Lakers, 8:30 p.m. Saturday
Amaria Strong had 11 points for the Lady Yellow Jackets (13-3, Thursday’s Matches Monday’s Games At Torrey Pines GC
San Diego
John-Patrick Smith, Australia and Astra
Sharma, Australia, 7-6 (3), 6-1.
Golden State at Indiana, 6 p.m.
4-0 district). Starkville Academy at Washington School, 3 p.m. New York at Charlotte, 6 p.m. Purse: $7.1 million Juniors Men’s Singles
s-South Course: Yardage: 7,698 Par: 72 Final
In the boys game, Terry Tate and Jamarvious Phillips had 13 points Columbus Christian at Heritage Academy, 5 p.m. Brooklyn at Boston, 6:30 p.m.
n-North Course: Yardage: 7,258 Par: 72 Lorenzo Musetti (1), Italy, def. Emilio Nava (13),
Denver at Memphis, 7 p.m.
to lead the Starkville High to a 70-53 victory. Atlanta at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m. Third Round United States, 4-6, 6-2, 7-6.
Atavius Jones (11 points) and Zeke Cook (10) also scored in double Men’s College Basketball Tuesday’s Games
Milwaukee at Detroit, 6 p.m.
Justin Rose
Adam Scott
Juniors Women’s Singles
figures for the Yellow Jackets (21-1, 4-0). Tuesday’s Game Oklahoma City at Orlando, 6 p.m. Jon Rahm 62n-72s-68s—202
Clara Tauson (1), Denmark, def. Leylah Annie
Washington at Cleveland, 6 p.m. Doug Ghim 63n-73s-67s—203
Fernandez (4), Canada, 6-4, 6-3.
Mississippi State at Alabama, 7:30 p.m. Chicago at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m. Talor Gooch
Hank Lebioda
Starkville High has four qualify for state Wednesday’s Game
New Orleans at Houston, 7 p.m.
Phoenix at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m.
Philadelphia at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m.
Rory McIlroy
Billy Horschel
66n-68s-71s—205 Transactions
powerlifting meet Ole Miss at Florida, 5:30 p.m. Joel Dahmen 68s-67n-70s—205
Saturday’s Moves
The Starkville High Schoool powerlifting team had four
student-athletes post top-three finishes at the regional meet to qualify
Thursday’s Games Football Hideki Matsuyama
Scott Brown
Michael Thompson
National League
Southern Miss at Florida International, 6 p.m. NFL Playoffs Adam Svensson 70n-67s-69s—206 LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Signed OF A.J.
for the Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA) State Pro Bowl Wyndham Clark 69s-67n-70s—206 Pollock to a four-year contract.
Mississippi University for Women at Voorhees, Today’s Game Sangmoon Bae 68n-67s-71s—206 BASKETBALL
Powerlifting meet. At Orlando, Fla.
At 123 pounds, Alec McNutt finished third. At 242, Roosevelt Wil- 7 p.m. AFC vs. NFC, 3 p.m. (ABC/ESPN)
Jason Day
Tony Finau
National Basketball Association
NBA — Fined Minnesota F Taj Gibson $25,000
liams finished second. At 275, Will Baggett was third. At 308, Trayben Saturday’s Games Super Bowl
Patrick Reed
John Huh
for aggressively pursuing and directing an
Matthews finished second. obscene gesture towards a game official.
Mississippi State at Ole Miss, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3
At Atlanta
Sung Kang 71n-70s-66s—207
Sepp Straka 69n-67s-71s—207
Mississippi University for Women at Morris New England vs. L.A. Rams, 5:30 p.m. (CBS) Martin Laird 73s-66n-69s—208 National Football League
NFL — Fined L.A. Rams CB Nickell
Columbus Christian Academy boys basketball team College, 3 p.m. Pro Bowl Rosters Keegan Bradley
Si Woo Kim
67n-68s-73s—208 Robey-Coleman $26,739 for his helmet-to-
At Camping World Stadium Joaquin Niemann 66n-73s-70s—209 helmet hit on New Orleans WR Tommylee
wins Southern Miss at Florida Atlantic, 3 p.m. Orlando, Florida Danny Willett 71n-68s-70s—209 Lewis during the NFC championship game.
(x-starter, i-injured, r-replacement; n-need
The Columbus Christian Academy boys basketball team beat Alabama at Auburn, 7 p.m. player; sb-Super Bowl particpant)
Xander Schauffele
Julián Etulain
CHICAGO BEARS — Re-signed OL Bobby
AFC Massie to a four-year contract extension.
Calhoun Academy 58-48 on Friday night.
Women’s College Basketball
Bill Haas 67n-72s-70s—209 TENNESSEE TITANS — Named Todd
OFFENSE Jordan Spieth 65n-72s-72s—209
Lawson Studdard led the Rams with 24 points. Will Teague had 15 Quarterbacks: x-Patrick Mahomes, Kansas J.T. Poston 72s-68n-69s—209 Downing tight ends coach.
and Matthew Phillips added seven. Sunday’s Games City; sb-Tom Brady, New England; i-Philip Riv- Jason Kokrak 71n-69s-69s—209 SOCCER
Major League Soccer
ers, L.A. Chargers; r-Deshaun Watson, Hous- Robert Streb 69s-68n-72s—209
CCA is undefeated in district play with two district games Alabama at Georgia, 1 p.m. ton; r-Andrew Luck, Indianapolis Trey Mullinax 70s-71n-68s—209 NEW YORK CITY FC — Signed M Juan Pablo
remaining. Ole Miss at Mississippi State, 2 p.m.
Tight ends: x-i-Travis Kelce, Kansas City; Eric Ryan Palmer 67s-67n-75s—209 Torres to a multi-year contract from Lokeren
Ebron, Indianapolis; r-Jared Cook, Oakland. Luke List 70s-69n-71s—210 (First Division A-Belgium).
Wide Receivers: x-Tyreek Hill, Kansas City: C.T. Pan 64n-75s-71s—210
Thursday’s Games xi-DeAndre Hopkins, Houston; i-Antonio Braden Thornberry 71s-67n-72s—210
Pickens Academy basketball teams win Mississippi University for Women at Voorhees Brown, Pittsburgh; Keenan Allen, L.A. Char-
gers; r-Jarvis Landry, Cleveland; r-JuJu
Sam Ryder 69n-69s-72s—210
Seth Peeks had 25 points to lead the Pickens Academy boys Mackenzie Hughes 70n-70s-70s—210 BUFFALO — Promoted Scott Smith to
basketball team to a 69-59 victory against North River Christian
College, 5 p.m. Smith-Schuster, Pittsburgh
Tackles: x-Taylor Lewan, Tennessee; x-Alejan-
Russell Knox 67n-70s-73s—210
associate head volleyball coach.
Nicholas Lindheim 71s-69n-70s—210
Academy on Friday night. Florida International at Southern Miss, 6 p.m. dro Villanueva, Pittsburgh; Eric Fisher, Kansas Chris Thompson 74s-66n-70s—210
Friday’s Moves
City Bud Cauley 66n-70s-74s—210
Travis Dean and Rafe Brown had 11 points for the Pirates. Mississippi State at LSU, 6:30 p.m. Guards: x,i-David DeCastro, Pittsburgh; x-Mar- Sam Burns 70s-66n-74s—210 BASEBALL
shal Yanda, Baltimore; Quenton Nelson, India- Gary Woodland 71s-70n-69s—210 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF
The Pickens Academy girls basketball team improved to 9-9 with a Auburn at Ole Miss, 7 p.m. napolis; r-Joel Bitonio, Cleveland Matt Jones 67n-74s-69s—210 BASEBALL — Suspended Cincinnati
victory against North River Christian Academy. Saturday’s Games Centers: x-Maurkice Pouncey, Pittsburgh; Nick Taylor 71s-68n-72s—211 minor league pitcher Junior Harding (Reds-
Mike Pouncey, L.A. Chargers; n-Casey Kreiter, Ben Silverman 68s-71n-72s—211
n On Thursday, Shelby Lowe had eight points and 10 rebounds Arizona) 50 games after testing positive for
to lead the Pickens Academy girls basketball team to a 29-26 victory Mississippi University for Women at Morris Denver
Running Backs: x-James Conner, Pittsburgh,
Scott Stallings
Tiger Woods
Methylphenidate; Minnesota minor league
pitcher Alex Schick (Cedar Rapids-MWL) 50
against Patrician Academy. College, 1 p.m. Melvin Gordon, L.A. Chargers; i-Phillip Lind- Chris Stroud 66s-71n-74s—211
games after testing positive for Amphetamine;
say, Denver. Jonas Blixt 68s-69n-74s—211
Jessi Latham had six points and eight rebounds. The win secured Florida Atlantic at Southern Miss, 4 p.m. Fullback: x-Anthony Sherman, Kansas City Brandon Hagy 66s-71n-74s—211 and Baltimore minor league OF Trey Whitley
the No. 2 seed for the playoffs for the Lady Pirates. DEFENSE Beau Hossler 67n-70s-74s—211 (Orioles-GCL) 50 games following a second
Sunday’s Games Defensive Ends: x-Myles Garrett, Cleveland; Cameron Smith 71n-69s-71s—211 positive test for a drug of abuse all violations
Pickens Academy will play host to Tuscaloosa Academy on x,i-J.J. Watt, Houston; Melvin Ingram, L.A. Grayson Murray 68n-72s-71s—211
Mississippi State at Alabama, Noon Chargers; r-Calais Campbell, Jacksonville Shawn Stefani 67n-74s-70s—211
of the Minor League Drug Prevention and
Thursday. Interior Lineman: x,i-Geno Atkins, Cincinnati; Charles Howell III 66s-70n-75s—211 Treatment Program.
Texas A&M at Ole Miss, 2 p.m. x,i-Jurrell Casey; Tennessee; Cameron Hey- Emiliano Grillo 67n-74s-70s—211 Major League Baseball Players Association
MLBPA — Promoted Chris Dahl to director
NBA Women’s College Golf
ward, Pittsburgh; r-Kyle Williams, Buffalo;
r-Brandon Williams, Baltimore
Outside Linebackers: x,i-Jadeveon Clowney,
Marc Leishman
Jim Knous
Sungjae Im
of communications and Gretchen Mueller to
managing director, digital media and creative
Brothers Steph, Seth Curry in 3-point contest Sunday’s Match Houston; x-Von Miller, Denver; Dee Ford, Kan- Brandt Snedeker 68n-73s-71s—212 strategy. Named Jerry Crasnick senior adviser:
sas City; r-T.J. Watt, Pittsburgh Rickie Fowler 73s-66n-74s—213 player, agent, and media relations; and Anthony
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The NBA’s All-Star weekend is shaping up Alabama at Northrop Grumman Regional (Palos Inside/Middle Linebackers: x-C.J. Mosley, Bal- John Senden 68n-73s-72s—213
Solis communications coordinator.
timore; Benardrick McKinney, Houston Kevin Tway 70n-71s-72s—213
to be quite the family affair, with the Curry brothers facing each other in Verdes Estes, California) Cornerbacks: x-Xavien Howard, Miami; x-Jalen Stephan Jaeger 70s-71n-72s—213 American League
the 3-point contest. Ramsey, Jacksonville; sb-Stephon Gilmore, Cameron Davis 72s-69n-72s—213 CLEVELAND INDIANS — Agreed to terms with
Stephen Curry told ESPN he and brother Seth Curry of the Port- College Rifle New England; Denzel Ward, Cleveland; r-Chris
Harris Jr., Denver
John Chin
Nick Watney
LHP Oliver Perez on a one-year contract.
land Trail Blazers will square off Feb. 16 in Charlotte, their hometown. Saturday’s Match Free Safeties: X-Derwin James, L.A. Chargers; Sebastián Muñoz 68n-72s-75s—215 Almonte outright to Salt Lake City (PCL).
Eric Weddle, Baltimore Adam Schenk 72n-69s-74s—215
The Golden State star says the contest will be fun, but he knows OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Agreed to terms
Nebraska at Ole Miss Strong Safety: x-Jamal Adams, N.Y. Jets Rory Sabbatini 72s-68n-76s—216
with RHP Marco Estrada on a one-year
his brother is “going to be gunning for me, though. That’s the problem.” SPECIALISTS Ryan Blaum 71n-70s-75s—216
contract. Sent RHP Parker Bridwell outright to
Men’s College Tennis Punter: x-Brett Kern, Tennessee Sean O’Hair 71n-69s-77s—217
The NBA has not released the full field of competitors for the Placekicker: x-Jason Myers, N.Y. Jets Morgan Hoffmann 70n-70s-79s—219 Las Vegas (PCL).
All-Star Saturday Night events. This will be the sixth time Stephen Curry Long snapper: Casey Kreiter, Denver National League
has been in the contest and the first for Seth Curry. Their father, Dell
Today’s Matches Return Specialist: x-Andre Roberts, N.Y. Jets Dubai Desert Classic ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Sent LHP
Curry, was a two-time participant. Harvard at Alabama, 1 p.m. Special Teamer: x-Adrian Phillips, L.A. Char-
gers At Emirates GC
Jared Miller outright to Reno (PCL).
In an interview last week with The Associated Press, Dell Curry Arizona or UNC Wilmington at Mississippi State, NFC Dubai, United Arab Emirates
National Basketball Association
OFFENSE Purse: $3.25 million
said his two sons love to compete at just about anything — and it’s 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. Quarterbacks: x-Drew Brees, New Orleans; Yardage: 7,238; Par: 72 NBA — Suspended Denver C Nikola Jokic
Third Round
impossible to say who’s more competitive. Friday’s Matches sb-Jared Goff, L.A. Rams; i-Aaron Rodgers,
Green Bay; r-Mitchell Trubisky, Chicago; r-Rus- Bryson DeChambeau, U.S. 66-66-68—200
one game for leaving the bench during an
altercation and fined Denver C Mason Plumlee
“At my daughter’s wedding we played liar’s dice for about two Miami, Florida at Mississippi State, 3 p.m. sell Wilson, Seattle Li Haotong, China 67-67-67—201 $25,000 and Utah C Derrick Favors $15,000
Tight Ends: x,i-Zach Ertz, Philadelphia; George Matt Wallace, England 70-64-69—203
hours — and that was the most competitive thing I have seen in a long Ole Miss at Oklahoma State, 5 p.m. Kittle, San Francisco; r-Austin Hooper, Atlanta Ernie Els, South Africa 68-65-70—203 for engaging in the altercation during a Jan.
23 game.
time,” he said with a laugh. “Anytime there is a game that somebody Minnesota at Alabama, 6 p.m. Wide Receivers: Davante Adams, Green Bay; Kalle Samooja, Finland 66-70-68—204
x,i-Julio Jones, Atlanta; x-Michael Thomas, Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark 69-67-68—204
has to win or lose, you can’t give anyone the edge as to who is more Sunday’s Matches New Orleans; Adam Thielen, Minnesota; r-Mike Alvaro Quiros, Spain 69-64-71—204 National Football League
competitive. We all are.” Southern Miss at UAB, 11 a.m. Evans, Tampa Bay Lucas Herbert, Australia 69-63-72—204 GREEN BAY PACKERS — Named Mike Smith
Tackles: x-Terron Armstead, New Orleans; Jordan Smith, England 68-68-69—205 outside linebackers coach.
That carries over to the golf course as well. Matthew Fitzpatrick, England 65-70-70—205
Dell Curry said he plays golf with both sons — sometimes all three South Florida at Mississippi State, 1 p.m. x,i-Tyron Smith, Dallas; Trent Williams, Wash-
ington; r-Lane Johnson, Philadelphia Jason Scrivener, Australia 67-67-71—205
Andrew Johnston, England 72-69-65—206 Vinatieri.
of them together — and it’s always competitive.
“Seth only plays two or three times a summer,” Dell Curry said.
Women’s College Tennis Guards: x,i-Brandon Brooks, Philadelphia;
x,i-Zack Martin, Dallas; Trai Turner, Carolina;
r-Andrus Peat, New Orleans; r-Larry Warford,
Byeong Hun An, South Korea 70-68-68—206
Tommy Fleetwood, England 68-70-68—206
Canadian Football League
“He’s knocked 10 strokes off because of his short game. He can hit the Today’s Matches New Orleans Lee Westwood, England 67-70-69—206 Jones to a contract extension. Signed WR
Sergio Garcia, Spain 66-70-70—206 Harry McMaster.
ball farther. But his short game for only playing a couple of times a year Michigan or Syracuse at Ole Miss, 11 a.m. Centers: x-Alex Mack, Atlanta; Max Under, New
Orleans George Coetzee, South Africa 70-65-71—206 WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Re-signed LB
Matthieu Pavon, France 66-68-72—206
is really good. As for Steph, people ask me if I beat him. I will tell them, Mississippi State vs. UCSB (Gainesville, Florida), Running Backs: x,sb-Todd Gurley, L.A. Rams;
Also Shayne Gauthier to a two-year contract.
Saquon Barkley, N.Y. Giants; Ezekiel Elliott, SOCCER
yeah, I beat him twice — but we played about 25 times. He’s a stick. 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Dallas; r-Alvin Kamara, New Orleans Shane Lowry, Ireland 69-67-71—207
Major League Soccer
Lucas Bjerregaard, Denmark 72-68-67—207
Loves to play.” Southern Miss at Alcorn State, 2 p.m. Fullback: x-Kyle Juszczyk, San Francisco
DEFENSE Ian Poulter, England 67-71-70—208 MINNESOTA UNITED — Signed D Romain
Seth Curry is actually outshooting his two-time league MVP brother Friday’s Matches Defensive Ends: x-Cameron Jordan, New Or- Eddie Pepperell, England 72-67-69—208 Metanire from Reims (France) using Targeted
Martin Kaymer, Germany 71-67-72—210 Allocation Money.
from beyond the arc this NBA season. Alabama at UCSB, Noon leans; x-Demarcus Lawrence, Dallas; Danielle
Tyrrell Hatton, England 69-70-71—210
Hunter, Minnesota; NEW YORK CITY FC — Announced F Jo
Seth Curry is shooting a career-best 48 percent from 3-point range, Saturday’s Matches Interior Lineman: x-Fletcher Cox, Philadelphia; Kurt Kitayama, United States 71-69-75—215
Inge Berget and the team agreed to mutually
making 137 of 322 attempts. Stephen Curry is shooting 44.4 percent,
but he has made more shots (191 of 430). Stephen Curry ranks behind
Alcorn State at Mississippi State (DH), 11 a.m.
x,sb-Aaron Donald, L.A. Rams; Akiem Hicks,
Chicago; r-Kawann Short, Carolina
Outside Linebackers: x-Ryan Kerrigan, Wash-
Hockey terminate the Berget’s contract.
North Premier Soccer League
only James Harden in number of 3-pointers made this season (220). Alabama vs. Gonzaga (Santa Barbara, California), ington; x,i-Khalil Mack, Chicago; Anthony Barr, NHL NEW YORK COSMOS — Signed M Ricardo
The event could include even more intrigue if Charlotte Hornets Noon Minnesota; r-Olivier Vernon, N.Y. Giants
Inside/Middle Linebackers: x,i-Luke Kuechly,
Atlantic Division
point guard Kemba Walker decides to compete given this is his own West Alabama at Southern Miss, 2 p.m. Carolina; Bobby Wagner, Seattle; r-Leighton GP W L OT Pts GF GA AUSTIN PEAY — Named Tim Zetts
Vander Esch, Dallas offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach.
court. Alabama vs. Cal Poly (Santa Barbara, California), Cornerbacks: x-Kyle Fuller, Chicago; x-Patrick
Tampa Bay
49 37 10 2 76 199 140
49 30 17 2 62 174 140 Reassigned Mark Powell to defensive
Walker, an All-Star starter, is fifth in the NBA in made 3-pointers 5 p.m. Peterson, Arizona; Byron Jones, Dallas; Darius
Slay, Detroit
Montreal 51 28 18 5 61 154 149 coordinator and linebackers coach.
Boston 49 27 17 5 59 143 128
this season and one of the most popular professional athletes ever to Sunday’s Match Free Safeties: x-Eddie Jackson, Chicago; Har- Buffalo 48 24 18 6 54 140 144
COKER — Named Travis Neal women’s
play in Charlotte. rison Smith, Minnesota Florida 48 20 20 8 48 152 170 volleyball coach.
Tulane at Ole Miss, Noon Strong Safety: i-Landon Collins, N.Y. Giants; Detroit 51 19 25 7 45 145 172 NJIT — Named Pedro Trevino women’s
r-Malcolm Jenkins, Philadelphia Ottawa 50 19 26 5 43 156 187 volleyball coach.

MSU men
Horse Racing College Track and Field
Friday’s Meets
City of Light wins $9 million Pegasus World Cup Alabama at South Carolina Classic (Columbia,
HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. — City of Light and Accelerate went
head-to-head twice last year, each winning once and setting up what South Carolina) Continued from Page 1B
figured to be a showdown in the final race of their careers. Mississippi State at Harvard/Boston Invitational the game Tuesday (in a 76-55 loss to maining.
City of Light decided to make it a romp instead. (Boston, Massachusetts) Kentucky). It was important to come A 3-pointer by Quinndary Weath-
Going into retirement with an absolute flourish, City of Light ran Ole Miss at Don DeNoon Classic (Carbondale,
away from Accelerate and every other challenger down the stretch and out and make some shots. In the first erspoon got the home team and crowd
rolled to a 5 3/4-length victory in the $9 million Pegasus World Cup on half, I got some good looks. In the sec- going.
Southern Miss at Kentucky Invitational
Saturday — the richest race in North America, and the highlight of the ond half, it was more a matter of help- “Our team showed tremendous
$16 million Pegasus Day at Gulfstream Park. (Lexington, Kentucky)
Saturday’s Meets
ing my team get shots.” composure when things were getting
“This horse is a gift,” City of Light trainer Michael McCarthy said.
“Amazing.” Alabama at South Carolina Classic (Columbia, While shots were plentiful for both away,” Howland said.
Seeking the Soul, a 30-1 long shot, got up for second. Accelerate, South Carolina) teams — Auburn shot 53.1 percent, A dunk by Nick Weatherspoon
the Breeders’ Cup Classic champion and runner-up for Horse of the Mississippi State at Harvard/Boston Invitational while MSU shot 50.9 percent — the gave the Bulldogs a 56-55 lead. The
Year, never fired in the stretch run and settled for third. Accelerate
(Boston, Massachusetts) game turned on the defensive end. lead then went back-and-forth before a
ended his career with six wins in eight races — both losses coming to
Ole Miss at Don DeNoon Classic (Carbondale, In the opening half, the Bulldogs 7-0 run gave the Bulldogs a 77-70 lead.
City of Light.
“We’ve enjoyed him for three years,” Accelerate trainer John Sadler Illinois) built a 25-14 lead with 9 minutes, A technical on Auburn coach Bruce
said. “We ran a really good race today in tough conditions. ... And City Southern Miss at Kentucky Invitational 45 seconds left in the first half. Still, Pearl happened during that run.
of Light is a very good horse also.” (Lexington, Kentucky) the Bulldogs were struggling to get “That game was an offensive clin-
Both caked in mud, a souvenir from the rain-drubbed dirt course, rebounds and the Tigers were begin- ic,” Pearl said. “We had a hard time
they left the track at roughly the same time and headed to the barn for Junior College Basketball ning to find answers. guarding anything Mississippi State
the final post-race meal of their careers. Late Sunday morning, they’ll Monday’s Games
be loaded into the same van to start the journey to the farm in Kentucky Auburn fell down by seven four was trying to do. We let Q get going.
where they will begin their stud careers next month. Women: Northeast at EMCC. 5:30 p.m. times before ending the first half with When he gets going, it’s hard to stop
They could have retired after Breeders’ Cup wins last November Men: Northeast at EMCC, 7:30 p.m. a flurry, to pull within 47-45. that team. He is their heart and soul.”
— Accelerate won the Classic, City of Light won the Mile — but stuck Women: Itawamba at Holmes, 6 p.m. The Tigers then scored the first The Bulldogs were plus-five re-
around for a shot at the massive Pegasus payday. Men: Itawamba at Holmes, 8 p.m.
“Nine million reasons,” McCarthy said. seven points of the second half and bounding in the second half and
— From Special Reports later held a 55-48 lead with 16:42 re- forced nine turnovers.
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 3B

Hot-shooting Cyclones outlast Rebels
Halftime—Arkansas 33-30. 3-Point
Saturday’s Men’s Goals—Arkansas 4-19 (Jones 2-6, Osabuohien Friday’s Men’s
Major College Scores 1-1, Harris 1-3, Sills 0-1, Embery 0-3, Joe 0-5),
Texas Tech 10-19 (Culver 4-5, Moretti 3-6,
Major College Scores
Mooney 1-2, Corprew 1-2, Francis 1-3, Ed-
Albany (NY) 84, Hartford 77 wards 0-1). Fouled Out—Owens, Jones. Re- Iona 77, Rider 71
American U. 76, Bucknell 68 bounds—Arkansas 19 (Gafford 5), Texas Tech Quinnipiac 92, Marist 78
Army 69, Lafayette 63 Yale 79, Brown 71
Binghamton 78, Maine 66
24 (Odiase 7). Assists—Arkansas 7 (Harris 3),
Texas Tech 14 (Culver 4). Total Fouls—Arkan- MIDWEST By DAVID BRANDT
Columbia 73, Cornell 70
Dayton 75, Fordham 52
sas 20, Texas Tech 21. Buffalo 88, Kent St. 79 The Associated Press
Michigan 69, Indiana 46
Delaware 76, Drexel 75 No. 22 Mississippi St. 92,
Fairleigh Dickinson 78, Bryant 63 Southeastern OXFORD — The No. 24
Harvard 64, Dartmouth 59 No. 16 Auburn 84
Hofstra 84, Towson 61 AUBURN (13-6): McLemore 4-8 2-2 10, Conference Men Iowa State men’s basketball
Holy Cross 69, Navy 64 Okeke 6-10 1-1 16, Doughty 1-3 4-4 6, Harper Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
LIU Brooklyn 84, CCSU 71
Lehigh 94, Boston U. 78
4-7 4-5 15, Brown 5-10 6-6 18, Purifoy 1-1 0-0
3, Spencer 1-3 2-2 4, McCormick 2-4 2-3 7,
6-0 1.000 18-1 .947
6-0 1.000 16-3 .842 team whipped the basketball
Loyola (Md.) 79, Colgate 72, OT
Niagara 75, Monmouth (NJ) 48
Dunbar 2-3 0-0 5. Totals 26-49 21-23 84.
MISSISSIPPI STATE (15-4): Holman 3-8
S. Carolina
5-1 .833 16-3 .842
5-1 .833 10-9 .526
around and through No. 20
Penn 78, Saint Joseph’s 70 0-2 7, Ado 2-2 4-10 8, Q.Weatherspoon 6-9
11-11 27, Peters 5-13 2-2 16, N.Weatherspoon
Ole Miss
4-2 .667 14-5 .737
3-3 .500 12-7 .632
Ole Miss’ zone with preci-
Robert Morris 57, Wagner 51
Rutgers 64, Penn St. 60 5-8 1-2 12, Perry 3-7 4-6 10, Carter 3-6 1-1 9, Florida 3-3 .500 11-8 .579 sion and purpose, finding
Siena 53, Manhattan 40 Woodard 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 28-55 23-34 92. Mississippi St. 3-3 .500 15-4 .789
St. Francis (Pa.) 79, Sacred Heart 78 Halftime—Mississippi St. 47-45. 3-Point Auburn 2-4 .333 13-6 .684 open players on nearly every
Goals—Auburn 11-21 (Harper 3-5, Okeke 3-5, Arkansas 2-4 .333 11-8 .579
St. Francis Brooklyn 74, Mount St. Mary’s 67
UConn 80, Wichita St. 60 Brown 2-4, Purifoy 1-1, McCormick 1-1, Dunbar Missouri 1-5 .167 10-8 .556 possession during the sec-
UMBC 59, New Hampshire 51
VCU 80, Duquesne 74
1-2, Doughty 0-1, McLemore 0-2), Mississippi
St. 13-30 (Q.Weatherspoon 4-5, Peters 4-10,
Texas A&M
1-5 .167 10-9 .526
1-5 .167 8-10 .444 ond half.
Vermont 73, Stony Brook 52
Carter 2-5, Woodard 1-2, N.Weatherspoon 1-3,
Holman 1-4, Perry 0-1). Fouled Out—Peters.
Vanderbilt 0-6 .000 9-10 .474 By the time the Rebels
Alabama A&M 68, Southern U. 62 Rebounds—Auburn 25 (Doughty 5), Missis-
sippi St. 28 (Perry 11). Assists—Auburn 12
Friday’s Games
No games scheduled
figured out where the ball
Alabama St. 74, Alcorn St. 59
Belmont 96, Austin Peay 92 (Harper 7), Mississippi St. 20 (Peters 10). Total Saturday’s Games was, one of the Cyclones was
Fouls—Auburn 20, Mississippi St. 21. Techni- Baylor 73, Alabama 68
Boston College 65, Wake Forest 61
Charleston Southern 74, Gardner-Webb 60 cals—Dunbar, Auburn coach Bruce Pearl. Iowa State 87, Ole Miss 73 usually slamming it through
TCU 55, Florida 50
Coll. of Charleston 74, William & Mary 59
Duke 66, Georgia Tech 53 No. 24 Iowa State 87, Oklahoma State 74, South Carolina 70 the hoop or making another
ETSU 91, W. Carolina 69
Elon 89, UNC-Wilmington 82
No. 20 Ole Miss 73 Georgia 98, Texas 88
Texas A&M 65, Kansas State 53 open jumper.
IOWA STATE (15-5): Jacobson 3-5 0-0 6,
FAU 89, FIU 72 Horton-Tucker 11-18 0-1 23, Haliburton 2-2 0-0
Oklahoma 86, Vanderbilt 55
Tennessee 83, West Virginia 66
The result was Iowa
Florida A&M 72, Coppin St. 70
George Mason 62, George Washington 55
5, Shayok 6-9 2-2 17, Weiler-Babb 4-5 0-0 8,
Talley 0-1 0-0 0, Conditt 0-0 0-0 0, Griffin 1-1
Texas Tech 67, Arkansas 64
LSU 86, Missouri 80, OT
State’s 87-73 victory against
Georgia 98, Texas 88
Georgia Southern 74, Texas State 58
0-0 2, Lard 4-4 0-0 8, Wigginton 7-10 1-1 18.
Totals 38-55 3-4 87.
Kentucky 71, Kansas 63 Ole Miss in the SEC/Big
Mississippi State 92, Auburn 84
Georgia St. 77, Texas-Arlington 71
Hampton 64, Campbell 58
OLE MISS (14-5): Olejniczak 3-7 0-0 6,
Shuler 4-7 0-0 10, T.Davis 4-14 7-8 16, Tyree
Sunday’s Games 12 Challenge on Satur-
No games scheduled
High Point 65, UNC-Asheville 61
Howard 80, Delaware St. 74
9-22 2-3 22, Hinson 3-10 4-4 13, Buffen 1-3 0-0 Monday’s Games day. Freshman Talen Hor-
2, Stevens 1-5 0-0 2, Halums 0-1 2-2 2, D.Davis
Illinois 78, Maryland 67 0-0 0-0 0, Rodriguez 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-69
No games scheduled
ton-Tucker scored 23 points
Iowa St. 87, Mississippi 73 15-17 73. Saturday’s Women’s and sophomore Lindell Wig-
Jackson St. 65, Grambling St. 63 Halftime—Iowa St. 43-38. 3-Point
Major College Scores
Jacksonville St. 77, Morehead St. 71
Kentucky 71, Kansas 63
Goals—Iowa St. 8-15 (Wigginton 3-4, Sha-
yok 3-5, Haliburton 1-1, Horton-Tucker 1-4, EAST ginton added 18.
American U. 60, Lafayette 45
Louisiana Tech 62, W. Kentucky 50
Louisiana-Lafayette 86, Troy 81
Weiler-Babb 0-1), Ole Miss 8-24 (Hinson 3-8,
Shuler 2-3, Tyree 2-5, T.Davis 1-5, Halums 0-1, Boston U. 49, Navy 35 “In the second half, we
Louisville 66, Pittsburgh 51
McNeese St. 79, Houston Baptist 73
Stevens 0-2). Rebounds—Iowa St. 31 (Wei-
ler-Babb 9), Ole Miss 26 (T.Davis 6). Assists—
Bryant 72, CCSU 60
Bucknell 75, Holy Cross 71 came out locked in,” Hor-
Mississippi State 92, Auburn 84 Iowa St. 26 (Haliburton 9), Ole Miss 10 (Shuler, Buffalo 93, N. Illinois 64
Canisius 62, Rider 49 ton-Tucker said. “We made
Morgan St. 77, Bethune-Cookman 71 T.Davis 4). Total Fouls—Iowa St. 14, Ole Miss
N. Kentucky 73, Milwaukee 60 11. A—8,839 (9,500).
Colgate 73, Loyola (Md.) 64
Columbia 65, Cornell 57
some big shots.”
NC A&T 51, NC Central 48
NC State 69, Clemson 67 No. 25 LSU 86, Hartford 82, Albany (NY) 35
Harvard 73, Dartmouth 57
Iowa State (15-5) put on
Norfolk St. 88, Md.-Eastern Shore 60
Northeastern 78, James Madison 68 Missouri 80, OT Lehigh 73, Army 50 an offensive show, making Justin Ford/USA TODAY Sports
LSU (16-3): Reid 2-12 9-9 14, Bigby-Wil- Monmouth (NJ) 76, Niagara 54
Prairie View 89, MVSU 78
Presbyterian 99, Winthrop 91 liams 2-3 3-6 7, Taylor 3-6 1-2 7, Waters 4-17 Mount St. Mary’s 61, LIU Brooklyn 45 13-straight shots in the sec- Iowa State Cyclones guard Lindell Wigginton (5) shoots over
Richmond 74, La Salle 60
SC-Upstate 80, Longwood 63 3-4 13, Mays 6-12 10-12 24, Days 0-2 0-0 0,
Williams 3-5 1-3 7, Smart 4-11 2-2 14. Totals Robert Morris 69, Wagner 46 ond half to break open a tight Ole Miss guard Terence Davis (3) in the second half of their
SE Louisiana 69, Northwestern St. 53
Samford 75, Furman 73 24-68 29-38 86. St. Bonaventure 64, UMass 63
St. Francis (Pa.) 85, Sacred Heart 68 game. The Cyclones made game Saturday at The Pavilion at Ole Miss.
Savannah St. 92, SC State 88 MISSOURI (10-8): Puryear 1-7 0-1 2,
South Alabama 78, Louisiana-Monroe 72 Tilmon 5-8 5-6 15, Geist 7-14 8-10 25, Watson
0-2 0-0 0, Pickett 5-12 2-2 13, Mi.Smith 0-0 0-0
St. Francis Brooklyn 64, Fairleigh Dickinson 53
Stony Brook 67, Vermont 61 a few tough shots during
South Florida 77, East Carolina 57
Southern Miss. 101, Marshall 51
0, Nikko 1-1 2-2 4, Santos 2-3 0-0 4, Suggs 1-6 Temple 84, East Carolina 62
UMBC 64, New Hampshire 62 the run, but several came at cluding 3-for-5 from 3-point vis had 16.
6-9 9, Pinson 2-4 3-3 8. Totals 24-57 26-33 80.
St. Bonaventure 66, Richmond 57
Tennessee 83, West Virginia 66
Halftime—33-33. End Of Regulation—Tied West Virginia 60, Kansas St. 30
Yale 84, Brown 72
point-blank range, including range. “We just had a lot of defen-
71. 3-Point Goals—LSU 9-30 (Smart 4-9, Mays
Tennessee Tech 91, E. Kentucky 85 2-6, Waters 2-7, Reid 1-4, Taylor 0-1, Williams
Alabama St. 76, Alcorn St. 63
six layups and a dunk. “I think you just see the sive breakdowns,” Ole Miss
The Citadel 84, VMI 82
UNC-Greensboro 88, Mercer 81
0-1, Days 0-2), Missouri 6-24 (Geist 3-7, Pinson
1-2, Suggs 1-5, Pickett 1-7, Watson 0-1, Puryear
Belmont 80, Austin Peay 62 “With us moving the ball, depth of our team,” Iowa coach Kermit Davis said.
UT Martin 85, SIU-Edwardsville 69 Bethune-Cookman 73, Morgan St. 69
Wofford 80, Chattanooga 69
0-2). Fouled Out—Suggs, Pinson, Days, Taylor.
Rebounds—LSU 38 (Reid 8), Missouri 40 (Geist
Charlotte 62, UTEP 39 there’s not many teams that State coach Steve Prohm “Our defensive field goal per-
Chattanooga 73, Samford 63
Akron 67, N. Illinois 65
11). Assists—LSU 15 (Waters 9), Missouri 7
(Geist, Pickett 2). Total Fouls—LSU 27, Missouri
Coastal Carolina 88, Arkansas St. 72 can beat us,” Horton-Tucker said. “If our team can just re- centage is ridiculously high.
Cleveland St. 72, Youngstown St. 62
Davidson 54, Saint Louis 53
29. Technicals—Puryear, Geist.
Coppin St. 73, Florida A&M 53
FAU 77, FIU 55 said. ally chase our ceiling, we can In these kinds of games,
E. Michigan 93, W. Michigan 67 Oklahoma 86, Furman 63, Wofford 50
The Cyclones shot 69 per-
IUPUI 80, Detroit 65 Hampton 82, Gardner-Webb 80 do some really good things.” we’ve got to get more players
LSU 86, Missouri 80, OT Vanderbilt 55 High Point 71, Charleston Southern 64 cent from the field, including
Marquette 87, Xavier 82 VANDERBILT (9-10): Moyer 0-4 0-2 0, Howard 78, Delaware St. 62 Ole Miss (14-5) pulled to play better. I’m responsi-
Miami (Ohio) 67, Bowling Green 53 Nesmith 3-6 1-2 9, Wetzell 1-8 2-2 4, Shittu 3-9 Jackson St. 77, Grambling St. 74 nearly 77 percent in the sec-
Missouri St. 55, Bradley 37 1-1 7, Lee 9-12 4-4 24, Brown 2-3 0-0 4, Ryan Liberty 85, Jacksonville 75
McNeese St. 81, Houston Baptist 71 ond half. within 43-42 on Terence Da- ble for it.”
Oakland 80, Ill.-Chicago 67 3-9 0-1 7, Evans 0-1 0-0 0, Toye 0-5 0-0 0. To-
Ohio 78, Ball St. 74 tals 21-57 8-12 55. Md.-Eastern Shore 59, Norfolk St. 43
Mercer 64, ETSU 41 The 6-foot-4 Horton-Tuck- vis’ tip-in early in the second The Rebels missed their
OKLAHOMA (15-5): Manek 6-11 2-2 16,
Ohio St. 70, Nebraska 60
Purdue Fort Wayne 91, Denver 81 Doolittle 1-4 2-2 4, Odomes 7-8 0-1 14, Bienie-
Middle Tennessee 61, North Texas 46
Morehead St. 66, Jacksonville St. 55 er, who leads all Big 12 Con- half but never took the lead. first eight shots and fell be-
my 0-2 0-0 0, James 8-15 2-2 21, Freeman 2-4
S. Dakota St. 83, Nebraska-Omaha 73
SE Missouri 64, E. Illinois 59 0-0 4, Geha 1-1 0-0 2, Streller 0-0 0-0 0, Polla
NC A&T 52, NC Central 49
Northwestern St. 58, SE Louisiana 47 ference freshmen in scoring, The Rebels hit 36 percent of hind by 12 points before pull-
Toledo 76, Cent. Michigan 72
UMKC 63, Seattle 54
3-3 0-0 6, McNeace 1-3 0-0 2, Reynolds 4-6
1-2 9, Calixte 3-8 0-0 8. Totals 36-65 7-9 86.
Old Dominion 72, UTSA 47
Prairie View 75, MVSU 65 made 11 of 18 shots from their shots, but their biggest ing within 43-38 by halftime.
Utah Valley 74, Chicago St. 60
Virginia 82, Notre Dame 55
Halftime—Oklahoma 41-23. 3-Point
Goals—Vanderbilt 5-21 (Lee 2-2, Nesmith
Radford 56, Campbell 52
Rice 55, UAB 43 the field and added eight downfall was a non-existent Tyree had 13 points in
W. Illinois 65, South Dakota 59
Wisconsin 62, Northwestern 46
2-3, Ryan 1-5, Evans 0-1, Wetzell 0-2, Moyer
0-2, Shittu 0-3, Toye 0-3), Oklahoma 7-23
SC State 71, Savannah St. 60
SC-Upstate 72, Longwood 67
rebounds and five assists. defense. the first half. Horton-Tucker
Wright St. 87, Green Bay 75 (James 3-9, Calixte 2-5, Manek 2-6, Bieniemy
0-1, Freeman 0-2). Rebounds—Vanderbilt 34
South Alabama 77, Louisiana-Monroe 49 Marial Shayok added 17 Breein Tyree had 22 scored 15 in the first half on
SOUTHWEST Southern Miss. 64, Marshall 52
Abilene Christian 79, Cent. Arkansas 56 (Lee 8), Oklahoma 29 (Bieniemy, James 5).
Assists—Vanderbilt 7 (Lee 3), Oklahoma 15
Southern U. 54, Alabama A&M 50 points on 6-for-9 shooting, in- points to lead Ole Miss. Da- 7-of-11 shooting.
Appalachian St. 77, UALR 73 Stetson 76, Lipscomb 49
Baylor 73, Alabama 68 (Bieniemy 7). Total Fouls—Vanderbilt 13, Okla- Tennessee St. 65, Murray St. 61

Kegler, Mason help Bears defeat Tide

Coastal Carolina 77, Arkansas St. 64 homa 13. A—7,526 (11,562). Tennessee Tech 81, E. Kentucky 68
Troy 90, Louisiana-Lafayette 64
New Orleans 61, Incarnate Word 52
North Texas 70, Middle Tennessee 53 Baylor 73, Alabama 68 UALR 74, Appalachian St. 59
Oklahoma 86, Vanderbilt 55 ALABAMA (12-7): Hall 5-10 1-1 11, Jones UNC-Greensboro 71, W. Carolina 59
Oklahoma St. 74, South Carolina 70 0-2 0-0 0, Ingram 2-2 1-2 5, Lewis 6-12 2-2 15, UT Martin 68, SIU-Edwardsville 55
SMU 85, Tulane 75 Mack 7-13 1-2 15, Smith 1-1 0-0 2, Reese 1-3 W. Kentucky 81, Louisiana Tech 76
Sam Houston St. 69, Lamar 59 0-0 2, A.Johnson 0-1 0-0 0, Petty 1-7 0-0 2, Wichita St. 62, Tulane 44
TCU 55, Florida 50 Norris 6-6 0-0 16. Totals 29-57 5-7 68. Winthrop 55, Presbyterian 52 By SCHUYLER DIXON
Texas A&M 65, Kansas St. 53 BAYLOR (13-6): Mason 5-10 2-2 13, But- MIDWEST
Texas Tech 67, Arkansas 64
ler 3-8 1-2 9, McClure 2-6 1-2 7, Vital 3-9 0-0 6, Akron 70, Toledo 64 The Associated Press
Kegler 7-13 2-3 17, Thamba 0-2 0-0 0, Gillespie Bradley 79, Illinois St. 68
UTSA 74, Old Dominion 73 4-6 0-0 8, Bandoo 2-5 0-0 4, Mayer 4-8 1-1 9. Cent. Michigan 71, E. Michigan 61
Boise St. 77, Wyoming 52
Totals 30-67 7-10 73.
Halftime—Baylor 36-30. 3-Point Goals—
Cincinnati 80, Memphis 56
IUPUI 67, Green Bay 63 WACO, Texas — Baylor
Colorado St. 74, Fresno St. 65
Montana St. 104, Idaho St. 84
Alabama 5-17 (Norris 4-4, Lewis 1-4, Mack
0-2, Reese 0-2, Petty 0-5), Baylor 6-22 (Mc-
Miami (Ohio) 79, Kent St. 63
Milwaukee 72, Ill.-Chicago 53 forward Mario Kegler woke
N. Colorado 63, N. Arizona 48
Pacific 74, Portland 70
Clure 2-5, Butler 2-6, Mason 1-4, Kegler 1-4,
Bandoo 0-1, Mayer 0-2). Fouled Out—Jones.
Ohio 82, Bowling Green 79
Providence 77, Creighton 63
up ready to face the Alabama
Utah 82, California 64
Utah St. 68, New Mexico 66
Rebounds—Alabama 29 (Hall 7), Baylor 33 Purdue Fort Wayne 70, Denver 55
S. Dakota St. 81, Nebraska-Omaha 47
men’s basketball team after
(Kegler 7). Assists—Alabama 17 (Lewis 6),
Washington 79, Oregon St. 69 Baylor 14 (Butler 5). Total Fouls—Alabama 15, SE Missouri 72, E. Illinois 57
South Dakota 92, W. Illinois 49
sitting out a season following
The Associated Press Baylor 11. A—7,094 (10,284).
W. Michigan 65, Ball St. 62 his transfer from Mississippi
Men’s Top 25 Fared TCU 55, Florida 50 Youngstown St. 73, Cleveland St. 55
Thursday FLORIDA (11-8): K.Johnson 4-9 0-0 9,
Abilene Christian 77, Cent. Arkansas 70
1. Tennessee (18-1) beat West Virginia
83-65. Next: at South Carolina, Tuesday.
Hayes 4-6 0-1 8, Locke 2-9 2-2 7, Allen 4-13
1-1 11, A.Nembhard 2-9 0-0 6, Bassett 0-1 0-0 Georgia Southern 65, Texas State 55 This ending was better
Houston 76, Tulsa 44
2. Duke (17-2) beat Georgia Tech 66-53. 0, Okauru 0-0 0-0 0, Ballard 1-5 0-0 3, Hudson
2-10 1-1 6. Totals 19-62 4-5 50. Incarnate Word 81, New Orleans 69 than the three he remembers
Next: at Notre Dame, Monday.
3. Virginia (18-1) beat Notre Dame 82-55. TCU (15-4): Noi 8-17 3-5 22, Miller 1-6
0-0 2, Samuel 1-3 0-0 2, Bane 4-13 8-8 17,
Iowa St. 84, Oklahoma St. 71
Lamar 83, Sam Houston St. 72 from his freshman year.
Next: at No. 21 N.C. State, Tuesday.
4. Gonzaga (19-2) did not play. Next: at Robinson 3-9 1-4 7, Mayen 1-1 0-0 3, Barlow Oral Roberts 101, N. Dakota St. 72
SMU 46, South Florida 44 Kegler scored 17 points
0-0 0-0 0, R.Nembhard 0-1 0-0 0, Davis 0-0 2-2
BYU, Thursday.
5. Michigan (19-1) did not play. Next: vs. 2. Totals 18-50 14-19 55. Texas 78, Texas Tech 71
Texas Southern 59, Ark.-Pine Bluff 58
and Makai Mason had 13,
Halftime—TCU 32-20. 3-Point Goals—Flor-
Ohio State, Tuesday.
6. Michigan State (18-2) did not play. ida 8-27 (A.Nembhard 2-4, Allen 2-9, K.Johnson Texas-Arlington 69, Georgia St. 45
including the bucket that put
Next: at Purdue, Sunday.
7. Nevada (19-1) did not play. Next: at
1-1, Ballard 1-3, Locke 1-5, Hudson 1-5), TCU 5-20
(Noi 3-8, Mayen 1-1, Bane 1-6, Miller 0-2, Robin-
Air Force 88, San Jose St. 77 the Bears ahead for good in
BYU 65, San Diego 56
UNLV, Tuesday.
8. Kentucky (16-3) beat No. 9 Kansas
son 0-3). Rebounds—Florida 26 (K.Johnson 8),
TCU 35 (Samuel 7). Assists—Florida 14 (Allen
CS Northridge 51, Long Beach St. 37 a 73-68 victory against the
Fresno St. 57, Colorado St. 54
71-63. Next: at Vanderbilt, Tuesday. 5), TCU 10 (Robinson 5). Total Fouls—Florida 15,
TCU 10. A—6,682 (6,800).
Gonzaga 78, Santa Clara 61 Crimson Tide in the SEC/Big Alabama Athletic Media Relations
9. Kansas (16-4) lost to No. 8 Kentucky Grand Canyon 75, California Baptist 71
71-63. Next: at Texas, Tuesday.
Oklahoma State 74, Hawaii 47, UC Santa Barbara 35 12 Challenge on Saturday. Alabama’s John Petty (23) had two points on 1-for-7 shooting
10. Virginia Tech (16-3) beat Syracuse
78-56. Next: at Miami, Wednesday. South Carolina 70
Idaho 80, Portland St. 78
Idaho St. 61, Montana St. 43 “I played Alabama like Saturday in the men’s basketball team’s 73-68 loss to Baylor
11. North Carolina (15-4) did not play.
Next: at Georgia Tech, Tuesday.
SOUTH CAROLINA (10-9): Kotsar 4-8
0-0 8, Bryant 3-7 3-3 10, Silva 6-13 2-2 15,
Montana 72, Weber St. 60
N. Colorado 63, N. Arizona 53 three times my freshman in the SEC/Big 12 Challenge in Waco, Texas.
12. Marquette (18-3) beat Xavier 87-82.
Next: at Butler, Wednesday.
Campbell 3-8 0-0 8, Lawson 4-11 2-2 12, Frink New Mexico 68, Utah St. 64
New Mexico St. 71, Rio Grande 63
year and I don’t think I had
2-3 0-0 4, Haase 1-6 2-2 5, Hinson 0-2 0-0 0,
13. Maryland (16-5) lost to Illinois 78-67.
Next: vs. Northwestern, Tuesday.
Gravett 3-9 0-0 8. Totals 26-67 9-9 70. Pacific 78, Pepperdine 67
Portland 78, San Francisco 73
a good game in either one,” “We just didn’t have our With Butler moving into
OKLAHOMA ST. (9-11): Anei 3-6 2-3 8,
14. Buffalo (18-2) did not play. Next: vs. McGriff 4-8 6-7 14, Likekele 2-5 3-6 7, Waters Sacramento St. 73, E. Washington 70
Saint Mary’s (Cal) 86, Loyola Marymount 62
Kegler said of those three best game today,” Alabama the starting lineup because of
Ball State, Tuesday.
14. Texas Tech (16-4) beat Arkansas
5-13 4-4 17, Dziagwa 6-12 2-3 19, Demuth 0-0
2-2 2, Major 0-0 0-0 0, Jones 1-8 4-4 7. Totals
UC Davis 75, Cal St.-Fullerton 39 losses, including his sea- coach Avery Johnson said. Tristan Clark’s season-end-
67-64. Next: vs. TCU, Monday. UC Irvine 73, Cal Poly 57
16. Auburn (13-6) lost to No. 22
21-52 23-29 74.
Halftime—Oklahoma St. 33-28. 3-Point
UMKC 86, Seattle 62 son-ender in the Southeast- “There were stretches where ing knee injury, the Bears
Mississippi State 92-84. Next: at Missouri, UNLV 71, San Diego St. 57
Goals—South Carolina 9-26 (Campbell 2-5,
Lawson 2-5, Gravett 2-8, Bryant 1-2, Silva 1-2,
Utah Valley 76, Chicago St. 61 ern Conference tournament, we played some decent bas- went on a strong three-game
Wyoming 64, Boise St. 52
17. Houston (19-1) did not play. Next: at Haase 1-3, Hinson 0-1), Oklahoma St. 9-27 “so I was laying in bed last
Tulsa, Sunday. (Dziagwa 5-9, Waters 3-7, Jones 1-7, Likekele The AP Women’s Top 25 ketball. But we just didn’t run of 3-point shooting at
18. Villanova (15-4) did not play. Next: vs. 0-1, McGriff 0-3). Rebounds—South Carolina night like, ‘Dang, I’ve nev-
Seton Hall, Sunday. 37 (Silva 9), Oklahoma St. 30 (Anei 11). As- Fared play enough of a 40-minute 42 percent after being at 29
19. Iowa (16-4) did not play. Next: at sists—South Carolina 14 (Bryant 5), Oklahoma er had a good game against
Minnesota, Sunday. Saturday
game to win a game on the percent through 15 games.
20. Ole Miss (14-5) lost to No. 24 Iowa
St. 13 (Likekele 6). Total Fouls—South Carolina 1. Notre Dame (19-1) did not play. Next: at
‘Bama.’ ”
State 87-73. Next: at Florida, Wednesday.
22, Oklahoma St. 13. A—7,658 (13,611). North Carolina, Sunday.
road.” It was back to the old form
21. N.C. State (16-4) beat Clemson Texas A&M 65, 2. Baylor (16-1) did not play. Next: at
Riley Norris made all
69-67. Next: vs. No. 3 Virginia, Tuesday.
Oklahoma, Sunday.
Kegler wasn’t the only against the Crimson Tide at
22. Mississippi State (15-4) beat No. 16 Kansas State 53 3. UConn (17-1) did not play. Next: vs. four of his 3-pointers and
Auburn 92-84. Next: at Alabama, Tuesday. KANSAS STATE (15-5): Sneed 1-6 0-0 2,
UCF, Sunday.
4. Louisville (18-1) did not play. Next: vs. scored 16 points for the Baylor player looking for- 6-for-22 (27 percent). Baylor
23. Louisville (15-5) beat Pittsburgh
66-51. Next: at Wake Forest, Wednesday.
Wade 7-15 0-0 17, Mawien 0-4 0-0 0, B.Brown
3-9 5-5 11, Stokes 3-11 0-0 8, Shadd 0-0 0-0 0,
Pittsburgh, Sunday.
5. Oregon (18-1) did not play. Next: at Crimson Tide (12-7), includ- ward to seeing the Crim- made up for it with a 35-31 re-
24. Iowa State (15-5) beat No. 20
Ole Miss 87-73. Next: vs. West Virginia,
Love 0-0 0-0 0, Muldoon 0-0 0-0 0, Trice 0-0
0-0 0, Stockard 0-1 0-0 0, McAtee 0-1 0-0 0,
Washington, Sunday.
6. Stanford (17-1) did not play. Next: at No. ing a 3-pointer that kept it a son Tide. Jared Butler hit bounding edge, just the sec-
25. LSU (16-3) beat Missouri 86-80, OT.
McGuirl 0-1 1-2 1, Diarra 6-12 0-0 14, Neal-Wil-
liams 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 20-61 6-7 53.
21 Utah, Sunday.
7. Mississippi State (18-1) did not play. one-possession game at 69- two quick 3-pointers early ond team to beat Alabama on
Next: at Texas A&M, Wednesday. TEXAS A&M (8-10): Mekowulu 2-3 0-0 4,
Mahan 3-6 0-0 8, Mitchell 7-12 4-4 22, Starks
Next: vs. Mississippi, Sunday.
66 with 31 seconds left. Tevin against the school he chose the boards this season.
No. 1 Tennessee 83, 5-12 1-2 12, Flagg 5-10 0-0 11, J.Walker 1-3 0-2
8. N.C. State (19-0) did not play. Next: at
but never played for after Coach Scott Drew wanted
West Virginia 66 2, Nebo 2-2 2-3 6, French 0-0 0-0 0, Collins 0-1
Georgia Tech, Sunday.
9. Oregon State (16-3) did not play. Next: Mack and Kira Lewis Jr. had
WEST VIRGINIA (9-11): Ahmad 6-8 3-5
0-0 0. Totals 25-49 7-11 65. at Washington State, Sunday.
15 for Alabama. getting his release from to make sure Butler wasn’t
Halftime—Kansas St. 30-26. 3-Point 10. Marquette (17-3) did not play. Next: at
16, Harris 1-5 5-6 7, Gordon 0-2 0-0 0, Harler
3-6 0-0 9, Haley 1-3 0-0 2, West 1-7 0-0 3, Mat-
Goals—Kansas St. 7-31 (Wade 3-6, Diarra 2-7, Butler, Sunday. Mason made two free Alabama last year and the too hyped for the reunion.
Stokes 2-9, McGuirl 0-1, McAtee 0-1, B.Brown 11. Maryland (17-2) did not play. Next: at
thews 1-1 0-0 2, Routt 0-0 0-0 0, Culver 7-11
1-4 15, Bolden 1-6 0-0 3, Doomes 0-0 0-0 0,
0-3, Sneed 0-4), Texas A&M 8-20 (Mitchell 4-6, Indiana, Sunday. throws to get the lead back chance to play right away as “We actually talked to Jar-
Mahan 2-4, Flagg 1-4, Starks 1-4, Mekowulu 12. Texas (17-3) beat Texas Tech 78-71.
Knapper 1-3 1-2 3, McCabe 2-3 0-0 6. Totals
24-55 10-17 66.
0-1, Collins 0-1). Rebounds—Kansas St. 28 Next: vs. West Virginia, Monday. to five, and Lewis missed a freshman for the Bears. ed about that, and he said,
(Sneed, Wade 7), Texas A&M 34 (Flagg 12). 13. Syracuse (15-4) did not play. Next: at
TENNESSEE (18-1): Alexander 1-3 0-0
2, Schofield 5-16 3-4 14, Williams 5-8 9-12 19,
Assists—Kansas St. 15 (Stokes 6), Texas A&M Duke, Sunday. a layup at the other end as Butler had just three ‘Nah, I’m going to be relaxed,
14. Rutgers (15-4) did not play. Next: at
Bone 4-9 1-1 9, Turner 8-10 4-6 23, Pons 0-0
14 (Starks 6). Total Fouls—Kansas St. 14, Tex-
as A&M 7. A—7,100 (12,989). Penn State, Sunday. the Bears (13-6) won their points the rest of the way to let the game come to me and
0-0 0, Walker 0-0 0-0 0, Fulkerson 0-1 1-2 1,
Johnson 0-2 0-0 0, Bowden 6-12 1-1 15. Totals Georgia 98, Texas 88
15. Kentucky (17-3) did not play. Next: at
No. 24 Texas A&M, Sunday. fourth-straight game and finish with nine while lead- not try to do too much,’”
29-61 19-26 83.
Halftime—Tennessee 31-21. 3-Point
TEXAS (11-9): Hayes 7-11 0-0 14, Oset-
kowski 4-11 7-8 15, Coleman 3-6 0-0 8, Roach
16. Arizona State (13-6) did not play.
Next: vs. Southern Cal, Sunday. improved to 5-1 in the SEC/ ing the Bears with five as- Drew said. “And that’s exact-
Goals—West Virginia 8-21 (Harler 3-6, Mc-
Cabe 2-3, Ahmad 1-2, Bolden 1-3, West 1-4,
6-12 2-5 16, Ramey 7-15 0-0 19, Hepa 1-1
0-0 2, Sims 0-2 1-2 1, Mitrou-Long 1-1 0-0 2,
17. Iowa (15-4) did not play. Next: vs.
Purdue, Sunday. Big 12 Challenge. It was Al- sists along with one turnover ly what he did. He took open
Knapper 0-1, Harris 0-2), Tennessee 6-16
(Turner 3-5, Bowden 2-4, Schofield 1-5, Bone
Febres 4-9 0-0 11. Totals 33-68 10-15 88.
GEORGIA (10-9): Claxton 6-9 5-5 18,
18. Gonzaga (19-2) beat Santa Clara
78-61. Next: at Pacific, Thursday. abama’s first loss in three as Baylor matched a season shots, he made them, was
0-1, Williams 0-1). Fouled Out—Alexander,
Harris. Rebounds—West Virginia 30 (Ahmad Wilridge 1-2 1-2 4, Hammonds 7-11 0-0 14, 19. South Carolina (13-5) did not play.
Next: vs. Vanderbilt, Monday.
challenge games. low with eight turnovers. tremendous from the floor.”
7), Tennessee 27 (Schofield 10). Assists— Crump 6-9 3-6 21, Jackson 4-7 2-2 13, Og-
beide 2-3 4-4 8, Ngumezi 1-1 0-0 2, Sargiunas 20. Iowa State (15-5) beat Oklahoma

No. 1 Tennessee rolls past West Virginia

West Virginia 14 (McCabe 4), Tennessee 19 State 84-71. Next: vs. Texas Tech, Tuesday.
(Bone, Turner 5). Total Fouls—West Virginia 0-1 0-0 0, Harrison 0-0 0-0 0, Hightower 5-5 7-9
18. Totals 32-48 22-28 98. 21. Utah (17-1) did not play. Next: vs. No.
25, Tennessee 19. 6 Stanford, Sunday.
Halftime—46-46. 3-Point Goals—Texas
22. Florida State (16-3) did not play. Next:
No. 8 Kentucky 71, 12-28 (Ramey 5-8, Febres 3-8, Coleman 2-4,
Roach 2-5, Osetkowski 0-3), Georgia 12-17 at Virginia Tech, Sunday.
No. 9 Kansas 63 (Crump 6-8, Jackson 3-6, Claxton 1-1, Wilridge 23. Michigan State (14-5) did not play.
Next: at Michigan, Sunday.
KANSAS (16-4): D.Lawson 7-18 4-4 20, 1-1, Hightower 1-1). Fouled Out—Hammonds,
Coleman, Hayes. Rebounds—Texas 20 (Os- 24. Texas A&M (15-4) did not play. Next:
Grimes 5-9 0-2 13, Dotson 4-10 0-0 9, Vick 4-9
0-0 10, Garrett 1-9 2-2 4, McCormack 0-1 0-1 etkowski 7), Georgia 32 (Hammonds 9). As- vs. No. 15 Kentucky, Sunday.
25. Missouri (15-6) did not play. Next: vs.
By The Associated Press
SEC Roundup win, help my team win. I
0, K.Lawson 0-1 0-0 0, Agbaji 2-6 2-2 7. Totals sists—Texas 14 (Ramey 5), Georgia 25 (Crump
5). Total Fouls—Texas 22, Georgia 15.
Auburn, Sunday. think tonight it called for me
23-63 8-11 63.
KENTUCKY (16-3): Travis 7-11 4-6 18, Friday’s Women’s KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Barnes said he replaced Yves to start because they do a lot
Southern Mississippi 101, Pons with Turner because he
Washington 7-17 6-8 20, Johnson 5-9 2-2 15,
Major College Scores Lamonte’ Turner made the of pressing, and two ball han-
Hagans 4-11 3-5 12, Herro 2-9 2-2 6, Richards
Marshall 51 EAST
0-1 0-0 0, Montgomery 0-2 0-0 0, Quickley 0-3
MARSHALL (12-9): Williams 1-6 1-2 most of a rare start for the wanted a second ball handler
0-0 0, Baker 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 25-64 17-23 71.
4, Elmore 4-10 1-2 11, West 1-7 1-1 3, Burks
Delaware 65, UNC-Wilmington 53
dlers would really help us.”
Halftime—Kansas 33-30. 3-Point
3-10 4-4 11, Kinsey 2-7 0-1 4, Beyers 0-2 0-0 0,
Drexel 76, Coll. of Charleston 53
No. 1 Tennessee men’s bas- against West Virginia’s de-
Goals—Kansas 9-23 (Grimes 3-5, D.Lawson Marist 62, St. Peter’s 42
Even while coming off
2-3, Vick 2-5, Agbaji 1-4, Dotson 1-4, Garrett Thieneman 0-3 4-4 4, George 3-7 2-2 11, Sustic Quinnipiac 68, Siena 31
ketball team. fense, but he wasn’t sure if
0-2), Kentucky 4-18 (Johnson 3-4, Hagans 1-3, 0-2 0-0 0, Thomas 0-1 0-0 0, Murphy 0-3 0-1 St. John’s 59, Georgetown 51
the bench, Turner had been
Montgomery 0-1, Quickley 0-2, Washington 0, R.Watson 1-2 1-2 3. Totals 15-60 14-19 51. Towson 59, Elon 58 Turner scored 23 points, he would stay with the same
0-4, Herro 0-4). Fouled Out—Dotson. Re- SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI (12-9): Rowe Villanova 70, Seton Hall 66
starting lineup. playing significantly more
bounds—Kansas 35 (D.Lawson 15), Kentucky 5-7 0-0 11, Harper-Baker 7-9 1-2 15, Edwards SOUTH and top-ranked Tennessee
47 (Washington 13). Assists—Kansas 9 (Dot- 6-6 2-2 15, Griffin 3-9 1-2 9, Holland 6-9 0-0
16, Stevenson 2-3 0-0 4, Jacdonmi 1-1 0-0 2,
James Madison 65, William & Mary 48
N. Kentucky 68, Detroit 56 held West Virginia scoreless “Starting or coming off minutes than Pons. Turner
son 4), Kentucky 14 (Hagans 7). Total Fouls—
Kansas 21, Kentucky 13. Draine 7-10 0-0 18, Daniel 0-0 0-0 0, G.Watson
2-5 0-0 5, Magee 2-4 0-0 4, Hampton 1-2 0-0 2, DePaul 86, Butler 78
for a nine-and-a-half-minute the bench, it really doesn’t was the 2018 Southeastern
No. 14 Texas Tech 67, Clark 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 42-65 4-6 101.
Halftime—Southern Miss. 48-31. 3-Point
Drake 70, Indiana St. 68
stretch Saturday on its way matter to me, honestly,” said Conference co-sixth man of
Marquette 90, Xavier 44
Arkansas 64 Goals—Marshall 7-35 (George 3-5, Elmore Missouri St. 84, Loyola of Chicago 49
to an 83-66 victory in the Turner, who found out about the year but missed nine of
ARKANSAS (11-8): Gafford 7-7 2-5 16, 2-7, Williams 1-4, Burks 1-5, Beyers 0-1, Thom- N. Iowa 74, Evansville 46
Bailey 3-4 2-4 8, Harris 4-12 2-2 11, Joe 1-6 as 0-1, Thieneman 0-2, Murphy 0-2, Kinsey
0-2, West 0-6), Southern Miss. 13-27 (Draine
S. Illinois 87, Valparaiso 65
SEC/Big 12 Challenge. the start during Tennessee’s Tennessee’s first 12 games
3-3 5, Jones 3-8 3-4 11, Chaney 1-2 2-2 4, Wright St. 69, Oakland 58
Osabuohien 1-3 0-0 3, Embery 1-5 3-4 5, Sills 4-6, Holland 4-6, Griffin 2-5, Edwards 1-1, FAR WEST The 21-year-old Turner Saturday morning shoot- this season as he recovered
0-1 1-2 1. Totals 21-48 18-26 64. Rowe 1-3, G.Watson 1-3, Harper-Baker 0-1, Arizona 71, Southern Cal 68
TEXAS TECH (16-4): Owens 1-1 0-0 2, Magee 0-2). Rebounds—Marshall 21 (Sustic, Oregon 79, Washington St. 64 also had five assists in his around. “I’m just trying to from a shoulder injury.
Odiase 1-1 0-0 2, Mooney 4-8 3-4 12, Moretti Kinsey 4), Southern Miss. 43 (Harper-Baker Oregon St. 86, Washington 39
6-9 6-7 21, Culver 5-12 1-4 15, Corprew 1-2 14). Assists—Marshall 6 (Elmore 2), Southern Stanford 80, Colorado 69 first start since the 2017 SEC come out and do whatever I Turner went 8-for-10 from
0-0 3, Francis 2-5 0-0 5, Benson 0-0 0-0 0, Ed- Miss. 30 (Griffin 15). Total Fouls—Marshall 10, UCLA 61, Arizona St. 59
wards 2-5 3-4 7. Totals 22-43 13-19 67. Southern Miss. 20. A—3,316 (8,095). Utah 87, California 74 Tournament. Coach Rick can to help my teammates
4B Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

briefly on the air COLLEGE FOOTBALL

Mississippi State
No. 3 men’s tennis team beats Wichita State in opener
STARKVILLE — The No. 3 Mississippi State men’s tennis team’s
took advantage of a quick clinch in doubles action and claimed five first
5 a.m. — IMSA WeatherTech Sports Car
Championship: Rolex 24 action, Daytona Beach,
Duke’s Jones sparks North
sets in singles to cruise to a 4-0 victory against Wichita State in the
first round of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Kick-Off Weekend.
MSU’s victory marked the 999th in its 95-year history.
“I thought the guys did a great job preparing for this match,” MSU
coach Matt Roberts said. “They were loose and confident, and they
Florida, NBC Sports Network
2 p.m. — Monster energy SuperCross: Round 4
of the AMA Supercross series, Oakland,
California, NBC Sports Network
to 34-24 win in Senior Bowl
came out really focused and ready to play sharp today. Give Wichita BOBSLEDDING/SKELETON By JOHN ZENOR bounded from mistakes early in the
State credit, they did great in their first sets, putting a lot of pressure on 7 p.m. — IBSF World Cup: four-man bobsled The Associated Press week.
our guys on every court. Our guys did a great job of trusting themselves competition, Switzerland, NBC Sports Network “He showed a lot of mental tough-
and sticking to their game plan. From there, we started to pick up BOWLING MOBILE, Ala. — Daniel Jones ness,” Gruden said. “He had some
momentum and I’m really proud of how we fought together as a team.” 2 p.m. — PBA: Lubbock Open, Lubbock, Texas, got his bad Senior Bowl moments
MSU received a 6-0 victory on court 1 from 36th-ranked Nuno FS1 tough moments. He threw two inter-
Borges and Strahinja Rakic against Marius Frosa and Eddie Stoica. out of the way long before kickoff. ceptions in 7-on-7 in practice, which
COLLEGE BASKETBALL The Duke quarterback threw a
The clincher came on court 3, as Trevor Foshey and Gregor
11 a.m. — Cincinnati at Temple, CBS Sports is uncommon. But he came back the
Ramskogler notched a 6-2 win against Andrea Caligiana and Stefan
Network touchdown pass and ran for anoth- next day and the next day and the next
Latinovic to improve to 6-0 on the year. No. 7 Niclas Braun and er score in the third quarter to lead
Giovanni Oradini were locked in a 3-all tie at the clincher at No. 2. MSU 11 a.m. — Georgetown at St. John’s, WLOV day and showed the right stuff.”
led 1-0 at the break. 11 a.m. — DePaul at Providence, FS1 the North to a 34-24 victory over Jones led the North on an 84-
Wichita State battled back in singles, applying early pressure on Noon — Michigan State at Purdue, WCBI the South Saturday, putting a nice yard touchdown drive to start the
all six courts, but MSU fought back to win five first sets. Borges, the two- 1 p.m. — Indiana State at Illinois State, CBS finishing touch on the weeklong job second half. He finished it with a
time All-American and reigning Southeastern Conference Player of the Sports Network interview with NFL teams. 1-yard touchdown run but complet-
Year, was first off the court, breaking Murkel Dellien on a deciding point 1 p.m. — Houston at Tulsa, ESPNEWS “Just showing the poise and ed mid-range passes to four differ-
to take a 6-2, 6-2 victory at No. 1. 1:30 p.m. — Seton Hall at Villanova, WLOV
Moments later, the Bulldogs mounted a 3-0 lead when the 67th- showing kind of a comfort in the of- ent receivers, totaling 57 yards.
3 p.m. — Central Florida at Memphis, CBS fense is something they wanted to
ranked Braun notched a 6-4, 6-0 decision against Stefan Latinovic on
Sports Network After Texas defensive end
court 4. At No. 6, Florian Broska provided the clincher with a 6-4, 6-3
3 p.m. — Southern Illinois at Loyola-Chicago,
see,” Jones said. “At times, I’m not Charles Omenihu stripped the ball
victory against Eddie Stoica. sure I did great with that, to be hon-
Oradini, Rakic, and Foshey were all up a set and leading in their ESPNU from Auburn quarterback Jarrett
second frames when Broska ended the match. 4 p.m. — Iowa at Minnesota, FS1 est. But here in the game, I think I Stidham , Jones delivered a quick
“I thought I played smart today,” Broska said. “I was making good 5 p.m. — Florida State at Miami, ESPNU did get comfortable and I got into score to take a 17-12 lead. He com-
decisions, and I thought it was a good start. We had a lot of energy and 7 p.m. — Washington State at Oregon, ESPNU a rhythm. Hopefully that showed pleted a 25-yarder to Ohio State’s
a lot of support for one another.” WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL them something and showed them
MSU wore special teal uniforms in memory of softball’s Alex
Terry McLaurin on a flea flicker.
11 a.m. — Maryland at Indiana, Big Ten Network I had the ability to do that and had Then UMass receiver Andy Isabella
Wilcox, who died in June after a battle with ovarian cancer. 11 a.m. — St. Joseph’s at Dayton, ESPNU
“It was so great to be able to honor Alex by wearing the teal jerseys the resiliency to do that.” , a Biletnikoff Award finalist, scored
Noon — LSU at Tennessee, SEC Network Projected as a likely first-round
today,” Roberts said. “We reminded the guys after doubles that all eight
1 p.m. — Michigan State at Michigan, Big Ten on a 19-yard catch after breaking a
of us compete as a team, and her number is eight, so there’s a lot of
pick, Jones turned in an efficient tackle on his way to the end zone.
symbolism with that. She made such a huge impact on this community 8-for-11, 115-yard passing per-
during her time here and her legacy continues to do so.” 1 p.m. — Alabama at Georgia, ESPNU Finley then delivered a 23-yarder
MSU will take on Arizona, which beat UNC Wilmington 4-1, at 1 p.m. — DePaul at Xavier, FS2 formance. Then, North Carolina down the right sideline to Isabella
approximately 1 p.m. Sunday in the championship match. The winner 2 p.m. — Ole Miss at Mississippi State, SEC State’s Ryan Finley took over in the on fourth and 2 on the way to anoth-
will advance to Chicago for the ITA National Team Indoor Champion- Network fourth quarter with similar results. er North touchdown. McLaurin ran
ship in February. 3 p.m. — UCF at Connecticut, ESPN2 Jones, one of 11 junior graduates 23 yards on an end around to set up
n Track and field team competes at the Razorback 4 p.m. — Kentucky at Texas A&M, SEC Network
Invitational: At Fayetteville, Arkansas, Sophomore Marco Arop won in the game, and Finley ignited a a 4-yard touchdown run by Notre
WOMEN’S COLLEGE GYMNASTICS North team that trailed 12-3 at half- Dame’s Dexter Williams.
the 800 meters Saturday to help the men’s track and field team to a
3 p.m. — Ohio State at Michigan State, Big Ten time only to score on its first five
fifth-place finish with 47 points at the Razorback Invitational at Arkan- Memphis’s Tony Pollard, whose
sas’ Randal Tyson Track Center. Network
drives of the second half. He at least biggest claim to fame was as a kick re-
Dejon Devroe finished fourth, while Daniel Nixon finished seventh
to total 17 points for MSU in the event. Noon — PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance Open, had the comfort of a familiar city turner, finished off the North scoring
In the women’s 800, Charlotte Cayton-Smith earned a third-place final round, La Jolla, California, TGC since Jones is training in Mobile with a 21-yard touchdown run. Pollard
finish to earn six points for the women, who finished ninth with 17.5 2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance with David Morris at QB Country tied the NCAA record for most career
points. Open, final round, La Jolla, California, WCBI leading up to the combine. kickoff return touchdowns with his
“This weekend gave us an opportunity to see how we stack up LUGE North coach Jon Gruden of the seventh against Wake Forest at the
against some of the best teams in the nation,” MSU interim coach Chris 5 p.m. — FIL World Championships: World Luge
Woods said. “We got better in areas, but we also saw some spots Oakland Raiders liked how Jones re- Birmingham Bowl.
where we can continue to grow. Marco, Dejon and Daniel were crucial
Championships, Germany, NBC Sports Network

MSU’s Simmons, Ole Miss’

to our men finishing fifth today, and I thought Charlotte did a great job NBA
in her race as well. We’re getting closer and closer to being where we 5 p.m. — Milwaukee at Oklahoma City, ESPN
want to be, and we’re going to use these next two weeks before our next NBA G LEAGUE BASKETBALL
meets to keep getting better.” 2 p.m. — Wisconsin Herd vs. Erie Bayhawks,
A day after setting a personal best in the weight throw, sophomore NBA TV
Alicia Viveros threw a personal-best 14.54 meters (47 feet, 8 1/2 inches)
to finish sixth in the shot put. Chardae Tryon finished ninth with a mark
of 13.08m (42-11).
In the 60 hurdles, Herbert Wise III finished 10th in the prelims with
a personal-best 8.10, while McKenzie Ethridge set a personal best in
2 p.m. — Pro Bowl: NFC All-Stars vs. AFC
All-Stars, Orlando, Florida, WKDH-WTVA, ESPN
Brown will play in Challenge
the 400 (57.96). 9:30 p.m. — Major League: Seattle Seawolves From Special Reports Football Writers Association of Amer-
The men’s 4x400 relay team of Okheme Moore, Terryon Conwell, at Glendale Raptors, CBS Sports Network ica and Phil Steele this past season.
Marco Arop and Dejon Devroe, finished fifth with a time of 3:11.58. SKIING CHICAGO — Mississippi State Brown had 1,320 yards in 2018, break-
MSU will be back in action Feb. 8-9 in a split meet. Some of 8 p.m. — FIS Alpine World Cup: women’s super-G All-American Jeffery Simmons and ing his single-season school record
MSU’s athletes will return to Nashville, Tennessee, for the Music City competition, Germany, NBC Sports Network Ole Miss All-American A.J. Brown
Challenge, while others will head to Clemson, South Carolina, for the SOCCER of 1,252. He’s the only player in Ole
Tiger Paw Invitational. were selected Friday to participate Miss history with two 1,000-yard sea-
7:55 a.m. — Serie A: AS Roma vs. Atalanta,
n On Friday, Freshman Peyton Mickelson cleared 3.91 meters (12 ESPNEWS in the State Farm All-Star Football sons. Brown also set the Ole Miss sin-
feet, 10 inches) to break the school record in the women’s pole vault.
8:30 a.m. — Bundesliga: Bayern Munich vs. VfB Challenge at AT&T Stadium in Ar- gle-season receptions record with 85
Emma Hunt set a personal best in the event for the second-straight lington, Texas.
week, clearing 3.61m (11-10). Stuttgart, FS1 catches this year.
“I’m really excited for Peyton’s accomplishment,” MSU interim 10:50 a.m. — Bundesliga: Leipzig vs. Fortuna The 21st edition of the event will Auburn quarterback Jarrett
coach Chris Woods said. “Anytime you break a school record, it means Düsseldorf, FS2 air at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1 (ESPN2). Stidham and Alabama defensive
you’re doing something right in your preparation. She and Emma have 7 p.m. — Men’s International Friendly: U.S. vs. Simmons, who was a standout back Deionte Thompson round out
worked incredibly hard so early in their careers, and the future is bright Panama, Glendale, Arizona, ESPN2 at Noxubee County High School in
for them.”
the SEC team.
X GAMES Macon, had a stellar career as a de-
The day started with the pentathlon, where reigning Southeastern 1 p.m. — Day 4: freestyle skiing, Aspen, The skills competition will fea-
Conference Women’s Freshman of the Week Asia Poe posted person- fensive tackle at MSU. He is the No. ture 24 players divided into six
Colorado, ESPN2
al-bests in the 60-meter hurdles (8.76 seconds) and high jump (1.66m,
7:30 p.m. — Day 4: snowboarding; snow bike, 4 overall prospect for the 2019 NFL teams based on their college con-
5-5 1/4) en route to a fifth-place finish with 3,704 points. draft, according to ESPN’s Todd
Aspen, Colorado, ESPN ference. Each team will have four
In the high jump, Milton Harrell tied for second, while DeVantre
McShay. players from the same conference
Young and Reggie Miller finished fourth and fifth, respectively, all
clearing 2.11m (6-11).
Monday Simmons closed the 2018 season who will compete in a series of skills
COLLEGE BASKETBALL with the No. 4 overall grade (91.6)
Terryon Conwell earned eight valuable points for the men, finishing competitions. The conferences rep-
6 p.m. — Duke at Notre Dame, ESPN
second in the 200 (21.13). and No. 3 run-defense grade (93.2) resented are the Atlantic Coast, the
“Terryon, Milton, Reggie, and DeVantre all picked up big points,” 6 p.m. — Maryland-Eastern Shore at Howard,
ESPNU among defensive interior linemen, Big Ten, the Big 12, the Pacific-12,
Woods said. “They each have a chance to help us tremendously, and
today they showed that.” 8 p.m. — TCU vs. Texas Tech, ESPN according to Pro Football Focus. the SEC, and four of the best players
Alicia Viveros set a personal best in the weight throw with a throw 8 p.m. — Baylor vs. Oklahoma, ESPNU He had 17 tackles for loss, good for outside of the Power Five that will
of 15.42m (50-7 1/4). WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL fourth in the Southeastern Confer- be called the “Wild Card” team.
After the first day of competition, the men are tied with No. 12 6 p.m. — Vanderbilt at South Carolina, SEC ence and tied for third in MSU sin-
Arkansas for fourth place with 24 points. MSU’s women sit ninth with
Each player will participate in a
Network gle-season history. timed event, and then finish with a
6.5 points.
n Women’s tennis team loses to North Carolina State in
6:30 p.m. — Ohio State at Minnesota, Big Ten For his career, Simmons had 163 full team event. All events will be
Network tackles, 32 1/2 tackles for loss, sev-
ITA Kick-Off Weekend Opener: At Gainesville, Florida, the women’s timed and have individual winners,
tennis team lost to North Carolina State 4-1 on Saturday in the Intercol- 7 p.m. — West Virginia at Texas, FS1
en sacks, seven pass breakups, five which will compile into a cumula-
legiate Tennis Association’s Kick-Off Weekend. LUGE
MSU dropped the doubles point with setbacks on courts 1 and 9:30 p.m. — FIL World Luge Championship, forced fumbles, and three blocked tive score to determine the winning
3. The nation’s 20th-ranked tandem of Anna Rogers and Alana Smith Germany, NBC Sports Network kicks. team.
ousted MSU’s Magda Adaloglou and Janina Braun 6-1 defeat on the NBA Brown re-wrote the receiving Individual events in the All-Star
top court. The Wolfpack’s Bianca Moldovan and Liz Norman defeated 6 p.m. — Golden State at Indiana, NBA TV record books in his three years at Football Challenge include: the
the Bulldogs’ Tamara Racine and Sara Lizariturry at No. 3 to give NSCU
a 1-0 lead.
9:30 p.m. — Atlanta at Los Angeles Clippers, Ole Miss. He stands as the all-time State Farm QB Accuracy Compe-
MSU’s Emma Antonaki and Anastasia Rentouli led 5-4 against
NBA TV leading receiver in Ole Miss his- tition, the Hands Competition, the
the No. 37 team of Adriana Reami and Amanda Rebol when play was NHL tory with 2,984 yards. He had 12 Quicken Loans Lineman Strength
6 p.m. — Winnipeg at Philadelphia, NBC Sports 100-yard receiving performances
suspended. Challenge and the Mercedes-Benz
In singles, Racine dropped the first singles contest to Norman on Network
during his career, also a program Obstacle Course. To conclude the
court 4, 6-1, 6-0.
MSU’s 55th-ranked Antonaki defeated Reami at No. 2 6-1, 7-5. 3 p.m. — FIS Alpine World Cup: men’s downhill record. program, the players will compete
The Wolfpack went up 3-1 when MSU’s Braun lost to Rebol 6-1, 6-0 and super-G, Austria, NBC Sports Network The Starkville native earned sec- as teams in the State Farm Team
at No. 6. ond team All-America honors from Competition.
MSU’s 56th-ranked Adaloglou lost to 23rd-ranked Rogers 6-1, 6-4
in the clinching match for the Wolfpack.
MSU will face UCSB in the consolation round at 8 a.m. or noon FOOTBALL
Sunday. UCSB lost to No. 11 host Florida 4-2 Saturday after snatching
the doubles point from the Gators to open the match.
With 44 newbies, Pro Bowl could be more intense
Golf By MARK LONG recent years, drawing some quon is aware that there’s an be gentle. My back’s kind of
Rose settles for three-shot lead at Torrey Pines The Associated Press criticism. MVP car that’s available,” tight,’” Campbell said. “And I
SAN DIEGO — Justin Rose had three penalties and still kept a
three-shot lead Saturday with a 3-under 69 at the Farmers Insurance
But last year’s event was Giants teammate and safe- remember grabbing him and
ORLANDO, Fla. — far from a laugher. ty/special teams ace Mike he shook me off and threw a
Rose had six birdies and an eagle on another pristine day along Chicago Bears safety and The AFC rallied in the Thomas said. “I expect guys pass. It was incomplete, but
the Pacific Ocean, a big reason why scores have been so low this week Pro Bowl newcomer Eddie rain, overcoming a 20-3 will turn it up later in the I was like, ‘You told me to be
on a South course that will host another U.S. Open in two years. When Jackson posed the same deficit and winning 24-23 at game. But knowing we’re nice and then you break my
he two-putted from 12 feet for eagle on the par-5 13th, Rose led by six question to several veterans
shots. Camping World Stadium in competing for MVP, how tackle!’ I was hurt.”
And then he pulled his shot from a fairway bunker into the hazard this week: What’s the tempo Orlando. Players celebrated soon will it start? It didn’t take Campbell
for a double bogey, his second of the round. And torn between laying of practices and the game? wildly on the sideline, in the “I’m still trying to fig- long in practice to see this
up with an 8-iron or going for the green on the par-5 18th, Rose hit a “They told me, ‘If you go end zone and in the locker ure that out. I asked. I year could be different.
3-wood heavy from the first cut and went into the water, closing with a out there and pull a ham-
bogey. room, even chanting about said, ‘What’s the etiquette? Cornerback Jalen Ramsey,
That dropped his lead to three shots over Adam Scott, who birdied
string, you’re going too doubling their paychecks. What’s the protocol for this? safeties Jamal Adams and
his last hole for a 65. hard,’” Jackson said. “Everyone knows the slo- Guys have given different Derwin James and others
“There was a long way to go,” Rose said. “So I wasn’t really playing It wasn’t the answer Jack- gan ‘money talks,’” Philadel- answers. I’m just going to attacked light practiced like
with the lead in mind at that point. If I was running 30th in the tourna- son was looking for, but it
ment, that was a shot I would probably hit. But yeah, it didn’t work out.”
phia Eagles offensive tackle have to feel it out. Hopefully regular-season games. They
He still tied the 54-hole tournament record at 18-under 198.
gave him some insight into Lane Johnson said. “Well, we go over it a little bit.” intercepted passes during
Jon Rahm had a 68 and was four shots behind, followed by what to expect and how to it’ll probably be talking Jacksonville Jaguars de- install periods and showed
22-year-old Doug Ghim, the former No. 1 amateur playing this week on perform in the league’s an- during the game.” fensive end Calais Camp- off for fans by pitching later-
a sponsor’s exemption. Ghim shot a 67. nual all-star event Sunday. The winners earn $67,000 bell, an 11-year veteran als and trying to score.
Tiger Woods had the biggest gallery and didn’t make much noise.
Woods birdied three of his last five holes to salvage a 71, leaving him 13
There’s no guarantee each, $8,000 more than the playing in his third all-star “We have a young crowd,
shots behind and in search of moral victories in his 2019 debut. everyone else will play at a players who lose the Super game, recalled his first trip so guys are going a little
He was at 5-under 211. similar pace. Bowl a week later. The Pro to the Pro Bowl in 2015. Buf- harder,” Campbell said.
“I think if I can get to double digits (under par), it would be just a With 44 players appear- Bowl losers get $39,000 apiece. falo Bills defensive tackle “They’re hungry. They want
nice way to end the week,” Woods said. “I’ve got to play a little better
than I have.”
ing in the Pro Bowl for the The offensive and defen- Kyle Williams told Campbell to get it, which I appreciate
Scott was the only player to give Rose a serious run, and it didn’t first time — half of the AFC sive MVPs each land a luxu- to “slooooow down” during it. Back in the day, when I
feel like much. and NFC rosters — it’s any- ry vehicle, a perk New York practice and then opposing first got to the Pro Bowl, it
Starting the day seven shots behind, Scott opened with an 8-foot one’s guess how intense the Giants running back Saquon quarterback Tony Romo had was an older crowd and they
birdie and then holed out from 103 yards for eagle on the next hole. He
added four birdies in a five-hole stretch at the turn and delivered the low
game will be. It has looked Barkley has made clear to more advice before kickoff. were like, ‘Slow down, slow
round of the tournament on the South course. more like two-hand touch teammates he covets. “I remember Tony Romo down.’ I was like, ‘I can’t help
— From Staff and Wire Reports than hard-nosed football in “I know for a fact that Sa- told me, ‘Whatever you do, myself. I want to be great.’ ”
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 5B

briefly Defense
Ole Miss Continued from Page 1B
Baseball team opens spring practice 21st nationally (second in 13 times this season. The contest shooters. He reiterat- ismith Women’s Defensive
OXFORD — A seasoned and hungry mix of players took the field the SEC) in scoring defense Bulldogs had a 37-6 edge in ed that defensive chemistry Player of the Year Award.
Friday for the Ole Miss baseball team’s first official practice of the 2019 (55.9 ppg.). They are 44th in points off turnovers in their is the last piece that comes to- McCowan, who won the in-
season at Swayze Field.
the country (fourth in the 90-42 victory against the Ga- gether for a team, and that he augural award last year, is av-
With three weeks to go before the season kicks off Feb. 15, Ole
Miss competed in a scrimmage. It will compete in multiple scrimmages SEC) in field goal percent- tors. Coupled with 48 points hopes the Bulldogs can find a eraging 2.6 blocked shots per
for the next three weekends. The scrimmages are open to fans wishing age defense (36.3). in the paint and 43 off the way to turn the “flashes” into game, which is the highest of
to attend, as they prepare for their season opener against Wright State Holmes and classmate bench, MSU showed strong consistency. her career. According to Her-
at Oxford-University Stadium. Jordan Danberry said Fri- signs in its first full game, McCowan
Coach Mike Bianco, as well as sophomores Anthony Servideo and
“We got a little spoiled
Tim Elko, discussed with the media their offseason progression and day they see signs MSU after losing sophomore for- last year because those se- blocks 9.9 percent of her op-
their high expectations for the season to come. is progressing on defense. ward Chloe Bibby to a sea- niors were really good,” ponents’ field goal attempts in-
“You want to figure out who your best nine are, and right now, that’s They said those habits need son-ending anterior cruciate Schaefer said. “Our junior side the arc, which puts her in
really hard,” Ole Miss coach Mike Bianco said. “I’ve been a part of three to carry over more consis- ligament injury. class was really good. You the top 2 percent of the nation.
national championships, and I don’t remember a year where we said ‘we
tently to games. “We’re not there yet,” have to understand we have McCowan also rebounds
have too many players, we’re just too good.’”
Ole Miss returns seven of its nine starters (each having started “I think we can still get Schaefer said. “I still think a lot of new faces and a lot of 26.9 percent of her oppor-
48 or more games) from a season ago. With returning impact players better on help-side defense,” we can become quite a bit new combinations, so one tunities, the nation’s best
such as Anthony Servideo and Tim Elko exceeding expectations in the Danberry said. “We have peo- better. Some of it’s offense. person can really make the rate. She is second in the
offseason, the Rebels appear to be on solid footing. ple taking charges more and A lot of it’s defense.” nation and leads the SEC in
Servideo, Elko, and junior Chase Cockrell, all primary infielders chemistry not very good de-
with a powerful bat presence, have been practicing and scrimmaging
more and every day in prac- Schaefer said he saw fensively. rebounding (13.5 per game).
in the infield and in the outfield. Bianco likes what he has seen from his tice. … We have a lot of areas “flashes” of improvement “If you have one person Howard’s selection
multi-dimensional athletes. to improve on defensively.” against Florida. He thought makes MSU one of two
who doesn’t rotate, it makes
Elko, a sophomore, finished third among eligible batters in the fall Holmes added she thinks the Bulldogs’ rotation on schools (Baylor) with mul-
with a .405 batting average and excelled with his summer team. Bianco the whole group look bad.
the Bulldogs need to work pick-and-roll defense was tiple student-athletes in con-
said Elko can fit into the lineup in multiple ways, whether as a corner We’re working on it. I know
infielder, corner outfielder, or a DH. on “guarding the ball” to help really good. He also said sideration for the award.
what it looks like. You just
In Friday’s scrimmage, junior Will Ethridge helped silenced the bats protect their post players. he saw his younger players Howard is seventh in the
keep working at it.”
of the blue team and worked the first two innings of a pitcher’s duel that “I know we pride ourselves rotating out of help and cov- SEC in rebounding (7.8).
would see the red team ultimately win 5-2. Ethridge and fellow junior on defense here,” Holmes ering out on shooters. He She has 26 steals and 10
Houston Roth earned the starts for their teams and dominated opposing
batters early. Roth worked just two frames, but recorded five of his six
said. “That’s a big thing. We praised redshirt junior Zion McCowan, Howard honored blocks.
outs with strikeouts. can’t run if we don’t play de- Campbell for picking up a On Friday, MSU senior Semifinalists for the
n In related news, Ole Miss will hold the third-annual Ladies Forum fense and the ball is going shooter in transition. center Teaira McCowan award will be named in Feb-
on Feb. 2 in conjunction with the Ole Miss men’s basketball team’s game through the net. I think that is Unfortunately, Schaefer and graduate student Anriel ruary.
against Mississippi State. a big focus for us.” said some of his older players Howard were named to the Follow Dispatch sports
The Magnolia Rental Ole Miss Ladies Baseball Forum is a one-day
camp held for women who are interested in learning the ins and outs MSU has scored 20 ore still are running back to the Atlanta Tipoff Club’s mid- editor Adam Minichino on
of the Rebel baseball program and baseball in general. The day starts more points off turnovers lane and aren’t coming out to season watch list for the Na- Twitter @ctsportseditor

with check-in at the Dugout Club Oxford-University Stadium from 8
a.m. to 8:50 a.m. From there, participants will spend the day with Rebel
coaches, their wives, Ole Miss players, and Diamond Girls.
The event will conclude with lunch, viewing of team’s intrasquad,
and the Rebel basketball game against Mississippi State will follow. The
Continued from Page 1B
game against MSU at The Pavilion at Ole Miss is sold out, but limited night-and-day difference, being able to have some seniors who have been mix for the other two starting spots,
tickets are still available through the Ole Miss baseball program for to go through a fall in your own park. around the program a lot. and that those spots will be resolved
those who are attending the Ladies Forum. You can go to ombsbladies- for the link to purchase the tickets being offered. Getting the proper reps in and growing “I have leaned on Jake (Mangum) a in scrimmages in the next couple of
Ladies Forum attendees will also receive a T-shirt, an individual together as a team.” lot. He knows the feeling of everybody weeks. ... Junior right-hander Spencer
picture with coach Bianco, a lanyard with name tag, and a number of After a three-game sweep at South- in the room. It helps to have that vet- Price is 100 percent after undergoing
other giveaways. ern Mississippi, Andy Cannizaro re- eran presence. It also helps that your Tommy John surgery last season. Lem-
The deadline to register is 5 p.m. Sunday. Registration is available
at For more information, or to register and
signed and was replaced by interim All-American is out there giving his onis said Price mostly likely will be the
inquire about basketball tickets, contact assistant coach Marc MacMillan coach Gary Henderson, who led the everything like it is his first day. The team’s closer, but will be used sparing-
or Brooke Smith at Bulldogs back to the College World Se- younger players see that and want to ly in the first month to have him fresh-
n Track and field team wins four titles at Indiana Relays: At ries for the first time since 2013. After be that way.” er for the end of the year. Junior right-
Bloomington, Indiana, the track and field won four event titles Saturday a 14-15 mark in the first half of the sea- Lemonis also said the team will hander Riley Self also will close some.
and set numerous NCAA top-10 times or marks at the Indiana Relays at
Gladstein Fieldhouse. son, the team rallied to be one of the benefit from a full fall and early winter Graduate student right-hander Cole
The men’s distance runners picked up right where they left off final four standing at TD Ameritrade practices in their stadium. He said the Gordon also will pitch in the back end
after Friday night’s NCAA No. 2 time in the distance medley relay. Park. team will have one of the best defen- of the bullpen. Lemonis said the big-
Sophomore Waleed Suliman, who ran the 800-meter leg on the DMR “The biggest thing is starting sive outfields in the country with Mac- gest challenge in the weeks ahead is
on Friday night, won the men’s mile (4 minutes, 1 second) in his first
strong, being the team we want to be Namee and Mangum leading the way. finding a left-hander out of the bullpen
mile race of the season. Freshman Mario Garcia Romo finished fourth
(4:03.52). from the beginning of the season and Rowdey Jordan has moved from the in- for late-game situations. ... After losing
Senior Derek Gutierrez, already the owner of the eighth-fastest mile not starting in late March,” MSU se- field and figures to be the other starter. shortstop Luke Alexander and second
time in Rebel history, decided to move up the school 3K list. Gutierrez nior outfielder Jake Mangum said. “We “I pretty much text Jake every day. baseman Hunter Stovall off last year’s
finished fifth in a stacked field, running 7:57.78 to become the fourth are light years ahead of where we were We talk about everything from the team, the middle infield spots remain
Rebel to run a sub-8:00 race in the 3K.
Sophomore John Rivera Jr. had another solid outing in the men’s
a year ago at this time. Just having ev- direction in the ballpark to how well the team’s biggest question marks.
800, finishing second (personal-best 1:50.11). erybody on the field together, as one, the ball carries,” Lemonis said. “It’s a Lemonis said sophomore Jordan West-
On the women’s side, sophomore Clio Ozanne-Jaques won the 3K practicing this whole time. There is learning experience for all of us. Our burg is the front-runner at shortstop.
at a 13-second PR of 9:37.24. some unfinished business.” stadium will be the nicest in the coun- Lemonis said Westburg impressed
Junior Kieshonna Brooks wasted no time in her first pentathlon, As the program inches closer to a try. It will be a huge asset for this pro- with his production at the plate in fall
winning at a 150-point PR score of 3,792 points. Brooks won the
pentathlon 60 hurdles at the fastest time run by a Rebel pentathlete at first national championship, Mangum gram going forward.” drills. Second base is uncertain, with
8.48 (one-hundredth off her overall PR of 8.47). She followed that up said the team can relish last season’s While the Bulldogs needed time to junior college transfer Gunner Halter
with a PR in the high jump (fifth, 1.56 meters / 5 feet, 1 1/4 inches), a unlikely run but needs to understand learn the stadium, the same can be being the most likely choice. Lemonis
season-best in the shot put (sixth, 9.80m / 32-2), the longest mark by a there is more work to be done. said for the coaching staff. Assistant also said sophomore Tanner Allen has
Rebel pentathlete in the long jump (first, 6.16m / 20-2 1/2), and another
PR in the 800 to close (seventh, 2:32.06).
“My first two years here, were 0-2 coach Jake Gautreau is the only hold- seen practice time at all four infield
Sophomore Ghania Warren finished seventh at a PR 3,328 points in super regionals,” Mangum said. over from last year’s staff. Scott Fox- spots. ... The catching competition is
(12th all-time), while junior Haley Hood took 10th at 2,868. Warren was “That makes you want to go back and hall is the new pitching coach. Kyle projected to go to opening day. Junior
the runner-up in two events, recording bests in the high jump (1.68m / do more. Last year, you go to Omaha Cheesebrough (camps coordinator / Dustin Skelton is the front-runner.
5-6; 15th all-time, third-best by a pentathlete) and long jump (5.65m / but you don’t win the championship. volunteer assistant), Roger Rodeheav- However, Lemonis said he likes to play
18-6 1/2).
Ole Miss also received another men’s win on the track courtesy The goal is to win the national cham- er (coordinator of baseball operations), multiple catchers, so senior Marshall
of junior transfer James Burnett in the 400. Burnett, the NJCAA 400 pionship. We aren’t going to back down and Tyler Younger (coordinator of play- Gilbert and freshmen Hayden Jones
runner-up last year while at Meridian Community College, ran 48.20 to from that. Anything less than that will er development) round out the staff. and Luke Hancock should see playing
win in his first 400 as a Rebel. Fellow junior Alvin Westbrook finished bring some type of disappointment un- “It took us a couple of months to get time. ... The completed Dudy Noble
right behind him in second place at a season-best 48.75. Both were also
members of the Rebel men’s 4x400 relay team that finished second.
til it gets done.” comfortable with (the new staff),” Mac- Field was open to spectators for the
Westbrook, Elijah Dryer, Kenney Broadnax, and Burnett ran 3:16.10. Lemonis comes to MSU after four Namee said. “After a couple of months, first time with the outfield available
Dryer was one of three Rebel men to run in the 60 dash final. seasons as coach at Indiana. He said coach Lemonis started cracking jokes for Saturday’s scrimmage. Most of the
Junior Andrew Raspo was the top finisher in second place at 6.86, while the situation he inherited here was with us. He really is a wise guy, with a stadium is still listed as a construction
freshman Jaqaun Webb took third at a PR of 6.89 (6.882) and Dryer similar. great sense of humor. Once he loosened zone and finishing touches are being
fourth at 6.89 (6.884).
Three Rebel women also placed in the 60 dash finals, with Brandee
“At Indiana, the program had re- up a little bit and the players knew what to completed. Fan Day is set for 3-5 p.m.
Presley leading the way in third (7.60), followed by sophomore T’Aja cently gone to Omaha,” Lemonis said. expect from him, well after that, I knew on Feb. 9 at the Palmeiro Center. ...
Cameron (fourth, 7.62) and freshman Kelly Rowe (sixth, 7.64). “It’s more of the same here. We aren’t we were going to have a great season.” Mangum hit a home run to left field
Ole Miss received two top-five finishes in the 60 hurdles finals, building here. We are trying to con- n NOTES: Lemonis said junior left- batting right-handed Saturday in the
with junior Jeanette Paul taking third in the women’s final at 8.71, while tinue, maintain a very strong, national hander Ethan Small has the only set team’s scrimmage, which ended tied at
freshman Kenney Broadnax took fourth in the men’s final at 8.43.
Other notable finishes on the track included two top-10 placements program. We are going to keep push- spot in the weekend rotation. Small will 1 after five innings.
in the women’s mile by sophomores Maddie King (fourth, 4:53.00; PR) ing for that national championship. In pitch on Friday nights for the Bulldogs. Follow Dispatch sports writer Scott
and Ylvi Traxler (ninth, 4:56.47; PR). this particular setting, we are blessed He said five or six pitchers are in the Walters on Twitter @dispatchscott
In the women’s shot put, freshman Tedreauna Britt recorded nearly

a two-foot PR to finish fifth at 14.87m (48-9 1/2). Sophomore Leah Klein
also made the shot put final, finishing ninth at a career-best 13.90m
(45-7 1/4).
n On Friday, Ole Miss, which has won of four of the previous five Continued from Page 1B
Southeastern Conference men’s Distance Medley Relay titles, as well
as the 2017 NCAA title, took second place with the NCAA’s second-fast- (eight) just missed double my, but he said as a whole the held in conjunction with the we weren’t really focused
est time this year at 9 minutes, 38.09 seconds. digits as part of a lineup that team was improved. All-American Bowl in San but we weren’t as focused as
The quartet included sophomore Everett Smulders on the 1,200 leg
(2:56), junior transfer James Burnett on the 400 leg (48.1), sophomore
went nine deep. The “improved” version Antonio, Texas. we want to be,” Griffin said.
Waleed Suliman on the 800 leg (1:50), and senior Derek Gutierrez on The win moved Heritage of the Patriots features an Heritage Academy, the “(The loss to Leake Acad-
the 1,600 leg to close (4:03). Academy to 21-3 prior to its assemble that Whiteside re- reigning Class AAA State emy) shows we can’t just
Suliman was a member of a second-team All-American and SEC matchup against Briarcrest mains a “work in progress.” champion, also played with- show up and win. We have
runner-up DMR squad as a freshman in 2018, while Gutierrez was part to work in practice and get
of the third-place NCAA relay in 2016 that earned first-team All-America
Christian School (Tenn.) The cast features Bell, a out Griffin and Altmyer.
honors at the third-fastest time at Ole Miss (9:31.82). in the 28th-annual Hotbed 6-foot-7 post player. Heri- With all of his players back, better for the games.”
Sophomore Shey Taiwo finished as the top collegian in the weight Classic on Saturday night in tage Academy also is work- Whiteside said there is plen- Heritage Academy show-
throw for the second-straight week. He took second at 20.91 meters New Albany. ing Griffin and Steele Alt- ty of competition in practice, cased a wrinkle that might
(68-7 1/4). Olympian DeAnna Price won by tying the facility record at
Acker said the return to myer back into the rotation which he feels will be an serve it well later in the sea-
24.57m (80-7 1/2) — the 11th-best throw in world history.
The Rebel men also put two into the weight throw final, with health of several players and following their recoveries added bonus looking ahead son. Whiteside’s decision to
freshman Joseph Benedetto finishing fifth at 18.17m (59-7 1/2) and the addition of Bell, a trans- from injuries. to the district tournament at go to a 1-3-1 with Bell made
sophomore Chris Long recording a half-foot personal record at 17.98m fer from Starkville High “It’s a lot of fun because Leake Academy, the North it tougher for Canton Acad-
(59-0) for sixth place. School, has forced the Patri- we have a lot of guys who State tournament at Heri-
Other notable field finishes included junior Kaira Simmons’ emy to work over the top of
season-best 5.87m (19-3 1/4) in the long jump for fourth place, and an ots to adjust to new combi- can play,” Whiteside said, tage Academy, and the Class Bell’s length. Passes to the
overall career best 5.05m (16-06.75) in the men’s pole vault by junior nations and lineups. He feels “but, at the same time, we’re AAA tournament at Leake wings also were more diffi-
Cole Colozzo, who finished seventh. the team will hit its stride in trying to figure out which Academy. cult as the defensive change
n Men’s tennis team loses first match: At Los Angeles, the February and be fine for the combinations work best in Griffin, who is coming off
men’s tennis team lost to San Diego 4-0 on Friday in its first match at the appeared to energize the Pa-
Intercollegiate Tennis Association Kick-Off Weekend. start of tournament play. what situations. It’s hard a hand injury, said roles hav- triots.
The Toreros took the doubles point via victories at the first and “It has been great to have for them working their way en’t changed very much and “We haven’t practiced it
third positions. Ole Miss’ Fabian Fallert and sophomore Cotter Wilson everybody back,” Acker back in, but it also is hard for that the team still breaks it a lot, but in certain lineups
were tied at 3 with 12th-ranked Joel Gamerov and August Holmgren at said. “Tonight, we were ro- me getting it right. down by saying “together.”
second doubles. that we have in there that
tating every four or five min- “I have told them you He feels the addition of Bell,
In singles, Gamerov defeated Karlo Kranic 6-2, 6-2. The match was could be a pretty good de-
Kranic’s first dual competition of the spring season. utes to keep fresh legs in the have to go compete in prac- a former Amateur Athletic
fense for us because he so
Fellow rookie Simon Junk and senior Filip Kraljevic won their open- game. It helps us keep a lot tice to get the playing time. Union teammate, will add
ing set at 7-5 and 6-4, respectively. Kraljevic’s prelude came against long at the top of it,” Wh-
of the momentum and keeps We know these guys can another dimension to a team
Holmgren, who is ranked No. 83. iteside said. “If you have
Fallert lost a tiebreaker 7-6 (7-2) in the opener. us from getting tired.” play. We also know the oth- that doesn’t care who scores
Acker said Heritage Acad- er guys can play, so it is just the points. Eli and Jared in there at the
San Diego built its lead after Ole Miss freshman Jan Soren Hain
lost 6-3, 6-4. emy needed a big win coming about finding what the best Griffin said Heritage same time, it is lot of length.”
Junior Tim Sandkaulen fell to No. 117 Gui Osorio 7-5, 6-4. off a 44-42 loss to Leake Acad- fit is for our team at certain Academy had two good days In the girls game, Heri-
n No. 12 women’s tennis team loses to Purdue: At Oxford, the
emy on Tuesday. Whiteside times.” of practice after the loss to tage Academy pulled away
No. 12 women’s tennis team lost to Purdue 4-3 at the William F. Galtney
said he didn’t have to break Heritage Academy beat Leake Academy. He pointed in the second half for a 51-
Indoor Tennis Center in the opening match of the ITA Kick-Off Weekend.
Ole Miss (0-1) will play No. 9 Michigan or No. 24 Syracuse in the out a fiery speech to motivate Leake Academy 56-46 on to last season and how a loss 30 victory against Canton
consolation match at 11 a.m. Sunday. his team after the loss in Mad- Jan. 4 in Columbus, Carter to Starkville Academy in De- Academy.
Although Ole Miss broke through with the first point of the contest Anna Acker had 13
via the doubles point, the Boilermakers surged, picking up back-to-back
den. He said Heritage Acade- Putt had 19 points and Jared cember helped provide moti-
singles points to spoil the Rebels from building an insurmountable lead. my missed too many layups Long added 17 for the Pa- vation for the team on what points. Sydney Adair and
After being down two games, the duo of juniors Tereza Janatova and free throws and shot a triots, who played without proved to be a run to a state Gigi Fields had 11 points
and Anna Vrbenska evened things at 3-3. Alexa Bortles and Allie terrible percentage from the Acker, who was selected to championship. Griffin hopes and Emily Howard had 10.
Sanford rode through the momentum of being down two games to take Follow Dispatch sports
control of the set at 5-4, thanks to some strong swinging on the backline
field. Whiteside admitted his participate in a football com- the Patriots can follow a sim-
from Bortles. The duo secured the advantage with a 6-4 victory. team wasn’t a ton better at bine for some of the nation’s ilar path this season. editor Adam Minichino on
— From Special Reports times against Canton Acade- top underclassmen that was “Coach Whiteside said Twitter @ctsportseditor
6B Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •


Southern Mississippi
Men’s basketball team routs Marshall
HATTIESBURG — LaDavious Draine had 18 points, and the
No. 8 Kentucky eases past No. 9 Kansas Continued from Page 3B
the field to help Tennessee
(18-1) erase its first dou-
Southern Mississippi men’s basketball team opened the game with a By GARY B. GRAVES marquee matchup between BIG PICTURE ble-digit deficit of the sea-
31-6 run and never looked back, nearly doubling up Marshall 101-51 The Associated Press college basketball’s two win- Kansas: Lawson had a son. Tennessee took com-
on Saturday.
The Golden Eagles made 86 percent of their shots in the opening ningest programs. double-double by halftime, mand by ending the first half
LEXINGTON, Ky. — PJ Kentucky had dropped and the Jayhawks held their on a 24-2 run and scoring
blitz and outrebounded Marshall 13-2 in the first nine minutes. The num-
Washington scored 14 of the first four points of the
bers remained lopsided with Southern Miss hitting 65 percent from the its last three games against own on the glass for one half.
field and Marshall making 25 percent, Southern Miss nailed 48 percent his 20 points in the second second half.
Kansas. They finished 9 of 23 from
of its 3-pointers while Marshall was 7 of 35 (20 percent) from distance. half, and No. 8 Kentucky That put the Vols on
Southern Miss had 30 assists to Marshall’s six. Dedric Lawson had 20 behind the arc but couldn’t
beat No. 9 Kansas 71-63 on track for their 14th consec-
Draine had four 3-pointers for the Golden Eagles (12-9, 4-5 Confer- points and 15 rebounds for match Kentucky’s athleti-
ence USA). Kevin Holland also made four 3-pointers and scored 16 Saturday in the SEC-Big 12 utive victory in the school’s
the Jayhawks, and Quentin cism in the second half.
points. Two players reached double digits in assists — Tyree Griffin with Challenge. longest win streak since it
15 and Cortez Edwards with 10. Washington also had 13 Grimes added 13 points. Kentucky: The Wildcats
Three players — C.J. Burks, Jon Elmore and Darius George — It was Lawson’s 14th dou- still have their share of chal- opened the 1922-23 season
rebounds, helping the Wild- with 14-straight wins.
scored 11 points for Marshall (12-9, 5-3). No one else scored more
cats to a 49-36 advantage on ble-double this season. lenges ahead when South-
than four. Kansas shot 37 percent eastern Conference play re- “I think they’re as good
n Baseball team adds two players for 2020 season: At the glass. Reid Travis had 18 as anybody in the country,”
Hattiesburg, Baseball coach Scott Berry announced Friday the addition points and 12 boards, and (23 for 63) from the field sumes next week, but they
West Virginia coach Bob
of infielder Jake Holifield (Semmes, Alabama) and right-hander pitcher Keldon Johnson also post- in its second loss in three are coming along.
Huggins said.
Tyler Lantz (Collinsville) for the 2020 season.
ed a double-double with 15 games. UP NEXT
Holifield, a 6-foot-1, 210-pounder., earned Super All-State Grant Williams scored 19
points and 10 rebounds. POLL IMPLICATIONS Kansas returns to Big 12
and All-Region team for St. Paul’s High School. He hit .557 with 25 points for Tennessee, and
doubles and 67 RBIs en route to winning the Class 5A Hitter of the Year Neither team reached 40 Kentucky could rise in play on Tuesday at Texas. Jordan Bowden had 15. Ad-
award during his junior campaign for coach Andy Robbins. percent shooting, but the the AP poll after beating its Kentucky returns to SEC miral Schofield finished with
Lantz, at 6-foot, 180-pounder, played his freshman campaign last Wildcats (16-3) were much third ranked opponent in a competition at Vanderbilt
season at Meridian Community College, where he posted a 2-2 record 14 points and 10 rebounds.
with two saves in 25 innings (2.88 earned run average). He played his better in the second half and week. Kansas could tumble on Tuesday after beating Esa Ahmad scored 16
prep baseball at West Lauderdale High School. held the Jayhawks in check out of the top 10 with its re- the Commodores 56-47 two points and Derek Culver had
n Softball team will hold multiple preseason events: At down the stretch of the cent trouble. weeks ago. 15 for West Virginia (9-11),
Hattiesburg, the softball team will hold a Meet the Team Dinner on Feb.
1 and Fan Day on Feb. 2 prior to its season opener on Friday, Feb. 8 which lost for the seventh
against Houston Baptist. time in its last eight games.
The Meet the Team Dinner will be at St. Thomas Catholic Church n No 14 Texas Tech 67, Arkansas 64: At
(3117 W. 4th Street) in Hattiesburg at 6:30 p.m. Fans will have the Lubbock, Texas, Davide Moretti had 21 points,
opportunity to meet members of the 2019 team and the coaching staff. Jarrett Culver scored 12 of his 15 points in the
The cost to attend the event is $25 per person and it is limited to second half, and No. 14 Texas Tech beat Ar-
the first 150 registrants. If you would like to attend the Meet the Team kansas 67-64 on Saturday night to stop a three-
Dinner, please RSVP by contacting Southern Miss Softball Graduate game slide.
Assistant Kristen Gardner via phone 228-217-9761 or via email kristen. Moretti’s two free throws with five seconds left sealed the SEC/Big 12 Challenge game for
The annual Softball Fan Day, which will be at the Southern Miss the Red Raiders (16-4) after their double-digit
Softball Complex. lead was trimmed to two with a minute left. They
didn’t make another field goal after Norense
Alabama Odiase’s dunk made it 60-48 with 7 minutes, 41
seconds left.
Golden Flake A-Day Game set for April 13 Arkansas (11-8) was down 65-62 when
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The Alabama football team announced it turned it over with eight seconds remaining,
Friday it will hold the 2019 Golden Flake A-Day Spring Football Game leading to Moretti’s foul shots. Jalen Harris
at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at Bryant-Denny Stadium. Television made a layup for the Razorbacks as time ex-
coverage will be announced at a later date. pired.
The annual A-Day Game is the 15th and final practice of the spring. Daniel Gafford led Arkansas with 14 points
Admission will be free to the public. after missing most of the first half in foul trouble.
More information on A-Day, including additional activities, traffic Harris and Mason Jones had 11 points apiece.
and parking will be posted on when it becomes available. n No. 25 LSU 86, Missouri 80, OT: At
n Baseball team opens spring practice: At Tuscaloosa, Columbia, Missouri, Skylar Mays scored 11
Alabama, the baseball team held its first spring practice Friday and points of his 24 points in the last three minutes of
followed it with an intrasquad scrimmage at Sewell-Thomas Stadium. regulation and No. 25 LSU overcame a 14-point
The Crimson Tide participated in drills, took batting practice, and deficit in the final 2:08 to force overtime in a vic-
then did infield/outfield work. Following the practice, the Tide split into tory against Missouri on Saturday night.
two teams for a four-inning intrasquad scrimmage. Ja’Vonte Smart made two 3-pointers in
Alabama will practice at 11 a.m. Sunday. It will scrimmage at 1 p.m. overtime and scored 14 points for the Tigers (16-
All practice and scrimmage dates are open to fans wanting to 3, 6-0 Southeastern Conference). Naz Reid also
watch. Attendees are asked to enter Sewell-Thomas Stadium through had 14 points, and Tremont Waters added 13.
the main gate (Gate 3) located directly behind home plate. Once inside, Jordan Geist had 25 points and 11 re-
fans are encouraged to stay in the lower bowl seating area, as access bounds for Missouri (10-8, 1-5). Jeremiah Tilm-
to the upper levels of the stadium is restricted. on added 15 points, and Javon Pickett had 13.
n Women’s basketball team will take on Georgia: At Athens, With LSU down 71-70, Waters missed a
Georgia, the women’s basketball team will try to get back on track when David Miller/Special to The Dispatch contested shot on a drive. Missouri’s Ronnie
it plays Georgia at 1 p.m. Sunday (ESPNU) at Stegeman Coliseum. Mississippi University for Women’s Tavonta Jones appears to get hit in the arm by Belhaven’s Suggs was called for a foul battling for the re-
The Crimson Tide (10-10, 2-5 Southeastern Conference) and Lady bound, sending Emmitt Williams to free throw
Rick Hodum as he goes up for a shot in their game Saturday in Columbus.
line with 2.2 seconds left. He missed the first

The W
Bulldogs (12-7, 3-3 SEC) have both lost their last two SEC contests.
Alabama lost at home to LSU and on the road against Arkansas, and made the second.
while Georgia has lost to Missouri and Texas A&M. Missouri led 70-56 lead with 2:14 left in
n No. 21 men’s tennis team beats Northwestern: At Tusca- regulation.
loosa, Alabama, the No. 21 men’s tennis eased its way to a, 5-2, win n Oklahoma State 74, South Carolina
Continued from Page 1B 70: At Stillwater, Oklahoma, Thomas Dziagwa
over Northwestern on Friday night at the Roberta Alison Baumgardner
Indoor Tennis Facility. to the basket against two matched a career high with 19 points, shooting 5
With the victory the Crimson Tide improves to 5-0, while the defenders. Pinkston was of 9 from 3-point range, to help lead Oklahoma
Wildcats drop to 0-4. State past South Carolina on Saturday after-
fouled hard and landed awk- noon.
After dropping the first doubles match on court one, Alabama
bounced back with 6-4 wins on courts two and three to take a 1-0
wardly on the floor, where In a close battle that saw 14 lead changes
advantage. he was motionless as train- in the second half alone, the Cowboys out-
Alabama made it 3-0 after Ortiz dominated Simen Bratholm, 6-0, ers tended to him. Pinkston scored the Gamecocks 12-7 in the last five-and-
6-2, and No. 24 Osama defeated Nick Brookes, 6-3, 6-3. Northwestern eventually was turned onto a-half minutes to secure the win.
responded with a win on court two to cut the deficit to 3-1. Lindy Waters III had 17 points, six rebounds
The Crimson Tide clinched the match at 4-1 when Zhou beat Chris
his back, strapped to a gur- and three assists, and Cam McGriff scored 14
Ephron, 7-5, 6-4. The Wildcats won on court six, while Cancel defeated ney, and taken to the hospi- for Oklahoma State (9-11), which snapped a
Antonioni Fasano 6-4, 2-6, 6-3. tal via ambulance. three-game losing streak.
Alabama will play host to Harvard at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Roberta Merkel said he wasn’t Chris Silva had 15 points and nine re-
Alison Baumgardner Indoor Facility. bounds, and A.J. Lawson scored 12 for South
sure about the extent of Carolina (10-9), which lost for the second time in
n Women’s tennis team defeats Mercer, Alabama A&M: At
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the women’s tennis team continued its hot start Pinkston’s injury. He went to its last eight games.
to the season by defeating Mercer, 6-1, and shutting out Alabama A&M, Baptist Memorial Hospital n TCU 55, Florida 50: At Fort Worth, Tex-
7-0, Saturday at the Roberta Alison Baumgardner Tennis Facility. to check on Pinkston after as, TCU never trailed after Kouat Noi scored the
Alabama picked up its fourth victory and third shutout of the year first seven points. When Florida tied the game
the game.
after downing Mercer (1-5) and Alabama A&M (0-4). in the second half after a horrendous start and
The Crimson Tide has yet to surrender a doubles point this season,
“When stuff like that hap- bad shooting day all around, the lanky forward
as sophomore Moka Ito and Jacqueline Pelletier topped Mercer, 6-3, pens, it puts the game and for the Horned Frogs put them ahead to stay.
and juniors Alba Cortina Pou and Luca Fabian rolled past Alabama life in perspective,” Merkel Noi had 22 points, outscoring the Gators by
A&M, 6-2. Juniors Ann Selim and Kim Gintrand picked up victories in said. “We break down fam- himself for most of the first half, and TCU held on
both matches to secure the point. to win in the SEC/Big 12 Challenge on Saturday.
n Track and field team competes at Bob Pollock Invitational:
ily in every practice, every The Frogs (15-4), who scored only 23
At Clemson, South Carolina, the track and field closed the Bob Pollock huddle … it really hits home points with 12 turnovers after halftime, had their
Invitational with three wins Saturday, bumping its two-day total to seven there. It’s hard to kind of get lowest-scoring victory in coach Jamie Dixon’s
wins to go with 26 top-eight finishes. your focus back after some- three seasons. It came three days after what
Bobby Colantonio Jr. notched the first win of his collegiate career, had been the lowest this season, 65-61 against
thing like that; I just hope Texas.
taking top honors in the men’s weight throw with a toss of 69-6 3/4 feet.
Kwemoi Ndiwa finished first in the men’s 600 meters (1 minute, 20.06 he’s OK.” Florida (11-8) started the game 1-of-15
seconds). Injuries took a toll on shooting and was down 18-3 more than midway
The Crimson Tide finished one-two in the women’s 4x400 relay the Owls late in the game, through the first half.
with Daija Lampkin, Takyera Roberson, Tamara Clark and Mauricia as Pinkston’s injury sent n Texas A&M 65, Kansas State 53: At
Prieto getting the win with a 3:38.24. D’Jai Baker, Katie Funcheon, College Station, Texas, Wendell Mitchell scored
Natassha McDonald, and Symone Darius finished second (3:39.97).
Jones, who’d made 1 of 7 a game-high 22 points, all in the second half,
Champion Allison, Keitavious Walter, Stephan Holcombe, and free throws to that point, to and Texas A&M ran past Kansas State on Sat-
Gabe Serrano finished runner-up in the men’s 4x400 (3:12.08). the line to try and win the urday.
Will Herrscher finished second in the men’s pole vault (16-10 3/4). game. Backup guard Shon The Wildcats (15-5) led 30-26 at halftime
David Miller/Special to The Dispatch
Stacey Destin was third in her first pentathlon of the season, tally- before the Aggies (8-10), in snapping a three-
ing 4,065 points. She finished third in the high jump, shot put, and long
Wright injured his left foot Mississippi University for Women’s D.J. Clark goes up for a game losing streak, outscored their former Big
jump and fourth in the 60 hurdles and 800. Destin also was fourth (5-8 in the first half and was un- shot between Belhaven’s Laramie Long and another Blazer 12 Conference brethren 39-23 in the final 20
1/2) and Esme Phillips (5-4 1/2) was eighth in the women’s high jump. available in overtime. on Saturday in their game in Columbus. minutes. Texas A&M relied on an 18-3 run in the
Connor Ferrentino (8:25.78) and freshman Noel Rotich (8:29.18) “Hopefully, these injuries second half to put away the Wildcats.
posted top-eight finishes in the men’s 3,000 meters, taking 6th and 8th, don’t set as back too much,” Merkel lauded the team’s shape a legacy, particularly n Georgia 98, Texas 88: At Athens, Geor-
respectively. vigor in attacking the basket for the transfer players, who gia, Tyree Crump scored 21 points while setting
n On Friday, Alabama swept the top three spots of the women’s Merkel said. a career high with six 3-pointers and Georgia
shot put, with senior Portious Warren taking first with a throw of 56 Owls’ players said regain- and its improved ball move- were incentivized to join the enjoyed its best-shooting game of the season to
feet, 8 ½ inches (17.28 meter). Senior Haley Teel (52-8/16.05) and ing focus and energy after ment, which has helped Owls by the clean slate and beat Texas on Saturday.
sophomore Nickolette Dunbar (51-10 1/2/15.81m), took second and watching Pinkston being spread the wealth of shots the opportunity to build a Teshaun Hightower and Nicolas Claxton
third, respectively. across the floor and create program. had 18 points. Claxton scored 16 in the sec-
Sophomores Tamara Clark and Daija Lampkin went one-two in the
stretchered out of the arena ond half. The Bulldogs made a season-best 67
was difficult. more inside-out 3-pointers. “I love it. It was a fresh percent of their shots from the field (32 of 48).
60-meter dash, with Clark taking first (7.23 seconds) and Lampkin fin-
ishing a fraction behind (7.29). Junior Krystal Sparling and sophomore “It was tough,” Jones Jones said moving the start, a new program and a Georgia made 12 of 17 3-pointers. Crump made
Demi Washington took seventh and eighth in the 60. said. “This team is like a ball better has helped him chance to make history,” said 6 of 8 3-pointers.
Senior Mauricia Prieto won the 300 (38.03), while junior Symone
brotherhood.” scoring more points and be Clark, a transfer from Blue Georgia (10-9) set a season high with 26
Darius was third at 39.30. Freshman Champion Allison won the men’s turnovers, some forced by a full-court press
Jones led the Owls with more efficient. Jones didn’t Mountain College and one of Texas used to highlight Georgia’s chronic ball-
400 (47.14).
n No. 9 gymnastics team falls to No. 5 LSU: At Tuscaloosa, 16 points. He has led the crack double digits in the two MUW seniors. “I try to do handling woes. The Longhorns scored 26 points
Alabama, the No. 9 gymnastics team fell to No. 5 LSU 197.450-196.850 Owls in scoring in each of Owls’ first seven games. what’s right because (young- off the turnovers.
on Friday night before a crowd of 13,823 at Coleman Coliseum. the last three games. DJ He has averaged 16 points er teammates) look up to me. n Oklahoma 86, Vanderbilt 55: At Nor-
The crowd was the largest gymnastics in the nation this season, man, Oklahoma, There was no sluggish start or
Clark added 12 points and a in the last 12 games, and I just try to push and push. It’s
and Alabama’s largest single-meet total since 2017. big deficit for Oklahoma to overcome this time.
Junior Wynter Childers, stepping in on three events for sophomore game-high 15 rebounds. He has scored in double digits paying off.” Christian James scored 21 points to help
Lexi Graber, who was held out of the meet after a lower-leg injury in also had three assists and in all but two games in that n On Friday, The W de- the Sooners roll past Vanderbilt.
warmups, posted a 39.350 in the all-around. It was Childers’ first all- three steals. Pinkston had stretch. feated Champion Christian Oklahoma rallied from a 19-point deficit
around appearance since last year’s Georgia meet in early January. “My confidence comes College (Arkansas) 83-69 to beat Oklahoma State 70-61 on Wednesday.
Childers’ performance was highlighted by a 9.925 balance beam
14 points and five rebounds. Determined to avoid a similar situation against
routine that tied her career best and paced the Tide to a season-best Justin Jones led Belhaven from my teammates,” Jones behind Tavonta Jones’ 23 Vanderbilt, the Sooners took control with a 19-0
49.250, while freshman Emily Gaskins chipped in a 9.875. (8-11) with 15 points and a said. “When one man sees points. run over a 5:35 stretch in the first half to take a
Junior Shea Mahoney posted the Tide’s highest score with a trio of 3-pointers. the next man score, he’s Jones was 9-for-10 from 33-16 lead, and the rout was on.
9.950 on the uneven bars, pushing Alabama to a season-best 49.225. happy for him. Everybody the field and converted all Saben Lee matched a career high with 24
After winning just one points for Vanderbilt (9-10), which lost its sev-
Alabama also got matching 9.850s from Childers and senior Ariana
Guerra on bars. of its first 13 games, The W can get energy and create three of his 3-pointers. enth-straight game.
Freshman Shallon Olsen led the way to a 49.175 on the vault with has won five of its last seven. things off of one person. We The Owls assisted on n SEC/Big 12 Challenge gets six-
a 9.900, while senior Abby Armbrecht’s 9.925 boosted Alabama to a Merkel said the two late- can move faster, and every- more than half of their field year contract extension: At Birmingham,
49.200 on the floor exercise. game losses in that stretch one gets more bought in.” goals. Alabama, the Southeastern Conference and
n Former women’s basketball player Cook signs with Big 12 Conference have agreed to extend the
professional team in Iceland: At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Hannah won’t lessen the momentum Clark and Jones are moti- The W turned a 41-39 annual SEC/Big 12 Challenge for six more
Cook, Alabama’s leading scorer from 2015 to 2018, has signed to play the program has built head- vated to lay a foundation of halftime lead into its largest seasons.
professional basketball with U.M.F. Grindavik in Grindavik, Iceland. ing into a final six-game hard work, tough play and lead — 72-56 — after going The extension was announced Saturday
Cook, a four-year starter for the Crimson Tide, finished her career stretch that includes five smart basketball in MUW’s on a 15-7 run late in the half. in conjunction with this year’s challenge, which
in the top 10 in scoring (No. 8, 1,468), 3-point field goals made (No. matches 10 of the 14 SEC teams against all
4, 262), and 3-point field goals attempted (No. 1, 781). She scored in
road games and rematches first season of men’s bas- The W held Champion 10 Big 12 members. The SEC and Big 12 an-
double figures 79 times in her four years. against Morris College and ketball. They said the last Christian to 35-percent nounced the extension in conjunction with
— From Special Reports Champion Christian. seven games are helping shooting. ESPN.
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 7B

Area obituaries
at Porter’s Memorial Anthony Cockerham sums Cemetery. Visi-
Robert Freeman, Jr.
Anthony Peoples Park. Visitation will be of Devens, Massachu- tation is from 2-6 p.m. It is with great sadness that the family of
— Anthony Carl “D.J. from 3-6 p.m. Monday setts, and Kerry Lee Sunday at West Me- Robert (Bob) Jack Freeman Jr announce his
Sam” Peoples died Jan. at Carter’s Mortuary Cockerham of Vernon, morial Funeral Home. passing on Monday, January 21, 2019, at the age
22, 2019, in Tuscaloosa, Services Chapel. Car- Alabama; three grand- West Memorial Funeral of 71.
Alabama. ter’s Mortuary Services children and two great Home is in charge of A native of Columbus, MS, Bob attended
Home Going Cele- is in charge of arrange- grandchildren. arrangements. Mississippi State University, receiving a
bration Services will ments. Memorials may be He is survived by his Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering and
be at noon Saturday Mr. Rupert was born made to the Hamilton daughters, Ruth Nicks Master degree in Environmental Engineering,
at New Salem Baptist March 27, 1958, in West Baptist Church, P.O. and Dorothy Brown; as well as, receiving an MBA from Georgia State
Church in Aliceville Point, to Jettie Mae Box 336 , Hamilton, MS sons, Willie Earl Thom- University. He was a charter member of the EPA,
with the Rev. Kenneth Rupert and the late or the Diabetes Founda- as and James Thomas; serving for over 47 years.
McCoy officiating. Robert Lee Rupert. He tion of Miss., 800 Avery and sisters, Annie Bob will be lovingly remembered by his wife
Burial will follow at was formerly employed Blvd., Suite 100, Ridge- Pearl Deadmon, Lula of almost 46 years, Karen Creech Freeman; and
New Salem Baptist with MTD. land, MS 39157. Petty, Jean Douglas, his children, Jack (fiance, Robin Berry), Simon,
Church Cemetery. Vis- In addition to his Janie Outlaw, Magnolia Sarah, Nathan (Whitni), Lydia (Joshua) Reece
mother, he is survived Thomas, Annie Clay and Hannah (Jaq) Baldwin. Bob will be greatly
itation will be from 3-6
by his wife, Frances Ru-
Eula Bauer and Betty Clay. missed by his grandchildren, who dearly loved
p.m. Friday at Laven- SHUQUALAK —
der’s Funeral Services. pert of Tupelo; daugh- their Papa.
Eula M. Bauer, 94,
Lavender’s Funeral ter, Arrisha Sampson Bob was predeceased by his parents, Dr. R
formerly of Shuqualak, Jack Freeman and Maude Dulin Freeman.
Services is in charge of of Tupelo; brothers, died Jan. 26, 2019, at
arrangements. George Rupert, Donal The family will receive visitors on Sunday,
North Mississippi Med- January 27th, from 3-5 PM in the Columbarium
Rupert, Charles Rupert ical Center in Tupelo.
and Anthony Rupert, all at Cheatham Hill Memorial Park in Marietta,
Keith Tate of Tupelo; sisters, Bar-
Arrangements are Georgia. A celebration service in memory of Bob
STARKVILLE incomplete and will be will be held on Tuesday, January 29th, at 2 PM at
— Keith F. Tate, 53, bara Rupert of Tupelo announced by Cock-
and Vickie Shumpert; West Ridge Baptist Church, 3522 Hiram Acworth
died Jan. 17, 2019, in rell Funeral Home of Hwy., Dallas, Georgia.
Starkville. and one grandchild.
Macon Those who so desire may make memorial
Services were at 11 donations in memory of Bob to the “Friends of
a.m. Saturday at Pine Lucille Darring Walter Benton Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites.”
Grove M.B. Church. COLUMBUS — Lu-
COLUMBUS — Wal- Paid Obituary - Southern Cremations at Cheatham Hill
Burial followed at Fox cille Darring, 66, died
ter “Bryant” Benton,
Jan. 25, 2019, in Illinois.

Bobbie Hood
Cemetery. Visitation
Arrangements are
87, died Jan. 26, 2019, at Bobbie Hood
was from 3-6 p.m. his residence. Visitation:
Friday at the funeral incomplete and will be Monday, Jan. 28 • 10-11 AM
Arrangements are Memorial Gunter Peel
home. West Memorial announced by Lee- Bobbie J. Hood, age 85, of
incomplete and will be Funeral Home Chapel
Funeral Home was Sykes Funeral Home of College St. Location Brentwood, TN, formerly of
announced by Lown- Memorial Services:
in charge of arrange- Columbus. Columbus, MS, Amory, MS
des Funeral Home of Monday, Jan. 28 • 11 AM
ments. Memorial Gunter Peel and Dallas, TX, passed away
He is survived by Robert L. Corbell Funeral Home Chapel
College St. Location
January 20, 2019, in Franklin,
his wife, Tiffany Guy COLUMBUS — Rob- TN, surrounded by family.
Tate; daughters, Keisha ert L. Corbell, 56, died Arthur Thomas Memorial services will be
Page and Takira Guy; Jan. 25, 2019, in West STARKVILLE — Monday, January 28, 2019, at
sons, LaKeith Tate and Point. Arthur “Willie Mutt” 11:00 AM at Memorial Gunter
Derrick Brown; sister, Arrangements are Thomas, 88, died Jan. Peel Chapel, College St. loca-
Janet Brown; and broth- incomplete and will be 21, 2019, in Tupelo. tion with Rev. Kenny Gardner
ers, Millon Tate Jr. and announced by Lown- Services will be at 1 officiating. Visitation will be
Darrell Tate. des Funeral Home of p.m. Monday at Greater one hour prior to the service.
Columbus. Ebenzer M.B. Church. Mrs. Hood was born November 16, 1933, in Dal-
Ruby Harrison Burial will follow at Ses- las, TX, to the late Robert E. and Mary Etta Smith
Jones. Mrs. Hood worked at Collins Radio in Rich-
COLUMBUS — Frank Cockerham We had questions about cremation. ardson, TX, Amory Manor in Amory, MS, Diver-
Ruby Harrison, 84, died HAMILTON —
Jan. 25, 2019, at Bap- sified Investments in Tupelo, MS, Fantasy II and
Frank Howell Cocker- Shirley& Co. in Columbus, MS. She worked numer-
tist Memorial Hospi- ham Jr., 76 , died Jan. We found the
tal-Golden Triangle. answers here. ous side jobs the majority of her life, often juggling
25, 2019, at Golden Tri- three at a time, so the list is too long to detail, but
Arrangements are angle Baptist Memorial
incomplete and will be the Mexican Kitchen in Columbus, MS, the Frisco
Hospital in Columbus. Call today. Kitchen in Amory, MS, and The Adolphus Hotel in
announced by Bench- Services are at 3 p.m.
mark Memorial Life Dallas, TX, were three notables where she no doubt
Sunday at Tisdale-Lann brightened everyone’s day.
Center of Columbus. Memorial Chapel with Mrs. Hood or Bobbie, as she preferred, was a
Robert Moore officiat- kind and generous Soul. She modeled character, re-
Ricky Ray ing. Burial will be in Lowndes Funeral Home and Crematory
Columbus, MS • (662) 328-1808 sponsibility, attention to detail and a work ethic sec-
WEST POINT — Center Hill Cemetery ond to none. She loved to laugh and kept her sense
John Ricky Ray, 58, in Hamilton. Visitation of humor through most every challenge with which
died Jan. 23, 2019, at will be Sunday from 2-3 life can test us, including loss of an adult child, life
North Mississippi Med- p.m. at Tisdale-Lann threatening illness and in later years, an aging body
ical Center in Tupelo. Memorial Funeral and failing memory. And oh how her eyes sparked
Services are at 2 p.m. Home. Tisdale-Lann when she laughed! She lit up the room.
Sunday at Robinson Memorial Funeral She was a loyal friend who enjoyed decades long
Funeral Home Chapel. Home of Aberdeen is in friendships of all ages. Known for her compassion-
Burial will follow at charge of the arrange- ate and non judgmental ear, she was innately wise
Greenwood Cemetery. ments. and could offer comfort or the most practical advice
Visitation was from 4-6 Mr. Cockerham was based in experience – because she had lived it all.
p.m. Saturday at the born in Hamilton, to Her friendships extended to animals and she was
funeral home. Robin- Frank H. Cockerham a staunch protector and advocate for all of our four
son Funeral Home is Sr. and Bessie Fairchild legged friends.
in charge of arrange- Cockerham. He was a Possessing a generous heart, she loved her
ments. graduate of Mississippi family deeply. Acts of Service was her primary
Mr. Ray was born State University and Language of Love, and she served her family well.
April 1, 1960, in West formerly employed at She adored her daughters-in-law and son-in-law as
Point, to Bernice Kerr-McGee Chemical. much as the children she birthed and they adored
Edwards and the late He was a member of her. That just may be one of the biggest testaments
Harold Gene Ray. He the Hamilton Baptist to who she was, how she lived her life and the way
was formerly employed Church. she walked in the world.
as a carpenter. In addition to his par- Bobbie was preceded in death by her parents;
In addition to his her son, Dennis East of Columbus, MS; her daugh-
ents, he was preceded
father, he was preceded ters-in-law, Karen East of Carrollton, TX, Sandra
in death by his sister,
in death by his sister, East of Columbus, MS and Janet East of Carrollton,
Charlotte Gail Cocker-
Shirley Ray. TX, granddaughter-in-law, Jennifer East of Colum-
ham. bus, MS; as well as, her beloved sister, Dorothy
In addition to his He is survived by
mother, he is survived Corrine Collie of North Little Rock, AR.
his wife Carolyn Wells She leaves behind her sons, Rick East of Punta
by his sons, Dekota Cockerham of Ham-
Coleman of Columbus, Gorda, FL and Ron East of Columbus, MS; and her
ilton; daughter, Lana daughter, Lisa East (Ron Wallace) of Brentwood,
Dustin Ray, Kirby Carol Cockerham of
Ray, Jonathan Ray and TN; brother, Larry (Cheryl) Jones of Dallas, TX;
Hamilton; sons, Joel grandchildren, Toni (Shane) Knight of Hatley, MS,
Harley Ray, all of West
Point; brother, Eddie Jason (Tiffany) East of Columbus, MS, Meredith
Ray of West Point; (David) Weathers of Caledonia, MS, Robert (Lau-
sister, Donna Agerton ra) Stoeber of Colorado Springs, CO, David (Aman-
of West Point; and four da) Stoeber of Dallas, TX, Susan East of Houston,
grandchildren. TX, Jacy (Ronnie) Boshers of Augusta, GA, Miken-
Memorials may be zi Wallace of Nashville, TN and Skylar Wallace of
Nashville, TN; and 14 great-grandchildren, Jerren
made to the Mission,
(Haley) Woods of Westville, MS, Cody (Lauren)
2494 E. Church Hill
Woods of Westville MS, Justin Fore of Caledonia,
Road, West Point, MS
MS, Zack Weathers of Caledonia MS, Kameron
“KJ” Weathers of Caledonia, MS, Kayla East of Co-
lumbus, MS, Brayden East of Columbus MS, Madi-
Roger Rupert son Boykin of Columbus, MS, Evelyn Boykin of Co-
WEST POINT — lumbus, MS, Cameron Boykin of Columbus, MS,
Roger L. Rupert, 60, Bryan Stoeber of Colorado Springs, CO, Jonathon
died Jan. 22, 2019, in Stoeber of Colorado Springs, CO, Jessie Stoeber of
Tupelo. Dallas, TX, Jaxson Stoeber of Dallas, TX, Cadence
Services will be at 11 Wallace of Nashville, TN, Talon Wallace of Nash-
a.m. Tuesday at North ville, TN, Brookelynn Boshers of Augusta, GA and
Green Street Church of Dean Boshers of Augusta GA; great-great-grand-
Christ in Tupelo with children, Bexley Woods of Westville, MS, Mary
Tony Rhodes officiat- Ella Woods of Westville, MS and Connor Woods of
ing. Burial will follow Westville, MS.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in her
honor to the Columbus/Lowndes Humane Society,
P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS 39703.
Send in your
church event!
Email editorialassis-
Subject: Sign the online guest book at
Religious brief
903 College Street • Columbus, MS
8B Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

TENNIS: Australian Open

Osaka beats Kvitoka for second major title, world’s No. 1 ranking
By HOWARD FENDRICH ond set, then I would have looked Almost didn’t happen. disappear. Wimbledon in 2014 — and the
The Associated Press back on this match and probably Osaka held three match points “I knew that Petra couldn’t first since she was stabbed in the
cried or something.” in the second set at 5-3, love-40 keep it up for that long if Nao- hand by an intruder at her home
MELBOURNE, Australia — On top of that, Osaka will rise as Kvitova served. But Osaka mi could just manage those in the Czech Republic a little
So close to victory, Naomi Osaka to No. 1 in the rankings. couldn’t close it out. Instead, she emotions,” said Osaka’s coach, more than two years ago.
suddenly was letting the Austra- “Amazing achievement,” two- completely lost her way. Sascha Bajin, “and she did that Kvitova needed surgery,
lian Open final slip away. Three time Wimbledon champion Kvito- That allowed Kvitova to come beautifully.” missed the first 4½ months of
championship points? Gone. A va said. “Definitely she is a great back and make a match of it, reel- Osaka was born in Japan — the 2017 season, including the
sizable lead? Soon all gone, too. one. We’ll see what the future will ing off five games in a row to take her mother is Japanese, her fa- Australian Open, and couldn’t be
She was playing poorly. She bring.” the second set and go up 1-0 in ther is Haitian — and she moved sure she’d ever get back to the top
yelled at herself. Slammed a ball. Osaka added the Australian the third. to New York at age 3. Now she’s of tennis.
Tugged at her visor’s pink brim. Open trophy to the one she col- At that point, Kvitova would based in Florida and has dual cit- “You’ve been through so
Trudged to the locker room be- lected in a U.S. Open final last say later, she figured it was going izenship. Osaka already was the much,” Osaka told Kvitova during
tween sets with a towel draped September that forever will be re- to keep going her way. first player representing Japan — the trophy ceremony. “I’m really
over her head. membered for the way runner-up “In the end,” she said, “it female or male — to win a Grand honored to have played you in the
And then, after returning to Serena Williams was docked a wasn’t.” Slam singles title. Now she also is final of a Grand Slam.”
the court, Osaka turned it all game after arguing with the chair After Kvitova double-faulted to the first to top the WTA or ATP On a somewhat cloudy, rather
around just as quickly as she umpire. offer up a break point at 1-all, Osa- rankings. comfortable evening, with only
had dropped 23 of 27 points. Unlike that day, there was no ka converted it with a cross-court At 21, Osaka is the youngest a slight breeze and the tempera-
Refocusing and reasserting her- jeering from the confused crowd. backhand winner. There was still No. 1 in nearly a decade; Caroline ture around 75 degrees (25 Cel-
self, Osaka edged Petra Kvitova No controversy. No chaos. No more work to be done, of course, Wozniacki was 20 when she first sius), both women hit the ball
7-6 (2), 5-7, 6-4 on Saturday night sharing the spotlight. and some additional drama when ascended to that spot in 2010. as hard as can be. Exchanges
to win the Australian Open for a Clearly marking herself as it began raining at the change- And to think, a year ago, Osa- were mostly at the baseline and
second consecutive Grand Slam tennis’ bright new star, Osaka is over right before Osaka tried to ka was ranked 72nd. filled with flat, powerful ground-
title. the first woman to win two ma- serve for the match at 5-4 in the What a climb. What a quick strokes that barely cleared the
“I felt like I didn’t want to have jor championships in a row since third set. climb. net and made retrieving and re-
any regrets,” Osaka said. “I think Williams picked up four straight This time, Osaka would not Kvitova was playing in her first plying as much about reflexes as
if I didn’t regroup after the sec- in 2014-15. falter. She would not let this lead Grand Slam final since winning anything.


Jansen drops weight, feeling good
after second heart procedure
By The Associated Press Diamondback greeted his to get the proper platoon
new fans by admitting a advantage. Roberts said
LOS ANGELES — once-serious dislike for the right-handed hitting
Dodgers closer Kenley the Dodgers. Now that Pollock should be an ev-
Jansen has dropped 25 he’s signed his deal — eryday player in center, as
pounds since the end of which includes a $10 mil- long as he’s healthy.
last season and threw lion option for 2023 or a n Also, shortstop Co-
his first bullpen session $5 million buyout — he’s rey Seager can’t guar-
Thursday since a heart excited to wear the colors antee he’ll be ready by
procedure in November. that once piqued his com- Opening Day but says he
The procedure, known petitive spirit. hasn’t had any setbacks in
as an ablation, was Jan- “When you play his recovery from hip and
sen’s second heart opera- against the Dodgers, of Tommy John surgeries.
tion in six years. It came course; these guys are “Everything is on line
after he experienced an good,” Pollock said Satur- to kind of be able to make
atrial fibrillation episode day, admitting his former a decision on whether I
in Denver this past Au-
Dodgers disdain. “I think will be ready to go or not,
that’s what it comes down but for the most part I feel
“I definitely feel great.
to. I think these guys great and everything is on
Ready to roll,” Jansen said
are in a place where you time right now,” Seager
at the team’s FanFest on
either love them or hate said.
them.” Seager, who has been
Jansen, who had 38
Pollock was one of this told he will continue to
saves in 42 chances last
era’s first swing-change play shortstop, threw
year and a career-high
success stories. After from 120 feet for the
3.01 ERA, said he will be
ready to go by Opening trying to lift his launch first time Friday and is
Day. angle in 2015, he broke still progressing toward
The big right-hander out with a .315 average, live batting practice and
gave up seven runs in 20 home runs, 39 stolen throwing across the in-
his first four games after bases and a Gold Glove in field.
missing time in August center field. Injuries have n White Sox GM:
and then blew both of his seriously hindered him Don’t expect team to
save opportunities in the since, though, including sign Machado, Harper:
World Series. a fractured right elbow in At Chicago, The Chicago
“I’m not happy at all by 2016, a groin issue in 2017 White Sox say they have
that year I had last year, and a broken left thumb a strong pitch for Man-
so that’s motivation for last year. ny Machado and Bryce
me,” Jansen said. “Every “Obviously he’s missed Harper. Just don’t expect
year you can get better. some time over the last them to sign both star
Even if I have a good year few years and we dug sluggers.
this year, next year I will into the question: ‘Is it General manager
want to do better.” predictive as you move Rick Hahn doused that
The 31-year-old forward?” president of idea Saturday, saying the
dropped the weight hop- baseball operations An- White Sox aren’t likely
ing to better manage his drew Freidman said. to get both premier free
health, and he said his “Most of them have been agents due to concerns
doctor is confident the impact-type injuries. He’s about future payroll flexi-
issues are behind him, had one soft-tissue injury. bility.
even if he’s not complete- “Then you get into how “These are obvious-
ly cured. He said he is off well a guy takes care of ly not the last two free
blood thinners and has himself. How clean does agents that we intend to
been cleared to pitch in he live, eat, and those add in the future,” Hahn
Colorado this year. things that factor into said at the team’s annual
n In other team news, payer health? As we dug fan convention. “Having
A.J. Pollock was intro- into it, we felt good that he two commitments of the
duced to Los Angeles fans does everything he can to magnitude they’re gonna
Saturday shortly after his stay on the field.” require on the same ros-
four-year, $55 million con- Manager Dave Roberts ter probably limits your
tract with the cub became is known for mixing and flexibility and might not
official. matching his players, of- be the strongest move for
The former Arizona ten moving guys around us long term.”
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

The potter’s touch

Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch

Stephen Phillips fine tunes a work-in-progress at his potter’s wheel in Crawford Thursday. He added the convex design element to this jar with his fingers
from inside the vase. With friends and family members, Phillips transformed a portable storage building into a studio where he makes ceramic vessels,
plates and other distinctive pieces that have already gone to customers in cities including Chicago and West Hollywood, California.

A Crawford artisan is making his mark in clay


A potter with work inspired by the movie

“Black Panther”? I was hooked. The press
release from Mississippi University for Women
about a graduate’s current ceramics exhibition
made me curious about Stephen Phillips. Pho-
tographs of his dynamic work showed vessels
of powerful design and high quality. And he
was making all this in Crawford? I wondered
how I had missed him before. This is how I
came to be driving down a gravel road in the
rural Lowndes County town (population 641
in the 2010 census) on a cold and glittering
January morning.
Phillips, 30, was waiting outside his stu-
dio, dressed for the weather in warm jacket
and knit cap. His wide smile was instantly
noticeable. But the most indelible impression
from the visit was of his genial naturalness.
Phillips is “at home” talking about his passion
for clay. Enthusiasm, tempered with humility,
underpins his conversation. There is a sense of
eagerness to get on with it, with making more
pieces, with putting his sketches and imagina-
tion to the test on the potter’s wheel.
From the outside looking in, it seems an Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch

exciting time to be him: He has his first pro- Stephen Phillips carefully places pottery in the kiln in his studio.
fessional solo show up at The W, through Feb.
At left is an example
8. His work is being accepted in gallery shops
of Phillips’ pottery
at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi as inspired by the movie
well the Rosenzweig Arts Center in Columbus. “Black Panther.” At
He’s currently making some pieces for another right is a piece from
gallery in Alpharetta, Georgia. His Etsy and his Contrasting Colors
social media exposure is fueling interest in and series. Phillips’ first
demand for his work, with customers already professional solo
from the west coast to the east. exhibition is current-
All this, while he holds down a full-time ly up at Mississippi
manufacturing job in Columbus. It’s a position University for Women
Galleries. A Cele-
that allows him several consecutive days off,
bration of Artists
days he can spend in the portable storage reception in Summer
building-studio he’s put up next door to the Hall Thursday at 5:30
family home in Crawford. An interior door in p.m. honors artists
the studio holds particular meaning; it’s from including the Lowndes
his grandmother’s house. County potter.
See Phillips, 6C Courtesy photos
2C SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Formal inauguration ceremony for MUW president is Friday

Events this is active in a number of
community organizations
treasurer for the MUW
Alumnae Association and
name above and Colum-
bus below. The center of
week include in Columbus, including
Town and Tower, serving
the MUW Ecumenical
the seal is a bald eagle
with outstretched wings
Motown music, as chair in 2014-2015; Co- basking in 10 rays of
lumbus Air Force Base Ceremony symbols sunlight. The number
a Celebration of Community Council; and As President Miller 1884 is emblazoned upon
Rotary Club of Colum- steps onto the inaugural the sun, denoting the
Artists and more bus, serving as president stage, she will don the year of the university’s
in 2008-2009. The Rotary presidential gown and founding. The medallion
Club of Columbus named medallion, a tradition hangs from a ribbon of
her a Paul Harris Fellow that has spanned over MUW Blue, worn around

in 2007, 2011 and 2017. the university’s history. the president’s neck.
n Friday, Feb. 1,
A member of St. Paul’s The history of ac- MUW’s mace is wood,
Nora Miller will
Episcopal Church, she ademic dress can be carved in the shape of a
be installed as
has served on the vestry traced to 1321, when torch and the phrase “We
the 15th president of
Mississippi University and as senior warden in gowns were required at Study For Light To Bless
for Women in the univer- 2015-2016. Miller was the University of Co- With Light” is engraved
sity’s almost 135-year-old also on the board of di- imbra in Portugal. The across the face of the
history. The formal inau- rectors of St. Paul’s Epis- wearing of a long gown mace.
gural ceremony will be copal School, serving as was prescribed in En- Ceremonial maces
held in Rent Auditorium, chair in 2009-2010. gland in the second half were originally carried
Whitfield Hall, at 10 a.m. Miller served as chair of the 14th century. It has as a symbol of royal
The university will of the Tenn-Tom Chapter been suggested that the authority, dating back to
host various events that of the American Red gowns may have been the Middle Ages. The ac-
will also showcase its stu- Cross in 2007-2009 and necessary for warmth in ademic mace is a symbol
dents, starting with the has also been a member the unheated buildings of the authority invested
Student Day of Service of the Northeast Missis- which were used by in the president by the
in collaboration with the sippi Chapter and the medieval scholars. Since university’s governing
United Way of Lowndes Mississippi Regional all scholars were church- body.
County Wednesday, Jan. Advisory Council of the men in the Middle Ages, The university mace
30 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. American Red Cross. much of the academic is carried by a member
A Celebration of Art- Courtesy photo A Leadership Missis- costume retains vestiges of the faculty before the
ists is set for Thursday, Nora Miller will be installed as the 15th president of Mis- sippi graduate, Miller of ecclesiastical attire. president in academic
Jan. 31 with exhibitions sissippi University for Women in ceremonies beginning was named one of the processions in formal
The president’s me-
at 10 a.m. Friday in Whitfield Hall’s Rent Auditorium.
and a reception in Sum- Top 50 Businesswom- dallion is an integral part ceremonies such as
mer Hall at 5:30 p.m. The Guests can trade in plan. She also participat- en of the Year by the of the president’s regalia commencements and
Music Student Showcase their dancing shoes for ed in the formulation of Mississippi Business and symbolizes the Of- inaugurations.
in Kossen Auditorium running shoes Saturday, policies, programs and Journal. A member of the fice of the President. The For additional infor-
will begin at 7 p.m. Feb. 2 with the Rise and budget development and Mississippi University medallion is the official mation, call 662-329-7148
Following the inau- Shine Inauguration 5K interacts with students, for Women Alumni Asso- University Seal, which or email longblueline@
gural ceremony Friday, Run, which commences faculty, staff, the Board ciation, she has served as bears the university’s
there will be a tour of at 8:30 a.m. at Stark Rec- of Trustees and agencies
Fant Memorial Library, reation Center. Details to the campus. In addi-
which garnered the 2018 are posted at raceroster. tion, she served as the
Merit Award from the com/events/2019/21558/ legislative liaison for the
Mississippi American rise-and-shine-5k. campus, advocating for
Institute of Architects the university with state
Design Awards program. leaders and legislators.
Tours on the half-hour About the new Before being named
will run from 1-3 p.m. president senior vice president,
Beverly Joyce, direc- Miller has had a long Miller served as vice
tor of The W’s galler- career in higher educa- president for finance and
ies, will lead a talk in tion and public service. administration for the
Summer Hall at 1:30 A member of the Long university for 11 years.
p.m. There also will be Blue Line, Miller holds a She has also served as
a chance to look behind bachelor’s degree in busi- director of budget and
the scenes in the MUW ness administration and financial analysis and
Beulah Culbertson a bachelor’s degree in director of internal audit
Archives and Special accounting from The W. for the Mississippi Insti-
Collections at Fant Me- Courtesy photo
She earned a Master of tutions of Higher Learn-
morial Library from 3-4 Inauguration festivities this week include the sounds of Motown at 7:30 p.m. Friday
Business Administration ing; director of account- by Just a Few Cats at Rent Auditorium. Sign up for required free tickets at
p.m. with archivist Derek from Mississippi State ing for Central Alabama motown.
Webb. University in 1998 and is Community College;
a certified public accoun- senior auditing accoun-
Motown sounds, 5K run tant. She has served on tant for Potter, Bryant
The sounds of Mo- The W staff since 2001. & Tate in Birmingham,
town will fill the air In her role as se- Alabama; and as super-
Friday evening with a nior vice president for vising senior auditing ac-
musical performance administration and countant for the Colleges
by Just A Few Cats, led chief financial officer and Universities Division
by Grammy-nominated at the university, Miller of the Mississippi State
songwriter Alvin Gar- was responsible for the Auditor’s Office.
rett, from 7:30-9 p.m. financial and business Miller served as chair
in Rent Auditorium, management of the of the University Press
Whitfield Hall. The event university, the operation of Mississippi and has
is free and open to the of the physical plant and served on the board of
public, but a ticket is re- related support services directors of the Southern
quired for admission. To and the development and Association of College
register for tickets, visit implementation of the and University Business campus facilities master Officers (SACUBO). She

Quick Bites: sweet designs,

pruning and a Farm Bill checkup
BY JAN SWOOPE shrubs, trees and fruit plants for best results.
n Feb. 28 — “Farm Bill 101” with

ebruary will herald a new schedule Assistant Extension Professor Beth Bak-
of free Quick Bites interactive vid- er of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture
eo programs offered by the Missis- offers basic understanding of Farm Bill
sippi State University Extension Service. conservation programs for landowners.
Quick Bites provides an assortment of Baker presents information that will
timely topics each month. Sessions are help with technical and financial assis-
available from noon to 1 p.m. on des- tance for basic land management.
ignated Thursdays at area Extension Individuals interested in registering
offices. Participation requires signing up for one or more of the February pro-
with the appropriate office. grams should contact their county’s
Extension office. In the Golden Triangle:
662-328-2111 (Lowndes); 662-323-5916
On tap for February (Oktibbeha); or 662-494-5371 (Clay).
n Feb. 7 — “Sweet Designs for Your Sessions will also be held in Bost 409 for
Sweetheart” is a floral workshop with those on the MSU campus.
Lynette McDougald of MSU. Say “I love County Extension offices wishing
you” by creating your own Valentine’s to sign up for these programs online
Day design and get tips on designing should go to https://techoutreach.
floral gifts guaranteed to warm the and
February heart. click on the Sign Up for Quick Bites
n Feb. 14 — “Is It Time? Basic Prun- button under “For County Offices” area.
ing Tips from a Pro” features Assistant Counties may also email distanceed@
Professor Jeff Wilson of the North Mis-, or call MSU Extension
sissippi Research and Extension Center Service to be added to the particular
with the why, when and how on pruning program.

Log on.
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 3C


Sudoku is a number-
9 7 8 6 4 3 1 2 5
placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 6 2 3 1 5 8 9 4 7

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 4 5 1 2 9 7 6 3 8
given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
5 6 4 9 2 1 7 8 3
1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 8 1 7 3 6 4 5 9 2
so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 3 9 2 7 8 5 4 1 6
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
contains the same number
7 3 9 8 1 6 2 5 4
only once. The difficulty
only once. The difficulty 1 4 6 5 3 2 8 7 9
level increases from
level increases from 2 8 5 4 7 9 3 6 1
Courtesy photo Monday to Sunday.
Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 1/25
The Stephen D. Lee Foundation’s ninth annual Valentine Party is set for Feb. 14 at the historic Swoope Home at
221 Third Street South in Columbus. Proceeds help maintain and enhance the Stephen D. Lee Home, listed on
the National Register of Historic Places.

Historic home is site of ninth Lee

Foundation Valentine Party

he Stephen D. Lee Founda-
tion will host its annual Val-
entine Party from 7-10 p.m.
Thursday, Feb.
14, at The Swoope IF YOU GO:
Home located at WHO: Stephen
221 Third Street D. Lee Founda-
South in Colum- WHAT: Valentine
bus. Party; fundraiser
The house, to support S.D.
owned by Janie Lee Home
WHEN: Thurs-
and Dan Williams, day, Feb. 14;
was built in 1852 7-10 p.m.
by Patrick H. WHERE: The
Jones who sold it Swoope Home,
221 Third St.
to James Gaston So., Columbus
in 1860. Walter TICKETS: For Courtesy photo

Swoope purchased information, The original front of the Swoope Home is visible in this scan of an early
contact Eulalie photograph.
the house in 1917 Davis, 662-328-
from a member of 3088 The table in the dining room ing the Stephen D. Lee Home on
the Gaston family will be laden with chocolate, Seventh Street North. According
and remodeled strawberry and lemon cakes. Other to Davis, the board is now starting
and enlarged the house after the delicacies from the best cooks in work on the middle museum room
Crash of 1929 to accommodate Columbus will be spread through- which involves ceiling tiles, HVAC
upstairs apartments. The present out the house. Lee Home docents and electricity. Once that work is
front porch was added at that time. will serve as hostesses. Guests can complete and paid for, the board
The Williams family is just the fifth drop in or spend the entire evening hopes to start a kitchen renovation.
family to call the house home. enjoying the company, food and Davis said, “We have a wish list a
Eulalie Davis, chairman of the flowers. The entire house, which mile long. Our patrons make the
Foundation, said that this will be an is presently for sale, will be open. historic preservation of the Lee
empty house party, which presents Davis mused that it would be won- Home possible and for them we are
some challenges to the decorating derful if one of the guests came in extremely grateful.”
committee; yet, gives the commit- and fell in love with the house and For more information about the
tee the chance to fully express its its beautiful floors and woodwork. party, contact Davis at 662-328-
creativity and talents. Flowers, “That would literally be the icing 3088. ACROSS
smilax and candles will be used on all the cakes,” she said. For more information about the 1 One or more
throughout the house which will As always, proceeds of the party Stephen D. Lee Home, call 662-327- 5 Fires
celebrate its 168th Valentine’s Day. will go to maintaining and enhanc- 8888 or find it on Facebook. 9 Underworld
10 Bush’s succes-
12 Turn away
13 Permitted
14 Transport to Oz

State theater champs announced after MTA festival 16 Curator’s topic

17 Epoch’s kin
18 Raptors’ home
20 Gambler’s secret
SPECIAL TO THE a 10-minute Play Festi- productions advance to Ryan Pierini, theater 22 Flag creator
DISPATCH val, Theatre for Youth the Southeastern Theatre director at Mississippi 23 Digression
Festival, workshops, Conference (SETC), in Gulf Coast Community 25 Surgery me-
MERIDIAN — networking opportunities Knoxville, Tennessee, in College-Jefferson Davis

he Mississippi and staged readings of March. Campus, was honored 28 Get snug
Theatre Asso- two original works, which In the Secondary with Lee Crouse of 32 Haitian island
5 Tone 30 Stevedores, at
ciation held its were selected as part of Division, Ocean Springs Mississippi University for 34 Bowler, e.g.
6 Penny prez times
2019 Theatre Festival in an annual playwriting High School’s production Women making a presen- 35 Circle section
7 1998 Winter 31 Short jackets
Meridian Jan. 17-20 at 36 Sub weapon
competition for adults of “White Snake” won tation to Pierini for his 38 Piece of land
Olympics site 33 Say
The MSU Riley Center. It and youth. the Dominic J. Cunetto Outstanding Contribu- 8 Know-how 37 Print unit
included over 646 people 40 Alarm sound
The major focus of the Award for Best Produc- tion to Theatre-College/ 9 Phoebe of film 39 Snoop group:
41 “Sexy” Beatles
representing six commu- festival was the communi- tion, and Oak Grove High University. girl
11 Choir group Abbr.
nity theaters and 20 high 15 Singer Placido
ty theater and secondary School’s production of MTA recognized its 42 Bakery workers
schools. Theaters from 19 Metal sources
theater competitions. “The Axeman’s Requiem” first principal, Howard 43 Tragic king
Hattiesburg, Jackson, 21 Bakery buy
Adjudicators from outside was awarded the runner Savage Jr. Ed.D, principal 44 X-ray units
24 Letter opener
Madison and Ocean the state selected win- up Best Show. of Quitman High School 25 Sports figures
Springs were awarded top DOWN
ners for both divisions, as Chris Permenter, for his Outstanding Con- 26 Mustang holder
honors in the community 1 Appetizing
well as numerous acting director of Ocean tribution to Theatre-Prin- 27 Gaming spot
theater and secondary 2 Met shows
and technical awards. Spring’s High School’s cipal. 29 Nickname for
divisions. 3 Eve’s opposite
According to MTA production won the Best MTA is sponsored in 4 Manor settings
Executive Director Stacy Festival winners Director. Ocean Springs part by grants from the
Howell, “The Board was In the Community High School and Oak Mississippi Arts Commis-
very excited about the Division, from Madison, Grove High School, near sion, a state agency, and
turnout at this year’s The Center Players’ Hattiesburg, will also ad- the National Endowment
state festival and the in- production of “Tea for vance to SETC in March. for the Arts, a federal
credible support provided Three” and Fondren The- For a complete listing agency. Sponsors includ-
by the MSU Riley Center atre Workshop’s produc- of awards visit mta- on- ed Mainstage Theatrical
and the Meridian com- tion of “I and You” won Supply.
munity.” the Warren McDaniel At the festival awards For more information,
In addition to the the- Award for Best Produc- ceremony, Lavonne visit or
ater competition, which tion. Betty Jo Mahaffey, Bruckner, director of contact Stacy Howell,
resulted in six commu- Kathryn Dawkins and Actor’s Playhouse, was executive director of the
nity theater productions Wendie Sheppard, direc- recognized for her Out- Mississippi Theatre As-
and nine high school tors of The Center Play- standing Contribution sociation, at 601-201-9564
productions, the four- ers’ production, won Best to Theatre-Community or execdir@mta-online.
day event also featured Director. Both of these Theatre. org.

Send in your News About Town event.

Log cabin
4C Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Tuesday, Jan. 29 Friday, Feb. 1 information, contact Eulalie Davis at
Jan. 31, Feb. 1-3, Feb. 5-9
“The Heiress” — Starkville
Community Theatre presents
this stirring costume drama
about a young woman in the Vic-
torian Age challenging strictures
placed on her life by society
and a domineering father. Show
times are 7:30 p.m. (except Feb.
3, 2 p.m.) at Playhouse on Main,
GSDP annual banquet — Exhibit reception — The Frostbite Half-Marathon — 108 E. Main St., Starkville. Con-
The Greater Starkville Develop- public is invited to a free reception This 9 a.m. half-marathon, 10K and tact the box office for reserva-
ment Partnership hosts its annual from 6-7 p.m. opening “Full Circle,” 5K begins and ends on Starkville’s tions, 662-323-6855.
banquet at The Mill at 6:30 p.m. For an exhibit of abstract art by Lillian Main Street. Find details and reg-
information or tickets, visit GSDP- Murray of Columbus at the R.E.Hunt istration info at, or Museum and Cultural Center, 924 email starkvillefrostbitehalf@gmail.
20th St. N., Columbus. Murray’s art com. Awards and post party at noon,
will be displayed through February. in conjunction with SOUPer Bowl.
Thursday, Jan. 31 SOUPer Bowl — Sample soups
Courtesy image

Exhibit reception — The

public is invited to a free reception Saturday, Feb. 2 from local chefs and eateries on
Starkville’s Main Street downtown reception from 5:30-7 p.m. at the
from 5:30-7 p.m. at The W’s Sum- Souper Bowl — A Souper Bowl from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Vote for your Columbus Arts Council’s Rosenzweig Friday, Feb. 8
mer Hall for exhibitions by ceram- lunch benefiting Loaves and Fishes favorite. Advance tickets are $15 Arts Center opens an exhibit from Jembe Den — Bob Damm of
ics artist Stephen Phillips and by Community Soup Kitchen and the adults; $5 children. Get them at Mississippi State University’s De-
Mississippi University for Women’s
multiple media artist Jenna Fincher Golden Triangle Regional Homeless, or The Partnership, partment of Music presents this per-
Donegan. Coalition is 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at permanent collection of artworks.
200 Main St., Starkville. For more cussion student ensemble sharing
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 318 information, call 662-323-3322. Refreshments are served at this dance rhythms of Africa at the Colum-
College St., Columbus. The first event open to everyone at 501 Main bus Arts Council’s Rosenzweig Arts
Jan. 31, Feb. 1-3, Feb. 5-9 100 people attending receive a St. For more information, contact Center, 501 Main St. More details
“The Heiress” — See details hand-painted ceramic bowl. Cost is Thursday, Feb. 7 the CAC, 662-328-2787 (closed coming soon. For more information,
at top of calendar. $10. Takeouts available. For more Exhibit opening — A free Mondays). contact the CAC, 662-328-2787.

Venture capitalist
to discuss AI trends
at MSU Tuesday
Talk open to the public is at
3:30 p.m. in Old Main

ntrepreneur and
venture capitalist
Stephen Ibaraki
will discuss future
trends for artificial
intelligence in a public
lecture at Mississippi
State on Tuesday, Jan.
The 3:30 p.m. event
is open to all and takes
place in Old Main Ac-
Courtesy photo
ademic Center’s Room
Oktibbeha Master Gardeners hold a spring plant sale at the Community Market in Starkville. From left are June 3320. Titled “Life and Courtesy photo
Schmidt, Ed Williams and Jim McKell. Sale proceeds support two $1,000 scholarships for Mississippi State hor- the Enterprise of the Stephen Ibaraki
ticulture majors. The group will hold a Master Gardeners training interest meeting Feb. 7. Future — Unlimited X
Global Revolution: Challenges, Opportunities and

Oktibbeha Master Gardeners

Frontier Issues,” his talk is inspired by the poten-
tial of AI and related Industry 4.0 technologies.
Sponsors include MSU’s Office of Research
and Economic Development and the Internation-

to hold interest meeting

al Institute. Ibaraki will discuss the rapid evolu-
tion of disruptive digital transformation, intended
and unintended consequences of the fourth
industrial revolution shifting into Society 5.0 and
SPECIAL TO THE DISPATCH in Starkville. Oktibbeha Mas- 26. Register at the Oktibbeha the 5th Machine-age Unlimited X-revolution.
ter Gardener President Chuck Extension Office, 662-323-5916, Ibaraki will discuss how all sectors are sig-

ant to become a Master Rivenburgh and Membership and pay the $100 fee for the nificantly impacted by AI and the growing use
Gardener? An interest Chair Mary Pearson will lead the classes (40 hours) and course of blockchain technology, and he will spotlight
session for the public session. Other Master Gardeners materials. Registration by Feb. 12 how these two major disruptive technologies can
will give the opportunity to learn will also be present to answer will insure course materials are play a role in solving global logistical, security
more about the training classes questions and provide informa- available the first day of class. and engagement issues. The talk will include an
offered by the Mississippi State tion about some of their experi- Training classes are taught by explanation of how 5-MUX and globalization has
University Extension Service ences and projects in which they MSU Extension personnel on des- the potential to strengthen markets, increase and
and the Master Gardener pro- have been involved. ignated dates, from 1-5 p.m. In improve production, address the United Nations
gram. It will be held at 9 a.m. on Attendance at the interest exchange, volunteers will provide sustainable development goals and aid with
Thursday, Feb. 7 at the Oktib- session is not required for reg- 40 hours of volunteer service on international cooperation. He also will examine
beha County Extension Office, istration in the training course community projects within a year consequences on jobs and skills, as well as ethi-
located at 1-6, Felix Long Drive that will be held Feb. 19-March of training. cal implications.

School News
Emerson graduates
Weaving workshops set for Feb. 9 in West Point
Jeffrey W. Emerson of Caledonia has been
awarded a Manufacturing Systems Tech
Limited space available in children’s,
degree from Jacksonville State University in
Jacksonville, Alabama.
adult’s workshops
Emerson was among 582 students who SPECIAL TO THE how to get started weav-
were conferred degrees at JSU’s fall com- DISPATCH ing and possibly even
mencement ceremony on Dec. 13. The complete their own mini

ceremony was held on Burgess-Snow Field at n Saturday, Feb. 9 woven tapestry.
JSU Stadium. , the West Point/ Cost for the children’s
Clay County Arts session is $25. All sup-
Rai inducted Council will offer two plies will be provided.
Salina Rai of Columbus was recently weaving workshops with The class is limited to 10
initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Shadow at the Louise students.
Campbell Center for the
Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective
all-discipline collegiate honor society. Rai was
Arts at 235 Commerce St
in downtown West Point.
Adult workshop
initiated at Mississippi University for Women. An adult workshop
Deadline to sign up is Feb. for ages 17 and up will
Rai is among approximately 30,000 stu-
1; space is limited. be offered from 1-4 p.m.
dents, faculty, professional staff and alumni
to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. During this workshop
Membership is by invitation only and re- Children’s workshop participants will learn
quires nomination and approval by a chapter. A children’s workshop how to warp and weave on
Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 per- for ages 10 to 16 will be a lap loom.
cent of juniors are eligible for membership. offered from 10 a.m. to “We will begin with
Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the noon. Participants will warping the loom and
learn how to weave on explanations of weaving
number of candidates for graduate degrees
a makeshift loom. The vocabulary,” said McK-
may also qualify, as do faculty, professional
session will begin with night. Four different
staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly Courtesy photo
explanations of weaving weaving techniques will Shadow McKnight will conduct two weaving workshops at
vocabulary and a review be explained and demon- the Louise Campbell Center for the Arts in West Point on
of different items needed strated during class. After Saturday, Feb. 9.
Brown graduates for weaving. Three differ- this workshop students
Ka’Neal Brown of Caledonia is one of more ent weaving techniques should be able to success- buy the loom and kit, all P.O. Box 105, West Point.
than 350 graduates who received a diploma at will be explained and fully complete a woven supplies will be provid- Deadline to sign up is
Harding University’s commencement exercis- demonstrated during the tapestry. ed. Class is limited to 10 Friday, Feb 1.
es on Dec. 15. class. After the workshop, Cost for the adult people. For more information,
Brown received a Bachelor of Arts degree students should have a session is $50 per person Send payments to contact Julie Gray, 662-
in communication sciences and disorders. clear understanding of or $90 if you would like to WPCC Arts Council, 295-0461.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 5C

In the garden with Felder

Sometimes ‘perfect’ is found in the ‘imperfect’

reary weath- and flower society
er is forcing shows which judge
me to stay beauty according
indoors, but I am to generalized Miss
comforted by my America-style stan-
cherished potted dards of perfection,
tropical plants. the approach called
Some, however, are “koten engei”
really ugly to visi- rewards gnarly and
tors, which makes bizarre mutations
me love ’em even and deviations.
more. The more naturally
Follow me on Felder Rushing twisted, variegated,
this. Every now and spotted and frilled a
then I come across plant is, the higher
new, pause-worthy concepts; its score.
some are real doozies, but Think “ugliest dog” con-
a few hit my sweet spot for tests.
weirdness, speaking to my Cue my favorite weird
garden imagination. indoors plants, which really
Latest example: Wabi-sabi, shine this time of year. I collect
the Japanese celebration of unusual forms of succulents,
slight imperfections. Gotta especially Sansevierias, the
love it, because there’s plenty most common of which are
in my garden! masses of upright sword-
It’s deliberately shaping a shaped leaves called “mother-
dead branch on a bonsai plant in-law tongue.”
or allowing a hollow tree trunk Common Sansevierias are
or fallen limb to remain in a so tolerant of low light and low
flower bed as a nod to natural humidity, and hit-or-miss care
cycles. It’s encouraging moss they can grow in ashtrays atop
to spread over rocks and under the TV, at least for awhile if
an old camellia, or hanging a you don’t overwater.
weather-worn window frame My oldest came from a Lati-
on the back wall, or leaning a no woman in south Texas. I’ve
rusty farm implement against had it for over 40 years now,
the fence. It’s a reminder of growing in bright filtered light,
the passage of time by keeping watered at least once a month
Granny’s beat-up urn between or so when it dries out, and
the roses and daylilies. given a light dash of fertilizer
I practiced it the other day every year or two. Every now
after digging up an ailing and then it even sports a spike
crape myrtle and replacing it of frilly, pale white flowers.
with a large, super-informal But I have dozens more, in-
weeping yaupon holly. It some- cluding dwarf rosettes, droopy
how didn’t look right when hanging basket forms with
stood up straight, so after new plants on aerial runners,
Felder Rushing/Courtesy photo
much fussing about I leaned and some with long, arching
Felder Rushing appreciates what some might call the oddities of the plant world. Some of his indoor
it over a bit to slightly over-ac- leaves that’re as round as favorites include easy-care succulents, Sansevieria. Common names include mother-in-law’s tongue,
cent its naturally-odd shape. carrots, in color combinations jinn’s tongue, snake plant or devil’s tongue.
Like my trying on a bow tie, of green, white, yellow, stripes,
it was at the same time both splotches and variegations. bizarre to describe, even by a wide flat beavertail-like blades, everyone’s cup of tea. Which
hard to make myself do, and By the way, the Memphis geeky wordsmith like me. Moonglow with its pale silvery makes them wabi-sabi perfec-
exhilarating in a devil-may- Botanic Garden curates My own personal collection green leaves, and Coppertone to.
care way. perhaps the second largest favorites, which you can find with wavy leaves edged in red Felder Rushing is a Missis-
But some plant collectors Sansevieria collection in the with a quick online search, with salmon pink splotches, sippi author, columnist, and
take wabi-sabi to a whole country, donated by the family include Bantel’s Sensation for which I rooted from a single host of the “Gestalt Gardener”
‘nother level, and favor and of the late floral designer and its white stripes on stiff narrow leaf cutting taken in Florida. on MPB Think Radio. Email
show off their most unusual world-renowned plant collector leaves, Mason Congo with Sansevierias are super easy gardening questions to rushing-
specimen. Unlike typical plant Kirk Pamper. Many are too three-foot long, nearly foot- to grow, but, like tattoos, not

Club note

Courtesy photo
Pictured at the Northwood Garden Club soup luncheon Jan. 15 at the home of Bette
Rhea are, from left, Lillajo Ford, Rhea, Jo Harper, Libba Sheffield and Sharon Hudspeth.

Northwood Garden Club Powell, “Petals from the Past,” at the

MSU Extension Office.
The Northwood Garden Club of Co-
Pat Wheeler presented the garden tip
lumbus held its annual soup luncheon
of the month: Save winter bulbs by stor-
Jan. 15 in the home of Bette Rhea. ing them inside with potting soil and
President Becky Mendoza presided and proper light, and move them outside
Nancy Guerry gave the invocation. during spring.
Upcoming city events were an- A trio of soups, homemade bread and
nounced, including the Jan. 25-March desserts were prepared by Lillajo Ford,
8 Smithsonian Exhibit at the Tenn-Tom Bette Rhea, Jo Harper, Libba Sheffield
Waterway Museum. Also, on Feb. 7 the and Sharon Hudspeth.
Master Gardeners and Galaxy Garden The club’s next meeting will be Feb.
Club will sponsor a program by Jason 19 in the home of Faye Tabor.

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The Dispatch
6C SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1C
“I have a part of my
grandmother with me
every time I’m in here,”
the potter said.


This all started with

mud elephants.
“I played in mud when
I was little all the time,”
Phillips grinned. “I made
elephants out of mud. I’d
dig in the earth; it was
so mold-able. I just had a
fascination about creat-
ing stuff with my hands.”
It wasn’t until he
entered East Mississippi
Community College in
Scooba that he discov-
ered “playing in mud”
could be a bona fide art
form. In 2008, he earned
the Artistic Achievement
Award from EMCC. He
graduated in 2013 from
The W with a Bachelor of
Courtesy photo
Fine Arts degree in stu- Stephen Phillips’ plates often feature unique designs and uneven edges. The first
dio art. In 2011, he won set he ever posted for sale online were gone within a few hours. He’s been asked to
the First Place Ceramics make sets for professional chefs in other states.
Award in the Mississippi
Collegiate Art Competi- He is repeatedly drawn to
tion. He also won awards Bible scripture found in
in ceramics and print- Jeremiah 18.
making in annual juried “It talks about when
student exhibitions. the Lord came to Jere-
Jan Swoope/Dispatch Staff
Phillips had been Stephen Phillips looks through a notebook he’s filled miah and told him to go
working at a convenience with design sketches and notes Thursday in Crawford. to the potter’s house,”
store in Crawford, but Phillips began. “There he
graduation meant search- Phillips said. “It’s empow- him and talking about saw the potter working
ing for more substantial ering for me to see other his work. Our gallery is with clay, and when the
work; he got a job with African Americans do a great place for young potter saw that his work
what is now Steel Dynam- things on a large scale, artists who are breaking wasn’t pleasing, he took
ics Inc. But he knew he something that’s positive, out. He’s done really, it and started over again.
wanted to pursue his art. something that’s encour- really nice work.” The W, And the word of the Lord
“One of the things I aging and inspiring.” she added, has offered came to him ... can I not
wanted to do was get my Phillips is continually to purchase one of his do the same thing with
work out there, to actual- exploring technique and pieces because “it is so my people?”
ly be able to have my own design — experimenting high quality.” It often causes him
business,” he said. “And I with finishes, geometric
to reflect as the clay
really wanted to get work shapes, different lines. ■■■
into galleries and work takes shape beneath his
“For me, it has been
on a professional level as fingers.
about trying to find At his studio Thurs-
an artist.” “A lot of the time I
my own voice, my own day, Phillips sat at the
Once Phillips estab- identity for my work,” he wheel and pulled out a look at myself as being
lished a dedicated studio explained. “That came spiral notebook filled the clay and just seeing
space, he went after his from a conversation I with design sketches myself in God’s hands in
goals in earnest, naming had with my professor, and notes. He has ideas; my journey.”
his enterprise Stephen’s Ian Childers. He was they spring from almost Editor’s note: More of
Potter House Produc- telling me about finishing everywhere, including Stephen Phillips work can
tions. He creates a vari- my work. He told me, his full-time job. be viewed on Facebook or
ety of vessels as well as you know how to create “I’m surrounded by Instagram. Email reaches
plates and even jewelry. pieces, you know how to scrap metal all the time, him at sphouseproduc-
Making his work throw well, but how will and it’s inspiring to watch
distinctive is a priority. you finish your work, to the firing technique,” he
Pieces often bear design make it your own?” said. “I got to see them
signatures applied by Beverly Joyce is pour the steel; it’s an
manipulating the clay director of galleries and amazing process. I hope
with his fingers. professor of art at The to do a series mimicking
“It’s the mark of the W. She taught Phillips the industry.”
potter, so you know it’s art history and recently Social media has
handmade,” he said. invited him to mount the been a great tool for the
solo exhibition currently Crawford craftsman,
■■■ at The W. A reception connecting him with
open to the public begins others around the globe,
Phillips’ “Black Pan- at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in creating a digital round
ther” series is rich and Summer Hall. table for sharing ideas,
bold, just as the 2018 film “Stephen is very disci- asking questions.
is. The raku fired pots plined and “I’m amazed at the
have a matte black color very enthu- network of potters from
and are accented with a siastic; he is around the world. I have
gold wax-turned-bronze determined potter friends now in
color. to pursue Russia, England, Trini-
“It’s major for the his art inter- dad ... ”
African American culture ests,” she
to have a black superhero said. “I in- ■■■
on the main screen, and vited him to Joyce
when you see a move- do the show Just as his wheel and
ment like that for your because Ian Childers had kiln are, Phillips’ faith is
culture, it’s inspirational,” been keeping up with integral to what he does.

Courtesy photos
Left: Mia Bella Wilson, 7, of West Point recently won the title of National American
Miss Princess at the National American Miss Pageant in Anaheim, California. The
Starkville Academy first-grader will travel this year promoting the organization and
raising awareness about autism, a condition her younger brother faces. She raised
$800 for the Golden Triangle Autism Center in his honor and plans to partner with
the center in April for Autism Awareness Month. Mia Bella is the daughter of Dr.
Mark and Michelle Wilson. Right: Hailey Nichole Pushis, 14, won the title of Miss
All-America City’s Outstanding Teen 2019 Jan. 5 in Tupelo. She advances to the
Miss Mississippi’s Outstanding Teen Pageant April 26-28 in Vicksburg, part of the
Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Program. Her platform is chronic
migraine awareness. The eighth-grade Heritage Academy honors student is the
daughter of Neil and Jeanne Pushis.

Know a good cook? Drop us a line.


A Martin Luther King Day breakfast and program took place

Monday at Trotter Convention Center in Columbus. Afterward,

volunteers distributed school supplies to local teachers.

Barbara Young, Nettie Janmingh, Queen Rogers, Shyra Gates, Mary Dilworth, Juanita Butler, Connie Davis-Sharma Jim O’Loughlin, Towanda Williams

Gabrielle Brown, Katrina Sunivelle, Katherine Dent Claudia Dehaw, Col. Bill Denham, Col. Samantha Weeks, CMSgt. Raul Villarreal Jr.

Karen Clay, Nora Miller Kristina Conwill, Stan McCrary, Linda L.L. Gates


In Starkville, Martin Luther King Day observances included a Unity Breakfast at The Mill Monday
morning and community service projects carried out by volunteers.

Georgia Kate Conner, Thomas Moore, Sidney Brown, Aakash Adhikari, Rupesh Pakharel Bettye Ford, Jade Johnson, Rosemary Cooper, Darlene Collins, Christopher Harrell

Brittany Moore Henderson, Dorris Baggett, Fred Hal John Campbell, Anders Oppedal, Andre Garcia, Hannah
Baggett, John Moore Jian, Carter Campbell, Rupendia Gc Jerlynn Hudson, Charlie Johnson, Shavelle Rice

Ryan Yingling, Mary Frances Segars, Rilee Smith, Haley

Mic Robertson, Jason Roberson, Asia Ellis Moss, Ivanna Brent Veronica Wigginton, Paige Nachtmar, Joy Hickman
2D SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Southern Gardening

Collards gain Medallion award, thrive in the state

f there’s one veg- from most retail
etable that could garden centers, or
be considered you can order them
the ultimate home- online.
grown vegetable in To direct-seed
Mississippi, it has collards, plant
to be collards. seeds 1/4 inch
Collards were deep and 12 to 24
chosen as a 2019 inches apart in
Mississippi Medal- rows spaced 24 to
lion winner because 36 inches apart.
they are considered They also grow
absolutely neces- Gary Bachman extremely well in
sary for true South- containers, which is
ern cuisine. As a bonus, they’re my favorite growing strategy.
really easy for home gardeners Seeds germinate in about 10
to grow. days. Expect to harvest greens
Collard greens, known bo- in 50 to 75 days.
tanically as Brassica oleracea, I like to buy transplants,
are multipurpose vegetables which can make the growing
for Mississippi gardens. We process easier. Even with the
grow our best collards in the colder weather, I saw trans-
fall, through winter and into plants at my local mega garden
spring. This makes sense as center this past weekend.
collards don’t tolerate high All parts of the collard plant
temperatures very well, but are edible and can be picked
they appreciate cooler weather, fresh from the garden during
even frost and freezes. In fact, the entire growing season.
Ball Horticultural Co./Courtesy photo
the cold intensifies collards’ Large, mature leaves are
Collards, such as these tiger collards, are best grown in Mississippi from fall through spring. They
flavor profile. tough and fibrous, which gives thrive in cooler weather and make great additions to meals.
As you may know, collards collards their reputation of
are a cruciferous vegetable taking a long time to cook. contain more of these import- good news to many growers. I wouldn’t worry about the
like broccoli, cauliflower and While I like a pot of fresh- ant plant compounds. Collards have the reputation bitterness aspect too much.
cabbage. These vegetables all cooked collards, I also like to Collards’ main insect pest of having a bitter taste, which Cooking them down with a
taste better when picked in harvest the much more tender are cabbage worms, which leads many folks to love them little — or a lot of — bacon or
midwinter. young leaves, which are just as damage all cruciferous vege- or leave them. They contain ham will certainly make them
There are many varieties delicious and can be eaten raw tables. Several products can a compound called phenylth- taste good.
of collards available, including in a salad. Collards are a tradi- help control these pests. I like iocarbamide, which about 70 Gary Bachman is an Ex-
hybrid and open-pollinated tional substitute for cabbage all using formulations that contain percent of the population can tension and research professor
types. The Mississippi State across the South. spinosad or Bacillus thuring- detect. Some people dislike of horticulture at the Missis-
University Extension Service However you eat them, iensis, commonly abbreviated collards because of this ex- sippi State University Coastal
recommends these varieties collards are good for you as an as “Bt.” These are marketed treme flavor, while others thor- Research and Extension Center
for Mississippi gardens: Vates, excellent source of the dietary under a variety of brand oughly enjoy the bitterness. in Biloxi and hosts Southern
Top Bunch, Georgia LS, Blue phytonutrients beta carotene, names, so be sure to read the Others don’t even taste the Gardening television and radio
Max, Champion and Tiger. vitamin C and calcium. Always ingredient label. Organic prod- bitterness. Which group are programs. Contact him at south-
Seeds are readily available choose darker leaves, as they ucts are also available, which is you in?

Kooiker-huh? An intro to Westminster dog show’s new breeds

By JENNIFER PELTZ breeds and varieties on ence, looked up at owner rabbits and hare — stands New breeds appear at duck hunters by attracting
The Associated Press the green carpet at the Brielly Cipriotti, and then to gain from Westminster. Westminster after getting the birds’ interest and
nation’s premier canine lay down on rostrum to About 3,200 dogs, recognized by the Amer- then luring them into
NEW YORK — contest. do a couple of the things ranging from wee Malte- ican Kennel Club. The net-covered canals.

wo new breeds. Six- But Buzz Lightyear, for his breed does best: sniff ses to strapping mastiffs, process takes years and “It’s the Pied Piper of
teen new syllables. one, seems to be taking around and induce smiles. are entered to compete at includes setting standards the dog world,” said owner
The grand his breed’s big moment “They’re extremely next month’s show, which and having hundreds of Rod Beckstead, of Jim
basset griffon Vendeen in stride. The 4-year-old sweet, and they have a big, includes agility and obedi- dogs spread around the Thorpe, Pennsylvania, as
and the Nederlandse grand basset griffon goofy attitude,” Cipriotti, ence competitions along country. he showed off 2-year-old
kooikerhondje make their Vendeen (pronounced of Bealeton, Virginia, said with the breed judging The merry, clever Ned- Bandit on Tuesday.
debuts at the Westminster grahnd bah-SAY’ grih- later. She’s excited about that leads to the signature erlandse kooikerhondje The breed remains
Kennel Club dog show FAHN’ vahn-DAY’-ahn) the exposure that the Best in Show trophy. It (pronounced NAY’-dehr- versatile and easy to teach
next month, each getting glanced out Tuesday at breed — a low-slung, long- will be awarded Feb. 12 at lahn-seh KOY’-kehr- to do dog sports and other
a nationally televised turn the cameras at a Westmin- eared, hardy hound de- Madison Square Garden hahnd-jeh) was initially things; some even serve
among the more than 200 ster-preview news confer- veloped in France to hunt and live on FS1. trained to help Dutch as cadaver dogs, he said.

Dear Abby

EAR ABBY: I have married a man who is together. I have made a few serious 12-step program created for friends sightless person. According to the
been married for selfish and self-cen- mistakes, and she blames me for her and families of people who suffer National Federation of the Blind,
seven years. The tered. He has a social situation now. from addictions. You can find the what you should have done was to
last time my husband life — his daily lunches She moved in with me, and I nearest meeting at have repeated “Excuse me, sir,” and
and I have been out of with his buddies. Was make all the money between us. She Please don’t put it off. You will find identified yourself from a short dis-
the house together was he always like this? refuses to get a job and spends most emotional support there, and if nec- tance away — preferably directly in
last summer. No mov- You SHOULD enjoy of my money getting high. I thought essary, enough insight to understand front of him — to avoid startling him.
ies, dinners, festivals, dinners out and mov- she wanted treatment, but she re- whether you can continue with things
etc. I finally gave up ies, too, but you may sists getting help. We love each oth- as they are, or let her go. Dear Abby is written by Abigail
suggesting things to do. have to do those things er, but I don’t know whether I should DEAR ABBY: What’s the best way Van Buren, also known as Jeanne
My husband says with friends instead of move on and leave her behind. What to gain the attention of a stranger Phillips, and was founded by her
I’m the one who feels your homebody spouse. do you suggest? — UNSURE IN THE who is blind? With a sighted person mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact
the need to go out once If you have a job and MIDWEST I would make sure I caught his/ Dear Abby at or
a week or take an an- income of your own, do DEAR UNSURE: Unless the her eye before speaking. I tried a P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
nual vacation. It hurts not sit at home feeling serious mistakes you made involved straightforward “Excuse me, sir,” 90069.
knowing he goes out Dear Abby deprived. If you don’t hooking your girlfriend on drugs, you but we were in a public place, and For everything you need to know
to eat with his buddies have a job, it’s time are not responsible for her addiction. he didn’t realize I was talking directly about wedding planning, order “How
on his lunch breaks at to find one. When you Because you provide the money that to him. I ended up tapping him on to Have a Lovely Wedding.” Send
work. I have said as much, but we do, it will help you feel better about feeds her habit, you have become the shoulder, but in general I think your name and mailing address, plus
still don’t go anywhere on the week- yourself and less isolated. her enabler. The longer you continue, it’s rude to touch strangers, and he check or money order for $8 (U.S.
ends, and he still goes out to eat DEAR ABBY: I have been in a rela- the longer she will keep using. jumped a foot. Is there a better solu- funds) to: Dear Abby, Wedding Book-
with his friends. What do you make tionship with a woman for two years. What you need to do is find the tion? — POLITE IN THE EAST let, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL
of this? — PRISONER IN OHIO She has been battling drug addiction nearest chapter of Nar-Anon and DEAR POLITE: Yes, there is. 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling
DEAR PRISONER: It appears you during the entire time we have been attend some of the meetings. It’s a One should NEVER touch or grab a are included in the price.)

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY more, and use it you will, as universe! To land on what’s similar opinions and complied last and last. compelled.
(Jan. 27). Your imagination this is no time to play it safe. possible, you must shoot for with your wishes. You thrive GEMINI (May 21-June 21). SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
will grow vivid as you use it You’re a favored child of the what’s impossible. Highlights in a diverse and interesting Here you go again, into your 21). You’re kind and therefore
include three new friends, an group and would be bored favorite kind of territory — un- attracted to nice people — in-
extravaganza of an event and otherwise. charted. On this journey, your cluding today’s kind character,
the transformation of your TAURUS (April 20-May most necessary and valuable who will negotiate a sticky
workspace. Libra and Scorpio 20). You don’t need to do or travel accessory will be your situation in a clean way, to the
adore you. Your lucky numbers be anything more than you are open mind. benefit of all.
are: 9, 4, 33, 28 and 19. to be memorable. Because CANCER (June 22-July SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-
ARIES (March 21-April you interact in a truthful and 22). You’ve no shortage of Dec. 21). Is it a work, or is it
19). You wouldn’t like it if real way, you’ll create powerful goals for yourself, but it’s bet- a toy? This is the question, as
everyone agreed with you, had moments and memories that ter to pick just one and pursue your work blurs into playtime
it to completion. Keeping your and your playtime requires
word to yourself is a leading labor. Either way, the result
cause of confidence and will be a lot of fun.
self-esteem. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). 19). When the people around
There are many ways to say “I you don’t represent your worl-
love you,” yet there are only dview and actually say things
a few that feel natural to you. that annoy you on the regular,
What about exploring the oth- well, what’s to be done? Stand
ers? If you do it today, you’ll and represent. You’ll make a
have tremendous results. difference.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
Would it be trite just to tell you 18). Here’s a strategy: Place
not to worry so much? You’ve distance between you and
heard it a million times. Yes, it the thing that’s robbing you
would be redundant, perhaps of your peace. Don’t worry;
even annoying. Yet there is this doesn’t count as running
none so apt a message for the away. This is running toward
day as this one. Don’t worry so something — mainly, your
much. OK? center.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). PISCES (Feb. 19-March
If you can be the reason for 20). You’ll play at a different
another person’s happiness, level. This changes everything.
you will be. It’s not as if you It’s not that you’re putting in
set out to make this your aim, more effort. Anyone can do
but you’ll do it because when that. This is different; it’s an
there are people close to you awareness, an insight. That’s
who need your help, you’re the star ingredient.
The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 3D

Church Directory
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
“There is Liberty”
Kenneth Montgomery
Proudly serving our community
for over 30 years These church directory pages are made possible by the sponsorship of the following businesses.
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Waterworks. Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 OAKLAND MB CHURCH — 18 Fairport Road, Crawford.
CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD — Lehmberg Rd. and a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Pat Creel, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday
Bennett Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 OPEN DOOR M.B. CHURCH — Starkville Sportsplex, 405 Bible study 7 p.m., Mass Choir Rehearsal - Wed. before 1st
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Eric Crews, Pastor. Lynn Lane, Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. 1st and 2nd Sun. 6 p.m., Male Chorus Rehearsal - Wed. before
FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD — 2201 Military Road. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Donnie Jones, Pastor. 662-263-7102 3rd Sun. 6 p.m., Junior Choir Rehearsal - Wed. before 4th
Christian Education 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Nursery PLEASANT GROVE MB CHURCH — 1914 Moor High Sun. 6 p.m. Rev. Sammy L. White, Pastor.
Church (2-3 yrs.) Super Church (children)10:30 a.m. Road, Crawford. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 PLEASANT GROVE ROBINSON MB CHURCH — 9203
Worship 6 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Riley Forrest, Sr., Pastor. Hwy. 389 N., Starkville. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship
services. Jody Gurley, Pastor. 662-328-6374 662-272-8221 11:15 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Service/Bible Study 7 p.m.
NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD — 4474 New Hope Road. PLEASANT HILL BAPTIST — 1383 Pleasant Hill Rd. Pastor George A. Sanders. 456-0024
Worship 10:30 a.m., Children’s Church 10:30 a.m., Jack Sunday Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Bill PLEASANT RIDGE MB CHURCH — Ridge Rd. Sunday
Medley, Pastor. 662-664-0852 Hurt, Pastor. 662-329-3921 School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. A.
BAPTIST PLYMOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH — 187 Plymouth Rd. Edwards, Sr., Pastor.
ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH — Hwy. 45 N. Sunday Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Randy PROVIDENCE MB CHURCH — Old Hwy. 69 S. Sunday
School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Discipleship Training 5 Rigdon, Pastor. Neil Shepherd, Music. School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev.
p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Mitch McWilliams, SOVEREIGN FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH — 7852 Hwy. Gilbert Anderson, Pastor.
Pastor. 662-328-4765 12 E., Steens. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Service 5 p.m., SAINT MATTHEWS MB CHURCH — 1213 Island Rd.
ARMSTRONG BAPTIST CHURCH — 1707 Yorkville Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Charles Young, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday
Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH — 12859 Martin 6:30 p.m. Curtis Clay, Sr., Pastor.
Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. William Vaughn, Pastor. 662- Road Spur, Northport, Ala. Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Bible SALEM MB CHURCH — Hwy. 86, Carrollton, Ala. Sunday
328-0670 Study noon. Todd Bryant, Pastor. School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Rev.
ARTESIA BAPTIST CHURCH — Sunday School 10 a.m., STATE LINE BAPTIST CHURCH — 7560 Hwy. 1282 E. David J. Johnson, Jr., Pastor.
Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Pastor Jeff Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday SECOND JAMES CREEK MB CHURCH — 4898 Baldwin
Morgan. Night small group 6:30 p.m. Robert Gillis, Pastor. 662- Rd., Brooksville. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 3232 Military Road. 329-2973 Pastor Michael Tate. 662-738-5855
Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., TEMPLE OF DELIVERANCE BAPTIST CHURCH — SOUTHSIDE MB CHURCH — 100 Nashville Ferry Rd. E.
Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Walter Butler, Pastor. 4307 Sand Rd., Steens. Maurice Williams, Pastor. Sunday Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday
BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH — 2096 Bethesda School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Wednesday 7 6:30 p.m. Rev. Rayfield Evins Jr., Pastor.
2500 Military Road Suite 1 p.m. 662-327-2580
Columbus, MS Rd, Crawford. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., SIXTH AVENUE MB CHURCH — 1519 Sixth Ave. N.
Discipleship Training 6:00 p.m., Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday UNITED CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH — 2 blocks east Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday 11 a.m., Bible Study
662-328-7500 WEST REALTY COMPANY of Hwy. 69 on Yorkville Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 7:00 p.m. Allan Dees, Pastor. 662-272-8734 Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. W.C. Talley, Pastor. 662-329-2344
Don West, Broker/Owner BORDER SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH — 12771 Hwy. 10:15 a.m. Steven James, Pastor. SPRINGFIELD MB CHURCH — 6369 Hwy. 45 S. (1st & 3rd
12 E., Caledonia. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH — 1104 Louisville St., Sunday) Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m.,
a.m., Kids for Christ 5 p.m., Discipleship Training 5:15 p.m., Starkville (located in Fellowship Hall of St. Luke Lutheran (1st & 3rd Wednesday) 7 p.m. Robert Gavin, Pastor. 662-
Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study – Adults, Children, Church). Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Bert 327-9843
Northeast Exterminating and Youth classes 7 p.m. Dan Louman, Pastor. 662-386- Montgomery, Pastor.
0541. Brad Creely, Minister of Music and Youth, 662-312- Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. B.T.U. 5
If it Jimmy Linley • Richard Linley
8749. www. off of Mill Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and
6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor, Al Hamm.
p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Rev. Joe Peoples,
crawls, Columbus
Brooksville. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:55 a.m. WOODLAND BAPTIST CHURCH — 3033 Ridge Rd.
St. James MB CHURCH — 6525 Hardy-Billups Rd.,
call... 662-329-9992 and 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Worship 6
p.m., AWANA Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Crawford. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and
6:15 p.m. Rev. Chad Payton, Pastor.
Caledonia. Sunday Men’s Prayer Service 9:30 a.m., Shelby Hazzard, Senior Pastor. Brad Wright, Director of St. JOHN MB CHURCH — 3477 Motley Rd., Sunday
BRISLIN, INC. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study 4
p.m., Worship 5 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Bob
Student Ministries.
School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7
p.m. Joe Brooks, Pastor. 327-7494.
Sales • Service • Installation 7th St. S. Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m.,
Burch, Pastor. ST. PAUL MB CHURCH — Robinson Rd. Sunday School
Residential • Commercial • Industrial CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH — 295 Dowdle Dr. Sunday Wednesday 7 p.m., Youth Ministry Wednesday 4:30 p.m. 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Rev. Willie
Since 1956 School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Adult Choir Rev. Brian Hood, Pastor. Mays, Pastor. rehearsals and Discipleship Training 5 p.m., Worship 6 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ST. PAUL MB CHURCH — 1800 Short Main St. Disciple
BETHESDA CHURCH — 1800 Short Main. Sunday School
4051 Military Road • 662-328-5814 p.m., Wednesday 6:15 p.m. Rev. Ralph Windle, Interim
9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Nathaniel
Training/Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship 9:00 a.m. Rev.
Pastor. 662-328-6741 John F. Johnson, Pastor. 662-241-7111
Best, Pastor. E-mail:
BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH — 5860 Hwy. 50 E., West
Ala. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Barton Ferry Rd., West Point. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.,
Point. Sunday School 10 a.m., Service 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
(6 p.m. - Daylight Savings Time), Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wil Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m.
Corbett, Pastor. 205-270-1845 UNION BAPTIST MB CHURCH — 101 Weaver Rd.
CANAAN BAPTIST CHURCH — 1008 Lehmberg Rd. (Hwy. 69 S) Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Service and Children’s Church Wednesday 6 p.m. Pastor McSwain.
Wednesday 7 p.m. Martin “Buddy” Gardner, Pastor.
10:30 a.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Paul TABERNACLE MB CHURCH — Magnolia Drive, Macon.
Shaw, Pastor. 662-327-3771 Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
CANAAN MB CHURCH — 2425 Bell Ave. Sunday School p.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m. 662-327-1130
8:15 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 UNION HOPEWELL MB CHURCH — 150 Spurlock Rd.
p.m. Jimmy Pounds, Pastor. 662-327-1226 Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6
Starkville in the Comfort Suites Conference Room, Sunday
COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH — 2490 Yorkville p.m. Carlton Jones, Pastor.
School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pastor
Rd. East Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., WOODLAWN LANDMARK MB CHURCH — 8086 Hwy.
John Harvey. 662-648-0282
INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC Wednesday Bible Study, Children & Youth Classes 6:30
12. East, Steens. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
p.m. Matt Moehring, Pastor. Edward Rhinewalt, Music and 5 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. David Retherford, Pastor.
ANDERSON GROVE MB CHURCH — 1853 Anderson Director. 662-327-5306
Grove Road, Caledonia. Sunday School 9:20 a.m., Worship
CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH — 844 Old West Carson Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:15 a.m.,
11:00 a.m., Bible Study Wednesday 6:20 p.m. David O.
Jarrett’s Towing Point Rd., Starkville. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Greg Upperman,
Pastor. 662-323-6351 or visit www.cornerstonestarkville.
Williams, Pastor. 662-356-4968.
ANTIOCH MB CHURCH — 2304 Seventh Ave. N. Sunday
Wednesday 7 p.m. John Sanders, Pastor.
ZION GATE MB CHURCH — 1202 5th St. S. Sunday
Wrecker Service com School 9:30 a.m., Worship 8 a.m. and 10:45., Children’s
School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Kenny
EAST END BAPTIST CHURCH — 380 Hwy. 50 W. (Hwy. Church 10:15 a.m., Worship 5 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Dr.
5209 N. Hwy 182 E. • Columbus, MS 39702 50 and Holly Hills Rd.) Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship
Bridges, Pastor.
James A. Boyd, Pastor.
BETHLEHEM MB CHURCH — 293 Bethlehem Road,
329-2447 We unlock 10:30 a.m., Worship 5 p.m. followed by Discipleship
Training, Mission Friends and GAs 5 p.m., Sanctuary Choir
Caledonia. Sunday School 1st and 4th Sundays 8 a.m., 2nd PRIMITIVE BAPTIST
If no answer 251-2448 cars & 3rd Sundays 9:30 a.m., Worship 1st & 4th Sundays 9:30
6:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting, Youth Worship, a.m., 2nd & 3rd Sundays 11 a.m., Wednesdays 6 p.m. Rev. Washington St. & Columbus St., Aberdeen. Sunday 10:30
Preschool & Children’s Choirs 6:30 p.m. Bryon Benson, a.m. and 2 p.m. Herb Hatfield, Pastor. 662-369-4937
R Free Estimates Willie James Gardner, Pastor. 662-356-4424
LER OO Pastor. 662-328-5915 BLESSING MB CHURCH — Starkville Sportsplex, Activity HAMILTON PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH — Flower
EE FIN Licensed
& Insured
EASTVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH — 1316 Ben Christopher Center 405 Lynn Lane Road. Sunday Worship 2nd, 4th & Farm Rd., 2 miles South of Hamilton, just off Hwy. 45.

W H INC. G Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 5th Sundays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pastor Martin. 662-744-0561 Sunday 10:30 a.m. Jesse Phillips, Pastor. 662-429-2305
COMMERCIAL p.m. Junior Eads, Pastor. 662-329-2245 BRICK MB CHURCH — Old Macon Rd. Sunday School MAYHEW PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH — 842 Hwy.
“A Family Business Since 1946” RESIDENTIAL FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH — 127 Airline Rd. 9:30 a.m. each Sunday, Worship 2nd and 4th Sundays only 45 Alternate, Starkville. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Herb
Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Everett Little, Pastor. Hatfield,Pastor. 662-315-4937
662-328-3625 • 662-328-7612 Wednesday 6 p.m. Dr. Breck Ladd, Pastor. 662-328-2924 CALVARY FAITH CENTER — Hwy. 373 & Jess Lyons SPRINGHILL P.B. CHURCH — 3996 Sandyland Road,
FAITH CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH — 1621 Mike Macon, MS. Walter Lowery Jr., Pastor. Sunday School 9:00

Rae’s Jewelry
Road. Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m., Sunday School 9 a.m.,
Parra Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Rev. Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastor Robert a.m., Worship 10:00 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 6 p.m. 662-
Michael Love, Pastor. 662-434-5252 Bowers, Pastor. 662-434-0144 738-5006.
N. Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m. North of Caledonia on Wolf Rd, Hamilton. Sunday 10:30
Authorized Dealer (Worship televised at 10 a.m. on WCBI-TV, Columbus
Services 11:15 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Wednesday
6:30 p.m. Johnnie Richardson, Pastor. 662-434-6528 a.m. & 1st Sunday Night at 6:30 p.m. Elder Joseph Mettles,
Citizens and Pulsar Watches Cable Channel 7), Contemporary Worship 11 a.m.; Sunday CHRISTIAN HILL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. 662-369-2532
5 p.m. Worship at 3000 Bluecutt Road, Midweek Prayer ANGLICAN CATHOLIC
Downtown Columbus 662-328-8824 Service Wednesday 6:00 p.m. located downtown. Dr.
— 14096 MS Hwy. 388, Brooksville, MS 39739, Sunday
School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11:00 a.m., Wednesday 6:30
Shawn Parker, Pastor. 662-245-0540 Mayhew. Holy Eucharist - Sunday 10 a.m. 662-244-5939
When Caring Counts... FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STEENS — 40 Odom Rd.,
p.m. Bobby Bowen, Pastor. 662-738-5837/549-6100
CHRIST MB CHURCH — 110 2nd Ave. S. Sunday School
Steens. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m., B.T.U. CATHOLIC
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Program every 1st & 3rd Sunday 6 p.m. ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC CHURCH — 808 College
FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST — 125 Yorkville Rd. W. Sunday ELBETHEL MB CHURCH — 2205 Washington Ave. St. Mass Schedules are as follows: Sunday 8 a.m. & 10:30
School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday a.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m., Tuesday 5:30
FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY p.m. John Gainer, Pastor. 662-328-6024 or 662-328-3183 7:00 p.m., Rev. Leroy Jones, Pastor. p.m., Thursday 8:30 a.m., and Annunciation Catholic
1131 Lehmberg Rd., Columbus • 662-328-1808 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH — 708 Airline Rd. Sunday FAITH HARVEST MB CHURCH — 4266 Sand Road. School (during the school year). Father Jeffrey Waldrep,
School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Bible class Priest.
Charles Whitney, Pastor. Tuesday 6 p.m. Hugh L. Dent, Pastor. 662-243-7076. CHRISTIAN
S. Sunday 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Pastor Sammy Burns. 662- School 9 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Wednesday Bible Mitchell, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30
328-1096 Study 7 p.m. Rev. Jimmy L. Rice, Pastor. 662-328-1913 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m.
East between Gattman & Amory. Sunday School 10 a.m., School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Dr. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH — 720 4th Ave. N. and
Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Rev. Stanley K. McCrary, Pastor. 662-327-7473 or 662-251-4185 8th St. N. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
John Walden, Pastor. 662-356-4445 GREATER MT. OLIVE M.B. CHURCH — 1856 Carson Rd. CHURCH OF CHRIST
IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 6342 Military Rd., Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m., Wednesday 7 CALEDONIA CHURCH OF CHRIST — Main St.,

Shelton Cleaners
Steens. Bible Study 10:30 a.m., Worship 9:15 a.m. and 6 a.m. Donald Henry, Pastor. Caledonia. Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.
p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. 662-328-1668 HALBERT MISSION MB CHURCH — 2199 Halbert Church and 5 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m.
KOLOLA SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH — Caledonia. Rd., Ethelsville, Ala. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 CHURCH OF CHRIST — 4362 Hwy. 69 S. Sunday Worship
3189 Hwy 45 N. • 328-5421 Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., AWANA a.m. Ernest Prescott, Pastor. 9:30 a.m. , Wednesday 6 p.m. Loviah Johnson 662-574-
4:45-6 Ages 2-12th grade (Sept. - May), Worship 5 p.m., HOPEWELL MB CHURCH — 4892 Ridge Rd. Sunday 0426 or E-mail:
1702 6th St. N. • 328-5361 Choir Practice Wednesday 6 p.m., 252 Basics Children’s School 8 a.m., Worship 9 a.m., Minister Terry Johnson, CHURCH OF CHRIST — 437 Gregory Rd. Sunday Bible
Ministry an Cross Training Youth Wednesday 7 p.m., Interim Pastor. class 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7
Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Rev. Don Harding, Pastor. JERUSALEM MB CHURCH — 14129 Hwy 12 E., p.m. Richard Latham, Minister. 662-328-4705
LONGVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH — 991 Buckner Street, Caledonia. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., CHURCH OF CHRIST DIVINE — 1316 15th St. S. Morning
Longview. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Willie Petty, Sr., Pastor. Worship (3rd & 5th Sunday) 8:30 a.m., Sunday School
Discipleship Training 5:15 p.m., Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.; MAPLE STREET BAPTIST — 219 Maple St. Sunday 9:45 a.m., Morning Worship 11:30 a.m., Wednesday Night
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Pastor Larry W. School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m., Bible Study 7 p.m. 662-327-6060 Bishop Timothy L. Heard,
APAC-MISSISSIPPI, INC. Yarber, or email, 662-769-4774 Wednesday 6 p.m. Joseph Oyeleye, Pastor. 662-328-4629 Pastor.
Michael Bogue & Employees MCBEE BAPTIST CHURCH — 2846 Hwy. 50 E. Sunday MILLERS CHAPEL MB CHURCH — 425 East North COLUMBUS CHURCH OF CHRIST — 2401 7th St. N.
School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Discipleship Training St. Macon. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Bible Class 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday
Lake Norris Rd. 328-6555 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. Jimmy Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Ron Houston, Pastor. Bible Study 5 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Lendy Bartlett,
Ray, Pastor. 662-328-7177 MISSIONARY UNION BAPTIST CHURCH — 1207 5th Minister of Community Outreach; Paul Bennett, Family Life
MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH — Holly Hills Rd. Sunday Ave. N. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Baptist Minister; Billy Ferguson, Minister of Discipleship.
School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m., Training Union 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. EAST COLUMBUS CHURCH OF CHRIST — Highway
Prayer Service every Saturday 6 p.m. Rev. Denver Clark, Rev. Tony A. Montgomery, Pastor. 182 E. at Gaylane. Sunday Worship 9 a.m., Bible Study
Pastor. MOUNT ZION M.B. CHURCH — 2221 14th Ave. N. Sunday 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. http://
MOUNT PISGAH BAPTIST CHURCH — 2628 East Tibbee School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 7
Rd., West Point. Sunday Worship each week 8 a.m., 1st, p.m. Jesse J. Slater, Pastor. 662-328-4979 HWY. 69 CHURCH OF CHRIST — 2407 Hwy. 69 S. Sunday
3rd and 5th Sunday Worship 11:30 a.m., Sunday School MT. ARY MB CHURCH — 291 S. Frontage Rd., Lot #4. Bible Study 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
9:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Donald Wesley, Pastor. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m.
MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH — 1791 Lake Lowndes Rev. Erick Logan, Pastor. LONE OAK CHURCH OF CHRIST — 1903 Lone Oak Rd.,
Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m., MT. AVERY BAPTIST CHURCH — 12311 Nashville Ferry Steens. Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Steve Lammons, Pastor. 662-328- Rd. E. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. every Wednesday 7 p.m.
2811 Sunday except 5th Sunday. Rev. John Wells, Pastor. MAGNOLIA CHURCH OF CHRIST — 161 Jess Lyons
MT. VERNON CHURCH — 200 Mt. Vernon Rd. Sunday MT. OLIVE MB CHURCH — 2020 Atkin Rd., Millport, Ala. Rd. Bible Study 9:15 a.m., Worship, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
Telephone: 662-327-1467 Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Service Life Groups for Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. Pastor Wednesday 7 p.m. Minister David May, Pastor. 662-769-
all ages 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Connection Cafe 10 a.m., Benny W. Henry. 205-662-3923 5514.
P.O. Box 1278 • 1616 7th Ave. S., Columbus, MS 39703 Discovery Zone. 662-328-3042 NEW HOPE MB CHURCH — 271 Church St., Artesia. NORTH HILLCREST CHURCH OF CHRIST — 900 North
MURRAH’S CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 9297 Hwy. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 Hillcrest, Aberdeen, MS 39730, Sunday Worship 10:00
69 S. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and p.m. Thomas E. Rice is Pastor. 662-494-1580 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m., Bro. Arthur
6:30 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. NEW BAPTIST TEMPLE MB CHURCH — 5937 Nashville Burnett, Minister, 662-304-6098. Email: nhill crestcoc@
NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH — Highway 50 E. Ferry Rd. E. Sunday School 9 a.m. each week except 5th
Sunday School 9 a.m., Service 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Sunday, Worship 10 a.m. each week except 5th Sunday, STEENS CHURCH OF CHRIST — Steens Vernon Rd. 9:15
Ed Nix, Pastor. 5th Sundays: Ushers Board Fellowship. Rev. L.A. Gardner, a.m. Bible Study, Worship 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday
NEW JOURNEY CHURCH — 3123 New Hope Rd. Sunday Pastor. 662-329-3321 7 p.m. Larry Montgomery, Minister.
Worship 10:30 a.m., Small Groups 5:30 p.m., Kevin Edge, NEW ZION PILGRIM MB CHURCH — 5253 New Hope 10TH AVE. N. CHURCH OF CHRIST — 1828 10th Ave. N.
Pastor. 662-315-7753 or Rd. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Services 11 a.m., Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Bible Class
NEW SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH — 7086 Wolfe Rd., 3 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. Christopher Wriley, Pastor. 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Willie McCord,
miles south of Caledonia. Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 NEW ZION STEENS MB CHURCH — 3301 Sand Rd. Minister.
a.m., Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Sunday Evening - AWANA Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. WOODLAWN CHURCH OF CHRIST — Woodlawn
4 p.m., Discipleship Training, Youth & Adult 5 p.m., Evening Pastor Rev. Billy D. Hill. 662-329-5224 Community. Sunday 9 a.m., Worship 9:45 a.m., Worship 6
Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday - Adults, Youth & Children 6:30 OAK GROVE MB CHURCH — 1090 Taylor Thurston Rd. p.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Willis Logan, Minister.
p.m. 662-356-4940 Sunday School 9:00 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., 5th Sunday 8 CHURCH OF GOD
Bro. Mel Howton, Pastor. a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:15 p.m. Pastor Therman CHURCH OF GOD IN JESUS’ NAME — Hwy. 12. Sunday
NORTHSIDE FREE WILL BAPTIST — 14th Ave. and Cunningham Sr., 662-798-0179
4D Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Let us replenish the seed of faith through ...

Regular Church Attendance
CORNERSTONE WORSHIP CENTER — 7840 Wolfe Rd. Lead Pastor. Rev. Anne Russell Bradley, Associate Pastor. NEW HORIZONS GOSPEL ASSEMBLY — 441 18th St. S.
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Wednesday Rev. Aislinn Kopp, Associate Pastor. 328-5252 Sunday 10 a.m. Dr. Joe L. Bowen, Pastor.
6:30 p.m. Tony Hunt, Pastor. 662-889-6570 FLINT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 80 Old PLEASANT RIDGE HOUSE OF WORSHIP — 2651 Trinity
LATTER RAIN CHURCH OF GOD — 721 7th Ave. S. Honnoll Mill Rd., Caledonia. Sunday Worship Service 9:30 Road. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Every
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday 6 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Charity Gordon, Pastor. 2nd and 4th Sunday Intercessory Prayer 9 a.m., Wednesday
p.m. Brenda Othell Sullivan, Pastor. GLENN’S CHAPEL CME CHURCH — 1109 4th St. S. 6:30 p.m. Pastor Donna Anthony. 662-241-0097
NORTH COLUMBUS CHURCH OF GOD — 2103 Jess Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. Rev. Raphael 716 Second Ave. N. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-4432
THE LORD’S HOUSE — 441 18th St. S. Thursday 7 p.m.
Lyons Rd. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Terry, Pastor. 662-328-1109 903 College St. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-2354
Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Clarence Roberts, Pastor. HEBRON C.M.E. CHURCH — 1910 Steens Road, Steens.
Meets first, second and third Sundays, Bible class each THE RIVER CHURCH — 822 North Lehmberg Rd., Sunday
YORKVILLE HEIGHTS CHURCH — 2274 Yorkville Rd., Worship 10 a.m., Children’s Church 3&4 yr. old, 5-12 yr. old.
Sunday Connect Groups 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday at 7 p.m. Earnest Sanders, Pastor.
MILITARY CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — Wednesday Worship 6:45 p.m. Pastor Chuck Eubanks.
Wednesday Worship 7 p.m.; Nursery available for all
Hwy. 12, Steens. Sunday School 9:45, Service 11 a.m.. THE SHEPHERD’S CARE & SHARE MINISTRY CHURCH
services (newborn-4). Scott Volland, Pastor. 662-328-1256
Meet on 2nd and 4th Sundays. Wednesday Bible Study — 312 N. Lehmberg Rd., Sunday Prayer Time 9:50 a.m.,
ZION ASSEMBLY CHURCH OF GOD — 5580 Ridge Road. 6:00 p.m. Rev. Antra Geeter, Pastor. 662-327-4263 Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Thursday Bible
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m., NEW HOPE CME CHURCH — 1452 Yorkville Road East, Study 6 p.m., Annie Hines, Planter and Pastor. 662-570-
Wednesday 7 p.m. Byron Harris, Pastor. Columbus. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship service 1856
CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST first, third and fourth Sunday (Youth Sunday) 11:00 a.m., TRIBE JUDAH MINISTRIES — 730 Whitfield St., Starkville.
BIBLE WAY PROGRESSIVE CHURCH OF GOD IN Wednesday Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Rev. Cornelia Naylor, Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible School 7 p.m.
CHRIST — 426 Military Rd. Sunday School 8 a.m., Pastor. 662-328-5309 Rev. Greg and Rev. Michelle Mostella, Pastors. 662-617-
Worship 9 a.m., Monday Prayer 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible NEW HOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 2503 New 4088
Study 6 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday Prayer Noon. Tommy Hope Road. Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m., Sunday School 10 TRUE GOSPEL EVANGELISTIC MINISTRY — 2119
Williams, Pastor. a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Rev. Sarah Windham, 7th. Ave. N., Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m.,
FIFTEENTH ST. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST — 917 Pastor. 662-329-3555 Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Clyde and Annie Edwards,
15th St. N. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and ORR’S CHAPEL CME CHURCH — Nicholson Street, Pastors.
6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Marion C. Bonner, Pastor. Brooksville. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., TRUE LIFE WORSHIP CENTER — 597 Main St.,
IN CHRIST — 1601 Pickensville Rd., Sunday School 9:30
Saturday 9 a.m.
Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 5
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Eugene O’Mary, Pastor.
a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Monday 6 p.m., Tuesday 7 p.m., Fernbank Rd., Steens. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m., Sunday
Since 1960
Friday 7 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. Ocie Salter, Pastor. School 10:45 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Andy Tentoni.
SANDERS CHAPEL CME CHURCH — 521 15th St. N. — 5450 Cal-Kolola Rd, Caledonia. Sunday School 9:30 24 Hour Towing
5429 Hwy. 45 N. Sunday Prayer 8 a.m., Sunday School Sunday School 8 a.m., Sunday 9 a.m., Tuesday 11:45 a.m. a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastor
Francisco Brock, Sr. 662-356-8252
1024 Gardner Blvd.
8:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., 4th Sunday Fellowship Rev. Dr. Luther Minor, Pastor.
Lunch, Youth Sunday 4th Sunday, Wednesday Bible Study
— 1007 Shaeffers Chapel Rd., Traditional Worship Service — 1701 22nd Street North, Columbus. Sunday Worship
6 p.m. Elder Robert L. Brown, Jr., Pastor. 662-327-4221.
9 a.m., Rev. Curtis Bray, Pastor. 8:30 a.m. -10 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.-7 p.m.
NOW FAITH CENTER MINISTRIES — 425 Military Road, ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 722 Rone F. Burgin, Sr., Pastor/Founder. 662-328-0948
Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., Tuesday Night Military Rd. Breakfast 9:20 a.m., Sunday School 9:40 a.m., VIBRANT CHURCH — 500 Holly Hills Rd. Sunday 9 a.m.,
Bible Study 7 p.m. Elder Samuel Wilson, Pastor. Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m., Adult/ 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The Grove Coffee Cafe 8 a.m.,
OPEN DOOR CHURCH OF GOD — 711 S. Thayer Ave., Children Bible Study Wednesday 6 p.m., Young Adult Bible Wednesday 7 p.m. The Grove 6:30 p.m. Nursery provided
Aberdeen. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., Study Thursday 7 p.m. Rev. Paul E. Luckett, Pastor. through age 3. Jason Delgado, Pastor. 662-329-2279
Evangelist Night 6 p.m. Johnnie Bradford, Pastor. 662-574- Freeman Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Services 11 2648 Tom St., Sturgis. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship
2847. a.m. and 5 p.m. Youth activities 5 p.m. John Powell, Pastor. 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Curtis Davis, Pastor. 662-230-
— 223 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Starkville. Sunday Cedar Street, Macon, Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN
Worship 7:45 a.m., 10 a.m., 6 p.m., Sunday School 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. , Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Demetric
Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Darden, Pastor.
725 4th Ave. N. Visit for
schedule of services and updates on this Mission.
Minnie Vaughn Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 12 Tuscaloosa Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
and 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ron McDougald, APOSTOLIC PENTECOSTAL
p.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Donald Koonch, Pastor. 662-243- APOSTOLIC OUTREACH CHURCH — 204 North McCrary
2064 Rd., Prayer/Inspiration Hour Monday 6 p.m. Danny L.
6015 Tabernacle Rd., Ethelsville, AL. Sunday School 10
CAFB CHAPEL — Catholic - Sunday: Catholic DIVINE DESTINY APOSTOLIC CHURCH — 2601 14th
a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Reconciliation 4:00 p.m., Mass 5 p.m. Catholic Priest Ave. N. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 12 p.m.,
Rickey C. Green, Pastor. 205-662-3443
Father Paul Stewart. Protestant - Sunday: Adult Sunday
TRINITY-MT. CARMEL CME CHURCH — 4610 Carson Tuesday Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Pastor Easter Robertson.
School 9 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. Wing Chaplain Lt. Col.
Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Pastor Lizzie JESUS CHRIST POWERFUL MINISTRY OF LOVE —
Steven Richardson. 662-434-2500
Harris. 662-329-3995 1210 17th St. S., behind the Dept. of Human Resources.
TURNER CHAPEL AME CHURCH — 1108 14th St. S. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Friday 7:30 p.m. Gloria Jones,
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 5 Pastor.
Forrest Blvd. Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.,
p.m. Yvonne Fox, Pastor. SPIRIT OF PRAYER HOLINESS CHURCH — 267 Byrnes
Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Sandra DePriest. 662-
WESLEY UNITED METHODIST — 511 Airline Rd. Sunday Circle. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.,
School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:55 a.m., Wednesday 5:15 Saturday 11 a.m. Terry Outlaw, Pastor. 662-324-3539
p.m., Chancel Choir 7 p.m., Youth Monday 6:30 p.m. Rev. THE ASSEMBLY IN JESUS CHRIST CHURCH — 1504
Sunday 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sarah Windham. 19th St. N. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:45 a.m. and
Rev. Anne Harris. 662-328-6673 or
WRIGHT CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 7 p.m., Wednesday and Friday 7 p.m.
— Hwy. 45 Alt. S., Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.,
Worship 10:15 a.m., Tuesday 6 p.m. Kori Bridges, Pastor.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday S. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., Tuesday
6 p.m. Jack Taylor, Pastor. Bible Study 7 p.m., Thursday Prayer 5 p.m. District Elder
BEULAH GROVE FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — Lou J. Nabors Sr., Pastor. 662-329-1234
8490 Artesia Rd., Artesia, MS. Sunday Service 8:30 a.m., THE GLORIOUS CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST — Billy
— 2808 Ridge Rd. Sacrament Meeting 9 a.m., Sunday
Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Timothy Bourne, Senior Kidd Road, Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship
School 10 a.m., Priesthood & Relief Society 11 a.m., Youth
Pastor. Activities Wednesday 6 p.m. Bishop Eric Smith. 662-328- 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.. Tuesday 7 p.m., Friday 7 p.m.
CHARITY FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 1524 3179. Ernest Thomas, Pastor.
6th Ave. S. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE VICTORY APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH — 6 6 Boyd Rd.,
Wednesday 7 p.m., Saturday 6 p.m. Charles Fisher, Pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE — 2722 Ridge Rd. Starkville. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Noon, Tuesday
CHARITY MISSION FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m.,Worship 10:40 a.m. and 6 p.m. Prayer 7 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Mildred
— 807 Tarlton Rd., Crawford. Sunday School 9:40 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Stephen Joiner, Pastor. Spencer, Pastor. 662-341-5753
Worship 11:15 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., Prayer Hour Mon.- NON — DENOMINATIONAL ONENESS PENTECOSTAL
Fri. 10 a.m., Saturday 8 a.m., New Membership Class 9:30 A PREPARED TABLE MINISTRY — 1201 College St. NEW HOPE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH — 875 Richardson
p.m., 5th Sunday Worship 6:30 p.m. 662-272-5355 Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:10 a.m., Wednesday 6
COVENANT LIFE MINISTRIES CHURCH — W. Yorkville Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., 6 p.m.,
p.m. Timothy J. Bailey, Pastor. 662-889-7778 Tuesday 7 p.m. Jared Glover, Pastor. 662-251-3747 E-mail:
Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Evening 6:30 ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH — 611 S.
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.
Frontage Road. Sunday 9:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Craig PENTECOSTAL
Fairview Full Gospel BAPTIST CHURCH — 1446 Morris, Pastor.
Wilson Pine Rd., Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., FAITH AND DELIVERANCE OUT REACH MINISTRIES —
Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Bobby L. McCarter 662- 118 S. McCrary Road, Suite 126. Sunday 10 a.m. and 11
INC. — 1560 Hwy. 69 S., Sunday 9 a.m., Wednesday 6:45
328-2793 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian Women Meeting Friday
p.m., Friday Corporate Prayer 7 p.m. Pastor James T.
GREATER MOUNT ZION CHURCH — 5114 Hwy. 182 E. Verdell, Jr. 9 a.m., 11 a.m., & 7 p.m. on 7 p.m.
Sunday Corporate Prayer 8 a.m., Sunday School 9 a.m., Fridays only. LIVING FAITH TABERNACLE — Shelton St. Sunday
Worship 10:15 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Bible Study 7 COLUMBUS CHRISTIAN CENTER — 146 S. McCrary School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Youth
p.m. Doran V. Johnson, Pastor. 662-329-1905 Rd. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Kid’s Church 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. James O. Gardner, Pastor.
GOD’S ANNOINTED PEOPLE MINISTRY FULL GOSPEL Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Kenny Gardner, Pastor. 662-328- LIVING WATER MINISTRIES — 622 28th St. N. Elder
FELLOWSHIP — 611 Jess Lyons Rd. Sunday School 9 3328 Robert L. Salter, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship
a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Jerome Gill, CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP CENTER — 109 Maxwell 11 a.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m.
Pastor. 662-244-7088 Lane. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11:15 a.m., SPIRIT OF PRAYER HOLINESS CHURCH — 922 17th St.
HARVEST LIFE CHURCH — 425 Military Rd. Sunday Wednesday Prayer 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible Band 7 p.m. N. Sunday 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.
Service 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. F. Clark Richardson, Grover C. Richards, Pastor. 662-328-8124 Terry Outlaw, Pastor,
Pastor. 662-329-2820 CORNERSTONE WORSHIP CENTER — 98 Harrison Rd., VICTORY TABERNACLE P.C.G. — 548 Hwy. 45 North
NEW BEGINNING FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — Steens. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., 1st Sunday Evening Frontage Rd. (1/4 mile past the CAFB entrance on the
318 Idlewild Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Marion (Bubba) Dees, Pastor. right) Sunday Bible Class 10:15 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m.,
Wednesday 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. 662-327-3962 662-327-4303 Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. G. E. Wiggins, Sr., Pastor.
NEW LIFE FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 426 EL BETHEL — 3288 Cal-Vernon Rd. Sunday School 9 662-251-2432
1721 Hwy 45 N
Military Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10a.m., a.m., Worship 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Wes UNITED PENTECOSTAL ® Columbus, MS
Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Michael Love, Pastor.
Andrews, Pastor. 662-855-5006
Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., Tuesday Caledonia Kolola Rd., Caledonia. Sunday 10 a.m., 6 p.m.,
Gardner Blvd. Services every Friday, Saturday and Sunday Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm
6:30 p.m., Thursday 7 p.m. Samuel B. Wilson, Pastor. Wednesday 7 p.m. Grant Mitchell, Pastor. 662-356-0202
at 7 p.m. J. Brown, Pastor. In Style. In Reach. Sunday 1pm-5pm
FAITH COVENANT CHURCH — 1133 Northdale Dr.

19th St. S. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Sunday Worship 5:30 p.m. Lee Poque, Pastor. 662-889- Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Evangelistic 6p.m.,
Wednesday 7 p.m., Missionary Service every 2nd 8132 Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Steve Blaylock, Pastor. 662-328-

Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Freddie Edwards, Pastor. FINDING YOUR WAY THROUGH CHRIST MINISTRIES 1750
JEWISH — 1472 Blocker Rd., Starkville. Sunday School 10 a.m., PRESBYTERIAN
B’NAI ISRAEL — 717 2nd Ave. N. Services Semi-monthly. Worship 11 a.m., 2nd Sunday Morning Worship 9 a.m. BEERSHEBA CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN Offering independent living apartments, personal
Friday 7:30 p.m. 662-329-5038 Pastor Kenyon Ashford. CHURCH — 1736 Beersheba Rd., New Hope Community. care/assisted living suites, and a skilled nursing home
Universalist FIRST CALVARY FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP CHRISTIAN Rev. Tim Lee, Pastor. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Church 300 Airline Road • Columbus, MS • 327-6716
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST — Meeting at Temple B’nai CENTER — 247 South Oliver St., Brooksville. Prayer School 11:15 a.m., Wed. Mid Week 6 p.m. 662-327-9615 “Our Bottom Line Is People”
Israel, 1301 Marshall, Tupelo, every 1st & 3rd Sunday. 662- Saturday 5:30 p.m., Bible Study 6 p.m., Sunday School COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC) — 515
620-7344 or 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor David T. Jones,III. Lehmberg Rd., East Columbus. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Hunting • Fishing
LUTHERAN 601-345-5740 Working Or Stepping Out — We Have A Complete
Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 4 p.m. Line Of Clothing For You And Your Family
Hwy. 45 N. and 373. Sunday School/Bible Class 3:45 p.m., School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. FIRST CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Oktibbeha County Co-Op
Worship 5 p.m. 662-356-4647 Maxine Hall, Pastor. Check Out Our Boot & Cap Section
2698 Ridge Rd. Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship 10:30
18th Ave. N. Sunday School 9 a.m.. Worship 10 a.m. Stan
GENESIS CHURCH — 1820 23rd St. N., Sunday School
9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Darren
a.m., Adult Choir 4 p.m. Youth Group 5 p.m., Bible Study 5 662-323-1742
p.m.; Monthly Activities: CPW Circle #2 (2nd Tue. 4 p.m.), 201 Pollard Rd., Starkville
Clark, Pastor. 662-327-7747 Leach, Pastor.
MENNONITE Ladies Aid (3rd Tue. 2 p.m.); Weekly Activities: Exercise
FAITH MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP — 2988 Tarlton Rd., Class Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. Rev. Luke Lawson,
Point Rd. Worship 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m.
Crawford. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Pastor. 662-328-2692
Donnell Wicks, Pastor.
2nd & 4th Sunday Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m. HOUSE OF RESTORATION — Hwy. 50. Sunday School, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — 3200 Bluecutt Rd.
Kevin Yoder, Senior Pastor. 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 Worship 10 a.m., Youth Group Sundays 11 a.m., Adult Choir
METHODIST a.m., Pastors, Bill and Carolyn Hulen. Wednesdays 6 p.m., Fellowship Suppers-3rd Wednesdays
Street, Artesia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. FAITH CHURCH — 622 23rd St. N. Sunday School MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) — Main
Gene Merkl, Pastor. 10:30 a.m.; Service 11:45 a.m., Tuesday 7:30 p.m., Friday and 7th St. N. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:40
CALEDONIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 811 Main 7:30 p.m., Prayer Mon., Wed. and Fri. noon. For more a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday Fellowship Supper 5:30 p.m.,
Street, Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. information call Bishop Ray Charles Jones 662-251-1118, Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Todd Matocha, Pastor.
Charity Gordon, Pastor. Patricia Young 662-327-3106 or 662-904-0290 or Lynette MT. ZION CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH —
CLAIBORNE CME CHURCH — 6049 Nashville Ferry Rd. Williams 662-327-9074. 3044 Wolfe Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
E. 2nd and 4th Sundays - Sunday School 10a.m., Worship KINGDOM VISION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH — 3193 SALVATION ARMY CHURCH
11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., 1st and 3rd Sundays - 3 p.m., Hwy 69 S. Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., Sunday School THE SALVATION ARMY CHURCH — 2219 Hwy. 82
Geneva H. Thomas, Pastor. 10 a.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Pastor R.J. Matthews. 662-327- East. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m.,
CONCORD INDEPENDENT METHODIST CHURCH — 1960 Wednesday Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship 5:30
1235 Concord Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. LIFE CHURCH — 419 Wilkins Wise Rd. Sunday Worship p.m., Thursday Character Building Programs 5:30 p.m.,
Robert L. Hamilton, Sr., Pastor. 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. For more information, call 662- Majors Alan and Sheryl Phillips, Commanding Officers.
Ave. N. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Eugene LOVE CITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH — 305 Dr. Martin COLUMBUS SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH —
Bramlett, Pastor. Luther King Drive, Starkville. Sunday Worship 11 a.m.,
301 Brooks Dr. Saturday Service 9 a.m., Sabbath School
CRAWFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — Main St., Pastor Apostle Lamorris Richardson. 601-616-0311 The McBryde Family
Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. and service 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Ray
Kathy Brackett, Pastor. 662-364-8848 Jefferson St., Macon. Sunday Service 10 a.m., Wednesday Elsberry, Pastor. 662-329-4311
1120 Gardner Blvd. • 328-5776
CROSSROAD CHAPEL C.M.E. CHURCH — Steens. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Johnny Birchfield Jr., Senior Pastor.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 662-493-2456 E-mail: Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m., Divine Worship 11
p.m. Rev. Carl Swanigan, Pastor. NEW BEGINNING EVERLASTING OUTREACH a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Roscoe Shields, Pastor. 662-
FIRST INDEPENDENT METHODIST — 417 Lehmberg Rd. MINISTRIES — Meets at Quality Inn, Hwy. 45 N. (Every 1st 327-9729
Sunday bible study at 10:15 and morning worship at 11 a.m. and 3rd Sunday) Sunday School 10 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 APOSTOLIC CHURCH
Minister Gary Shelton. a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Robert Gavin, 662-327-9843 TRUE FAITH DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES APOSTOLIC
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 602 Main St. or 662-497-3434. CHURCH — 3632 Hwy. 182 E. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., • RECYCLING SINCE 1956 •
Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 8:45 & 11 a.m., Vespers & NEW COVENANT ASSEMBLY — 875 Richardson. Sunday 11:30 a.m., Tuesday 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Specializing in industrial accounts
Worship Service Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bruce Morgan, Pastor. Noon, Wednesday 7:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m. 662-328-8176 973 Island Rd. 1-800-759-8570
18th Avenue
North, Suite 1, The Dispatch • Sunday, January 27, 2019 5D
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lished. Commercial Property For
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Tree Services 1860 Truck Driving 3700 Sporting Goods 4720 Apts For Rent: Other 7080
Rent 7100
SCHOOLS SERVICE, LLC with Truck & Lowboy Open for season! 9-5, Historic Downtown
be sent to: Tree trimming and re- Trailer experience to Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat. Columbus. 2,000 sqft.
30x15. Separate air
NOTICE TO BIDDERS moval. Fully insured. load, haul, & unload Over 50 years experi- Hardwood floors conditioner & bathroom.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Chief Counsel, Free estimates. heavy construction ence! Repairs, cleaning, throughout. Open floor. $400/mo. Located in
*Now Accepting Credit equipment. Overnight refinishing, scopes Very nice. Incl W&D. Caledonia. Call 662-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Legal Division & Debit Cards* travel required. Only mounted & zeroed, $1200/mo. Call 574-0082.
EN THAT SEALED BIDS Department of Call Curt 662-418-0889 qualified applicants with handmade knives. 662-328-8655.
WILL BE RECEIVED BY or 662-549-2902 clean MVR, current Located: Hwy 45 Alt,
“A cut above the rest” medical examiner’s
certificate and no acci-
North of West Point,
turn right on Yokahama FIRST FULL MONTH
RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed-
square feet. 294
Chubby Dr. Flexible leas-
Help me find a home!
IN THE OFFICE OF SU- dents need apply. Fax Blvd, 8mi & turn left on
PERINTENDENT OF EDU- Jackson, MS General Help Wanted 3200 resume to 662-492- Darracott Rd, will see room Apts/Townhomes. ing terms. Available
Stove & refrigerator. now. 662-328-8254.
CATION, 1053 HIGH- 39225 4490 or email to sign, 2.5mi ahead shop
$335-$600 Monthly.
WAY 45 SOUTH, CONTRACTOR SEEKING on left. 662-494-6218.

COLUMBUS, MS. UNTIL Date of First experienced carpenter Credit check & deposit.HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
with lots of experience. Coleman Realty, Columbus Office, Retail,
2:00 PM ON Auctions 4120 Wanted To Buy 4780 662-329-2323.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Publication: Please call: Restaurant Space avail-
662-570-9464 for info. able. Call 662-328-
21, 2019 FOR DIS- 1/25/2019 WANTED: FITZ & Floyd
TRICT WAN SERVICE Saint Nicholas Dinner 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- 8655 or 662-574-7879.
FOR THE LOWNDES Plates. Willing to pay ments & townhouses.
COUNTY SCHOOL DIS- PUBLISH: $10 each. Call 662- Call for more info. Houses For Rent: Northside
TRICT. BIDS WILL BE HEAVY EQUIPMENT 425-1661. 662-328-8254. 7110
OPENED ON FRIDAY, 1/25/2019 &
FEBRUARY 22, 2019 AT 1/27/2019
with verifiable experi- Business Opportunity 6050 2BR HOUSE. Stove, ref.,
With The Dispatch
10:00 AM. ALL BIDS
PRICES SHALL BE FIRM Building & Remodeling 1120
ence, own tools and
clean MVR. Submit
HISTORIC DOWNTOWN Very big, nice 1 bed-
w/d hookup, window
a/c, heat electric.
classified section
resume by fax to Columbus: 411 Main room. Wood floors, lots
AND APPROVED BY LC- of windows. $700 per $485/mo. Lease-
SB FOR THE DISTRICT. HOME REPAIRS & CON- 662-492-4490 St. Office, Retail, Res- dep.+credit check. Cole-
or email to: taurant Space available. month. Call Stewart, man Realty. 329-2323. Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 Lots & Acreage 8600 Call 423-333-1124. 662-364-1610.
MAY PICK UP OR RE- small concrete jobs, 3BR/2BA. Fresh paint, RENT A fully equipped 250 ACRE pine planta-
QUEST BY PHONE (662- electrical, plumbing, Apts For Rent: Northside 7010
NEWLY RENOVATED new carpet, ch/a, camper w/utilities & tion with 10 to 16 year
244-5000) SPECIFICA- roof repairs, pressure The Mississippi School 3-4BR/1.5BA. Large fenced yard & appl furn. cable from $145/wk - old trees, prime deer
TIONS FOR THE ABOVE washing and mobile FOX RUN COMPANY LLC backyard, HUD accep- $535/month. Colum- hunting, ideal for hunt-
for Mathematics and 1 & 2 BR near hospital. ted duplex apartment 662-251-9696.
AT THE OFFICE OF SU- home roof coating and Science (MSMS) is bus & County School ing club, $1500/acre,
PERINTENDENT OF EDU- underpinning. No job $595-645/mo. Military at 1010 6th Ave. N. locations. 662-242- will divide, Monroe
accepting applications discount offered, pet COLONIAL TOWN-
CATION. PLEASE DIR- too small. 549-7031. for the position of Call 662-425-0332. 7653 or 601-940-1397. County. 662-369-3778,
ECT ALL INQUIRES TO area, pet friendly, and HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed- or 662-256-5838.
Computer Science furnished corporate room w/ 2-3 bath town-
MRS. JEANISE AN- SUGGS CONSTRUCTION Teacher for the 2019- houses. $600 to $695. Rooms For Rent 7450
DREWS, TECHNOLOGY 2020 school year. apartments available.
Building, remodeling, ON SITE SECURITY. 662-549-9555. Ask for LAMAR CO. 99+/-
COORDINATOR, BY metal roofing, painting MSMS is a state-wide, acres. Near Kennedy.
EITHER PHONE (662- & all home repairs. public, residential high RENTALS Room - $120/wk. Paved Rd. Small creek,
244-5018) OR EMAIL school for academically ON SITE MANAGEMENT. TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
662-242-3471 24-HOUR CAMERA HOUSE WITH APART- Furnished w/ furn., timber. $198,000.
(JEANISE.ANDREWS@LO gifted and talented 11th 662-327-2656.
appl, utilities & cable.
WNDES.K12.MS.US) Tom Hatcher, LLC and 12th grade stu- SURVEILLANCE. 1 BEDROOM MENT NEAR MUW.
Benji @ 662-386-4446 323 13th St. N. 3 Blks
Custom Construction,
THE LOWNDES COUNTY Restoration, Remodel-
dents located on the
campus of Mississippi Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. 2 BEDROOMS from MUW. L/r, d/r, WINTER SPECIAL
BOARD OF EDUCATION ing, Repair, Insurance University for Women in Sat/Sun by appt only. 3 BEDROOMS b/r, kitchen, large f/r Commercial Property 8050 1.95 acre lots.
RESERVES THE RIGHT Columbus, MS. A job w/ fireplace, 2BR/3BA. Good/bad credit.
claims. 662-364-1769. PEAR ORCHARD APTS Laundry room, outside 10% down, as low as
TO REJECT ANY Licensed & Bonded description and Employ- LEASE, RETAIL SPACE Available
© The Dispatch

AND/OR ALL BIDS AND ment Application are 2BR Townhouse - $585, fenced patio, screened in Historic Downtown. $299/mo. Eaton Land.
W/D incl. Great loca-
General Services 1360 available at http://www.
tion. $200 processing DEPOSIT side porch & work room 404 Main St. 3,000 662-361-7711
Babysitting & tutoring. ment-opportunities/. fee & $50 application AND MENT B/r, d/r, kitchen Call 662-328-8655 Autos For Sale 9150
For additional ques- fee. 662-328-9471 or & bathroom. NO HUD. or 662-574-7879.
MR. LYNN WRIGHT, SU- Certified in most sub-
PERINTENDENT tions, contact: 662-889-7565. CREDIT CHECK Ref. req. Dep. req. 1965 MUSTANG, Red,
jects. Call 662-574- Pets allowed w/ extra
SUPERINTENDENT OF 0426. Amber Lynn Moore at Automatic, 6cyl, A/C &
Houses For Sale: Northside
or 662-329-7674.
Apts For Rent: South 7040
662-329-2323 dep. $1075/mo.
662-386-7506. 8150
power steering.
EXPERIENCED The Mississippi School 1BR/1BA 505 5th Ave.
for Mathematics and S. 1 block from down- CONVENIENT 3BR/2BA
LOOKING FOR WORK. town. Walking distance 2411 HWY 45 N Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
PUBLISH: JANUARY 27 *Day/Night Science is an Equal 512 Lincoln Rd. New
AND FEBRUARY 3, Opportunity Employer. to MUW. No pets. CAFB COLUMBUS, MS 3BR/2BA Trailer, New paint, flooring, brick 2013 CHEVY Cruze.
Contact 662-574-5181. welcomed. XL l/r, d/r, shop, fenced backyard Good condition. 100k
2019 Hope school dist.
Ref. on Request. b/r & backyard. In- & patio. Zoned commer- miles. Black, 4-door.
$500/mo & $500 dep.
cludes w/d, air condi- $5,450. Call Ed @
I, Jay Patel, own- FREE TRAINING for THE GOLDEN Triangle tioner, gas heater, hard-
Commercial Property For Call between 10a-7p. cial, can be home/of-
fice. Call 662-328-9634 662-574-0082.
er of Towne JOB SEEKING WOMEN; Planning & Develop- wood floors, electric Rent 7100
NO TEXT MESSAGES. for more information.
COMPUTER TRAINING, ment District is accept- stove, refrigerator.
Square Liquor, RESUME WRITING, & IN- ing applications for part- Bargain Column 4180 $750/mo. $750 dep. COMMERCIAL PROPER- SUPER CHARGED 2004
LLC intend to TIES/Retail/Office NICE 3BR/2BA MH in Houses For Sale: Southside Monte Carlo SS. Dale
TERVIEW SKILLS; time personal care at- 662-364-6454. Jr. Signature Edition.
Spaces starting @ West Lowndes school
make applica- Tues & Thurs Evening tendants to work in the HEATER. WOOD-burning,
Golden Triangle area. $100. 662-364-2498. Apts For Rent: West 7050 $285/mo. Downtown & district. $485/mo +
8300 $3500. 662-570-2601.
classes start February
tion for a Pack- 5th. Enroll now at Chris- Applicants must have a East Columbus loca- $485 dep. 662-242- 2BR/1BA Gas stove &

age Retailer per- tian Women's Job valid driver's license, re- LARGE DOG House, tions. 662-435-4188. 7653 or 662-308-7781. heat. Move-in ready. 1 Campers & RVs 9300
Corps. Min H.S. Dip- liable transportation, & $50. Electric dryer, BR Apt. attached that
liability insurance on $50. 662-364-2498. Houses For Rent: East 7120 TOMBIGBEE RV Park,
loma or Equivalent re- needs work. $21,000. located on Wilkins Wise
quired. Call 662-722- vehicle. Contact Phyllis 417 17th St. S.
Flake at Golden Tri- Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
As provided for 3016 or 662-597-1030 NEW BOY's 18 month Call 662-327-8712.
angle Planning & Devel- sleep set. Vest, pants, Apartments Hookups available.
by the Local Op- $300/mo. 662-328-
& Houses
PAINTING/CARPENTRY opment District, 106 Mi- shirt, cap & booties.
Houses For Sale: West 8350 8655 or 662-574-7879.
tion Alcoholic 30 years experience. ley Dr., Starkville, MS. $15. New ladies Levi
Beverage Con- Great prices. Call No telephone calls
505 straight leg jeans.
$5. Call 662-242-4210.
1 Bedrooms FSBO: 3BR/2BA in May- Five Questions:
trol Laws, Sec-
Leslie, 662-570-5490.
2 Bedroooms hew, 1551 Garth Rd.
Close to Columbus,
tion 67-1-1, et RETAINER WALL, drive- Farm Equipment & Supplies 3 Bedrooms Starkville & West Point.
seq. of the Mis-
way, foundation, con-
crete, masonry restora-
Senior Programmer Ana-
lyst (JAVA) (Starkville,
Furnished &
New HVAC, 1.7 acres,
large metal bldg incl.
1 Al Gore
sissippi Code of tion, remodeling, base- 2016 JOHN Deere
ment foundation, re-
MS). Lead analyst,
5100E Tractor, 210 Unfurnished $139,000. 662-418-
1972, Annot- providing user needs as- 8984 or 662-552-1400.
ated and if gran-
pairs, small dump truck
hauling (5-6 yd) load &
sessment and program-
ming support for uni-
hours. $40,500.
Also, 2016 15ft 1, 2, & 3 Baths 2 “Angels in
ted such permit, demolition/lot cleaning.
Burr Masonry
versity research center, Kubota Bush hog avail.
Lease, Deposit Investment Property 8550
I propose to op- 662-242-0259.
in support of IT needs
of economic, workforce, & Credit Check GRAVEL FOR SALE on
erate as a Lim- private property. Approx
business and com- General Merchandise 4600
ited Liability WORK WANTED: munity devel. BS, Comp
Licensed & Bonded-car- Science, Engring, or re- APPLE COMPUTERS 327-8555
6 acres. Will sell or
lease property located 3 Foot
Company under pentry, painting, & de- lated. 2 yrs' IT exp, incl Two 2009 iMac com- in NE Noxubee County.
molition. Landscaping, some solid exp with:
the trade name puters available. Good
4 Jamaica
gutters cleaned, bush dsgning and develing working condition.
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
of Towne Liquor hogging, clean-up work, multi-tier dist apps us- Would be good for ba- 1BR/1BA Apts for rent. Lots & Acreage 8600
located at 507 pressure washing, mov- ing JAVA 1.6, 1.7 and sic web browsing or
ing help & furniture 1.8, with Exception College Manor Apts, dir-
word processing. 2Ghz; 2 ACRE home site for
18th Avenue
5 Thirty-mile
repair. 662-242-3608 Handling, Multithread- ectly across from MUW.
2 GB RAM; 250 GB HD. Completely renovated, sale. Tabernacle Com-
North, Suite 1, ing, JVM, Garbage Col- Computer and built-in incl granite countertops, munity. $15,000.
Columbus, Lawn Care / Landscaping
lection, Collections,
Generics; Spring IOC,
monitor only; mouse
and keyboard not in-
SS appls & W/D. 12 mo Call 662-386-9122. zone
lease, dep req, $650/
Lowndes County. Spring MVC, Spring cluded. $50 each. mo. 662-425-3817. Houses For Sale: Other 8500
JESSE & BEVERLY'S Data access and Spring Call 662-574-1561
Integration with JDBC
The name(s), and Spring batch; JU-
ing, cleanup, landscap- NIT; Active Directory BASS BOAT, 15ft, 70hp CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
title(s) and ad- ing, sodding, & tree cut- configuration; RAD; Ec- Yamaha. historic district, 1 block
dress(es) of the ting. 356-6525. lipse; IntelliJ; Restful Riding mowers - 2. from downtown, $625/
web services; SQL quer- Garden Tiller. mo. + $625 dep. NO
owner(s)/part- Painting & Papering 1620 ies; JENKINS; Eureka 662-418-8984 or 662- PETS. 662-574-8789.
ners/corporate cloud server; Design 552-1400. Peaceful & Quiet area.
SULLIVAN'S PAINT Patterns; preparing test
officer(s) and/or SERVICE data and software valid- Apts For Rent: Other 7080
majority stock- Certified in lead ation; HTML; CSS; Boot-
removal. Offering spe- strap; Angular 1.X and
holder(s)/mem- cial prices on interior & 5.X. Resume to Leslie
ber(s)/trustee of exterior painting, pres- Corey, Mississippi State
sure washing & sheet University, 245 Barr
the above name rock repairs. Ave, 150 McArthur Hall,
business are: Free Estimates Mississippi State, MS
Call 435-6528 39762.
Jay Patel, Owner Stump Removal 1790
1209 Hwy. 45 N. Medical / Dental 3300
If any person
wishes to re- RN SUPERVISOR
quest a hearing SERVICE
to object to the GET 'ER DONE! LPN 3P - 11P
issuance of this We can grind all your
stumps. Hard to reach
LPN 11P - 7A
permit, a re- places, blown over Apply in person at
quest for a hear- roots, hillsides, back- Care Center
yards, pastures. Free 505 Jackson St,
ing must be estimates. You find it, Aberdeen
made in writing we'll grind it! EOE
and received by
the Department Tree Services 1860 Professional 3500
of Revenue with-
A&T Tree Service MS NOTARY seeks an
in (15) fifteen Bucket truck & stump attorney to collect her
days from the removal. Free est. personal files, notes,
Serving Columbus and court orders. Addi-
first date this no- since 1987. Senior tional tasks may be
tice was pub- citizen disc. Call Alvin @ needed. Respond:
lished. 242-0324/241-4447 ATTORNEY
"We'll go out on a limb PO Box 2031
for you!" Columbus, MS 39704
6D SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

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