Cinquera El Salvador 11

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This town was formed during the eighteenth century and in 1807 was already a village Ladino . It is false
that was given that name by the fact that "there was a woman in San Salvador that often came every year at the
time of the season indigo ( March to October) , to sell cuts of clothing earth and other drugs (goods) , and wanted
to establish in the market, five of cocoa , currency still used in the Capital ( 1859 ) , and the house of their stay was
called since then with the name of house Cinquera " . Such toponymy is Lenca origin and the language spoken by
these natives poton means " stony hill of the pacayas " cin , zin , pacaya , that stone was , hill town . The ancient
village was erected in the village with the name of St. Nicholas Cinquera , the May 13, 1847 , segregating the
jurisdiction of Suchitoto. (1)

Cinquera It has an area of 34.51

km2, according to the 2007 census
with a population of 1,467
inhabitants, of which 51.06 %
equivalent to 749 are men and 718
are women difference; the 30.95 %
of the population lives in urban
areas and 69.05 % in rural areas. It
is located 380 meters above sea
level. According to the UNDP
human development index
occupies position 228 of 262
municipalities, its geographical
coordinates are 13 ° 56 ' 20 " LN
(northern end), 13 ° 50 ' 33" LN
(southern end); 88 ° 56 '32 " LWG
(east end) and 88 ° 59 ' 17" LWG
(western end). It limits the north:
with Suchitoto (Cuscatlán dept.)
And Potonico (Department of
Chalatenango.); east with Jutiapa
and Tejutepeque; south with
Tenancingo (Cuscatlan dept.);
west, with Suchitoto (dept. of

Ma pa Político de Ci nquera

The municipality has Cinquera for administration 8 cantons and 16 villages

distributed as follows: 1) cocoa or Transit : El Cacao or transit ; 2) Güiligüiste :
Güiligüiste , La Tortuga , Las Aradas ; 3) Shotgun : The shotgun ; 4) San Antonio:
San Antonio, El Paradero; 5 ) San Benito San Benito, La Cruz, Las Aradas ; 6)
San José El Tule: El Tule, La Laguneta ; 7) San Nicolas San Nicolas , Oratorio ,
Es cudo Municipal
Los Rivera ; New Valley : New Valley .

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