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ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization

 Also known as “Chicago Convention”

 Signed on December 7, 1944 by 52 States
 Pending ratification of the convention by 26 States, the Provisional International Civil
Aviation Organization (PICAO) was established
 June 6 1945 to April 4 1947 – PICAO functioned
 March 26, 1947 ratification was received
 April 4, 1947 – ICAO came into being
 October 1947 – ICAO became a specialized agency of the United Nations linked to
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Montreal, Canada – ICAO Headquarters

*ratification - the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement,
making it officially valid.

The Council

 Permanent body of the Organization responsible to the Assembly

 Composed of 36 Member States elected by the Assembly for a three-year term
 Convenes the Assembly
 Elects its President for a term of three years and may be re-elected

Functions of the Council

 Submit annual reports to the Assembly

 Carry out the directions of the Assembly
 Administers the finances of ICAO
 Appoints and defines the duties of the
o Air transport Committee
o Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services
o Finance Committee
o Committee on Unlawful Interference
o Technical Co-operation Committee
o Human Resources Committee
 Appoints the Members of the Air Navigation Commission
 Elects members of the Edward Warner Award Committee
 Appoint the Secretary General -------*key function
 Gives continuing direction to the work of ICAO
 Adopt international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and incorporate
these as Annexes to the Chicago Convention
 May also amend existing Annexes as necessary

 Comprises of all Member States
 Meets not less than once in three years convened by the Council at a suitable time and
 An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly may be held at any time upon the call of the
Council or at the request of not less than one-fifth of the total number of Member States

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Prepared by: Engr. Rustan Maynard E. Tandoc
License No. 0001825
Duties of the Assembly
 Elect the Member States to be represented on the Council
 Examine and take appropriate action on the reports of the Council
 Approve the budgets of the Organization
 It can delegate to Council the powers and authority necessary or desirable for the
discharge of the duties of ICAO
 revoke and modify the delegations of authority at any time
 In general, it reviews in detail the work of the Organization in the technical,
administrative, economic, legal and technical cooperation fields
 has the power to approve amendments to theConvention on International Civil Aviation
(Chicago, 1944)

The Secretary General

 head of the secretariat
 chief executive officer of the Organization responsible for general direction of the work of
the Secretariat
 three-year term
 serves as the Secretary of the Council of ICAO

The Secretariat
 consists of five (5) main divisions:
o Air Navigation Bureau
o Air Transport Bureau
o Technical Co-operation Bureau
o Legal Affairs and External Affairs Bureau
o Bureau of Administration and Services

ICAO’s Regional Offices (7)

 Bangkok: Asia and Pacific (APAC) Office
 Cairo: Middle East (MID)
 Dakar: Western and Central African (WACAF)
 Lima: South American (SAM)
 Mexico: North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC)
 Nairobi: Eastern and Southern African (ESAF)
 Paris: European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT)

ICAO’s Regional Offices are responsible for the ff:

1. Air Navigation Functions

2. Air Transport Functions
3. Regional Bodies
4. Technical Co-operation Functions
5. Legal
6. Aviation Security
7. General

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Prepared by: Engr. Rustan Maynard E. Tandoc
License No. 0001825

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