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QUESTIONS Small Medium Large
1.1 The use of stock control
practice to minimize the cost 3.26 3.61 4.53
1.2 The use of regular inventory
turnover to realize larger profits 3.71 3.51 4.41
1.3 Use of stock control practice
regarding the continuous
production of goods 3.60 3.53 4.65
1.4 Use of control practice
regarding to the sufficiency of
goods available for sale 4.09 3.61 4.71
1.5 The handling of materials and
items are properly controlled
regarding on safety of stock level 4.31 3.69 4.53
GRAND MEAN 3.79 3.59 4.56
Interpretation Effective Effective Very Effective

The table above shows the assessment of the respondents regarding the stock level of their inventory

management practice when grouped according to the size of the business of shoe manufacturing companies

in Marikina City. Based on the grand mean; large businesses, which have a weighted mean of 4.56, have

very effective inventory management practice in regards to their stock level. Small and medium businesses,

which have a weighted mean of 3.79 and 3.59 respectively, have effective inventory management practices.

Large businesses have the highest weighted grand mean which states that they have the most

effective inventory management practice in regards to stock level among the three profiles. Small businesses,

however, have the lowest weighted grand mean which states that they have the least effective inventory

management practice in regard to stock level among the three profiles.

This is supported by the study conducted by Hedge and Macklin in May 2018. According to them,

the complexity of business is increasing day by day that there is so much important data to be efficiently

dealt with and inventory management is a must for a business of any size.

QUESTIONS Small Medium Large
2.1 The use of system for tracking
inventory on hand creates
profitability 3.57 3.65 4.71
2.2 Use of the inventory control
system reduces production costs 3.51 3.51 4.65
2.3 The use of the inventory control
system increases product quality 3.51 3.71 4.65
2.4 The use of the inventory control
system decreases production cycle
time 4.20 3.49 4.71
2.5 The use of the inventory control
system reduces wastages 3.97 4.00 4.65
2.6 The use of inventory control
system reduces stock levels 3.86 3.33 4.71
2.7 The use of inventory control
system increases profitability 3.77 3.33 4.53
2.8 The use of the inventory control
system enhances timely deliveries 4.17 3.33 4.59
GRAND MEAN 3.82 3.54 4.65
Interpretation Effective Effective Very Effective

The table above shows the assessment of the respondents regarding the inventory control of their

inventory management practice when grouped according to the size of the business of shoe manufacturing

companies in Marikina City. Based on the grand mean; large businesses, which have a weighted mean of

4.65, have very effective inventory management practice in regards to their inventory control. Small and

medium businesses, which have a weighted mean of 3.82 and 3.54 respectively, have effective inventory

management practices in regards to their inventory control.

This is supported by the article published by QStock in 2017. According to it, inventory management

is one of the keys in turning a small business into a large, successful corporation that’s able to generate

millions of revenues. Inventory management is vital. There is a very fine line between having too much and

too little.

QUESTIONS Small Medium Large
2.1 The use of system for tracking
inventory on hand creates
profitability 4.20 3.37 4.65
2.2 Use of the inventory control
system reduces production costs 4.31 3.71 4.71
2.3 The use of the inventory control
system increases product quality 3.54 3.37 4.65
2.4 The use of the inventory control
system decreases production cycle
time 4.00 3.25 4.47
2.5 The use of the inventory control
system reduces wastages 3.80 3.63 4.65
2.6 The use of inventory control
system reduces stock levels 3.51 3.51 4.65
GRAND MEAN 3.90 3.47 4.63
Interpretation Effective Effective Very Effective

The table above shows the assessment of the respondents regarding the lead time of their inventory

management practice when grouped according to the size of the business of shoe manufacturing companies

in Marikina City. Based on the grand mean; large businesses, which have a weighted mean of 4.63, have

very effective inventory management practice in regards to their inventory control. Small and medium

businesses, which have a weighted mean of 3.90 and 3.47 respectively, have effective inventory

management practices in regards to their lead time.

Large businesses have the highest weighted grand mean which states that they have the most

effective inventory management practice in regards to lead time among the three profiles. Medium-sized

businesses, however, have the lowest weighted grand mean which states that they have the least effective

inventory management practice in regard to lead time among the three profiles.

The three tables shown above state that large businesses have a very effective inventory

management practice and the most effective among the three profiles even when grouped.

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