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The Neurohospitalist
1(1) 16-22
Myasthenic Crisis ª The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and
DOI: 10.1177/1941875210382918

1 2
Linda C. Wendell, MD , and Joshua M. Levine, MD

Myasthenic crisis is a complication of myasthenia gravis characterized by worsening of muscle weakness, resulting in respiratory
failure that requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. Advances in critical care have improved the mortality rate associated
with myasthenic crisis. This article reviews the epidemiology of myasthenic crisis and discusses patient evaluation. Therapeutic
options including mechanical ventilation and pharmacological and surgical treatments are also discussed.

myasthenia gravis, autoimmune diseases of the nervous system, neurocritical care clinical specialty, neuromuscular
disease clinical specialty

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disorder affecting hospital. Eighteen percent of patients admitted with myasthe-
neuromuscular transmission, leading to generalized or loca- nic crisis will require discharge to a rehabilitation center.
lized weakness characterized by fatigability. It is the most Advances in mechanical ventilation and critical care have
common disorder of the neuromuscular junction, with an been paramount in improving mortality associated with
2 myasthenic crisis. During the early 1960s, respiratory care of
annual incidence of 0.25-2 patients per 100 000. Myasthenia
gravis is most frequently associated with antibodies against these patients was transitioned from negative external pres-sure
acetylcholine receptors (AChR) in the post-synaptic motor ventilation to positive pressure ventilation in an intensive care
end plate. A second form of myasthenia gravis, usually seen unit. The mortality rate from myasthenic crisis declined from
in young women, involves antibodies against muscle-specific 42% in the early 1960s to 6% by the late 1970s, and the median
4 10
tyrosine kinase (MuSK). A third group of patients has age at death increased. Currently, mortality is 4% and is
antibo-dies to neither AChR nor MuSK, and these patients primarily the result of comorbid medical conditions.
are consid-ered seronegative. Clinically, these patients are
similar to patients with AChR antibodies. Myasthenic crisis
is a com-plication of MG characterized by worsening muscle Assessment of Respiratory Dysfunction in
weak-ness, resulting in respiratory failure that requires Myasthenic Crisis
intubation and mechanical ventilation. A more Myasthenic crisis can involve the upper airway muscles,
comprehensive defini-tion of myasthenic crisis also includes respiratory muscles, or a combination of both muscle
post-surgical patients, in whom exacerbation of muscle 11
5 groups. Both inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscles
weakness from MG causes a delay in extubation. 12
can be affected, manifesting as dyspnea. Inspiration is per-
formed primarily by the diaphragm and external intercostal
Epidemiology muscles and secondarily by the sternocleidomastoid and sca-
lene muscles. Although expiration is primarily passive, the
Fifteen to 20% of myasthenic patients are affected by
1 abdominal and internal intercostal muscles can be recruited to
myasthenic crisis at least once in their lives. The median time to 11
assist. In MG with AChR antibodies, muscle weakness
first myasthenic crisis from onset of MG ranges from 8-12
months. However, myasthenic crisis may be the initial pre-
7,8 1Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA
sentation of MG in one-fifth of patients. Overall, women are
2 Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesiology
twice as likely as men to be affected. A bimodal distribution of and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
myasthenic crisis is seen. An early peak prior to age 55 affects
women 4:1, whereas a later peak after age 55 affects women and Corresponding Author:
men equally. The average age of admission with myasthenic Joshua M. Levine, MD, Hospital of the University of
crisis is almost 59 years. Patients in crisis requir-ing Pennsylvania, Department of Neurology, 3 West Gates, 3400
endotracheal intubation spend a median of 17 days in the Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Email:
Wendell and Levine 17

tends to initially affect the intercostal and accessory muscles decrease in the safety margin or remaining AChR available
and then the diaphragm. for neuromuscular transmission. Nondepolarizing agents (for
Inspiratory function is measured by both vital capacity (VC) example, vecuronium) have increased potency, and reduced
and negative inspiratory force (NIF); expiratory function is doses are required for paralysis.
measured by positive expiratory force (PEF). A VC less than 1 Weaning from the ventilator should be initiated after the
L (or <20-25 mL/kg) or an NIF <20 cm H2O indicates patient demonstrates clinical improvement, typically at a vital
significant respiratory weakness; both measurements are com- capacity of more than 15 mL/kg. Improvement in the
monly used to define myasthenic crisis. In addition, a PEF strength of neck flexors and other adjunct muscles usually is
<40 cm H2O may indicate crisis. Regardless of respiratory associated with improvement in bulbar and respiratory
function indices, the need for mechanical ventilation is a suf- muscle strength and can be a useful tool for assessing clinical
13 20
ficient criterion to define myasthenic crisis. improvement. Patients should be transitioned to a sponta-
Inspiratory and expiratory forces are more sensitive than neous mode of ventilation (eg, pressure support ventilation)
VC in evaluating muscle strength in MG. In a retrospective in which all breaths are patient initiated. Pressure support can
review, repeated measurement of VC did not predict the need then gradually be decreased to minimal settings. If the patient
for intubation and mechanical ventilation in myasthenic cri- does not tolerate weaning, an assisted ventilator setting
16 18
sis. Facial weakness can lead to inaccurate measurements should be reinstituted.
of all 3 indices. At the bedside, recruitment of accessory It remains unclear when first to attempt extubation after
muscles indicates significant inspiratory muscle weakness, myasthenic crisis. Only half of patients are extubated at 13
and a weak cough or difficulty counting to 20 in a single 6
days. In 1 series, 3 independent risk factors for prolonged
breath signifies weakness of the expiratory muscles. intubation (>14 days) were identified: age >50 years, peak
Respiratory dysfunction also manifests as upper airway vital capacity <25 mL/kg on post-intubation days 1 to 6, and
obstruction if weakness of the upper airway or bulbar muscles is a serum bicarbonate 30 mmol/L. All of the patients with no
present. Myasthenic patients with MuSK antibodies pre- risk factors were intubated for less than 2 weeks, whereas
ferentially exhibit bulbar weakness before respiratory muscle 88% of the patients with all 3 risk factors had prolonged
weakness. Upper airway weakness can lead to respiratory intubation. Patients with a prolonged intubation were
failure by oropharyngeal collapse or tongue obstruction and by hospitalized 3 times longer and were less likely to be
increasing the work of already fatigued respiratory muscles functionally independent upon discharge. Thymoma is also
17 8
against a closed airway. Signs of bulbar weakness include associated with a worse prognosis in myasthenic crisis.
dysphagia, nasal regurgitation, a nasal quality to speech, stac- Fluctuating weakness and pulmonary complications often
cato speech, jaw weakness (jaw closure weaker than jaw open- 21
confound the decision to extubate. A maximal expiratory
ing), bifacial paresis, and tongue weakness. pressure has been demonstrated to independently predict extu-
bation success. Extubation failure is most commonly associ-ated
with a weak cough and inadequate airway clearance. Older
Respiratory Management of age, atelectasis, and pneumonia are also associated with
Myasthenic Crisis extubation failure. Tracheostomy placement ranges from
Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation 7,21
Reintubation occurs more than one-fourth of the time.
Respiratory support is imperative in the management of Acidosis, decreased forced vital capacity (FVC), atelectasis,
myasthenic crisis. Two-thirds to 90% of patients with and need for noninvasive ventilatory support are predictors of
myasthenic crisis require intubation and mechanical ventila- 21
reintubation. Two retrospective studies found atelectasis in
6,8 7,21
tion. Over 20% of patients require intubation during all patients requiring reintubation. To prevent atelecta-sis,
evalua-tion in the emergency department, and almost 60% are early intubation, aggressive chest physiotherapy, and fre-
intubated after admission to an intensive care unit. Elective quent suctioning should be implemented and high positive
intubation of a myasthenic patient with impending respiratory end-expiratory pressure given while the patient is mechani-
failure is favored over emergent intubation. Once intubated, cally ventilated. Reintubaton is a significant event because
patients should be placed on an assisted ventilator setting patients requiring reintubation have significantly longer ICU
with tidal volumes of 8-10 cc/kg ideal body weight and and hospital stays.

pressure support of 8-15 cm H2O to prevent atelectasis and to

minimize the work of breathing. The degree of support
required is ulti-mately patient dependent.
18 Noninvasive Ventilation
Neuromuscular blocking agents (paralytics) should be Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) may be used to prevent intuba-
used with caution when intubating MG patients. Depolarizing 22
tion or reintubation of patients in myasthenic crisis. With
agents (for example, succinylcholine) are less potent in bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), positive pressure is
myasthenics because fewer functional post-synaptic AChR applied during both phases of respiration, enhancing airflow and
are available. This decrease in receptors also results in a alleviating the work of breathing during inspiration and
18 The Neurohospitalist 1(1)

Table 1. Precipitants of Myasthenic Crisis Table 2. Symptoms of Cholinergic Crisis

Stressors Medications Nicotinic toxicity

Muscle weakness
Physical stressors a-Interferon
Aspiration pneumonitis Antibiotics Muscarinic toxicity
Infection Aminoglycosides Diaphoresis
Perimenstrual state Gentamicin Excessive tearing
Pregnancy Streptomycin Increased oral and pulmonary secretions
Sleep deprivation Ampicillin Nausea and vomiting
Surgery Macrolides Diarrhea
Environmental Stressors Erythromycin Bradycardia
Emotional stress Quinolones
Pain Ciprofloxacin
Temperature extremes Polymyxin 6
Tapering of immune-modulating Antiepileptics colitis, bacteremia, and sepsis. When compared to patients
medications Gabapentin admitted for non-crisis MG, patients admitted with myasthe-
Phenytoin nic crisis are more likely to experience sepsis, deep vein
b-Adrenergic antagonists thrombosis, and cardiac complications including congestive
Calcium channel antagonists heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and
Contrast media cardiac arrest. These complications, however, are not
Magnesium 9
indepen-dent predictors of mortality. In 1 series, atelectasis,
Methimazole C. diffi-cile colitis, transfusion-dependent anemia, and
Prednisone congestive heart failure were independently associated with a
longer duration of myasthenic crisis, but not with a longer
Quinidine 6
duration of intubation.

preventing airway collapse and atelectasis during

24 Precipitants of Myasthenic Crisis
expiration. One retrospective study found that 20% of
patients in myasthenic crisis could be successfully supported Common precipitants of myasthenic crisis are shown in Table
with NIV. In patients who are initially managed with NIV, 6,8
1. The most common precipitant is infection. One series
endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation should be documented infection in 38% of patients presenting with
initiated if the patient has continued or worsening shortness myasthenic crisis; most commonly, the infection was
of breath, increased work of breathing, tachypnea, or bacterial pneumonia followed by a bacterial or viral upper
hypercapnea. Inde-pendent predictors of NIV success are a 6
respiratory infection. Other precipitants include aspiration
serum bicarbonate <30 mmol/L and an APACHE II score pneumonitis, surgery, pregnancy, perimenstrual state, certain
<6. An independent predictor of NIV failure is hypercapnia medications (see below), and tapering of immune-modulating
24 6,8,11
(PCO2 >45mm Hg). Vital capacity, NIF, and PEF are not medications. Other antecedent factors include exposure
25 to temperature extremes, pain, sleep deprivation, and physical
useful in predicting outcome.
Initial use of NIV is associated with a shorter duration of or emotional stress. Approximately one-third to one-half of
ventilatory support. Patients treated initially with NIV require patients may have no obvious cause for their myasthenic
ventilatory support for a median of 4 days versus 9 days in those crisis.
patients initially intubated. In addition, these patients spend one- Numerous medications may exacerbate MG, including
24 27 28 29
third less time in the ICU and in the hospital. In 2 studies, NIV qui-nidine, procainamide, b-adrenergic antagonists,
22,25 calcium channel antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine,
prevented reintubation in 70% of patients. In patients with
30-32 33
bulbar weakness, NIV might increase the risk of aspiration.
22 felodipine), magnesium, antibiotics (ampicillin,
However, 1 retrospective cohort study found no difference in gentamicin, streptomy-cin, polymyxin, ciprofloxacin,
34-38 39 40
pulmonary complications between those supported with NIV and erythromycin), pheny-toin, gabapentin,
41 42 43
those supported with endotracheal intubation mechanical methimazole, a-interferon, and contrast media. These
ventilation. In patients successfully supported with NIV, there medications should be used cau-tiously in myasthenic
were significantly fewer pulmonary complications.
24 patients, especially after surgery. Any medication suspected
of precipitating myasthenic crisis should be discontinued.
Although corticosteroids can be used in the treatment of
Complications in the Management of MG, initial treatment with prednisone led to an exacerbation
Myasthenic Crisis 44
of MG in almost half of patients in 1 series. The incidence
Fever is the most common complication associated with of myasthenic crisis resulting from corticosteroids ranges
myasthenic crisis. Infectious complications include pneumo- from 9%-18%. Thus, commencement of corticosteroids
nia, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, Clostridium difficile for the treatment of MG should always occur in a hospital
Wendell and Levine 19
Table 3. Comparison of Intravenous Immunoglobulin to Plasma Exchange


Dose 400 mg/kg 5 d One plasma exchange every other day over 10 d
Response Improvement in 4-5 d; effect for 4-8 wk Improvement in 2 d;
effect for 3-4 wk
Advantages More readily available Faster treatment response
Disadvantages Slower treatment response Need for special venous access, equipment, and personnel
Contraindications IgA deficiency Hemodynamic instability, unstable coronary disease, current
internal bleeding
Serious Aseptic meningitis, cardiac arrhythmia, thrombocytopenia, Hemodynamic instability, cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial
complications thrombotic events infarction, hemolysis

Abbreviations: IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin; PE, plasma exchange.

44 49
setting, where respiratory function can be monitored. Pre- occurs in less than 2%. Common complications from PE
dictors of exacerbation from prednisone include older age, include fever, symptoms from hypocalcemia (primarily par-
lower score on the Myasthenia Severity Scale (a clinical esthesias), a transient decrease in blood pressure, and tachy-
45 49,50
assessment tool), and bulbar symptoms. cardia. Other more serious, but less common, adverse
effects include cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and
hemolysis. Response to treatment generally occurs after 2
Cholinergic Crisis 51
days with PE and after 4-5 days with IVIg. For both treat-
Patients taking an excess of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors ments, an effect can be seen for several weeks. If there is
may precipitate a cholinergic crisis characterized by both insufficient or no response to treatment, PE can be given after
15 46,52
muscarinic and nicotinic toxicity (Table 2). Symptoms may IVIg, and IVIg can be administered after PE. Although
include an increase in perspiration, lacrimation, salivation there is a theoretical concern that sequential use of PE after
and pulmonary secretions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, IVIg might result in removal of the IVIg, removal is usually
11,15 done when there has been insufficient response to IVIg, and
bradycar-dia, and fasciculations. Although cholinergic
crisis is an important consideration in the evaluation of the removal of IVIg is therefore of little concern.
patient in myasthenic crisis, it is uncommon. One Some evidence exists that PE may be more effective than
retrospective series of patients with myasthenic crisis found IVIg in the treatment of myasthenic crisis. A retrospective
none of the patients had cholinergic crisis. Regardless of multicenter study including only patients experiencing mya-
whether myasthenic or cholinergic crisis is suspected, sathenic crisis compared the use of 5 or 6 cycles of PE com-
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be significantly pleted every other day to 400 mg/kg/day of IVIg given for 5
lowered or discontinued to avoid excessive pulmonary days and found PE to be more effective. Patients who initially
11 received PE had more clinical improvement at 1 week, better
secretions in the setting of respiratory distress.
respiratory status at 2 weeks, and better functional outcome at 1
month. However, an increased number of complications, mostly
Treatment of Myasthenic Crisis infection and cardiovascular instability, were seen in the PE
group. Conversely, another study prospectively rando-mized
The 2 primary pharmacologic therapies available for myasthe-
patients with an exacerbation of MG to 3 cycles of PE or to IVIg
nic crisis are intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) and plasma
400 mg/kg/day given for 3 or 5 days and found no difference.
exchange (PE) (Table 3). A typical course of IVIg is 400 mg/kg
13 However, this study was not limited to patients in myasthenic
daily for 5 days. Patients should be screened for IgA defi- 54
46 crisis. Overall, one-fifth of patients required a second
ciency to avoid anaphylaxis from IVIg. The most common side treatment with either PE or IVIg. Patients who received IVIg as
effect associated with IVIg is headache. Other complica-tions initial treatment more frequently required a second treatment,
include fever, nausea, IV site discomfort, rash, malaise, aches 53
and pain. More serious adverse events can include asep-tic primarily owing to an absence of early response. In a case
meningitis, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, thrombocy- series of 4 patients in myasthenic crisis who had failed IVIg, all
topenia, and thrombotic events, including stroke, myocardial improved after PE was implemented.
47,48 Corticosteroids are used in conjunction with IVIg and PE.
infarction, and pulmonary embolism. For PE, 5 exchanges
(1 plasma volume or 3-4 L per exchange) are usually per- High-dose prednisone (60-100 mg daily or 1-1.5 mg/kg/d) may
13,49 be initiated concurrently with IVIg or PE, since predni-sone
formed every other day over 10 days. Replacement fluid
is generally a solution of normal saline/5% albumin. Venous begins to work after 2 weeks, at which point the effects of PE
access is obtained via large-bore peripheral catheters, or tem- and IVIg are waning. Enteral administration of corticos-teroids
porary or tunneled double-lumen central venous catheters. is preferred, and initiation of prednisione may be deferred until
Infection and bleeding from obtaining central venous access after the patient is extubated if the patient is
20 The Neurohospitalist 1(1)

rapidly improving with IVIg or PE treatment. Initial thymectomy to improve the likelihood of improvement or
worsening from high-dose prednisone is treated with remission of the disease. One retrospective study found that
continued venti-latory support. The mean time to myasthenic patients who had undergone thymectomy had
improvement with pre-dnisone in 1 series of patients with fewer incidences of myasthenic crisis and less-severe epi-
MG exacerbation was 13 days. Eighty-five percent of sodes. A multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled
patients showed improvement within 3 weeks. Worsening of trial is currently investigating the benefit of thymectomy in
symptoms with the initiation of corticosteroids is not 59
non-thymomatous MG.
predictive of overall response to corti-costeroids. Once the Postoperative myasthenic crisis is common after thymect-
patient has begun to show improve-ment, the prednisone dose 60,61
omy; the incidence ranges from 12% to 34%. Postopera-
can be decreased and gradually converted to alternate-day tive crisis in these patients has been related to a history of
dosing. The most common side effects from prednisone are myasthenic crisis, preoperative presence of bulbar weakness,
a Cushingoid appearance, catar-acts, and weight gain. preoperative serum AChR antibody levels >100 nmol/L, and
Infection, poorly controlled diabetes, and severe osteoporosis intraoperative blood loss of >1 L.
are relative contraindications to insti-tuting corticosteroids.
Cyclosporine may be considered after initiation of IVIg or Conclusions
PE in patients who cannot tolerate or who are refractory to
corticosteroids. However, the onset of action of cyclosporine Myasthenic crisis is a common complication of MG. The
is 1-2 months. Other immunomodulating agents, azathioprine advent of positive pressure ventilation in the 1960s has
and mycophenolate, are not useful in myasthenic crisis decreased mortality and remains the cornerstone of manage-
because of their long latency of action. ment. The majority of patients with myasthenic crisis require
Abnormal laboratory values that could affect muscle endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. A select
strength should also be corrected. Potassium, magnesium, group of patients might benefit from NIV to avoid initial
and phosphate depletion can all exacerbate myasthenic crisis intu-bation or reintubation.
and should be repleted. Hematocrit less than 30% might Factors precipitating myasthenic crisis should be quickly
affect weakness by decreasing oxygen-carrying capacity. identified and promptly mitigated; half of these patients have
Ade-quate nutrition is important to avoid a negative energy no identifiable precipitant. Typically, anticholinesterase inhi-
balance and worsening of muscle strength. bitors are discontinued to avoid excessive secretions while
As mentioned previously, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors the patient is experiencing respiratory failure. Both PE and
are usually discontinued in myasthenic crisis to avoid exces- IVIg, in conjunction with prednisone, may be used to treat
sive bronchial secretions. Additionally, continued use of myasthe-nic crisis. Limited data suggest that PE may be more
these medications confounds the assessment of other treat- effect-ive than IVIg. Thymectomy remains part of treatment
ment modalities and can increase muscle weakness if used in in patients with thymic tumors, but the role of surgery in non-
excess. These medications do not alter the course of the thymomatous MG requires further investigation.
crisis and offer solely symptomatic relief of MG. After
patients have shown definitive improvement in muscle Declaration of Conflicting Interests
strength (usually several days after the initiation of IVIg or The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interests with respect
PE), acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, typically oral pyridostig- to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
mine, may be reinitiated after or just prior to extubation.
Oral pyridostigmine is preferred, but it may be given intrave- Financial Disclosure/Funding
nously. One milligram of intravenous pyridsotigmine is equal The author(s) received no financial support for the research and/or
to 30 mg of oral pyridostigmine. Patients should be started on authorship of this article.
a low dose of the medication that is titrated to symptomatic
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