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A small guide to stay safe(ish) while fighting bots

These topics pop up on occasion:

I'm green text in-game (chat mod) so I sometimes get contacted by frustrated players:

Some sandbox pundits think people need a bunch of shiny PvE content to engage in the game and
distract them enough to not minding playing the victim over and over:


Looking at an often used example, EVE PvE has a lot to offer. And the same could (and should) be done for

I could say active fishing/whaling game, EXPLORATION, more in depth trading etc.

This is a basement of any game, even for PvPers: giving them... Preys.

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
I think this is truly idiotic but the dudes honestly believe this. ¯\_(ツ )_/¯

People either like or feel forced to hump bots. “Pros” like to jump people doing it or ambush them
as they come out. I have no sympathy for people who engage in such weak-ass PvP.

This guide will help you reduce your exposure to such inane sandbox heroes. If you go out into
OW you will be at risk, this is fine, the slower the ship the more exposed you are. If you’re one of
those who likes to be left alone with your L’Ocean I can only help a tiny bit.

Before you go out into OW synchronise Felix’ map with OW, it may help you orientate when
coming out of an instance. Always note your heading when going into a fight, you’ll have the
same heading when you get out. If possible make it easy for yourself to run to safety when you get

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
out, after you’re done with the bots you have about 15 minutes to plan where
to zoom with accelerated invisibility when you click out into OW.

The admiralty Kill missions are private and people can’t jump you when you enter those (?),
before clicking in point your ship towards where you believe you’ll have the most safety
(reinforcement zone, ports, forts…). When you tag a bot in the reinforcement zone (R zone) you
won’t be able to call in bots to help you and the forts won’t shoot at your enemy [correction:
@Banished Privateer confirms that forts will shoot at enemy players] but your countrymen will
have 30 minutes to come join and help you. If you’re jumped in the R-zone make sure to bring up
the nation chat and tell everyone where the fight is, remember you can bring up chat inside the
instance. If it’s the typical gank group try to waste as much of their time as possible, both to allow
help to arrive but also to bore them as much as possible. They’re griefing you so feel free to return
the favour: Fire ship, run, surrender or whatever you think will annoy them the most. Do not rage
in chat because they feed on that.

How to tag an OW bot or fleet.

You should always scan the horizon, but be extra vigilant right before and if possible while the tag
timer counts down. The two minute timer is long enough for ships beyond visual range to join
before your fight closes, this only applies to windward ships so keep the keenest eye upwind.

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
Make it a habit to tag with optimal wind position as that gives you a
favourable fighting position or the option to extend and escape should you get jumped. Let the
timer run for two minutes while you “escape” before engaging.

The instance jumpers will inherit the relative bot position when they join and will have a hard time
catching up with you. A gank group may have a smaller upwind sailer and with the weather gauge
you’ll be able to seriously put out hurt on the small ships separated from their cavalry.

If you’re chased by gankers in OW you can proactively tag bots with favourable wind and draw
out the chase or get lucky and escape with accelerated invisibility.

Don’t grow up to become a ganker or instance jumper yourself. That stuff is for the weak minds.
You need real fights and shit like that won’t sustain you but rather rot your brain.


Made a youtube pretty out of this to make life harder for you shitheads... Bite me!

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
Edited January 11 by jodgi
addendum and spelling and video

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Percival Merewether

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Posted January 4

Very good guide,

Although always keep this in mind.. if you encourage this:

On 1/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, jodgi said:

If you’re chased by gankers in OW you can proactively tag bots with favourable wind and draw
out the chase or get lucky and escape with accelerated invisibility.

You lose your right to complain about this:

On 1/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, jodgi said:

People either like or feel forced to hump bots. “Pros” like to jump people doing it or ambush them
as they come out. I have no sympathy for people who engage in such weak-ass PvP.

On 1/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, jodgi said:

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid
Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
Don’t grow up to become a ganker or instance jumper yourself. That stuff is
for the weak minds. You need real fights and shit like that won’t sustain you but rather rot your

Many PvP'ers if asked politely during battle will often help you get the ship back or simply accept
a 1v1 duel with no kill. The gain from PvP these days are minimal (better to hunt AI traders), so I
would recommend a good tone in battle since most people tag because they think PvP is more fun
- not because they stand to win something.

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Posted January 4 (edited)

Think this explains quite well how the tagging circle works

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC

Edited January 4 by Wyy

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 12:22 PM, Percival Merewether said:
Many PvP'ers if asked politely during battle will often help you get the ship back or simply accept
a 1v1 duel with no kill.

True, I would say "some" or "few", though. Just because you're one of the good guys does not
make it the norm.

On 1/4/2019 at 12:22 PM, Percival Merewether said:

You lose your right to complain about this:

I'll never not complain about ganking ;). "Playing it smart" is such a hindrance to fun; It's other
people's fun, not mine. Sorry.

Salty Sails

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Posted January 4

Don’t forget, learn to read the combat news! 😂

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
If players would learn to read the combat news, they would know, where
it is dangerous. But most players sailing brainless/afk with their consti classic or Christian. So it’s
not my fault when they are crying in forums or nation chat, when they lose their best ships.

BTW. I don’t care about if the enemies it’s a new player or an old player. Since you can’t see the
rank and name. Sink them all, or try it at least. Playerbase is down, so you will be happy about
every enemy or fight in ow where u can join.

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Percival Merewether

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 12:41 PM, jodgi said:

I'll never not complain about ganking ;). "Playing it smart" is such a hindrance to fun; It's other
people's fun, not mine. Sorry.

I think one of the major problems in the game today is that every involuntary fight is considered a
gank - even a Surprise vs Victory.

Unfair tactics such as waiting on top of a battle is certainly a hindrance to fun, but so is tagging an
AI fleet to escape, sitting under the forts or calling for a revenge fleet. In the end the game allows
it, so I'd always direct my critism at the game rather than the individuals playing it.

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
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Banished Privateer
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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, jodgi said:

and the forts won’t shoot at your enemy

Forts will shoot at players.

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Slim McSauce

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 1:09 PM, Percival Merewether said:

I think one of the major problems in the game today is that every involuntary fight is considered a
gank - even a Surprise vs Victory.

Unfair tactics such as waiting on top of a battle is certainly a hindrance to fun, but so is tagging an
AI fleet to escape, sitting under the forts or calling for a revenge fleet. In the end the game allows
it, so I'd always direct my critism at the game rather than the individuals playing it.

sitting under forts is the only fair one of these, since that's a part of the game world, while tagging
and revenge fleeting is mostly abusing the magic that is OW.

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Banished Privateer

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Posted January 4 (edited)

On 1/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, jodgi said:

Don’t grow up to become a PvE'r or carebear yourself. That stuff is for the weak minds. You need
real PvP fights and shit like that won’t sustain you but rather rot your brain.


Just did a tiny correction 😏

Edited January 4 by Banished Privateer

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Posted January 4

Probably the best guide ever made. I thougt jodgis fishing guide was the ultimate tutorial, but
jodgis safety guide arises as a new standard of guide quality.
Unique features:

 posted in the right subforum

 has tags
 written by jodgi, best author ever
 dank ASCII meme
 obligatory GIF meme
 great formatting
 very helpful visualization
 from the maker of "jodgis fishing guide"
 uncovers superior tactics used only by the best players such as "use wind", "use eyes" or
"use memes"
 it just works

Cant wait for jodgis next masterpiece.

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 1:19 PM, Havelock said:

... 14

I suggested he should make a movie of this guide^^

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 1:09 PM, Percival Merewether said:

I think one of the major problems in the game today is that every involuntary fight is considered a
gank - even a Surprise vs Victory.

Unfair tactics such as waiting on top of a battle is certainly a hindrance to fun, but so is tagging an
AI fleet to escape, sitting under the forts or calling for a revenge fleet. In the end the game allows
it, so I'd always direct my critism at the game rather than the individuals playing it.
Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid
Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
We have this unavoidable break between OW and instance so it's all but
impossible to make it "perfect". It's just my guilty pleasure to pretend shaming gankers will do any
good at all. I don't disagree with you, I simply wanted Legends.

On 1/4/2019 at 1:09 PM, Banished Privateer said:

Forts will shoot at players.

Thanks! Will fix. Didn't know as I've never tagged a bot inside R zone close to the forts and then 15
been jumped.

On 1/4/2019 at 1:15 PM, Banished Privateer said:


did tiny correction 😏

Dude, you know I'm the greatest PvE player on the War server!

@Havelock, Stahp! You're making me blush.

@z4ys Don't pressure me!

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Posted January 4 (edited)

On 1/4/2019 at 1:27 PM, jodgi said:
Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid
Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
Stahp! You're making me blush.

Have my babies!

Reveal hidden contents

Edited January 4 by Havelock


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Banished Privateer

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Posted January 4 (edited)

I don't wanna ruin jodgis efforts to make prey safe, but he missed 3 the most important things to
keep you safe.

1. Attack stuff underneath forts, don't sail away from them

2. Put circles on land for enemy side (denies the option to join for attackers)

3. Be a good PvP player. To be honest, for the past year or so, I literally ignore 90% of tips of
safety PvE rules and even sail up to Gustavia waters on SOLs to do my "Kill missions" solo.
Whenever someone tries to gank me in PvE, I simply fend off or even kill them if they don't
manage to run away.

Conclusion? To be a successful PvE player, you must be a good PvP player 🤣

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC
Edited January 4 by Banished Privateer

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Posted January 4
On 1/4/2019 at 1:35 PM, Banished Privateer said:

I don't wanna ruin jodgis efforts to make prey safe, but he missed 3 the most important things to
keep you safe.

1. Attack stuff underneath forts, don't sail away from them

2. Put circles on land for enemy side (denies option to join for attackers)

3. Be a good PvP player. To be honest, for the past year or so, I literally ignore 90% of tips of
safety PvE rules and even sail up to Gustavia waters on SOLs to do my "Kill missions" solo.
Whenever someone tries to gank me in PvE, I simply fend off or even kill them if they don't
manage to run away.

Good stuff!

Remember my imaginary and absent target audience would be guys that struggle and not you.
(That cues us into @z4ys nagging me to put it on YT, apparently the plebs live there)
Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid
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Posted January 4

I think it would be great if the devs linked new player guides like this on the steam page at least.
Most players that need it might not even use the forum at all. Good job, jodgi!

Norfolk nChance

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Posted January 4 (edited)

Yoda @jodgi Master Jedi,

I do believe we’ve had this conversation before regarding The Jodgi Chronicles...

Tis about time and long overdue Master Jedi maybe @admin should help?

These will only link to the main General Discussions page and Guides page on the right of the
screen. However, YOU need to do a Guide on the TOP ROW guides page and link it into
FORUM etc...

Great Guide and good follow up POST feedback as well.

I would like to see more...

Norfolk nStormtrooper

Edited January 4 by Norfolk nChance

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Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

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Suricato Rojo

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Posted January 4

Ideal tag for missions and pvp...

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Licinio Chiavari

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Posted January 5
On 1/4/2019 at 1:35 PM, Banished Privateer said:

3. Be a good PvP player. To be honest, for the past year or so, I literally ignore 90% of tips of
safety PvE rules and even sail up to Gustavia waters on SOLs to do my "Kill missions" solo.
Whenever someone tries to gank me in PvE, I simply fend off or even kill them if they don't
manage to run away.

Conclusion? To be a successful PvE player, you must be a good PvP player 🤣

Best suggestion.

As I recently said, not all could get time and skill (and the gear too) to be among the best, but
everybody can get the experience to be still good (or very good) in PvP.

Best way to learn is the hard way: being sunk. Also being ganked: you'll see how gankers gank, or
how they manouver.

And quoting @z4ys best way to help the hunter is... Fleeing: giving him best position (usually
behind slight upwind) to let him do his stuff.

Calle Goya, 23, 4º Dcha. - 28001 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 577 99 72 - – - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC

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