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Half-Elven 7th level Summoner (Spirit Summoner - Battle)

Strength 19 (+2 racial bonus included, +1 level bonus included)
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14

Heirloom Weapon (falchion proficiency)
Community-Minded (morale bonuses conferred on yourself or allies last 2 rounds longer)

(Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Weapon Finesse & Eschew Materials for free)
1st Extra Evolution
1st Skill Focus: Survival
3rd Combat Reflexes
5th Weapon Focus: Falchion
6th Spell Focus: Conjuration (via Fetish Hex replacement)
7th Augment Summoning

Class features:
Battle Spirit (allies gain +1 morale bonus to attack & damage for 3+CHA rds/day, standard action)
Battle Master Hex (one additional Attack of Opportunity/rd)
Shield Ally (+2 AC & +2 saves when adjacent to Eidolon)
Fetish Hex (Spell Focus: Conjuration)
Hampering Hex (-4 to AC & CMD for level/rds. Will save DC 13 reduces it to 1 rd)
Spells known:
(0 – unlimited, 1st - 5, 2nd - 4, 3rd - 1)
0 level Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Read Magic
1st Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Rejuvenate Eidolon, Shield, Expeditious Retreat
2nd Communal Protection vs. Evil, Haste, Summon Eidolon, Lesser Evolution Surge
3rd Summon Monster IV, Evolution Surge

Linguistics 7 ranks +11 mod.
Common, Elven, Minkian, Abyssal, Giant, Goblin, Shoanti, ---, ---
Knowledge: Arcana 4 ranks +8 mod
Knowledge: History 8 ranks +12 mod.
Knowledge: Local 4 ranks +8 mod
Knowledge: Nature 6 ranks +10 mod.
Spellcraft 4 ranks +8 mod.
Survival 1 rank +3 mod.
Use Magic Device 6 ranks +11 mod.

Masterwork Chain Shirt, +2 Falchion (grants Outflank as the feat), Sihedron Shield Brooch (+4 shield
bonus to AC, +2 to Reflex saves for 7 minutes/day; standard action to activate, can activate as
Immediate action at the cost of 1 minute)

HP 59 (HD 8d8+16), AC 16, Fort +4, Reflex +4, Will +5, +2 vs. Enchantments
Move 30’, Initiative +2
Falchion: +12, 2d4+8
[Attack +5 BAB, +4 STR, +2 Falchion, +1 Focus]
[Damage 2d4 +6 STR, +2 Falchion]

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