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Address Calle 55 # 42 – 28, Apt. 602, Medellín – Colombia
Telephone +57 311 834 85 19
Nationality Colombian
Date of birth 3th December 1955


The experience of more than 35 years of professional experience in the private, public, non-profit
organizations, and academia sectors, which added to my high-profile academic training, plus my permanent
training and research in various areas, mainly in Sustainable Development in Environmental, Social,
Economic and Government, as well as Social Innovation with Living Labs, Smart Cities, Cities and Territories
of Knowledge, among others, they have allowed me to acquire and accumulate the knowledge and skills
necessary for better job performance, such as::
Professional skills: Creativity and Innovation. Initiative. Teamwork. Proactivity. Natural leadership. Holistic,
systemic and comprehensive interpretation and thinking. Ability to plan and prioritize tasks with effective
information processing and analysis. Excellent editing, analysis and synthesis of information and report writing.
Critical thinking with reasoning, logic and emotional intelligence. Expert with excellent management of ICT and
social networks. I work under pressure. Ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts and argumentation problems.
Timely decision making. Skills to express and understand emotions in the work and missionary environment.
Rationalization. Adaptability. Adequate oral and written communication in Spanish and English.
Social skills: Professional with an open mind and receptive to the environment, who acts with empathy in
an adequate interrelation with others; Ability to persuasion and assertive and fluid communication, both both
cross-sectional and bottom-up.
Personal attitudes: Constant optimism, respect, sincerity, punctuality and sense of responsibility.
All of the above has allowed me, from my training, professional experience in the public and private sector, and
as a researcher, to be an expert in Innovation -mainly in the organizational and social-, and Knowledge
Management, which I have applied with great emphasis In the last 15 years, in the creation, development, and
implementation of policies, programs and projects, as a director, advisor or consultant for government,
academia, NGOs and unions, and also in consultancies on Territories of Knowledge and Smart Cities with
Sustainable Development in the Social, Environmental, Economic and Government spheres.
All this allows me to perform efficiently and successfully in various areas of work, which has been improved
in the last 20 years, with passion and dedication, making things happen, through permanent and
continuous research, in addition to knowledge, adaptation and application of the best practices worldwide,
learned in participation in national and international congresses and events, or as an international jury for
the selection of the intelligent community of the year, as well as in the daily update, as a culture of self-
training. See more details in CV in Spanish online:

Management of Innovation and Knowledge, with emphasis on Organizational and Social Innovation, as
well as for the modernization of the state. Leader in the research and formulation of the New Educational
Model for 125 municipalities of the Department of Antioquia in Colombia (6,5 million inhabitants).
Researcher and lecturer in Sustainable Development. Expert, researcher and leader of the ICT Ministry
(pioneer in Colombia since 2004) in Intelligent Communities and Smart Cities, as well as in Territories of
Knowledge with Sustainable Development in the social, environmental, economic and governmental
spheres. Formulation and development and implementation of Projects with Living Labs methodology with
an emphasis on citizen participation and Open and Collaborative Innovation.

Extensive professional experience of more than 35 years. I was also a public official in managerial positions
for more than 12 years at the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies -ICT; Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation; Senate of Colombia; Government of the Departments of Antioquia and
Risaralda, among others; and more than 15 years in senior management positions in the private sector in
companies and organizations such as: Center for Innovation and Technological Development 'Country of
Knowledge'; Observatory of Science and Technology of Colombia, among others. See more on LinkedIn: and some of my online certifications:


Dates: 9st September, 2009 – 7st January 2017, and January 28, 2019
- Present day
Employer Name: Center for Innovation and Technological Development – CIDT
'Country of Knowledge' (
Job Title: Managing Director
City and Country: Bogotá and Medellín - Colombia
Address: Avenida El Dorado # 68C-61, Of. 514; Torre Central Davivienda
Phone Number: +573118348519; Postal Code: 110931
Main activities: Specialized in Intelligent and Knowledge Territories, Living Labs
and Open Innovation with community-oriented social emphasis.
Responsibilities: Direct, plan, organize and control the execution of plans,
programs, projects and activities of the organization.

Dates: January 13, 2017 - January 23, 2019

Employer Name: Government of Antioquia - Departmental Education Secretariat
(, and
Job Title: Director of Strategic Projects
City and Country: Medellín – Colombia
Address: Calle 42B # 52- 106, La Alpujarra, Ed. José María Córdova
Phone Number: 574 409 9000; Postal Code: 050015
Main activities: Responsible for policies, strategies, programs, projects of Education
for 117 municipalities not certified by the Ministry of Education.
Responsibilities: - Follow up the programs and projects of the Development Plan
of the Department of Antioquia in execution in the Secretariat,
and verify their proper formal registration in the bank of
programs and projects.
- Guide, approve and verify the process of investment of
resources of the solidary sector in formal education in
accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of National
- Generate strategies of articulation and intervention with 117
municipalities not certified by the Ministry of National Education,
and other dependencies of the Departmental Administration,
which allow educational attention to differentiated populations, in
accordance with the current regulations.
- Formulate projects that favor the improvement and adaptation
of learning environments and adoption of educational models.
- Prioritize and manage investment projects that allow raising
quality indicators and compliance with institutional goals.
- Follow up on the projects agreed with the Ministry of National
Education and guide the actions required to materialize
national and international agreements.

Dates: October - December 2010 / December 2012 - February 2013

Employer Name: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - Minciencias
Job Title: Coordination ICT Strategic Plan for the National System of
Science, Technology and Innovation
City and Country: Bogotá - Colombia
Address: Avenida Calle 26 # 57 - 83, Tower 8 - Floors 2 to 6
Phone Number: +5716258480; Postal Code: 111321
Main activities: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Before
COLCIENCIAS) promotes the policies to foster the Science,
Technology and Innovation - CTeI in Colombia. Activities inherent
in the fulfillment of its mission involves agreements on promotion
policies aimed at the production of knowledge, the construction of
the CTeI system capabilities, and the facilitation of the circulation
and use of such capacities and knowledge for the integral
development of the country, and the welfare of Colombian people.
Responsibilities: - Propose a course of action according to the current state of
Colciencias (Today MinCiencias) Information System, in the
context of the restructuring of the institution.
- Develop technical and administrative concepts to the General
Directorate against existing contractual running processes and
Colciencias recruitment process in relation to ICT.
- Propose an Action Plan for ICT of the Colciencias Information
System, facing National Science, Technology and Innovation
System -NSCTeI-.
Dates: September - December 2008 / April - July 2009
Employer Name: Congress of Colombia (
Job Title: Senior Advisor and Coordinator of the Legislative Technical Unit
of the Vice President of the Senate
City and Country: Bogotá - Colombia
Address: National Capitol. Bolivar Plaza; New Congress Building
Phone Number: +5713823000; Postal Code: 111711
Main activities: The Senate, as part of the legislative branch of government, in
fulfillment of sovereign representation that the people entrusted to
him, autonomy exercised the constituent and legislative functions;
political and public control; judicial, electoral, and protocol relating
to the administration of the institution.
Responsibilities: Support the Vice President in the study of projects that reach
plenary for discussion corresponding mainly all related to
Information Technology, the Comnicaciones, Environment,
Habitat, Education and Science, Technology and Innovation

Dates: November 2006 - August 2007

Employer Name: Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies
of Colombia (
Job Title: National Director of Access and Social Development of ICT
City and Country: Bogotá – Colombia
Address: Cra. 8a between 12A and 12B streets; Murillo Toro Building
Phone Number: +5713443460; Postal Code: 111711
Main activities: The Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies is
the entity that is responsible for designing, adopting and promoting
policies, plans, programs and projects in the information and
communications technologies sector, increasing and facilitating
access for all inhabitants of the country to the ICT.
Responsibilities: - Directing policy and criteria to strengthen access, use and
social benefit of Information and Communications
Technologies for the country.
- Directing the formulation, implementation and monitoring of
projects that promote access, use and social benefit of
technology and information and communications services for
the entire Colombian population, promoting their proper use by
different sectors.
- Leading the establishment of mechanisms and instruments to
ensure compliance with the social responsibility of the media, in
order to ensure their effective contribution to social, economic,
cultural and political development of the country and the different
human groups that make up the Colombian nation.
- Design mechanisms and necessary measures to ensure the
inhabitants of the national territory the right to information and
their effective participation in the mass media.
- Orienting research process to identify and characterize the
needs of the population in terms of access, use and exploitation
of information and communications technologies, as well as the
impact of these on the living conditions of the population.

Dates: September 2005 - November 2006 / September 2007 – August 2009

Employer Name: TECICOM.COM
Job Title: General Manager
City and Country: Bogotá – Colombia
Address: Calle 26 # 13 - 69, Of. 902
Phone Number: +573118348519
Main activities: Specialized in ICT projects; Sustainable Development (Social,
Environmental, Economic and Government); Intelligent and
Knowledge Territories; Social Innovation; Living Labs and Open
Responsibilities: Direct, plan, organize and control the execution and monitoring of
plans, programs, projects and activities of the company, carried
out through specialized consultancies and advisory services.


June 2000 - (two months pending)
Title of qualification awarded:Specialization in Public Management and Fiscal Control
Principal subjects / occupational High training in Public Management and its interface with the
skills covered:
Fiscal Control, using planning systems and information and
communications technologies as a tool
Name and type of organization Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá
providing education and training: (

Dates: June 1995 – August 1996

Title of qualification awarded: Specialization in Development Projects
Principal subjects / occupational High training in formulation, structuring, execution, control and
skills covered: monitoring of projects, both with the State and with the private sector.
Name and type of organization Superior School of Public Administration, ESAP
providing education and training: (

Dates: May 1994 – November 1995

Title of qualification awarded: Specialization in Financial Management
Principal subjects / occupational High training in business administration with an emphasis on
skills covered: Planning Systems and Organizational Development Systems for
productivity, competitiveness and efficiency, to practice in the
State and in the private sector.
Name and type of organization School of Business Administration, EAN
providing education and training: (
June 1980 – June 1982
Title of qualification awarded:Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects / occupational Master in Mechanical Engineering in a high productivity
skills covered:
environment for the design and construction of machinery that
manufactures other machines. The Degree Thesis, which was
qualified with the highest grade, involved the design for the
assembly of a machinery production plant.
Name and type of organization Rossiyskiy Universitet Druzhby Narodov – RUDN, Moscow
providing education and training: – Russia;,
About the University: RUDN is one of the most important universities in Russia and
Europe ( It is a scientific and educational
complex that has ten main faculties (including the faculty of
engineering), three continuing education faculties, three general
university cathedras, seven institutes, 33 scientific and
educational centers, more than 150 laboratories and academic
research centers.
The particular feature of RUDN is its multinational character:
among undergraduate and graduate students there are
representatives and ethnic groups from more than 158 countries
around the world.

September 1976 – June 1980
Title of qualification awarded:Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects / occupational High and qualified training as an engineer, with a strong emphasis
skills covered:
on practice and research, accompanied by very high profile
scientists in different areas of mechanical engineering. The
Engineering faculty has more than 3000 students, 16
departments, more than 240 teachers, among them 17
corresponding members and academicians of various academies
of sciences, 46 full professors and 110 PhDs.
Name and type of organization Rossiyskiy Universitet Druzhby Narodov – RUDN, Moscow -
providing education and training: Russia (


Mother tongue: Spanish
Other languages:
English: Listening C1(European level)
Reading C1
Speaking B2-C1
Writing C1-C2
Russian: Listening C1
Reading C1
Speaking B2-C1
Writing C1
Technical skills and competences: Visionary, prospectivist and predictive, have the special ability to
get ahead in trends, from which structure projects. I articulate very
well the various spheres of influence of a territory, no matter its size,
seeking to harmonize all its components as if they were a puzzle.
Business techniques, marketing knowledge and skills especially for
training purposes. Skills in giving presentations, negotiating,
telephoning, business meetings.

ICT skills and competences: Good ability with general office automation, PC skills, Windows,
Microsoft Office, among others utilities of ICT. Also advanced
knowledge of website, social networks, video edition. The
computer and / or my cell phone is my office wherever I´am. I have
this culture for over 10 years. I am a user ‘zero paper’.

Other skills and competences: I am restless by nature, a researcher, and since I was little I have
been scrutinizing everything that catches my attention. I have
skills for public and commercial relations. I am very accessible
for important matters. I know the Colombian public procurement
system very well. I consider myself a good expert in public
management, which is very necessary to propose large projects
such as Sustainable Development, Social Innovation, Living
Labs and Smart Cities, among others. I get a good empathy with
people very quickly.

License & Certification: - Colombian Driver's License: B1 - Particular and C1 – Public.

- Professional Engineer Certificate issued by the National
Professional Council of Electrical, Mechanical and Related
Professions Engineering.


In the last 20 years I have been participating passively and actively in
various national and international congresses and events, related to
different areas around Sustainable Development, Open and Collaborative
Innovation, Social Innovation, Living Labs and Smart Cities.
I have also given conferences, forums, seminars and workshops in
universities, public entities, unions and civil organizations, both in national
and international events and congresses, many of which are related to
Knowledge Management, Sustainable Development, Social Innovation,
appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and
Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI), Smart Cities, Process
Management, as well as public and private management, among others.
Some topics addressed are the following:
- New Educational Model for the Department of Antioquia
- Institutional Modernization
- Specialization in Knowledge Management - Uniminuto 2012,
- Information Systems
- Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
- Configuration and implementation of computer networks
- Forming and supporting citizen oversight
- State structure and the role of the citizen
- Systemic approach to public administration
- Organizational development
- Planning Systems
- Participatory planning with citizen participation
- Evaluation of Management and Results and methodological
development, from a Development Plan of the territory
- Government Online
- Digital Cities and Smart Cities
- Intelligent Territories with sustainable development in the social,
environmental, economic and governmental spheres
- Colombia towards a Knowledge Country
- Antioquia, Department of Knowledge as a Living Lab
- Medellin, International City of Knowledge
- Pereira, City of Knowledge, as a Living Lab, among others.

Research work highlights:
- Evaluation of the Strategic Plan of ICT for Colciencias (Today
Minciencias), Bogotá 2013 (
- Living Lab 'Pereira, City of Knowledge', Pereira 2012
- Technology Transfer Unit - UTT, from the Colombian Polytechnic
'Jaime Isaza Cadavid', Medellín 2011 (
- Methodological design of a process from Technological Surveillance
for the Polytechnic 'Jaime Isaza Cadavid', Medellín 2011
- Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge', Medellin 2011
- Creating a Telematic Network in the Department of Risaralda, Pereira 1995
- Joint Venture for the Bank of Machinery from Department of
Risaralda; Pereira 1994.
Some publications:
1. Model Management from Automotive Park in the State, December
1996 (
2. Evaluation Model of Management and Results from the Municipal
Development Plans, September 1998 (
3. How to fight the corruption in the State in Colombia, Sept. 2002
4. Telecommunications in Colombia and the Free Trade Agreement -
FTA with the United States, June 2004 (
5. National Policy from Digital Territories, May 2007
(, among others.
Some articles published:
- Plans Development of new mayors and governors and Intelligent
Territories with Sustainable Development - April 2016
- The Intelligent Territories and Open Innovation in Colombia -
November 2013 (;
- Smart Cities or Smart Territories - Cities of the Future - May 2013
- What are the Living Labs? - June 2011 (;
- What are the Knowledge Territories? - May 2011 (;
- Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia - December 2010
- State of the Art in Innovation for Productivity and Competitiveness of
Antioquia - December 2010 (;
- State Policy: 'Colombia, Land of Knowledge' - August 2010
- Open and Collaborative Innovation - June 2010 (;
- Colombia, toward a country of Knowledge - June 2009
- Colombia is itself changing. Are we prepared to positively guide these
changes? - May 2009 (;
- Education in Colombia and Interactive Boards - June 2008
- The National Plan of Information and Communications Technologies
- ICT - June 2008 (;
- Digital Cities and Departments in Territorial Development Plans,
2008-2011 - April 2008 (;
- Digital Territory - January 2008 (;
- Education as the essence of Colombia, toward a Country of
Knowledge - November 2007 (;
- Digital Territories and Education in the National Development Plan -
November 2007 (;
- Colombia, Country of Knowledge - July 2007 (

- Member and International Jury of the Intelligent Community Forum
- Member of the European Network of Living Lab - ENoLL since 2009,
organization that is born at the request of the European Commission:;
- Evaluator and International Jury of ENoLL for 7a and 8a Calls (waves)
for Living Labs;
- Member of the Ibero-American Community of Knowledge Systems -
- Creator and promoter of Network of Living Labs and Innovation
Spaces of Colombia - LAVICOL:;
Under my leadership and coordination, it is achieved certify by the
European Network of Living Labs - ENoLL, seven (7) main projects as
Living Labs in the years 2011 ( and 2012
( These are the projects:
In the year 2011:
1. Antioquia, Department of Knowledge (,
presented by the Knowledge Country Foundation
2. Medellin Digital tovard Smart City, presented by Digital Medellin
3. Digital City 'Ciudad Bolivar' from Bogota, presented by the District
University of Bogota (
4. ICT Cluster Bogotá, presented by ESICenter Sinertic Andino
5. Red Lifeguard, presented by RedSalvavidas (
6. Collective Intelligence, presented by Knowledge Factory
In the year 2012:
7. Pereira, City of Knowledge, presented by the Knowledge Country
Foundation (

Dated: 05 January, 2021

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