Treatments Biological Therapy

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Biological Therapy
Biological therapy is an advanced form of treatment that aims to restore the normal
function of the immune system or stimulate it to work against conditions such as
arthritis, Crohn's disease, cancer and more. These treatments utilize substances called
biological response modifiers (BRMs), which are naturally produced by the body in
small amounts to fight disease, as an effective response to autoimmune disorders.
There are several different biological therapies available to manage these conditions.
The best type of therapy depends on the type and severity of your condition.
Some of the most commonly used biological therapies include:
Monoclonal antibodies
Colony-stimulating factors
These therapies can also be used to stimulate the immune system to reduce the side
effects of other treatment options.
As with any type of treatment, there are certain side effects associated with biological
therapy. These side effects vary depending on the type of therapy performed, but may
include flu-like symptoms, a rash, bruising, bleeding and more. Dr. Shanahan will
discuss these side effects with you and address any concerns you may have prior to

Gout Treatments
Since gout develops as a result of too much uric acid in the blood that then leads to
painful arthritic symptoms, treatment for this condition focuses on reducing and
maintaining uric acid levels. With normal uric acid levels, many patients are able to
experience symptom relief and prevention of painful flare-ups.
There are several different treatments available for gout, depending on each patient's
individual condition. Dr. Shanahan will develop a customized treatment plan for each
patient based on their individual condition. Certain dietary changes can help reduce the
amount of uric acid in the blood. It is important to avoid purine-rich foods such as
shellfish, organ meats and certain vegetables. Limiting alcohol intake and managing
weight overall can help reduce attacks of gout symptoms.
For most patients, medication will be recommended to relieve pain and inflammation in
the affected joint. This may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS),
corticosteroids or colchicine. These medications may be prescribed to be taken when
symptoms are present or to help reduce the occurrence of flare-ups.
Certain medications may also be taken over a prolonged period in order to lower uric
acid levels and reduce the risk of complications such as kidney stones, kidney disease
and other types of arthritis. These may include Benemid, Anturane and Allopurinol.
These medications are usually administered after acute attacks have ceased.

Joint Injections
Steroid and viscoelastic supplementation injections are advanced treatment options for
patients with arthritis, gout and other sources of joint pain that have not responded well
to exercise and oral medications. These injections deliver relief directly to the source of
the pain and are considered safe for nearly all patients.
They can be used to relieve pain in nearly any joint affected by an inflammatory
condition, including the:
Corticosteroid injections consist of cortisone and provide immediate anti-inflammatory
relief directly to the affected joint. Some injections may be administered with a local
anesthetic to reduce any potential discomfort. Most patients experience effective
symptom relief within a few days, with only a minimal risk of side effects. Results can
vary significantly from a few days to a few months.
Viscoelastic supplementations such as Orthovisc, Euflexxa and Hyalgan are made from
hyaluronan, a substance naturally found in healthy joint fluid, to help cushion, protect
and lubricate the knee for significant symptom relief. These injections are administered
on a weekly basis and can relieve pain for up to six months, although results may vary
depending on the individual and the type of injection.

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