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Approved by the Committee for Co-operative Education on September 2018

Updated September 2018

Guideline for Co-OpPoster Preparation


Poster Presentation
Poster presentation is a form of presentation that employs the use of visual components.
It is often accompanied by an oral presentation, where students have to demonstrate their
communication skills by delivering their knowledge of their internship/ placement to
their lecturers and other students.

Guidelines of Poster Design

Progam: Posters must be designed in POWERPOINT. The poster should be designed as
a single power point slide.

Page Set-Up: Setting for specific design parameters. The PAGE SETUP (which is
located under DESIGN in Power Point) should be set as follows:
Height = 24”
Width = 36” to 48”

Clearly Define Content Sections: Create separate sections for each set of content. This
helps to visually separate key points from each other. Include clear titles for each section;
the titles should explain the sections’ foci.

Font Size: Posters should use a variety of font sizes to draw more/less attention to certain
elecments on the poster. The largest fonts should be reserved for the project’s title and the
section titles. The smallest font size is 24”; however, the font sizes generally should be
larger than 24 point.

Poster Size: A2

Guideline for Co-Op Poster Presentation Content

Title: The title should be a company name of the internship. E.g. Internship at ABC Sdn.

Introduction: The poster should begin with an introduction that includes:

 The student’s name and internship position
 The company’s name and internship location

Poster Guideline – Effec. 09/2018

Guideline for Co-OpPoster Preparation

 The internship date (Commencement date – End date)

Abstract: The internship abstract should provide a concise summary of what was done
and what was learned.

Learning Objectives: Include a list the primary learning objectives (maximum THREE (3)
objectives) that were planned to achieve by completing the internship.

Description of Responsibilities/Activities/Special Project(s): Include a summary of the

major responsibilities, activities, and project(s) completed during the internship. Be sure
to describe the objectives, activities/research necessary to complete the tasks and the
specific outcomes.

Application of course content: Describe how the knowledge and skills learned in various
courses helped with the internship experience. Link relevant theories, principles, concepts,
and skills with their application within the internship. Specify which course content was
applied during the internship.

Lessons Learned: Explain what you learned about the industry, the company, the career
process, and your personal journey through the internship experience. This section might
focus on professional development, skills learned, or challenging situations.

Acknowledgements: Posters should recognize everyone who helped with the internship
experience, including the internship site, the site supervisor, the Coop coordinator, and
other people who supported the internship. Include full names and titles in the

Visuals: Incorporate visual aids to illustrate key points. Particularly interesting are
pictures of the intern working at the internship site. Be sure to label all visuals, complete
with references.

Logos: Posters should include both UCSI University’s and the employer’s logo.


Poster Guideline – Effec. 09/2018

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