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beginners) :– Sathya Astrological

Initiative (SAI)

What is Jyotish?
Jyotish is the “eye of the Vedas” and the highest limb that was taught in ancient India as a
preparation for understanding the Vedas from a scientific point of view (astronomy and
the Gods as forces of nature - Nakshatras). Ultimately, it helps along with Swami's
Jyotish meditation, Satwic food, Bhajans and the Gaytari mantra in raising ones vibration
and opening ones inner intuitive eye by exercising the analytical, logical left brain with
the symbolic right brain and allowing the jyotish to bring the intelligence of the mind into
the heart such that you become one (in the light of consciousness) with the object of
contemplation (ie. the chart & person).... I hope this is enough of a reason for it to be
eventually bought back into an associative, metaphoric method in schools. If only to
make people learnt by association and metaphor as well as by the usual literal and
mathematical ways, the language of jyotish could help spiritualise education.

Learning astrology is like learning a new language which in this case is a metaphoric one,
with each planet corresponding to many areas of life. These have to be learned and
applied through experimenting with the rules of Vedic astrology; using ones observation
and inductive logic to make symbolic associations and synthesizing astrological
confluences in order to start to "see" trends that pop out of a chart to match actual
observational facts.

Often it helps to start by taking a psychological approach to understanding oneself before

venturing into predictions, as destiny is a reflection of our character. With this approach
astrology becomes a tool for self-knowledge (of our individual nature, habits, strengths
and weakness) and thereby becomes a spiritual assistance towards liberation through
understanding and insight into ourselves, others and life. With more and more practice in
reading charts confidence will begin to grow and its exercise on the intuitive muscle will
begin to flex, allowing the left brain analytical logic to find a portal through the visuo-
spatial nature of symbolism to awaken the bindu chakra to see and not just infer relative

Swami has acknowledged astrology as a divine science but what He told Hislop (in
conversations with God) is most essential is the purity of life and discrimination (ie.
Gayatri mantra to awaken the ajna chakra) to sensitise this process and vision. Otherwise
it becomes very difficult to be receptive to the higher vibrations needed to unfold these
gifts of the mind. And despite clairvoyance not being essential for self-realisation
astrology, more than this, allows a deeper tolerance and vision of the unity of life through

reading the beauty of Gods laws and oneness of consciousness.

To start with it can be tedious, a bit like computers, but once one gets the hang of it ones
enthusiasm often grows. So here are some brief explanations of the metaphoric meanings
ascribed to planets, signs, houses leading to some of the basic rules that make up jyotish.








Jyotish is a symbolic language using CONTENTS

i. 12 Signs iv. Aspects & Friend

ii. 9 Planet v. Yogas -Ship
iii. 12 Houses from Ascendant(s) vi. Strength
vii. Houses by house
combining their viii. Order of Chart
i. Inner (eg character in question) ix. Reading the Chart
ii. Relationship (to the character eg father) x.Learning to Counsel
iii. Outer (world) xi. Predictions,
Indicators (karakas) Longevity
xii. Remedials

…….synthesized into a metaphoric interpretation (story) of a chart that trains the mind
to sensitize its observational, perceptual and intuitive powers to lead from analysis of
what might be to the clairvoyance of what is. It is important to recognize which
representative meaning of a symbol (from sign, planet & house) one is choosing (its
inner, relationship or outer meaning) to associate with in combining them to make sense

of and see patterns in a chart by free association. This brings in some structure (memory)
around which insight leading to intuition can work.

Components in a Reading
1. 12 Sign (eg. Ascendants) & element, quality, gender, planetary lord, animal,
phrase, characteristics … also friendships to lord eg. trine lords are friends

Intial Reading 1 = TRIPOD signs of Ascendant, Moon & Sun (along with
AK and Nodes) revels foundational strength of chart (as
well as evolution). Measure if Moon is as strong As strong
as the Ascendant

Consider thorough analysis of Ascendant 1st having understood the characteristics of the
12 Ascendants (eg. Yogakaraka planet, bhadaka etc).

Also relationship of lords to each Ascendant and its Ascendant lord => eg.friendly lords
to Ascendant lord (trinal) vs unfriendly ones; also exaltation and debilitation signs of
Ascendant lord. Do the same for all house lords of respective Ascendants to get some
basic fundamentals of how Ascendant differ due to their lordship.

Sudarshan includes Moon & Sun as Ascendants in descending relative priority after
Lagna Ascendant. Note inter-relationship of 3 Ascendants (Asc, Moon & Sun – lords and
aspects to each other and distance from each other and house lord and other planets
involvements) Esp. note Ak

Other Ascendants include: Rasi lagna, Paka Lagna (Ascendant lord position), Arudha
(Maya) Lagna (used also for all houses & planets), (Nav)amsa Lagna

2. 9 Planet : Sun & Moon 2 luminaries, 2 nodal ecliptic points, 5 plants (5


note: Parasara/brahma impersonal karakas vs Jaimini/vishnu personal karakas (ie.

Planetary indicators)eg. Sun vs Ak for Soul/Atmakaraka, Moon vs Amk for Mind

Initial Reading 2. = ANGULAR natural benefics vs malefics to Rasi Ascend

3. 12 House (4 goals, kendra angles of head/heart/others/career, trikone,

succedent, dusthana etc with their different group and implications)

Intial Reading 3 = LORDSHIP – Chart Pattern/Depositorship (quick way to

remember chart) .. also useful to discern western

astrological approach to identify configurations and

planetary spread. Also important exercise in spotting
general patterns and yogas quickly. Remember that
Moolatrikona lordship has greater power than other
ownership sign unless planets in the other sign. Temporal
Lordhsip. Kendra Pati Dosha etc..

Bhavat Bhavam Rule (house distances repeated) … eg. 4th from 4th is the 7th and
is another important house that deals with happiness. Note, that 6-8 relations are
generally the worse as opposed to trinal or angular relationships between lords

Bhava (confusing component in Jyotish) – divides up a chart according to where

houses start in a sign (ie. Sri Pati mid-house vs western Placidus, koch systems
etc.). Simpler to apply sign as house and to only consider later once other aspects
of vedic astrology mastered.

4. Types of Aspects
i. Planetary aspects (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% & special aspects) & Orbs

Initial Reading 4: = ASPECTS to own signs or planets in own sign

/exaltation also used to reveal general strength of chart

ii. Sign aspects (fixed and cardinal sign always aspect each other except the
adjacent ones, mutable aspect other mutable signs)

iii. Argala (good or bad obstruction) Planets 2, 4 or 11 from planet or house form
an argala (good or bad)on that planet/house. These can be blocked for better or
worse by planets in the same houses but in the opposite direction ie. 12, 10, 3.

iv. Asthavarga (projection of planetary force relative to each other to the 12

signs) ie. In each sign max of 8 points adding up to average about 24 being
projected to a sing. Therefore > than 30 is considered high and < than 20 is low

v. Western Configurations & Chart Spreads (note: compare western

generalized aspects vs vedic specialized eg. 90 degrees = Mars = dynamic and
120 degrees = Jupiter = harmonious but western consider all 90 difficult and 120

In weighing up the pros and cons and confluences in a chart, aspects are very
important in swaying ones subtle decision. Generally, natural benefics by aspect can
override other negative rules and positions in astrology despite being temporal malefics
and visa versa. Order of weightage as follows

Order of Aspect effect

Best = natural and temporal benefic best (esp. Jupiter)

2nd = natural benefic and temporal malefic
3rd = natural malefic and temporal benefic
Worst = natural and temporal malefic (esp. Saturn)
Note: that aspects to own houses/signs are always very good and strengthen the house
despite other negative influences

Note: that natural aspects reveal more inner nature whereas lordship will indicate outer
manifestation ie. Jupiter as Benefic aspect but temporal lord will give good nature to the
person but the negative lordship will mean some negative outer influence in that aspect of

Also note: it is important to remember the qualitative nature of an aspect before

considering the effect of aspect. Eg. Jupiter Venus conjunctions creates a positive feel
being 2 benefics together in the affairs they rule but as enemies are not necessary good in
their effect.

The Planetary Friendship Rule

(trinal lords are usually friends when in a sign ruled by the trinal planet lord or aspected
by it eg. Planets 5th or 9th to Ascendant lord)

Planets are usually considered positive when occupying a friendly sign based on
friendship rules but temporary friendship also plays a part. Ie. If the lord of the sign is not
suitably placed away from the house or planet.

More to consider about aspects =>

i. Permanent friendship or enemy = aspects to friendly or unfriendly planets & signs
eg.Venus, Merc, Saturn friendly to each other can colour “the order of aspect effect”
mentioned earlier

ii. Temporal friendship (is friendly when the lord of the sign the planet is in , is 2, 3,4,
5, 9, 10, 11, 12 away, o/w unfriendly

Together the permanent and temporal aspects can combine to create a great friend at one
end of a great enemy at the other, and in such cases may well modify 2nd and 3rd (inter-
changeable) order of the 4 above points involved in weighing the Aspectual Strength

eg. Saturn in friendly aspect as 9th an 10th (temporal benefic) lord aspecting friendly
Venus 3 signs away might be better than Jupiter as 8th lord aspecting Venus by

Another Point about Aspects in Divisional Charts

Generally, due to the spatial distance in the rasi chart as opposed to divisional charts, I
consider aspects more relevant to rasi chart only. Some astrologer apply rasi aspect to

divisionals as well and some even planetary aspect there. I place sign, house,
conjunctions and angular position as more important in divisionals but confluence (esp
conjunctions) of aspects in divisional strength aspect from rasi.
5. Yogas – Raja Yogas (formed when a lord of angle and trine conjoin or
mutally aspect each other in angles), Sun, Moon, Angular Mahapurusha (Initial
Readings of Tripod & Angular), Neechabhanga, Vipreet, Amsa yogas, Jaimini
yogas etc….with more and more subtle yogas progressively identified and
covered. This is often where computers are useful. One need not analyse all the
more complicated yogas but let the astro programs do that and then check them
after considering the mosre basic ones to see if they apply or are strong enough to
manifest on the foundational strength of the chart (eg. Sun, Moon and Ascendant)
and later more complex ones. Note the repetition from Moon (and in Amsa?).

6. Strength (power to manifest potential of combinations depends on inherent

strength of planets in chart). Two approaches considered:-

i) Quantative = Shadbaba (planetary strength), Bhava Bala

(House Strength), Vimshpaak (sign strength) & Ashtavarga
(aspectual strength)

ii) Qualitative = intial analysis of i.Angular planets, ii. Tripod

of Ascendant, Moon and Sun, iii. (final)depositorship iv.
Aspect to Own

+ later analysis (after quantative) of aspects, retrogression,

combustion, avastha, pushkara, depositorship, mid-house
position, vargotomma etc.

Strenght in Summary

4 Components => Initial Reading => Quantative => Qualitative

i) Sign Tripod (Asc, Moon Vimshopaak Avastha,

Sun Signs) Sarva Ashtavarga pushkara etc.

ii) Planet Angular Shad Bala, Retrogression,

Binna Ashtavarga combustion …

iii) House Lordship Bhava Bala Mid-house etc.

Sarva Ashtavarga

iv) Aspect Own sign/lord Ashtavarga 4 levels aspect

Principles (planetary,

(points from natural sign, argala,
Malefic vs Benefics) ashtavarga)

House by house
After a thorough analysis of the Ascendant, continue to consider the other houses
progressively, their lords, karaka planet, aspect from dig bala and other planet,
Jaimini karaka and relevant divisional chart to the house being analyse

Repeat approach form the Moon and Ascendant, Sun & Ak to see confluence and
repetition, noting the Moon strength against the Ascendant strength. (Part of
initial reading 2 TRIPOD)

Note that Moon is strong during the night, during the waxing half of the fortnight,
and southern movement of the Moon for 6 months, Monday, when Moon is on a
angle, is hemmed in by at least one benefic or has angular relationships to it, or
friendly benefics like Jupiter forming Gaja kesari yoga aspect it.

In such a case, and if the Ascendant is weak, more emphasis should be placed on
planets positions form the Moon. But usually I only give it 50% at the most, but in
a more evolved chart with Moon reflecting more of the cosmic light than the Sun,
I would give more to the Moon.

8. Order of Chart Reading

12 signs of Solar System

1a Rasi (Ascendant) = Body => aspects between 9 th

lord and
Ascendant/lord important for Grace. Also Sun as Ascendant karaka


1b Chandra Lagna = Mind Chart => Sun Chart = Sudarashan Chart for

9th Harmonic connects Solar system to Galaxy

2 Navamsa (pada of Nakshatra) Position of 9 th

lord there, Jupiter and
Kethu, and angular positions in amsa important

Note a: connections between Ascendant and 9th lord and Navamsa are important
in revealing the ability to dharmically expand into the Nakshatra level of cosmic
consciousness and tap powers of nature

Note b: Thus connection between 27 Nakshatrashtra to 12 signs via the Navamsa

Note c: Steps for assessing Amsa and apart from the strenghening factors such as
vargotama, friendly signs on the chart:-

i) Amsa (ascendant) lord strength in Rasi chart

ii) 9th lord of rasi amsa along with Jupiter, Kethu, AK (and

iii) Angular placement of planets in Navamsa as well as

trine relations to AK.(ie. Dharmadevatta) Placement of
Ak in a sign becomes the Karakamsa of the chart and
can be read form Rasi and Navamsa.. Trines to Ak
reveal more about the souls abilities to achieve the
potential reflected in the angles of the Navamsa and
angels in the Rasi? Note: 12th from Ak in Navamsa is
the ishta devata and indicates after life. If kethu is there
and Jupiter signs involved there is a strong likelihood of
moksha if the rasi reinforces this. Ie. With planets in 4th,
8th and 12th psychic moksha houses and 9th lord, nodes,
iv) Look for confluence between amsa and rasi .. esp with
9th lord, Ascendant, Jupiter, Nodes , luminaries, etc…

v) Ruler of Amsa sign which the lord of rasi falls into

vi) Seed of influence from Navamsa to Rasi

vii) Helps specify (house) matters from rasi eg. Ak Saturn

lord of 9 & 10 in 12th but 7th in Navamsa ie. 7th house
mater of 12th house

Note: That same principles of Navamsa can be applied to other divisionals based on their
related house karakas eg. 4th hsoue karakas in D4, D16, D40

27 stars (108 padas) of our Galaxy

3a. Nakshatra = Mind => connects to Universal via Nakshatras. 4th

house karaka => 10th house karaka (esp with Jupiter involved for the expansion)

3b Panchanga (Panchanga – day, tithi, nakshatra, yogi, karana etc..)


4a AK (Jaimini karakas) = jivatma or soul planet – important in

Rasi and Amsa and Nakshatra. Position in Amsa called Karakamsa. Sign
and house position, trinal positions from it, association with luminaries
and nodes and jaimini karakas have to be carefully scrutinized for souls
ultimate purpose of incarnation.

4b Sun (Parasara karaka) = Paratma . Used in assessing tripod

strength of planet. Source of power and consciousness. Ecliptic path with
Moon creates Nodes and power of veiling, maya, duality and ego but by
itself it represents pure being. AK comes about as sense of separation
created by nodes veiling the sun. Ak wants release via kethu to merge in
Sun or visa versa?.

Nodes to Nakshatras to Navamsa

5. Nodes = reveal karmic memories (kethu) and desire (rahu). They are
important in assessing talents (kethu) as well as where the soul want to evolve
via desires and experience (rahu). They show much about the level of
evolution of a chart and the duality of being held in consciousness. They are
not planets but psychological points whose lords in whose signs they are
placed are the planetary armies of the chart that control (kethu) and distribute
(Rahu) karma. Kethu is philosophically symbolic of the veiling powers of the
mind and space whereas Rahu is the mayic projecting powers of mind and
time. Kalasarpa yogas involving these nodes give much insight into the
karmic conditions that are demanded of one in their life.

6. Jupiter is important in revealing the power of the mind to expand and

ripen into cosmic consciousness.

Note: Kethu does best in Jupiter signs (Sag) where expansion/ripening of

mind leads to release (moksha). These planets are very important in the
Navamsa along with analyzing 9th lord and AK

Also note that Jupiter is the satellite to our central Sun via Moola Nakshatra
ruled by Kethu and Jupiter

A powerful and well placed Jupiter can mitigate many of the defects in a
chart. Forexample in the Ascendant where it gets dig bala and aspect the
dharmic trine houses

Summary of order
1.Ascendant axis & Sun => Body/Physical

2. 4th axis & Moon => Mind/Astral

(1st – 9th lord aspects from Ascendant, Moon, AK involving Jupiter => in Navamsa)

3. Navamsa-Pada-Nakshatra & AK/Jupiter/ Kethu/9th lord => Soul = Ak (atma or

causal body)

Atma karaka to merge with Paratma (ie. Ak to merge with Sun)

Charts (7) to draw up

(for Lagna, Moon, Navamsa, Ak, Divisional Ascendants)

i) Rasi chart ii) Chandra = Potential in rasi chart


iii) Navamsa iv) Nakshatra = Deeper spiritual qualities and power to manifest


v) Navamsa Ak vi) Rasi Ak = Spiritual Goal


vii) Divisional Chart in question = Used taking look at all confluences in above chart
and taking house by house approach considering all relevant karakas and lords in
relevant divisional charts (D1-12 physical, D12-24 mental, D24-36 subconscious,
D36-48 karmic lineage, D60 past lives – confirm details of Rasi chart).

Note: 5 levels of consciousness with subtraction by 12 to D chart revealing harmonic

of rasi chart eg. D30 – 24 (12x2) = 6th harmonic of 6th house for health and disease.
Look for 6th lord and karaka Saturn in D30 as well as 6th house as well as D30
Ascendant/lord and relevant houses in D30

9. Reading the chart
As mentioned earlier greatest problem of astrology is the subtle art of weighing up
pros and cons of a confluence of combinations in varying patterns and knowing how
to prioritise and give the appropriate hierachial structure to clarify to clarify ones
judgement in reading an astrological symbolic story in literal and relevant language .
In terms of confluence, in reading houses … how house, lord, house karakas, Jiamini
karakas and appropriate divisional all confluence and how a lot of experimentation,
observation, feed-back and experience has to develop before feeling, analyzing and
seeing all come together. Best to keep it simple with

i. Parasara Rasi/Chandra
(Including Initial Readings Angular, Tripod, Lordship)

ii. Navamsa

iii. Nakshatras

iv. Other divisionals (read from Rasi => Navamsa => appropriate
Divisional eg. 10th lord in rasi, Navamsa and then Dasamsa for career)

v. Jaimini karakas (esp AK in Rasi & Navamsa)

vi. Advanced / Extra Material (eg. Ghatika lagna, hora lagna, etc..western
outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids etc.) Synnastry,
business astrology, economics & political, weather astrology etc…

Start reading charts which;-

1. Are extreme examples of good and evil charts for each Ascendant. For example,
Ghandhi (good) vs Hitler (evil) for Libra Ascendant, Guru Nanak (good) vs Ted Bundy
(evil) for Leo Ascendant etc….

2. Spiritual / evolved charts eg. Ramana Maharishi, Yoganandna, Aurobindo, Chaitainya,

Viviekananda, Guru Nanak, JD Krishnamurthi, Sathy Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna etc…

3. Categories of strong charts for Politics, Sports, Music etc… looking for combinations
that made them great in their respective fields

4. Family members and close friends whose history and nature you can analyse well
against the astrological rules and combinations

5. Your own chart trying to be as objective as possible

10. Learning to Counsel

Steps to learning
i. Self-Character Analysis from Rasi Chart =>
ii. Impersonalise astrological understanding to philosophy of
prakriti (nature), mind and humanity (others charts)
iii. Understand Nakshatra in relationship toVedas =>
iv. Gayatri Mantra & Meditational Practice =>
v. Self-knowledge & Wisdom =>
vi. Psychological & Life Counselling =>
vii. Clairvoyance & Prediction

Advice: Counsel with clients present or at least photo, profession, race, religion, age,
gender etc… make it inter-active at the beginning until grow in confidence with intuition.
Astrology is an art as well as science and one should feel the chart and keep it simple
before to much analysis. Could also use other complimentary divination tools such as
palmistry (yogas manifesting on hand as special markings eg. Girdle of Venus etc..),
omens (tajikja) ie. eye and body language + environmental cues, pysiognmy and face
reading, graphology, numerology (pythagorus), tarot, I-ch’ng etc…

11. Prediction, Rectification & Longevity

Prediction - start with

i. Planet Age Period (eg. Moon 0-4, Mercury 5-14, Venus etc…) & Planet
spread in Chart (1st vs 2nd half of chart, Rahu in which half, upachaya houses etc..)

ii. Transits with orbs, slower planets first, veda (cancellation) consideration etc to
dasa/bhukti lord. Ashtaavarga values. Also remember transits from Nakshatras plays
a role too. Use Divisionals to fine tune from Moon, Ascendant, Ak.

iii. Dasas (Vimsottari dasa variations only eg. From Moon vs Ascendant Nakshatra vs
Kendra Dasa => later Narayana sign dasa => later Mahadasa, Yogoni, Kalachakra)

iv. Varsphal (solar annual) and planetary returns (eg. Saturn 29th year) &
Maturation of planets

v. Prasna charts

vi. Timing for events: Muhurta using Panchanga,

Rectification – using

i. Ascendant and ii. Planet/house spread for determining Rasi Ascendant

ii. D9 and D10 for more subtler narrower time determiniation and deeper divisionals
with D charts eg. D16 and appropriate dasa system for accidents

Longevity – using

i. Balarista rules and rules for 3 progressive stages of life

ii. Use 8th house and lord and Mars for longevity and death. Shiva Sthira kakaras used
for death with Shoola dasa.

iii) Use maraka lords, Saturn, 64th drekanna for death alng with transits

12. Remedials
i. Mantra, Yantra and Tantra

ii. Gems, herbs, puja, homa, yagna, life syle

iii) Mainstream and alternative treatments from:

Bio-mechanical => bio-chemical => bio-pranic vibrational => bio-environmental => bio-
spiritual (devotion) therapies …ie. Knowing which remedials and health modalities to use
for what stage and type of (karmic) affliction or disease


Parasara Birat Hora Sastra, Raman’s Hindu Astrology, Astrology of the Seers by David
Frawley & his correspondence course, Light on Life by Hart Defoeuw, Levacy’s Books

BOOKS FOR 12 COMPONENTS OF SYLLABUS … (can list suggested reading for

specializing on topics within syllabus components.. using western & vedic authors.)

1. Signs ….eg. Linda Goodman’s Sun signs etc…

2. Planets …3. Houses …. 4. Aspects 5. Yogas 6. Strength etc…

Would be great if a metaphysical library could be manifested to house Jyotish books in

Parthi with books divided into these sections as well as other books on divination such as
sacred geometry, palmistry, vastu, ayurveda, healing etc..


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