SY16-17 Science PD Facilitator Contract: Expectations For Facilitating Systemic Professional Development

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SY16-17 Science PD Facilitator Contract

Expectations for facilitating Systemic Professional Development

It is the expectation that all facilitators will commit to serving as a facilitator for the entire SY16-17 Systemic
Professional Development calendar (see dates below).

Systemic Day: August Systemic Day: October Systemic Day: January Systemic Day: February
25th, 2016 20th, 2016 27th, 2017 17th, 2017

Please note that these are Systemic Professional Development days designated in the SY16-17 academic
calendar for City Schools. Should any of these days be used for activities other than systemic professional
development, facilitators will be notified immediately. Should one or more of the above days be re-purposed,
the Office of Teaching and Learning will not be responsible for paying facilitators for planning and facilitating
sessions that do not take place (e.g. weather-related cancellations, school-based days, etc.).

Each facilitator for Systemic PD is responsible for the following:


 Participate in scheduled content-area planning meetings prior to each Systemic PD session. (Missed
planning meetings will result in a reduced stipend amount).
 Submitting an annotated agenda and related files at least 7 days prior to the session. All agendas
should be submitted to the appropriate content specialist.
 Ensuring that all sessions support the efforts of teachers to provide rigorous instruction for every
student into their classrooms through content enrichment and skill building.
 Creating and implementing a plan for copying and organizing all materials prior to the day of the
session. Note: Materials cannot be printed at the PD site.
 Participate in site set up and final facilitator walk through the business day before the systemic PD
 Utilizing feedback from session observation to adjust facilitation practices.


 Facilitators will arrive at least 1 hour prior to the start of their session.
 Facilitators will make sure that the room is set-up appropriately for the number of registered
participants and return the room to its original configuration at the end of the session.
 Facilitators will check all electronic equipment prior to the session.
 Electronic equipment requirements (LCD projectors, document cameras, laptops, speakers, etc.) are
the responsibility of the facilitator. LCD projectors, document cameras, and speakers can be checked
out from the Office of Teaching and Learning. These items must be returned within 3 business days of
scheduled PD.
 Facilitators will bring into their room the appropriate materials (post-it notes, tape, markers, chart
paper etc.). All materials will be provided by the content office.
 Facilitators will ensure that each session is participant-centered and provides for active-engagement
throughout the session.


 Facilitators should be prepared to stay at least 30 minutes after the conclusion of the session.
 Facilitators will collect and return all materials and electronic equipment to their original storage sites.
 Facilitators will post all relevant materials from the session (templates, graphic organizers, lesson
plans, etc.) prior to leaving the site (content will be uploaded primarily by the content specialists).
 Facilitators will give survey instructions to participants at the end of the session; surveys may be
electronic or paper.

General Professionalism

 Provide 24 hour notice if unable to attend a scheduled meeting or session.

 Facilitators should check City Schools email daily.
 Facilitators will be asked to participate in an end of year evaluation.

In exchange for meeting the aforementioned expectations, each facilitator will receive a $300 stipend for each
session that takes place. The stipend is based on a 10-hour commitment to planning and preparation. Missing
mandatory meetings will result in a decrease in total stipend amount. The stipend will be issued prior to the
end of the school year. The Office of Teaching and Learning maintains the right to remove any facilitator based
on failure to meet the above guidelines.

I, _______________________________, understand and agree to fulfill the aforementioned expectations

(Printed Name)
as a facilitator of Systemic Professional Development for the 2016-2017 academic year.

I will be facilitating __________________________________________ (SY16-17 PD Content Area)

__________________________________ _____________ _________________

(Systemic PD Facilitator Signature) (Employee #) (Date)

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