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Table of Contents
Part 2: ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Week 1: ................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Update on the achievement of research: ..................................................................................... 4

1.2 Issues identified in this project: .................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Problem encountered: ....................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Change in the direction of project and new ideas: ............................................................................ 4

1.5 Learning from the project: ................................................................................................................ 4

1.6 Planned tasks for the next week: ....................................................................................................... 5

1.7 Status update regarding project: ........................................................................................................ 5

1.8 Comment of supervisor: .................................................................................................................... 5

Week 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Tasks achieved: ................................................................................................................................. 5

2.2 Risks encountered: ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.3 Problems encountered: ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.4 Change in the project direction: ........................................................................................................ 6

2.5: Learning at this week: ...................................................................................................................... 6

2.6 Planning for the last week: ................................................................................................................ 6

2.7 Status of the project plan:.................................................................................................................. 6

2.8 Comment of supervisor: .................................................................................................................... 6

Week 3: ................................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Update on the weekly research: ........................................................................................................ 6

3.2 Risk identified: .................................................................................................................................. 7

3.3 problem encounters: .......................................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Different types of new ideas and change in the direction of project: ................................................ 7

3.5 Learning regarding own: ................................................................................................................... 7

3.6 Planning for next week: .................................................................................................................... 7

3.7 Status regarding project plan: ........................................................................................................... 7

3.8 Comment of the supervisor: .............................................................................................................. 8

Week 4: ................................................................................................................................................... 8

4.1 Update on the weekly research: ........................................................................................................ 8

4.2 Issues identified: ............................................................................................................................... 8

4.3 Problems encountered in this week:.................................................................................................. 8

4.4 Development of new ideas and change in the direction of the project: ............................................ 8

4.5 learning regarding own: .................................................................................................................... 8

4.6 Planning of the tasks next week: ....................................................................................................... 9

4.7 Status of the project plan:.................................................................................................................. 9

4.8 Addressing the supervisors comment: .............................................................................................. 9

Week 5: ................................................................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Update on the weekly research: ........................................................................................................ 9

5.2 Identified risks: ................................................................................................................................. 9

5.3 Problems encountered in this week:.................................................................................................. 9

5.4 Direction change in project: .............................................................................................................. 9

5.5 Learning regarding own: ................................................................................................................. 10

5.6 Planning regarding tasks: ................................................................................................................ 10

5.7 Status update for project plan: ........................................................................................................ 10

5.8 Addressing comment of supervisor: ............................................................................................... 10

Part 2:

Week 1:

1.1 Update on the achievement of research:

In the first week, mainly the project related problem has been identified. Along with that, this
week also develops effective objectives and aims to conduct the project. Yes, the researcher
has successfully completed all of the requirements. As the tasks has been completed within
the time so that the research is on the proper track. No changes are required in project
development plan.

1.2 Issues identified in this project:

There are not any risks that were identified during the first week related to the lack of skills.
However, issues were identified in order understand the problem related to this project. This
issue creates a huge confusion at the earlier stage; however, this issue do not have any
potential impact on the completion of the project.

1.3 Problem encountered:

There is not any big problem that was encountered in this week; however, the researcher have
faced some problems to find the appropriate sources from which the proper CSR related
problem of the Shell, UK can be effectively evaluated. The problem was resolved by
searching proper resources in the internet.

1.4 Change in the direction of project and new ideas:

It is not applicable in this stage.

1.5 Learning from the project:

During dealing with the tasks, I felt that operation of the oil and gas company really
destroying the environment so that a proper strategy needs to be adapted to resolve the
problem. I have found the harmful impact that is created by the operation of Shell, UK. I have
effectively understood the problem of this project to develop objectives and aims. I can
improve my research on secondary data on the next week. This research can help me to better
CSR strategy for other companies too.

1.6 Planned tasks for the next week:
The next week mainly evaluate the strategy for conduct this research. There is sufficient time
to complete the tasks.

1.7 Status update regarding project:

In this week, the main problem is identified and aims and objectives regarding the project are
developed according to problem.

1.8 Comment of supervisor:

According to supervisor, aim and objective could be more appropriate to resolve the problem.
Therefore, in this case, problem must be more analysed so that effective objective and aims
can be implemented.

Week 2

2.1 Tasks achieved:

Aims and objective is developed in the previous week. Yeas, all of the tasks requirements are
already fulfilled in the earlier week. The research is already on the track and the tasks are
completed within deadline. There are not any changes that are made in the project
management plan.

2.2 Risks encountered:

I have faced some problems to identify the proper projects strategy so that the project can be
effectively conducted. There are not any additional risks in this week.

2.3 Problems encountered:

In this week, i have collected the permission from the senior manager of Shell, UK to conduct
a research on the field manager and employees. I have faced problems to meet the manager
because they were busy at their tasks. I have approached them with proper greetings and told
them about the necessity of the project. In that way, the problem was resolved.

2.4 Change in the project direction:
It was decided that permission was taken from the manager by phone but they did not receive
my phone so that I have collected the permission by conducting face-to-face meeting.

2.5: Learning at this week:

I feel awesome when dealing with the problem to gather the survey permission because it
helps me to develop my presentation skills. It helps me to complete the tasks because it
increases my analysis skills. I had contributed to gather the permission from managers that
help me to collect feedback from employees in the next week. These presentation skills can
help me in my future organisation to perform my tasks with more effectiveness.

2.6 Planning for the last week:

In the next week, I will collect feedback from employees of Shell, UK and there are sufficient
time to complete this tasks.

2.7 Status of the project plan:

In this week mainly the permission from the managers are gathered to survey the employees.

2.8 Comment of supervisor:

It is not applicable here.

Week 3:

3.1 Update on the weekly research:

In the previous week, mainly permission from the senior level management of the Shell, UK
is collected to survey the employees. Each of pre-assumed tasks is fulfilled in this step. The
research is on the right track and tasks are completed within deadline. Any changes are not
required to the project management plan.

3.2 Risk identified:
Due to the lack of proper practical knowledge, the researcher has faced issues to conduct
survey on the respondents. There were not any additional issues that were faced by the

3.3 problem encounters:

The filed level managers were not agreed at the initial stage to provide their feedback, which
creates huge problem to conduct the research. I have resolved the problem by collecting
maximum feedback from lower level employees in the next week and minimum amount of
feedback from them.

3.4 Different types of new ideas and change in the direction of project:
Here the pre-determined strategy to collect most of the data from field manager has been
changed because of their busy schedules. Here the maximum data has been collected from
lower level staff in the next week.

3.5 Learning regarding own:

I have felt annoying in this step because of the rejection of field manager to provide feedback
for research. For this reason, I have changed the direction and collect most of the data from
their subordinates in the next week. I have performed well to deal with the problem for my
problem resolving skills. I can improve my greeting skills in the next week to gather feedback
from employees.

3.6 Planning for next week:

In the next week, mainly feedback from employees will be collected and all of the feedback
of the managers and employees will be recorded.

3.7 Status regarding project plan:

In this week, less than half of feedback has been collected

3.8 Comment of the supervisor:
Supervisor has commented to apply effective greeting strategy to attract respondents to
provide feedback, which I have applied in the next step to collect feedback from employees.

Week 4:

4.1 Update on the weekly research:

In the previous week mainly feedback from managers are collected, therefore, I am on the
right track to conduct this project. I do not require any changes to the project management

4.2 Issues identified:

Any issues regarding lack of skills are not identified here. Moreover, any kin d of additional
issues are also not identified in this step.

4.3 Problems encountered in this week:

The main problem is faced by the researcher here is related to identify the best medium to
record the feedback, that were overcome by consulting the supervisor and adapting best
record medium.

4.4 Development of new ideas and change in the direction of the project:
At first it was decided that the data would be recorded in traditional way such as in paper but
after that by consulting the supervisor i have understood that word file in the computer is best
to record the data.

4.5 learning regarding own:

I have get a new idea to record information so that I have felt really good at that time. I have
effectively performed the tasks with effectiveness by applying the tricks to collect the
feedback in word file. It can helps me to analyse the data in next week. This strategy can
helps me to analyse my tasks with easiness that can make my future project more effective.

4.6 Planning of the tasks next week:
In the next week mainly the data will be analysed and the final report will be generated.
There is sufficient time to conduct this task.

4.7 Status of the project plan:

The only thing that is left after this week is data analysis and all other tasks are completed in
this week.

4.8 Addressing the supervisors comment:

It is not applicable here.

Week 5:

5.1 Update on the weekly research:

The problem identification, strategy development and data gathering are completed and this
step is going to analyse all those data. The previous tasks were completed in the stipulated
time so that it can be said the project is on the right track in this stage any kind of further
stage is not required.

5.2 Identified risks:

Any kind of lack of skill related the researcher here does not face problem.

5.3 Problems encountered in this week:

The researcher has faced problems to understand the right path to analyse the data. For
resolving the problem, the researcher consult with the supervisor and involve excel and word
file to analyse data with the help of chart, graph and table.

5.4 Direction change in project:

A new idea to analyse the data with excel file is applicable in this week.

5.5 Learning regarding own:
I felt good because I have learnt a new procedure to analyse the data and I have effectively
analyse those data with the help of those two file. Any improvement in next week is not
applicable here. This learning can help me to deal with my next project with more

5.6 Planning regarding tasks:

It is not applicable

5.7 Status update for project plan:

The project is completed in this step.

5.8 Addressing comment of supervisor:

As I developed the project by maintaining all of the feedback of supervisor so that the
supervisor describe the project plan as effective

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