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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Pediatric regional anesthesia: what is the current safety

David M. Polaner & Jessica Drescher
Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology, The Children’s Hospital Denver, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA

Keywords Summary
regional anesthesia; pediatrics; infants and
children; risks; safety; complications The use of regional anesthetics, whether as adjuncts, primary anesthetics or
postoperative analgesia, is increasingly common in pediatric practice. Data
Correspondence on safety remain limited because of the paucity of very large-scale prospec-
David M. Polaner, tive studies that are necessary to detect low incidence events, although sev-
Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology,
eral studies either have been published or have reported preliminary
The Children’s Hospital Denver, University
of Colorado School of Medicine, 13123 East
results. This paper will review the data on complications and risk in pediat-
16th Avenue, B090, Aurora, CO 80045, USA ric regional anesthesia. Information currently available suggests that regio-
Email: nal blockade, when performed properly, carries a very low risk of
morbidity and mortality in appropriately selected infants and children.
Section Editor: Charles Cote

Accepted 29 November 2010


epidural catheters placed under general anesthesia

without a single case of nerve injury, and an editorial
Regional anesthesia continues to increase in use and signed by over 50 international experts in pediatric
popularity, both as a primary anesthetic and as a regional anesthesia advocated the practice (2,3). Infer-
means of providing postoperative analgesia. As more ences from the UK Epidural Audit, the French Lan-
large series appear in the literature and multicenter col- guage Study of Regional anesthetics, and from the
laborative studies are published, better information Pediatric Regional Anesthetic Network (PRAN) all
continues to appear about risk and safety, although support this contention (4–6)1. Placement of regional
much remains unknown because large-scale prospective blocks of all types under general anesthesia is consid-
data are limited. ered the standard of care in pediatrics. A common log-
ical argument is that there is less risk of injury when
placing a needle in an immobile child than in one who
Awake vs asleep
is struggling and might move unpredictably.
Pediatric regional blocks are usually administered to
children who are anesthetized, although Marhofer (1)
Injuries related to consequences of analgesia or
reported placing blocks in sedated or awake children.
motor blockade
There are no conclusive data regarding the relative
safety of regional block placement in awake vs anes- Motor block of the trunk or extremities produces
thetized children. Although case reports have cited immobility, which may result in pressure sores or
patient complaints of pain during needle or catheter compression injury to peripheral nerves. The UK
placement as a hallmark for developing persistent
paresthesia or neuropathic pain, Horlocker et al. 1
Note that an update to the French Language Study was pub-
reported 4298 consecutive adult patients who had lished after the acceptance of this review. See (50).

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Regional anesthesia safety D.M. Polaner and J. Drescher

Epidural Audit reported 33 cases of this nature; how- Continuous catheter techniques increase the risk of
ever, all were detected early and resolved without sig- local anesthetic toxicity because of potential drug accu-
nificant intervention; similar reports exist in adults mulation over time. This appears to be a greater risk
(4,7). The author is aware of several cases in which in infants under 6 months of age who have low levels
either dermal injury or peripheral neuropathy was of a-1-acid glycoprotein, resulting in a higher unbound
caused by pressure on an immobile limb, including fraction of local anesthetic in blood (16). Care should
one which resulted in chronic regional pain syndrome be taken not to exceed recommended limits of local
following pressure on the peroneal nerve. It is critical anesthetic administration (0.3 and 0.5 mgÆkg)1Æh)1 in
that patients with motor blockade be carefully older children), especially after 24 h of infusion.
positioned, padded, and mobilized to prevent these Treatment of local anesthetic toxicity consists of
injuries. immediate administration of 3 mlÆkg)1 of lipid emul-
Controversy exists as to whether regional blockade sion. Epinephrine is probably unnecessary and detri-
can mask the symptoms of compartment syndrome. mental (17–19).
Little data exist to support this notion, and one report
suggests the development of inadequate analgesia in a
Nerve injury
previously functioning block may enhance early detec-
tion of this surgical complication (8). In the UK Epi- The risk of nerve injury appears to be very low in all
dural Audit, four cases of compartment syndrome regional blocks in children. Flandin-Bléty’s retrospec-
were reported, heralded by pain that ‘broke through’ tive analysis of epidural complications described five
the epidural blockade despite adequate postsurgical severe permanent neurological complications (three
analgesia (4). fatal) that were associated with the use of loss of resis-
tance to air to locate the epidural space. With the pre-
dominant use of loss of resistance to saline, no such
Intravascular injection and local anesthetic
cases have been described in subsequent large-scale
studies. Peripheral nerve injury has been reported in 6
The accidental intravascular (IV) or intramedullary of 10 000 epidurals, all of which resolved in <1 year
injection of local anesthetics is a hazard when large and 2 of 1000 peripheral nerve or plexus blocks in
volumes of local anesthetic are injected in proximity to adults (4,20). Although transient paresthesia has been
blood vessels. The risk can be mitigated by careful reported, the incidence of permanent neurologic injury
attention to technique. An epinephrine-containing test in children following peripheral nerve blocks is extre-
dose can detect many, but not all, IV injections. Heart mely low, and although good pediatric prospective
rate changes alone during general inhalation anesthesia data are still forthcoming, few case reports of perma-
will miss about 25% of IV injections; ST segment nent injury can be found. The PRAN database did not
changes will detect more than 97%, although during report any permanent nerve injuries from blocks of
total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remif- any type, and one only case of dysesthesia following a
entanil T-wave morphology is insensitive, and one sciatic nerve block which resolved within 6 months (6).
must look for blood pressure changes (9–11). Fisher
et al. (12) reported a 5.6% incidence of IV injection in
742 caudal and epidural blocks. Of these 42 incidents,
six were detected by blood aspiration, 30 by heart rate The greatest risk of infection occurs with indwelling
changes (five had decreases due to the baroreceptor catheters (infections following single injection blocks
response), and the remainder by ECG morphology appear to be vanishingly rare) but the incidence of both
changes. In the PRAN database, positive test doses can be minimized with strict aseptic technique. Most
were detected in 0.6% of single injection and 0.7% of infections are presumed to arise from the insertion site
catheter blocks (6). As no method of test dosing is and migration of bacteria along the catheter tract.
infallible, incremental injection is a critical safety tech- Infections can be categorized as superficial or deep, the
nique whenever large volumes of local anesthetics are latter obviously having more serious implications.
injected (13). Direct visualization of the location of the Superficial infections can generally be managed by with-
needle tip and the injectate with ultrasound may pro- drawal of the catheter, local skin care, and a course of
vide additional or alternative confirmation of lack of antibiotics. Strafford et al. (21) reported the first large
IV injection (14). Epidurography has been reported to retrospective analysis of infections of epidural catheters
detect unsuspected IV epidural catheter placement even in a series of 1620 children. The 90% of patients who
when test doses were negative (15). had short-term (mean, 2.4 days) postoperative catheters

738 Pediatric Anesthesia 21 (2011) 737–742 ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

D.M. Polaner and J. Drescher Regional anesthesia safety

did not have any infections. Of the 10% with long-term rate of <5%. A number of successful blocks may need
catheters (>5 days), four had suspected infections. supplementation because of the stimulation of perito-
Only one was proven to have a deep infection, an neal traction or prolonged duration of surgery.
immunocompromised cancer patient who developed a
candidal epidural abscess and required laminectomy for Postanesthetic apnea. In Welborn et al.’s (26) prospec-
incision and drainage. The remaining patients had fever tive study, where infants <51 weeks postconceptual
but no evidence of infection in the epidural space, age were randomized to spinal or general anesthesia
although the catheter tip grew staphylococcus epiderm- and followed postoperatively with pneumograms,
itis in one. More recently, the UK prospective audit there were no episodes of apnea in the spinal group
reported 28 infections, all of but three of which were except in those who received supplementation with
superficial, many caused by staphylococcus aureus (4). ketamine, compared with a 31% incidence in the gen-
The three deep infections included two epidural eral anesthesia group. Krane et al. (27) performed a
abscesses and one child with meningismus (no lumbar randomized controlled study of 18 ex-premature
puncture was performed to confirm the diagnosis). Of infants who received both preoperative and postoper-
particular note was that several infections in this series, ative pneumograms before randomization to general
including one of the epidural abscesses, were detected or spinal anesthesia, permitting the investigators to
more than a day after the catheter had been withdrawn. compare the preoperative (baseline) and postoperative
Other investigators have reported this too (6). This incidence of central apnea, bradycardia, and desatura-
highlights the importance of follow-up with a high tion. They found no change in central apnea before
index of suspicion should untoward events develop even and after either anesthetic, but the general anesthesia
after a catheter has been removed. group had higher incidences of bradycardia and hyp-
Ganesh (22) reported one case of cellulitis in 227 oxemia that were associated with irregular respiratory
children with peripheral nerve catheters; it resolved patterns. There are several case reports of postanes-
with antibiotics. Because these children may be dis- thetic apnea in ex-premature infants following SAB
charged with the catheter in place, meticulous follow- supported by a retrospective analysis of 133 infants
up and careful instructions to parents are critical. undergoing general or spinal anesthesia for hernior-
rhaphy (28,29). Early apnea after SAB appears to be
quite rare. Late apnea, occurring more than 8 h after
Central neuraxis anesthesia
the resolution of blockade, may be more common
Spinal anesthesia (subarachnoid block) than generally assumed, especially if the SAB was
Subarachnoid block (SAB) is the only pediatric regio- inadequate and conversion to GA was necessary. Pre-
nal technique that is used exclusively for intraoperative operative pneumograms were not obtained in these
anesthesia. Its popularity began with data suggesting reports, so it remains unknown if the apneic events
less risk of postoperative apnea in ex-premature infants are related to the anesthetic, postoperative opioid
compared to general anesthesia. Concerns have analgesics, or pre-existing problems of respiratory
recently arisen regarding adverse effects of general control.
anesthetics on the developing brain, prompting even
greater interest in SAB for younger infants. Hypotension. Hemodynamic stability during SAB is
In 1984, Abajian reported his initial small series of the rule in infants, unlike in the adult, even with very
81 SAB’s, 36 of which were performed in ex-prema- high thoracic levels of blockade (30). Analysis of heart
tures or infants with neonatal respiratory distress syn- rate variability suggests that decreased parasympa-
drome, with no complications other than eight block thetic modulation of cardiac function preserves blood
failures (23). Several larger series have since been pub- pressure and heart rate (31). The risk of hypotension,
lished. The Vermont Infant Spinal Registry, which even in the fasted infant, appears to be very low. Bon-
includes data on all infants at the University of Ver- net et al., (32) however, measured a moderate fall in
mont under a year of age in whom spinal anesthesia is blood pressure in former prematures receiving SAB,
attempted, reported 1554 consecutive SAB’s, and the which resulted in a fall in middle cerebral artery dia-
Schneider Children’s Hospital (Petach Tikva, Israel) stolic blood flow velocity. Although blood pressure
group reported 505 consecutive cases, all without sig- fell, no infants became hypotensive. The clinical impli-
nificant complications (24,25). cations of their findings remain unclear, and this has
not been reported in other studies. The age at which
Failed block. Reports from centers with extensive hemodynamic stability is lost is uncertain, but proba-
experience administering infant SAB’s suggest a failure bly begins in young childhood.

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Regional anesthesia safety D.M. Polaner and J. Drescher

patients. Persistent dural leak was not described in this

Total spinal. Care must be taken not to lift the legs of
series, but can occur, and rarely may be resistant to
the infant or to inject the local anesthetic with barbo-
treatment with blood patch (E. Krane, personal com-
tage when performing SAB (33,34). Either can drive
the block higher than intended. The incidence of high
Catheter misplacement may be more common when
blockade resulting in respiratory compromise was
threading to more cephalad positions; in these cases, it
0.6% in the Vermont registry.
is prudent to obtain an epidurogram (38).
Central neuraxis opioids are often administered
Postdural puncture headache. The incidence of postdur-
through epidural catheters and carry several risks.
al puncture headache after SAB in young infants is
These are both dose dependent as well as drug depen-
unknown, although a 5% incidence in children older
dent, as the most hydrophilic agents have the greatest
than 1 year has been reported regardless of whether a
propensity for rostral spread, while lipophilic agents
pencil point or Quinke point needle was used (35).
like fentanyl exhibit more localized binding to opioid
These headaches, however, were milder and of shorter
receptors in the spinal cord (39). The untoward effects
duration than those commonly described in adults. Five
of central neuraxis opioids have long been known to be
percent of the 200 children in this study also reported
dose dependent, and the minimum effective dose should
transient radicular irritation or transient low back pain.
be chosen (40,41). The most serious complication is
respiratory depression, but pruritus and nausea can be
Respiratory function. High levels of motor blockade
debilitating, and urinary retention may occur in up to
result from SAB, producing a loss of intercostal mus-
30% of patients. All can be mitigated with low doses of
cle activity and diminished outward rib cage motion
antagonists such as naloxone (0.25–1 lgÆkg)1Æh)1);
(36). Tidal volume and minute ventilation are pre-
mixed results have been reported with agonist–antago-
served because of increased diaphragmatic excursion.
nists (nalbuphine, 0.05 mgÆkg)1 per 4 h) (42–44).
Some infants develop rib cage paradox, which may
contribute to respiratory insufficiency, although this
also commonly occurs in infants during natural rapid Peripheral nerve blocks
eye movement sleep (37).
There is increasing use of peripheral neural blockade
in pediatrics, in part driven by the use of ultrasound
for localization (45). Claimed advantages include
Epidural and caudal blocks
decreased incidence of side effects compared with other
These remain the most commonly performed regional analgesic modalities, early discharge, site-specific anal-
anesthetics in children. Both continuous and single gesia and reduction in health care utilization and costs,
injection techniques (the latter, primarily caudals) are although current data in children have not confirmed
employed for postoperative analgesia and intraopera- these observations reported in adults (46). Both single
tive anesthesia. Many of the risks described in SAB’s, injection and continuous blockade of virtually all
such as hypotension, respiratory function, and postan- reported peripheral nerve techniques have been
esthetic apnea, are applicable to epidurals. Because described in children, and these small series have all
catheter techniques involve the delivery of local anes- noted a paucity of complications. The PRAN also
thetics, opioids, and adjunctive agents through cathe- found few complications with peripheral blocks,
ters over periods of days, some additional risks must including none with blocks of the head and neck (6).
be considered and which may vary with the type of Catheter dislodgement is a risk with continuous
agent injected. peripheral blocks in children. Securing the catheters
The best data on complications to date come from seems to need special attention in upper extremity
the prospective epidural audit conducted by the Asso- blocks and might be more problematic in all peripheral
ciation of Paediatric Anesthetists of the UK and Ire- blocks (47).
land (4). Ten thousands six hundred and thirty-three
continuous epidurals were prospectively accrued over Ultrasound. Ultrasound guidance may reduce compli-
5 years, and complications categorized according to cations and improve the quality of regional blockade
severity and sequelae. Only five incidents were catego- compared with blind techniques or nerve stimulator
rized as serious, and of those only one had sequelae guidance. The greater precision of needle localization
lasting over 12 months, cauda equina syndrome related with ultrasound may permit a major reduction in local
to a drug infusion error. Inadvertent intrathecal injec- anesthetic volume needed to establish a block, thus
tion resulting in spinal anesthesia occurred in two reducing the risk for local anesthetic toxicity. Ultra-

740 Pediatric Anesthesia 21 (2011) 737–742 ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

D.M. Polaner and J. Drescher Regional anesthesia safety

sound guidance for ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve after cessation of infusion), infection, difficult catheter
blocks allowed a reduction of anesthetic volume from removal, and local anesthetic toxicity (tinnitus).
0.2 to 0.075 mlÆkg)1 (48). Ultrasound reduced local
anesthetic volumes by 30–50% in sciatic and femoral
nerve blocks in children and increased the duration of
sensory blockade, compared to nerve stimulator Regional blockade in infants and children appears to
guidance (49). have a very high degree of safety, whether used for in-
traoperative anesthesia or for postoperative analgesia.
Outpatient continuous peripheral nerve catheters. There Like with any anesthetic, scrupulous attention to
is only one published report regarding the efficacy and technique and detail and prudent patient selection is
safety of continuous peripheral nerve catheters in essential to avoid complications. The use of new tech-
pediatrics (22). Two hundred and twenty-six peripheral nologies, such as ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve
catheters were placed in 217 patients, of which 112 were blockade, has shown some promise toward increasing
discharged home with their catheters. Complications the safety profile of these already safe techniques.
were reported in 2.8%: prolonged numbness (>24 h

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Intravenous nalbuphine 50 microg x kg(-1)

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