Project Management: JE C T A G EM EN T

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Activity 1 Negotiate Scope

The most important prerequisite to effective Activity 2 Identify Task

project management occurs at the begenning We need to break the
The five basic questions influence the down into activities
negotiation of project scope and task until each
*Whatd do you want? (Product) task represent a
*How good do you want it to be?(Quality) manageable amount of
*When do you want it?(Time) work that can be
*How much are you willing to pay for it?(Cost) planed, scheduled, and
*What resources are you willing or able to assigned, the project Activity 3 Estimate Task Durations
manager determnine the Project managers must estimate

bring to the table(Resources)
the level of detail in duration for each task. Duration of
the outline. any task is random variable subject to
factors such as the size oh the team,
numbers of users, complexity of the

business system, informations
technology architecture, experience of
Is used to help team personnel, time commited to
project manager other projects, and experience eith
plans,. develop other projects.
schedules, ACTIVITY 1 Activity 4 Specify Intertask
budgets, monitor AND Dependencies
progress and 2 the project schedule depends not
cost. only on task durations but also on
intertasks dependencies. the start
or completion of individual task
may depend on the start or

ACTIVITY 3 completion of other task. there are BY AUDELINO VELASCO LÓPEZ


AND 4 types on intertask dependencies


4 *Finishb-to-start(FS)


T CE M E Finisb-tofinisb(FF)
Activity 5 Asingn Resources
The basic funcions the project manager consider 5 Es la aplicación de conocimientos, habilidades,

of a project categories:

Manager hace been *Poeple


herramientas y técnicas para proyectar actividades que

studied and refined AND *Services

by management 6 *Facilities and Equipment cumplan con los requisitos del proyecto.

threorists for many *Supplies and Materials

years *Money

most system development Un proyecto es único porque no es una operación de rutina,

methodologies identify people
ACTIVITY 7 resources required for each task sino un conjunto específico de operaciones diseñadas para
AND in the form of roles
Good Project manager 8 lograr un objetivo singular. Por lo tanto, un equipo de
possess a core set of
competencies, these Activity 6 Direct the team Effort proyecto a menudo incluye personas que generalmente no
competencies can be *Scoping Few new project managers are trabajan juntas, a veces de diferentes organizaciones y en
taught, in courses, *Planing skilled at supervised them. most
books, and professional *Estimating yound and many experienced múltiples geografías.
workshops. *Scheduling managers have difficulty with the
*Organizing subtle arts os delegation and
*Directing accountability.
Activity 8 Asses Project Result and Experiences
Activity 7 Monitor anc Control Progress Project managers must learn their mistakes they should
The project manager its the person that embrace continuos process improvement. Project review
have the control of the project, he should be conducted to answer the following
monitorated the progress agains the scope, fundamentak questions
schedule, and budget, the manager must *Did the final Product meet or exceed user Expectations?
report progress and when necessary, adjust *Did the project come in on Schedule?
scope, schedule and resources *Did the project com in under budget?
these answer to these questions should be followed up
with the basic questions "Why or Why not".

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